Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DMC-GH3 van de fabrikant Panasonic
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Owner’s Manual for advanced fe atures Digital Camera Model N o. DMC-GH3 Please read thes e instr uctio ns car efully be fore usi ng this p roduct, and sav e this ma nual f or futu re use. VQT4M 60 F1012MC0 Reg ist er on line at www.p m/regist er (U.
2 Finding the information you need In this “Owner ’s Manual for advanced features”, you can find the information you need from the following p ages. By clicking a page num ber , you can jump t o the linked page and quickly find the informat ion.
3 Content s Finding t he informa tion you ne ed........... ........ ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ....2 Before Use Care of the camera ..... ......... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... .....
4 • Pla ying Back Moti on Pictu res ..... ....... ........ ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..78 • Creatin g S till Pi ctures from a Motion P icture.. ....... .......... ........ ....... .... ...... ....79 • Playing Back Group Pictures .
5 • [Im pressiv e Art] .... ....... ........ ...... .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... ...... ..104 • [High Dynamic]. ...... ......... ...... .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... ....
6 • [Sel f T imer]......... ........... ........ ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ......162 • [i.Dynamic] (Intelligent dynamic range control) ............... ...........................163 • [i .Resoluti on] .
7 • [Mic L evel Disp.]... ......... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ....190 • [Mic L evel Adj.]. ...... ........... ........ ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... ....
8 [Send I mages S tored in t he Camera] ........ ...... ........ ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... ...... ..231 • When sending images to smartphone/tablet.................................... ..........231 • When sending images to PC ..........
9 Before Use Care of the camera Do not subject to strong vibration , shock, or pressure. • The lens, monit or , or external cas e may be damaged if used in th e following conditions. It may also malfunc tion or image may not be record if y ou: – Drop o r hi t th e cam era.
10 Before Use St andard Accessories Check that all the accessories are supplied before using the camera. • The accessor ies and their shape wil l differ depend ing on the c ountry or a rea where the camera was purchas ed. For detail s on the access ories, refer to “Bas ic Owner’s Manual ”.
11 Before Use Names and Functions of C omponents ∫ Camera body 1 Shutter button (P68) 2 Self-timer indicator (P157) / AF Assist Lamp (P55) 3 Sensor 4 Flash (P 123) 5 Flash synchro socket ¢ (P 266) .
12 Before Use 28 Drive mode dial Single (P68) : Burst (P153) : Auto Bracke t (P155) : Self-timer (P157) : 29 Hot shoe (Hot shoe cover) (P265) 30 Mode dial (P84) 31 [Wi-Fi] button (P21 1) /[Fn1] button.
13 Before Use 49 T ripod mount (P 307) • A tripo d with a screw length of 5. 5 mm (0.22 inc h) or more may damage this unit if a t tached . 50 T ermina l cover ¢ • Keep the te rminal cover out of reach of childre n to prevent swallowing.
14 Before Use At the time when this cam era is purc hased, the monitor is stow ed in the cam era body . Bring out the monitor as shown below . 1 Open the monitor . (Maximum 180 o ) 2 It can be rotated 180 o forward. 3 Return the monitor to its original position.
15 Before Use T ouch panel of this unit is c apacitive. T ouch the panel directly with your bare finger . ∫ T ouch T o touch and release the touch screen. Use for selecting items or icons. • When sele cting feat ures using the touch s creen, be sure to touc h the center of th e desired icon.
16 Before Use • T ouch the pan el with the clea n and dry finge r . • The touch p anel may not funct ion normall y in the following cas es. – When touch ed by a gloved hand – When touch ed by a wet hand (wat er or hand cream, etc.
17 Before Use Allows you to set the aperture, s hutter speed, and other settings w hen in / / / modes. • In [Dia l Set.] (P 60 ) in the [Cus tom] men u, you can cha nge the operat ion meth ods of the front dial and rear dial. Allows you to adjust each function setting af ter either button [ ], [ ] or [ ] is pressed.
18 Before Use Pressing the cursor button: Selection of items or setting of values etc., is performed. Pressing [MENU/SET ]: Confir mation of se tting content s, etc., is perfor med. • This docume nt expres ses the up, down , left , and right of the cursor button a s 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 .
19 Before Use About the Lens ∫ Micro Four Thirds ™ mount specif icati on lens This unit can use the dedicated lenses compatible with the Micro Four Thirds System lens mount specification (Micro Four Thirds mount ).
20 Prepara tion Changing the Lens • Check th at the camer a is turned of f. • Change lense s where there is not a lot of dirt or dus t. Refer to P30 2 , P3 03 wh en di rt or du st gets on th e lens. 1 T urn the lens r ear cap A and the body ca p B in the direction of the arrow to d etach th em.
21 Prepara tion 1 Att ach the lens cap . 2 While pres sing on the lens re lease button B , rot ate the lens toward the a rrow until it sto ps and then re move. • Always att ach the body cap to the camera bod y so that dirt or dust doe s not get ins ide.
22 Prepara tion Att aching the Shoulder Strap • We recom mend att aching the shoulder strap when usin g the camera to prevent it from dropping. 1 Pass the s houlder strap through the shoulder strap eyel et on the camera body .
23 Prepara tion • Use the shoulde r strap arou nd your shoulder . – Do not wrap the st rap around your neck. – It may resul t in injury or acci dent. • Do not leave the s houlder strap wher e an infant can reach it. – It may resul t in an accident by mistak enly wrapping aro und the neck.
24 Prepara tion Charging the Battery ∫ About batteries th at you can use with this unit • Use the dedicat ed charger and battery . • The battery is n ot charged when the camera is shi pped. Charge the ba ttery before use. • Charge th e battery with t he charger ind oors.
25 Prepara tion ∫ About the [ CHARGE] indicator The [CHARGE] indicator tu rns on: The [CHARGE] indicator is turned on during charging. The [CHARGE] indicator tu rns off: The [CHARGE] indicator will t urn off once the charging has completed without any problem.
26 Prepara tion ∫ Recording still pictures (when using the Monitor/Viewfinder) (By CIP A standard in Prog ram AE Mode) Recor ding condi tions by CIP A standar d • CIP A i s an a bbreviati on of [ Camera & Imaging P roduct s Asso ciation]. • T emperature: 23 o C (7 3.
27 Prepara tion ∫ Reco rding moti on picture s (when using the mon itor) – [A VCHD] (Recording with picture qu ality set to [FHD/60i]) – [MP4] (R ecording with picture qual ity set to [FHD/30p]) When the inte rchangeab le lens (H-HS120 35) is used Reco rdab le tim e Approx.
28 Prepara tion – [MOV] (Recording with pic ture qualit y set to [FHD/60p]) • These times are for an ambient temperatur e of 23 o C (73. 4 o F) and a humidity of 50% RH.
29 Prepara tion Inserting /Rem oving the Battery • Check that t his unit is turn ed off. 1 Slid e the r eleas e leve r in t he directi on of the arrow and open the battery door . • Always use genui ne Panasonic ba tteries. • If you use othe r batteries, we canno t guarantee the quality of this product.
30 Prepara tion Inserting /Rem oving the Card (Optional) • Check that t his unit is turn ed off. • We reco mmend using a Panaso nic card. 1 Slide the c a rd door to open it. 2 Push it sec ure ly al l th e way unt il you he ar a “click” while being c areful about the direction in which you insert it.
31 Prepara tion About the Card The following cards which conform t o the SD video standard can be used with this unit. (These cards are indicated as card in t he tex t.) ∫ About the motion picture recording an d SD speed cl ass Confirm the SD Speed Class (the speed standard regarding continuous w riting) on a card label etc.
32 Prepara tion Access to the card The access indication displays red when pictures are being recorded on the card. • During access ( i mage writi ng, reading an d deleting, for matting etc. ), do not turn th is unit off, remove the battery , card or di sconnect the AC ad aptor (optional).
33 Prepara tion ∫ About the display of the number of recordable pictu res and available record ing time • Switching bet ween the displ ay of number of rec ordable picture s and available recording ti me can be performed in the [Remainin g Disp.] (P59) in th e [Custom] menu.
34 Prepara tion ∫ A vai lable recording time (when recording motion pictures) • “h” is an abbrev iation fo r hour , “m” for minute and “s ” for second. • [A VCHD] • [MP4] • [MOV] • The number of rec ordable pict ures and th e available recor ding time are an appr oximation.
35 Prepara tion Setting Date/Time (Clock Set) • The cloc k is not set when the ca m era is shipp ed. 1 T urn the c amera on. • The stat us indica tor 1 lights when you turn this unit on. • If the lan guage select screen is not display ed, proce ed to step 4 .
36 Prepara tion Select [Clock Set] in the [Setu p] menu. (P37) • The clock can be reset as shown in steps 5 and 6 . • The cloc k setting is m aint ained fo r 3 months us ing the built -in clock battery even without the battery . (Leave the charged battery in the u nit for 24 hours to charge the built-in battery .
37 Prepara tion Setting the Menu This camera offers menu selections that allow you t o customize its operation to maximize your picture taking experience. In particular , the [Setup] menu contains some important settings relating t o the camera’s clock and power .
38 Prepara tion • There are f unction s that cann ot be set or us ed depending on the modes or menu sett ings being used on the c amera due to the sp ecificati ons. 2 Press 3 / 4 of the cursor b utton to selec t the menu item and press 1 . • Y ou can also select t he menu item by rot ating the rear dial or control d ial.
39 Prepara tion Calling frequently-used m enus instantly (Quick Menu) By using the Quick Menu, some of the menu settings c an be easily found. • The feature s that can be adju sted usi ng Quick Menu are determined by the mode or a display style the camera is in.
40 Prepara tion • Y ou can al so set items by pre ssing the cu rsor buttons 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 . On-monit or re cording inform ation i n [ ] (Monit or st yle) (P72) Select the it em by pressing t he [Q.MENU] button and rotating the control dial, and then select the setting by rotating the front /rear dial.
41 Prepara tion When [Q.MENU] (P59) in the [Custom] menu is set to [CUSTOM], the Quick Menu can be changed as desired. Up to 15 items can be set to the Quick Menu. 1 Press 4 to sel ect [ ] and then press [MENU/SE T]. 2 Press 2 / 1 to select the menu item i n the top row and then press [MENU/SET].
42 Prepara tion Assigning frequently use d functions to the buttons (function buttons) Y ou can assign recording functions, et c. to specific buttons and icons. T o use those functions, press [Fn1], [Fn2], [Fn3] , [Fn4] or [Fn5] or t ouch [Fn6] or [Fn7].
43 Prepara tion 2 Press 3 / 4 to select th e function yo u want to assign an d then press [MENU/SET]. • Assign your favo rite funct ions to eac h of the fun ction buttons . ¢ Func tion butto n setting s at the time of purchas e. • Exit th e menu afte r it is set.
44 Prepara tion • Some functi ons cannot be used depend ing on the mode or dis played scre en. • When [One Push AE ] is assigned, the Ex posure met er is displayed . The aperture and the shutter sp eed are adjusted automatically to suitabl e levels when the Exposure set ting is too dark or too br ight.
45 Prepara tion Configuring basic settings of this unit (Setup Menu) For details on how to select the [ Setup] m enu settings, refer to P37 . [Clock Set] and [ Economy] are impo rtant item s. Check t heir settings before using them. • Refer to P35 for details.
46 Prepara tion • The number of days that have p assed since the dep arture dat e can be printe d out using th e “ PHOTOfunS TUDIO ” bundled soft ware on the CD-ROM (supplie d). • The tra vel date is calculat ed using the date in the clock se tting and the dep arture date you s et.
47 Prepara tion • When yo u connec t the camera to a TV , the volume of the TV spea kers d oes not change . • It will adjust the monitor when the monitor is in use, and the viewfinder when the viewfinde r is in use. • Some subject s may appear diff erentl y from actua lit y on the monit or .
48 Prepara tion • Press the s hutter but ton halfway or turn the ca mera off and on to cancel [ Sleep Mode]. • T o turn the monitor/ viewfinde r on again, press any but ton or touch the monitor . • When the ey e se nsor auto mati c swi tch ing (P 54 ) is activ ated, [Au to L V F/Moni tor Off] is canceled.
49 Prepara tion [Output] This sets how the unit connects to a television etc. [TV Aspect]: Set to match the type of TV . W [16:9]: When connecting to a 16:9 screen TV . X [4:3]: When connecting to a 4:3 screen TV . • This will work when the A V cable (optional) is connec ted.
50 Prepara tion • This will work when the HDMI mini cable (opt ional) is con nected. • Refer to P252 for details. • This will work when the HDMI mini cable (opt ional) is con nected. • Refer to P248 for the method to play back 3D pictures in 3D.
51 Prepara tion • Y ou c an select the background color from four colors. • If you set a di fferent language by mist ake, selec t [ ~ ] from the menu icon s to set the des ired language. • This enables the firmware v ersions of the camera and lens to be checked .
52 Prepara tion • Always reset the camera when disposing or se lling it to prevent person al information saved within the camera from being misused . • Always res et the camera after making a copy of pe rsonal informa tion when sending the camera in to be r epair ed.
53 Prepara tion Setting your preferred ope ration methods ([Custom] Menu) For details on how to select the [ Custom] m enu setti ngs, refer to P37 . • Refer to P1 15 for details .
54 Prepara tion • The battery will be consumed faster than usual. • Press the s hutter but ton halfway again when it is dif ficult to focus on th e subject.
55 Prepara tion • The ef fective range of the AF As sist Lamp is dif ferent depend ing on the lens used . – When the inte rchangeab le lens (H-HS12035) is attached and at Wide: Approx. 1.0 m (3.3 feet ) to 3.5 m (1 1.0 fe et) – When the inte rchangeab le lens (H-VS014 140) is atta c hed and at Wid e: Appr ox.
56 Prepara tion • If you enl arge an image by pre ssing [ ], the enlargemen t is maint ained until you pres s [ ] again. • Refer to P148 for details.
57 Prepara tion • When the recor ded picture and the histogram do not match ea ch other unde r the following conditions, the histogram is d isplayed in orange.
58 Prepara tion • Refer to P90 for details. • If you set [Expo. Mete r] to [ON ], [Exp o.Met er] i s disp layed w hen operati ng Program Shif t, the apertu re setting and the shut ter speed. • Unsuit able areas of the range are displa yed in red.
59 Prepara tion • The reco rding ar ea indicat ed is a guide li ne. • When the [ Auto Review] is set to [HOLD], you can s witch the display of the pl ayback sc reen or enlarge the image by rot ating the rear dial while the reviewing. • [Auto Review] does not w ork when rec ording mot ion pic tures.
60 Prepara tion [Dia l Set. ] Changes the operation methods of t he front dial and rear dial. (P17) [Assign Dial (F/SS)]: Assigns the operations of the aperture value and shutter speed in Manual Exposure M ode. [F S S ] : Assigns the aperture value to the front dial , and the shutter speed to the rear dial.
61 Prepara tion [Power Zoom Lens] This may only be selected when using a lens that is compatible with power z oom (electrically o perated zoom ). – The intercha ngeable lens es (H-HS12035, H-VS0141 40) are not compatible with power zoom. (For compatible lenses, please refer to our website.
62 Prepara tion • Monito r display and viewfinder display can be switched manuall y by pres sing [ L VF]. (P66) [Eye Sensor] It will switc h automatically to v iewfinder display when an ey e or object gets near the v iewfinder using an eye sensor . It will return to monitor display when it goes away .
63 Prepara tion • When us ing a Lei ca lens mount adapto r (DMW -MA2M, DMW-MA3 R: optio nal), set it to [ON]. [Menu Guide ] Set the screen that is displayed when the mode dial is set to and . [ON] : Displays the selection screen for the Scene Guide or the Creative Control M ode.
64 Prepara tion Entering T ext It is possible to enter babies’ and pets’ names and the nam es of travel destinations when recording. (Only alphabetical c haracters and s ymbols can be entered.) 1 Displa y the entry sc reen. • Y ou c an di splay th e entry scre en via the fol lowing operatio ns.
65 Basic Tip s for t aking good pictur es Hold the camera gen tly with both han ds, keep yo ur arms sti ll at your side and st and with your fe et slightly ap art. • Do not cover the fl ash, the AF assis t lamp A or the micropho ne B (P12) with your fingers or other objects.
66 Basic Using the Viewfinder ∫ About the eye sensor automatic switching When [L VF/Monito r Auto] of [Ey e Sensor] (P62) in the [Custom] menu is set to [ON] and your eye or an object is brought close to the viewfinder , the display automatically switches to the viewfinder di splay .
67 Basic If [Eye Sensor AF] in t he [Custom] menu is s et to [ON], the camera automatically adjust s the focus as the eye sensor is activated. • Beep sound s are not emitt ed when the fo c us is achieved in [Eye Sensor AF ]. • [Eye Sen sor AF] may not wo rk in dimly lit c onditi ons.
68 Basic T aking a Still picture • Set the driv e mode dial to [ ] ( single) . 1 Select the Recording Mode. (P84) 2 Press the s hutter button ha lfway to foc us. A Apertu re val ue B Shutte r speed • Aperture value and shu tter speed are dis played.
69 Basic • If you zoom in/ out af ter focusin g on a subject, t he focus may lose its accur acy . In that case, re-adju st the focu s . • The f ocus range is diff erent de pending on the lens used. – When the int erchangea ble lens (H-HS12035) is used: 0.
70 Basic Just by touc hing the subject you want as your point of focus, the camera will focus on the subject and take the picture automatically . ∫ T o cancel the T ouch Shutter fu nction T ouch [ ] . • If shootin g with the touc h shutter fa ils, the AF area turns red and di sappears.
71 Basic Recording Motion Picture This can record full high definition motion pictures compatible wit h the A VCHD format or motion pictures recorded in MP4, MOV . Audio will be recorded in stereo. 1 S tart re cording by pres sing the motion picture butto n.
72 Basic Switching the Information Displayed on the recording screen Press [ DISP .] to c hange. • Y ou c an sele ct between [ ] (moni tor st yle) and [ ] (viewfind er style) for ea ch of the monitor and the vie wfinder display screen us ing [Moni tor Disp.
73 Basic ([ ] viewfinder style) • Screen will switch as follows: (Example of display on viewf inder) G With i nfor mati on (detail ed info rma tion) ¢ 1 H With i nfor mati on I With i nfor mati on .
74 Basic ∫ About the tilt sensor display With the tilt sensor displayed, it is easy to correct the tilt of the camera etc. 1 Press [DISP .] to display the tilt sensor .
75 Basic Playing Back Pictures/M otion Pictures 1 Press [ ( ]. 2 Press 2 or 1 . • If you pr ess and hold 2 / 1 , y ou can pl ay back the picture s in succession. • It is also possi ble to forward or rewind the image by rot ating the control dia l.
76 Basic Using the Pl ayback Zoom Rot a te the rear dia l right. 1 k 2 k 4 k 8 k 16 k • When yo u change the mag nification, th e zoom p osition indicati on A appears for about 1 second. • The more a pic ture is en larged, the mo re its quality deteriora t es.
77 Basic • The recording date of the pic ture select ed in the play back screen bec omes the date selected when the Calenda r screen is first displayed . • If th ere are mult iple p ictures wit h the same re cording d ate, th e first pictur e recorded on t hat day is displayed.
78 Basic This unit was designed to play motion pictures using the A VCHD, MP4, MOV and QuickTime Motion JPEG f ormats. In Pl ayb ack Mo de, sel ect a pic tur e with the moti on picture icon ([ ]), and then press 3 to play ba ck.
79 Basic Y ou can create a single s till picture from a recorded motion picture. 1 Press 3 to p ause motion pictu re playback. 2 Press [MENU/SET]. • The same opera t ion can be perf ormed by tou ching [ ]. • Confirmat ion screen is displa y ed. It is execut ed when [Y es] is selected.
80 Basic Select a p icture with the group pict ure icon ([ ˜ ], [ ]), and then press 3 . • Y ou can al so st art playing back by touc hing [ ] at th e center of the s creen. ∫ Opera tions du ring Group P ictures playbac k Display at the right of the screen while playing back corresponds to 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 on the cursor button.
81 Basic Press [ DISP .] to s w itch the m onitor scre en. • Screen will switch as follows: A With i nfor mati on ¢ 1 B Detailed information display ¢ 2 (P273) C Histogram disp lay ¢ 2 ( P273) D .
82 Basic Deleting Pictures Once deleted, pictures cannot be recovered. • Picture s that are not in t he DCF standa rd or those th at are protec ted cannot be deleted. T o d elete a single pictur e 1 In Play back M ode , selec t the pi cture t o delet e and then p ress [ ].
83 Basic ¢ Picture group s ar e treat ed as a single picture . (All the pi c tures in the selected pictur e group will be deleted.) • Do not turn th e camera of f while delet ing. Use a batt ery with suf ficient battery powe r or the AC adaptor (op tional).
84 Recording Selecting the Recording M ode Select the mode by rot ating the mode dia l. • Rot ate the mode dial slowly to select the desired mode A .
85 Recording T aking Pictures with Y our Favorit e Settings (Program AE Mod e) Recor ding Mode: The camera automatically sets the shutter speed and the aperture value according to the brightness of the subject. Y ou can t ake pictures with greater freedom by changing various s ettings in the [Rec] menu.
86 Recording In Program AE Mode, you can change the pres et aperture value and shutter speed without changing the exposure. This is called Program Shif t. Y ou can make the background more blurred by decreasing the aperture value or record a moving subject more dynamically by slowing the shu tter speed wh en taking a picture in Program AE Mode.
87 Recording T aking Pictures by Specifying the Aperture/ Shutter Speed Recor ding Mode: Set the aperture value to a higher num ber when y ou want a sha rp focus back ground. Set the aperture value to a lower number when you want a soft focus background.
88 Recording When you want t o take a sharp picture of a fast moving su bject, set with a faster shutter speed. When you want to cr eate a trail effect, set to a slower sh utter speed. 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ]. 2 Set the shu tter speed by rot ating the rea r dial or the front dia l.
89 Recording Determine the exposure by manually setting t he aperture value and the shutter speed. The Manual Exposure Assistance appears on the lower portion of the screen to indicate the exposure. 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ]. 2 Rot ate the rear dia l to set the s hutter spe ed, and rot ate the front dial to set the aperture value.
90 Recording ∫ About [B] (Bulb) If you set the shutter speed to [B], the shutter stays open while the shutter b utton is pressed fully (up to approximately 60 minutes). The shutter closes if you release the shutter button. Use this when you want to keep t he shutter open for a long time to t ak e pictures of fireworks, a night scene etc.
91 Recording Applicable modes: The effects of aperture and shu tter speed c an be chec ked by u sing the Preview Mode . • Confirm the effect s of aperture: Y o u can check the dep th of field (ef fectiv e focus range) before t akin g a picture by closing th e leaf shut ter to the ape rture value you set.
92 Recording T aking Pictures that match the Sc ene being recorded (Scene Guide Mode ) Recor ding Mode: If you select a s cene to suit the subject and r ecording conditions with ref erence to t he example images, the camera will set optimal exposure, c olor , and focus, allowing you to record in a manner appropriate to the scene.
93 Recording For details on “Scene Gu ide Mode” settings, refer to P92 . [Clear Portrait] The brightness of the face is adjust ed and the background is defocused to cr eate a clear por trait.
94 Recording [Clear in Back light] Outdoors, the flash will be used to more evenly illuminate the subject’s face. • Open the fla sh. (Y ou can set to [ ‰ ].) • White sa turation c an occur if the subject is to o close. • Flas h pictu res t aken cl oser o r beyon d the flash’ s rated dista nce may ap pear too bright or too dark.
95 Recording [Distinct Sce nery] Saturation of sky and trees c reates more distinct scenery . [Bright Blue Sky ] On a sun ny day , th e overall screen br ightness is increas ed to create a vibrant image of the blue sky . [Romantic Su nset Glow] The enhanced purple tone creates a romantic image of the sky just after sunset.
96 Recording [Glisten ing W ater] The glisten of the water is enhanced t o look brighter and slightly bluish. • Display of t he recording screen will be delayed mor e than usual and the screen will lo ok as if frames are dropping. • S tar filter used in this mode may c ause glisteni ng effects on the object s other than wat er surface.
97 Recording [W arm Glowing Nigh t scape] The warm color tone creates a warm image of the nightscape. • We rec ommend using a tripo d and the self-t imer . • The shut ter may remain c losed af ter takin g the picture. This is due to sig nal proces sing and is no t a malfuncti on.
98 Recording [Clear Night Portrai t] Fill flash and a longer exposure capture better portraits against the nightscape. • Open the fla sh. (Y ou can set to [ ].
99 Recording [Appetizing Food] The overall screen brightness is increased to make the food look appealing. • If you ar e using a lens with the zoo m function, you c an enhance the ef fect by z ooming in as muc h as possible and closing th e dist ance bet ween the camer a and the subje ct.
100 Recording [Freez e Animal Motion] The faster shutter speed preven ts blur and captures a clear image of the f ast moving animal. [Clear S ports Shot] The faster shutter speed prevents blur , for example at sporting events. [Monochrom e] A monochrom e image captures t he mood of the moment .
101 Recording T aking Pictures with different ima ge effect s (Creative Control Mode) Recor ding Mode: This mode records with additional image ef fe cts.
102 Recording Y ou can easily set the blurriness of t he background while c hecking the sc reen. 1 Press [Fn4]. 2 Set the blurriness by rot ating the rear dial. • If you pr ess [MENU/SET] , you can retur n to the recording scree n. (T o end the Defocu s Control funct ion, pr ess [Fn4].
103 Recording For details on “Creative Con trol Mode” set tings, refer to P101 . This effect emphasizes the color to make a pop art picture. This effect gives a faded im age.
104 Recording This effect adds a dark and relaxing feel to the overall image an d enhances bright parts. This ef fect creates a sepia image. This effect gives a higher contrast to c reate an impres sive black and white picture. This effect gives your photo a dramatic c ontrast look.
105 Recording This effect produces the opt imum brightness for both d ark and bright parts. This effect gives your photo a dramatic c olor look. This effect reduces peripheral bri ghtness to give the impression of a toy cam era.
106 Recording This effect blurs peripheral areas to give the imp ression of a diorama. ∫ Setting the type of defocu s With [Miniature Effect] you can make the subject stand out by intentionally creat ing defocused and in-focus portions.
107 Recording This effect blurs the overall ima ge to produce a soft feel. This effect transforms pin-points of light into a star effect. [Sof t Focus] Items that can be set Extent of defo cus Weak defocus S trong defocus • Display of the recording screen will be delayed more than usual and the screen will look as if frames are dropp ing.
108 Recording This effect leaves one selec ted color to emphasize impressiveness. ∫ Select the color to leave in 1 Press 3 to display the setting screen. • Settin g screen can als o be displayed by touching in order of [ ] then [ ] . 2 Select the co lor you want to leave by moving the frame with 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 .
109 Recording T aking Pictures using the Automat ic Function (Intelligent Auto Mode) Recor ding Mode: In this mode, the camera makes the optimal settings for the subject and scene, so we recommend it when you wish t o leave the settings t o the cam era and rec ord without thinking about them.
110 Recording ∫ Scene Detection When takin g pictures ¢ 1 Only when [ ] (AUTO) is selected. ¢ 2 Whe n [Face Recog.] is set to [ON], [ ] will be displayed for birt hdays of register ed f aces alread y set only when the fa c e of a person 3 ye ars old or younger is detected.
111 Recording ∫ About the flash Flash mode is set to [ Œ ] when the flash is closed, and [ ] (AUTO) when it is open. When the flash is open, the cam era automatically sets [ ], [ ] (A UTO/Red-Eye Reduction), [ ], or [ ] to match the type of subject and bright ness.
112 Recording Y ou can easily set the blurriness of t he background while c hecking the sc reen. 1 Press [Fn4]. 2 Set the blurriness by rot ating the rear dial. • If you press [MENU/SET], you can return t o the record ing screen. (T o end the Defocus Cont rol functi on, press [Fn4 ].
113 Recording Recor ding Mode: This mode enables you to change the brightness and c olor tone to your preferred settings from the ones set by the camera in Intelligent Auto Mode. Recording im ages by ch anging th e brightness o r color tone (Intelligen t Auto Plus Mode) 1 Press [MENU/SET] when in Intelligent Au to Mode.
114 Recording 1 Press [ ]. 2 Rotate th e rear dial to adjust color . • This will adjust the color of th e image from a reddish color to a bluish color . • Press [ ] agai n to return to the recordin g screen. ∫ Change the se tting s by usi ng the touch pa nel 1 T ouch [ ].
115 Recording Registering your preferre d settings (Custom Mode) Recor ding Mode: Y ou can register the current camera settings as cus tom settings. If y ou then record in Custom Mode, y ou can use t he registered settings. • Initial set ting of the Pr ogram AE Mode is regist ered as the custom se ttings initia lly .
116 Recording Y ou can easily call up the settings y ou have registered using [Cust.Set Me m.]. 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ], [ ] or [ ]. • If you set the mode dial to [ ], the camera calls a custom s etting regi stered to [ ], [ ] or [ ]. The last custom sett ing you used is called.
117 Recording Optical Image St abilize r Applicable modes: Using one of these modes, jitter during pi cture taking is detected, and the camera automatically compensates the jitter , enabling jitter-free images to be taken. • The inter changeable lens (H-HS12035 , H-VS014140) have O.
118 Recording • It is recommended t o disable the Optic al Image S tabilizer when us ing a tripod. [ ] is display ed on the screen at that time. • The stabilizer function may not be eff ective in the following cases. Be careful of camera jitte r when you press the s hutter button.
119 Recording T aking Pictures with the Zoom Applicable modes: ∫ T ypes of zooms and recording magnification ¢ 1 When a picture size of [ S] (4 M), aspe ct ratio of [ X ] i s selected . The magnif ication level differ s depending on [Picture Size] and [A spect Ratio] setting .
120 Recording ∫ Optica l Zoom Y ou can zoom-out to record landscapes etc. in wide angle (Wide) or zoom-in to make people and objects appear closer (T el e) by rotating the zoom ring. Rotate to T sid e: Enlarges distant subject Rotate to W sid e: Widens angle of view Using [Ex.
121 Recording ∫ Screen display (When set to [ZOOM]) ¢ This zoom slider is displayed when usin g an interchange able lens that support s the power zoom. • When an intercha ngeable le ns supporting power zoom is in use and [ZOOM] is set, the zoom enters t he Extended T ele conver s ion area af ter reaching the T -end of the optical zo om area.
122 Recording Y ou can perform zoom operations by t ouching. (T ouch zoom) (Optical Zoom and Extended T ele Conversion for still picture recoding are operable) • If you are using an int erchange able lens not sup porting power zoom (H-HS 12035, H-VS014140) , you can only operate t he Extended T ele Conver sion for pic tures by sett ing [Ex.
123 Recording T aking pictures by using the flash Applicable modes: ∫ Open/Close the b uilt-in flash T aking a picture using the flash becomes possible by opening t he built-in flash. A T o open the built-in flash T urn the camera on, and press the flash open button.
124 Recording • When r ecording with the flash, white saturat ion can occur if the subject is to o clos e. If [Highlight ] of the [Custom] menu is set to [ON], regions of white satu ration will blink black and white when you p lay bac k or u se Auto Re v iew .
125 Recording Applicable modes: Set the built-in flash to m atch the recording. • Open th e flash. 1 Select [Flash] i n the [Rec] menu. (P37) 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Flash Mode] an d then p ress [MENU/ SET]. 3 Press 3 / 4 to select the item and then press [MENU/SET].
126 Recording ∫ A vai lable flash set tings by R ecording Mode The available flash settings depend on the Recording Mode. ( ± : Available, —: Not available, ¥ : I nitial setting of Scene Guide M.
127 Recording ¢ Cannot be se t using the [R ec] menu. [ ] is set when the fla sh is opened . (P1 1 1) • The fl ash sett ing may change if the Rec ording Mo de is changed. Set t he flash setting again i f necessar y . • The flash s etting is memo rized even if th e camera is tur ned off .
128 Recording Applicable modes: Adjust the flash brightness when pic tures taken with the flash ar e over or underexposed. 1 Select [Flash] i n the [Rec] menu. (P37) 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Flash Adjust.] and th en press [MENU/SET]. 3 Press 2 / 1 to set the flash output and then press [MENU/SE T] .
129 Recording Applicable modes: Y ou can set a f lash type at [Firing Mode] i n [Flash]. • When [MANUAL] is set, the lumino sity ratio ([1/1] , etc.) is displayed on th e flash ico n on the screen . • When [WIRELE SS] is set, [WL] is displayed on t he flash icon on t he screen.
130 Recording Y ou can separately control flash-firings of t he built-in flash and each flash in three groups by using the flash that supports t he wireless control (DMW-FL360L: optional). 1 Configure the exter nal fl ash setting to RC mode, and then place the exter nal fla sh.
131 Recording [Wireless Setup] • Press the [A F/AE Lock] button to fire a tes t-flash. A Firing Mode B Flash outpu t C Luminosit y ratio ¢ Not available when [Wireless FP] is set to [ON]. Item Description of settings [Built-in] ¢ [Firin g Mode] [TTL]: The camera automatically sets the output of the buil t -in flash.
132 Recording ∫ Controllable range of the wireless flash Place the wireless flash with its wireless sensor facing toward the ca mera. Estimate d controllable range is shown in the following figure. Controllable range di ffers depending on the surrounding environment.
133 Recording Compensating the Exposu re Applicable modes: Use this function when you cannot achieve appr opriate exposu re due to the difference in brightness between the subject and the background. 1 Press [ ]. 2 Rot ate the rear dia l to compen sate the exposure .
134 Recording Setting the Light Sensitivi ty Applicable modes: This allows the sens itivity to light (ISO s ens itivity) to be set. Setting to a higher figure enables pictures to be taken even in dark plac es without the res ulting pictures coming out dark.
135 Recording ¢ 1 When [ISO Lim it Set] is set to [OFF] . When [I SO Limit Se t] is set to [400], [8 00], [1600], [3 200], [6400] or [12800], the camera optimi zes the ISO sensit ivity accord ing to the brigh tness of th e subject within the range not exceeding t he selected up per limit.
136 Recording Adjusting the White Balanc e Applicable modes: In sunlight, under inca ndescent lights or in ot her such conditions where the color of whit e takes on a reddish or bluish tinge, this item adjusts t o the color of white which is closest to what is seen by the eye in ac cordance with the light source.
137 Recording 4 Press [ ] to set. • Y ou can also press the shutte r button halfway to set. ¢ It will operate as [A WB] during mot ion pictur e recording. ∫ Auto White Balance Depending on the conditions prevailing when pictur es are taken, the pictures may take on a reddish or bluish tinge.
138 Recording ∫ Finely adjusting the White Balance Y ou can finely adj u st the White Balance when you cannot acquire the desired hue by setting the White Balance. • If you finel y adjust the White Balanc e to [A] (a mber), the Whit e Balance icon on the scr een will change to orange.
139 Recording Bracket setting is performed based on the adju stment values for the W hite Balance fine adjustment, and 3 pictures with di fferent co lors are automatically recorded when the shutter button is pressed once. 1 Press [ ]. 2 Rotate th e rear dial or front dial to select the White Balance, and then p ress 4 .
140 Recording Set the White B alance value. Use to match the condition when taking photographs . 1 Press [ ]. 2 Rotate the rear dial or front dial to select [ ], [ ], [ ], or [ ], an d then press 3 . 3 Aim the camera at a shee t of white paper etc. so that th e frame in the cen ter is filled by the white object only an d then press [MENU/SE T].
141 Recording T aking Pictures with Auto Focus Applicable modes: This allows the focusing m ethod that suits the positions and number of the subjects to be selected. Also, it is poss ible to set the f ocus to the s ubject specified o n the touch scr een.
142 Recording ¢ In [AFS /AFF ] (P54) of the [ Custo m] m enu, you ca n ass ign [AFS] or [A FF] to the [ AFS/A FF] of the focus mode lever . • When recording using [AFF], [AFC] – It may take tim e to foc us on the su bject when you ope rate th e zoom fr om Wi de to T ele or sudden ly change the s ubject from a distan t one to a nearby one .
143 Recording The camera automatically detects the person’ s face. The focus and exposure can then be adjusted to fit that face no matter what portion of the picture it is in. (max. 15 areas) When the camera detects a person’s face, t he AF area is displayed.
144 Recording Focus and exposure can be a djusted to a spec ified subject. Focus and exposure will keep on following the subject even if it moves. (Dynamic tracking) ∫ When oper ating but tons Place the subject in the AF t racking frame, and press the shutter button halfway to lock the subject.
145 Recording Up to 23 points for each AF ar ea can be focused. This is effective when the subject is not in the center of the screen. (AF area frame will be same as ima ge aspect ratio setting) • The 23 AF areas can be divided into 9 areas and the ar ea to be focused can be set.
146 Recording • Perform the operati on after canceling the t ouch shutt er functi on. When selecting [ š ], [ Ø ] Position and size of the AF area can be changed. 1 Select [ š ] or [ Ø ] and press 4 . • AF area sett ing scree n is displayed . 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to move the AF area.
147 Recording When selecting [ ] Y ou can set t he focus position precisely by enlarging the screen. • The focus positi on cannot be set at the edge of the scree n. 1 Select [ ] an d press 4 . 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to set the focus position and then press [MENU/SET].
148 Recording T aking Pictures with Manual Focu s Applicable modes: Use this function when you want to f ix the focus or when the dist ance between the lens and the subject is determined and y ou do not want t o activate Auto Focus. 1 Set the focu s mode lev er to [MF].
149 Recording ∫ Displaying the MF Assi st • It is d isplayed by ro tating the f ocus ring or touc hing t he scr een. (I n the Cre ative Co ntrol Mode [Miniatur e Effect] , MF A ssist ance cann ot .
150 Recording 1 Rotate the focus ring to focus on the subject. 2 Rotate it a little more. 3 Finely focus on t he subject by rotating the focus ring slowly in reverse. • If you zoom in/ out af ter focusin g on a subject, t he focus may lose its accur acy .
151 Recording Fixing the Focus and the Exposure (AF/AE L ock) Applicable modes: This is useful when you want t o take a pi cture of a s ubject outside the AF area or the contrast is too strong and you c annot achieve appropriate exposure. 1 Align th e screen with the su bject.
152 Recording • If you set [A F/AE Lock H old ] in t he [Cu stom] menu to [ON ], you can fix t he fo cus an d the exposure even if you r elease [AF/AE LOCK] a fter pressi ng it. (P5 3) (Not availab le with [AF-O N]) • When AE loc k is perfor m ed, the bri ghtness of the re cording s creen th at appears on the s creen is fixed.
153 Recording T aking Pictures using Burst Mode Applicable modes: Pictures are taken continuously wh ile the shutter button is pressed. Pictures taken with a burst speed of [ S H] will be recorded as a single burst group (P79) . 1 Set the drive mode dial to [ ] .
154 Recording ∫ Focusing in Burst M ode The focus changes depending on the setting for [Focus/Release Priority] (P55) in the [Custom] menu and the Focus Mode setting. ¢ 1 When t he subject is dark or t he burst speed is set to [SH], the fo cus is fixed on the f irst pi cture.
155 Recording T aking Pictures using Auto Brack et Applicable modes: Maximum of 7 pictures will be rec orded with d ifferent exposure settings following the Exposure Compensation range every ti me the shutter button is pressed. With Auto Bracket [Step]: [3 • 1/3], [Sequence]: [0/ s / r ] 1 Set the drive mode dial to [ ] .
156 Recording ∫ Changing the settings fo r [Single/Bu rst Settings], [ Step] and [Seq uence] in Auto Bracket 1 Select [Auto Bracket] in the [Rec] menu. (P 37) 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Single/B urst Setting s], [Step] or [ Sequence] an d then press 1 .
157 Recording T aking Pictures with the Self-time r Applicable modes: 1 Set the drive mode dial to [ ] . 2 Press the s hutt er but ton halfway to f ocus and then pres s it full y t o take th e pi ctur e. A When se lf-tim er is set to [ ]. • A picture is not ta ken until th e subject is bro ught into f ocus.
158 Recording Using the [Rec] Menu For details on [Rec] m enu settings, refer to P37 . • [Photo S tyle], [Met ering Mode], [i.Dynamic], [ i.Resolut ion] and [Digit al Zoom] are common to both the [ Rec] menu and [Mo tion Pict ure] menu . Changing thes e setti ngs in one of th ese menus is reflec ted in other menu.
159 Recording ∫ Adjusting the picture qua lity • Picture quality cannot be adjuste d in the Intell igent Auto ( or ) Mode. 1 Press 2 / 1 to select the type of Photo Style. • In Scene Guide Mode, you ca nnot select the photo styl e. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select the items, an d then press 2 / 1 to adjust.
160 Recording Applicable modes: This allows you to select the as pect ratio of the pictures to suit printing or the playback method. • The ends of th e recorded pic tures may be cut at printi ng so check befo re printin g. (P299) Applicable modes: Set the number of pixels.
161 Recording Applicable modes: Set the compression rate at which the pictures are to be stored. ¢ 1 If you delete a RA W fi le from t he came ra, the correspon ding JPE G image wil l also be deleted. ¢ 2 It is fixed to maximum recordab le pixels ([L]) for each image as pect ratio.
162 Recording Applicable modes: T ype of optical measurement to measure brightness c an be change d. Settings: [S H]/[H]/ [M]/[L] • Refer to P153 for details. Settings: [S ingle/Burst Settin gs]/[Step]/[Sequence] • Refer to P155 for details. Settings: [ ] /[ ]/[ ] • Refer to P157 for details.
163 Recording Applicable modes: Contrast and exposure will be adjusted automatic ally when t here is a big difference in brightness between the bac kground and s ubject, to bring the im age close to how you see. Settings: [HIGH]/[ST ANDA RD]/[LOW]/[OFF] • This featu re may be automatically di sabled, dep ending on the lig hting cond itions.
164 Recording Applicable modes: Y ou can combine 3 pic tures with different levels of exposure into a single picture with rich gradation. Y ou can minimize the loss of gradat ions in bright areas and dark areas when, for example, the contrast between t he background and the s ubject is large.
165 Recording Applicable modes: Y ou can shoot up t o four exposures per image. 1 Select [St art] and th en press [MENU/SET]. 2 Decide on the composition, and take th e first picture. • Aft er taking the picture, pr ess the shut ter butt on halfway down t o tak e the next picture.
166 Recording Applicable modes: Y ou can set the recording start time, the recording interval and the num ber of pictures, and automatically record s ubjects such as an imals and plants as time elapses. • Set the date an d time setting s in advance.
167 Recording 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [St art] and then press [MENU/SE T]. 3 Press the shu tter button fully . • The rec ording st arts a utomatically . • During record ing stan dby , the power will turn of f automaticall y if no operation is perfor med for a certain perio d.
168 Recording Applicable modes: T o reduce the influence of hand shake or shutte r vibration, shutter is released after the specified time has passed. Settings: [8S EC]/[4SEC]/[2S EC]/[1SEC]/[OFF] • [Shutter Delay] is no t available in the f ollowing cases.
169 Recording Applicable modes: Y ou can adj ust the ISO sensitivity settings for every 1/3 EV . ¢ Only a vailable w hen [Ex tended I SO] is set. • When the setting is ch anged from [1/3 EV ] to [1 EV ], [Sensitivity] will be set to value closest to the valu e set durin g the [1/ 3 EV].
170 Recording Applicable modes: When the screen pe riphery darkens as a res ult of the lens character istics, you can rec ord pictures with the brightness of the screen periphery corrected. Settings: [O N]/[OFF ] • This featu re may be automatically di sabled, dep ending on the re cording co nditions.
171 Recording Applicable modes: Set this when you want to correct the color reproduction of the recorded pictures on a PC, printer etc. • Depending on the color spa ce settin g, the fi le name of th e recorded picture c hanges a s shown. • Set to sRGB if you are not very familiar with AdobeRGB.
172 Recording Applicable modes: Face Recognition is a f unction which finds a face resembling a registered face and prioritizes focus and exposure automatically . Even if the person is located towards the back or on t he end of a line in a group photo, the cam era can still take a clear picture.
173 Recording Y ou can register information s uch as na mes and birthdays for face images o f up to 6 people. Registration can be f acilitated by taking multiple face image s of each pe rson (up to 3 pictures/registration). 1 Press 3 / 4 to select [MEMO RY] and then press [MENU/SET ].
174 Recording 4 Press 3 / 4 to select the item and then press [MENU/SET]. • Y ou c an r egister up to 3 face images. • Exit the menu af ter it is set. Item Descr iption of sett ings [Name] It is possible to register names. 1 Press 4 to select [SE T] and then press [MENU/SET].
175 Recording Y ou can modify the pictures or information of an already registered person. Y ou can also delete the information of the registered person. 1 Press 4 to select [MEMORY] and press [MENU/SET ]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select the face image to edit or d elete and then press [MENU/SET].
176 Recording Applicable modes: If you set the name and birthday of your baby or pet in advance, you can record their name and age in month s and years in the images. Y ou can display these at playback or stamp the recorded images using [T ext St amp] (P197) .
177 Motion Pic ture Recording Motion Picture Applicable modes: This can record full high definition motion pictures compatible wit h the A VCHD format or motion pictures recorded in MP4, MOV .
178 Motion Pic ture When [A VCHD] is selected ¢ 1 A VCHD Progressive ¢ 2 The senso r out put is 30 frame s /second When [MP4] is selected When [MOV ] is selected Item Size Frame rate Bit rate [FHD/6.
179 Motion Pic ture ∫ About the compatibil ity of the recorded motion pictures The picture quality or sound quality of recorded motion pictures m ay be deteriorated even when they are played back with the compat ible devices. Also, recording information may not be displayed correc tly .
180 Motion Pic ture Focusing changes depending on the Focus Mode setting and the [Continuous A F] setting in the [Motion Picture] menu. ¢ When [Con tinuou s AF] is set to [ OFF], the fo c us is lock ed to the pos ition set at the start of recording.
181 Motion Pic ture • The avail able recording time dis played o n the sc reen may not de crease reg ularly . • Depending on th e type of the card, th e card access ind ication may appear for a while af ter rec ord ing m oti on pic tur es. T his is not a malf unc tio n.
182 Motion Pic ture During HDMI output, y ou can record while monitoring motion pictures on the T V , etc. Refer to P250 on how to connect with T V by using HDMI mini cable (optional).
183 Motion Pic ture Recording still pictures w hile recording m otion pictures Applicable modes: S till pictures ca n be record ed even while r ecording a m otion picture.
184 Motion Pic ture Recording motion pictures with manually s et aperture value/shutter sp eed (Creative Video Mode) Recor ding Mode: It is possible to manually change the aperture and shutter speed and record motion pictures. 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ].
185 Motion Pic ture Change the number of frames recorded and record motion pictures in slow and fast motion. 1 Select [Frame Rate] in the [ Motion Pic ture] menu.
186 Motion Pic ture The operational sound of the zoom or button operation may be recor ded when it is operated during the rec ording of a mot ion picture. Using touch icons allows silent operation while r ecording motio n pictures. • Set [Silen t Operatio n] in the [Mot ion Picture ] menu to [ON].
187 Motion Pic ture Setting the recording meth od of time code Applicable modes: T ime code represents the recording time by the unit s of hour , minute, second and frame, and can be used as a time scale for editing motion pictures. This unit automatically records time code during motion picture r ecording.
188 Motion Pic ture Using the [Motion Picture] M enu For det ails on [Moti on Picture] menu se ttings, refer to P37 . • [Photo S tyle], [Met ering Mode], [i.Dynamic], [ i.Resolut ion] and [Digit al Zoom] are common to both the [ Rec] menu and [Mo tion Pict ure] menu .
189 Motion Pic ture Settings: [O N]/[OFF ] • Refer to P180 for details. Settings: [Time Code Displ ay] / [Count Up]/[T i me Code Value]/[T im e Code Mode] • Refer to P187 for details. Applicable modes: White saturated areas appear blinking in black and white.
190 Motion Pic ture Settings: [O N]/[OFF ] • Refer to P186 for details. Applicable modes: Set whether or not the mic levels are di splayed on the screen. Settings: [O N]/[OFF ] • Not available with [Miniature Eff ect] in Creative Control Mode. Applicable modes: Adjust the sound input level to 19 different levels.
191 Motion Pic ture Settings: [REAL TIME] / [REC SOUND] • Refer to P182 for details. Applicable modes: Reduces the wind noise effectively if there is wind noise when rec ording sound. Settings: [A UTO]/[HIG H]/[ST ANDARD]/[LO W]/[OFF] • Setting [Wind Cut ] may alt er the usual sound qu ality .
192 Playback/Edit ing Using the [Playb ack] Menu For details on [Playback] menu set tings, refer to P37 . With this menu, y ou can use va rious playback functions such as cropping and ot her editing of recorded images , protect set tings, etc. • With [T ext S tamp ], [Resize] or [Cro pping], a new e dited pict ure is created.
193 Playback/Edit ing ∫ Oper atio ns p erfor m ed dur ing slide sho w Display at the right of the screen while playing back corresponds to 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 on the cursor button.
194 Playback/Edit ing Playback in [Normal Play], [Picture Only], [Video Only], [3D Play], [Category Play] or [Favorite Play] can be selected. 1 Select [Playback M ode] on the [Playback] menu. (P37) 2 Select the g roup to play b ack by p ressing 3 / 4 , an d then p ress [ME NU/SET].
195 Playback/Edit ing The location information (longit ude/latitude) acquired by the smartphone/tablet can be sent to the camera and written in images. Preparation: Sending location information to the camera from the smartphone/tablet . (P213) 1 Select [Loc ation Logging] on the [Pl ayback] menu.
196 Playback/Edit ing Y ou can add text (comments) to pictures. Afte r text has been registered , it can be s tamped in prints using [T ex t S tamp] (P197) . 1 Select [Title Edit] on the [Playback] menu. (P37) 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Single] or [Multi] and then press [MENU/SET].
197 Playback/Edit ing Y ou can st am p the recording date/time, name, location, travel date or t itle onto the recorded pictures. 1 Select [T ext Stamp] on the [P layback] menu. (P37) 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Single] or [Multi] and then press [MENU/SET].
198 Playback/Edit ing 6 Press 3 / 4 to select th e settings, and then p ress [MENU/SET ]. 7 Press [ ]. 8 Press 3 to s elect [OK], an d then p ress [ME NU/SET]. • Confirmat ion screen is displayed. It is exec uted when [Y es] is selected. Exit the menu af ter it is executed.
199 Playback/Edit ing Recorded motion picture can be divided in t wo. It is recommended for when you want to divide a part you need with a part you do not need. Dividi ng a mot ion pictur e is per manent. Deci de befo re you di vide! 1 Select [Video Divide] on the [Playbac k] menu.
200 Playback/Edit ing T o allow easy posting to web pages, attachment to e-ma il etc., picture size (number of pixels) is reduced. 1 Select [Resize] o n the [Pl ayback] menu. (P37) 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Single] or [Multi] and then press [MENU/SET].
201 Playback/Edit ing Y ou can enl arge and then clip the important part of the recorded picture. 1 Select [Cropping ] on the [Pl ayback] men u. (P37) 2 Press 2 / 1 to select the pic ture, and then press [M ENU/SET]. 3 Use the rear di al and press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select the p arts to be cropped.
202 Playback/Edit ing This mode allows you to automatically display pictures vertically if they were recorded holding the camera vertically or rotate pict ures manually in 90 o step s. 1 Select [Rotate] on the [Playback] menu. (P37) • The [Rot ate] function is disabl ed when [Rotate Disp .
203 Playback/Edit ing Y ou can do the following if a mark has been added to pictures and they have be en set as favo rite s. • Play back the pic tures set as f avorites only as a slid e show . • Play back onl y the picture s set as favorit es. ([Favor ite Play]) • Delet e all the pictu res no t se t as favor ites.
204 Playback/Edit ing DPOF “D igital Print Order Fo rmat” is a system t hat allows the user to select which pictures to print, how many copies of each pict ure to print and whether or not to print the recording date on the pi ctures when using a DPOF compatible photo printer or photo printing store.
205 Playback/Edit ing • The number of prints can be set from 0 to 999. • Depending on th e printer , the date print sett ings of the pri nter may tak e precedence s o check if this is th e case. • It may not be possible to use the print set tings wit h other equip ment.
206 Playback/Edit ing Y ou can clear and replac e all information relating to f ace reco gnition in selected images. 1 Select [Face Rec Edit] on the [Playback] menu. (P 37) 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [REPLACE] or [D ELETE] and then press [ME NU/SET]. 3 Press 2 / 1 to select the picture and then press [MENU/SET].
207 Wi-Fi Wi-Fi R function ∫ Use the camera as a wireless LAN device When using equipment or computer systems that require more reliable security than wireless LAN devices, ensure that the appropriate m easures a re taken for safety de signs and defects for the sy stems used.
208 Wi-Fi ∫ Images that can be sent ¢ 1 S ending by [Send Images While Recording] is not av ailable. ¢ 2 Lo ng A VCHD motion pictures may not be sent.
209 Wi-Fi • The camera ca nnot be used to connect to a public wireless LA N connection. • Use a IEEE802. 1 1b, IEEE802. 1 1g or IEEE802. 1 1n compa tible device whe n using a wireles s access point. • We str ongly recommend t hat you set an encrypti on to maintain informa tion sec urity .
210 Wi-Fi What you can do with the Wi-Fi func tion Linking with the Wi-Fi c ompatible equipment allows you to remotely ope rate the camera, or share pictures w ith people in distant places ev en during recording or playing back.
211 Wi-Fi [Remote Shooting] Y ou can remotely operate the camera using a smartphone/tablet. Y ou need to install “LUMIX LINK” o n your smart phone/tablet. The “LUMIX LINK” is an ap plication provi ded by Panasonic that allows your s martphone/ tablet to perform the following operations of a W i-Fi-compatible LUMIX.
212 Wi-Fi 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select th e connection destination f rom [Select a des tination from Histor y] (P214) or [S elect a d estination from Favorite] (P215) .
213 Wi-Fi Select [ ] o n the smartp hone/tablet. • Motion pi ctures are rec orded by timer rec ording. Set the recor ding time in advanc e. • Y ou c annot st op motion pi cture rec ording ha lfway from a smart phone/ta blet. T o stop the re cording, operate the camera.
214 Wi-Fi • Read the [Help] in the “LUMIX LINK” menu for further details on how to operate. • T o quit [Remote Shoo ti ng], p res s [ Wi- Fi] . • Caution: Be sure to p ay specia l attenti on to the privac y , the likeness r ight s, etc. of the subject when you u se this function.
215 Wi-Fi If you register a frequent ly used Wi-Fi c onnec tion, you can quickly call it and connect. 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Select a destination from History], and t hen press [M ENU/SET]. 3 Select the item you w ant to reg ister to favo rites with 3 / 4 , and then press 1 .
216 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Select a destination from Favorite], and th en press [MENU/SET]. 3 Select the favorite item you want to edit with 3 / 4 , and then press 1 .
217 Wi-Fi Selecting the connection method • Y ou can select whether to conn ect via a wireless access point or connect dire ctly . Press 3 / 4 to select connectio n method, and then pres s [MENU/SET]. ¢ WPS refers to a function t hat allows you to easily config ure the settin gs related to the connecti on and security of wir eless LAN devices .
218 Wi-Fi Search for avail able wireless acce ss point s. • Confirm encr yption key of th e selected wirele ss access point if t he network authe nticati on is encrypted . • When connec ting by [ Manual Inpu t], confi rm SSID, en cryptio n type, en cryptio n key of th e wireless acces s point you are usin g.
219 Wi-Fi • Check the wi reless access po ints inst ruction manual an d setting s when a saving wireless access point. • If no connec tion can be est ablished, th e wireless access point’ s radio waves may be too weak. Refer to “ Message Display ” (P27 4) and “ T roublesh ooting ” (P286) for details.
220 Wi-Fi [Playback on TV] 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select th e connection destination f rom [Select a des tination from Histor y] (P214) or [S elect a d estination from Favorite] (P215) .
221 Wi-Fi • Motion pi ctures can not be displaye d on a TV . • During the mult i/calenda r playback, pictures displayed on th e s creen of this unit are not display ed on TV . • When a TV is conn ected to this unit , the TV scr een may temporar ily return to the st atus bef ore the conne ction.
222 Wi-Fi [Send Images While Rec ording] A picture can be automatically sent to a specified device every time you take it . Since the camera gives priority to recordi ng, sending m ay take longer during the recording of Burst pictures or motion pictures.
223 Wi-Fi ∫ When you want to connect to the smartphone/t ablet via a wireless access point (On your smart phone/t ablet) 1 On the set ting menu of your smartpho ne/t ablet, turn on th e Wi-Fi function . 2 Select the wireless access point you want to connect to, and set.
224 Wi-Fi Press 3 / 4 to se lect the item, and press [MENU/ SET]. Changi ng the sett ings for se nding images Item Description of settings [Size] Resize the image to send. [Original]/[Auto] ¢ 1 /[Change ] • If you selec t [Auto], the image si ze is determine d by the circumst ances at t he destinatio n.
225 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select the co nnection destinat ion from [Selec t a destinat ion from History ] (P214) or [Select a de stinatio n from Favor ite] (P2 15) .
226 Wi-Fi • Create a PC user account [account name (up to 254 chara c ters) and pass word (up to 32 character s )] consis ting of alph anumeric charac ters. An at tempt to creat e a receive folde r may fail if the accoun t includes non-alphanu meric c haracters .
227 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select the co nnection destinat ion from [Selec t a destinat ion from History ] (P214) or [Select a de stinatio n from Favor ite] (P2 15) .
228 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select the co nnection destinat ion from [Selec t a destinat ion from History ] (P214) or [Select a de stinatio n from Favor ite] (P2 15) .
229 Wi-Fi • Images uploaded to the WEB S ervice c annot be displayed o r deleted with t his camera. Check images by acces sing the WEB Serv ice with your smar tphone/t ablet or co mputer . • If sending imag es fails, a repo rt email outlining the fai lure will be sent to the email add ress registered with “LUMI X CLUB”.
230 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select the co nnection destinat ion from [Selec t a destinat ion from History ] (P214) or [Select a de stinatio n from Favor ite] (P2 15) .
231 Wi-Fi [Send Images Stored in the Camera] • When sendin g images on a mobile net work, high p acket communic ation fee s may be incurred depending on the detai ls of your contract. • Details of the playback menu [Favorit e] or [ Print S et] set tings wil l not be sent.
232 Wi-Fi ∫ When you wan t to direct ly connect th e smartphone/tablet to this unit • When connect ing with [Wi -Fi Direct] or [WPS Connec tion] (On the camera ) 1 Press 3 / 4 to select [Direct], an d then pr ess [MENU/S ET]. • For detail s on the co nnec tion methods, refer to P219 .
233 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select the co nnection destinat ion from [Selec t a destinat ion from History ] (P214) or [Select a de stinatio n from Favor ite].
234 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select the co nnection destinat ion from [Selec t a destinat ion from History ] (P214) or [Select a de stinatio n from Favor ite].
235 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select the co nnection destinat ion from [Selec t a destinat ion from History ] (P214) or [Select a de stinatio n from Favor ite].
236 Wi-Fi • Images uploaded to the WEB S ervice c annot be displayed o r deleted with t his camera. Check images by acces sing the WEB Serv ice with your smar tphone/t ablet or co mputer . • If sending imag es fails, a repo rt email outlining the fai lure will be sent to the email add ress registered with “LUMI X CLUB”.
237 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select the co nnection destinat ion from [Selec t a destinat ion from History ] (P214) or [Select a de stinatio n from Favor ite].
238 Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [New C onnection], and then press [MENU/SET]. • When conne cting with the set ting you used bef ore, you can select the co nnection destinat ion from [Selec t a destinat ion from History ] (P214) or [Select a de stinatio n from Favor ite] (P2 15) .
239 Wi-Fi Using “LUMIX CLUB” Acquire a “LUMIX CLUB” login ID (free). If you register this unit to the “LUMIX CL UB”, you c an synchronize im ages between t he devices you are using, or transfer t hese images to WEB s ervices. Use the “LUMIX CLUB” when uploading pictures to WEB services or external A V device.
240 Wi-Fi 9 Check the login ID and p ress [MENU/ SET]. • The login ID (12-di git number) will be dis played automat ically . When logging in to the “LUMIX CLUB” with a computer , you only need to ent er the numbers. • A messag e is dis played when the connecti on is comp lete.
241 Wi-Fi • Setting the same login ID on this unit and your smartp hone/t ablet is convenient for sending images on thi s unit to other de v ices or WEB se rvices. Check the details if the term s of use ha ve been updat ed. 1 Select [Wi-Fi] in the [Setup] menu.
242 Wi-Fi Delete the login ID from the camera when transferring it to another p arty or disposing of it. Y ou can also delete your “ LUMIX CLUB” account. 1 Select [Wi-Fi] in the [Setup] menu. (P37) 2 Sele ct [ Wi-Fi Se tup] in the [Wi- Fi] men u. 3 Press 3 / 4 to select [LUMIX CLUB], and p ress [MENU/SET ].
243 Wi-Fi Images can be sent to the A V device of relatives and acquaintances via “LUMIX CLUB”. • See the following site for A V device that is compat ible with “LUMIX CLUB”. http://pana global/cs/dsc/ (This Site is English only .
244 Wi-Fi How to Use the [Wi-Fi Setup] Menu For details on how to select the [ Setup] m enu settings, refer to P37 . Configure the settings r equired for the W i-Fi function. [Wi-Fi Setup] cannot be changed when connected to Wi-Fi. (excluding [Network Addr ess] ) 1 Select [Wi-Fi] in the [Setup] menu.
245 Wi-Fi • For det ails on how to enter charact ers, refer to “ Entering T ext ” section on P64 . • Make a copy of password. If you forget t he password , you can reset it with [Reset Wi-Fi Settings] in th e [Setup] menu, however othe r se ttings will also be reset.
246 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t Enjoying 3D pict ures Attaching the 3D interchangeable lens (H-FT012: opt ional) to the came ra allows you to take 3D pictures for extra impact. T o view 3D pictures, a television that support s 3D is required. 1 Att ach the 3 D interchangea ble lens to the came ra.
247 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t ∫ Functi ons that cannot be used dur ing 3D recor ding When recording w ith the 3D interchangea ble lens (H-FT 012: optional), the following feature will be dis.
248 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t Connecting the camera to a 3D compatible television and playing back pict ures taken in 3D allows you to enjoy 3D pictures for extra impact. It is also possible to pl ay back the recorded 3D pictures by inserting an SD card into the 3D compatible television with an SD car d slot.
249 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t • When a pictur e recorded in 3D is display ed on this un it, it is played back in 2D (conventiona l image). • A black scre en is displayed for a few second s when switching p layback ba ck and fort h from 3D to 2D pi ctu res.
250 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t Playing Back Pictures o n a TV S creen Pictures recor ded with this unit c an be played back on a T V screen. • Confirm the terminals on y our TV and use a cable compat ible with t he ter minals. Image quality may vary with the conne c ted termi nals.
251 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t 2 T urn on the TV and select the in put to match the conne ctor in use. 3 T urn the camer a on and the n press [ ( ].
252 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t 1 Connect this unit to a Panasonic TV comp atible with VIERA Link with a HDMI min i cable (optional) (P250 ) . 2 T urn the camer a on and the n press [ ( ]. 3 Operate with the remote control for the TV . • Operate with ref erence to the operatio n icons displayed on the scr een.
253 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t ∫ Other linked operations T urni ng this uni t off: If you use the rem ote control for the TV to turn the TV off, this unit is also turned off.
254 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t Saving still pictures and motion p ictures on your PC Y ou can acquire recorded pictures to a PC by connecting the camera and the PC. • Some PCs can read dir ectly from the car d removed from the camer a. For detai ls, refer to the operating instructions of your PC.
255 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t The supplied CD-ROM includes the following sof tware. Install the software on to your computer before use. • PHOTOfunSTUDIO 8.
256 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t ∫ Inst alling supplied sof tware • Before inserting the CD-ROM, close all running applications. 1 Check the environme nt of your PC.
257 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t ∫ T ransfe rring pictures to a PC 1 Connec t the compute r and camera wi th the USB connec tion cable (supplied). • Please turn this unit on and you r PC b efore c onnectin g. • T urn the monitor t oward you.
258 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t ∫ Copyin g to a PC wit hout usi ng “ PHOTOfunS TUDIO ” If you are not able to install “ PHOTOfunSTUDIO ”, you can copy files and folders to your PC by dragging and dropping files f rom this unit. • The conten t (folder struc ture) on th e card of this uni t is as follows.
259 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t Saving still pictures and motion p ictures on a Recorder If you insert card holdi ng content recorded with this unit into a Panasonic recorder , you can dub the content to a Blu-ray Disc or DVD etc. Methods to export still pictures and m otion pict ures to other devices will vary depending on the file format.
260 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t Printing the Pictures If you connect the camera to a printer supporting PictBridge, you can select the pictures to be printed out and inst ruct that printing be started on the cam era’s monitor . • Grouped pic tures are di splayed indi vidually .
261 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t 1 Press 3 . 2 Press 3 / 4 to select an item and then press [MENU/SET]. Selecting a single picture and printing it 1 Press 2 / 1 to select the picture and then press [MENU/SET]. 2 Press 3 to sel ect [Print start] and then press [MENU/SET].
262 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t Select and s et the ite ms both on the screen in step 2 of the “ Selecting a single pictur e and printing it” and i n step 3 of the “Selecting multiple pictures and printing them” procedu res.
263 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t ∫ [Paper Size] • Paper s izes not supported by the printe r will not be displayed. ∫ [Page Layou t] (Layouts for printi ng that c an be set with this uni t) • An item cann ot be selec ted if the prin ter does not support t he page lay out.
264 Connect ing to o ther e quipmen t • The camera i s receiving an er ror message from t he printer wh en the [ ¥ ] indica tion lights orange during printing . Afte r finishing printing, mak e sure there are no problems with the printe r . • If the numb er of print s is high, the pict ures may be printed several t imes.
265 Others Optional accessories After att aching the external flash (DMW-FL360L, DMW-FL220, DMW -FL360, DMW-FL500: optional), the ef fect ive range will be increased when compared to the camera’s built in flash. ∫ Using the ded icated flash (DMW-FL360L: optional) Preparations: • Close the bui lt-in fla sh, and the n turn this unit off.
266 Others ∫ When using other commercially available external f lashes without communication functio ns with the camera (DMC-GH3) • It is ne c essary to se t the e x posure on the externa l flash.
267 Others Using the stereo s hotgun microphone (DMW-MS2:optional), you can s witch between t he gun (ultra-directional) recording and the wide range stereo recording. Preparations: • Close the bui lt-in fla sh, and the n turn this unit off. • Remove the ho t shoe cover that is attac hed to the ca mera.
268 Others Using a battery gr ip (DMW-BGGH3: optional) improves ease of oper ation and grip w hen held vertically . Installing a spare battery will allow y ou to record for a longer time.
269 Others By connecting the A C adaptor (optional), and t hen plugging them into an elect rical socket, you can connect t his unit to a PC or printer and use without worrying about the capacity of the battery . T o use the AC adaptor , a DC coupler (optional) is required.
270 Others Monitor Display/Viewfinder Display • The follo wing images ar e examples of when the displ ay screen is set to [ ] (monitor styl e) in th e m oni to r .
271 Others ∫ In recording (after settings) 31 Custom settings (P1 15) 32 Creative control adjustment display (P101) 33 Flash (P127 , 128 , 129) 34 Extended T ele Conversion (when recording motion pi.
272 Others 58 Mic lev el display (P19 0) Age ¢ 8 (P176) Location ¢ 7 (P46) 59 Name ¢ 8 (P176) Number of days that have passed since the departure date ¢ 7 (P46) 60 Simultaneous recording indicator (P183) 61 Digital Zoom (P1 19) 62 HDR (P164) : Multi exposure (P165) ¢ 1 Dis pla yed onl y on t he on-m oni tor re cord in g informat ion screen.
273 Others ∫ In playback Detailed information display Histogram display 1 Playback M ode (P194) 2 : Motion picture playback (P78) / : Continuously Burst Picture Group Playback (P80) : Continuously [.
274 Others Message Display Confirmation messages or error mess ages will be displayed on the sc reen in some cas es. The major m essages are desc ribed below as examples. [This picture is protected] > Delete the pic ture aft e r canceli ng the protect setting.
275 Others [Memory Card Error]/[Memory card pa rameter error]/[This memory card cannot be used] > Use a card compatible with this unit. (P31) • SD Memory Card (8 MB to 2 GB) • SDHC Memory Card (4 GB to 32 GB) • SDXC Memory Card (48 GB, 64 GB) [Insert SD card again]/[T ry an other card] • An error has occurred accessing the card.
276 Others [Editing operation cannot proceed as information processing is ongoing.] When a c ard with pictures deleted o r file names c hanged using a PC or other device is inserted into this unit, it will automatically retrieve new information and reconstruct the group pictures.
277 Others [Upload to the Cloud Fo lder is available after Cloud Sync settings have been set up on download able devi ces such as PCs or smartphon es.] • Devices th at download image s from a cloud folder are not re gistered. • Perform Clo ud Sync s etting.
278 Others Menu list Click the followings t o jump to the beginning of each menu. This menu lets you set the aspect ratio, number of pixels and other aspects of the pictures you are recording. • [Photo S tyle], [Met ering Mode], [i.Dynamic], [ i.Resolut ion] and [Digit al Zoom] are common to both the [ Rec] menu and [Mo tion Pict ure] menu .
279 Others [Tim e Lap se Shot] Y ou can set the recording start time, the recording interval and the number of pictures, and automatically record subjects such as animals and plants as time elapses. P166 [Electron ic Shutter] The electronic shutter c an reduce the picture blur .
280 Others This menu lets you set the [Rec Mode], [Rec Quality], and other aspects for motion picture recording. • [Photo S tyle], [Met ering Mode], [i.Dynamic], [ i.Resolut ion] and [Digit al Zoom] are common to both the [ Rec] menu and [Mo tion Pict ure] menu .
281 Others Operation of the unit, such as displaying of the screen and button operations, can be set up according to your preferences. Also, it is possible t o register the modified settings. [Custom] [Cust.Set Me m.] Registers the c urrent camera settings as custom s et.
282 Others [MF Guide] When you set the focus manually , an MF guide that allows you to check the direction to achieve focus is displayed. P148 [Histogram] This allows you to set either to display or not display the histogram. P57 [Guide Line] This will set the pattern of guide lines displayed when taking a picture.
283 Others This menu lets you perform the clock settings , select the operating beep tone settings and set other settings which make it easier for you to operate the camera. Y ou can also configure the set tings of Wi-Fi relat ed functions. [Eye Sensor] Enable or disable the eye s ensor .
284 Others [Economy] Suppress es the unit’s power consumption to prevent the battery from being run down. P48 [Battery Us e Priority] When batteries are inserted to both this unit and the battery grip, you can set that which battery should be used first.
285 Others This menu lets you set the Protection, Cropping or Pr int Settings, etc. of recorded pictures. [Playb ack] [2D/3D Settings] Switches the playback method for 3D images. P192 [Slid e Sho w] Selects the type et c. of the imag es and plays back in order .
286 Others T roubleshooting First, try out the following procedures ( P286 – 300 ). • The batt ery is exhaust ed. • Charge th e battery . • If you leave the camer a on, the battery will be exhaust ed. > T urn the camer a off f requently by using the [Econ omy] etc.
287 Others • Picture might look whitish when lens or imag e s ensor get s dirty with fin gerprint s or similar . > If the lens is dirty tu rn the camera off and t hen gently wipe the lens surfa ce with a sof t, dry clo th. > Refer to P 302 when t he image sensor gets dirty .
288 Others • Is the ISO s ensitivit y high or the shut ter speed s low? ([Sensi tivity] is set t o [AUTO ] when the camera is shipped. Ther efore, when taking pic tures indoors etc .
289 Others • There ma y be d efective pi xels in the ima ge sensor . Perform [Pixel Refresh] (P52) . • Set the AF area to the dis tinctive color of the subje ct if ther e is a part t hat is dif ferent from the surround ing color .
290 Others • Object seems to be warped slightly when the obj ect moves across the image very fast, but this is because the un it is using MOS for the image sens or .
291 Others • If no operat ions are perf ormed duri ng the set time period, [Auto L VF/Monito r Off] (P48) is activ ated, a nd the Monitor/Viewf inder t urns o ff. • When an objec t or your hand is po sitioned near the ey e sensor , the Mo nitor disp lay may switch to the V iewfinder dis play .
292 Others • In dark places , noise may app ear to maint ain the bright ness of the monitor . • This is a charac teristi c of this unit’ s monitor , and this is not a malf unction . • Being a chara cteris tic of the viewfind er of this unit, thi s phenomenon is not a problem.
293 Others • Is some thing c overing up the speaker? (P1 1) • Is the clock in the camera set pro perly? (P35 ) • Images edi ted on a PC or image s recorded on oth er cameras might dis play a dif ferent date to the rec orded da te during the Calendar Playba c k.
294 Others • Use within th e communication range of the wirele s s LAN networ k. • Connecti on types an d security setting met hods are d if ferent dep ending on t he wireless ac cess point. > Refer to the op erating ins tructions of the wireless acc ess point.
295 Others • It may tak e longer time t o connect depe nding on the Wi-Fi connection setting of the smartpho ne/tablet , but it is no t a malfunction . > Try switching th e ON/ OFF of th e Wi-Fi fu ncti on in the W i-Fi se ttings of the smart phon e/ table t.
296 Others • Upload may not comp lete when it is discon nected while tran s mitting the image. • It may t ake some ti me aft er uploadi ng the image t o be reflec ted in the WE B service d epending on the sta tus of the server . > Wait for a while and try again.
297 Others • Is the size of the image too large? > T ransmit after dividing the motion p icture with [V ideo Div ide] (P199) . > Reduce the imag e size at [Siz e] (P224 ) , and then s end. > Image canno t be transmit ted when the battery ind icator is flas hing red .
298 Others • Is it connect ed properly with th e H DMI mini cable (opt ional)? (P250) > Confirm that the HDMI mini cable (op t ional) is fi rmly fitted. > Press [ ( ] on thi s un it. • Is the [VIE RA Link] on this u nit set to [ON]? (P50) > Depending on HDMI terminal of the TV , the i nput chan nel may not switch aut omatically .
299 Others > When using a print er with a Cropping or borderless printing fun ction, canc el this fu nction before print ing. (For de tail s, refer to the operating ins tructions fo r the printer .) > When you order phot o studios to p rint p ictures, ask the photo studio i f the 16 :9 pictures c an be printed.
300 Others • The surface of the camera and the reverse side of the monitor may bec ome warm during use. This does not affe ct the perfor mance or quality of the ca mera. • If you do not us e the camera for a long time, t he clock may be rese t. > [Please set t he clock] messag e will be displayed; please reset the clock.
301 Others Cautions for Use Keep this un it as far away as possible fro m electromagn etic equipment (such as microwave ovens, TVs, v ideo games etc.). • If you use th is unit on top of or near a TV , the pictures and/o r s ound on this unit may be disrupt ed by el ectromagnet ic wave r adiation.
302 Others Before clea ning the came ra, remove the batter y or the DC coupler (optiona l), or discon nect the power pl ug from the outlet. Then wipe the came ra with a dry , sof t cloth. • When the c amera is soiled bad ly , it can be cleane d by wiping the di rt of f with a wrung wet c loth, and then wi th a dry cloth.
303 Others ∫ For care of the eye cu p on the viewfinder • Do not press th e monitor with excessiv e force. Unev en colors may appear on the monitor and it may malfunct ion. • If the camera is cold when you turn it on, the picture on the Moni tor/Vi ewfinder will be slightly darker t han usual at first.
304 Others The battery is a rech argeable lithium ion battery . It s ability to generate power comes from the chemical reaction that t akes place inside it. This reaction is susceptible to the s urroundi ng temperature a nd humi dity . If th e temper ature is too hi gh or too low, the operating ti me of the battery will b ecome shorter .
305 Others ∫ Abou t 3 D re cor din g With the 3D interchangeable lens attached, d o not record a subject at less than the minimum focus distance. • The 3D ef fects may be more pronoun ced, and there fore cause ti redness or discomfor t . • When the 3D interch angeable len s (H-FT012: optio nal) is used, the minimum focu s distance is 0.
306 Others Do not leave the card where the temperature is h igh, where el ectromagnetic waves or st ati c electricity are easily generated or exposed to di rect sunlight. Do no t bend or drop the c ard. • The card may be da maged or the r ecorded cont ent may be damag ed or deleted.
307 Others • S tore the batter y in a cool and dry place wit h a relatively s table te mperature: [Recommended temperat ure: 15 o C to 25 o C (59 o F to 77 o F), Recommend ed humidity: 40%RH to 60%RH] • Always remo v e the battery and t he car d fro m the c amera.
308 Others • G MICRO SYSTEM is a lens ex change type digit al camera system of LUMIX base d on a Micro Four Third s System stand ard. • Micro Four Thirds™ and Micro Four Thirds Log o marks are trademar ks or registered trademarks of O lympus Imag ing Corporation, in Jap an, the Unit ed S tates, the European Union and other count ries.
309 Others • QuickT ime and the QuickT ime logo are trademarks or register ed trademar ks of Apple Inc ., used unde r license th erefrom. • Android and G oogle Play are t radema rks or r egistered tradema rks of Goog le In c. • Y ouT ube is a trademark of Google Inc.
310 Others This pr oduct incorporat es th e following software: (1) the softw are develop ed independen tly by or fo r Panasonic Corpor ation, (2) the softw are owned by th ird par ty and licensed to .
311 Others This pr oduct include s cryptogr aphic software wr itten by Eric Y oung (eay @crypt so . Thi s product includes sof tware written by T im Hudson (tjh@c ryptsof Original SS Leay License Copyr ight (C) 1 995- 1998 Er ic Y oun g (e ay@c rypts oft.
312 Others This p roduct cont ains encryption s oft ware develop ed by Eric Y oung, and can be u sed under t he following lic encing cond itions. Copyr ight (C) 1 995- 1998 Er ic Y oun g (e ay@c rypts All right s reserved. This pac kage is an SSL impl ementat ion written by Eric Y oung (eay@cry ptsof t.
313 Others This pr oduct cont ains NetB SD softw are, and can be used under th e following li cencing conditions. Copyrigh t (c) 1990 The Regen ts of the Univ ersity of Cali fornia. All rights res erved. This code is derived fr om software c ontribut ed to Berkeley by Chris T orek.
314 Others This pr oduct cont ains Open SSL sof tware deve loped by the OpenS SL Project , and can be used under t he follo wing licen cing condit ions.
315 Others This p roduct cont ains encryption s oft ware develop ed by Eric Y oung, and can be u sed under t he following lic encing cond itions. Copyr ight (C) 1 995- 1998 Er ic Y oun g (e ay@c rypts All right s reserved. This pac kage is an SSL impl ementat ion written by Eric Y oung (eay@cry ptsof t.
316 Others This pr oduct cont ains NetB SD softw are, and can be used under th e following li cencing conditions. Copyrigh t (c) 1990 The Regen ts of the University of California. All right s reserved. This code is derived fr om software c ontribut ed to Berkeley by Chris T orek.
317 Others This pr oduct cont ains NetB SD softw are, and can be used under th e following li cencing conditions. Copyrigh t (c) 1989 The Regen ts of the University of California. All right s reserved. This code is derived fr om softw are contribut ed to Berkel ey by T om Trusc ott.
318 Others This pr oduct cont ains NetB SD softw are, and can be used under th e following li cencing conditions. Copyrigh t (c) 1990, 19 93 The Regent s of the University of California. All rig hts reser ved. This code is derived fr om software c ontribut ed to Berkeley by Chris T orek.
This produc t conta ins XML pars er library , and can be used under the follo wing licencin g conditions. Copyright (c) 1998, 19 99, 2000 Thai Open S ource S oftware Cente r Ltd Permission is hereby g.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic DMC-GH3 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic DMC-GH3 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic DMC-GH3 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic DMC-GH3 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic DMC-GH3 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic DMC-GH3 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic DMC-GH3 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic DMC-GH3 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.