Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DMCFH10P van de fabrikant Panasonic
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Owner’s Manual for advanced fe atures Digital Camera Mode l No. DMC-XS1 DMC-FH10 Please read thes e instruc tions ca refully be fore using this pro duct, and sav e this ma nual for future use. until 2013/01/21 VQT4P 59 F1212HH0 Reg ist er on li n e at www.
- 2 - Content s Before Use Care of the cam era ...... .... .... .... ....... .... .... ...... ..... .... .... ...... .... ..... .... ...... .... ..... ...... .... .... .. 5 St andard Accessories ........... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ..
- 3 - • Digit a l Zoom. .. ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. ...... 49 T aki ng Pic tures Us ing th e Built-in Fl ash .... ..... ...... ........ ....... ........ .... ...
- 4 - • [S tabiliz er] .... .. ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. ...... 79 • [Date S t amp] ....... .......... ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. ........ .. .......
- 5 - Before Use Care of the camera Do not subject to strong vibration, shock, or pressure. • The lens, LCD monit or , or ext erna l c ase may be damage d if used in the following c ondition s . It may also malf unction or image may not be rec orded if you: – Drop or hit the camer a.
- 6 - Before Use St andard Accessories Check that all the ac cessories are s upplied before using the ca mera. • The accessori es and their shape will differ dep ending o n the co unt ry or area where t he c amera was purchased. For details on the access ories, refer to “Basic Owner’s Man ual” .
- 7 - Before Use Names and Functions of Main Parts (DMC-XS1) 1F l a s h (P50) 2 Self-timer indicator (P54) 3 Lens (P5 , 1 10) 4 LCD monitor (P45 , 107 , 1 10) 5 [MODE] button (P 25 , 82) 6 Charging la.
- 8 - Before Use 13 S peake r (P41) • Be carefu l not to cov er t he speaker with your finger . Doing so may mak e sound dif f icult to hear . 14 Lens barrel 15 S trap ey elet (P24) • Be sure to attach th e stra p w h en usi n g the camera to ensure that you will not drop it .
- 9 - Before Use (DMC-FH10) 1F l a s h (P50) 2 Self-timer indicator (P54) 3 Lens (P5 , 1 10) 4 LCD monitor (P45 , 107 , 1 10) 5 [MODE] button (P 25 , 82) 6 Charging lamp (P13) 7 Zoom button (P47) 8 Mo.
- 10 - Before Use 13 S peake r (P41) • Be carefu l not to cov er t he speaker with your finger . Doing so may mak e sound dif f icult to hear . 14 Lens barrel 15 S trap ey elet (P24) • Be sure to attach th e stra p w h en usi n g the camera to ensure that you will not drop it .
- 11 - Prepar ation Charging the Bat tery Use th e dedicate d AC a daptor (supplied ) , USB con nection cable (suppli ed) and ba ttery . • The batter y is not char ged when th e camera is shipped. Charge the batte ry before use. • Char ge t he ba ttery o nly w hen it is insert ed in the c amera .
- 12 - Prepar ation Insert the battery into t he camera to c harge it. 1 Slide the r elease le ver in the direction of the arrow and open the card/ battery door . • Always u se ge n uine Panas onic batt eries. • If you use oth er b atteri es, we canno t guarantee the quality of this product.
- 13 - Prepar ation • Charge the ba tter y in areas with an ambie nt temperature, bet ween 10 o C and 30 o C (50 o F and 86 o F ) (sa me as the battery temper atu re), is reco m m ended.
- 14 - Prepar ation (Charging from a computer) Connect the computer and this camer a with the USB connect ion cable (supplied). • Charging may not be possibl e dependin g on computer specif ications. • If the computer enter s a suspended sta te while charging t he bat tery , charging will stop.
- 15 - Prepar ation • Do not leave any met al items (s uch as clip s) near the cont act areas of the power p lug . Otherwise, a fire and/or electri c shocks may b e caused by short-cir cuiting or the resulting heat genera ted.
- 16 - Prepar ation ∫ Recording still pictures Recording conditions by CIP A st andard • CIP A is an abbrev ia tion of [Camera & Imag ing Product s Association]. • T e mperature: 23 o C (73.4 o F)/Humidity: 50%RH when L CD monitor is on. • Using a Panasonic mic roSDHC Memory Card (16 GB).
- 17 - Prepar ation ∫ Playback • The opera ting times and nu mber of recordable pictures will differ a ccording to the environment and the operating conditions.
- 18 - Prepar ation Inserting and Removing t he Card (optional) • Che ck th at this un it is tur n ed off. • We rec ommend us ing a P anasonic card.
- 19 - Prepar ation About the Built-in Memory/ the Card • Y ou can c opy the record ed pictures to a card. ( P95) • Memory size: Approx. 90 MB • The access time fo r the b uilt-in memo ry may be longer than the access t ime for a c ard. The following cards, which conform to the SD video standard, c an be used with this unit.
- 20 - Prepar ation • During acce ss ( image writing, readi ng and dele ting, formatting etc. ), do not t urn th i s unit off, remove the ba ttery , card or disconnec t the AC adaptor (sup plied). Furthermore, do n ot subject the cam era to vibrati on, impact or st atic electri city .
- 21 - Prepar ation ∫ About the displ ay of the numb er of recordable pictures an d available recording t ime ∫ Number of recordable pictures • [ i 99999 ] is displaye d if t here are more than 100,000 pictures r emain ing.
- 22 - Prepar ation Setting Date/Time (Clock Set) • The clock is not set when the camera is shipped. 1 Press came ra [ON/OFF] button . • If the lang uage selec t sc reen is not displayed, proceed t o st ep 4 . 2 Press [MENU/SET]. 3 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the la nguage, and press [MENU/SET].
- 23 - Prepar ation Select [Clock Set] in the [Rec] or [Setup] menu, and press [ME NU/SE T]. (P38) • The clock can be reset as shown in steps 5 and 6 . • The clock setting is m aintai ned for about 20 hours using the built-in clock battery even without the battery .
- 24 - Prepar ation Tip s for t aking g ood pictures Hold the camera gently with both hands, keep you r arms still at your side and st and with your fee t slightly ap art. • T o prevent droppin g, be sure to attach the supplied strap a nd fit it to your wrist.
- 25 - Basic Selecting the Recording Mode ∫ List of Recording M odes • When the mode has been switched from Playback Mode to Reco rding Mo de, the previously s et Recording Mode will b e set. 1 Press [MO DE]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to selec t the Recording Mode .
- 26 - Basic T aking pictures using the automa tic function (Intelligent Auto Mode) Recording Mode: The camera will set the m ost appropriate settings to match the subject and the recording conditions so we recommend th is mode for beginners or those who want to leave the s ettings to the camera and take pictures easily .
- 27 - Basic When the camera identifies the optimum s cene, the icon of the scene concerned is displayed in blue for 2 se conds, after which its color c hanges to the usual red. When takin g pictures • [ ¦ ] is set if none of the sce nes are applicable, and th e st andard settings are set.
- 28 - Basic Following menus can be set. • For the setting metho d of the menu, refer to P38 . ¢ Avai lable set tings may be diff er ent f r om ot her Recording Modes.
- 29 - Basic T aking pictures with your favorite settings (Normal Picture Mode) Recording Mode: The camera automatically sets the shutter speed and the aperture value according to t he brightness of the subject. Y ou can take pictures with greater freedom by changing various set tings in the [Rec] m enu.
- 30 - Basic Focusing Aim the AF area at the subject, and then pres s the shutter b utton halfway . • The AF area may be disp layed larger for cert ain z oom magnifications and in dark pl ac es. ∫ About focus range The focus range is displayed wh en operating the zoom.
- 31 - Basic ∫ When the su bject is not i n focus (such as when it i s not in the center of the composition of the picture you want to take) 1 Aim the AF area at the su bject, and press the shutter button half way to fix the focus and exposure. 2 Press and hold the shutter button half way while moving the camera as you compo se the pict ure.
- 32 - Basic Recording Motion Pictures Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) This unit can rec ord motion pict ures in QuickTime Motion JP EG format. A Available re c ording time B Elapse d rec ording time • Y ou can re cord moti on pi ctures f itting each Recording Mod e.
- 33 - Basic • When recordin g to the built -in memory , [Rec Quality] is fix ed to [QVGA ]. • The available re c ording time di splayed on the screen may no t decreas e reg ularly . • Depending on th e typ e of t he ca rd, the c ard ac ces s indi catio n may a ppea r for a while aft er record ing motion pict ure s .
- 34 - Basic Playing Back 1 Press [ ( ]. ∫ Playing Back Motion Pictu res Press 2 / 1 to select a picture with a Motion Picture icon (such as [ ]), and then press 3 to play back.
- 35 - Basic • This camera complies with the DCF standar d “D esign rule f or Camera File syst em” establ ished by JEIT A “Japan Elect ronics and Informati on T echnology In dus tries Association” and with Exi f “Exchangea ble Image File Format”.
- 36 - Basic Press [W] of th e zoom button. 1 screen > 12 scr eens > 30 screens > Calendar screen display A Number of the se lected pict ure and the total nu mber of recorded pict ures • Press [T] of the zoom bu tton to ret urn to the prev ious screen.
- 37 - Basic Deleting Pictures Once deleted, pictu res cannot be recovered. • Pictures on t he bui lt-in memory or the card t hat are being played back will be dele ted . • Pictures th at are not in the DCF st andar d or those tha t are protected canno t be deleted.
- 38 - Basic Setting the Menu The camera comes with menus that allow you to choose the settings for taking pictures and playing them back jus t as you like and menus that enable y ou to have more fun with the camera and us e it more eas ily .
- 39 - Basic ∫ Close the menu Press [ ] until the screen returns to th e recording/playback screen or press the shutter button half-w ay . • There a re functions that cannot be set or used depending on the modes or menu set tings being used on the camer a due to the specifi cations.
- 40 - Basic About the Setup Menu For details o n how to select the [Setup] menu settings, refer to P38 . • [Clock Set], [Auto Power Off] and [Auto Review] are import ant items. Check t heir se ttings befor e using them. • In Intelli gent Auto Mode, only [Cloc k Set], [Wo rld Time], [Beep], [Langua ge], [S tabili z er Demo.
- 41 - Basic • Changing the set t ings for the operatin g sound will change th e s hutte r so und. • When you conn ec t the c amera t o a TV , the volu me of the TV s pe akers do es not c hange. Also, when connected , no sound is output from t he camera speakers.
- 42 - Basic • [Auto Powe r Off] is set to [5MI N.] in the Inte lligen t Auto Mode. • [Auto Pow e r Off] does no t wor k in th e fo ll owi n g cases.
- 43 - Basic • This will wo rk when the A V cable (optional) is connected. ¢ P A L vide o out is not availa ble on the version DMC-XS1 P/ D MC-FH10P s old in the U.S. and the version DMC-X S1PC/DMC-FH10 PC sold in Canada. • Refer to P34 for informatio n about how t o play back pictures.
- 44 - Basic • Do not tu rn th e ca m era off duri n g fo r mat ti n g. • If a card has bee n inserted, only the card is for matted. T o format the built -in memory , remove the car d. • If the ca rd has been formatted on a PC or ot her equipment, format it on the camera again.
- 45 - Recording About the LCD Monitor Press 4 to change . 1 LCD monitor • During moti on pic ture play back, pan orama playback or a slideshow , you can only selec t “Nor mal Display E ” or “No Display G ”.
- 46 - Recording ∫ Recording guideline This is used as a reference of compositi on, such as balance, while taking a picture. • In the follo wing c ases, the gu ideli nes are not displayed: – Pan.
- 47 - Recording Using the Zoom Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) Y ou can zoom in to make people and object s appear closer or zoom out to record landscapes in wide angle. ∫ Screen display Example of display when Extended Opt ical Zoom (EZ), Intelligent Zoom and Digital Zoom are used together .
- 48 - Recording This function works when any of the pict ure sizes (P69) indicated with is selected. Y ou can zoom in further than you can with t he Optica l Zoom without deteriorating the image qualit y . Maximum magnification: 1 1. 3 k (This includes th e optical zoom magnifi cation.
- 49 - Recording This function works when [Digital Zoom] (P75) in the [Rec] menu is set to [ON]. Although the image quality deteriorates every time you zoom in further , you can zoom in up to four times the original zoom magnif ication. • When using th e [i.
- 50 - Recording T aking Pictures Using the Built-in Flash Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) Set the flash to match the recording. 1 Press 1 [ ‰ ].
- 51 - Recording 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the ite m and then p ress [MENU/SET]. ¢ 1 This can be set only whe n Intelligen t Au to Mode is set. The icon c hanges de pending o n the type of sub ject a nd brig htness. (P28) ¢ 2 The flash is activated twice.
- 52 - Recording ∫ A vail able Flash Settings in Recording Mode The available flash settings depend on t he Recording Mode. ( ± : Available, —: Not available, ¥ : Scene M ode initial setting) ¢ [ ] is displayed. • The flas h se tting may chan ge if the Recording Mode is cha nged.
- 53 - Recording ∫ The available flash range • The available f lash range is an appr oximation. ∫ Shutter speed for each flash setting ¢ 1 The shutter speed changes dep ending on the [S tabilize r] setti ng. ¢ 2 When [ ] in [Sensiti vity] i s set.
- 54 - Recording T aking Pictures with the Self-time r Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) 1 Press 2 [ ë ]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the ite m and then p ress [MENU/SET]. • When you pres s the shutter but ton once fully , the subject is aut omatically focuse d jus t before recording.
- 55 - Recording Compensating th e Exposure Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) Use this function when you cannot achieve appr opriat e exposure due to the difference in brightness between the subject and the background. 1 Press 3 [ È ] to displa y [Exposure].
- 56 - Recording T aking Pictures with different ima ge effect s (Creative Control Mode) (DMC-XS1) Recording Mode: (DMC-XS1) This mode records with additional image effects. Y ou can set the effects to add by selecting example images a nd checking them on the sc reen.
- 57 - Recording ¢ These pic tures are e xamples t o show the e ffect . This effect emphasizes the color t o make a pop art picture. This effect gives a faded image. This effect adds a bright, airy and soft feel to the overall im age. This effect adds a dark and relaxing feel to the overall image and enhances bright parts.
- 58 - Recording This ef fect creat es a se pia image. This effect gi ves a higher contrast to create an impressive black and white picture. This effect gi ves your photo a dramatic contrast look. This effect produces the optimum brightness for b oth dark and b right part s.
- 59 - Recording This effect gi ves your photo a dramatic color look. This effect reduces peripheral brightness to give th e impression of a toy camera.
- 60 - Recording This effect blurs the overall image t o produce a s oft feel. This effect l eaves one selected color to emphasize impressiveness . [Sof t Focus] • Display of the r ec ordi ng screen will be delayed more th an us ual and the screen will lo ok as if frames are dropping.
- 61 - Recording T aking panorama pictures (Panorama Shot Mod e) Recording Mode: Pictures are recorded continuously while moving the camera horizontally or vertically , and are combined to m ake a single panorama p icture. 1 Press [MO DE]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to selec t [Panorama Shot], and the n press [MENU/SET].
- 62 - Recording 6 Press th e shutter b utton fully an d record a picture while mo ving the camera in a small circle in the direction selected in Step 3 . 7 Press th e shutter b utton once ag ain to end the sti ll picture recording. • Recording can also be ended b y keeping the camer a still while recordi ng.
- 63 - Recording • The zoom posit ion is fixe d to Wide. • The focus , white balanc e, and exposu re are fixed at the optimum va lues for the first pic t ure. As a result, if t h e foc us o r brightness chan ges substantially during re cording, the ent ire panorama pic tu re may not be r ecorded at the suitable focus or bright ness.
- 64 - Recording T aking pictures that match the sc ene being recorded (Scene Mode) Recording Mode: When you se lect a Scene Mod e to match t he subject and recording situation, the ca mera sets the optimal exposure and hue to obtain the desired pi cture.
- 65 - Recording When taking pictures of people outdoors during the daytime, this mode allows you t o improve the appearance and make their skin tones look healthier . ∫ T echnique for Portrait Mode T o mak e this mode more effective: 1 Press and hold down the zoom button as far as possible to T ele.
- 66 - Recording Setting for when you want to t ake pictures of sports scenes or other fast-moving events. • Shutter spee d may slow down up to 1 second. • This mode is suit able for takin g pictures of subject s at distance s of 5 m (16 f eet) or more.
- 67 - Recording This takes pictures of a baby with a healthy complexion. When you use the flash, the light from it is weaker than usual. It is possible to set di fferent birthdays for [Baby1] and [ Baby2]. Y ou can display those during playback. ∫ Birthday setting 1 Press 3 / 4 to select [Age] and then press [MENU/SET].
- 68 - Recording This mode allows you to take vivid pic tures of a starry sk y or a dark subject. ∫ Setting the shutter speed Select a shu tter speed of [15 sec.], [ 30 sec.] or [60 sec.]. • Press the sh utter but t on ful ly to displa y t he c ountdown screen.
- 69 - Recording Using the [Rec] Menu For det ails o n [Rec] menu setting s, refer t o P38 . Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) Set the number of pixels. The hi gher the numbers of pixels, the finer the detail of the pict ures will appear even when they are print ed onto large sheets.
- 70 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) This allows the Sensitivity to light (ISO sensitiv ity) to be set. Setting to a higher figure enables pictures to be taken even in dar k places wi thout the resulting pictures c oming out dark.
- 71 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) In sunlight, under incandescent lights or in other s uch conditions where the color of whit e takes on a reddish or bluish tinge, this item adjusts to the color of w hite which is closest to what is seen by the eye in accordance with the light source.
- 72 - Recording ∫ Auto White Balance Depending on the conditions prevailing when pictures are taken, the pictures ma y take on a reddish or bluish tinge. Furthermore, when a mult iple number of l ight so urces are being used or there is nothing with a color c lose to white, Au to White Balance may not f unction properly .
- 73 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) This allows the focusing method that suits t he posit ions and number of the subjects to be selected. ¢ [ Ø ] will be used during motion picture reco rding. • [AF Mode] is fixe d to [ Ø ] in the following cases.
- 74 - Recording ∫ About [ š ] ([Face Detection] ) The following AF area frames are dis played when the c amera detects the face s. Y ellow: When the shutter button is pressed halfway , the frame turns green when the camera is focused. White : Displayed when more than one face is detected.
- 75 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) Contrast and expos ure will be adjusted a utoma tically when there is a big di fference in brightness between the background and subject, to bring the i mage close to real life. Setti ngs: [ON]/ [OFF] • [ ] in the scre en turns ye llow when [i.
- 76 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) Pictures are taken continuously wh ile the shutter button is pressed. [Burst] Setti ngs Description of settings [ ˜ ] ([Burs t On ]) Bur st s pe ed approx . 1. 0 pictures/second • Y ou can take pict ure s until the c apacit y of the bui lt- in memory or the card is full.
- 77 - Recording • Depending on th e oper ati ng conditions, it may take time to tak e the n ext pict ure if you repeat t he recording of pic tures. • It may t ake time to save pictur es t aken in Burst Mod e on the card. If yo u ta ke p icture s continuously w hile saving, the m aximum num ber of reco rdable pictures d ecreases.
- 78 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) Sets various color ef fects, including making the picture sharper , brighter , or applying a sepia tone. ¢ 1 This can be set on ly when Inte lligen t Auto Mode is set. ¢ 2 This can be set only during Normal Picture Mode.
- 79 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) When Red-Eye Reduction ([ ], [ ]) is selected, Red-Eye Removal is performed whenever the flash is used. The camera automatic ally detects red-eye and corrects the picture. Setti ngs: [ON]/ [OFF] • Only avail able when [AF Mode] is set to [ š ] and Face Detection is active.
- 80 - Recording Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) Y ou can take a picture with date and time of recording. • Date information for pi ctures recorded with the [Date St am p] set cannot be deleted.
- 81 - Recording Using the [Motion Picture] Menu For details on [Motion Picture] menu setti ngs, refer to P38 . Appl ica ble m odes : (DMC-XS1) (DMC-FH10) This sets up the pictu re quality of motion pictures. (DMC-XS1) • The Motion Picture menu will not be displ ayed while in [Soft Focus] of Creative Control Mode .
- 82 - Playback/Editing V arious method s of playback Y ou can play back the recorded pictures in various methods. 1 Press [ ( ]. 2 Press [MO DE]. 3 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to selec t item, and then press [MENU/SET].
- 83 - Playback/Editing Y ou can play back the pictures you have tak en in synchronization with music, and you can do this in sequence while leaving a fixed interval bet ween each of the pictures. Y ou can also play back im ages that have bee n sorted by cat egory , im ages that have been set as favorites, etc.
- 84 - Playback/Editing ∫ T o filter images for slide show playback Y ou can filter images and play them back in a slide show by selecting [Filtering] on the slide show menu screen. • If you s elect [All], you can play back a ll images in a slide show .
- 85 - Playback/Editing The images s orted into the ca tegory or images s et as favorite are p layed back. ∫ T o cancel filtering 1 Press 3 while playing back one picture at a time. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Filtering Off] and then press [MENU/SE T].
- 86 - Playback/Editing 1 Press 3 / 4 to select [S elect Date] and then press [MENU/SET]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select the date to be played back, and then press [MENU/ SET]. • If there were no pic tures recorded during a month, that month is not displayed.
- 87 - Playback/Editing Y ou can search for images by recorded date. • The recording date of t he pic ture sele cted in the play back scree n bec omes the date selected whe n the calend ar s creen is fir st dis played. • If there are multiple pic tures wit h th e same record ing date, the fir st picture rec or ded on that day is displayed.
- 88 - Playback/Editing Having Fun with Recorde d Pictures (Retouch ) Y ou can adjust the color t one of the pictur es taken, or add your preferred effects. • The processed pictu r es are newly genera t ed, so be s ure that yo u hav e enough sp ace in the built-in memory or on the card .
- 89 - Playback/Editing • Depending on th e pictu re, noise may be emph asized by [Auto Retou c h]. • It may not be pos sible to perf orm [Auto Ret ouch] on pictures which ha ve already been retou c hed.
- 90 - Playback/Editing Y ou can add your desired effect s to the pictures that you have t aken. 1 Press 2 / 1 to s elect a pict ure, and then press 3 . • If you hav e filt ered imag es fo r play bac k by us ing [Sli de Show] (P83) or [Filt ering Play] (P85) , the s election screen appea rs.
- 91 - Playback/Editing Using the [Playb ack] Menu • With [R etou ch] (DMC-XS1 ) , [A uto Retouc h ] (D MC-FH1 0) or [Resize], a new edited picture is created. A new picture cann ot be creat ed if there is no free sp ace on the built -in memory or th e card so we recommend chec king that there is free space and then editi ng the picture.
- 92 - Playback/Editing • Y ou can s et up to 50 pictur es at one t ime in [MUL TI]. • The picture qu ality of the res i z ed picture wil l det e riorat e. • It may not be poss ible to resize pictures rec or ded with other equipment . • The followin g images cann ot be resized.
- 93 - Playback/Editing Y ou can do the following if a mark has been added to pictures and they have been set as favo rites . • Play back only th e pictures set as fa vo rites . ([ Fav orite] in [Fil tering Play]) • Play back th e pictures set as fa vorites only a s a Slide Sh ow.
- 94 - Playback/Editing Y ou can set protection for pictures you do not want to be deleted by mistake. 1 Select [Protec t] on the [Playback ] menu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect [SINGLE] or [MUL TI] and the n press [MENU/SET]. ∫ Canceling all the [Protect] settings 1 Select [Protect] on the [ Playback] me nu.
- 95 - Playback/Editing Y ou can copy the data of t he pictures you have taken from the built-in m emory to a c ard or from a card to the buil t-in memory . 1 Select [Copy] on the [Playback] menu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the co py destination and the n press [MENU/SET].
- 96 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment Playing Back P ictures on a TV Screen Pictures recorded with this unit can be played back on a TV screen. Preparations: Set the [TV Aspect]. (P43) T urn this unit and the TV off . 1 Connect the camera and a TV .
- 97 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment ∫ If the TV , Blu-ray disc recorder , DVD recorder or oth er equipment has an SD card slot Insert the card into the SD card s lot. (Always connect the dedicated adaptor . The device will not operate properly if only the adaptor is ins erted.
- 98 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment Saving still pictures an d motion pictures on your PC Y ou can transfer the pictures in t he camera t o a PC by connecting the cam era and the P C. • Some PCs can read dire ctly from the card remov ed from the camera .
- 99 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment ∫ Inst al ling supplied software • Before insert ing the CD-ROM, clos e all running applic ations. 1 Check the enviro nment of your PC.
- 100 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment ∫ T ransferring p ictures to a PC 1 Connect the computer and camera with the USB connect ion cable (supplied). 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect [PC], and then press [M ENU/SET]. 3 Copy the im ages to a PC us ing “ PHOTOfunSTUDIO ”.
- 101 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment ∫ Copying to a PC wi thout using “ PHOT OfunSTUD IO ” If the inst allation of “ PHOTOfunSTUDIO ” fails, you can copy files and folders to your PC by dragging and dropping t hem from the camera after connecting t o your PC.
- 102 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment Printing the Pict ures If you connect t he camera t o a printer supporting PictBridge, you c an select the pictures to be printed out and inst ruct that printing be started on the camera’s LCD mon itor . • Some printers can print dir ectly from the card remove d from the c amer a.
- 103 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment 1 Press 3 . 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect an ite m and then pre ss [MENU/SET]. 3 Press 3 to selec t [Print start] and then press [MENU/SET]. • If the prin t check scre en has appeared, select [Y es], and pri nt the picture s .
- 104 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment Select and set the items both on the screen in step 2 of the “Selecting a single picture and printing it” and in step 3 of the “Se le c t ing multiple pict ures and printin g them” proce dures.
- 105 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment • Paper sizes not supported by the prin ter will not be displayed. [Paper Size] Item D escription of settings { Settin gs on the print er are prior itize d. [L/ 3.5 qk 5 q ] 89 mm k 127 mm [2L/ 5 qk 7 q ] 127 m m k 178 mm [POSTCARD] 100 m m k 148 mm [16:9] 1 01.
- 106 - Conn ecting to ot her equi pment • An item canno t be s elected if the printer does not sup port the p age layout. ∫ Lay ou t pr i n ting When printing a picture several times on 1 sheet of p aper For example, if you want to pr int the same picture 4 times on 1 sheet of paper , s et [Page Layout] to [ ä ] and then set [ Num.
- 107 - Other s Screen Display ∫ In re cord ing 1 Recording Mode 2 Recording Quality (P81) Picture S ize (P69) : Backlight Compensa tion (P27) 3 Flash Mode (P50) 4 Optical Image Stabili z er (P79) :.
- 108 - Other s ∫ In playback 1 Playback M ode (P82) 2 Protected pict ure (P94) 3 Favorite (P93) 4 Date stamped display (P80) 5 Color Mode ( P78) 6 After Auto Retouch (P88) After Creative Retouch (P.
- 109 - Other s Cautions for Use Keep this un it as far away as possible from electromagnetic equipmen t (such as microwave ovens, TVs, video games etc.). • If you use t his unit on top of or nea r a TV , the pict ures a nd/or s oun d on this unit may be dis ru pte d by electroma gnet ic wave radiation.
- 110 - Other s Before cleaning th e camera, remove the battery o r disconnect the power plug from the outlet. Then wipe the camera with a dry , soft cloth. • When the c amera is s oi led badly , it can be cl ean ed by wiping the d irt off with a wrung we t c loth , and then wit h a dry clo th.
- 111 - Other s The battery is a rechargeable lithium ion battery . Its ability to generate power comes from the ch emical reaction that takes place inside it. This reaction i s susceptible to the surr ound ing temperature a nd hum idity . If the temperat ur e is too high or too lo w, the operating time o f the batt ery will become sho rter .
- 112 - Other s Do not leave the card where t he temperature is high, where electromagnetic waves or st atic electricity are easily generated or exposed to direct sun light. Do not bend or dr op the card. • The card may be dama ged or the reco rded conte nt may be damage d or deleted.
- 113 - Other s • S tore the battery in a c ool and dry plac e with a relatively st abl e temperature: [Rec ommended temp er at ur e : 15 o C to 25 o C (59 o F to 7 7 o F), Reco mmended humid ity: 40%RH to 60%RH] • Always remove t he ba ttery and the card from t he camera.
- 114 - Other s Message Display Confirmation messages or error m essages will be displayed on the screen in some cases. The major m essages are des cribed below as exa mples. [This picture is protected] > Delete the pict ure aft e r cancelin g the protect setting.
- 115 - Other s [Memory Card Error]/[Memory card parameter error]/[This memory card cann ot be used] > Use a card co mpatible with this u nit. (P19) – microSD Memor y Card (64 MB to 2 GB) – microSDHC Memory Card (4 GB to 32 GB) [Insert SD card again]/[T ry another card] • An error has occurred accessin g the card.
- 116 - Other s T roubleshooting First, try out the f ollowing procedures ( P1 16 – 125 ). • This phenomeno n occurs when charg ing in a location where the temper ature is very high or very low .
- 117 - Other s • Is there an y memory remaini ng on the built-in memory or t he card? > Delete th e pictu r es which are not nec essar y t o inc rease ava ilable spa ce in the memory . (P37) • Y ou may not be able to record for a sh ort while af ter turning t his unit o n when usin g a la rge capacity car d.
- 118 - Other s • Is the IS O sensitiv ity high or the shutter s peed slow? (ISO sensit ivity is set t o [ ] when th e c amera is shippe d. Therefore, when t aking pictures indoo rs etc. noise will appea r .) > Decreas e t he ISO sensitivity . (P70) > T ake pictur es in bright places.
- 119 - Other s • This phenome non appears when y ou p ress the shutt er button halfway to set t he aperture value and does not af fect the recorded pic tures. • This phenome non also appears when the brightness chan ges when t he c amera is zoome d or when the camera is mov ed .
- 120 - Other s • Is t he flas h setti ng set to [ Œ ]? > Change t he flash s etting. (P5 0) • The flas h ca nnot be used in the following c as es: – Creative Control Mode (P56) (DMC-XS1) �.
- 121 - Other s • Is the cl ock in the camer a set pro perly ? (P22) • When pi ctures e dited using a PC or pictur es taken by ot her equipme nt are searc hed, t hey may disp lay dat es differ ing from th e actu al da te s on w hi ch t h e pi ct ures w er e taken .
- 122 - Other s • Is the ca mera c onnected to the TV c orrectly ? > Set the TV input to Exte r n al In pu t M od e . • Depending on the TV model, t he pictures may be e long ated horizon tally or vertical ly or they may be displayed with their edge s cut off .
- 123 - Other s • Pictures c anno t be printed using a print er that does not suppo rt PictBr idge. > Select [P ic tBri dge(PT P)] when co nnecting . (P102) > When us ing a print er with a bo rder less pri nting fu nctio n, canc el this funct ion be for e p rinting .
- 124 - Other s > Press [MENU/SE T], sel ect the [S etup] menu icon [ ]. T hen pr ess [MENU/ SET], and th en select the [ ~ ] icon to set th e desired language. (P44) • The surface of the camera may become warm during use. This does not affec t the perf ormance or quality of the camera.
- 125 - Other s • When you per for m an op eratio n af ter takin g a cert ain action, the pic tur es may be re co rded in f olde rs with di ffer ent numbers fr om the ones used p rior to the operati on.
• microSDHC Logo is a trademar k of SD-3C, LLC. • QuickT ime and the QuickT ime logo are trademark s or regist ered trademarks of Apple In c ., use d under licens e th erefrom. • Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of App le In c., r egistered in t he U.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic DMCFH10P (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic DMCFH10P heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic DMCFH10P vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic DMCFH10P leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic DMCFH10P krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic DMCFH10P bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic DMCFH10P kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic DMCFH10P . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.