Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product TDS700 van de fabrikant Oce
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Océ TDS700 Océ User manual The Océ TDS700 Quick navigation manual.
Order number 1060048376 Edition 2 006-8 GB Océ-T ec hnologies B.V . Océ-Te chnologies B.V . List of trademarks Océ, Océ TDS700 are registered trad e marks of Océ-T echnologies B.V .. Adobe ® , Acrobat ® , Reader ® and Di stiller ® are registered tr ademarks of Adobe ® Systems Incorporated.
3 Contents Contents Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Introduction to the Océ TDS700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Overview of the Océ TDS 700 system .
4 Contents Concept of the 'Printed jobs' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Ease of use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 The Océ TDS700: an intuitive system .
5 Chapter 1 Intr oduction.
6 Chapter 1 I ntroduction Introduction to the Océ TDS700 Intr oduction to the Océ TDS700 Congratulat ions with your in vestment in the Océ TDS700 . Y o u made the rig ht decision because in today's technical en vi ronments a wide format system has to please e v eryone.
7 Overview of the Océ TDS700 s ystem Overview of the Océ TDS700 system Intr oduction The Océ TDS700 is a wide format mid v olu me multi functional sy stem for printi ng, scanning and copying engineering docume nts. The Océ TDS700 of fers a broad range or print, cop y and scan to f ile func tionality .
8 Chapter 1 I ntroduction Overview of the Océ TDS700 system [1] Océ TDS700 configuration with the flexible colour scanner [2] [2] Paper r oll dr awer(s) Number of r olls Po ssible combination with s.
9 Overview of the Océ TDS700 s ystem Océ TDS700 configuration with th e pr oductive blac k an d white scanner [3] [3] 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 6 [3] Océ TDS700 components Nr Component 1 Inte grated recei vi n.
10 Chap ter 1 Introduc tion The folder The f older Introd uction The Océ TDS700 can ha ve a folder to fo ld your output. The outp ut is folded according to the selected folding width an d length with a drawin g method. Y ou can only fold pa per . Polyester , tran sparent or v ellum media can not be folded.
11 The Océ Double Decker (Pro) The Océ Double Dec ker (Pr o ) Intr oduction The Océ Double Decker i s an optional f ini shing module for the Océ TDS700 to stac k high-volume output in an eff icient and pr oducti v e manner .
12 Chap ter 1 Introduc tion The Océ Double De cker (Pro) 4 Upper tray Collect the medi a output 5 Alignment guide Improv e the stack accura cy 6 Lo wer tray extension Increase the size of the media t.
13 Chapter 2 W alk-up user.
14 Chapter 2 Walk-up user The walk-up user The walk-up user I want a printe r that is e asy to use [8] [8] The walk-up user The Océ TDS700 makes life easy for you because it o utputs documents fast and on time.
15 The walk-up user Focus points walk-up user [6] Main point of interest More inf ormation about the topic Ease of use ■ Ease printing and copying ■ Simple maintenance.
16 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Turn on and off the Océ TDS700 Easy printing and cop ying T urn on and off the Océ TDS700 Introd uction Y ou can separa tely turn on and of f the Océ TDS700 p rinter and the Océ TDS700 scanner .
17 Turn on and off the Océ TDS700 Printer Use the On/of f switch at the re ar of the printer to turn on an d off po wer to the printer . When you are facing the front side of the printer , the po wer swi tch is located at the left hand side at the rear of the printer .
18 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Turn on and off the Océ TDS700 Illustration [9] [9] On/off s witch at the rear of the printer T urn on and off the printer 1. Set the On/of f switch at the rear of the printer to position ‘1 ’. The green LED turns on. The message R eady to print a ppears on the printe r operator pa nel.
19 Turn on and off the Océ TDS700 Illustration [10] [10] On/off button on the incorporated Océ TDS700 P ow er Logic ® controller T urn on and off the controller 1. The printer can be in standb y mode, in sleep mode or i t can be turned of f completely .
20 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Turn on and off the Océ TDS700 Illustration [11] [11] On/off s witch on the fle xible scanner T urn on and off the fle xible scanner 1. Set the On off switch to po sition ‘1’. The green LED turn s on. The messag e Ready to scan’ appears.
21 Turn on and off the Océ TDS700 Illustration [13] [13] The Océ D ouble deck er (Pro) T urn on and off the Océ Doub le Decker (Pr o) 1. Set the On/of f switch (number 1, see illust rati on abo ve) to position ‘1’. The gree n LED turns on. The system is no w acti v e.
22 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Concept of the scanner te mplates Concept of the s canner templates 'T emplates' on the flexible scanner W ith a template yo u can pre-define the sett ings you need for a copy or scan job . This way you can store a numbe r of settings tha t are often used .
23 Concept of the scanner templates 'T emplates' on the produ ctive scanner W it h a template you can pre-def ine the settings yo u need for a cop y or scan job . Y ou only need to set th e job se ttings on ce and y ou can stor e the settings in a templ ate that is presented on the scanner oper ator panel.
24 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Do a basic copy job Do a basic cop y job Introd uction The main step s of a basic co py job cons ists of the fo llowing steps. ■ Place your original f ace-do wn, right aligned along the origina l guide. K eep the lege nd at your righ t hand side.
25 Do a basic copy job How to cop y on the pr oductive scanner 1. Place your original f ace-do wn, right aligne d al ong the origin al guide. K eep the le gend at your rig ht hand side. 2. Feed the o rigina l. Note: When you feed the original, keep it in place until it is tr ansported (about 1 cm) into th e machine.
26 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Do a basic scan-to-file job Do a basic scan-to-file job Introd uction The main steps of a basic scan-to-f ile job consists of the follo wing steps. ■ Feed the original. ■ Indicate you wa nt to scan-to-f ile rather that make a cop y (select a scan-t o-fi le template).
27 Do a basic scan-t o-file job How to scan-to-file on the pr oductive scanner 1. Place your original f ace-do wn, right aligne d al ong the origin al guide. K eep the le gend at your rig ht hand side. 2. Feed the o rigina l. Note: When you feed the original, keep it in place until it is tr ansported (about 1 cm) into th e machine.
28 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Do a basic print job Do a basic print job How to print a drawing on the Océ TDS700 1. Create the document in your application. 2. Select your printer . 3. Define the document format for the selected printer b y def ining the P age size.
29 Load rolls of media Simple maintenance Load r olls of media Intr oduction When a roll is empty durin g a print job, a ‘Roll empty ’ indication is displ ayed on the printer operator panel and on the status bar of the Océ TDS700 Power Logic ® controll er appli cation.
30 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Load rolls of media [20] [20] Roll retainer Load the media 1. Open the appropriate roll dra wer . Note: Do not open mor e than one r oll drawer at a time to pr e vent o verbalance of the printer . [21] [21] Open the draw er 2.
31 Load rolls of media 3. Remo ve the roll holder from the pape r roll dra wer . 4. Press the green knob inside th e roll holder (on the right si de) to release the locking mechanis m see figure below and re mo ve the core from t he holder . [22] [22] Press the knob 5.
32 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Load rolls of media [24] [24] Use both hands 9. Press the appropriate green ke y inside the paper roll dra wer . The material will autom atical ly be fed into th e machine. Also refer to th e sticker inside the dra wer . [25] [25] Buttons for f eeding and cutting the pa per 10.
33 Refill the toner Refill the toner Intr oduction If the ‘Refill toner’ message appears on the printer panel, you must refill the toner immediately . Use only 1 bottle of Océ TDS700 toner ea ch time the Océ TDS700 indicate s the t oner m ust be r efilled.
34 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Refill the toner [27] [27] Place the bottle 5. Pull the slider to w ards you to open bot h th e bottle an d the refill openi ng of the ton er unit.
35 Refill the toner [28] [28] Open the slider of the toner refill openi ng 6. T ap the toner bottle gently (side ways) to let the toner flo w from the bottle. 7. When the toner bottle is empt y , return the slider of the toner uni t to the original position to close t he refil l opening and the toner bottle.
36 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Refill the toner [29] [29] Close the slider and remov e the bottle Replace the waste toner container Attention: Replace the waste toner container e v ery second time you ref ill the toner . 1. Access the location of the waste to ner contain er behind the t oner ref ill unit.
37 Refill the toner [30] [30] Location of the waste toner container 2. Remov e the w aste toner container carefully from the waste toner t ube and place the cap pro vided with the co ntain er on the open ing.
38 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Refill the toner [31] [31] Remov e the w aste toner container 3. Place a ne w w aste toner container o ver the waste tone r tube and push it into place.
39 Refill the toner [32] [32] Place a n ew w aste toner containe r 4. Close the left-hand co v er to make the system a v ailable ag ain for normal use.
40 Chapter 2 Walk-up user Solve paper jams on the printer and scanner Solve paper jams on th e printer and scanner Introd uction When a paper jam o ccurs on the printer , the display indicates t he follo wing information. ■ The nature of the problem.
41 Chapter 3 CAD mana g er & CRD manager.
42 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager The CAD ma nager The CAD manager I want a printer that is ready when I need it [33] [33] The CAD man ager The Océ TDS700 makes life easy for you because it o utputs documents fast and on time.
43 The CAD ma nager Focus points CAD manager [10] Main point of interest More inf ormation about the topic Producti vity ■ Print j ob submission software to f it your needs ■ Customisable workflo .
44 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager The CRD ma nager The CRD manager I want a printe r that is e asy to use [34] [34] The CRD manage r W ith the Océ TDS700, yo u can of fer a high le v el of service to interna l customers. Océ Adv anced Qu eue Management allo ws you to schedule and reo rg anise jobs as priorities change.
45 The CRD ma nager Focus points CRD manager [11] Main point of interest More inf ormation about the topic Producti vity ■ Print j ob submission software to f it your needs ■ Customisable workflo .
46 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager Print job submission tool s that fits your needs Print job submission software Print job submission tools that fits y our needs The Océ TDS700 offers a wide range of print job submission tools. Easy to use printer driv ers that enable your walk-up users to send print jobs to the Océ TDS700.
47 Print job submission tool s that fits your needs Please refer to the related user document ation and on-line help f iles to get more detailed information a bout the products mentioned in the abo ve t able ( see ‘ A vailable documentation’ on page 98 ).
48 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager Use an Océ printer driv er to send a print job Use an Océ printer dr iver to send a print job Before y ou begin Make sure that you previously installed the dr iv er an d defi ned the de fault De vice settings.
49 Use Océ Print Exec® Workgr oup Basic to s end a print job Use Océ Print Exec ® W orkgr oup Ba sic to send a print job Intr oduction Océ Print Ex ec ® W orkgrou p Basic is a print job submission application that allows you to send print jobs to the Océ TDS700 throug h your web bro wse r .
50 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager The Océ TDS700 Power Logic controller: a customise d and tr ansparent workflow Customise y our wo rkflo w The Océ TDS700 P ower Logic co ntr oller: a custo.
51 The Océ TDS700 Power Logic controller: a cus tomised and transparent workflow The software application on the Océ TDS700 P o wer Logic ® contr o ller The software applicat ion on the Océ TDS700 Power Logic ® controller allo ws users to perform different tasks, depending on the role they choose to log on.
52 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager The Océ TDS700 users The Océ TDS700 user s Introd uction The Océ TDS700 will be used by v arious users within your compan y or depa rtment.
53 The Océ TDS700 users In the in tegrated Power Logic ® controller application, the anonymous user can delete his or her o wn print jobs in the 'Print jobs' workspace and the scan-to-file jobs in the 'Scan jobs' workspace.
54 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager Software c onfiguratio ns Software configurations The software co nfi gurations mentioned in the table belo w describe the possibilitie s you ha v e to tailor the Océ TDS700 sol ution to your needs.
55 Be ready for the future Be ready f or the future Intr oduction The Océ TDS700 giv es you a flexible gro wth pa th because it is such a versatile system. Y ou can choose v arious hardware or softw are options to let the system gro w with your compan y's needs.
56 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager Increase your productivity wi th advance d queue management Ad v anced queue mana gement Increase y our pr oductivity with ad v anced queue mana gement Adv anced queue management is a very succe ssful conc ept that is i mplemen ted in the Océ TDS700 Po wer Logic ® controlle r applica tion.
57 Concepts of the ' Print jobs' workspace Concepts of the 'Pri nt jobs' w orkspace Intr oduction Y ou subm it a print j ob on a workstat ion. A prin t job can be created wi th a prin ter driv er or with speci al job subm i ssion software (e.
58 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager Concepts of the 'Pr i nt jobs' workspace jobs'. It is not necessary to create a print job ag ain, becau se you can re-p rint a job directly from the 'Printed jobs'. The 'Print ed jobs' ar ea is not an archive an d has only limited space to store printed jobs.
59 Concept of the 'Scheduled jobs' Concept of the 'Scheduled jobs' 'Scheduled jobs' The 'Scheduled jobs' recei v es print jobs and copy jobs that are printed directly on the printer without operator inte raction.
60 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager Concept o f the 'Waiting jo bs' Concept of the 'W aiting jobs' Introd uction The 'W aiting jobs' area recei v es print jobs that do not go directly to the 'Scheduled jobs'.
61 Concept of the 'Printed jobs' Concept of the 'Printed jobs' Intr oduction The 'Printed jobs' is a t emporary storage area for the jobs that are printed on t he Océ TDS700. When the jobs lea ve t h e 'Scheduled jobs' they can go to the 'Printed jobs' or they are remo v ed from the system.
62 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager The Océ TDS700: an intuitive system Ease of use The Océ TDS700: an intuitive system The Océ TDS700 and the additi onal software appli cations are designed to gi v e you maximum functiona lity and maximum ease of use.
63 The Océ TDS700: an intuitive s ystem Adv anced qu eue management The Océ TDS700 Quick nav igation manual : ( see ‘ Incr ease your pr oductivity with advanced queue management’ on page 56 ) ( .
64 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager Concept of the scanner te mplates Concept of the s canner templates 'T emplates' on the flexible scanner W ith a template yo u can pre-define the sett ings you need for a copy or scan job . This way you can store a numbe r of settings tha t are often used .
65 Concept of the scanner templates 'T emplates' on the produ ctive scanner W it h a template you can pre-def ine the settings yo u need for a cop y or scan job . Y ou only need to set th e job se ttings on ce and y ou can stor e the settings in a templ ate that is presented on the scanner oper ator panel.
66 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager Original types for the scanner Original types f or the scanner Flexible scanner The original types that you can use for your flexible colour scanner are listed in the table belo w .
67 Original types for the scanner Pr oductive scanner The original types that you can use for yo ur productiv e black and white scanner are listed in the tabl e below . [25] Image After an original is scanned, t he f ollo wing func tions ar e perf ormed.
68 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager Original types for the scanner.
69 Chapter 4 The F a cility mana g er.
70 Chap ter 4 The F acility manager The Facility manager The F acility manager I want a printer I can install and for get about [44] [44] The F acility manager Y ou will love the way the Océ TDS700 helps you manage costs and productivity . Its future-proof design adapts to changes in document workflo w .
71 The Facility man ager Focus points Facility manager [26] Main point of interest More inf ormation about the topic Safe in v estment ■ Manage costs and productivity ■ Customised workflo w ■ Ma.
72 Chap ter 4 The F acility manager The Océ TDS700 key concepts The Océ TDS700 ke y concepts Printer configuration The Océ TDS700 is a v ailabl e in a number of printer conf igura tions, ranging fr.
73 The Océ TDS700 k ey concepts Océ Scan Logic ® The Océ TDS700 o f fers optional sc an-to- fi le functionality for both the flexible colour and th e producti v e black and whit e scanne r . Documents are scanned then stored digital ly . T en customised sca n destinations are sup ported.
74 Chap ter 4 The F acility manager The Océ TDS700 key concepts Job reco very The Océ TDS700 is e quipped with a job recov ery function that safe guards users against data loss in case of a printer failure . After a restart, the data submitted to the printer before the crash will be automatical ly processed and printed.
75 An overview of Océ Account Center Manage y o ur costs An o verview of Océ Account Center Intr oduction Use Océ Account Center to manage the accou nt informati on of the print, co py and scan-to-file jobs for your Océ TDS and Océ TCS devices. Definition Océ Account Center consi sts of th e follo wing tw o software modules.
76 Chap ter 4 The F acility manager An overview of Océ Account Center Illustration [45] User r oles and tasks in Océ Account center [27] Access to Océ Account Logic Provided you hav e a va lid license, you can a ccess the application via the vertica l icon tollbar in the Océ TDS700 Po wer Logi c ® controller application.
77 The Océ TDS700 Power Logic controller: a cus tomised and transparent workflow Customise y our w orkflo w The Océ TDS700 P ower Logic co ntr oller: a customised and transparent w orkflo w Definiti.
78 Chap ter 4 The F acility manager The Océ TDS700 Power Logic controller: a customise d and tr ansparent workflow The software application on the Océ TDS700 P ower Logic ® contro ller The software application on the Océ TDS700 Po wer Logic ® controller allo ws use rs to perform different tasks, depending on the role they choose to log on.
79 The Océ TDS700 users The Océ TDS700 user s Intr oduction The Océ TDS700 will be used by v arious users within your company or department. Depending on the tasks that you need to perform on the Océ TDS700 you may need certain access rights t o the Océ TDS7 00 and the Océ TDS700 Po wer Logi c ® controller .
80 Chap ter 4 The F acility manager The Océ TDS700 users In the integra ted Power Logic ® controller application, the anon ymous user can delete his or her o wn pri nt jobs in the 'Prin t jobs' workspac e and the scan-to-f ile jo bs in the 'Scan jobs' workspace.
81 Software conf igurations Software configurations The softwa re conf iguration s mentioned in the table bel o w describe th e possibilities you hav e to tailor the Océ TD S700 solution to your needs.
82 Chap ter 4 The F acility manager Print job submission tool s that fits your needs Mana g e pr oductivity Print job submission tools that fits y our needs The Océ TDS700 offers a wide range of print job submission tools. Easy to use printer driv ers that enable your walk-up users to send print jobs to the Océ TDS700.
83 Print job submission tool s that fits your needs [31] Customer Print job submission tool Description Wa l k - u p u s e r O c é Wi n d ow s ® Printer driv er Use the Océ W indows Printer Dri ver (WPD) to print f iles created wi th a W indo ws applicati on.
84 Chap ter 4 The F acility manager Print job submission tool s that fits your needs Please refe r to the rel ated user document ation and on-line h elp files to get more detailed in formation about the p roducts mentio ned in the abo v e table ( see ‘ A vailable document ation’ on p ag e 98 ).
85 Increase your productivity with advance d queue management Increase y our pr oductivi ty with ad v anced queue management Adv anced queu e management is a v ery succe ssful concept that is implemented i n the Océ TDS700 Po wer Logic ® controller application.
86 Chap ter 4 The F acility manager Increase your productivity wi th advance d queue management.
87 Chapter 5 Netw ork administrator.
88 Chapter 5 Network administrator The Network administrator The Netw ork administrator I want a printer that is predict able [47] [47] The Network ad ministrator The Océ TDS700 gi ves you full co ntrol ov er the o peration of the system. All administrator settings are password protec ted so it complies wi th internal IT standards.
89 The Network administr ator Focus points Netw ork manager [33] Main point of interest More inf ormation about the topic Comfort / peace of mind ■ Easy integration into your network en vironment �.
90 Chapter 5 Network administrator Configuratio n of the network settin gs Easy integration into y our netw ork en vir onment Configuration of the netw or k settings During the installation of the Océ TDS 7 00, the ne twork, syste m and securi ty settings are conf igured to f it seemlessly into your en vironment.
91 The Océ TDS700 users P ass w or d pr otected netw ork settings The Océ TDS700 user s Intr oduction The Océ TDS700 will be used by v arious users within your company or department.
92 Chapter 5 Network administrator The Océ TDS700 users [35] 'Anon ymous' user The 'Anon ymous' user is a common user wh o uses the Océ TDS700 for print jobs, and possibly fo r walk-up copy or scan jobs. The common or w alk-up user has no permission t o change the system settings.
93 The Océ TDS700 users System administrator The system administrator is responsible for the installati on and configuration of the Océ TDS700 in its en v ironment. This pers on def ines the security settings, manages licenses, pri nter language setti ngs and pen set tings.
94 Chapter 5 Network administrator A dedicate d 'Configur ation' works pac e for system administrators only Ease of use A dedicated 'Configurati on' w orkspace for system administr.
95 License manage ment in Océ License Logic License mana gement in Océ License Logic Intr oduction Océ License Logic is a software applicat ion that is dedicated for a single purpose: managing software licenses for your O cé printing system.
96 Chapter 5 Network administrator License management in Océ Licen se Logic.
97 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700.
98 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Available documenta tion A vailab le documentation Introd uction This manual is pa rt of a complete docu mentatio n set. The foll o wing tabl e shows a complete o vervie w of the a v ailable documentation.
99 Available documentation A v ailable documentation [37] [37] A v ailable documentation (1 – 3) Pr oduct Documentatio n Medium The Océ TDS700 Océ TDS700 Reference manual. CD-R OM , PDF file in 8 main langua ges. Océ TDS700 Quick na vigation ma nual.
100 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Available documenta tion Océ W indo ws ® Raster Driv er Océ W indo ws ® Raster Driv er User Manual CD-R OM, as a PDF f ile in multiple lang uages on Océ Dri ver P ack CD-R OM.
101 Available documentation Note: V isit Océ on the internet at ww w . oce .com for the latest information. Océ Repro Desk Océ Repro De sk User Manual CD-R OM, as a PDF f ile in multiple languages. Océ Repro De sk on-line help Embedded in the application as on-line help file in multiple la nguages.
102 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 The Océ TDS700 key concepts The Océ TDS700 ke y concepts Printer configuration The Océ TDS700 is a v ailabl e in a number of printer conf igura tion.
103 The Océ TDS700 k ey concepts Océ Scan Logic ® The Océ TDS700 o f fers optional sc an-to- fi le functionality for both the flexible colour and th e producti v e black and whit e scanne r . Documents are scanned then stored digital ly . T en customised sca n destinations are sup ported.
104 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 The Océ TDS700 key concepts Job reco very The Océ TDS700 is e quipped with a job recov ery function that safe guards users against data loss in case of a printer failure . After a restart, the data submitted to the printer before the crash will be automatical ly processed and printed.
105 Printer operator panel User interface on the Océ TDS700 Printer operator panel [48] [38] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nr Component 1 K ey operat or ke y 2U p / D o w n t o g g l e k e y 3S t o p k e y 4 Right sel.
106 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Scanner operator panel Scanner operator panel Pr oductive scanner [49] [39] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 C 3 5 6 4 1 2 7 8 Nr Component 1S t o p k e y 2S e l .
107 Scanner operator panel Flex ible scanner [50] [40] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 5 6 11 4 1 2 7 8 10 9 12 Nr Component 1 LED (green and red attention light) 2D i s p l a y 3U p p e r s o f t k e y 4 Scrol.
108 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Scanner operator panel 8S t o p k e y 9N u m e r i c k e y s 10 Lower softk ey 11 Left softke ys 12 Upper softk e y Nr Component.
109 Specification s of the Océ TDS700 Specifications Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Intr oduction The Océ TDS700 is a wide format , black and white, mid v olume multi-functional printer with an optional productiv e black and white scanner or a flexible colour scanner .
110 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Printer [41] T echnology Electrophotographic LED h ead with organic photoconducto r (OPC) drum and closed toner system Print resoluti on 600dpi x 12 00dpi Print spee d ■ 6.
111 Specification s of the Océ TDS700 Safety approv als TüV GS, CETECOM, CE, UL, (c)UL, CB, FCC Class B Functionality ■ Multiple prints : up to 999 ■ Automatic Language Sen sing (ALS ) ■ Optio.
112 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Flexible scanner [42] Te c h n o l o g y ■ Optional console ■ Océ Image Logic ® real-time image processing ■ 1 x Reduction type CCD camera Scan speed (standard) Black&white ■ 3 m/min.
113 Specification s of the Océ TDS700 Pr oductive scanner [43] Colour spa ce sRGB Image quality ■ Original type sele ction ( see ‘ Original types for the scanner’ on page 66 ) ■ Colour select.
114 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Scan resolu tion Sca n resoluti on is 200 x 40 0 dpi (400 dp i in transpo rt direction) in gre y scale domain. Image lo gic con verts the 200 dpi (CCD resolution) into 400dpi W arm up time None, the scan ner has an instant start up beha viour .
115 Specification s of the Océ TDS700 Other operating functions ■ Concurrent scanning and p rinting ■ Scan to f ile Black&White ■ Pre-programming of ne xt job ■ Programmable scanner templ.
116 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Specifications Océ Power Logic® controll er Specifications Océ P ower Logic ® contr oller Océ P o wer Logic ® contr oller har dware [44] Océ P o wer Logic ® contr oller so ftware The Océ Po wer Logic ® controller so ftware co nsists of a basic mo dule and a p rint module.
117 Specificat ions Océ Power Log ic® controll er [45] [46] [45] Basic modu le Basic func tions File spoolin g on the con troller . Concurrent recei ving, processing and printing of digital jobs.
118 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Specifications Océ Power Logic® controll er Quality modes Producti v e scanner on ly ■ Standard ■ Lines & T ext ■ Poster Language sensing Automatic Language Sensing (A LS) Standard fi le formats ■ V ector: HP-GL, HP-GL/2, Calcomp ■ Raster: HP-R TL, TIFF 6.
119 Specificati ons Océ Scan Logic® Specifications Océ Scan Logic ® Flex ible scanner Océ Scan Logic ® of fe rs you a fle xible gr ow th path with functionality designed to answer your (future) need s for productivity , quality an d adv anced functionality .
120 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Specificati ons Océ Scan Logic ® A vaila ble f ile compression methods TIFF f ile format ■ None (uncompressed) ■ Group 3 2D ■ Group 4 ■ Packbits ■ LZW . PDF file format ■ JPEG compression ■ Group 4 ■ Flate ■ LZW .
121 Specificati ons Océ Scan Logic® Pr oductive scanner [48] Application Scan jobs workspace, pa rt of the Océ TDS700 Po wer Logic ® controller application, integrat ed scanning solu tion with Océ Vi e w S t a t i o n L T . Scan destinations Maximum of 10 destinations.
122 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Specifications drivers and job submission software Specifications driver s and job submission software Océ drivers [49] Software en vi ronm ent Requir.
123 Specific ations dri vers an d job submission software Note: V isit Océ on the internet at ww w . oce .com for the latest information. Optional application software [50] Function A pplication soft.
124 Appendix A Specifications of the Océ TDS700 Software c onfiguratio ns Software configurations The software co nfi gurations mentioned in the table belo w describe the possibilitie s you ha v e to tailor the Océ TDS700 sol ution to your needs.
125 Index Inde x A Access Océ Account Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Account Logic Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Adobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 , 103 Anonymous user .
126 Index M Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 N Network administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Network connecti vity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 , 103 O Océ Account center Administrator .
127 Index Mov e to to p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Scheduled jobs properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 T o W aiting jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
128 Index.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Oce TDS700 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Oce TDS700 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Oce TDS700 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Oce TDS700 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Oce TDS700 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Oce TDS700 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Oce TDS700 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Oce TDS700 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.