Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 3100e van de fabrikant Oki
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OKILAN 3100e Network Card User’s G uide 070262 01 Page i Friday, March 16, 2001 1:18 PM.
ii OkiLAN 320e N etwork Card Preface Every e ffort has been mad e to e nsure that the information in this document is complete, accurate, and up-to-d ate.
English Preface iii Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s P r e f a c e ....... ...... ...... ........ ...... ... i i EEC compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii E n e r g yS t a r ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... i i T a b l eo fc o n t e n t s .
iv OkiLAN 320e N etwork Card W i n d o w sN TS e r v e r4 . 0e n v i r o n m e n t ........3 2 N e t W a r e3 . x e n v i r o n m e n t ......... ..... ...3 3 NetWare 4.x and 5 NDS env ironment. . . . . . . . 33 NetWare 4.x and 5 B indery environ ment .
English Preface v P r i n t e ro p t i o n sp r o p e r t i e sp a g e ........ ...... 6 7 N e t w o r kp r o p e r t i e sp a g e ......... ...... ... 6 7 N o v e l lp r o p e r t i e sp a g e...... ..... ......... 6 7 D e v i c ei n f op r o p e r t i e s p a g e.
vi OkiLAN 320e N etwork Card C h a p t e r7-C a u t i o n a r yN o t e s ............ .....9 1 A b o u tS E L F T E S T( L o o pB a c kT e s t ) ......
English Chapter 1 - Introduction 1 Chapter 1 - Introduction Intr oduction The OkiLAN 3100e Networ k Card enables Okipage 14i Printers to be used in an Ethernet netw ork environmen t. With this network c ard installed, the Okipage 14i Printers ca n be connected to a ne twork, enabling a ll network users to th e share the use of these printers.
2 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Netw ork car d functions This networ k card supports the f ollowing fun ctions : • Queue Serv er Mode and Remote Print er Mode in NetW are 3.x. • Remote P rinter Mode and Queue Serv er Mode when the NetW are 4.x Bindery is connected.
English Chapter 2 - Installation 3 Chap ter 2 - Ins tallat ion Printer installati on CA UTION: The network card can be affected by static electricity . Do not r emove it fr om the antistatic bag until you are r eady to install it. 1. T urn the p rinte r off and dis con ne ct the p ower supply cable from the prin ter .
4 OkiLAN 320e Network Card into contact with the printer housing. Secure with two screws (4). 7. Co nnect the power supply and interf ace cables. 8. T urn the printer on and take the printer of f-line b y pressing ON-LINE button. 9. Press MENU1 b utton for les s than tw o second.
English Chapter 2 - Installation 5 Resetting t he Network card Turn the pri nter power OFF, then turn it ON aga in, pre ssi ng and ho ldi ng dow n the TEST button on the n e t w o r kc a r du n t i lO N - L I N Ea p p e a r si nt h em e s s a g e window.
6 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Page 6 Friday, March 16, 2001 1:18 PM.
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 7 Chap ter 3 - Ne twork Set up Network c lient - ser ver corresponde nce The network card supports the foll owing network environmen ts: Ser ver Client Printer Admin T ool W indows NT Serv er 3.
8 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Setting up servers Windows N T4.0 server Log on to Windows NT with the administrator account or an account with adminis trative privileges. Install ing as an LPR printer 1. O pen the [Co ntrol P anel] and doubl e-click on [Network].
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 9 ROM and run setup .exe from that dir ectory (where D: is the drive letter of your CD- ROM drive; Langua ge is your langu age). 15. When the printer driver is installed, right-click on the installed printer and select [Properties].
10 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Note: By default, Win dows will inst all the English printer d river. To i nstall a localised p rinter driv er in yo ur langua ge, brow se to D:DR IVERS NT40 Lang uage on th e CD- ROM and run setup.exe from that directory (where D : is the drive l etter of your C D- ROM drive; Langu age is your lang uage).
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 11 Insta lli ng as LPR pri nter 1. O pen the [ Control Panel ] and doub le-cli ck on [Networ k and Dial-up con nections].
12 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Installing as RA W pr inter 1. Complete the printer driver in stallation as in “Installing as LPR printer ” on page 11. 2. O pen [Control Pan el ] and double-clic k on [Printers]. 3. Right-click the installed printer on [Printers] screen and select [Prop erties ].
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 13 3. C lick on [Next>] on [Locate Y our Printer]. 4. Enter an appropriate name so that this printer can be distin guish ed from o ther s on the netwo rk in the te xt b ox [Printer] a nd click on [Next >]. 5. Click on [OK] when printer driv er in stallation is displ aye d.
14 OkiLAN 320e Network Card 2. Righ t-click the installed printer and select [Sharing…]. 3. Select [Shared ] and enter a suitable printer name in the [S hare Name:] text box.
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 15 Registering a printer in a print queue 1. Open [Print Server Infor mation] from [A v ailable Options] and select a print server to which you wish to attach a p rint queue from [Print Server s ]. 2. Open [Pr int Serv er Configur ation] from [Print Serv er Information].
16 OkiLAN 320e Network Card 2. Change SHELL. CFG f ile or NET .CFG f ile so that the works tation dedicated to the print purpo se can suppor t adequ ate connections. Wh ich CFG fi le you will edit depend s on the NetW are client that has been inst alled.
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 17 Mess age disp la y in remote pri nter mode This network card tem porarily stops receiv ing next queue(s) while receiving a job in the NetWare Remote Printe r Mode. When this happen s, the NetWare server side handles this as tempo ra ry disconnection and a message to that effect is sent to the client side.
18 OkiLAN 320e Network Card 10. T o delete the user(s) to be notif ied, select the target user(s) fr om the user l ist opened i n Step 7 above and pr ess De let e key . Sel ect [Y es] on [Delete Object From Notify List] and press Enter key . 11. T o add a use r to be notif ied, press Insert ke y with the user list opened in Step 7 abov e.
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 19 (b) Click the directory w here you wish to s et the print se rver, on NWADMIN ’s mai n window, to select. (c) Select [Create...] fr om [Objects] menu and open [New Object Class] screen. (d) Select [Print server] from the [Object class:] list and press [OK].
20 OkiLAN 320e Network Card (a) Click the di rectory where you wish to set up t h ep r i n tq u e u eo n N W A D M I N ’ sm a i n window. (b) Select [Create.] from [Objects] menu and open [New Object Class] screen. (c) Select [Printer] from the [Object class:] list and press [O K].
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 21 (e) Click on [Add.. .] and open the [Select object] screen. (f) Open the director y where the printer wh i ch you wish to c onnect to the print server is located from th e [Directory cont ext:] list. (g) Select t he printer you wish to connect to the print serve r from the text box [Object:].
22 OkiLAN 320e Network Card (h) O pen [ Us er En viro nmen t Se tup] and confirm that [Pri nter Type] is set to [Other/ Unknown]. The default of [Pr inter Type] is [Para llel ] and t his must b e set t o [Ot her/ Unknown].
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 23 3. T o create a print s erver: (a) Select [Change context] from [Items that can be used ]. (b) Pr ess I nse rt key i n the te xt box [ Ent er context:]. (c) Move the curs or to the directory wh ere you will create a print server from [Object, Class] and press F10 key.
24 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Note : You m ust s et this . If yo u omi t this , this network card wil l not operate. (i) P ress the ES C key to save the ch ange and complete the printer envir onment setup. 5. T o defi ne the printer and connect it to the p rint queue of t he print se rver: (a) Select [Change contex t] from [Items that can be used].
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 25 (m) Press t he ESC ke y in [ Service pr inters] t o end. Setting up queu e ser ver mode This network card can serve as a print server and connect Pri nt Queues. Set p rint server, pr i nt queue and printer in t he File Server in the sam e manner a s described in “Setting up queue server mode” on page 25.
26 OkiLAN 320e Network Card This section describes how to do this, using an ex ample in the network which is the NDS environment, except for DV2. Type the following in the system console of the NetWare server: SET BINDERY CONTEXT = DV2.DESIGN.COMPANY[RET] You can also set the Bindery Context by directly editing the AUTOEXEC.
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 27 T ol o gi n ,y o un e e dt ol o gi nt ot h eN D Ss e r v e r .S e l e c t NDS server in the NetWare Client32 Log -In Windo w, and log in without checking the [Bindery Connection] check box.
28 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Notific ation message is displayed to t he users displ ayed in the user list op ened here. If no us er name is displa yed her e, no notification i s issued. T o confirm or change the notification interval, proceed to Step 8.
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 29 5. T o change the notif ication interv al , select the obj ect(s) you wi sh to change from [N otif y] list opened in S tep 4 and press E nter key . C hange [First] and [N ext] to desired times on [ Notify Setting] window .
30 OkiLAN 320e Network Card S e t t i n gu pt h eU N I X s e r v e r IP addr ess and h ost na me in t he host table Using the fol lowing proced ure, add the IP ad dress and the host nam e (printer nam e) to the ho st table: 1.
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 31 Example: # printcap en try for OKIPAE 14i PAGEPRINTER on Netw ork OKIPAGE 14i: :lp= :rm=OKIPAGE 14i: :rp=OKIPAGE 14i: :lf=/var/adm/lpd-errs: :sd=/var / spool/ lpd/ OKIPAGE 14i: If there is # at the begin ning of the line, thi s line becomes a commen t.
32 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Setting up the c lient Setting Windo ws95/98/Me Windows NT Se r ver 4.0 environment Setting Cont rol Panel 1. From [Control P anel], double-cli ck on [Network]. 2. Make sure that the following items are in the confi guration of [Network setup].
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 33 6. If you cann ot find it in the list, click o n [Add port...], and click on [Bro wse] from the [Add port] screen to select. NetW are 3.x environment Setting Con trol Panel 1. From [ Cont rol Pane l], dou bl e-cli ck o n [Net wo rk] .
34 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Adding a p rinter Refer to “Windows NT Server 4.0 environment ” on page 32. Setting up a printer Refer to “Windows NT Server 4.0 environment ” on page 32. NetWare 4.x and 5 Bin der y e nvironmen t Setting Cont rol Panel 1.
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 35 5. On [Bindi ngs] tab, check [Client f or Microsoft Networks] an d [Fil e and pr inter sha ring f or Micr osof t Networ ks] . 6. Click on [OK] and end setting up. Setting up printer network set tings The w orkgr oup nam e and ho st name m ust be se t to the printer.
36 OkiLAN 320e Network Card 2. (Firmware V er . 1.06 only) The printer d o es not support Master Bro wser function. At least one PC, which acts as the Master Bro wser , should exist and the wo rkgroup.
English Chapter 3 - Network Setup 37 Also, the printer name is set to OKIPAGE 14i. If th ere are several OKIPAGE 14i printers in the same zone, the network ca rd automatically adds t he numbers in ascending order to the printer name s, in the order the printers are turned on.
38 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Page 38 Friday, March 16, 2001 1:18 PM.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 39 Chapter 4 - Administrating Network Printers Using adm inistra tive tools OkiVie w Refer to “OkiView32 for Windows 95/98/Me/N T4.0/ 2000” on pag e 65. We b This netwo rk card suppor ts Web browsers s uch as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft In ternet Explorer.
40 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card General Sett ings System Inform ation Syst em Contac t System Name System Location Protocol O ptions TCP/I P NetW are EtherT alk NetBEUI Frame Opt ions Frame T ype TCP/I P.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 41 Some web brows ers d o not suppor t frame display and this depends on the version of the web browser, but functionality is not affected. This networ k card recomme nds the use of th e following br owsers: • Netscape Na vigator V er .
42 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card If the change is not suc cessful, the me ssage “OKI Private MIB isn’t updated corre ctly!” is displayed. Check if the set value is cor rect.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 43 Frame T ypes. This network card can select the following frame types, bu t please note that certain network functions will become disabled depending on the setup. SNMP and OkiView utility can be used independent of the frame typ e setting.
44 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card setup, in some cases, “S ecurity I nformatio n” dialogue i s displayed e very tim e the size i s changed. If this occurs, uncheck the check box of “Show This Alert Next Time” of “Security Information ” dialogue.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 45 Q-Server (Bin dery) NetW are File Ser ver Set name of file server to co nnect 1- 8 servers , each 1 - 48 ch arac ters. De fault: Blank NetW are Que ue Set nam e of print queue to conne ct 1- 4 qu eues for e ach file server, each 1- 48 cha racter s.
46 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card Telnet provides the following commands: • After the settings are made with the set command, the y become v alid when you log out the T elnet . • The kill command severs the connection with the Connection No that has been specified with N of “kill N”.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 47 used in Window s95 and IP address for the pri nter is and the MAC Address for the netw ork card is 00808704 106C. The above IP Address of the pri nter and the MA C Address for the network card can be verified by printing the menu with this network card installed in the printer.
48 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card Type “y” to ENABLE DHCP Will you use RARP? (y/ n): n [Enter] Type “ y” to ENA BLE RA RP IP Addr (OLD) (NEW) [Enter] SUBN ET MASK (OLD) (NEW) [Enter] DEFAULT GATEWAY (OLD) 192.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 49 Queue Server Mod e Print Server Nam e: Set t he name of t he print server . Polling rate: Specify an inquiry interval on if there is a print queue in the file server . Que ue Ser ver M ode (bi nd ery) File Server Nam e: Sp ecify the file serv er to which the print server will be connected .
50 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card <<NetWare Setting>> Select NetWare P rint Mode AUTO=1 Q-Ser ver (bindery)= 2 Q-Server (NDS)=3 R- Prin ter= 4 EXIT=0: 1 [Ent er] <<Q-Server Mode (bindery).
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 51 Status - - ‘2’ NetWare R-Printer Mode Status - - ‘3’ EtherTalk Status - - ‘4’ EXIT - - ‘0’ Type “4” and press the Enter key. Then t he current settings are displayed. 2. Change the settings .
52 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card 2. Chang e the settings. OkiPage>set protocol [RET] <<Protocol settin g>> <Select Protocol> TCP/ IP=1; Ne tWare=2 ; Ethe rTalk=3 NetBEUI=4; SNMP Trap=5 EXIT=0 : 2 [RET] Will you use NetBEUI ? (y/n ) : y [RET] Enter “n” if you will n ot use NetBEUI.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 53 1. Confirm the current settin gs. OkiPage> show protocol <<Protocol Status>> NetWare Q-Server Mode (bindery) S tatus ‘1’ NetW.
54 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card SNMP Manag er ( HP OpenView) Okipag e 14i and this n etwork c ard support Management Infor mation Base (MIB). MIB is information that is sent/received between the managing host and t he devices that are managed, w ith SNMP protocol , for the netwo rk management, def i ned in RFC1213 ( MIB II).
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 55 7. Select [Pri vate] from [MIB Object ID] windo w and click on [Do wn Tr ee]. 8. Similarly , using [Down T ree], select trees in order of [Ent erprises], [ O kidata] an d [Peripheral. 9. [Print er] and [Pri ntserv er] are disp layed.
56 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card 2. Select the object the settings o f which yo u wish to change in [MIB Object ID] and click on [ Start Query]. 3. If you click the curr ently set val ues in [MIB V alue s] windo w , the current values are displayed in [MIB Instanc e] text b ox and [SNMP Set V alue] text b ox.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 57 4. Select the [NetW are] tab and click on [Operating Mode] from the left column. Set the pr in t serv er operati ng mod e fro m the given option s on the righ t. 5. If you are running a NetW are 4.
58 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card Printer setti ngs For th e basic u se of t he pr inter ’s op era tor pa nel, pl eas e refer to the user’s guide for the printer. Please wait for a minimum of 30 seco nds before turning the power off to the printer. It will take about 30 seconds for the printer to save a menu change after yo u exit the m enu.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 59 Setting TCP/IP To use this netw ork card in th e TCP/IP protoc ol, TCP/ IP must be set to ENABLE on the pri nter’s operato r panel. TCP/IP en able/disable 1. Co nfirm t hat t he pri nte r is in t he idl e sta te fr om the LC D pane l and th e indi cato r .
60 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card BYTE4 using t he same procedu re abov e as for SM BYTE1. Setting g atewa y a ddress 1. Following the procedure o f “Setting s ubnet mas k” ab ove, p res s ME NU1 but ton u nt il GW BYT E1 is displ aye d. 2. Change th e address b y pressing left ar row b utton or right arr ow b utton.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 61 3. Press MENU1 button repeatedly to display NETWORK. After NETWORK is displayed, press EN T ER button .
62 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card 6. If the bottom col umn of the LCD is DISABLE*, press left arrow b utton or right arrow bu tton to ha ve EN ABLE disp layed in the LCD bo ttom column. Then press the ENTER b utt on to ha ve EN ABLE* displayed. Then press ON-LINE butt on to exit the men u.
English Chapter 4 - Administrating Ne twork Printers 63 3. Press MENU1 button repeatedly to display NETWORK. After NETWORK is displayed, press EN T ER button . 4. Press MENU1 button repeatedly to display F A CTOR Y RESET . After F ACT OR Y RESET is displ aye d, pr ess EN TER button .
64 OkiLAN 3100e Network Card Page 64 Friday, March 16, 2001 1:18 PM.
English Chapter 5 - Utilities Installati on 65 Chapte r 5 - Utilities Installation OkiView32 f or Windows 95/98/ Me/NT4.0/2000 The OkiView32 Ut ility provides a simple, quick way of configurin g and maintaining Oki network printers. The main screen contains the Oki View32 Printer List of network printers.
66 OkiLAN 320e Network Card of this view enables filtering of th e printers in the right screen by various items (Manufacturer, Mo del, etc.). Properties page The Printer Proper ties menu is the entry point fo r compl ete printer mana gement.
English Chapter 5 - Utilities Installati on 67 Pr inter op tions pr oper ties page The Pri nter Optio n menu is a ser ies of dialo gs that allow the user to configure any prin ter's Paper Handling and Advanced Features. Networ k proper ties page The network screen has two mai n sub-menus: Proto- cols, Frame Types, and SNMP Traps.
68 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Oki LPR for Windows 95/98/ NT4.0/2000/Me What is Oki LPR Utility? Oki LPR Utilit y is a uti lity for printin g to Okip age 14i printer connected to Ethernet, from Windows 95/98/ NT4 .0/20 00/M e, us ing the LPR fu nct ion of the T CP/I P Protocol .
English Chapter 5 - Utilities Installati on 69 Network] t ag. If t hey are n ot found, add th em in the follo wing procedure: (a) Click on [Add...] in the [Set N etwork] tag and open [Add network co nfiguration file(s)] . (b) Select [Protocol] in the [ Network configuration file to be installed:], then cli ck on [Add.
70 OkiLAN 320e Network Card 5. When Setu p is completed, the fol lo wing folder s are created: (a) C:Program Files OkidataOKI LPR Ut ility (Install so ftware folder) (b) C:P rogram FilesO kidataOKI LPR S pool (Spool Range of pri nt data) (c) C:Program FilesOkidataCommo n (Common DLL folder) .
English Chapter 5 - Utilities Installati on 71 2. Select [Confirm Connectio ns...] in the [Re mote Print] m enu. 3. Enter the prin ter’ s IP Address in [ IP Address] of the [Confirm Connectio ns] window . 4. Click on [OK]. Then t he IP Address you ha ve entered and the printer are linked.
72 OkiLAN 320e Network Card [Finis h] window dis plays the total number of print job s after the LPR Utilit y is acti vated. This will be cl eared when the LPR Utility is re-started . [Queue] wi ndow display s the number o f print jobs that are curre ntl y spo ole d.
English Chapter 5 - Utilities Installati on 73 Confir min g pr inter sta tus You can confirm printer status as follows: 1. Select the pri nter that you wi sh to conf irm from [OKI LPR Utility] window (printer name turns blue) . 2. Select [Printer Status.
74 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Page 74 Friday, March 16, 2001 1:18 PM.
English Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting 75 Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting Checking status codes When an erro r occurs in da ta receptio n/trans mission using this netwo rk card, the pri nter’s LCD pan el displays HOST/IF ERROR.
76 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Understanding status codes This area has 4 bytes and holds the mos t recent four error states . In the figure, th e numbers shown at Byte1 are the oldest of the four errors while the numbers shown at Byte 4 are t he newest error.
English Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting 77 T r o ubleshooting by protocol Common Network f unctions do n ot work at all. Does operation panel menu display item “Network”? NO Reload network program . Displayed? NO YES End YES YES Replace network board Set IP address from operation panel and send PING to that address.
78 OkiLAN 320e Network Card TCP/IP related Cannot print with FT P. NO YES Remove cable connected to terminal working norm ally an d connect to this machine. Response? Reload network pr ogram. Works? YES NO End Replace network ca rd Since network is working, refer to other sections on troubleshooting.
English Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting 79 Are IP address and subnet m ask set correct ly (printer and host)? NO YES Set IP address and subnet mask c orrectly When router exists between host and printer, is router set correctly? NO YES Set router correc tly or access printer from host which does not go through router.
80 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Cannot refer to printer settings or chang e them with Telne t. Has ne twork excessive traf fic or is there a n abnormality? NO YES Find the source of the problem and bring the network back to a normal state. Refer to Common Troubleshooting above END Can log in with Telnet.
English Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting 81 Cannot refer to the printer settings or change them using W eb. 1. Check if you can refer to or change t he printer setting s using T el net. 2. Check the settings of the browser to be used and accompanying server sid e settings.
82 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Does not display printer status correctly on Web . Change the browser s etting from “Load from cache” to “Load every time”. Can refer to/change the s ettings in Telnet NO YES Refer to section on Telnet. Is Telnet logging in? YES NO Web is inaccessible while Telnet is logging in.
English Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting 83 If you access the menu page displayed on the left on Web, som etimes the ent ire page becomes the m enu page. On severa l browser s, sometimes th e above displa y occurs, dependi ng on how you cl ick (a bit of dragg ing).
84 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Is printer server’s usab le frame type 802.2 or 802. 3 NO YES Set print server’s frame type t o 802.2 or 802.3 Is operation panel f rame type Aut o or does it mat ch NetWare ro ut e print server NO YES Set operation panel frame type to Auto or match with router or print server.
English Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting 85 Cannot connect in Q-Server Mode. Is Level 2 menu Net Ware set to Enable NO YES Set Level 2 menu NetWare to E nable.
86 OkiLAN 320e Network Card EtherT alk r elate d Cannot print from Ma cintosh . Is there excessive traffic or an abnormality on the network? YES NO Find source of the problem and return network t o normal sta te. Used in NetWare/IP environment capsulated by IP? YES NO Does not suppor t packets capsulated by IP.
English Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting 87 NetBE UI related Cann ot print with Ne tBEUI Can select Okipage 12i or 10i using the Okipage 12i or 10i print e r driver with Chooser? NO YES Is zone s et in EtherTalk? NO YES Refer to C ommon Troubles hooting ab Is printer driver for Okipage 12i or 10i installed in Macintosh? NO YES Install printer dr iver.
88 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Impo r t ant points Common • T o set IP ad dress, you m ust consult the netw ork administrat or . If the same IP addres s is used by multiple m achines, a serious err or will result on network. • It w ill ta ke abou t 30 second s to c han ge th e settings of this network card.
English Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting 89 • If t he printer con nection cut of f message is iss ued very often in the Remote Printer Mode, change the notification settings with PCONSOLE. See “Message di splay in remot e printer mod e” on page 17 . When sett ing in NetW are 4.
90 OkiLAN 320e Network Card When using web server • Some of the web br ow sers do not support t he fra me di splay , d epen ding o n th e vers ions. See “W eb” on page 39. • Y ou cannot connect W eb and T elnet at the same time. See “W eb” on page 39.
English Chapter 7 - Cautionary Notes 91 Chapte r 7 - Cautionary Notes About SELFTEST (Loop Bac k T est) The SELFTEST menu of NETMNT, which is located in NETWO RK of Menu2 on the printer, is for inspecting the hard ware of this network card at factory shippi ng.
92 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Page 92 Friday, March 16, 2001 1:18 PM.
English 93 A Administration HP JetAdmin 56 HP OpenView 54 OkiView 39 SNMP manager 54 Telnet 44 Web 39 AppleTalk 57 B Bindery environment Netware 4.x and 5 25 Print environment 26 Setting up 25 Windows 95/98 34 D Default settings 62 Deleting a printer 70 DHCP IP address se tting 29 E EtherTalk 50 Printer settings 61 Troubleshooting 86 F Frame Types.
94 OkiLAN 320e Network Card M MAC address 41 Macintosh Printer driver 36 Printer nam e 36 Printer setup 36 Setting up client 36 Zone name 36 Message display Netware 3.x 17 Remote printer mode 17, 27 MIB values Changing 55 Network car d 55 Printer 55 Setting 54 N NDS environment Net ware 4 .
English 95 Client servers 7 Novell Client 32 Netware administrator uti lity 28 O OkiLPR 68 Deleting a printer 70 Installation 69 IP add ress 70 Network adapter 68 Operating environment 68 Other functi.
96 OkiLAN 320e Network Card Windows 2000 13 Windows NT4.0 10 Printing methods 71 Printing the Network card settings 5 Properties page 66 Q Queue server m ode Netware 3.x 16 Net ware 4 .x and 5 25 R RAW printer Windows 2000 12 Registering a printer 70 Remote printer mode Message display 17, 27 Netware 3.
English 97 Telnet Administration 44 EtherTalk environment 50 Items that c an be se t 44 Logging in 47 Netware environment 48 Setting TCP/IP environment 47 Troubleshooting By protocol 77 EtherTalk 86 N.
98 OkiLAN 320e Network Card OkiLPR 68 OkiView 65 Printer sharing 10 Server environment 32 Setting up client 36 Setting up server 8 Z Zone name 36 3100euGB.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Oki 3100e (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Oki 3100e heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Oki 3100e vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Oki 3100e leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Oki 3100e krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Oki 3100e bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Oki 3100e kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Oki 3100e . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.