Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 6120 van de fabrikant Nokia
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Keys Scroll keys Scroll through menus, sub- menu s, an d the phone book. Press and hold for co ntin uous scrolling. Power key Pre ss and hold to t urn y our ph one on or off. Softke ys Their cu rrent function is displa yed above the key (for ex- ample, here thei r fu nc- tions are Menu and Names ).
Quick guide t o functions Note: If you have trouble accessing a feature, try starting fr om the start screen. T o get to the start scr een, press ô at any time except d uring a call (unless yo u want to ha ng up).
Quick guide to th e menu Back one level - Press %DFN Entering the menu - From start scr een, press 0HQX Exit ing the menu - Press ([LW or %DFN repeat edly , or press ô Scrolli ng the menu - Pre ss 0HQX , then W or V Selec ting a submenu or option - Press 6HOHFW or 2.
Para obt ener un manual del usua rio en españ ol favor de llamar o e nviar un f ax al teléfo no 1- 888-NOKIA 2U (1-888- 665-4228 ), fax 813- 287 -6612.
1 Indicator s and Icons Y ou have an active call. The ph one is wa iting for y ou to ente r a response. Ringing tones for t he current profile has b een set to 6LOHQW . Keyguard has been activated to help prevent any accidental keyp re sses. Y ou ha ve one or m ore voice messages w aiting.
2 T able of Contents Safety At A Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Getting Conn ected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Instal ling yo ur bat tery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Charg ing yo ur new batt ery . . . . .
3 1. Saf ety At A Glance Read these simple guidelines before using your phone. Failure to comply w ith these guid elines may be dangerous or illegal. For more deta iled safety informa tion, Important Safety Inform ation on page 7 9. Road Sa fet y Come s Fir s t Dont use a hand-held phone while driving; park the vehicle first.
4 FCC/Ind us t ry C anada No t ice Y our pho ne ma y ca use TV or ra dio i nter fer en ce ( e.g. when u sin g a telephone in close proximity to receiving equipment). The FCC/ Industry C anada can require y ou to stop usi ng your tele- phone if such inte rference can not be eliminated.
5 2. Get ting C onnec ted So youve just bought your new phone, taken it out of the box, and youre wonder ing what to do ne xt. Well, this c hapter w ill hel p get you start ed. Installing your ba tt e ry Simpl y plac e the b attery i n the grooves o n the b ack of your phone .
6 Note : If youre ch arging th e batter y for the first time , the batte ry strength ind icator bars will not scr oll the entire time. If yo ur phone is off , the scroll bars w ill disappear long befo re the 24 hours have elapsed. This is no rmal. If your phon e is on, the scroll bars w ill stop scrolling after a w hile.
7 For approximate cha rging and oper ating times, see Batteries on page 73. Can you make cal ls while char ging? Y es, you can. But your bat tery may n ot charge while a call is in progre ss.
8 Importan t Batt ery Infor mation Note that a new battery s full perform ance is achieved only after tw o or three com plete charge and discharge cycles! The ba ttery can be charged and disch arged hund reds of times but it will eventually w ear out.
9 3. The Basics Y ou r phone is designed w ith many pow erful features that you can l earn to use as need ed. Thi s chapte r co- vers the basic i nformation you need to use your phon e. A more compr ehensive desc ription of your phone is covered in Y our Phone A to Z starting on page 18.
10 Increa sing your phone s signal ma y be easy . T ry moving your phone sli ghtly , or move towards a window if y oure calling from insid e a building. Making a call Enter the a re a code and phon e number and pr ess ó Editing a number on displ ay Press V to move the cursor to the left and W to m ov e it to the ri ght.
11 Keyguard This fe atur e helps to pre vent accide ntal key presses (e.g. when your phone is in your p ocket, in your purse) by locking you r keypad. If any keys ar e pressed whil e Keyguar d is activ ated, 3UHVV 8QORFN DQG WKHQ - will display.
12 Some no tes about Keygu ar d Calls may be possible to the emergency numb er programm ed into your ph one (e.g. 91 1 or other official emergency n umber). The nu mber is displayed only a fter you have keyed in its last digit. Pressing the ð key quickly turns lights on for 15 seconds.
13 4. W orking The Menu Y o ur phon e contai ns seve ral menu s and su bmenus , givin g you ac cess to certai n optio ns and al lowi ng you to custo mize y our phone t o suit you r individu al needs. This section describe s several different tools your phone uses t o access many of its featur es.
14 Scroll bar When you access your phone s menu an d sub- menus, you will noti ce a scr oll bar at the far right of the s creen. This bar i ndica tes where y ou ar e in the menu stru ctur e; each tab on the bar re pr e- sents a dif fer ent menu item.
15 Scrolling t hrough the main menu 1) At the start scr een, pre ss 0HQX 2) Press W or V to r each the desir ed menu item 3) Press 6HOHFW , 2SWLRQV or 2.
16 Summary of Me nu Items 1 Messages 1 1 Te x t M e s s a g e s 1 1 1 In bo x 1 1 2 Saved 1 2 V oice messages 1 2 1 List en to voice me ssages 1 2 2 Voice mailbox number 1 3 Wel c o m e N o t e 2C a l.
17 4 3 Se cur ity set t ing s 4 3 1 Restrict calls 4 3 2 Access codes 4 4 Network servi ces 4 4 1 Digital/analog selection 4 4 2 Public system selection 4 4 3 V oice privacy 4 4 4 Call forw arding 4 4.
18 5. Y our Phone A to Z ABC mode See Enterin g let ters and n umb ers on pag e 36. Access codes This i s a sec urity feature that a llows you access to cer- tain pho ne features , such as the p hone lock ( page 53 ) and unlocked ph one number ( page 69 ).
19 The al arm w ill g o off ag ain in 10 minut es. If you l et th e phone al arm for 1 minute w itho ut pressin g a key, it stops alarming for 10 minutes then starts again.
20 Automatic r edial Your phone will redi al the number youre t rying to call up to 3 times after you h ear a quick, busy signal. Press ô to stop the call attempts. This f eature attempts to red ial nu mbers th at are busy due to the wireless network.
21 5) Press 2SWLRQV . W ith (TXDOV highl ighted / press 2. Note: You can a lso choose $GG , 6XEWUDFW , 0 XOWLSO , and 'LYLGH from th e list of options.
22 Using the c alendar 1) Press 0HQX 8 ( &DOHQGDU ) (For details o n how to w ork the M enu, see page 13) 2) If you h avent se t the ti me and d ate, your phone prompt s you to s et your phone s clock When your phone prompts you for the time with KK = PP , enter the time in hours and minute s (using two -digit fields), t hen press 2.
23 Option 2: Make note With this option, youll need to choose 5HPLQGHU , &DOO , 0HHWLQJ , or %LUWKGD . Your phone w ill prompt you for more information depending on w hich one you choose.
24 display if their name a nd number has been stored in the phone boo k ( see Phone book on page 50 ) or if the wireless netwo rk supports it. &DOO or &DOO 0 FDOOHU ,' XQDYDLODEOH wi ll display w hen the wireles s network does nt recog nize the ca lling num ber .
25 See Entering letters an d numbers on pag e 36 if you need help on entering the card name For details about your phone s security cod e, see Security code on pag e 61. *These calling cards are frequently used with these dialing sequences.
26 Press 2. wh en you s ee :DLW IRU WRQH / WKHQ SU HVV 2. . When you see :DLW IRU W RQH / SUHVV 2. DJDLQ , p ress 2. again. Note: This p rocedure m ay not apply to all calling card options program med into you r phone. Please look at the bac k of your calling card o r contact your long d istance company fo r more information.
27 )RUZDUG LI EXV forwards call s only when youre on the phone. )RUZDUG LI QRW DQ VZHUHG forwards calls if you dont answ er. )RUZDUG LI RXW RI UHDFK forwards calls if you ar e out of the serving wireless network. &DQFHO DOO FDOO IRUZDUGLQJ cancels all call f orwardi ng options you h ave acti ve.
28 (GLW Q XPEHU allows yo u to e dit the d ialed n umber. 6DYH allows you to save the number into your p hone book. (UDVH will eras e the number f rom the call list. 9LHZ QX PEHU will a ppear o nly i f the nu mber has been stored in the phone book and the name is displayed instea d of the numb er.
29 &OHDU WLPHUV al lows you to clear all call timers. /LIH WLPHU show s duration of all calls; this can not be reset (see page 4 1 ). These call du rati ons ar e for t he cur rently -selec ted N AM (phone number). Y our phone has separat e timers for each N AM your phone us es.
30 2) Press W to $FWLYDWH (or select &DQFHO to canc el) 3) Press 2. 4) Y our phone will atte mpt to call th e networ k to con- firm th e feature cod e you ent ered in Menu 4 4 7 ( see Net work feat ure settin g on page 4 7 ) 5) Once the fe ature co de had been confirm ed, the featu re is activat ed.
31 Note: Th e Life timer contains im portant warran ty information and can not be reset. See Life timer on p age 41 for det ails. Clock Your ph one has an in ternal clock that can be dis played or hidden. It also fe atures an alarm clo ck ( see page 18 ).
32 (For details o n how to w ork the M enu, see page 13) 2) Press W to either +LGH FORFN or 'LVSOD FORFN (only one will disp lay dependin g on the current setting) 3) Press 6HOHFW Conf erence cal l This fe ature a llows you to add a th ird par ty to a call.
33 (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) Wit h /DVW FDOO displaye d, press 'HWDLOV 3) Wit h &XUUHQW FDOO WLPH U dis pla yed, pre ss 6HOHFW 4) Press W or V to 2Q , press 2. Customize pro files This featu re al lows you to cust omize in divid ual Prof iles.
34 2) Press W or V to one of the follow ing: 'LJL W 1) DQDORJ Allow s your phone to first search for a digit al netw ork to pl ace a call . If one is not availa ble, it will then searc h for an analog net work. $QDORJ Your phon e will place ca lls only in an analo g network.
35 cellular phone fo r essential communica tions (e.g., medical emergencies). Remembe r , to make or rec eive any calls, the ph one must be switched on and in a ser vice area with adequate cellular signal strength.
36 Ente ring le t te rs an d numbers You can enter letter s, as well as numb ers, when storing information int o your phone by using your ph ones key- pad. When yo u see the let ter you wish to en ter, sim ply press the key associated with that letter until it appears on the displa y (numbers also appear).
37 123 mode When storing names to the phone book, you can en ter a numb er withi n a name a t any time . Simpl y press t hat particular number key a few times until it appears. However, you ca n do thi s more quickl y by ac cessing the mode, withou t having to scrol l through each letter to access the numb er you wish to enter.
38 ( Z ) creates a wait when a n umber is dialed. The Z makes your phone w ait for you to press 6HQ G or ó , then it sends th e digi ts located to the right of the w as touch tones ( see page 68 ). You ca n add as m any sp ecial ch aracte rs as you need in a sin gle num ber sequen ce.
39 Logic Find a secr et combin ation of figu res. A vailable fi gure s are shown at the top of the display befo re you a ccept the f irst gu ess r ow .
40 Inbox When you receive a text message, its store d in the Inbox. Y our phone will di splay 0 HVVDJH UH FHLYHG , along with the text message icon, a nd makes a sound ( depending on the message al ert tone; see page 44 ). Please see Text messages and pages on page 65 for more details on this feature.
41 Choosin g a language for your phone 1) Press 0HQ X 4 2 5 ( 6HWWLQJV - 3KRQH VH WWLQJV - /D QJXDJ H ) (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) Use W or V to select the language you wish to use and pr ess 2. You can ch oose fr om E nglish , Fr ench, Spani sh, Portuguese, Russian, and Hebrew.
42 2) Y ou r phon e lists each p rofile. Use W to high light &DU and press 2SWLRQV . Note: &DU will not appe ar in the list until the ph one has been connected to a car kit at least one time. 3) Highlight &XV WRPL ]H and pres s 2. . Press W to highlight /LJKWV an d pres s 6HO HFW .
43 Chang ing your l ock co de In a loc k code, only numer ic char acters are acce pted. 1) Ent er 0H QX 4 3 2 3 ( 6HWWLQJV - 6HFXULW VH WWLQJV - $FFHVV FRGHV - &KDQJH ORFN FRGH ) (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) Enter loc k code at (QWHU ORFN FRGH = and pr ess 2.
44 Also, see Phone book on page 50. At the start screen, 1) Press 1DPHV 2) Press W or V to 2SWLRQV and press 6HOHF W 3) Press W or V to 0HPRU VWDWXV 4) Press 6HOHFW Messages This fe ature a llows you to acces s your vo ice and text messages, as well as composing your own wel come note.
45 4) Use W t o scroll t hrough your choices (you r phone plays samples) and press 2. . Micropho ne You can mute and unmu te your phones microphone whil e a call is in pr ogress . During a ca ll, your phone s softkeys c hange from 1DPHV and 0H QX to 2SWLRQV and 0XWH .
46 This shows you the phone numbers of the 10 most recent ca lls youve not a nswered. Wh en th e )RUZDU G LI QRW DQVZHUHG option in the Call Forw arding feat ure ( see page 26 ) is selected, your phone t reats the forwarde d call s as missed calls.
47 Network f eature setti ng Call forwarding ( page 26 ), Call wa iting ( page 29 ) and Send own n umber ( page 62 ) a re network services available t hrough your servi ce provider or de aler. When you subscribe to any of these service s, your servic e pr ovider or deal er give s you a separa te fea ture code to activ ate ea ch serv ice.
48 Network s ervices Most o f the f eatures here are netwo rk servi ces t hat require a subscription. See your servic e provider for detai ls and availabi lity. 4-4-1 'LJLWDO 2 DQDORJ VHOHFWLRQ - Se e page 33 . 4-4-2 3XEOLF V VWHP VHOHFWLRQ - See pag e 56 .
49 3) Press 6HO HFW 4) Press W or V to next availa ble empt y locati on, + HPSW , will appe ar 5) Press $VVLJQ 6) Press W or V to select desired name and press 2.
50 3) Press 2SWLRQV 4) Press W or V to (UDVH , the n press 6HOHFW 5) Press 2. at (UDVH" Paging See Text messages and p ages on page 65 . Phone book You ca n stor e u p to 199 n umber s and assoc iated names in your phones memory. These numbers are right at your fingertips for easy dial ing.
51 40 WRXFK GLDOLQJ allo ws you to assign up to seven one- touch dial locations ( see page 48 for d etails) . (UDVH DOO lets you erase ev ery name and number i n your phone book. Y ou can erase o ne nam e and nu mber at a time by pressing 'HWDLOV , then 2SWLRQV when viewi ng a name al ready in the dire ctory.
52 At the start screen, 1) Press W or V to view names in directory 2) Scroll to the person y ou wish to call 3) Press ó t o dial the nu mber (p hone will display numbe r dial ed to c onfirm ) Recalli ng numbers by name You ca n easily find a sp ecifi c name sto red in t he phone book.
53 Phon e l o ck When you turn this on, your phone will lock afte r you switch your ph one off and back on. Th en, each tim e you turn your phone on , it will prompt you for a lock code when you press e ither 1DPH V or 0HQX . You can not access most of your phones memory and me nu fea- tures, or make phone calls without entering the lock code.
54 Phone set tings Phone settings allow s you access to other phone featur es such as an alar m clock an d your phon es language. Using phone settings 1) Press 0HQX 4 2 ( 6HWWLQJV - 3KRQH VHW WLQJV.
55 You can also sc roll through the list of Profiles with a quick press of th e ð key. Then press W or V to choose anoth er Profil e and press 2. . Either way, this only allows you to select other Profiles; you ca n not customize them here. Keep re ading t o learn how to customi ze a Pr ofile.
56 3) Press 2SWLRQV 4) W or V to 5HQDPH and press 2. 5) Enter new name and p r ess 2. Note: Some profiles can not be renamed . Public system selection In each servi ce area the re are usuall y two servic e providers. The service provider you sign up with, also k n o w n a s y o u r h o m e s y s t e m , i s o f t y p e A o r B .
57 Rece ive d calls This call list sh ows you the phone numbers of the 10 most recent calls youve answered. At the start scr een, pre ss 0HQX 2 3 ( &DOO ORJ - 5HFHLYHG FDOOV ), then W to scr oll the numbers. Also, see Call log on pa ge 27 for details on o ther call lists.
58 3) Enter th e securi ty code and press 2. 4) Press W or V and pr ess 0DUN to select each leve l of restriction. If you ha ve alrea dy marked a selectio n, then highlight the mark ed select ion and p ress 8QPDU N if you w ish to remove the restriction.
59 3) Highlight &XVWRPL]H and press 2. . Pr ess W to 5LQJLQJ RSWLRQV , then p ress 6HOHFW . 4) Highlight either 5LQJ , $VF HQG LQJ , 5LQJ RQFH , %HHS RQFH or 6LOHQW and pr ess 2. Ring ing tone s This is one of the settings in your phone s Profiles ( see page 54 ).
60 3) Highlight &XVW RPL ]H and pres s 2. . Press W to 5LQJLQJ YROXPH , t hen press 6HOHF W . 4) Press W to scrol l throu gh the options. When you hear the volume le vel you wish to use, pre ss 2. . Note: T he ringing volum e setting is stored ind ividually for the handsfree desktop charger and handsfree car kit.
61 names in the directory, scroll back and forth t hrough the list using W or V . 1DPH O LVW is the default setting . 1DPH . QXPEHU displa ys indiv idual names a nd numbers store d in y our di recto ry. Only one na me will display on your screen at a time, with the corresponding phone number .
62 If you ma ke a mist ake enteri ng the cod e, eras e the last entered di git by pre ssing &OHDU or press and hold &OH DU . Then en ter the cor rect c ode or pres s %DFN to e xit th e current f eature.
63 Note: Th is feature is only effec tive when c alling to a num ber that is equipped w ith Caller ID. 1) Press 0HQ X 4 4 6 ( 6HWWL QJV - 1HWZRUN VHUYLFHV - 6HQG RZQ QXPE HU ) (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) W to <HV (to show your number) or 1R (t o not show it) an d p ress 2.
64 When that person calls you from that number, youll know it by the s pecia l ringing tone. Note: T he special ringing ton e will function only w hen Caller ID is active and th e calling number is availab le. See Phone b ook on page 50 for det ails on storing names and numbers.
65 If you c hoose 1HZ 6HDUFK , your phone begins a new search for new Private and Residential systems. Whe n it finds the best new system , it displays it.
66 6DYH G allows y ou to save you r incoming m essages. All saved, read messages are kept here. When you receiv e a text message Text messages are shown in the order that they were received, in their order of priority. 0HVVDJH UHFHLYHG indicates an unread message or page.
67 &DOO EDFN will autom atically ca ll whoever sen t the messa ge if a ny phon e numbe rs are i nclude d in t he message. 6DYH will save the message to 6DY HG . If someone ha s paged you Your phone w ill display 0HVVDJH UHFH LYHG . The mes sage will d ispl ay &DOO = , followe d by the name or number of the person who pa ged you.
68 Touch ton es Your phone can generate va rious sounds, called touch tones, when the keys are pressed. These are als o known as DTM F tones. Touch to nes can b e used fo r many a utomated, ov er- the-pho ne servic es such as che cking ban k balanc es, airline arrival and depa rture times, and using voice mailbox options.
69 4) Store th e numbe r as you normally would Note: See Special Ch aracters (for storing numb ers) on page 37 for details on p and w characters. When you dial this number, your phon e first dials the phone number , then waits (b ecaus e of the w charac - ter) for you to press 6HQG .
70 Calling the unl ocked phone number Note: Y our pho ne must be locked to use this feature. At the start screen, press W or V once, t hen ó or you can manual ly enter the phone number as it is stored and press ó Vibra ting ale rt This is one of the settings in your phone s Profiles ( see page 54 ).
71 shows the number of messages if there are more than one. Storing your voice mailbox number 1) Press 0HQ X 1 2 2 ( 0HVVDJHV - 9RLFH PHVVDJHV - 9RLFH PDLOER [ QXPEHU ) (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) Enter voice mailbox number 3) Press 2.
72 Warn ing ton es This is one of th e settings in your phones Profiles ( see page 54 ). W arni ng tone s incl ude to nes yo ur ph one makes for conditions such as er rors, confirmations, power on , batt ery low, a nd rech arge bat tery. You can set warning tones on or off.
73 6. Accessories If you want to enhance your phones func tionality, a n exte nsive r ange of acces sorie s is av ailable fo r you. You can sel ect any of these it ems to help accommodat e your s pecifi c comm unicatio n needs. For ava ilabil ity of these and othe r accessories, contact you r service provider.
74 CONTAINS: Nickel me tal hydr ide or li thiu m ion batt ery. Mus t be recy cled or di sposed of properl y. Must not be disp osed o f in m unicip al wast e.
75 Charge rs & Othe r A ccessor ies The fol lowing charg ers and other ac cessori es are avai l- able for y our phone; please see your deale r for details. Also, refer to the accessories brochure that w as included in your sa les package for the e ntire line of Genuine Nokia Acc essories.
76 Rapi d Cigar ette Light er Char ger (L CH-9) You can c harge your phones batte ry from your vehicle battery b y using the Rapid Cigarette Lighter Charger (LCH-9). You can also use this lightweight charger with the Compact Desktop Charging Stand (DCH-9).
77 Also, you ma y notice a light indicator on t he stan d, which is used for charg ing a spare b attery. A green l ight indi cates a batte ry is a t leas t 80% full; the r ed ligh t indi cates a b atter y is char ging.
78 7. T roubleshootin g What if c ha rg ing fai l s ? If you r phone displays 1RW FKDU JLQJ , cha rging i s sus- pended. Make sure the batt ery is connec ted to an approv ed ch arging device and t hat th e batte ry is at room tempera ture. Ext reme temperat ures, h ot or c old, can affect your batte rys performance and prevent chargin g.
79 8. Reference Information Important Sa fet y Inf orma tion T raffi c Saf et y Do not use a hand-held telephone w hile driving a vehicle. If using a h and- held phon e par k t he ve hicl e be for e co nver sin g.
80 Should not carry the phon e in a breast pocke t; Should use the ear opp osite the pace maker to m inimize the po tent ial for inte rfe renc e. If you have any reason to suspect t hat interference is taking place, sw itch off your ph one immediat ely .
81 Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often but not alwa ys cl ear ly mar ke d. The y in clud e bel ow deck on b oats ; chemical transfe r or storage fac ilities; vehicles using liquefi.
82 Making an Em e rg e ncy C all 1) If th e ph one is not o n, switch it on 2) Key in the emergency number for your pres ent loca tion (e .g. 911 o r othe r of ficia l emerg ency number). Emergency nu mbers vary by locati on. 3) Press ó If certain feat ures are in use (keygu ard, restrict calls, etc.
83 Car e an d Main tena nce Y our p hone is a product of superior d esign and cra ftsmanship and should b e treated with care. The suggestions b elow w ill help you to fulfill any w arranty obligations and allow you to enjoy this product for many year s.
84 9. T echnica l Data Wireles s System TDMA a nd AMPS Weigh t 164g (5.8 oz) with BM S-2 900 mAh Ni MH Battery Size 141 cc Frequency R ange Lowb and 824.040 - 848.970 MHz (TX ) 869.040 - 893.970 MHz (R X) Transmitter Output Pow er Up t o 600mW no minal Battery V oltag e 3.
85 NOKIA O ne-Year Limite d Warranty Nokia Mobi le Phones, Inc. (NMPI) wa rrants that t his cellular phone (Produ ct") is free from defe cts in mate rial and w orkman- ship, according to the following terms and cond itions: 1.
86 d) The def ect or dama ge was cau sed by the defe ctive function of the cellular system, or by inadeq uate signal reception by the extern al antenna.
87 OF THE WA RRANTY EVEN IF NMPI KNEW O F THE LIKELI- HOOD OF SUC H DAMAGES. 11. Some state s do not allow limitation o f how long an impli ed warrant y lasts, so th e above limitation may not ap ply to you (the Consumer).
9351 698 Printed in Canada Nokia Mobile Phones, Inc. 6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway , Suite 900 T ampa, Florida 33607 1 - 888- NOKIA 2 U ( 1 - 888- 665-4228 ) www .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Nokia 6120 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Nokia 6120 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Nokia 6120 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Nokia 6120 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Nokia 6120 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Nokia 6120 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Nokia 6120 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Nokia 6120 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.