Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SYSTEM 728 van de fabrikant Optimus
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C at. No. 13-1275 OWNER’S M ANUAL MINI ST ER EO COM PO N E N T SY ST EM Please read b efore using this equipm ent. SYSTEM 728 R 13-1 27 Page 1 Wedne sd a y, Jul y 14, 1 999 3: 59 PM.
2 FEA TURES © 1995 T andy Co rpor at ion. All Rights Res erved. Op ti mus an d Radi o Sh ac k ar e reg i s t e red tra dema r k s us ed by T andy C orp or ati on . Your Optim us Sy stem 72 8 Mini St e- reo Compnen t System i s a versatile and high qua lity sound system.
3 Genera l Auxiliar y Input Jacks æ let yo u conn ect an external audio input source to your syst em so you can l is- ten to or rec o rd from it. Mi crop ho ne Mi xi n g æ lets yo u sing along wi th the m usic you are playing. Importa nt: Most mater ia l on com - pact discs and prerecorded t apes is copyrigh ted.
4 FCC INF ORMA TION This syste m complie s with the l imits for a Clas s B di gital d evice as s peci- fied in part 15 of FCC Rules . Th e s e limits provide reasonabl e protection against TV or radio interference in a residential area. However, your sys- tem might caus e TV or radio i nterfer- ence even w hen it is ope rating properly.
5 CONTENTS Prepa ratio n .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... .. 7 Connec ting the Speak ers ...................... .............. ................... ..............
6 Rep eat P l ay .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .... 21 Repeating a S ingle Track .................................................... ................ 21 Repeating All T racks on a Selected CD .
7 PREP ARA TION Note: Complete all conn ectio ns be- fore conn ecting t o AC pow er and tur n ing it on . CONNECT ING THE SPEAKERS 1. Press the red spea ker terminal tab labeled SPEAKER R. Ch on the back of the syst em, inse rt the stripped end of t he right spea ker ’ s striped wire into the terminal, then release the tab.
8 INST ALLING THE REMOTE CONT ROL ’ S BA TTERIES The rem ote control requires two A A batteries (not supplied) for power. We recomme nd alkaline batteries, such as Radio Shack Ca t. No. 23- 557. Follow these s teps to install b atter- ies. 1. Press down an d slide the battery compartment cover in the direc- tion of the arrow .
9 OPER A TIO N TURNING POWER ON/ OF F Wa rn in g : To protect your hearin g, set VOLUME to MIN b efo re y ou tur n on t he system . Press POWER to turn on th e system . The STA ND BY indic ator turns off and th e indicator a bove CD , TUNER , TA P E , or AUX lig h ts.
10 BASIC O PERA TIO N Follow these s teps t o operate your syste m. 1. Press CD , TUNER, T APE , or AUX to select the de sired audio source. 2. If you select TUNER , select the desired station (s e e “Using t he T uner”).
11 USING HEADPHO NES You can u se headpho nes (n ot sup- plied) to l isten in privacy. I nsert the headphone s’ 1 / 8 -inch (3.5 mm) plug int o the PHONES j ack. Notes: • Y ou r l ocal Radio Shack store sells a wide selection of head- phones . • Con necting headpho nes auto- mat ically disconn ects the speak- ers.
12 DISPL A YING THE T IME To display the c lock while you use the radio, press DISPLA Y . T o retu rn to the r a dio display, press DISPLA Y again. USING THE ELECTRONIC G RAPHIC EQUALIZER You can select any one of f our preset sound characteristics using the sys- tem’s electronic graphi c equalizer.
13 Note: If you do not press TUN- ING or within 10 seconds after you press 1 , dis - appears from the display . S tart again from Step 1. 2. W hile flas hes, repeat- edly pres s TUNI NG to set the hour of the desired sta rt time. Notes : • Press and hol d down TUNING to cont inuously adv ance the hour .
14 T urning th e T im er On/Off 1. Press TUNER or TA P E to se lect the de sired a udio s ource. 2. If you selected TUNER , select the desired station (see “Usin g the T une r”) and adjust VOLUME to a comfortable listening level.
15 USING THE SLEEP TIMER You ca n set the syste m to pla y up to 90 min utes, then automatically turn off. 1. Press CD, TUNER, T APE , or AUX to select the desired a udio source. 2. T une to the desi red A M o r F M radio st ation, or sta rt the selected CD, t ape, or you r exte r- nal a udio source.
16 USING THE TUNE R Pr ess TUNER to use the system ’s tu- er. The i ndicator above TUNER lights. Note: W hen you s elect TUNER , the system aut omat ically tune s to th e station that was playing when the system was turne d off or w hen i t was last se t to TUN E R .
17 AUTOMA TIC SEEK TUNING 1. Press BAND t o s e l e c t t h e desired A M or FM ba nd. AM or FM appears on t he display . 2. Press TUNI NG AUTO . The sys- tem automati cally searches up the ban d and s tops when i t finds the next s trong st ation. MEMO R Y TUNING You can st ore up to 10 A M and 10 FM s ta tio n s in m e m o ry.
18 • T o store s tations into mem ory locations 6-10, press +5 th e n a mem ory location bu tton (1 - 5). Th e stat ion is st ored, disappears , and the display shows the frequency .
19 USING THE CD CHANGER LOADI NG A CD 1. Press CD . 2. Press OPE N/ CL OS E to open the CD compartment. Note: The CD carou sel has three trays , each la beled with a numbe r , bu t only two t ray s show at a time when yo u open t he CD compart ment. 3.
20 SELECTI NG ANOTHER CD To select another CD, press CD SKIP before or during play. If the system is playing a CD, it stops playing it and begins p laying the first track of the sel ected CD. AUTOMA TIC SEARCH The Autom atic Search feat ure lets you quic kly locate t he be ginning of any track o n a CD, including the track currently pl ay ing.
21 Notes: • T o repea t the current track, press SKIP . T o play the next random track, press SKIP . • T o rep eat random pl ay , be fore the last track ends, press REPEA T until RE PE AT A LL appears on the display . • T o stop rand om p lay , press STOP then RANDOM .
22 PROGRAMM ED PLA Y You can program up to 32 tracks from a ny loaded C D s to pla y in any order you choose. Pr og ra mm i ng an d P l ayi n g a Seq uence o f T rack s 1. Press ST OP to cancel any CD fun cti on . 2. Press PROGRAM . T he di splay shows M EMO RY - - - P- 01 (the current position in the pro- grammed seque nce).
23 Repla cing/Add ing a T rack in a Pro grammed Sequ enc e 1. W hile play is stopped, repeat- edly pres s PROGRAM until the track pos ition num ber you wa nt to repl ace or add to appears on the displa y . 2. Press CD SKI P to se lect the CD contain ing the new trac k.
24 USING THE CAS SETTE DECK The system ha s two cas sette decks. You can use Dec k 1 for normal play- back, consecutiv e play, and dubbing (r ec or din g ). Yo u ca n us e De ck 2 fo r normal p layback and cons ecutive play. Both decks (1 a nd 2) have a full-re- lease auto-st op system to p rotect tapes and prevent pinch roller dam- age.
25 4. T o fast-f o rward or rewi nd the tape, pres s ST OP/EJECT then press FA S T - F or REWIND on the deck you are using. T o temp orarily stop playback, press P AUSE o n t he dec k you are using. Pres s P AUSE agai n to continu e play back. T o stop playback, fast-f o rward, or rewind, pres s ST O P /E J E C T on the deck you are using.
26 2. T o record at normal speed f or the best quality sound, set HIGH SPEED DUBBING to OF F . T o record in half the normal recording t ime, set HIGH SPEED DUBBING to ON . 3. O n De ck 1, pres s P AUSE the n RECORD . PLA Y o n Deck 1 auto- mati ca ll y lock s down.
27 Notes : • T o copy a prog rammed sequ ence, store t he desired sequ ence before c ontinuing with S tep 4. • T o copy a CD’s t racks in ran- dom seque nce, press RAN- DOM so RA ND OM appe ars on the displ ay before contin uing with S tep 4. 4.
28 T ime r Rec ordin g You can set the system to au tomati- cally turn it s e lf on, record from a se- lected audio source (such as the tuner or a cassette tape i n Deck 2) onto a cass ette tape in Deck 1, then turn itself off at the t ime you set. 1.
29 MICR OPHONE MIXING Using an ex ternal microphone wi th a 1 / 8 - inc h plug (not sup plied), you can sing alon g with s ele ctions on CDs or casset te tapes , or w ith a son g played over the radi o. Wa rn in g : T o prevent damage to your hearing, set VO LU M E to its min- imum le vel before y ou turn on the syste m.
30 CARE AND MA INTENANCE Your Optim us System 728 Mi ni Stereo Compnent System is an examp le of su- perior design and cr a ftsmanship. The following suggestions will help y ou care for th e syste m so yo u can en joy i t for years. Keep the system dry.
31 CD CARE TIPS Even t hough a compac t disc is ve ry durable, t reat t he CD s urface wi th care. We recom mend t he following precau tions: • D o not write on either side of the CD, particularly the non-label side (signals are read from the non-label side ).
32 Res t ori n g T ape T ens io n an d Sound Quality After you play a cassette tape sever- al times, the tape m ight become tightly wound on the reels. Thi s can cause pla yback so und qua lity to de- teriorate. To restore the sound q uality, fast-for- ward the tape from th e beginning to the en d of one side, t hen comp letely rewind it.
33 SPEC I FI CA T IONS Casse tte T ape Speed ..... ................... .............. ................... ................... ........... 4.75 c m/sec Wow and Flutter ................. ........................ ..................... .............. 0. 35% WRM S Frequency Respons e .
34 General Speaker I mpedance . ........................... ................... .............. ................... . 8 O hms Power O utput .. ........ ....... .. ............ ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... .....10 Watts per Cha nnel Dimen sio ns of Unit .
35 NOTES 13-1 Page 3 5 Wedn e s day , Jul y 1 4, 1999 3: 5 9 P M.
RADIO S HACK A Divisi on of T andy Corporation Fort Worth, T exa s 76102 7A5 Printed i n H ong Kong RADIO SHACK LIMITED W ARRANTY This pro duct is warra nted a g ainst defects for 90 days f r om dat e of pur- chase fr om Radio Sha ck company- owned sto res and au t hori zed Radi o Shack f ran chisees and deal ers.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Optimus SYSTEM 728 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Optimus SYSTEM 728 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Optimus SYSTEM 728 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Optimus SYSTEM 728 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Optimus SYSTEM 728 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Optimus SYSTEM 728 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Optimus SYSTEM 728 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Optimus SYSTEM 728 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.