Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Generation Plasma Display Television van de fabrikant Panasonic
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Panasonic Service and Technolo gy Compan y National Training 10 th Generation Plasma Display Television Technical Guide.
Panasonic Service and Technolo gy Compan y Prepared by Cesar Perdomo and Je an Magloire Panasonic Service and Technology Company National Training Warning This service information is designed for experienced repai r technicians only and is not designed for use by the general public.
Table of Contents Subject Page # Subject Page # 2007 Panasonic Plasma Line-up 5 Troubleshooting (No Powe r/Dead Unit) Part 2 56 Models Compa rison 6 SOS Circuit Overview 59 High Resolution (FULL-HD Pa.
Table of Contents (Continued) Subject Page # Driver Setup Adjustment 96 Initialization Pulse Adjustment 97 Quick adjustment afte r P.C.B. exchange 98 4.
2007 Panasonic Plasma Line-up 5.
Models Comparison 6.
Models Comparison 7.
Models Comparison 8.
High Resolution (FULL-HD Panel) About Twice the Resolution of a Standard HD PDP! About Twice the Resolution of a Standard HD PDP! ● ● HD PDP (approx.
10 th Generation Plasma Television 11 Board Layout.
TH-42PX75U Boards Layout & Description Panasonic started using single scan addressing in the 42” HD models last year w hen the 9th generation of Plasma TV was introduced. Th e single scan addressing was only used on standard definition models previously.
TH-42PX75U Board Layout (Pictorial) 14.
2006/2007 Signal Process/Switching Circuit The 2007 42” plasma models have less boards than the previous generation. The PA, DT, DG, H, and HC boards used on the 2006 42” models are now incorporated within the new A board of the 2007 models.
Overall Block Diagram 16.
Overall Block Diagram The operation of the plasma TV can be divided into 3 different sections: 1. Power Supply Circuit The power supply circuit board (P board) provides voltages to the Signal switching/processing circuit and the Panel drive circuit. 2.
10 th Generation Plasma Television 19 Power Supply.
Standby Circuit 21.
Standby Circuit 1. When the TV is connecte d to the AC line, the power supply outputs 5V. 2. This voltage is applied to the D board and the A board. The 5V applied to the D board in the Panel Drive Section is not used during standby operation.
Standby Circuit 23.
Standby Circuit When AC is applied to the TV, the St andby circuit outputs 5Vdc and 12Vdc. The 5V is applied to the Power MCU and the switching transi stor Q537 of the power supp ly circuit. The 12V is pro vided to the SS board. A jumper at connector SS34 of the SS board routes the 12V bac k into the power supp ly board to turn on Q537.
STB5V/STB3.3V Distribution The STB5V is connected to th e D and A boards. During standby, this volt age is not used by th e D board. On the A board, the STB5V is applied to a 3.3V regulator (IC56 04) to generate the STB3.3V to power the MAIN MICON Genx4 (IC1100).
P25 This circuit combined with the circ uit in the following page is used to explain the reason why the CPU (IC9003) on the D board is not active during St andby.
The STB5V source is connected to the voltage input (pin 4) of the RESET/ST B3.3V regulator IC9011. The output of this IC is controlled by the ON/OFF pin (Pin 6). The DC level of this pin is determined by the “STB3.3V ON/OFF” circuit. During standby pin 6 of IC9011 is lo w keeping IC9011 o ff.
Main CPU VCC Supply (A Board) 28.
Main CPU VCC Supply (A Board) On the A board, the STB5V is applied to pins 3 and 4 of the 3.3V regul ator (IC5604). Pin 4 is the voltage input to the IC and pin 3 is the ON/OF F command. The STB5V at pin 3 all ows pin 5 to output 3.3V. The 3.3V from IC5604 is then applied to pins 31, 50, 74, 78, 81, 85, and 100 of the CPU (I C1100).
TV_SUB_ON/TUNER_SUB_ON The STB 5V at pin 5 of connector A7 and the TV SUB ON command at pi n 6 are used to activate the PA SOS detect circuit on the A board. This circuit monitors the F+15 V, DT9V, and SUB5 V for abnormality. Under normal operation, the TUNER_SUB_ON voltage from pin 1 of the main CP U (IC1101) turns on Q3504.
TV_SUB_ON (F_STB_ON) 32 P P Board.
TV_SUB_ON (F_STB_ON) The F-STB-ON voltage (3.2V) from pin 6 of conne ctor P7 is applied to pin 23 of the Power CPU (IC501) on the P board. IC501 sends out co mmands to first t urn on the primary circuit of the power supply, and then the circuit that allows the F_STB15V to develop.
TV_SUB_ON (Relay Drive Circuit) 34.
TV_SUB_ON (Relay Drive Circuit) The F_STBY_ON voltage (3.2V) from pin 6 of connector P7 is applied to pi n 23 of the powe r MCU (IC501) on the P board. When pin 23 goes “h igh”, pin 12 goes “high” t urning on Q502 to trigger the inrush relay RL403.
PFC Circuit Pin 16 of IC501 also goes lo w when pin 23 is “high”. W hen pin 16 goes “low”, the diode within the photo-coupler IC401 emits light to turn on the photo-transistor. Pin 4 of IC401 goes “low”. Th is “low” is applied to the ga te of Q401 turning it on to apply 12V to pin 8 of PFC circuit.
ACFB (Active Clamp Full Bridge Switching) Circuit 37.
ACFB (Active Clamp Full Bridge Switching) Circuit The PFC 395VDC is applied to the switching circuit (Q408, Q409, Q412, and Q41 3). The operation of this switching circuit is controlled by the transformer T402 whic h is driven by the V-low power control IC, IC520.
MAIN/SUB Voltages 39.
MAIN/SUB Voltages The F+15V from the power supply is applied to pins 6, 7, and 8 of connector A6 on the A board. The 15V is applied to the voltage input pin (p in 9) of the “SUB+5V/SUB+9V” dua l regulator IC3500. The 15V is also used to keep pin 1 and pin 15 high.
F+15V, DTV9V, SUB5V SOS Detect Circuit 41.
F+15V, DTV9V, SUB5V SOS Detect Circuit The F+15V, DTV9V, and SUB5V are mo nitored for over-voltage and over- current conditions by the SOS circuit on the A board.
Power On Operation 43.
Power On Operation 44 The power command from the power switch on the S board or the remote control receiver on the K board is provided to the CPU in the A board. The CPU on the A board outputs the “PANEL_STB_ON” command and the “F_STB_ON” command.
Power-On (1) 45 L H.
Power-On (1) When the unit is turned on using the power button on th e front of the TV, the mome ntary connection of the power switch to ground suppli es a low to the base of Q5604 (DG board) to turn it on. Q5604 outputs a low to the key input line (pin 18) of the CPU IC1100 on the A board.
Power On (2) Upon receiving the power on command , the “PANEL STB/VC C ON” pin of the main MPU (IC1100) outputs 2.5V to the base of Q4015, turning it on.
48 Power On (3).
The STBY5V from the power supply board is applied to pi n 4 of the regulator, IC9011. During Standby operation, the regulator does not opera te due pin 6 being low. Upon receiving the power on command , the “PANEL STB ON” high from pin 20 of connec tor D5 is applied to the base of Q9044 on the D board, turning it on.
Power On (Summary) 50 When the power is t urned on, the “PANEL MAIN ON” command and the “F STB ON” c ommand are applied to the power MCU (IC501). The comp lete standby operation is repeated when the “F STB ON” command from the A board is applied to pin 23 .
P15V/P5V Circuit 51.
P15V/P5V Circuit The P15V is generated when the power is turned on. The high (3.2V) “Panel Main On” command from the D board is applied to pin 24 of the Power MCU (IC501) on the Pow er Supply board. When IC501 receives this command on pin 24 (3.2 V), pin 10 goes high (4.
Vsus/Vda Circuit 53.
Vsus/Vda Circuit The 3.2V from pin 11 of conne ctor P25 is applied to the PANEL_MAIN_ON pin (24) of the POW ER CPU (IC501). When pin 24 goes high , pin 14 goes low to provide the ground path to t urn on the LED within the photo-coupler IC 507.
Troubleshooting (No Power/Dead Unit) Part 1 Do the AC relays click after the TV is plugged into the AC line? Is there 2.5V at pin 20 of connector D5 when the power button is pressed? Is there 3.2V at pin 11 of connector P25 when the power button is pressed? Does pin 5 of connector A1 momentarily go from 4.
Troubleshooting (No Power/Dead Unit) Part 2 Is there 3.3V at pin 6 of connector P7 when the TV is plugged into the AC line? Reconnect A1 and Disconnect connector A52.
10 th Generation Plasma Television 57 Shutdown Circuits.
SOS Circuit Overview 59.
SOS Circuit Overview Protection circuits are incorporated in the unit to prevent the failure of a single circuit or component from creating ca tastrophic damage. 1 Blink SOS: This shutdown operation is usually caused by a lack of communication between the A and the D boards.
SOS Circuit Overview 6 Blinks SOS: 6 blinks of the power LED may also be obtained from pin 3 of IC9003, the DRV_RESET input. The D board provid es the 5V source ne eded to power the C boards. On the C2 board, the 5V is routed back to the D board via connector C20/C 10, C11/D31 causing pin 3 of IC9003 to be high.
SOS Circuit Overview 10 Blinks SOS: IC5600 is a 3.3V regulator located on the A board. Its output is monitored by IC1100. If the 3.3V is not present at pin 67, the MPU shuts dow n the unit.
DRV_RST SOS The DRV RST circuit of the D board is used to monitor the physical connection of the D board to the C board. DRV RST input to IC9500 and IC9003 must be hi gh for the unit to operate. The D board provides the 5V source neede d to power the C boards.
Location of Q9302 65.
Close-up View of Q9302 66.
5 Blinks SOS (1) 67.
5 Blinks SOS (1) The 5V SOS may be caused by a de fective shift register lo cated on a ribbon cable that connects the C boards to the panel. A shorted shift register typically shorts out both the Vd a and 5V inputs.
SOS (Drive-reset) 69.
D and C Boards Connection 70 Caution: 1. The ribbon cable C10/C20 must be t ransferred during a pa nel exchange. 2. The improper installation of the connectors C11 and C21 may cause vertical lines to appear in the picture. The improper connection of the connectors C11, C21, C10 and C20 causes a DVR_RST SOS.
12 Blinks SOS 71.
12 Blinks SOS 1. Sound processing and adjustments are performed by IC2106. T he two channel PWM audio output of the IC is applied to the audio po wer amplifier IC2301. The PWM signa ls of the power amplifiers are output to the right and left cha nnel speakers for sound reproduction.
10 th Generation Plasma Television 73 Signal Processing.
Signal Circuit Overview 75.
Signal Circuit Overview The K is the Remote Receiver and Power LED board. Commands that originate from the remote control or keypad of the GS board are received and processed by the system cont rol circuit located on the A board.
Video Process Block Diagram 77 77.
Video Process Block Diagram 78 The main function of the A board is to select and process one of the incoming video signals. Video inputs 1 and 2, Component Video Inputs 1 and 2 and the composite video out put of the tuner are all are connected to IC3001 for selection.
D Board Block Diagram 79.
D Board Block Diagram Discharge Control IC9500 of the D board contains the Di scharge Control circuit that analyzes the RGB and sy nc information of the video signal to create the Sc an data to drive th e Scan operation (SC) board and Sustain data to drive the Sustain operation (SS) board.
Panel Drive (TH-42PX75U) IC6901 IC6902 IC6903 IC6904 IC6905 IC6906 SU SD IC6951 IC6952 IC6953 IC6954 IC6955 IC6956 SCAN ELECT ROD E 768Line : 42”HD DATA ELECTRODE 1024 Line(R, G,B) : 4 2”HD SC SCAN Drive Signal ICs Voltage Reg. SS ICs Voltage Reg.
Panel Drive (TH-42PX75U) Discharge Control IC9500 of the D board contains the Di scharge Control circuit th at analyzes the RGB an d sync information of the video signal to create th e Scan data to drive the Scan operation (SC) board and Sustain da ta to drive the Sustain operatio n (SS) board.
Audio Process Block Diagram 83 83.
Audio Process Block Diagram 84 IC3101 of the A board handles the audio sele ction of most inputs . Analog Audio signals from composite, component, and DVI inputs are connected to IC3 101 for selection. The analog a udio of the tuner is also provided to IC3101 for se lection.
10 th Generation Plasma Television 86 Adjustments.
Self-Check Function 1. Checks the communication IIC bus lines 2. Provides a SOS History To Access the Self-Check Mode , turn the TV on and while pressing “VOLUME ( - )” button on the main unit, press the “OK” button on the remote control for more than 3 seconds.
How to Reset the Unit To Reset the Unit , turn the TV on and while pressing the “VOLUME ( - )” button on the main unit, press the “Menu” button on the remote control for more than 3 seconds. The Self-Check menu appears on screen. Then, disconnect the AC cord from the wall outlet.
Self-Check Menu 90.
Check point 91.
Serviceman Mode To enter the Serviceman Mode , turn the TV on and while pressing the “VOLUME ( - )” button on the main unit, press the “RECALL” button of the remote cont rol three times within 3 seconds.
Serviceman Mode Menu and Navigation NOTE: This is not part of the Menu 93 Key command “1” button...Main items Selection in forward direction “2” button...Main items Select ion in reverse direction “3” button...Sub items Selection in forward direction “4” button.
Adjustment Sub Menu 94.
Internal Test Patterns To access the internal patterns, select [ AGING ] from the main adjustment menu and press the [ 3 ] or [ 4 ] button of the remote control to select the desired pattern. To exit the Serviceman Mode , Press the Power button on the TV or the Remote Control.
Driver Setup Adjustment Driver Set-up Item / Preparation 1. Input a white sign al to one of the unit’s video input. 2. Set the picture c ontrols as follows: Picture menu: Vivid Normal: Set Aspect: Full Caution 1. Perform the Vsus adjustment. 2. Confirm the voltage level of VSCN.
Initialization Pulse Adjustment 1. Input a 100% White signal to the unit. 2. Set the picture controls as follows: Picture menu : Vivid Normal : Set Aspect : Full 3. Connect an Oscilloscope to test point TPSC1. Using VR6602, adjust (T2) for 195+/- 10µ Sec.
Quick adjustment after P.C.B. exchange 98 1. Caution Wait 1 minute for the electrolyt ic capacitors to discharge before removing any PCB from the unit.
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Als u nog geen Panasonic Generation Plasma Display Television heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic Generation Plasma Display Television vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic Generation Plasma Display Television leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic Generation Plasma Display Television krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic Generation Plasma Display Television bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic Generation Plasma Display Television kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic Generation Plasma Display Television . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.