Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Q64AD van de fabrikant Mitsubishi Electronics
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Analog-Digital Converter Module User's Manual U Analog-Digital Converter Module Analog-Digital Converter Module User's Manual User's Manual Mitsubishi Programmable Logic Controller Specifications subject to change without notice.
A - 1 A - 1 • SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • (Always read these instruct ions before using this equipment. ) Before using this product, please read t his manual and the relevant manuals introduced in this ma nual carefully and pay full attention t o safety to handle the product correctly.
A - 2 A - 2 [INSTALLATI ON PRECAUTIONS] ! CAUTION • Use the PLC in an env ironment t hat meets the general specifications cont ain ed in t he user's manual of the CPU mo dule t o use.
A - 3 A - 3 [STARTI NG AND MA INTENANCE PRECAUTI ONS] ! CAUTION • Do not disassemble or modify the modules. Doing so could cause failur e, malfunction injury or fire. • Sw itch all phases of the external pow er supply off when mounting or removing the module.
A - 4 A - 4 REVI SIONS The manual num ber is giv en on the bottom left of the b ack cover. Pri n t Date Manual Num ber Revision Dec., 1999 SH (NA)-0 80055-A First pr inting Oct., 2000 SH (NA)-080055-B Add the co ntents of the f unction versi on B. Correction About the G eneric T erms and Abbreviat ions, S ection 2.
A - 5 A - 5 Pri n t Date Manual Num ber Revision Feb., 2003 SH (NA)-0 80055-F Correction SAFET Y PRECAU TIONS, S ection 1. 2, Secti on 2.1, Sect ion 3.4.1 to 3.4.3, 3. 4.15, Sectio n 4.5, Secti on 5.1, 5.2. 1, 5.2.2, 5.3 .2, 5.6. 1 to 5.6.3, Section 7 .
A - 6 A - 6 INTRODUCT ION Thank you for purch asing the MELSEC-Q series PL C. Before us ing the e quipm ent, please re ad this m anual car efull y to develo p full f amiliar ity with the f unctions and perf ormance of the Q series PLC you h ave purc hased, so as to ensure cor rect us e.
A - 7 A - 7 3.4.1 2 Maxim um and minim um values s torag e area (buff er mem ory addres ses 30 to 45: U nG30 to UnG 45) ............................................................ 3- 24 3.4.13 Mode s witch ing sett ing ( buffer m emor y address es 15 8, 159: UnG158 , UnG 159) .
A - 8 A - 8 7.3.1 When i ndustr ial sh ipment s ettin g is us ed and init ial set ting was m ade with GX Conf igurator -AD ............................................................................................................................... .
A - 9 A - 9 Conform ation to the EMC Direct ive and L ow Voltag e Instruct ion For deta ils on m aking Mitsub ishi PL C conform to the EMC d irective and lo w voltage i nstructio n when install ing it.
A - 10 A - 10 Product Struc tur e The produc t structur e of this product is given in the tab le below. Model code Product name Quantity Q64AD Q64AD M odel Analog-Digit al Conv erter M odule 1 Q68ADV .
1 - 1 1 - 1 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W 1 1 OVERVIEW This User's Ma nua l descri bes th e specif icat ions, handling and pr ogram ming m ethods for the Q64AD analog- digit al conv erter m odule ( here i.
1 - 2 1 - 2 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W 1 1.2 Functions Added to Function Ver si on B and Later (1) Functions added to functi on v ersion B The f unctions added by th e functi on vers ion B A/D con vert er modu le are listed below. Item Function overview Reference section Multiple PLC system compatibility Compatible w ith a multiple PLC sy stem.
2 - 1 2 - 1 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2.1 Applicable Sy stems This sectio n desc ribes the sys tem c onfigur atio n for t he A/D conver ter m odule.
2 - 2 2 - 2 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2 (4) Compatibility with online module change To m ake an online m odu le chang e, use the m odule of func tion versio n C or later. POINT The pro ducts of funct ion v ersion C inclu de the f unct ions of t he pr oducts of func tion vers ions A an d B.
2 - 3 2 - 3 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2.2 How to C heck the Functi on Vers ion and Softw are Version This sectio n descr ibes ho w to c heck th e funct ion v ersion of the A/D con verter m odul e and t he GX Co nfigura tor-AD soft ware v ersion.
2 - 4 2 - 4 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION REMARK The ver sion i ndicati on for t he GX Config urator- AD has been c hange d as sh own below f rom the SW 0D5C-QADU- E 50F upgrade prod uct. Prev ious pr oduct Upgrad e and s ubse quent vers ions SW 0D5C-QADU- E 50F GX Confi gurator -AD Vers ion 1.
3 - 1 3 - 1 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 Performance S peci fications 3.1.1 Performance specificati ons l is t Table 3.1 s hows t he perf ormanc e spec ificat ions of the A/D co nverte r modu les.
3 - 2 3 - 2 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3 Model name Item Q64AD Q68ADV Q68ADI Conversion speed 80 s/channel ( When there is temperature drift, the time calculated by addin g 160 s w ill be used regardless of the number of channel s used) Absolute maximum input Voltage : ± 15 V Current : ± 30 mA E 2 PR OM wr ite count Max.
3 - 3 3 - 3 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS (1) Voltag e i nput character i stic (a) Voltage input c har acterist ic in norm al reso lution mode Figure 3 .1 shows a grap h of t he voltage inpu t cha racteristic in normal re solution mode .
3 - 4 3 - 4 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS (b) V oltage input c harac terist ic in high res olutio n mode Figure 3.2 shows a grap h of the voltage inpu t char acteristic in high resolution mode .
3 - 5 3 - 5 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS POINT (1) S et with in the analo g input range and di gital output r ange f or eac h inpu t range. If thes e rang es are exceed ed, the m axim um resoluti on and accurac y ma y not fall within t he per form ance spec ific ations.
3 - 6 3 - 6 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS (2) Curr ent input char acter isti c (a) Current input charac terist ic in norm al reso lution m ode Figure 3.3 shows a graph o f the current in put charac teristic in nor mal resolution mode .
3 - 7 3 - 7 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS (b) Current input charac terist ic in high r esolut ion m ode Figure 3.4 shows a grap h of the current in put chara cteristic in high resoluti on mode .
3 - 8 3 - 8 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS POINT (1) S et with in the analo g input range and di gital output r ange f or eac h inpu t range. If thes e rang es are exceed ed, the m axim um resoluti on and accurac y ma y not fall within t he per form ance spec ific ations.
3 - 9 3 - 9 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.1.3 Accuracy Accurac y is repr esented with r espec t to th e max imum dig ital o utput valu e. Accurac y do es not c hange a nd rem ains within the ran ge list.
3 - 10 3 - 10 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.2 Function List Table 3.2 s hows t he funct ion lis t of t he A/D c onv erter m odules. Table 3.2 Function l is t Item Function Reference secti on A/D conversion enable/ disable setting (1) Specifies whether to enable or disable the A/D conversion for each channel.
3 - 11 3 - 11 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS (a) W hen av erag ing proc essin g is sp ecifi ed for th e set am ount of tim e 1) The num ber of pr ocess ing repeti tions within t he set tim e differs accord.
3 - 12 3 - 12 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.2.2 Max imum and minimum values hol d function (1 ) T he maximum and mini mum digital outpu t values for each channel are stored in buffer memory add resses 30 to 45 (UnG30 to UnG45).
3 - 13 3 - 13 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.3.2 Details of I/O signals I/O sign als f or the A /D con verter m odules are ex plaine d in de tail below. (1) Input sig nals Device No.
3 - 14 3 - 14 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Device No. Signal Name Description [In offset/gain setting mode] (1) This is used as an interloc k condit ion for settin g the offset/gain request (YA) to ON/OFF when registering the value after adju stment of t he offse t/ga in settings have been completed.
3 - 15 3 - 15 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Device No. Signal name Description XB Channel change completed flag (1) This is used as an interloc k condit ion for setting the channel change reque st (Y B) to ON/OFF when changing the channel for w hich the offset/gain settings are to b e performed.
3 - 16 3 - 16 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS (2) Output signals Device No. Signal name Description Y9 Operating condition setting request (1) This turns ON when A/D conversion is enabled/disab led, or when averaging processing specificati on, the sett ings for the av erage ti me or num b er of times (w hen averaging processing is specifie d) is enabled.
3 - 17 3 - 17 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4 Buffer Memory The deta iled exp lanati on of the buff er mem ory in Sect ion 3.4.4 an d later is bas ed on the 8 - cha nnel an al og input (CH . 1 to CH. 8 ) Q6 8A DV/ Q6 8ADI . 3.4.1 Buffer mem or y assig nment ( Q64AD ) This sectio n desc ribes the ass ignm ent of th e Q64 AD buf fer m emory.
3 - 18 3 - 18 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4.2 Buffer mem or y assig nment ( Q68AD V) This sectio n desc ribes the ass ignm ent of th e Q68 ADV buf fer m emor y.
3 - 19 3 - 19 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4.3 Buffer mem or y assig nment ( Q68AD I) This sectio n descr ibes th e ass ignm ent of th e Q68AD I buf fer m emor y.
3 - 20 3 - 20 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4.4 A/D conver si on enable/di sabl e setting ( buffer mem ory address 0: UnG0) (1) Sets whe ther t he out put of a n A/ D convers ion value is enab led or disab led for each c hanne l.
3 - 21 3 - 21 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4.6 Averag i ng pr ocessing setti ng ( buffer memory addr ess 9: UnG9) (1) W hen s electing sam pling pr ocess ing or a veragi ng proc essing , writ e the s etting to buff er mem ory addr ess 9 ( UnG9). (2) W hen av erag ing proces sing is se lected , selec t avera ge tim e or av erage num ber of tim es.
3 - 22 3 - 22 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4.7 A/D conver si on completed f lag ( buffer me mor y addr ess 10: U nG10) (1) W hen A/D conv ersion for t he cha nnels e nable d for co nvers ion is comple te, t he A/D co nversi on com plete d flag is set to 1.
3 - 23 3 - 23 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4.9 Write data er r or codes (buffer me mor y address 19: UnG19) (1) T he err or codes gener ated b y the A/D co nverter modu les are stored here. (2) See Secti on 8. 1 fo r t he det ail s o f the e rr o r code s.
3 - 24 3 - 24 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4.11 Offset/gain setti ng mode ( bu ffer memor y addresses 22, 23: UnG22, UnG23) (1) Specif ies th e chan nel to be adjus ted f or the offs et/gain s ettin gs.
3 - 25 3 - 25 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4.13 Mode sw itchi ng setting (buffer memor y addr esses 158, 159: U nG15 8, UnG159) (1) Set the v alues of the mode to whic h you wa nt t o switch . (2) After se tting t he values, turni ng the opera tion c ondit ion se tting r equest (Y9) f rom OFF to ON switc hes to that mode.
3 - 26 3 - 26 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4.15 Industrial shi pment setting s and user r ang e setti ng s offset/gain v al ues (buffer memor y addr esses 202 to 233: U nG202 t o U nG233) (1) Areas us ed to res tore th e user r ange settings off set/gain values when o nline module chan ge is m ade.
4 - 1 4 - 1 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION 4 4 SETUP AND PROCEDURES BEFO RE OPERATION 4.1 Handling Pr ecauti ons (1) Do not dr op the modul e or su bject i t to he avy im pact. (2) Do not r emove the PCB of th e modu le from its c ase.
4 - 2 4 - 2 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION 4 4.2 Setup and Procedur es be for e Operati on Start Wiring Wire ext ern al devices to the A/D conve rsion mo du l e. Intell igent fu nction mo d ul e switch settings Perform s ettings using GX Develop er (see Section 4.
4 - 3 4 - 3 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION 4.3 Part Identi fication N omencl atur e The nam e of each p art of the A/ D con verter m odule is list ed b elow. 1) 2) Q64AD Q64AD RUN ERROR I+ V- V+ SLD (FG) A/D 0-±10 V 0-20mA C H 1 C H 2 I+ V- V+ SLD I+ V- V+ SLD C H 3 C H 4 I+ V- V+ SLD A.
4 - 4 4 - 4 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION Signal name Terminal number Q64AD Q68ADV Q68ADI 1 V + V + I + 2V – CH1 V – CH1 I – 3 I + V + I + 4 CH1 SLD CH2 V – CH2 I – 5 V.
4 - 5 4 - 5 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION 4.4 W iring The wiring pr ecauti ons an d exam ples of modu le con nection are pr ovide d belo w.
4 - 6 4 - 6 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION 4.4.2 External w iri ng (1) Q64 AD GND 1 Shie lded V + I + V – SLD + 15 V – 15 V 5 A.
4 - 7 4 - 7 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION (2) Q68 ADV GND V + A.G. 4 1 Shield ed 3 ANALOG GND 500 k V – 2 + 15 V – 15 V FG 500 k 1 Use a twis ted two c ore s hield ed wir e for th e power wire. 2 Shows inp ut resist ance of Q68 ADV.
4 - 8 4 - 8 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION 4.5 Swit ch Setting for Intell ig ent Function M odul e The s ettings f or th e inte lligent f uncti on m odule are perf ormed us ing t he I/O as signm ent settin gs f or GX D evelo per.
4 - 9 4 - 9 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION POINT (1) If the of fset/ gain set ting m ode is set us ing i ntellige nt func tion m odule switch 4, other s ettin gs b y switch 4 (sett ings f or res oluti on m ode and t emper ature dr ift com pensatio n) will be ig nored .
4 - 10 4 - 10 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION 4.6 Offset/Gain Settings W hen the user r ange setting is us ed, p erform the off set an d gain s ettings accord ing to the f ollowing proce dure. W hen the ind ustria l shipm ent s etting is use d, off set/gai n sett ing is not n ecessar y.
4 - 11 4 - 11 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION 1 The m ode s witching ( norm al m ode to offs et/gain set ting m ode to norm al mod e) me thod is given below. • Dedic ated instruct ion (G.O FFGAN) ............. Ref er to S ection 4 .
4 - 12 4 - 12 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION (a) When s witchin g the m ode us ing t he ded icated i nstruc tion (G .OFFG AN) The f ollowing program s witches to the of fset/g ain sett ing m ode with the dedic ated ins truct ion (G.
4 - 13 4 - 13 MELSEC-Q 4 SETUP AND PROCED UR ES BEFOR E OPERATION (b) When s witchin g the m ode us ing t he setti ng of th e mode switc hing s ettin g (buff er mem ory addr esses 15 8, 15 9: UnG1 58,.
5 - 1 5 - 1 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5 5 UTILITY PACKAGE (GX Configurator-AD) 5.1 Utilit y Package Fu nctions Table 5.1 s hows a n over view of the ut ility p ackage f unctio ns.
5 - 2 5 - 2 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5 5.2 Installing and Uninstalling the Utility Package See "M etho d of ins talli ng the MELSO FT S eries" at tached with t he u tilit y package regar ding t he insta ll an d unins tall operat ion f or the utilit y pack age.
5 - 3 5 - 3 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) (6) About the number o f par ameter s that ca n be set i n GX Configurator -AD The num ber of param eters th at ca n be set by the GX C onf.
5 - 4 5 - 4 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5.2.2 Operating env i r onment The op erating envir onm ent of t he pers onal c omputer wher e the GX Config urator -AD is used is exp lained.
5 - 5 5 - 5 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5.3 Explanation of Utility Package Operation 5.3.1 How to perform common utility package operations (1) Avail able contr ol key s Speci al ke ys that c an be us ed dur ing op erati on of t he uti lity pac kage an d their appl i cat io n s are show n in the table bel ow .
5 - 6 5 - 6 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) (2) Data to b e created with the ut ility package The da ta and f iles s hown b elow that are c reated with t he uti lity pac kage ar e also process ed us ing GX Deve loper operati on. F igure 5.
5 - 7 5 - 7 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) <Text f ile> (a) A text f ile is creat ed b y perform ing th e init ial s etting or autom atic r efresh setti ng, or sele cting text file creati on i n the m onitor /test s creen. The tex t fil e s can be utiliz ed to crea t e us er docu ment s.
5 - 8 5 - 8 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5.3.2 Operation ov er view GX Developer scr een [Tools] – [Intelligent function utility] – [Start] Intillig ent function module paramet er setting m odule select scr een Enter "Start I/O No .
5 - 9 5 - 9 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) [Online] – [Monitor/test] Select monitor/t est module screen Monitor/test screen See Section 5.6 Enter "Start I/O No.", then select "Package name" and " Module model name".
5 - 10 5 - 10 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5.3.3 Starting the inte lligent fu nction mo dule utility [Purpose of setting] Start t he int ellig ent f unction modul e util ity from GX Develo per, and dis pla y the module selec tion s cree n for t he int ellig ent func tion m odule util ity par am eter settin g.
5 - 11 5 - 11 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) (3) Menu bar (a) File items W ith file op eration , the i ntellig ent func tion m odule p aram eters for the project opened b y GX De velop er can be proc essed . [Open fil e] : Read s th e pa ra mete r file.
5 - 12 5 - 12 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5.4 Initial S etting [Purpose of setting] The fo ll owin g A/ D i ni tial se tt i ng pa ra met er s are set : • A/D conver sion e nable.
5 - 13 5 - 13 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5.5 Automatic Refresh Se tti ng s [Purpose of setting] Sets t he buff er m emor y for th e A/D c onvert er m odule to be aut omatic all y refr eshed. [Startup procedure] "Start I /O No.
5 - 14 5 - 14 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) (2) Expl anation of comm and b uttons Make tex t file A file contai ning the scree n cont en t s is cr eate d in te xt file for m at . End set up Confirm s the setting data a nd ends the operat ion.
5 - 15 5 - 15 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5.6 Monitor/Test 5.6.1 Monitor/test scr een [Purpose of setting] Buffer memory monitoring /testing, I/O signals monitoring /testing, ope rating condition setting, o ffset/gain settings (see Section 5.
5 - 16 5 - 16 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) Operating setting Offset/ga in setting 1) Pass data.
5 - 17 5 - 17 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) [Explanati on of items] (1) Contents of screen display Sett ing item : T he I/O sig nal or buff er mem or y names are dis pla yed. Current value : T he I/O s ignal s tatus or curre nt va lue of buffer m emor y are monitor ed.
5 - 18 5 - 18 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) 5.6.2 Offset/gai n setting oper ati on ( Functi on v ersion C or later) Perfor m the offset/g ain s etting opera tion in t he fol lowin g sequenc e. (1) Switch to the offset/g ain setti ng scr een Perfor m the oper ation in S ectio n 5.
5 - 19 5 - 19 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) (5) Swi tch to the nor mal mode Chang e the Settin g valu e fiel d of O ffs et/gain se tting mode s pecif ication to "Norm al m ode", and c lick the Ex ecute test butto n t o per fo r m w rit e .
5 - 20 5 - 20 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) (c) Error handling Confirm that the ERRO R LED for the A/D c onverter modul e is off. If the ERROR LE D is lit, click on Close , check the err or co de on t he m onitor screen, and th en per form the off set/gain settin gs again .
5 - 21 5 - 21 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) (3) User rang e r estoration (a) Set "Vo ltage s pecif ied" or "C urrent s pecif ied " in the S ettin g va lue fie ld of Pass data clas sific ation settin g, and click the Exec ute tes t button.
5 - 22 5 - 22 MELSEC-Q 5 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-AD) (2) User rang e saving (a) Ch ange th e Sett ing v alue f ield of pass d ata re ad requ est to "Requ est", an d click the Exec ute tes t butt on.
6 - 1 6 - 1 MELSEC-Q 6 PROGRAMMING 6 6 PROGRAMMING Using a sam ple s ystem conf igur ation sh own below, details of the A/D c onverter module progr am are explai ned i n the f ollowi ng two s cenar ios: when th e utilit y pack age is used and when the ut ilit y package is not used.
6 - 2 6 - 2 MELSEC-Q 6 PROGRAMMING 6 6.1 Progr ammi ng Exampl e U si ng the U til i ty Package 6.1.1 Operatin g the utility packa ge (1) Initi al setti ng (see Section 5.4) Set ch annel 1 to s ampli ng proc essing, chan nel 2 t o a veragin g proces sing f or 50 times and ch annel 3 to aver aging proc essing f or 100 0 ms .
6 - 3 6 - 3 MELSEC-Q 6 PROGRAMMING 6.1.2 Progr ammi ng ex ample Digital output value read processing 0 MOV D11 D101 CH1 Digital output X10 26 Error reset signal X0F Error flag 52 END Transfer digital output values D11 to D13 read using automatic refresh to D101 to D103 after A/D conversion is completed.
6 - 4 6 - 4 MELSEC-Q 6 PROGRAMMING 6.2 Progr amming E xampl e w ithout Using the Utili ty Package (1) Progr ammi ng exampl e usi ng the FR OM /TO commands Set the A/D conversion enabled channel (initi.
6 - 5 6 - 5 MELSEC-Q 6 PROGRAMMING (2) Progr ammi ng exampl e usi ng the i ntell ig ent function module d ev ice (U G ) Set the A/D conversion enabled channel (initial setting) 0 X10 134 Error reset s.
7 - 1 7 - 1 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE This chapt er desc ribes the sp ecific ations of an onlin e modu le ch ange. (1) Perfor m an o nline module c hang e by o perat ing GX D eve loper.
7 - 2 7 - 2 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE 7.2 Online Modul e C hang e Oper ations The f ollowi ng gi ves the o perat ions perform ed for an on line m odule chang e.
7 - 3 7 - 3 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE 7.3 Online Modul e C hang e Pr ocedure There ar e the foll owing o nline m odule c hange procedur es de pending on whethe r the user r ange s etting has be en m ade or no t, wheth er th e init ial s etting of GX Config urator- AD has bee n made or no t, and wheth er the other system exists or not.
7 - 4 7 - 4 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (2) Dismounti ng of modul e (a) After cho osing [D iagn osis] - [Onli ne m odule cha nge] on GX D evelo per to enter t he "O nline m odule c hang e" m ode, dou ble-cl ick the modu le to b e change d onl ine to displ ay the "O nli ne m odule c hange " screen.
7 - 5 7 - 5 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (3) Mounting of new modul e (a) Mount a new m odule t o the sam e sl ot and insta ll the term ina l block . (b) After m ounting the m odule, c lick th e [Ex ecution] button and m ake s ure that the "RUN " LED is l it.
7 - 6 7 - 6 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (c) Cl ick the [Clos e] butto n to clos e the System m onitor scree n. (d) Monitor th e digital ou tput valu es (buff er mem or y ad dresses 1 1 to 18: UnG11 to 18) t o chec k that pr oper c onvers ion has been m ade.
7 - 7 7 - 7 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (5) Resumption of control (a) After ch oosing [Dia gnosis] - [On line m odule c hange] on GX Deve loper to redi spl ay the " Onli ne modul e ch ang e" scree n, cli ck th e [ Exe cuti on ] butt on to resum e contr ol.
7 - 8 7 - 8 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE 7.3.2 When industrial shi pment setting i s used and i ni tial setting was made w it h seq uence progr am (1) Conversi on di sable (a) S et the A /D con ver.
7 - 9 7 - 9 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (b) Click the "Exec ution" b utton t o enab le a m odule ch ange. If the followi ng err or scree n appe ars, c lick th e [OK ] button , dism ount t he module as- is, and m ount a new m odule.
7 - 10 7 - 10 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (4) Operation check (a) To mak e an op eration c heck , click the [C ancel] b utton t o canc el contr ol resumption. (b) Click the [OK] butto n to le ave th e "Onl ine m odule c hange " mod e. (c) Cl ick the [Clos e] butto n to clos e the System m onitor scree n.
7 - 11 7 - 11 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (d) Referring to (1), enabl e the c onvers ion of t he ch annels to be us ed, a nd monitor the digita l outp ut values (buffer m emor y addresses 1 1 to 18: UnG11 to 18) t o chec k that pr oper c onvers ion has been m ade.
7 - 12 7 - 12 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE 7.3.3 When user rang e setti ng i s used and i nit ial setting w as made w ith GX Configurator-AD (other system i s av ail abl e) (1) Conversi on di sable.
7 - 13 7 - 13 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (b) Click the "Exec ution" b utton t o enab le a m odule ch ange. If th e fo ll owin g e r ror scr een app ea rs , the u ser r ang e can not be save d. Click the [OK] butto n, and perf orm the operatio n in Sect ion 7.
7 - 14 7 - 14 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (e) After m ounting the m odule, c lick th e [Ex ecution] button and m ake s ure that the "RUN " LED is l it. Module Re ady (X0) rem ains OFF. (4) Operation check (a) To mak e an op eration c heck , click the [C ancel] b utton t o canc el contr ol resumption.
7 - 15 7 - 15 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (c) Cl ick the [Clos e] butto n to clos e the System m onitor scree n. (d) Monitor th e digital ou tput value s (buff er mem ory address es 11 to 18: UnG11 to 18) t o chec k that pr oper c onvers ion has been m ade.
7 - 16 7 - 16 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (5) Resumption of control (a) After cho osing [D iagn osis] - [Onli ne m odule cha nge] on GX D evelo per to redi spl ay the " Onli ne modul e ch ang e" scree n, cli ck th e [ Exe cuti on ] butt on to resum e contr ol.
7 - 17 7 - 17 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (b) A fter m aking sur e th at the indicat ion in the Cur rent v alue f ield of CH A/ D conv er sion ena bl e/ di sab le set ti ng is "Di sab le".
7 - 18 7 - 18 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (2) Dis mounting of modul e (a) After ch oosing [Dia gnosis] - [On line m odule c hange] on GX Deve loper to enter t he "O nline m odule c hang e" m ode, dou ble-cl ick the modu le to b e change d onl ine to displ ay the "O nli ne m odule c hange " screen.
7 - 19 7 - 19 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE POINT Alwa ys dism ount t he m odule. If mount ing c onfirm ation is made without th e modu le being dis moun ted, the m odule wil l not start pro perl y and the " RUN" LED wi ll not be lit.
7 - 20 7 - 20 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (c) Cl ick the [Clos e] butto n to clos e the System m onitor scree n. (d) On the p ass data scree n of G X Conf igurator -AD, s et the p rerecor ded values and m ak e a pass d ata wr ite re quest. ( Refer to Sec tion 5.
7 - 21 7 - 21 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (5) Resumption of control (a) After ch oosing [Dia gnosis] - [On line m odule c hange] on GX Deve loper to redi spl ay the " Onli ne modul e ch ang e" scre en, cli ck th e [ Exe cuti on ] butt on to resum e contr ol.
7 - 22 7 - 22 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE 7.3.5 When user rang e setti ng is used and i niti al setti ng was made w ith sequence program (other system i s av ail abl e) (1) Conversi on di sable (a.
7 - 23 7 - 23 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (b) Click the "Exec ution" b utton t o enab le a m odule ch ange. If th e fo ll owin g e r ror scr een app ea rs , the u ser r ang e can not be save d. Click the [OK] butto n, and perf orm the operatio n in Sect ion 7.
7 - 24 7 - 24 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (e) After m ounting the m odule, c lick th e [Ex ecution] button and m ake s ure that the "RUN " LED is l it. Module Re ady (X0) rem ains OFF. (4) Operation check (a) To mak e an op eration c heck , click the [C ancel] b utton t o canc el contr ol resumption.
7 - 25 7 - 25 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (c) Cl ick the [Clos e] butto n to clos e the System m onitor scree n. (d) Referring to (1), e nable the co nversio n of the chan nels to be use d, and monitor the digita l outp ut values (buffer m emor y addresses 1 1 to 18: UnG11 to 18) t o chec k that pr oper c onvers ion has been m ade.
7 - 26 7 - 26 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE 7.3.6 When user rang e setti ng is used and i niti al setti ng was made w ith sequence program (other system i s unav ailable) (1) Conversi on di sable (a.
7 - 27 7 - 27 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (2) Dis mounting of modul e (a) After ch oosing [Dia gnosis] - [On line m odule c hange] on GX Deve loper to enter t he "O nline m odule c hang e" m ode, dou ble-cl ick the modu le to b e change d onl ine to displ ay the "O nli ne m odule c hange " screen.
7 - 28 7 - 28 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (c) Af ter conf irm ing that the "RU N" LE D of th e modu le has turned off, r emove the t erminal block and dis moun t the m odule.
7 - 29 7 - 29 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (c) Cl ick the [Clos e] butto n to clos e the System m onitor scree n. (d) Choose [O nlin e] - [D ebug] - [ Devic e test] on GX Deve loper an d set the prerec orded valu es to t he buff er m emor y .
7 - 30 7 - 30 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (b) The "O nline m odule c hange com pleted " scree n appe ars. 7.4 Range R eference Table The ra ng e r e fe ren ce t abl e s are giv en bel ow.
7 - 31 7 - 31 MELSEC-Q 7 ONLINE MODULE CHANGE (2) Reference table for user r ang e setti ng s offset/gain v alues (buffer memory addr esses 218 to 23 3: U nG218 t o 233) Exam ple: W hen the off set va.
8 - 1 8 - 1 MELSEC-Q 8 TROUBLESHOOTING 8 TROUBLESHOOTING The f ollowing sect ion exp lains th e types of err ors th at m ay occur when t he A/D convert er m odule is used, and h ow to tr oubles hoot s uch error s.
8 - 2 8 - 2 MELSEC-Q 8 TROUBLESHOOTING 8.2 Troubleshooti ng 8.2.1 When the "RUN" LED is flashing or turned off (1) W hen flashing Check item Corrective action Is the mode set to the offset/gain s etting mo de? Reset switch 4 of the intelligent functio n modul e setting for GX Developer to the normal mo de (see Sect ion 4.
8 - 3 8 - 3 MELSEC-Q 8 TROUBLESHOOTING 8.2.3 When the dig ital output values cannot be read Check item Corrective action Is there any fault w ith the analog signal lines such a s disconnection? Check for faulty conditio n of the line s v isually and perform a continuity check of the s ignal lin es.
8 - 4 8 - 4 MELSEC-Q 8 TROUBLESHOOTING 8.2.4 Checking the A/D converter module status using GX Developer system monitor W hen the A/D c onver ter m odule d etail inform ation is se lecte d in GX Devel oper s ystem monitor , err or code , LED O N stat us and s tatus of the intell igent f unction m odul e switc h settin g can be check ed.
8 - 5 8 - 5 MELSEC-Q 8 TROUBLESHOOTING (3) H/W inform ation (a) H/W LED information The L ED ON st atus is disp layed. No. LED name Status 1 RUN LED 0000 H : Indicates that LED is unlit. 2 ERROR LED 0001 H : Indicates t hat LED is lit (b) H/W S W information The s tatus of the intell igent func tion m odule s witch s etting is displa yed.
App. - 1 App. - 1 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX APPENDIX Appendix 1 Functi on U pg r ade for the A/D C onv er ter M odule The A/ D conver ter m odules of func tion ver sions B and C have m ore f unctions than the conv en ti on al mod el (fun cti o n ve r sion A) .
App. - 2 App. - 2 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 1.2 C ombi nations o f A/D conv er ter modul e functions an d GX C onfig ur ator -AD soft ware versions The fo ll owin g t abl e indi ca te s th e A/ D co nver te r mod ul e fun cti on s an d co rre spon di ng GX Conf igurat or-AD sof tware versions .
App. - 3 App. - 3 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 2 D edicated Instr ucti on List The f ollowing tab le lists t he ded icate d instr uctio ns that can b e used with th e A/D convert er m odules. Instruction Description Reference section G.OFFGAN S witches to the offset/ gain sett ing mode.
App. - 4 App. - 4 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 2.1 OFFGAN Switch es the mode of the A/D co nvert er modu le. (N orm al mode to off set/gain s ettin g mode, of fset/g ain s etting m ode t o norm al mode).
App. - 5 App. - 5 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (3) Progr am ex ample The f ollowi ng progr am is desig ned t o switc h the A/D c onvert er m odule m ounted in the posit ion of I/O num ber X/ Y0 t o X/YF t o the of fset/ gain s etting mode when M10 is turn ed ON, and to r eturn it to t he nor mal m ode whe n M10 is tur ned O FF.
App. - 6 App. - 6 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 2.2 OGLOAD Reads t he off set/ga in values of t he user range s ettin g of the A/D c onverter modul e to the CPU.
App. - 7 App. - 7 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Control data 1 of Q64AD (2/2) Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (S) + 10 CH4 Industrial shipment settin gs offs et v alue — — System (S) + 11 CH4 Indust.
App. - 8 App. - 8 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Control data 2 of Q68ADV (2/2) Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (S) + 30 CH6 User range settings offset value — — System (S) + 31 CH6 User range settin.
App. - 9 App. - 9 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (1) Functions (a) Re ads th e off set/gain valu es of t he user range s etting of the A/D co nvert er module to the CPU. (b) T here ar e two t ypes of inter lock signals f or th e G.OG LOAD ins tructi on: the comple ti on devi ce (D ) and t h e sta tu s di splay dev ice at comple ti on (D) + 1.
App. - 10 App . - 10 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 2.3 OGSTOR Restor es the of fset/g ain v alues of the user ra nge se tting s tored in the C PU to t he A/D convert er m odule.
App. - 11 App . - 11 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Control data o f Q64AD (2/2) Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (S) + 12 CH1 User range settings offset value — — System (S) + 13 CH1 User range setti.
App. - 12 App . - 12 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Control data o f Q68ADI Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (S) System area — — — (S) + 1 Completion status Stores the status when the instru ction is complete.
App. - 13 App . - 13 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (1) Functions (a) Res tores the offset/ga in va lues of the us er ra nge s etting stor ed in t he C PU to th e A/D co nvert er modu le. (b) T here ar e two t ypes of inter lock signals for th e G.O GSTOR ins truct ion: th e comple ti on devi ce (D ) and t h e sta tu s di splay dev ice at comple ti on (D) + 1.
App. - 14 App . - 14 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (3) Progr am ex ample The f ollowi ng progr am is desig ned to r ead t he off set/ga in values of t he A/D convert er m odule m ounted in th e positi on of I /O num ber X/ Y0 to X /YF whe n M11 is tur ned O N.
App. - 15 App . - 15 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 3 Ex ternal Dimension Diagram (1) Q64 AD 90 (3.55) 98 (3.86) 27. 4 ( 1. 08) Q64AD RUN ERROR I+ V- V+ SLD (FG ) A/D 0-±10V 0-20mA C H 1 C H 2 I+ V- V+ SLD I+ V- V+ SLD C H 3 C H 4 I+ V- V+ SLD A.G. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (2) Q68 ADV 90 (3.
App. - 16 App . - 16 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (3) Q68 ADI 27. 4 ( 1. 08) 90 (3.55) 98 (3.86) Q68ADI RU N ERROR C H 4 C H 3 I- I+ I- I+ (FG) A/D 0-20m A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 C H 8 C H 7 I- I+ I- I+ C H 6 C H 5 I- I+ I- I+ A.
Index - 1 Ind ex - 1 INDEX [A] Absol ute max imum inp ut................................. 3-2 Accurac y ................................................... 3-1, 3- 9 A/D co nversi on com pleted f lag ............ 3-12, 3-15 A/D co nversi on ena ble/d isabl e sett ing 3-10, 3- 20 A/D co nversion metho ds .
Index - 2 Ind ex - 2 [O] OFFGAN ..................................................... App.- 4 Offs et value ..................................................... 3-2 Offs et/gain s etting m ode f lag ........................ 3- 14 Offs et/gain s etting m ode .
WARRANT Y Please confirm the follow ing product w arranty details before starting use. 1. Gratis W arranty Term and Gr atis W arranty Rang e If any faults or defects (hereinafter "Fail ure").
Micr osoft, W indo ws, W indows NT are re gistere d tradem ark s of Mic rosoft C orpor ation i n the U nited States and oth er co untries. Pent ium is a reg istered tradem ark of Intel c orpor ation in the United states and other co untr ies.
User's Manual User's Manual Mitsubishi Programmable Logic Controller MODEL MODEL CODE Q-A/D-U-S-E 13JR03 SH(NA)-080055-G(0305)MEE Q64AD Q68ADV Q68ADI GX Configurator-AD (SW0D5C-QADU-E) Analog-Digital Converter Module Analog-Digital Converter Module B Specifications subject to change without notice.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Mitsubishi Electronics Q64AD (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Mitsubishi Electronics Q64AD heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Mitsubishi Electronics Q64AD vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Mitsubishi Electronics Q64AD leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Mitsubishi Electronics Q64AD krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Mitsubishi Electronics Q64AD bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Mitsubishi Electronics Q64AD kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Mitsubishi Electronics Q64AD . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.