Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Q50UDEHCPU van de fabrikant Mitsubishi Electronics
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QCPU User's Manual (Multiple CPU System) -Q00CPU -Q100UDEHCPU -Q01CPU -Q02(H)CPU -Q06HCPU -Q12HCPU -Q25HCPU -Q02PHCPU -Q06PHCPU -Q12PHCPU -Q25PHCPU -Q00UCPU -Q01UCPU -Q02UCPU -Q03UDVCPU -Q03UD(E).
1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Read these pre cautions before using this product.) Before using this product, p lease read this manual and the relevant manuals carefu lly and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly . In this manual, the safety pr ecautions are classified into two levels: " W ARNING" and " CAUTION".
2 [Design Precautions] [Design Precautions] W ARNING ● In an output mod ule, when a load current exceedi ng the rated curre nt or an overcurrent caused by a load short-circuit flows for a lo ng time, it may ca use smoke and fire. T o prevent this, configure an external safety circuit, such as a fuse.
3 [Inst allation Precautions] [Wiring Precautions] CAUTION ● Use the programmable controller in an environme nt that meets the general specifications in the QCPU User's Manual (Har dware Design, Maintenance and Inspection). Failure to do so may result in electric shock, fire, malf unction, or damage to or deter ioration of the product.
4 [Wiring Precautions] CAUTION ● Individually ground the FG and LG terminals of the progra mmable controller with a ground resistance of 100 or less . Failure to do so may resu lt in electric s hock or malfunction. ● Use applicable solderless terminals an d tighten them within the specified torque range.
5 [S t artup and Maintenance Precautions] [S t artup and Maintenance Precautions] W ARNING ● Do not touch an y terminal whi le power is on. D oing so will caus e electric sho ck or malfunctio n. ● Correctly connect the battery connect or . Do not charge, disassemble, heat, short-circuit, solder , or throw the battery into the fi re.
6 [Disposal Precautions] [T ransport ation Precautions] CAUTION ● When disposing of this produ ct, trea t it as industrial waste. When di sposing of batteries, separate them from other wastes according to the local regul ations.
7 CONDITIONS OF USE FOR THE PRODUCT (1) Mitsubishi programmable con troller ("the PRODUCT") shall be used in conditions; i) where any problem, fault or failure occurring in the PRODUCT , if .
8 INTRODUCTION This manual describes the system conf igurations, function s, and communication method s with external devices required in a multiple CPU system.
9 Memo.
CONTENTS 10 CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CONDITIONS OF USE FOR THE PRODUCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 CHAPTER 5 ACCESS BETWEEN CPU MODULE S AND OTHER MODULES 104 5.1 Access to Con trolled Mo dules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 5.2 Access to Non -controlled Modules . . . . . . . .
12 MANUALS T o understand the main specifications , functions, and usage of the CPU modu le, refe r to the basic manuals. Read other manuals as well when using a different type of CP U module and its functions. Order each ma nual as needed, referring to the following lists.
13 (2) Programming manual (3) Operating manual Manual name <manual nu mber (model code)> Descriptio n CPU module 1) 2) 3) 4) MELSEC-Q/L Programming Manual (Common Instruction) <SH-080809ENG (.
14 MANUAL P AGE ORGANIZA TION In this manual, pages are organized a nd the symbols are used as shown belo w . The following page illustration is for explanation purp ose only , and is different from the actual pages. *1 The mouse operation example is provide d below .
15 TERMS Unless otherwise specified, this manual uses th e following generic terms and abbrevia tions. * indicates a part of the model or version. Ex.
16 QnUDVCPU A generic term for the Q03UDVCPU, Q 04UDVCPU, Q06UDVCPU, Q13UDVC PU, and Q26UDVCPU QnUDE(H)CPU A generic term for the Q03UDECP U, Q 04UDEHCPU, Q06UDEHCPU, Q10UDEHCPU, Q13UDEHCPU, Q20UDEHCP.
17 A series power supply module A generic term for the A61P , A61PN, A62P , A63P , A68P , A61PEU, and A62PEU power supply modules Slim type power supply module The abbreviation for the Q61SP slim type.
18 CHAPTER 1 OVER VIEW In a multiple CPU system, more than one CPU module is mounted on the main ba se unit and each CPU module controls I/O modules and intellig ent function modules separately . QCPUs, Motion CPUs, C Controller modules, and PC CPU m odules can be used in multiple CPU systems.
19 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1 (a) Distribution of processing The overall system scan time can be reduced by distri buting the high-load processi ng performed in a single CPU module over multiple CPU modules.
20 (2) Configuring sequence control and mo tion control systems on the same base unit In a multiple CPU system consisting of a QCPU and Motion CPU, sequence control and motion control can be implemented together to achiev e a high-level motion system.
21 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1 (b) Synchronous processing with a motion control An interrupt program which is synchronized with the operation cycle of a Motion CPU (multiple CPU synchronous interrupt program) can be executed.
22 (c) C hecking dat a send/receive timing between CPU modules With the sa mpling trace function o f Universal model QCPUs, the data communications timing with a Motion CPU can be checked .
23 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW 1 (3) Dat a communications among CPU modules The following data communications can be performe d among CPU modules in a multiple CPU system. (a) T ransferring data among CPU modules Data can be transferred among CPU modules by setting auto refresh using a programming tool.
24 CHAPTER 2 CONCEPT OF MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 2.1 CPU Numbers CPU numbers are assigned to i dentify CPU modules cont ained in a multiple CPU system. A CPU module mounted in the CPU slot of a main base unit will be CPU No.1. CPU No.2 , No.3, and No.4 will be assigned se quentially to th e right of CPU No.
25 CHAPTER 2 CONCEPT OF MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 2 2.1 CPU Numbers (2) Uses of CPU numbers CPU numbers are used for the following purpose s. (a) Setting control CPUs CPU numbers are used to set a control CPU for each I/O module and intelligent func tion module.
26 (b) Specifyin g a connection t arget using a programming tool (personal computer) CPU numbers are used to specify a CPU module to which a p rogramming tool is connected. (3) Checking the host CPU number The host CPU number of a QCPU is stored in SD395 (Mult iple CPU system information).
27 CHAPTER 2 CONCEPT OF MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 2 2.2 I/O Number Assignment 2.2.1 I/O numbers of I/O modules and intellige nt function modules 2.2 I/O Number Assignment A multiple CPU system uses the following two I/O numbers. • I/O numbers used by CPU modules to communicate with I/O modules and intelligent functi on modules ( Page 27, Section 2.
28 ● Some CPU modules occupy two or more slots. When th is ty pe of CPU module is used, the second slot and after are treated as empty slots. In the case of a PC CPU module, for example, the right slot of th e occupied two slots is treated as an empty slot having 16 points.
29 CHAPTER 2 CONCEPT OF MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 2 2.2 I/O Number Assignment 2.2.1 I/O numbers of I/O modules and intellige nt function modules Ex. Example of I/O number assig nment 4th extension Q series power supply module CPU No.1 CPU No.2 CPU No.3 CPU No.
30 2.2.2 I/O numbers of CPU modules In multiple CPU systems, I/O numbers are assigned to each CPU module to specify mounted CPU mo dules. The I/O number for each CPU module is fixed at the corresponding slot, and cannot be chan ged in PLC parameter ("I/O Assignment").
31 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION In a multiple CPU system , QCPUs, motion CPUs, C Cont roller modules, and PC CPU modules can be mounted in the CPU slot to slot 2 of the main base unit. I/O modules and intelligent functi on modules are mounted to the right of CPU modules.
32 3.1 System Using Basic Model QCPU as CPU No.1 This section describes the system configurat ion usin g a Basic model QCPU as CPU No.1. 3.1.1 A vailable CPU modules, base un it s, power supply modules, and extension cables Available CPU modules and the number of mountabl e modules differ depending on the main base unit used.
33 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.1 System Using Basic Model QCPU as CPU No.1 3.1.1 Available CPU modules , base units, power supply modules, and extension cables (b) Precautions • If I/O modules are mounted exceeding the maximum number , "SP .
34 (2) When a redundant power main base unit (Q3 RB) is used (a) Available m odules, the number of extension base unit s, and the number of mount able modules (b) Precautions • If I/O modules are mounted exceeding the maximu m number , "SP .
35 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.1 System Using Basic Model QCPU as CPU No.1 3.1.1 Available CPU modules , base units, power supply modules, and extension cables (3) When a slim type main base u.
36 (4) When a multiple CPU high speed main base unit (Q3 DB) is use d (a) Available m odules, the number of extension base unit s, and the number of mount able modules *1 For the CPU modules that can be combined and their mounting positions, refer to Page 37, Section 3.
37 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.1 System Using Basic Model QCPU as CPU No.1 3.1.2 CPU module combinations and mou nting positions 3.1.2 CPU module combinations and mounting positions This section describes the combinations and mounting po sitions of CPU modules when a Basic model QCPU is used as CPU No.
38 (c) C Controller module or PC CPU module Either a C Controller module or PC CPU module c an be mounted on the extrem e right of the other CPU module(s). No CPU module can b e mounted on the righ t of the C Controller module or PC CPU module. (d) Empty slot setting Empty slots can be reserved for future addition of CPU mo dules.
39 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.1 System Using Basic Model QCPU as CPU No.1 3.1.2 CPU module combinations and mou nting positions ● When a Basic model QCPU is used, "PLC (Empty) " can be set between CPU modules.
40 3.1.3 A vailable I/O modules and intelligent function modules This section describes I/O mo dules and intelligent function modu les that can be used. (1) I/O modules and interrupt module I/O modules (QX and QY ) and interrupt module (QI60) can be used.
41 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.2 System Using High Performance Model QCPU or Process CPU as CPU No.1 3.2.1 Available CPU modules , base units, power supply modules, and extension cables 3.2 System Using High Performance Model QCPU or Process CPU as CPU No.
42 *1 For the CPU modules that can be combined and their mounting positions, refer to Page 47, Section 3.2.2. *2 When using a Motion CPU, install operating system soft ware on the CPU module. For models and versions of the operating system, refer to the manual for the Motion C PU used.
43 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.2 System Using High Performance Model QCPU or Process CPU as CPU No.1 3.2.1 Available CPU modules , base units, power supply modules, and extension cables (2) Wh.
44 (3) When a slim type main base unit (Q3 SB) is used (a) Available m odules, the number of extension base unit s, and the number of mount able modules *1 For the CPU modules that can be combined and their mounting positions, refer to Page 47, Section 3.
45 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.2 System Using High Performance Model QCPU or Process CPU as CPU No.1 3.2.1 Available CPU modules , base units, power supply modules, and extension cables (4) Wh.
46 (b) Precautions • If I/O modules are mounted exceeding the maximu m number , "SP .UNIT LA Y ERR" (error code: 2124) occurs. • "Number of CPU modules" indicates the number set in "No. of PLC" of PLC parameter ("Multiple CPU Setting") .
47 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.2 System Using High Performance Model QCPU or Process CPU as CPU No.1 3.2.2 CPU module combinations and mou nting positions 3.
48 (2) Mounting positions The following shows the possible co mbinations of mountin g positions of CPU modules in a multiple CPU system. *1 The QCPU used as CPU No.
49 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.2 System Using High Performance Model QCPU or Process CPU as CPU No.1 3.2.2 CPU module combinations and mou nting positions (a) High Performance model QCPU or Pr.
50 (f) Empty slot setting Empty slots can be reserved for future addition of CPU modules. Set the n umber of CPU modules including empty slots in "No. of PLC" of PLC parameter ("Multiple CPU Setting"). Then, set "PLC (Empty)" to the type of a target slot from the right in PLC parameter ("I/O Assignment").
51 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.2 System Using High Performance Model QCPU or Process CPU as CPU No.1 3.2.3 Available I/O modules and intelligent function modules 3.2.3 A vailable I/O modules and in telligent funct ion modules This section describes the I/O modules and in telligen t function modules that can be used.
52 (3) Number of mount able modules Refer to Page 68, Section 3.5. (4) Access ranges of controlled and non-controlled modules. Refer to the system configuration using a Basic model QCPU as CPU No.
53 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.3 System Using Universal Model QCPU as CP U No.1 3.3.1 Available CPU modules , base units, power supply modules, and extension cables 3.3 System Using Universal Model QCPU as CPU No.1 This section describes the system configuratio n using a Universal model QCPU as CP U No.
54 *1 For the CPU modules that can be combined and their mounting positions, refer to Page 60, Section 3.3.2. *2 When the Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, or Q02UCPU is used as CPU No.1, one more CPU module (CPU No.2) can be mounted. The following CPU modul es can be mounted as CPU No.
55 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.3 System Using Universal Model QCPU as CP U No.1 3.3.1 Available CPU modules , base units, power supply modules, and extension cables (b) Precautions • If I/O modules are mounted exceeding the maximum number , "SP .
56 (2) When a main base unit (Q3 B) is used (a) Available m odules, the number of extension base unit s, and the number of mount able modules Item Description Number of CPU modules 4 CPU modules Applicable CPU module *1 Universal model QCPU Q00UCPU, Q01 UCPU, Q02UCPU The modules can be used as CPU No.
57 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.3 System Using Universal Model QCPU as CP U No.1 3.3.1 Available CPU modules , base units, power supply modules, and extension cables *1 For the CPU modules that can be combined and their mounting positions, refer to Page 60, Section 3.
58 (3) When a redundant power main base unit (Q3 RB) is used (a) Available m odules, the number of extension base unit s, and the number of mount able modules *1 For the CPU modules that can be combined and their mounting positions, refer to Page 60, Section 3.
59 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.3 System Using Universal Model QCPU as CP U No.1 3.3.1 Available CPU modules , base units, power supply modules, and extension cables (4) When a slim type main b.
60 3.3.2 CPU module combinations and mounting posit ions This section describes the combinati ons and mounting positions of CPU modules when a Universal model QC PU is used as CPU No.1. Note that the CPU modu les that can be mounted di ffer depending on the main base unit used.
61 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.3 System Using Universal Model QCPU as CP U No.1 3.3.2 CPU module combinations and mou nting positions (2) Mounting positions The following shows the possible combin ations of mounti ng positions of CPU modules in a multiple CPU system.
62 • When a CPU module other than the Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, or Q02UCPU is used as CPU No.1 *1 The QCPU used as CPU No.1 indicates a Universal model QCPU (except the Q00UC PU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU).
63 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.3 System Using Universal Model QCPU as CP U No.1 3.3.2 CPU module combinations and mou nting positions (a) Universal model QCPU Only one Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, or Q02U C PU can be mo unted in the CPU slo t (the slot o n the right of the power supply module).
64 (f) Empty slot setting Empty slots can be reserved for future addition of CPU modules. Set the n umber of CPU modules including empty slots in "No. of PLC" of PLC parameter ("Multiple CPU Setting"). Then, set "PLC (Empty)" to the type of a target slot in PLC parameter ("I/O Assignment").
65 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.4 Applicable Software 3.4 Applicable Sof tware This section describes software p ackage s applicable in a multiple CPU system. (1) Applicable GX Works2, GX Developer , and PX Developer The following table lists the applicable versions of GX Works2, GX Developer , and PX Developer .
66 (2) Applicable GX Configurator The following tables list the applicable versions of GX C onfigurator. Applicable GX Conf igurator versi ons differ depending on the intellig ent function module used.
67 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.4 Applicable Software (b) When a Universal model QCPU is used *1 The software can be used by installing GX Developer version 8.48A or later . *2 The software can be used by installing GX Developer version 8.62Q or later .
68 3.5 Precautions for System Configuration This section describes restrictions and precautions on system configuration. (1) Number of mount able modules The number of mo untable modules and suppo rted function s are restricted depending on the CPU module used.
69 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.5 Precautions for System Configuration (b) When a High Performance model QCPU or Process CPU is used *1 One CPU module can control the following n umber of modules by setting CC-Link network parameters.
70 Remark For the restrictions on mounting A-series modules on the QA6 B or QA6ADP+A5 B/A6 B, refer to the following. QA65B/QA68B Extension Base Unit User's Manual QA6ADP QA Conversio.
71 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.5 Precautions for System Configuration (c) When a Universal model QCPU is used Product Model Maximum number of modu les/units per system CC-Link IE Controller Ne.
72 *1 One CPU module can control t he following number of modules by setting C C-Link network parameters. • Q00UCPU or Q01UCPU: Up to 2 modules • Q02UCPU: Up to 4 modules • Other CPU modules: Up to 8 modules There is no restriction on the number of mounted modules w hen the parameters are set with the CC-Link dedicated instructions.
73 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 3 3.5 Precautions for System Configuration (2) Modules that have restrictions when used with an Universal model QCPU For modules that have restrictions when used with an Uni versal model QCPU, refer to the following manual.
74 (7) Precautions for connecting a GOT The following GOT series can be used. • GOT -A900 se ries *1 • GOT -F900 series (The Q-mode compatible operating sys tem and communication driver must be installed.) *1 • GOT1000 series The GOT800 series, A77GOT , and A64GOT cannot be used.
75 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.1 Procedure Before Operation CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM This chapter describes the procedure fo r st arting up a multiple CPU system. 4.1 Procedure Before Operation Check box Determine the role (controls and functions) of each CPU module used in a multiple CPU system.
76 *1 When a PC CPU module is used, the QCPU can be bus-connec ted to a programming tool by installing the programming tool in the PC CPU module. Select "Q Series Bus" for the "PC side I/F" setting in the "Transfer Setup" window using the programming tool.
77 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.2 Operation Settings 4.2 Operation Settings This section describes the settings r equired to operate a multip le CPU system. A system wher e three Universal model QCPUs are mounted shall be used as an exampl e.
78 (b) Universal model QCPU Settings of parameters in double-lin ed squares, except some parameters, must be the same in all the CPU modules used in a multiple C PU system.
79 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.2 Operation Settings 4.2.1 System configuration example 4.2.1 System configuration example This section describes the procedure fo r setting p arameters required in a mu ltiple CPU system, us ing the following system as an example.
80 4.2.2 Parameter settings This section describes p arameters required for the syst em configurat ion on Page 79, Section 4.2.1. Use a programming tool to set parameters. • Settings of parameters in double-lined squares on P age 77, Section 4.2 (1) must be the same in all the CPU modules in a multiple CPU system.
81 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.2 Operation Settings 4.2.2 Parameter settings Item Description Default No. of PLC Set the number of CPU modules mounted on the main base unit in the multiple CPU system. The number of modules differs depending on the CPU module used as CPU No.
82 Match "No. of PLC" with the number of CPU modules actually mounted. If the numbers do no t match, an error will occur . Online Module Change (1) Basic model QCPU This parameter is not supported. (2) Proces s CPU Check the checkbox to enable online module change.
83 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.2 Operation Settings 4.2.2 Parameter settings 3. Set the types and point s for the mounted modules in the "I/O Assignment" wind ow of PLC parameter . Project window [Parameter] [PLC Parameter] [I/O Assignmen t] Item Description Default Ty p e Select the type of a mounted module.
84 4. Click the button in the "I/O Assignment" window , and set a control CPU for each I/O module and intelligen t function module. 5. Set other p arameters requir ed. 6. Save the project using the progr amming tool so that the multiple CPU system parameter settings can be used in othe r CPU modules.
85 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.2 Operation Settings 4.2.2 Parameter settings (2) Using the multiple CPU system para meters set to another CPU module 1. Click the button in the "Multiple CP U Setting" window of PL C p arameter .
86 4. Check the "Points Occupied by Empty Slot" setting in the "PLC System" window of PLC par a m et e r. Project windo w [Param eter] [PLC paramet e r] [PLC System] "Points Occupied by Empty slots" 5. Check the settings in the "I/O Assign ment" window of PLC parameter .
87 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.3 Program Examples for Communications by Auto Refresh 4.3.1 Program examples for Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, and Process CPU 4.3 Program Examples for Communications by Auto Refresh 4.
88 (b) Auto refresh setting Set auto refresh paramete rs. ( Page 123, Section 6.1.1 (2)) Project window [Parameter] [PLC Parame ter] [Multiple CPU Setting] "Communicati on Area Setting (Refresh S.
89 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.3 Program Examples for Communications by Auto Refresh 4.3.1 Program examples for Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, and Process CPU (2) Program examples (a) Sending bit data and word da t a from CPU No.
90 (b) Continuously sending dat a from CPU No.1 to CPU No.2 • Devices used in CPU modules For handshake between CPU No.1 and No.2, refer to Page 132, Section 6.1.1 (3). • Program example of CPU No.1 • Program example of CPU No.2 Device used in CPU No.
91 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.3 Program Examples for Communications by Auto Refresh 4.3.1 Program examples for Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, and Process CPU (c) Continuously reading/writing dat a between CPU No.1 and No.
92 • Devices used in CPU modules • Program example of CPU No.2 • Program example of CPU No.1 Device used in CPU No.1 Device used in CPU No.2 M31 Send data from CPU No.1 to CPU No.2 M31 Send data from CPU No.1 to CPU No.2 M63 Send data from CPU No.
93 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.3 Program Examples for Communications by Auto Refresh 4.3.2 Program examples for Universal model QCPU 4.
94 (b) Auto refresh setting Set auto refresh parameters. ( Page 138, Section 6.1.2 (3)) Project window [Parameter] [PLC Parameter] [Multiple CPU Setting] "Multiple CPU High S peed T r ansmission Area Setti ng" Setting of CPU No.1 Setting of CPU No.
95 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.3 Program Examples for Communications by Auto Refresh 4.3.2 Program examples for Universal model QCPU (2) Program examples (a) Sending bit data and word da t a from CPU No.1 to CPU No.2 • Devices used in CPU modules • Program example of CPU No.
96 (b) Continuously sending dat a from CPU No.1 to CPU No.2 • Devices used in CPU modules For handshake between CPU No.1 and No.2, refer to Page 148, Section 6.1.2 (5). • Program example of CPU No.1 • Program example of CPU No.2 Device used in CPU No.
97 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.3 Program Examples for Communications by Auto Refresh 4.3.2 Program examples for Universal model QCPU (c) Continuously reading/writing dat a between CPU No.
98 • Devices used in CPU modules • Program example of CPU No.2 • Program example of CPU No.1 Device used in CPU No.1 Device used in CPU No.2 M31 Send data from CPU No.1 to CPU No.2 M31 Send data from CPU No.1 to CPU No.2 M63 Send data from CPU No.
99 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.4 Clock Data 4.4.1 Clock data of CPU modules 4.4 Clock Dat a This section describes clock data of CPU modules and intelligent function modules. 4.4.1 Clock dat a of CPU modules Set clock data to CPU No.
100 4.4.2 Clock dat a of intelligent function modules When an error has occurre d, some intelligent function mo dul es store the code and time (clock data read from th e QCPU) corresponding to the error into the buffer memory . Th ose modules store the clo ck data of CPU No .
101 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.5 Resetting a Multiple CPU System 4.5 Resetting a Multiple CPU System In a multiple CPU system, resetting the QCPU used as CPU No.1 resets all th e modules (CPU modules, I/O modules, and intelligent functi on modules) in the system.
102 4.6 System Operation When a S top Error Occurs The multiple CPU system operati on differs depending on the CPU module where a stop error has occurred. (1) When a stop error has occurred in CPU No.1 "MUL TI CPU DOWN" (error co de: 7000) occurs in all the other CPU modules and the operation of the multiple CPU system stops.
103 CHAPTER 4 ST ARTING UP MUL TIPLE CPU SYSTEM 4 4.6 System Operation When a Stop Error Occu rs If a stop error occurs, "MUL T I CPU DOWN" (error code: 7000) will occur in the CPU module where the stop error has been detected.
104 CHAPTER 5 ACCESS BETWEEN CPU MODULES AND OTHER MODULES This chapter describes the access between CPU modules an d other module s (I/O modules a nd intelligent function modules). 5.1 Access to Controlled Modules In a multiple CPU system, CPU modules access I/O modules a nd intelligent fu nction modules in the same way as in a single CPU system.
105 CHAPTER 5 ACCESS BETWEEN CPU MODULES AND OTHER MODULES 5 5.2 Access to Non-controlled Module s 5.2.1 Loading input (X) da ta 5.2.1 Loading input (X) dat a Data in the input (X) of input modules an.
106 (a) M odules that can load input (X) dat a Data in the input (X) can be loaded from the followin g modules mounted on the ma in base unit or extension base unit. *1 When input (X) of the QX48Y57 (I/O combined mo dule) is ta rgeted, data in Xn8 to XnF (output part) are loaded as all points off.
107 CHAPTER 5 ACCESS BETWEEN CPU MODULES AND OTHER MODULES 5 5.2 Access to Non-controlled Module s 5.2.2 Loading output (Y) data 5.2.2 Loading output (Y) dat a Data in the output (Y) of output modules.
108 (a) M odules that can load output (Y) dat a Data in the output (Y) can be loade d from the follo win g modules mounted on the main base unit or extension base unit. (b) Modules that cannot load output (Y) dat a Output data of empty slots and MELSECNET/H or CC-Link network remote stations controlled by other CPU modules cannot be loaded.
109 CHAPTER 5 ACCESS BETWEEN CPU MODULES AND OTHER MODULES 5 5.2 Access to Non-controlled Module s 5.2.3 Output to output modules and intelligent function modules 5.2.3 Output to output mo dules and intelligent function modules The on/off data cannot be output to non-controlled modules.
110 5.2.4 Access to the intelligent fun ction module buffer memory Data in the buffer memory of intelligent function modules controlled by other CPU module s can be read regardless of the "I/O Sharing When Using Multiple CPUs" sett ing in PLC parameter ("Multiple CPU Setting").
111 CHAPTER 5 ACCESS BETWEEN CPU MODULES AND OTHER MODULES 5 5.2 Access to Non-controlled Module s 5.2.5 Access using t he link direct device 5.2.5 Access using the li nk direct de vice Only the control CPU can execute instru ctions using the link direct device to access I/O modules and intelligent function modules.
112 5.3 Access From a Programming T ool This section describes access from a programmi ng tool to modules in a multiple CPU system. (1) Access to QCPUs A programming tool can read/write parameters and prog rams from/to the QCPU connected a s well as mo nitor and test the entire system.
113 CHAPTER 5 ACCESS BETWEEN CPU MODULES AND OTHER MODULES 5 5.3 Access From a Programming Tool (2) Access to controlled and non-controlled modules A programming tool can access modules both cont rolled and not controlled by the QCPU connected.
114 (3) Access from the prog ramming tool connected to another station The programming tool connected to another station in the same network can access all the QCPUs in the multiple CPU system. Ex. Over MELSECNET/H PLC to PLC network Control CPU setting Control CPU setting MELSECNET/H PLC to PLC network Station No.
115 CHAPTER 5 ACCESS BETWEEN CPU MODULES AND OTHER MODULES 5 5.4 Accessible QCPUs when GOT is connected 5.4 Accessible QCPUs when GOT is connected For the connected GOT , QCPUs that can be accessed di ffer depending on the connection method.
116 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES This chapter describes data co mmunications among CP U modules in a multiple CPU system. (1) Communication methods The following table li sts the communication methods av ailable among CPU modules.
117 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 (2) Communications among CPU modules Communications availability differs depending on th e CPU modules used as the communication sour ce and target.
118 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory This section describes data communica tions among CPU m odules in a multiple CPU system using the CPU shared memory . (1) CPU shared memory The CPU shared memory is a data storage area in a CPU modul e and used to read/write data among CPU modules in a multiple CPU system.
119 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory (2) CPU shared memory configuration and availability of dat a communications by programs The following shows the CPU shared me mory configurat ion and th e availability of data communications by programs using the CPU shared memory .
120 • Universal model QCPU *1 The Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU do not have th e use-prohibited area and the multiple CPU high sp eed transmission area.
121 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory (3) Host CPU operation information area (a) Information stored The following information about the host CPU module is stored in this area. *1 In a single CPU system, all the values are set to 0.
122 6.1.1 Communications by auto refresh (using the auto refresh area) This section describes data communications by auto refres h using the auto refresh area in the CPU sha red memory . Data communications by auto refresh can also be performed us ing the auto refresh area in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area.
123 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.1 Communications by auto refr esh (using the auto refresh area) (b) Executing auto refresh Auto refresh is executed when the CP U modules are in RUN, STOP , or P A USE status.
124 (a) "Change Screens" Up to four auto refresh ranges can be set. Set and switch the ranges in this parameter . With different settings, on/off data in bit devices and other data in word devices can be auto-refreshed separately .
125 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.1 Communications by auto refr esh (using the auto refresh area) Ex. T o refresh data in B0 to B1F (32 points) of CPU No.1 and B20 to B3F (32 points) of CPU No.
126 (c) "PLC Side Device" Set auto refresh target devices. The following devices can be set. There are two auto refresh device range setting methods.
127 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.1 Communications by auto refr esh (using the auto refresh area) • Dif ferent devices can be set for Setting 1 to 4. The same device can also be set as long as the device ranges fo r Setting 1 to 4 are not overlapped.
128 • Devices of Setting 1 to 4 can be set independently for each CPU module. For example, while t he link relay (B) is set for CPU No.1, the internal relay (M) can be set for CPU No.2. [Auto refresh processing] Refresh setting of CPU No.1 The same number of points is set for all the CPU modules.
129 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.1 Communications by auto refr esh (using the auto refresh area) Ex.
130 • There are following advantages if device ranges are set for each CPU module freely . • T he order of the send ranges can be changed for each CPU modu le. • Since unnecessary refresh can set to be di sab led, the system scan time will be reduced.
131 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.1 Communications by auto refr esh (using the auto refresh area) Ex. Disabling unnecessary refresh Unnecessary refresh can set to be disabled by n ot setting the device ranges of other CPU modules where auto refresh is not required.
132 (3) Precautions (a) Local device setting (except the Basic model QCPU) Device ranges set for the auto refresh target cannot be set as local devices.
133 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.1 Communications by auto refr esh (using the auto refresh area) Ex.
134 Ex. Auto refresh between QCPUs The following are the program examples for the High Performance mo del QCPUs when PLC parameters ("Communication Area Setting (Refresh Setting)" of "Multiple CP U Setting") ar e set as shown bel ow .
135 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.2 Communications by auto refresh (using the multiple CPU high speed transmission ar ea) 6.
136 (2) Communications by auto refresh (a) Overview Auto refresh communicates data using the auto refresh area of the multiple CPU high speed transmission area in the CPU shared memory .
137 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.2 Communications by auto refresh (using the multiple CPU high speed transmission ar ea) (b) Memory .
138 (3) Multiple CPU high speed transmission area settings T o perform auto refresh of data in the CPU shared memory , set the ranges (number of points) to be sent by each CPU module ("CPU S pe cific Send Range") and the devices for storing da ta ("Auto Refresh Setting") in PLC parameter ("Multiple CPU Setting").
139 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.2 Communications by auto refresh (using the multiple CPU high speed transmission ar ea) T o check the auto refresh directions, spec ify the CPU n umber in "Host St ation" of PLC parameter ("Multiple CPU Setting").
140 (a) "CPU Specific Send Range" Set the number of points for the multiple CPU high speed transmission area used in each CPU module. *1 The following number of points is set by default. *2 Set the number of points so that the total points of al l the CPU modules will be the following points or less.
141 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.2 Communications by auto refresh (using the multiple CPU high speed transmission ar ea) The number of points for the system area used by dedicated instructions can be changed to 2K points by checking the "Advanced Setting" checkbox.
142 (b) "Auto Refresh Setting" Set auto refresh target devices to communicate data by auto refresh using the multiple CPU high speed transmission area. Up to 32 ranges can be set for each CPU modul e. *1 Set the number of points within the points set for the "CPU Specific Send Range" of each CPU module.
143 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.2 Communications by auto refresh (using the multiple CPU high speed transmission ar ea) (4) Auto re.
144 (b) Flow of dat a sent from CPU No.1 to other CPU modules <Parameter setting> Refer to those related to the data communications of CPU No.1 ((a) to (c)) among the au to refresh setting examples on Page 143, Section 6.1.2 (4) (a). <Flow of data sent from CP U No.
145 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.2 Communications by auto refresh (using the multiple CPU high speed transmission ar ea) (c) Flow of data s ent from CPU No.2 to other CPU modules <Paramet er setting > Refer to those related to the data communications of CPU No.
146 (d) Flow of dat a sent from CPU No.3 to other CPU modules <Parameter setting> Refer to those related to the data communications of CPU No.3 ((g) to (i)) among the auto refresh setting examples on Page 143, Section 6.1.2 (4) (a). <Flow of data sent from CP U No.
147 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.2 Communications by auto refresh (using the multiple CPU high speed transmission ar ea) If "S tart" and "End" fields are left blank in "Auto Refresh Sett ing", auto refresh is not performed.
148 (5) Precautions (a) Local device setting Device ranges set for the auto refresh target cannot be set as local devices. If se t, the refresh dat a will not be updated. (b) Using the same file name as that o f the program in the file register Do not set the file register of each program as an auto refresh target device.
149 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.2 Communications by auto refresh (using the multiple CPU high speed transmission ar ea) Ex. Program example for providing an interloc k between CPU No.
150 6.1.3 Communications by programs using the CPU shared memory This section describes data communications by programs using the CPU shared memory . The QCPU in the multiple CPU system communicates data by executing programs in the following cases.
151 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.3 Communications by programs using the CPU shared memor y (2) Instructions used to read/write dat a from/to th e CPU shared memory The QCPU in the multiple CPU system communicates da ta with other CPU modules by executing read/write instructions.
152 (4) Overview (when the user setting area is used) The data written to the CPU shared memory in the host CPU module by a write instruction can be read by other CPU modules b y a read instru ction. Unlike the auto refresh using the CPU shared memory , the up-t o-date data at the time of an instruction execution can be read directly .
153 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.3 Communications by programs using the CPU shared memor y (5) Overview (when the user setting area .
154 (6) Parameter settings T o use the user setti ng area in the multiple CPU high sp eed transmission area, set the ranges (number of points) to be sent by each CPU module ("CPU S pecific Send Range ") in PLC parameter ("Multiple CPU Setting").
155 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.3 Communications by programs using the CPU shared memor y (b) Preventing inconsistency of dat a exc.
156 • When the user settin g area in the mul tip le CPU high spe ed transmission area i s used The read instru ction reads dat a in order of those we re written to the user setting area. T o prevent data inconsistency , use the device w ritten after the transfe r data as an interlock regardless of the device type and address.
157 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.3 Communications by programs using the CPU shared memor y (8) Precautions (a) St art I/O numbers of CPU modules Set the following start I/O numbers to each CP U module for the read /write instructions.
158 (g) Writing dat a to the CPU shared memory of it s own • Basic model QCPU Data can be written with any write instruction. • Hig h Performance model QCPU or Process CPU Data can be written with the S.TO instruction. However , data cannot be written with i nstructions using the cyclic transmissi on area device (U3EnG ).
159 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.1 Communications Using the CPU Shared Memory 6.1.4 Communications among CPU m odules when an er ror is detected 6.
160 6.2 Control Directions from QCPU to Motion CPU Control directions can be issued from the QCPU to Motion CPU in a multiple CP U system by using the following motion dedicated instructions. (Control directions canno t be issued from th e Motion CPU to another Motion CPU.
161 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.2 Control Directions from QCPU to Motion CPU Remark C Controller modules have functions t hat direct control to Motion CPUs. ( Manual for the C Con troller module used) Ex. S.SFCS instruction The motion SFC programs in a Motion CPU can be started up from the QCPU.
162 6.3 Communications Among CPU Modules By Dedicated Instructions 6.3.1 Reading/writing device dat a from/to Motion CPU The QCPU can read/write device data from/to the Motion CPU by executing the mu ltiple CPU transmission dedicated instructions and multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedica ted instructions.
163 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.3 Communications Among CPU Modules By Dedicated Instr uctions 6.3.1 Reading/writing device data from/to Motion CPU (2) Multiple CPU high-speed tran .
164 6.3.2 St arting interrupt programs from QCPU to C Controller module/PC CPU module The QCPU can start interrupt programs to the C controll er unit/PC CPU module by executing the multiple CPU transmission dedicated instructions and multiple CP U high-speed transmission dedicated instructions.
165 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.3 Communications Among CPU Modules By Dedicated Instr uctions 6.3.3 Reading/writing device data between QCPUs 6.
166 6.4 Multiple CPU Synchronous Interrupt This function executes interrupt p rograms (multiple CPU syn chronous interrupt programs) at the start timing of each multiple CPU high speed transmission cycle. The functi on enabl es data communications among CPU modules i n synchronization with th e multiple CPU high s peed transmission cycles.
167 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.4 Multiple CPU Synchronous Interrupt (3) Applicable CPU modules The multiple CPU synch ronous in terrupt function can be executed when an y of the following CPU modul es is used.
168 6.5 Multiple CPU synchronous st artup This function synchronizes the st ar tups of CPU No.1 to No.4 . Since the functi on monitors the startup of each CPU module, an interlock program normally used to check the startup of another CPU module before accessing is no lo nger required.
169 CHAPTER 6 COMMUNICA TIONS AMONG CPU MODULES 6 6.5 Multiple CPU synchronous startup (3) Precautions If a CPU module that does not support this function is used, uncheck the checkbox of the corres ponding CPU number in PLC parameter . Ex. When High Performance model QCPUs are used as CPU No.
170 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Parameters for a Multiple CPU System (1) Parameters required For a multiple CPU system, the following PLC parameters shall be set additionally to those for a single CPU system.
171 APPENDICES A Appendix 1 Parameters for a Multiple CPU System (3) Checking the multiple In a multiple CPU system, wheth er the same multiple CPU parameters are set to all the CP U modules is checked at the following timing. • When a multiple CPU system is powered on • When CPU No.
172 Appendix 1.1 List of p arameters (1) For Basic model QCPU, High Perf ormance model QCPU, and Process CPU The following table lists PLC pa rameters need to be set for a Basic model QCPU, High Performance QCPU, or Process CPU. *3 For a Basic model QCPU, the onli ne modu le change setting is disabled.
173 APPENDICES A Appendix 1 Parameters for a Multiple CPU System Appendix 1.1 List of parameters (2) For Universal model QCPU The following table lists PLC parameters need to be set for a Universal model QCPU .
174 *1 : Item that must be set in a multiple CPU system (A system does not op erate without setting.) : Item that is set if needed in a multiple CPU system - : Item that is the same as in a single CPU.
175 APPENDICES A Appendix 2 Comparison with a Single CPU System Appendix 2 Comp arison with a Single CPU System This section describes comparison between a single CPU system and multiple CPU system. (1) When a Basic model QCPU is used *1 "Number of CPU modules" indicates the number set in "No .
176 *1 When a CPU module occupying two slots is mounted, the slot on the right of the CPU module will be 10 H . When a CPU module occupying three slots is mounted, the slot on the right of the CPU module will be 20 H .
177 APPENDICES A Appendix 2 Comparison with a Single CPU System Item Single CPU system Multiple CPU system Reference Communications among CPU modules Communications by auto refresh using the CPU share.
178 (2) When a High Performan ce model QCPU is used *1 "Number of CPU modules" indicates the number set in "No. of PLC" of PLC parameter ("Multiple CPU Setting").
179 APPENDICES A Appendix 2 Comparison with a Single CPU System Item Single CPU system Multiple CPU system Reference Access range Access from CPU module(s) to other modules All modules can be controlled. Relations between CPU modules and other modules must be set in "Control PLC" of PLC parameter .
180 Scan time Factors that increase scan time • Writing data during RUN • Time reserved for communication processing • Writing data during RUN • Time reserved for communication processing • .
181 APPENDICES A Appendix 2 Comparison with a Single CPU System (3) When a Process CPU is used. *1 "Number of CPU modules" indicates the number set in "No .
182 Item Single CPU system Multiple CPU system Reference Access range Access from CPU module(s) to other modules All modules can be controlled. Relations between CPU modules and other modules must be set in "Control PLC" of PLC parameter .
183 APPENDICES A Appendix 2 Comparison with a Single CPU System Scan time Factors that increase scan time • Writing data during RUN • Time reserved for communication processing • Writing data du.
184 (4) When a Universa l model QCPU is used *1 "Number of CPU modules" indicates the number set in "No. of PLC" of PLC parameter ("Multiple CPU Setting").
185 APPENDICES A Appendix 2 Comparison with a Single CPU System *1 When a CPU module occupying two slots is mounted, the slot on the right of the CPU module will be 10 H . When a CPU module occupying three slots is mounted, the slot on the right of the CPU module will be 20 H .
186 *1 When the Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, or Q02 UCPU is used as CPU No.1, this type of communications cannot be performed. Item Single CPU system Multiple CPU system Reference Operation Operation when a CPU module is reset. The entire system is reset by resetting the Universal model QCPU.
187 APPENDICES A Appendix 2 Comparison with a Single CPU System *1 When the Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, or Q02U CPU is used as CPU No.1, this parameter cannot be set. *2 AnS/A series-compatible modules can be used with a Universal model QCPU with a serial number (first five digits) of "13102" or later .
188 Appendix 3 Precautions for Using AnS/A Series Modules (1) Multiple CPU system configurat ion for using An S/A series modules AnS/A series modules can be used in a multiple CPU system co nfiguration wher e all of the following conditions are met. (a) C PU No.
189 APPENDICES A Appendix 3 Precautions for Using AnS/A Series Modules Ex. When CPU No.2 is set as a control CPU Set CPU No.2 as the control CPU of all slots where AnS/A series modules are mounted.
190 (3) Access ranges of controlled and non-controlled modules Access ranges of the controlled and non-controlled modules in a multiple CPU system is shown below .
191 APPENDICES A Appendix 3 Precautions for Using AnS/A Series Modules (4) Precautions (a) Accessible device ranges When the following AnS/A series modules are used, accessible device ranges are restricted.
192 Appendix 4 Processing Ti me Appendix 4.1 Concept of scan time The concept of scan time in a multiple CPU system is the same as that in a single CPU system. This section describes how to calc ulate the processing time when a multiple CPU system is configured.
193 APPENDICES A Appendix 4 Processing Time Appendix 4.1 Concept of scan time (3) Common processing time In a multiple CPU system, the comm on proc essing time increases as shown below . QCPU Common proc essing time Q00CPU, Q01CPU (0.05 to 0.13) × (Number of other CPU modu les) ms Q02CPU 0.
194 Appendix 4.2 Factors that increase scan time The processing time in a multiple CPU system increases fr om that in a single CPU system when the following functions are used. When any of the following functions is use d, add the time va lues described in this section to the values calculated on Page 192, Appendix 4.
195 APPENDICES A Appendix 4 Processing Time Appendix 4.2 Factors that increase scan time • For the High Performance model QCPU and Process CPU The number of receive word points is the sum of the number of word poin ts sent by other CPU modules. Ex. When the number of CPU modules is 4 and the host CPU is CPU No.
196 • For the Universal model QCPU The number of receive word points is the sum of t he number of word points sent by other CPU modules. Ex. When the number of CPU modules is 4 and the host CPU is CPU No.1 The number of receive word points will be the sum of the number of word points sent by CPU No.
197 APPENDICES A Appendix 4 Processing Time Appendix 4.2 Factors that increase scan time (c) When auto refresh is executed by another CPU module during auto refresh processing The auto refresh time increases by the time obtained by the following calculatio n.
198 (2) Refresh of CC-Link IE and MELSECNET/H (a) R efresh time of CC-Link IE and MELSECNET/H This is the time required for executing refresh between a QCPU and a CC-Link IE module or MELSECNET/H module.
199 APPENDICES A Appendix 4 Processing Time Appendix 4.2 Factors that increase scan time (3) Auto refresh of CC-Link (a) Auto refresh time of CC-Link This is the time required for executi ng refresh bet ween a QCPU and a CC-Link master/l ocal module. For details, refer to the following.
200 Appendix 4.3 Reducing processing time (1) Multiple CPU system processing CPU modules access I/O modules an d intelligent function modul es through a bus (base unit pattern or extension cable). Note that only one CPU mo dule can use the bus at a time.
2 4 7 I 201 INDEX A A series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 A series power supply module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Access from a programming tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Access from the programming too l connected to another station .
202 H High Performa nce model QCPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 High-speed Universal model QCPU . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Host CPU operation info rmation area . . . . . . . 118,121 Host station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 4 7 I 203 R Readin g data from the buffer memory . . . . . . . . . . 110 Readin g/writin g device data fro m/to Motion CPU . . 162 Reducing proce ssing time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Redundant power extension base unit . . . . . . . . .
204 REVISIONS *The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover . Print date Manual number Revisi on January 2004 SH(NA)-080485ENG-A First edition May 2005 SH(NA)-080485ENG-B TERMS, Chapter 1, Section 1.1, 2.1, 2.3, 2. 4, 3.1, 3.3.1, 3.
205 December 2008 S H(NA)-080485ENG-H Addition of Universal mo del QCPU and C Controller module models Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, Q10UDHCPU, Q20 UDHCPU, Q10UD EHCPU, Q20UDEHCPU, Q61P-D MANUALS, TERMS, Chapter 1, Section 1.1, 1.3, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.3, 2.4, 3.
206 Japanese manual version SH-080475-R © 2004 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORA TIO N September 2013 SH(NA)-080485ENG-P C Controller model addition Q24DHCCPU-LS MANUALS, TERMS, Chapter 1, Section 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.4, 3.
207 W ARRANTY Please confirm the following pr oduct warranty det ails before using this product. 1. Gratis W arranty T e rm and Gratis W arranty Range If any faults or defect s (hereinafter "Fail.
208 Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vist a , Windows NT , Windows XP , Wind ows Server , Visio, Excel, PowerPoint, Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Access are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corpor ation in the United S tates, Japan, and other countries.
SH(NA)-080485ENG-R( 1407)MEE MODEL: QCPU-U-MA-E MODEL CODE: 13JR75 Specifications subject to change without notice. When exported from Japan, this manual does not require application to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for service transaction permission.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Mitsubishi Electronics Q50UDEHCPU (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Mitsubishi Electronics Q50UDEHCPU heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Mitsubishi Electronics Q50UDEHCPU vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Mitsubishi Electronics Q50UDEHCPU leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Mitsubishi Electronics Q50UDEHCPU krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Mitsubishi Electronics Q50UDEHCPU bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Mitsubishi Electronics Q50UDEHCPU kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Mitsubishi Electronics Q50UDEHCPU . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.