Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MT2456SMI22 van de fabrikant Multitech
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SocketModem Ô Embedded Modem MT2456SMI–22 Serial I nterface Developer’s Guide.
Copyright Multi-Tech Sys tems , Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D eveloper’s Guide 2 SocketModem Ô MT2456SMI – 22 Developer’s Guide PN S000281A , Version A Copyright This public ation may not be rep roduce d, in w hole or in p ar t, withou t prior ex pressed w ritten perm ission fro m Multi- Tech Sy stems, In c.
Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 3 Contents Chapter 1 – Product D escription and Specificat ions ............................................................................. .................... 4 Product Descrip tion .
Chapter 1 – Produ ct Descrip tion and Specifi cations Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 4 Chapter 1 – P roduct Descr ipt ion and Specif icat ions The Multi-T ech SocketModem s upports analog d ata modem oper ation w i th V.
Chapter 1 – Produ ct Descrip tion and Specifi cations Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 5 Technical Specificat ions The Socke tModem me ets the follow ing specifi cations: Client-to-Server Data Rates V.
Chapter 2 - M echani cal Spe cificati ons Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 6 Chapter 2 – Mechanic al Specif icat ions Physical Dimensions Figure 2–1.
Chapter 2 - M echani cal Spe cificati ons Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 7 Pin Configurations The MT2456SMI SocketModem with a serial interfa ce use a 16-p.
Chapter 2 - M echani cal Spe cificati ons Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 8 36 –RI O Ring Indicate. –R I output ON (low ) indicates th e presence of an O N segment of a ring sig nal on the telep hone line.
Chapter 3 - Ele ctric al Character isti cs Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 9 Chapter 3 – Electr ical Characterist ics 3.3V and 5V Serial SocketM odem 3.3V DC Chara cteristic s (TA = 0°C to 70°C; VDD = 3.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 10 Chapter 4 - V .22bis Comm ands , S- R eg ister s , and R e sult Codes The V.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 11 Error Control and Data Compression Commands +ESR Select Repe at B T ransmit Break to Remot.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 12 V.22bis Generic Modem Control Commands Z Soft Reset and Rest ore Profile This comm and causes the m odem to perform a sof t reset and resto re (recall) the fa ctory default confi guration (profile).
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 13 2 Selects r eliable (error- correction) mode. The mode m will fir st attempt a LAPM connection and then a n MNP connect ion. Failure to make a re liable connectio n results in the modem hanging u p.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 14 &F Restore Factory C onfiguration (Profile) The modem l oads the factory default c onfiguration (prof ile). The factory defa ults are identi fied for each com m and and in the S-Paramete r descriptions.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 15 V.22bis DTE/DCE-Modem Interface commands The parameter s defined in thi s section co ntrol the oper ation of the inter face between the D TE/DCE and mod em.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 16 X Extended Result Codes This co mmand sel ects the subset o f the result cod e messag es used by the modem to infor m the DTE of the res ults of commands.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 17 n Value in A TXn Command Short Form Long Form 0 1 2 3 4 42 CAR RIER 75/1200 X X X X X 46 C.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 18 &R RTS/CTS Option This selec ts how the mode m controls CTS. C TS operation i s modified if hardw are flow control is sele cted (see &K command).
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 19 +IBC In Band Commands This co mmand prov ides a mechanis m by which an i n-band second ary channel may be impleme nted.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 20 Table of Supported V.80 Commands Command Hex Codes Description Supported V.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 21 V.22bis Call Control Commands DD i a l This comm and directs the modem to g o on-line, dial according t o the string ent ered and attempt to e stablish a connect ion.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 22 T Set Tone Dial Default This comm and forces DTM F dialing until the nex t P dial modifier or P command is rec e ived. T he modem will set an S-Parameter bit to indicate that all subseq uent dialing shou ld be conducted in tone mode.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 23 M Speaker Control This comm and selects w hen the speaker w ill be on or off. T he parameter v alue, if valid, i s written to S22 bits 2 and 3.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 24 V Single Line Connect Message Enabl e This co mmand enab les or disabl es the single line connect mes s age for mat as follow s: Syntax V<valu e> Defined Values <value> De cimal nu mber correspondi ng to the sele cted opt ion.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 25 *D Displa y Dela yed Numbers This co mmand cau ses the modem to send a list of the delayed numbers toget her with the delay associat ed with each.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 26 Extension Pick- up (Enabled by AT-STE=2 , AT-STE=3, A T-STE=6, or AT-STE=7): Case 1: Modem.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 27 V.22bis Modulation Control Commands +MS Modulation Selecti on This ex tended-format compo und parameter contro ls the mann er of operation of the modulation ca pabilit ies in the modem.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 28 %E Enable/Di sable Line Q uality Monitor and Auto-Retrain Controls w hether or not the mo dem will automatically m onitor the line qual ity and request a re train (%E1).
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 29 V.22bis Erro r Control an d Data Compression Commands +ESR Selective Repeat This ex tended-format numeri c parameter controls the us e of the sel ective repeat (SREJ) option in V.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 30 K Break Control Controls the re sponse of the m odem to a br eak received fr om the DT E or the remote modem or the B comma nd. The parameter v alue, if valid, is written t o S40 bits 3, 4, and 5.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 31 V.22bis Synchronous Access Mode Commands Three co mmands su pport Synchronou s Access Mode: +ES enables an d disables Synchr onous Acce ss Mode i n the client or centr al site mode m.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 32 +ITF Transmit Flow Control T hresholds The +IT F command det ermines the flow co ntrol thresholds use d by the modem for transmit data fr om the DTE.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 33 V.22bis FastConnect Command $F Fast Connect Control This co mmand all ows configuring of the client mode m to co nnect to a centr al site mo dem that support s non-stand ard V.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 34 V.22bis Line Side Device Commands -TTE Threshold Adjustments for Telephony Extension This .
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 35 V.22bis S- Paramet e rs The S-Paramet ers are sum m ariz ed in the S-Parameter Table alon g with their defaul t values which may be loaded at any time by using the Z command.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 36 Summary of S-Parameter Defa ults Register Function Range/Units Default* S0 Rings to Aut o-.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 37 S-PARAMETER DE FINITIONS S0 - Number of Rings to A uto-Answer S0 sets the nu mber of the rings required before the modem automat ically answ ers a call.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 38 S8 - Pause Time For Dia l Delay S8 sets the ti me, in second s, that the mod em must pa use when the “,” di al modifier is encountere d in the dial str ing.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 39 S16 - Test Mode Bit Mapped Options Status S16 indicate s the test in progres s status. Default: 0 Bit 0 Local an alog loopbac k. 0 = Disabled.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 40 S22 - Speaker/Re sults Bit Mapped Options Stat us S22 indicate s the status of command options. Default: 11 7 (75h) (01110101b) Bits 0-1 Spe aker volu me (Ln).
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 41 S27 - Bit Mapp ed Options Status S27 indicate s the status of command options. Default: 73 ( 49h) (01001001b) Bits 0,1,3 Synchronous/ asynchronous se lection (&Mn/&Qn).
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 42 S36 - LAPM Fail ure Control Default: 7 (0 0000111b) Bits 0-2 T his value indicates what should happen u pon a LAPM failure. These fal l back options are initiat ed immediately upon connectio n if S48=128.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 43 S41 - General Bit Mappe d Options Status S41 indicate s the status of command options. Default: 13 (C 3h) (00001101b) Bits 0-1 Co mpression sel ection ( %Cn).
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 44 S91 – PSTN Transmi t Attenuation Level S91 sets tr ansmit att enuation level from 0 to 15 dBm for the PSTN mod e, resulting in a transmit level fr om 0 to -15 dBm .
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 45 V.22bis Result Codes The modem re sponds to comma nds from the DT E and to activity on th e line by signal ing to the DTE in the form of result c odes.
Chapter 4 - V.22bi s Command s Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 46 Code Message Meani ng 16 CONN ECT 19200 The mode m has connect ed to th e line, t he DTE spe ed is 19200 bps a nd DTE speed reportin g is enabled.
Appendix A – Te st/Demo Card Inform ation Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 47 Appendix A – T est/De mo Card Inf orm at ion Block Diagram S peaker DS1 Modem Module Power Supply Power Switch Power Connector RJ-1 1 Connector DB-25 RS-232 V olume Control Tip/Ring Fuse Transceiver (RS-232) Figure A–1.
Append ix B – Pr oduct Approval s, Regu latory D esign Co nsidera tions, Co mplianc e Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 48 Appendix B - P roduct Appro v al .
Append ix B – Pr oduct Approval s, Regu latory D esign Co nsidera tions, Co mplianc e Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 49 Regulatory Design Considerations This se ction dis cusses hardw are consideration s, safety, an d Telecom la beling r equirement s.
Append ix B – Pr oduct Approval s, Regu latory D esign Co nsidera tions, Co mplianc e Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 50 Recommended Ferrite (SMT) Manufac.
Append ix B – Pr oduct Approval s, Regu latory D esign Co nsidera tions, Co mplianc e Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 51 SocketModem Placement This figure i llustrates where t o place the SocketM odem on a typic al applica tion.
Append ix B – Pr oduct Approval s, Regu latory D esign Co nsidera tions, Co mplianc e Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 52 Compliance Multi-Tech Syste ms, Inc.
Append ix B – Pr oduct Approval s, Regu latory D esign Co nsidera tions, Co mplianc e Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 53 8. No repairs ar e to be made by y ou. Repairs are to b e made only by M ulti-Tech Systems or i ts licensees.
Append ix B – Pr oduct Approval s, Regu latory D esign Co nsidera tions, Co mplianc e Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 54 Labeling Continuity and Changes The labeling content and for mat requirement s in effect when a product was approv ed shall be effective f or the life of the product.
Append ix B – Pr oduct Approval s, Regu latory D esign Co nsidera tions, Co mplianc e Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 55 (ii) For a new model that is regi.
Append ix B – Pr oduct Approval s, Regu latory D esign Co nsidera tions, Co mplianc e Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 56 7. Some para meters requir ed for comp liance w ith Teleco m’s Telepermit r equirements are dependent on th e equipment (PC ) asso ciated w ith this dev ice.
Index Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 57 Inde x $F – Fas tConne ct C ontrol , 33 %L - Report L ine Signal Lev el , 24 %Q - Report L ine Signal Quality , 2.
Index Multi-Tech Sys tems, Inc. MT2456SM I-22 Soc ketModem D e veloper ’s Guide 58 –STE= - Set Te lephony Extension , 25 Sync hronous Ac cess Mode Com mands , 31 T - Set T one Dial Def ault , 22 Table of Result Codes , 16 Table of Supported V.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Multitech MT2456SMI22 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Multitech MT2456SMI22 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Multitech MT2456SMI22 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Multitech MT2456SMI22 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Multitech MT2456SMI22 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Multitech MT2456SMI22 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Multitech MT2456SMI22 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Multitech MT2456SMI22 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.