Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 2.5 van de fabrikant Arturia
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U U S S E E R R ’ ’ S S M M A A N N U U A A L L.
2 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL PROGRAM MING : Robert Boc quier (vers ion 2.x) Nicolas Br onnec Fabrice B ourgeois Jean–Michel Bla nchet Christian De Jong INDUS TRIA.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 3 T T h h a a n n k k y y o o u u f f o o r r p p u u r r c c h h a a s s i i n n g g A A r r t t u u r r i i a a ’ ’ s s A A n n a a l l o o g g F F a a c c t t o o r r y y 2 2 . .
4 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL S S p p e e c c i i a a l l M M e e s s s s a a g g e e S S e e c c t t i i o o n n The MIDI ke yboard use s USB or an ex ternal power adapter. Do not connect this product with any power supply or adapter than the one described on thi s manual specif ically recomme nded by Artur ia.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 5 4. Do not use the i nstrument near wa ter or moist ure, such as a bathtub, si nk, swimming p ool or simila r place. 5. Do not place t he instrument in an un stable position w here it might acc identally fal l over.
6 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL T T a a b b l l e e o o f f C C o o n n t t e e n n t t s s 1 INTRODUCTION . ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ......... ......... ....... ......... ......... ......... ...
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 7 6.1 F RONT PAN E L OVERVIEW ........ ...... ......... ......... .......... ...... ......... .......... ......... ...... ............ ....... ......... ......... ...... 42 6.1.1 The keybo ard .
8 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 History In early 200 1, Arturia began wor king on a dvanced algorithms for the digita l em ulat ion of analog cir cuit aud io char acteristics. Th ey are known as T AE ® , sta nding for True Ana log Emulation.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 9 Other artists that have used The Jupiter-8 include: Howa rd J ones, Tangerine D ream, Underworl d, J ean M ichel Jarr e, D epeche Mo.
10 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL Linear frequency spectrum of the Analog Factory 2.5 oscillato r made with TAE ® 1.3.2 A better repro duction o f analog oscillator wavefo rms The waveforms produce d b y the oscillators in analog synt hesizers are marked by the presence of a c apac itor i n the c ircuits.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 11 Temporal representation of a “saw tooth” waveform reproduced by TAE ® What’s more, th e hardware analog oscil lators were unstab le. In fact, their waveform varies slightly fr om o ne per iod to another.
12 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL Comparison of harmonics generated by the filter circuits in self oscillat ion of Analog Factory 2.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 13 2 INSTALLATIO N 2.1 Windows installation (XP/VISTA/7) Insert the CD-ROM into the drive. Explor e the contents of the CD-ROM, double click on the icon name d Analog Factory 2.5 Setup.
14 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL Choice of protocols For the VST pro toc ol, y ou m ust choos e an inst allation folder in order for the host a pplication to use Ana log Factor y 2.5 as a plu g-in. If you do not know how to m ake this c hoice, go to Chapter 8.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 15 Choice of VST plug-in installation folder The i nstallation progra m now has enough informat ion to complete t he instal lation. Whe n t he installation process is co mpleted, p lease procee d to authorizat ion step ( Chapter 3).
16 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL Authentication window Analog Fa ctory 2.5 w ill next be installed as a sta ndalone a pplicat ion, b ut also as VST, AU and RTAS plu g-ins. The i nstallation progra m now has enough informat ion to complete t he instal lation.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 17 3 AUTHORIZATI ON Now that your Analog F actory 2.5 ha s been inst alled, you hav e to author ize the synthe sizer. This doesn’t apply to owners of t he previo us 1.x version, who may use the software right away using their USB- eLicenser hardw are dongle.
18 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL This will tak e you to th is form: If you alrea dy have an a ccount mad e, simply lo g in: Once you are logged into your account, you can register y our Ana log Fact ory 2. 5 and request your activat ion code.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 19 In the form that app ears, select “Analog Fact ory” from the drop down menu, and key in your synthe sizer serial number a nd un.
20 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL And f inally t her e i s a screen f rom which y ou ca n c opy th e eLi censer activati on c ode . The very same in formation is sent to you by email as a backup. Now that yo u have retrieve d the activat ion co de, launch the eL icenser Cont rol Center.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 21 The eLicenser Control Center main window, showing an empty Soft-eLicenser In the eL icenser C ontrol Center m enu, click on the “Enter Activation C ode” butto n, and enter the c ode when pr ompte d.
22 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL The e Licenser C ontrol C enter is now ready to download the software license that will al low you to u se Analog Factory 2.5. C lick on Start, the progress b ar should advance until downloading is complet e.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 23 4 USI N G ANA LOG FACTORY 2.5 4.1 Pr e ferences The “Preferences” window Preferences ar e set by c licking o n the Analog Factory 2.
24 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 4.2 Tool Bar Tool Bar The t ool bar consists of a set of essential icons, organ ized from left t o rig ht, al lowing t he user to see or have acc ess to: PRESET NA ME INST RUMENT TYP E Name of th e c urrent preset, name of the I nstrument, and the T ype of instrument.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 25 MIDI C H. This drop-down m enu off ers t he chann el ch oice from which Analog Factory r eceives MIDI information. Defau lt is OMNI (responds to data on all MIDI channe ls). TUNE General setti ngs for the tuning of A nalo g Factory.
26 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL • Prophet VS • Jupiter-8V If, for exam ple, on e cl icks on C S-80 V , the Pr eset Mana ger will pr ovide a list of pre sets uniquely from th e CS -80 V.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 27 4.3.3 Ch aracteristics To fur ther filter ch oices, there is a thir d f ilter offered.
28 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 4.3.5 Fi lter Optio ns Above the f ilters are t hree butto ns: Res et, Favorites, and User. The se button s function as follows: RESE T Removes a ny f ilters tha t the u ser m ay have applied to t he presets s o that a new searc h may be star ted.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 29 EDIT If t he se lected pre set is a USER Pr eset, it is possible t o ed it its information. B y clicking on this option, a w indow similar to that of the Save As f unct ion ap pears.
30 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL FAVOR ITES (FAV) Allows the user t o c lassify presets accor ding to usa ge or general preference as one does in po pular me dia players. S imply check one’s Favorite presets and access t hem by cli cking t he title bar at the t op of the column.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 31 Wheels PITCH WHEEL Wheel controlling the pitch of t he sound. When pushed in the up direction, t he sound “bends” a nd becomes higher i n tu ne. Wh en pushed in the Down direction, the sound “be nds” and b ecomes lower in tune.
32 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL RATE Sets the LFO rate/spee d AMOUN T Sets the amou nt of LF O modulatio n 4.4.5 Key paramete rs The key paramet ers section w ill prove to be par ticularly usef ul.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 33 4.4.7 ADS R fade rs The “A DSR” envelope is composed of four su ccessive sequent ial periods in the l ife of a note: Attack time, Decay time , Sustain tim e, and th e Release time.
34 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL need at the touch of a butto n on a MIDI interfa ce during a live session without ref erencing the computer screen. It ca n also be u sefu l f or compar ing m odificat ions t o s ound in or der t o c hoose which fits best into a musical producti on.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 35 5 MODES OF OPE RATION 5.1 Standalone and MIDI configuration The stand-alone application allows the use of Ana log Factory 2 .
36 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL aud io device Select the d river corres ponding to th e so und menu t hat y ou wish to use.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 37 Using Analog Factory in Cubase SX3 C onnection to a MIDI tr ack In order for Ana log Fact ory 2.5 to play information coming from a MIDI tr ack, you have to choose a MIDI track a n d select Analog F act ory as MIDI outp ut of this tr ack.
38 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL A utomation The automation works the same wit h Ana log Factory as with a ny V ST plug-in (for more detail about a utomat ion, refer to the V ST sequ encer documentat ion). 5.3 Audio Unit (Mac OS X only) 5.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 39 This Ma nager allows us to see t he list of t he a vailable p lug-ins, to t est the ir com patibility with Log ic, and to act ivate or de-act ivate them .
40 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL Opening Analog Factory 2.5 in Pro Tools Analog Factory must b e loaded on an a ud io stereo tra ck. We can now m ake Ana log Factory 2.5 sounds by playing w ith the mous e on the vir tual keyboard.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 41 A utomation under Pro T ools The automati on f unct ions w ith Analog Fact ory like w ith a ll RTAS/H TDM plug-in s (m ake reference to t he Pro Too ls documenta tion for m ore deta ils on the plug- in automations).
42 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 6 ANALOG FACTORY KEYBOARD (ANALOG EXPE RIENCE “THE FACTORY” O NLY) 6.1 Front panel overview The Analog Factory K eyboard is a 32 k ey v elocity se nsitive key board includin g a contro l surface that is ident ical to the Ana log Factory 2.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 43 6.1.1 T he keybo ard The A nalog Factory Keyboard i s a 32-k ey velocity s ensitive keyboard controller, wi th channel afterto uch. 6.1.2 S hift butto n The Shift button can set the A nalog Fact ory Keyboard in ‘Shift’ m ode.
44 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL Octave +1 : led+ blinks at speed 1 , led- does n ot blink Octave +2 : led+ blinks at speed 2 , led- does n ot blink Octave.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 45 6.3 Aftertouch This keyboard can tra nsmit chann el a ft ertouch (that is a pressure value common t o all pressed key s). Aftertouc h (AT) can be calibrated t o your lik ing this way: 1.
46 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 6.4.2 L FO settin g rotary en code rs There are tw o rotary encoders a vaila ble t o alt er the LFO s ettings of the se lected preset. These two encoders ar e “Rate” and “Amount”.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 47 The DC adapter is not includ ed on the Analog Experience pack. Before co nnecting an external DC ada pter, make sure you are co nnecting a comp atible adapter.
48 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 7 MIDI IMPLEMEN TATION (ANALOG EXPE RIENCE “THE FACTORY” O NLY) 7.1 Using the keyboard Your Analog F actory Keyboard can be used independently of Analog F actory 2.5. I t can be used as a standard MIDI controller.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 49 7.3 MIDI i mpl ementation chart Arturia Ana log Experie nce “The Fa ctory” USB MIDI Master K eyboard.
50 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 7.4 MIDI controllers list Item id Description CC number Value 0x01 Filter Cutoff 74 0..127 0x02 Filter Reso 71 0..127 0x03 LFO Rate 76 0..127 0x04 LFO Amount 77 0..127 0x05 Key param 1 18 0.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 51 7.5 System Exclusive messages detail SysEx Description T R F000206B02 0101 nn F7 Item config request nn:item O F000206B02 0102 nn c.
52 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 8 MIDI CONTRO L CENTER (ANALOG EXPE RIENCE “THE FACTORY” O NLY) The MID I C ontrol Center is a separ ate ut ility t hat can b e use d to configur e the MIDI sett ings of your Analo g Experie nce key board.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 53 8.2 Changing MIDI settings 8.2.1 Glo bal sett ings The setting s that can be set glo bally (i.e. for t he entire keyboar d) are: MIDI CH ANNEL MIDI channe l that the key board will use to send all MIDI eve nts.
54 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 8.2.3 S aving settings to the keyboard Changes done in the uti lity a re not saved to the k eyboard until you pre ss t he “S end to Keyboard” button. When you ar e ready t o save the e ntire confi guration, press “Se nd to Ke yboard”.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 55 9 ARTURIA ANAL OG FACTORY 2.5 – LEGAL I N FORMATI ON 9.1 Software License Agreement In cons ideration of pay ment of the Licensee.
56 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL • You are entitl ed to pr epare a back up c opy of t he software w hich will n ot be used for purposes ot her than st orage pur poses. • You shall hav e no furt her right or interest to use the software other than the limited rights as spe cified in this A greement.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 57 • The reinsta llation of the softwa re - o n the sa me or a nother com puter - is permitted only in case the a lready installed s oftw are cannot be used a ny more (e. g. f ollowing deinstallat ion).
58 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL • A r eturn of t he product d ue to a fail ure to acc ept th e terms a nd condit ions of t his Agreement, e. g. th e product act ivation, shall not be possib le fo llowing the assignm ent of rights.
ARTURIA – Analog Factory EX PERIENCE 2 . 5 – USER’S MA NUAL 59 even if Arturia was previous ly advised of th e possibility of such damages. Som e states do not allow limit ations on the le ngth .
60 ARTURIA – Analog Factory EXPERIENCE 2 .5 – USER’S MANUAL 9.4 EUROPE This product com plies with t he requirem ents of Europ ean Directi ve 89/33 6/EEC.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Arturia 2.5 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Arturia 2.5 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Arturia 2.5 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Arturia 2.5 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Arturia 2.5 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Arturia 2.5 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Arturia 2.5 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Arturia 2.5 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.