Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 4 van de fabrikant Nikon
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Printed in Japan SB5K00500101(11) 6MS50611-- En User’ s Manual No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORA TION.
Notices • No par t of the ma nuals include d with this pro d - uct ma y b e reproduce d, trans mit ted, tran scribed , stor ed in a re triev al system, or trans lat ed int o an y lan guage in an y form, by any means, w ith out Nik on ’ s p r ior wr it ten pe r mis sion.
i Ta b l e of Content s Be fo re Y ou B eg in : I ntr odu ct ion ........................................................................................................ 1 Ov er vi ew : Ab ou t Thi s Man ual ...........................................
ii Ca pt urin g Phot ogra phs : Nikon C apt ure 4 C am era Co ntr ol ....................................................... 107 Th e Cam era C ontro l Win dow : G et tin g to Kno w Nikon Ca ptu re 4 Ca mera C ont rol ............... 108 St ar ti ng Ni kon Capture 4 Camera Control .
1 Read this chapter before in sta ll ing and using Nikon Capture 4. Over view Read this sec tion for a de scription of how this man u al is or ga nized and for an ex pla na tion of the symb ols and con - ven tions used. Principa l Fea tures Read this sec tion for an over v iew of the options available in Nik on C a pture 4.
2 Overview Ov er v ie w About This Ma nua l Thi s m an u al has been writ ten to help you take adva nta ge of the many f eat ures i ncluded in Nik on Ca pture 4 ( V er . 4.4 ) . Be sure to read this manual thoroughly , and to k eep it handy when using Nikon Capture 4.
3 Features Av ailable in Niko n Capt ur e 4 Principal Featur es Features A vail able in Nikon Ca pture 4 Nik on Ca pture 4 is for use exclusivel y with Nikon digital cam eras. It consis ts of t wo major comp one nt s: Niko n Capture 4 Editor and Nikon Capture 4 Camera C ontrol.
4 Principal Features Autom atic U pda te Nik on Ca pture 4 is equipp ed wit h an automatic update func tion know n as Nik on Mes sage Ce nt e r . N i ko n Mes sage Center checks for updates to a variet y of Nikon digital produc t s, in - cluding Nikon soft ware.
5 What Y o u Ne ed to Ru n Ni kon Ca pt ure 4 Sys t e m R e quirements Wha t Y o u Nee d to Run N ikon Capt ure 4 Befor e in sta lling Nikon Capture 4, make sure that your sys tem satis fi es the fol.
7 Nik on Ca pture 4 editor co mpone nt contains a variet y of too ls fo r enhancing images, including the C ur ves, LC H Edito r , C ol o r Boo ster , Photo E ffec t s, Unsharp Mask, N oise Reduc tion, D - Lighting, Red Eye C orrec tion, and Fisheye Lens t ools.
8 The Edi tor Window The Editor W indow Getting to Know N ikon Capt ure 4 Edi tor The m ai n part s of the Nikon C apture 4 Editor window are identifi ed below.
9 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r Quick To o l s The Q ui c k T o ols palet te contains buttons that replicate commo nly - used m enu commands. But ton Name Func tion Shortcut * Open Cli c k t o o pen an imag e fi le for edit ing. Ctr l + 0 / cmd + 0 13 Sav e Save ch anges to the imag e in the ac tive imag e win dow .
10 The Edi tor Window St a r t i n g N iko n Cap tu re 4 Editor Nik on Ca pture 4 Editor can be s tar ted from the St a r t men u (W in dows) or double - click ing the ap pli ca tion icon ( Macint osh) . Window s 1 Tu r n t h e comp uter o n Tu r n t h e computer on and wait f or the operating s ys tem to star t up.
11 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r Macintosh 1 Tu r n t h e co mpu ter on Tu r n t h e computer on and wait f or the operating s ys tem to star t up. 2 St ar t Niko n C apt ure 4 Editor Double - cl ick the Ni k on C ap tur e 4 Editor ic on ( ) in the folder to which you installe d Nik on Ca pture 4.
12 The Edi tor Window Exi ti ng Ni k on Ca pture 4 Editor To c l o s e t h e N ik on Capture 4 Editor window and exit N ik on Capture 4, open the File menu and choos e Exi t (W i n d o ws ) or Quit (Ma c O S 9) . I n M a c OS X, sel ect Quit Nik o n Captur e Editor from the appl ication menu.
13 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r TIFF (C MYK) Images Images sav e d in TI FF ( CMY K) form at can not b e reop ened in N ikon Capture 4 Editor . NEF Fil e s ( Ni kon Ca ptur e 3 or Ea rlie r) NEF fi les crea ted with N ikon Capture 4 can not b e open ed in earlie r versi ons of Nikon Capture.
14 The Edi tor Window 2 L ocate t he image fi le Navig ate to t h e drive (volume ) and folder containing the fi l e you wish to open. 3 Click Open Double - cli ck the fi le or selec t it from the fi les lis ted and click Open . The sele cte d fi le will be opened in an image window in Nikon Capture 4 Edit or .
15 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r Opening th e Multi - I mage W indow The M ult i - Imag e window shows the images in the se lec ted folder as small thumbnail pre - views.
16 The Edi tor Window 4 S ele c t a th umbna il The c orr espo ndi n g image will be displayed in the imag e area. Multi - Image Window Buttons The n a me s and functions of the but tons in the Mu lti.
17 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r When th e thum bnail a rea is open: But ton Name Func tion Select Folder Open th e Br owse For Fol der d ial og t o sele ct a f o l de r for d i splay in the Mul ti - I mage w indow. Back to pre vious folder Return t o the previous fold er .
18 The Edi tor Window Zoom To z o o m i m a g es in and ou t, cl ic k the but - ton. T he mouse point er will ch ange to a mag ni fy ing glas s with a “ + ” sign in it s center . Position the zoom curs or over the current im - age and click the mous e to zoom in one step.
19 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r The Bi rd’ s Eye Pa let te The B ir d’ s Ey e palet te shows the position of the po rtio n of the image visible in the ac tive im - age window. T o display or hide the Bird ’ s Eye pale tt e , c l ic k t h e triangle in the Bird’ s Eye palette title bar ( 29 ).
20 The Edi tor Window Rotating and Flipping Images The i m ag e in the active imag e window can b e rotated or fl ipped as des cribed b elow . Rotating Images Cli c k the button or selec t 90 d eg r ees CW from the Rotate sub - m enu to ro tat e th e image in the ac tive window 9 0 degree s to the right.
21 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r Str ai gh te ni ng I ma ge s To s t r a i g h t e n the image in the active image window : 1 S elec t Stra ig ht e n… from the Rotate sub - me nu The S traig ht en dia log will be displayed.
22 The Edi tor Window Selecting a Crop Using the crop tool, you can s elec t a po rt ion of an image to be save d in a separate fi le. If no selection is made, the entire image will be saved. 1 Click the but ton or select Crop Cur sor from the View menu When th e mo us e is moved over the image area in the ac tive window, it will change to ( ).
23 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r The In f ormation P alette The i n f orm at io n palette shows the p osition and color of the pixel und er the mouse p ointer . To d i s p l a y o r h i d e the Information palet te, click the triangle in the Inf ormation palet te title bar ( 29) .
24 The Edi tor Window The p ix els cu rr en tly being monitored in the I nf ormation palet te are shown by a icon in the image window. Each point is identifi ed by a num ber c or re sp ond ing to the point num ber li sted in the In fo r ma tion palet te.
25 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r Lost Hig h lights an d Shadows Are as o f t h e image in which det ails in the high end or low ends of the tone range may have been lo st (“ los t” hig hligh ts o r shadows ) can be identifi ed by locating pixels with the maximum or mini mum va lue f or one or mor e channel .
26 The Edi tor Window The Hist ogr am P alette The h ist ogr a m palette shows the leve l distribution for the image in the ac tive window o r , if a crop is sel ec ted, for the current crop ( 2 2). T o d i sp l a y o r h i de the Histogram palet te, click the triangle in the Histogram palet te title bar ( 29).
27 Getti ng to Know Ni kon C ap t u r e 4 Ed ito r The Ma rk e r s Palette Cha n g e s to p ic tu r e s can be rec orded us ing the Mark ers palet te. T o display or hide the Mark- ers palet te, click the triangle in the Mark ers palet te title bar ( 29).
28 The Edi tor Window Sho w Focus Area To s h o w t h e f o cus area used when the imag e in the ac tive window was taken, selec t Show Focus Are a from the Image menu . Sho w Fo cus Area The f oc u s area will not be dis played if th e image was crea ted using a COOLP IX - serie s came ra, a non - C PU lens, or manual f ocus.
29 Enhancing Images Image Adj ustment Enhan cing I mages Before they will be ready f or display or output on a monitor or printer , images capt ured fr om the camera w ill usually ne ed to be a djust ed to a s ize and resolution ap propriate to the task at hand.
30 Image Adjus tment Open ing T ool Palet tes in S epar ate Wind ow s To o l p a l e t t e s can be open ed in a separate windo w by cli cki ng the palette title and drag - ging it outsid e the current window to create a new tool palet te window con tai n ing only the selected palette.
31 Enhancing Images The se tting s t ha t can be ad just ed de pe nd on the im age qualit y set ting in ef fect wh en the photograph was recorde d. Photographs t ak en at an image - qualit y set ting .
32 Image Adjus tment Sugges ted steps for pro cessing images are show n below. RA W Im ag e s The L C H Edit or can then be us ed to adjust luminosit y , saturation, and hue , the C urve s too l to fi ne - tune the distribution of tones in the red, green, blue, and master channels.
33 Enhancing Images Whit e Ba lance The t ool s in the White Balance palet te are used to ad just w hite bala nce for R A W images. Using these too ls, not only can you correc t white balance when the.
34 Image Adjus tment 4 Adjus t white b alance u sing the o ption s in the Whi te Balance pal et te Camera WB : Shows the w hite balance sett ing in effec t at the time the pho to graph was tak e n an d the amount of fi ne - tuning performed.
35 Enhancing Images Gain values Reset button Pop - up menu Sli ders Sampling th e Imag e for Gray Point 1 S ele ct Set Gra y Point Select Set G ray Point from the pop - up menu at the top of the White Balance palet te.
36 Image Adjus tment Gain for the red and blue channels will be adjusted base d on the point s sampled, chang ing the slope of the re d and blue tone cur ve s an d the po sition of the red and blue sliders . Whi te bal an c e can also be adjusted by mov ing the red and blue sliders o r by entering a value from 0.
37 Enhancing Images “W rite to Came ra ” Before c onnecting the camera to the comp uter , set th e USB option i n th e camera s etup menu to PTP . “W rite to Card” Nik on Ca pture 4 writes th e new value for w hite balance to t he folde r with th e highes t folde r number .
38 Image Adjus tment Th e Set tings Men u The Wh it e B al ance Settings me nu c an als o be disp layed by se lect ing White Bal ance from the Set tings menu. Option Des cripti on Copy t o Clip board Co p y c u rr e n t w hite balan ce set tings to the cli pboa rd.
39 Enhancing Images 2 If th e A pply b ut ton i s of f ( ) , turn it o n ( ) 3 Adjus t Advan ced R AW set ting s Exp C omp : Choose a value from –2 to +2 E V using the slider or enter a value in the tex t box to its right. C hoose 0 to per form no compens ation.
40 Image Adjus tment Sharpening, T o ne Comp., Color Mo de, and Saturation In the case of i mages tak en with D2- s e r i e s, D1 -se r i e s, D 2 0 0 , D1 0 0, D7 0s, D70, or D50 came ras, the sharpe.
41 Enhancing Images Ex posure Co mpensation Hig hlight s in images s aved in Nikon Capture 4.3 o r earlier w ith a neg ative value s elec ted for e xpo sure comp ensati on may disp lay dif ferently w hen op ened in N ikon Capture 4 Editor Ver . 4.4 or later .
42 Image Adjus tment 2 Tu r n t h e A ppl y but t on on ( ) Tu r n t h e Apply but ton on ( ) to enable Image Dus t Of f . 3 Click Change... Cli c k Change.. . to sele ct a re ference imag e for Image Dus t Of f . Image Dust O f f will be performed when the i m age is selec ted.
43 Enhancing Images Imag es T ak e n with D 2- Serie s, D2 00, D 7 0s, D7 0, or D50 Cameras If the cu rr en t image was created wi th a D 2- series, D 2 00 , D 7 0s, D 70 or D 50 camera, N ik on Ca pture 4 Editor w ill search for reference fi les created with the c amera Image Dust O ff o ption (ext e n s io n “ .
44 Image Adjus tment Creating Dust Off R e f Ph otos To c r e a t e a D u s t Of f r e f photo for cameras other than the D 2 series, D 200, D 7 0s, D7 0, or D50 : 1 S ele ct a CPU lens Mo unt a C PU lens on the c amera. We r ecommend using a lens with a focal length of at least 50 mm.
45 Enhancing Images Reusing Im age Dus t Of f Se tt ing s Before pasting or load ing Ima ge Dus t Of f set tings into t he Imag e Dust O f f palet te for an other imag e, be sure that the imag e was create d with th e same c amera us ed to record t he Imag e Dust O f f reference fi le.
46 Image Adjus tment 2 Tu r n t h e A ppl y but t on on ( ) Tu r n t h e Apply but ton on ( ) to enable V ignette control. 3 Adjus t intens it y V ignette control c an be per formed manually by dragging the Intensity slider or entering a value in the tex t box to its right.
47 Enhancing Images The Vig nette Control S et tings M enu Cli c k i ng t h e i c o n i n t h e V i g n e t t e C o n- trol palette dis plays the V ignette Control Settings menu . Th e Set tings Men u The V ignette Control me nu can also b e d i s p l a y e d b y s e lect ing Vignette Con trol from the Set tings menu.
48 Image Adjus tment Cur ves Altho ugh you r Ni k o n digital camera w ill reproduce color s a c c u r a t e l y i f s e t t i n g s h a v e b e e n ad just ed approp riately , it will usually be nece.
49 Enhancing Images When the cu rsor is moved over an image or over the cur ve ed it display , the input and out put values for the point under the cur sor are shown in the input / output display .
50 Image Adjus tment The Histog ram ( R AW / 16 - B it T IFF I ma ges O nly ) To r e d u c e d i s p l a y t i mes when deal ing wit h large amo unts of ima ge data , Nikon Capture 4 may display a histo gram cont aining ver ti cal line s.
51 Enhancing Images Setting th e White Po int and Bla ck Point The e nd poi nt s of the curve are referred to as the “white point” and the “black point. ” The black point for a given channel repres ents the darkest shade ( minimum value) for that color , the white point, the brightest shade ( max imum value) .
52 Image Adjus tment Whi te - P oi nt and Black- Po int Sli ders The wh it e - po int and black- p oint sliders c an be used to m a tch th e w hite and black point s to the his to gram displayed in the cur ve edit display .
53 Enhancing Images Whi te - poin t ou tpu t slider Black - point o utp ut slider Whit e Po in t and Black P oint O utpu t Levels Once you ha ve se t the input level for the black point and w hite point, output levels c an be altered to re fl ec t the actual shade of the darkest and brightes t pixels in the image.
54 Image Adjus tment Gamm a Gamma (als o writ ten “ γ ”) is a f und amen ta l prope r ty of v ideo s ys tems wh ich deter mines th e in te n si ty o f the output signal relative t o the input.
55 Enhancing Images Editing Cur ves Dir ect ly Fine adjustment s can be made to brightness and contrast in sp ecifi c por tions of the tone range by adding additional points to the cur ves for each channel. These p oints c an be freel y ad - just ed by d rag ging them into new positions, changing the shape of the cur ve.
56 Image Adjus tment Th e Set tings Men u The C urves Settin gs menu ca n also be d isplayed by s elec ting Curves from the Set tings menu. The C urves Settings Menu Cli c k i ng t h e button in the C ur ves pal - ette display s the C ur ves Set tings menu.
57 Enhancing Images The L CH Ed ito r The L C H Edit or mode ls color using L uminosit y (master lightness ), C hroma (c ol or sa t u ration , or vividness), and H ue. A separate C olor Lightnes s channel is available for adjusting the bright - ness of s elec ted color s.
58 Image Adjus tment The Mast er Light ness C hanne l Alth oug h it aff ects brig ht ness rather than c olor , editing luminosity has a similar ef fec t to edit- ing the master cur ve in the C ur ves palet te. Luminosity curve : Maps luminosit y in the original image ( input) to the luminosit y of the image after e diting (output ).
59 Enhancing Images The Col o r Ligh tnes s Chann el The C olo r Lightness channel controls the brightness of color s without af fec ting chroma or hue.
60 Image Adjus tment The Ch roma Channel The C hro ma editor is useful too l for adjusting color saturation. Chroma cu rve : Ma ps chroma in the original image ( input) to the chroma of the image af ter editing (outpu t).
61 Enhancing Images The H u e Chan nel The h u e edit or is used to map selec ted colors in the original (input) image to a specifi c range of colors in the fi n al (o utput) image. This can be us ed, for example, to mak e all reds in the image slightly more orange, or even green or blue.
62 Image Adjus tment The L C H Editor Se tt ings Menu Cli c k i ng t h e triangle in the top right corn er of th e LC H Editor displays the LC H Edi - tor s ett in gs menu. Option Des cripti on Copy t o Clip board Co p y c u rr e n t LCH Editor se ttin gs to the clipb oard.
63 Enhancing Images Color Booster The C olo r Booster is us ed to enhance overall color saturation (vi vidness ) according to the typ e of subjec t ( por trait or landscap e) .
64 Image Adjus tment Photo Effec ts The P ho t o E ffec t s palette is us ed to convert pic tures to black- and - white , sepia, or another monochrome tin t, or to adj ust the brightness of the c yan / red, mag enta / green, and yellow / blue channels.
65 Enhancing Images The P h oto Effec ts Set ting s Menu Cli c k i ng t h e triangle in the top right corner of the Photo Effec t s palette display s the Photo Ef fe c t s s et t ings menu. Th e Set tings Men u The P ho t o E ffe ct s Se ttin gs menu ca n also be di splayed by s elec ting Photo Ef fect s from the Set tings menu.
66 Image Adjus tment Color Balance The C olo r Balance palette of fers simple controls for adjusting overall brightnes s, contrast, and colo r balan c e for the enti re image.
67 Enhancing Images The Col o r Balanc e Set ting s Menu Cli c k i ng t h e b u t t o n i n the Color Bal - ance palet te displays the Color Balance Set - tings menu.
68 Image Adjus tment Th e W arn in g But ton A warning bu tton a ppea rs if th e image in the a ct ive wind ow is displaye d at a zoom rati o too low to al low the effec t s of Unsha rp Mask to b e displaye d. C lick th e but ton to view t he warning.
69 Enhancing Images 3 Create an Unsharp Mask Unsharp Mask can be ap plied to all the colors in the imag e or selec tive ly to any c om bi - na tion of red, gre en, and blue channels. Sele ct a combination of color s from the Color pop - up men u. Th e Unsharp Mask you create will be ap plied only to edg es in the sele cted colo rs .
70 Image Adjus tment Th e Set tings Men u The U ns ha r p Mask Se ttin gs menu ca n also be d isplayed by s ele ctin g Unsharp Mask from the Set tings menu. The U nsh arp Mask Settings Menu Cli c k i ng t h e b u t t o n i n the Unsharp Mask palette displays the Unsharp Mask Set - tings menu.
71 Enhancing Images Noise Re duction Thi s p ale tte ca n be u se t o mitigate the effec ts of nois e that sometimes ap pears in imag es tak en with digital cameras.
72 Image Adjus tment The Nois e Reduc tio n Set ting s Menu Cli c k i ng t h e but ton in the Nois e Re - duc tion palet te displays the No ise Reduc tion Set tings menu. Th e Set tings Men u The Nois e Reduct ion Se ttin gs menu can a lso be di splayed by se lec ting Noise Reduction from the Set - tings menu.
73 Enhancing Images D-L i g h t i n g D-L i g h t i n g r e v e a l s d e t a i l s i n s h adow s and highlights, correc ting for underex posure in back- lit subjec t s or shaded areas of images and for overex posure in brightly lit areas .
74 Image Adjus tment Dig ita l DE E D-L i g h t i n g r e p l a c e s the Digita l DEE too l available in e arlier ver sio ns of Nikon Capture 4. Note that D igita l DEE se ttings are ignored when joint sett ings fi les created w ith ear lier ver sions of N ikon Capture 4 are loaded in to Ni k on Ca pture 4 Ver .
75 Enhancing Images Red eye Correction To c o r r e c t red - eye in po rt rait subjec ts : 1 Di splay the Re d Eye Corr ec tion p alet te Selec t the t ool palette co ntaini ng th e Red Eye C or- rec tion palet te from the View menu (the def ault location is T ool Palette 1) and click the triangle at the palet te’ s top left corner .
76 Image Adjus tment Th e Set tings Men u The r ed - ey e correc tio n Set tings me nu can als o be displaye d by sel ec ting Red Eye Co rrection from the Set tings menu. The R e d Eye Correc tio n Set ting s Menu Cli c k i ng t h e button in the Red Eye Cor- rec tion palet te displays the red - eye correc tion Settings menu .
77 Enhancing Images Fishey e Lens (F i s h e y e-t o- R e ct i l inear T r ansform fo r DX 1 0. 5 mm Fish eye L enses) The t ool s in the Fisheye Lens palet te modif y images t ak en with an A F DX 1 0.5 mm f2.8G Nikk o r fi sheye lens to res emble images t ak en with a normal w ide - angl e lens.
78 Image Adjus tment The F ish eye L ens Settings Menu Cli c k i ng t h e b utt on i n t h e Fisheye Lens palet te displays the Fisheye Lens Set tings menu. Th e Set tings Men u The F is hey e Lens Se tting s menu can a lso be dis played by se lec ting Fisheye L ens from the Set tings menu.
79 Enhancing Images Output Size and Resolution The S iz e / Reso l ution palette is where you sp ecif y the fi nal (“ output” ) size of the port ion of the image that w ill be save d when Sav e or Sa ve as… is se l e c te d f ro m t he File menu .
80 Image Adjus tment at : The at te xt b ox is where you enter the output res o lu tion. T his tex t box is not ac tive if the unit chosen for output size is “ pix - els, ” when res o lu tion is fi xe d at 30 0 ppi.
81 Enhancing Images Th e Set tings Men u The Size/ Re s o lu tion Set tings me nu can als o be disp layed by sel ec ting Size / Resolution from the Set - tings menu. The S ize/ Resol utio n Sett ings Me nu Cli c k i ng t h e b u t t o n i n t h e S i z e / Resolution palet te displa ys the Size / Resolution Set tings menu.
82 Image Adjus tment Saving and Loading Image Adjustment Set tings Image adjus tment set tings for all tool pal - ette s (including the st atus of the Appl y but- ton fo r each pal ette ) can b e copied to the clip board and saved in com bined settings fi le.
83 Enhancing Images Sav ing Images Images disp lay ed in Ni kon Ca p tu r e c an be save d in a variet y of fi le format s. Hints for cho osing a suitable fi l e format may be found on the pages that follow .
84 Image Adjus tment Options for Saving I mage Fil es Nik on Ca pture of fers t wo options for sav ing fi les: Sa ve and Sa ve as… . The Save option saves the image in the same location as the original without changing the fi le name or f ormat. The Sav e as … option lets you ch oo se a l o catio n , fi le name, and f ormat.
85 Enhancing Images File Naming Con ventions Windows : In envir onmen ts tha t do no t su pport lo ng fi le names , the ma ximum leng th is eight char - ac ter s; fi le name s may not cont ain space s, quotes , or any of the foll owing chara cte rs : “ ” “/ ” “:” “ .
86 Image Adjus tment Sav e Opt ions In add i tion to the settings listed above, the following options ar e available in the Save dialog : Bit de pth : T he bit depth (t he number of bits of colo r information per channel for each pixel in the image ) at which the image will be s aved.
87 Enhancing Images The Sa v e Progr ess Wi ndow ( Windows 9 8 SE / W indows Me /M ac OS 9 Exclu ded ) If the Use Sa v e Prog ress Windo w option is sele cted in the Per formance t ab of the Pref er e.
88 Image Adjus tment Printing Images Images can be prin ted direc tly from Nikon Capture 4 Editor to test the ef fect s of image ad - just ments. 1 Open t h e image Be sur e th e image you wish to print is open in N ik on Capture 4 Editor . 2 S ele ct Print… from the File menu The P ri n t Layout dialog w ill be displayed.
89 Enhancing Images Meta D ata… To c h o o s e t h e i n f o r m a t ion to be included with e ach p r int, click Meta Data… . The “M et a d at a p r in t se tup ” dialog will b e displayed ; adjust the following s ettings and click OK to return to the “Print layout ” dialog.
90 Image Adjus tment Page Layo ut Ch o o s e f r o m Selec t lay out and Select pic ture size and adjust options as describe d b elow . Select layout : W hen this option is sele cte d, you can choose the number of imag es that w ill be printed from a dro p - down menu.
91 Enhancing Images Inkjet prin ter : We recommend this option when printi ng on in kjet or color laser prin ters. The se lected i m ages will be printed at high qualit y and spee d at the highest res olution suppor ted by the printer ( if th e printer suppor t s reso lutions higher than 360 dpi, the im - ages will print at 36 0 dpi) .
92 Image Adjus tment Be fore Us ing Batc h P rocessing Batc h pr ocessin g is used t o perfor m th e operations sp eci fi ed in the Imag e Adjustment s s ec tion of th e Batch di alog on all fi les in a sel ec ted fold er .
93 Enhancing Images Thi s section descri be s how to use batch processing with fi les that have already be en saved to the co mputer’s hard disk. For in fo r ma tion on bat ch pr ocessi ng of images cap tur ed dir ectly from the cam era, see “Nikon Capture 4 Camera C ontrol” ( 11 6 ) .
94 Image Adjus tment A pause dialog w ill be displayed ; adjust settings as des ire d and then click Resume Batch to retur n to the batch processing dialog.
95 Enhancing Images 4 Choose a des tination fo r the pro ces se d image s In the Destin ati on section , c hoose op tions for saving the proces sed images . Use source folder : When this option is selec ted, processed images will be saved to the same f old er as the original .
96 Image Adjus tment 5 Be gin proce ssing Cli c k St ar t to put t h e sele c ted set tings into effec t and be gin processing. A batch progre ss dialog will b e displayed ( except in Window s 98 SE, .
97 Fine -Tuning Nikon Captur e 4 Ed itor Nik on C apt ur e 4 Editor Preferences Fine - T u ning Nikon C aptur e 4 Edito r To v i e w t h e P r e f erence s ( Options ) dialog, sel ec t Options… from the To o l s menu (W i n d o w s) or select Prefer ences… from the application menu ( Mac OS X ) or Edit menu (Mac OS 9 ) .
98 Nikon Captur e 4 Edi tor P ref ere nce s The Gene ral Ta b The G ene ra l tab con tain s t h e following items: Wi ndows Macint osh “Use r Defaul t” im age adjus tme nt s Ch o o s e t h e co m b i ne d settings (“ .
99 Fine -Tuning Nikon Captur e 4 Ed itor File for mat for S ave A s Ch o o s e t h e defa ul t fi le format for images s aved using the Sav e As… op tion ( 84) .
10 0 Nikon Captur e 4 Edi tor P ref ere nce s The Pe rfor mance T ab The P erfo rm anc e tab contains the fol low ing : Sa ve la rge pre views for N EF fi les Imag e fi l es normally include an emb edded preview 6 4 0 pixels on it s longes t size.
101 Fine -Tuning Nikon Captur e 4 Ed itor The T empora r y Files T ab The T em po rar y Fil es tab o ffers the fol low ing option: Folder fo r temp orar y dat a Specif y the fold er or vol ume in which tem - po rar y da ta, su ch as im age cache dat a, will be st ored .
10 2 Nikon Captur e 4 Edi tor P ref ere nce s The A dv anc ed Color T ab The Advanced Color ta b contains the fol - low ing items: Black Auto - C ontrast clip By def aul t, the black point is set to a value that excludes 0.5 % of the dark est pixels in the crop.
10 3 Fine -Tuning Nikon Captur e 4 Ed itor The Grid Lines T ab The G rid Lin e s tab controls the color and spac ing of the non - printing grid lines over - laid on an image w hen Show Grid Lines is se lect ed from the Image men u.
10 4 Nikon Captur e 4 Edi tor P ref ere nce s The Colo r Management T ab ( Windows) The C olo r Management tab is wh ere you spec i fy t h e c o lor man agement profi l es used for d is pla ying im ag es on your mon itor , ed - it ing and s aving RGB images, and s aving and printing CMYK images .
10 5 Fine -Tuning Nikon Captur e 4 Ed itor Supported Color Profi les Nik on Ca pture 4 suppor t s only I C C (I n te rn at i on a l C o l o r C onsor tium ) monitor and C MYK pro fi les.
10 6 Nikon Captur e 4 Edi tor P ref ere nce s Devi c e Pr ofi le s Lists th e default color- space profi les for monitors and printer s. Change Display Profi le If the Change Displa y Profi le… .
107 Using the Camera C ontrol component of Nikon Capture 4, you can control almos t all aspec t s of camera op eration re mote ly from y o ur computer .
10 8 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow The Camera Con trol Windo w Getting to Kno w Nik on Ca pture 4 C amer a Contr ol The m ai n p a rts of t h e Camera C ontrol window are identifi ed below . For more inf ormation , see th e “ Nikon Capture 4 C amera Control Window” ( 12 3 ) .
10 9 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol Cli c k OK to clo se t h e warning and display the fol low ing w indow . Pref er enc es ca n be ad just ed using the options in the menu bar . F or in for mati on on co nne c tin g the camera, se e the Nik on Capt ure 4 Install Guide .
11 0 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow St a r t i n g N iko n C a p tu r e 4 C amera Con trol Nik on Ca pture 4 Camera Control can b e star te d by se le ct ing Nikon Capture 4 Camera C ontrol from the St ar t menu ( Win dow s) or double - click ing the ap pli ca tion icon (Macintosh).
111 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol The C a mer a C ontrol wind ow will be displayed. Exi tin g Ni k on Cap ture 4 Camera Control Be sur e to exit Nikon Capture 4 Camera C ontrol before disconnec ting the c amera.
112 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow Cap tu r ing Photographs to Disk If Nik on Ca pture 4 C amera C ontrol is running when a D2- seri es, D 200, D 1 00, D 7 0s, D7 0, or D50 ca me ra is con ne ct ed, or.
113 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol 3 Adjus t cap t ure opt ions Folder for images downloaded from the camera : S elec t the folder to which photographs w ill be dow n load ed as they are taken. Nex t fi le name to be used : Shows how images down load to the computer will be named.
11 4 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow At ta ch IP TC In fo rm ati on : Check this option to add IP TC information to captured images and enable the Copy Shooti ng Data to IP TC C apt ion option.
115 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol To d i s p l a y a histogram of the current image, click th e triangle at the bottom of the Status dialog.
11 6 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow Processing Photographs as They Are Captur ed As p h o t o g r a phs are captured, Nikon Capture 4 Camera C ontrol can automaticall y proces s the images to refl ect imag e adjustment set tings in Nikon Capture 4 Editor .
117 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol 1 Di splay the L ive Batch dialog Select Liv e Bat ch from the Ca mer a men u in Nikon C apture 4 Camera C ontrol.
11 8 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow 3 Choo se a des tination for c aptu red imag es In the Destin ati on section , c hoose op tions for saving the proces sed images . Sav e to : This te xt b ox shows the folder to which the images w ill be saved af ter proce ss - ing.
11 9 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol Th e W arn in g But ton If an err or oc cu rs during shooting, a warning but ton will ap pear at th e bot tom of the Li ve Batch dial og. Cli c ki n g t h is bu t t on w ill display a me ss age.
12 0 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow Time Lapse Photography Using Nikon Capture , you can take a serie s of photographs automatically at a time inter val you sele ct. Cli c k Shooting Complete to exit t he Tim e Lap se P ho t og r a ph y . Follo w th e pr ogr ess of time laps e pho tog ra phy in the pro gress d ialog.
12 1 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol 2 Adjus t set ting s Befor e shooting st ar t s, adjust the follow ing set tings: Autofocus before eac h shot : If th is op tion is check ed, the camera will per form an au tofocus opera tion bef ore each shot.
12 2 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow Du ring Ti me - L ap se Photograph y The ca mera can no t be operated during time - lapse photograph y. N o ot her op erations c an be p er formed until the T ime L aps e Photog raphy dialo g is close d.
12 3 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol The Nik o n C apture 4 Camera Control Window The Ni k o n C apture 4 Camera C ontrol window show s current camera set tings, w hich may be view ed b y c lic kin g the fi ve page selec tion t abs.
12 4 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow Ca mer a Sett ing s T hat Can N ot Be A djus te d fro m Nikon C apt ure The f ol lo win g ope rations c an not be p er formed fro m Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control : .
12 5 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol The Ex posu re 1 T ab The f o l low ing set tings c an be adjusted fro m the Ex posure 1 t ab: Expo su r e M o de : T his menu can be us ed to set t h e exp osure mode for D2- and D 1 - s eries and D 200 cameras .
12 6 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow The Ex posu re 2 T ab The f o llo wi n g sett ings can be adjus ted from the Ex posure 2 t ab. Focus Area : T he focus area can b e selec ted us - ing the arrow but tons; see the c amera manual for d et ai l s. For in form atio n on AF - a rea mode and focus mode, see “T he Me chanical T ab” ( 12 8 ) .
12 7 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol The S t or age Ta b The f o llo wi n g sett ings can be adjus ted from the St or age tab : Data Format : T he following dat a for mat s are ava.
12 8 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow The Mech an ical T ab The f o l low ing set tings can b e ad just ed from the Me chan i cal ta b: Shoot ing Mode : Set s the shooting mo de for D1 - s e r i e s c a m e r a s connec ted in PC mode to Single or Conti nuous .
12 9 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol Auto Brack eting (D 2 s e ri e s /D 2 0 0/D 7 0 s/D 7 0/ D50 onl y ) : Select th is op tion to perform expo - sure, fl ash, or white balance brack eting during shooting. T o change bracketing options, cl ick Set BK T .
13 0 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow Non - CPU Lenses The f ol lo win g rest ric tions a pply to N ikon Capture 4 Camera Control whe n a non - CPU lens is mounte d on the camera (the operations list ed .
13 1 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol The Im ag e Pro cess ing T ab The f o llo wi n g sett ings can be adjus ted from the Image Pro cess ing tab : Image Op timiz e (D 2 0 0/ D 7 0s/D 7 0/ D 50 on ly ): Ch o o s e t h e t y p e of imag e opti mi za tion pe r- for me d.
13 2 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow The Cam e ra Menu The c om m and s in the Ca mer a menu ar e used to adjus t the following camera set tings : Cus to m Set t ing s… Selecting t his option opens the C ust om Settin gs di alog ( 13 5 ) , w h ere camera C ustom Set - tings can b e ad just ed.
13 3 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol Fine - T un e Whit e Balance… (D 2 s e ri e s /D 1 s eries / D 200 / D 7 0s / D 7 0 only ) Selecting this op tion displays the dialog shown at right, where w hite bal ance can be fi ne - tuned be tw e en –3 a n d +3.
13 4 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow Edit I mage Comm ent… Selecting thi s opt ion displays the dialog shown at right, where you c an enter a com - ment or title for subsequent pho to graphs. I f the camera cur rent ly con nec t ed is i n the D 1- se ries, enter a title of thir ty - e ight char ac ter s or less and click OK .
13 5 Getti ng to Know Nikon Ca pture 4 Ca mera C ont rol Changes to Custom Settings Cha n ge s ma de to se ttings in the Custom Se ttin gs dialo g are store d in the ca mera, not on t he compute r hard disk.
13 6 The Camer a Cont rol W in dow D2 - s e r i e s a n d D2 00 c ameras allow a des crip - tive comment t o be added to the name of each C ustom Set tings bank. C licking Edit… displays the dialog shown at right, wh ere the comments for each bank can b e edited.
13 7 Fine -Tuning Niko n C apt ur e 4 Ca mera C ont ro l Nik on C apt ur e 4 C amer a Control Preferences Fine - T u ning Ni kon Captur e 4 Cam era Cont rol To v i e w t h e P r e f erence s ( Options.
13 8 Nikon Captur e 4 Ca me ra Con tro l Pre fer enc es The T empora r y Files T ab The T empor ar y Files t ab contains the fol - low ing item : Folder fo r temp orar y dat a Specif y the folder or volum e in which tem - po rar y dat a, such a s im age cache dat a, will be st ored .
13 9 The a ppen dic es cover th e follow ing topics . Appe nd ix A: Sup por t ed Colo r Profi les Read this sec tion for a des cription of the RGB color- space pro fi les sup por ted unde r Nikon C apture 4. Appe nd ix B : Co l o r Matching in A dobe P hotos hop (V ers io n 7 .
14 0 Append ix A Appendi x A Suppor ted Color Pr ofi les 1. St an d a r d R G B P r ofi les Suppor ted in Nikon Capture 4 1. 1 Pr o fi les with a Gamm a V alue of 1.
141 Suppor ted Color Profi les Adob e RGB (1 998 ) : NK Ado be.ic m ( Wi ndow s) / Ni kon Adobe RG B (1 998 ) 4.0.0. 30 00 ( M aci ntos h) A color- space profi le defi ned in Adobe P hotoshop 5.0. It has a wider gamut than sRGB and includes the color s found in most CMYK gamut s, making it su it able for users involved in desk- top publishing.
14 2 Append ix A 2. T echnic al Data for RGB Profi le s Suppor ted in Nik on Capture 4 The f o llo wi n g table shows the gamma value s for profi les suppor te d in Nikon Capture 4, to - geth er with the chro ma tic i ty v a lues for the white point and for red, green, and blue.
14 3 Color Matchi ng in Adob e Phot osh op ( Ver sio n 7 .0 o r L ate r) ColorS ync (Macintosh ) The e xpl an ati o n in this sec tio n assume s that ColorSyn c versi on 3.0 or later is ins talle d on your Macin - tosh. Appendi x B Color Matc hing in Ad obe Ph otosh op ( Versio n 7 .
14 4 Append ix B Ste p 2 — Ad ju s t i n g Set tings in Adob e Photoshop The f o llo wi n g describ es the minimum neces sar y adjust ments to ensure consis tent color re - produc tion in Adob e Photoshop 7 .0. The m enus and dialogs referred to bel ow are all from Adob e Photoshop.
14 5 The Nik o n NEF Pl ug - i n Af ter adjus tin g s ettings as d escribe d below, click OK to ope n the pic ture . C lick C ancel to ex it without openin g the pic ture . Zoom pre view in. Zo om previe w out. Rotate pre view 9 0 ° co un - terclock wis e.
14 6 Append ix C Mac OS 9 Co lo r a b e rr a t i on co ntrol ( 2 8 , 1 00 ) i s not applie d to image s open ed in Adob e Photos hop using th e Nik on NE F plug - in und er Mac O S 9. Opening Mod ifi ed Images If th e im age ha s been mo difi ed using ot her Ni kon software , th e mes sag e shown at r ight will b e displayed.
14 7 Tr o u b l e s hooting The Read Me File Incl uded on the insta l ler C D is a RE AD ME fi le cont aining the mo st current infor mation on N ikon Capture 4. Please r ead this fi le before ins talling and us ing Nikon Capture, as it may contain im por tant i nf orm at ion that could no t be includ ed in this manual.
14 8 Append ix D 4 Is th e I EEE 1 394 inte r face boa rd corre c tly regi ste red with th e sy ste m ( Win dows only)? Ch e ck w h ether: • The “I EEE 1 394 Bus Controller” is not displayed in .
14 9 Glossar y Appendi x E Gloss ar y Thi s g lossa ry provides de fi nitions of some of the ter ms used in this manual. Bit depth The n u mber o f bi ts us ed t o ex p re s s co l or, al s o r e fe rred to as co lo r de pt h. T he bit depth deter - mines the amount of color information in an im age.
15 0 Append ix E Compres sion A method for reducing fi le sizes for storage or transmission. Compression algorithms c an be divide d into “ lo ssles s ” algorithms, such as L Z W, in which no inf.
15 1 Glossar y His togram A bar graph showing the distribution of tones in an imag e. The horizontal axis show s tone level (bright ne ss) , the ver tical ax is the number of pixels. T he bars in the graph show the num ber of pixe ls of a given brightness in the image.
15 2 Append ix E Noise Data in an imag e fi le that are not a part of the original image, the digital equi valent of fi lm grain. The pres ence of noise is refl e c ted in a loss in imag e quality. Noise app ears primarily in dark areas of the image, and can be reduce d by adjusting ex posure or lighting to fi ll in shad ows.
15 3 Glossar y Thresho ld The l i mit up to which Unsharp Mask will b e applied. While it is g enerally the case that the higher the threshol d, the greater the amount of sharpening applied, the e xac t effec t dep ends on othe r Unsharp Mask set tings, such as halo width.
15 4 Append ix E Whi te ba lance The h u ma n eye is able to adapt to changes in lighting, and consequently to humans a white object w ill still lo ok white w hether vi ewed in direc t sunlight or und er overca st ski es, or indoors under incand escent or fl uorescent lighting.
15 5 Index Inde x A AC ad a pter, 1 3 0, 13 7 Adob e Photosh op, 98 – 99, 14 0 –141, 14 3 –14 4 Adob e Photos hop Ele ment s, 14 2 Adob e RGB, 140, 1 42 Adob e Wid e RGB, 140, 1 42 Advance d C o.
15 6 Index PicturePro ject, 3, 11 0 , 11 3 Pixel, co lor of , 23 Pref er ences Nik on Ca pture 4 C amera Co n trol, 1 3 7– 1 38 Nik on Ca pture 4 Editor , 97– 1 06 Print e r pr ofi le, 1 03 , 105 Print er resol ution, 1 52 Printi ng images, 8 8 – 91 Profi le s, 1 0 4 –1 0 6, 140 –1 44, 15 2 R RA W , 1 3 , 3 1 , 3 2, 1 27 , 1 52.
En User’ s Manual No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORA TION.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Nikon 4 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Nikon 4 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Nikon 4 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Nikon 4 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Nikon 4 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Nikon 4 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Nikon 4 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Nikon 4 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.