Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product KXTG6592T van de fabrikant Panasonic
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Operating Instructions Digital Cordless Answering System Model shown is KX-TG6591. Model No. KX-TG6591 KX-TG6592 Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 9. Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product. Please read these operating instructions before using the unit and save them for future reference.
Introduction Model composition .. ............................3 Accessory information .. .......................4 Important Information For your safety .. ..................................6 Important safety instructions .. .............7 For best performance .
Mode l com posit ion Seri es Mode l No. Base unit Hand set Part No. Part No. Quan tity KX-T G6591 seri es KX-T G6591 K X-TG65 91 KX-T GA659 1 KX-T G6592 K X-TG65 91 KX-T GA659 2 Feat ure h ighlig hts n E asy -to-s ee LCD and big b utton – 1.
Acce ssory infor matio n Supp lied access ories No. Acce ssory item/ Order numbe r Quan tity KX-T G6591 K X-TG65 92 A AC a dapto r/PQLV 219Y 1 2 B Tele phone line cord/P QJA10 075Z 1 1 C Wall moun tin.
Addi tiona l/repl aceme nt acc essori es P lea se co ntact your neares t Pan asonic deal er for sale s info rmatio n (pa ge 59). Acce ssory item Orde r num ber Rech argeab le b att eries HHR- 4DPA * 1 R To o rder, pleas e cal l 1-80 0-332- 5368 or vis it http ://ww w.
For your sa fety T o p revent severe injury and l oss of life/ prop erty, r ead th is sec tion ca refull y befo re usin g the p roduct to en sure pr oper a nd saf e oper ation o f your produc t. WARN ING Powe r conn ection R U se only th e powe r sourc e mark ed on the prod uct.
R D o n ot open or mu tilate the ba tterie s. Rele ased el ectrol yte fro m the batter ies is corr osive a nd may cause burns or inj ury to the eyes or skin. The e lectrol yte is toxic and may be harm ful if swall owed. R Exer cise ca re whe n handl ing th e batt eries.
foll owing p laces: Near o bstacl es suc h as h ill s, tunn els, u ndergro und, n ear me tal obje cts suc h as w ire fe nces, e tc. R Oper ating t he pro duct n ear ele ctrica l appl iances may ca use int erfere nce. M ove away from t he ele ctrica l appli ances.
Sett ing u p Conn ectio ns R U se only the su pplie d Pana sonic AC adap tor P QLV219 . n Base unit Hook “Click ” Press plug firmly . Correct Wrong T o single-line telephone jack (RJ 1 1C) DSL/ADSL filter* “Click ” (120 V AC, 60 Hz) *DSL /ADSL filte r (no t supp lied) is r equ ired i f you have DSL/A DSL s ervice .
Batt ery ch argin g C har ge fo r abou t 7 h ours. R When the batter ies a re ful ly ch arged, the charg e indi cator goes off a nd “ Ful ly cha rged ” is displa yed. Confirm “ Charging ” is displayed. Charge indicator Note when sett ing up Note for connec tions R T he AC ad aptor must remain conn ected at al l tim es.
R E ven afte r the batte ries a re fu lly char ged, the ha ndset can b e lef t on the base unit o r cha rger w ithout any ill effe ct on the b atter ies.
Hand set C B P A I J F G D E M N L K O B A H Char ge in dicato r R ing er in dicato r Mess age i ndicat or Nons lip p ad R N ons lip p ad off ers s upport when you cradl e the hands et bet ween your shou lder a nd ear . Spea ker M N (E quali zer) M j N / M k N ( VOL.
Disp lay Hand set d isplay item s Item M eanin g With in ba se uni t ran ge Out of ba se uni t ran ge The line is in use. R W hen flas hing: The call is put on h old. R When flas hing r apidly : An i ncomi ng cal l is now being recei ved. Eco mode is on.
Disp lay l anguag e Y ou can s elect eithe r “ E nglish ” or “ Esp añol ” as t he dis play langua ge. The defau lt set ting is “ Englis h ” .
Maki ng ca lls Usin g the hands et 1 L ift the handse t and dial the p hone numb er. R To co rrect a digit, press M CLEAR N . 2 Pres s M N o r M CA LL N . 3 When you finish talk ing, p ress M OFF N or place the h andset on t he base unit or ch arger. Usin g the speak erpho ne 1 D ial the phone number and press M N .
2 W hen the other party answe rs, spea k int o the micro phone. R Spea k alt ernate ly wi th the othe r part y. 3 When you finish talk ing, p ress M SP- PHONE N .
Usef ul fe atures duri ng a ca ll Hand set eq ualiz er T his feat ure cl arifi es the voic e of t he pers on yo u are talki ng to, produ cing a more natu ral-so unding voic e that is easi er to hear and un derst and. Pres s M N r epeat edly t o sel ect “ Off ” , “ Hig h tone ” , o r “ Lo w tone ” whi le talk ing.
Note : R T o c hange the f lash time, see page 27. For call waitin g or Call W ait ing Cal ler ID ser vice use rs To u se ca ll wai ting or Cal l Wai ting C aller ID, you m ust f irst s ubscr ibe wi th yo ur serv ice p rovide r/tele phone compa ny. This feat ure al lows you to rece ive ca lls whil e you are a lready talk ing on the phon e.
Shar ed ph onebo ok T he share d phon ebook allow s you to make call s with out h aving to di al manu ally. Any h andse t regi stere d to t he base unit can u se th e shar ed phon ebook. You can a dd 50 names and phon e numb ers t o the share d phon ebook, and assig n each phone book entr y to the de sired group .
avai lable for C aller ID su bscrib ers ( pag e 33). Chan ging group names T he defau lt gro up na me is “ Gro up 1 ” to “ Group 9 ” . 1 M N a M M ENU N 2 M b N : “ Gro up ” a M SEL ECT N 3 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red gr oup. a M SEL ECT N 4 M b N : “ Gro up nam e ” a M SEL ECT N 5 Edit the name ( 10 ch aracte rs ma x.
1 D uri ng an outsi de cal l, pr ess M MEN U N . 2 M b N : “ Pho nebook ” a M SELE CT N 3 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red en try. 4 Pres s M CA LL N t o dial the number .
Spee d dia l Y ou can a ssign 1 pho ne num ber t o each of t he 3 speed dial keys ( M A N to M C N ) on the unit. Impo rtant : R You can s et spe ed di al usi ng on e of the hands ets. T he st ored n umber s to spee d dial keys ( M A N to M C N ) c an be used for all re giste red ha ndsets and the base unit.
Inde x car d U se the i ndex c ard t o reco rd th e name s/ phon e numb ers s tored to th e spe ed dia l butt ons. Cover Index card For assis tance, plea se vis it ht tp:// www.
Prog rammab le se tting s Y ou can c ustom ize th e uni t by progra mming the f ollowi ng fe atures usin g the hands et. To a ccess the featur es, t here a re 2 method s. n Scro lling thro ugh th e dis play menus 1 M MEN U N 2 Pres s M C N or M D N to selec t the desir ed ma in men u.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Gree ting Rec ord g reetin g * 1 – #30 2 36 Chec k gree ting – #303 36 Pre- record ed * 1 (Res et to pre-r ecord ed gree ting) – #304 36 Sett ings Rin g co.
Main menu : “ I n itial settin g ” Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Ring er set ting Ringe r vol ume * 4 (Han dset) 0–7: O ff– 7 <6> #160 16 Ring er ton e *5, *6, *7 (Han dset) 1.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Set tel li ne Set dial m ode * 1 1: P ul se 2: < Tone > #120 14 Set f las h time *1, *10 0: 9 00 ms 1: < 700 m s > 2: 6 00 ms 3: 4 00 ms 4: 3 00 ms 5.
*6 If y ou se lect o ne of the melody ringe r ton es, th e rin ger to ne co ntinue s to play f or s eve ral s econds even if th e cal ler ha s alre ady h ung up .
Spec ial p rogram ming Alar m A n a larm sounds at t he set time for 3 minu tes o nce or dail y. Ala rm ca n be s et for each handse t. Impo rtant : R Set the d ate an d tim e befo rehan d (pag e 13). 1 M MEN U N#72 0 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red al arm o ption.
Chan ging the h andset name E ach hand set ca n be given a cust omize d name (“Bob ”, “K itchen ”, etc. ). Th is is usefu l when you make inte rcom calls betwe en han dsets . You can also select whet her or not the hand set n ame is disp layed in st andby mode .
2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red s etting . a M SAV E N a M OFF N View ing/e ditin g/eras ing c all b lock numb ers 1 M MEN U N#21 7 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red en try. R To e xit, press M OFF N . 3 To e dit a numb er: M EDI T N a Edit the ph one n umber.
Usin g Cal ler ID serv ice I mpo rtant : R This unit is Ca ller ID com patib le. To use Caller ID f eatur es, yo u mus t subs cribe to a Calle r ID s ervic e.
both Call er ID and C all Wa iting with C all er ID servi ces. Phon ebook name annou nceme nt W hen call er inf ormat ion is recei ved a nd it m atche s a ph one n umber store d in t he phon ebook, the store d name in t he phon ebook is an nounce d.
Call er ID numbe r aut o edit f eat ure Once you call b ack a n edit ed nu mber, the hands et whi ch wa s used to c all ba ck reme mbers the a rea c ode an d form at of the edite d numb er.
Answ ering syste m T he answe ring s ystem can a nswer and reco rd ca lls fo r you when you a re unav ailabl e to answer the phone. You can a lso se t the unit to pl ay a gree ting messag e but not t o rec ord call er mes sages by s electi ng “ Gre eting only ” as the re cordi ng time sett ing (p age 40 ).
Gree ting messag e W hen the unit a nswer s a ca ll, a greet ing mess age i s play ed to calle rs. You can u se eit her: – your own greeti ng mes sage – a pr e-rec orded greeti ng me ssage Reco rd.
List ening to m essage s u sin g the hand set When new messag es ha ve bee n reco rded: – “ New messa ge ” is dis playe d. – The messa ge ind icato r on t he hand set f lashes slow ly if the m essage aler t fea ture i s tur ned on (page 40).
Eras ing a ll mes sages 1 M M EN U N#32 5 2 M b N : “ Yes ” a M SELE CT N a M O FF N Remo te op eratio n U sin g a t ouch-t one p hone, you c an cal l your phone numb er fro m out side a nd acce ss th e unit to l isten to me ssages or chan ge ans werin g sys tem se tting s.
Key Op erati on 9 Stop play back * 2 Star t voi ce gui dance *3 0 Turn answ ering syste m off *4 Era se cu rrentl y pla ying mess age *5 Era se al l mess ages *# End remo te ope ration ( or hang up) *1 If p resse d with in th e firs t 5 s econd s o f a mess age, t he pr evious mess age i s play ed.
serv ice p rovide r/tele phone c omp any b efore changi ng th is sett ing. – Chan ge th e numb er of rings of t he voic e mail serv ice s o that the answ ering syste m can answe r the call firs t. To do so , con tact y our serv ice p rovide r/tele phone comp any.
Voic e mai l serv ice V oic e mai l is a n aut omatic answ ering serv ice o ffered by y our se rvice provi der/ tele phone compa ny. A fter y ou su bscrib e to t his s ervice , you r ser vice p rovid er/ tele phone compa ny’s voice mail s ystem answ ers c alls f or yo u when you are unav ailabl e to answer the phone or when your line is bu sy.
Turn ing V M ton e dete ction on/o ff T he defau lt set ting is “ On ” . 1 M MEN U N#33 2 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red s etting . a M SAV E N a M OFF N List ening to vo ice m ail m ess ages The.
Inte rcom I nte rcom calls can b e made : – betw een h andset s – betw een a hands et an d the base unit Note : R If y ou re ceive an ou tside call while talk ing o n the inter com, y ou he ar 2 tone s. – To a nswer the c all w ith th e hand set, press M OFF N , th en pre ss M N .
To e stabl ish a confe rence call: M M EN U N a M b N : “ Confe rence ” a M S ELECT N R To l eave the co nfere nce, p ress M OFF N . Th e oth er 2 p artie s can cont inue the co nvers ation.
Wall moun ting N ote : R Make sure that the w all an d the fixin g meth od ar e stro ng en ough t o supp ort the weigh t of t he un it. Base unit 1 L ead the AC ada ptor cord a nd tele phone line cord t hroug h the hole in t he wa ll mou nting adapt or in the dire ction of th e arr ow.
5 M oun t the unit on a wall t hen s lide down to s ecure in pl ace. 83 mm (3 1 / 4 inches) or 102 mm (4 inches) 83 mm ( 3 1 / 4 inches ) 102 mm (4 inches) 1 2 1 2 To r emove the w all m ounti ng ada ptor Whil e pus hing d own t he rel ease l evers ( A ), remo ve the adap tor ( B ).
Erro r mess ages Disp lay m essage Ca use/so lutio n Base no po wer o r No l ink. R e-con nect base AC ad aptor . R T he hands et has lost commu nicat ion wi th th e base unit . Move clos er to the b ase un it an d try agai n. R Unpl ug th e base unit ’s AC adapt or to reset the unit .
Trou blesh ootin g I f y ou st ill ha ve di fficul ties after follo wing t he in struct ions in thi s sec tion, disco nnect the base unit’s AC a daptor , the n reco nnect the b ase u nit’s AC ad aptor. Remo ve the batt eries from the h andset , and then inser t the batte ries i nto t he han dset again.
Prob lem Cau se/sol ution I ca nnot regist er a handse t t o a base unit. R The maxim um num ber of hand sets (6) is alrea dy regi stere d to t he ba se uni t. Ca ncel u nused hand set r egistr ation s from the base u nit ( page 31 ). Batt ery re charg e Prob lem Cau se/sol ution The hands et bee ps an d/or fla shes.
Prob lem Cau se/sol ution I ca nnot make l ong d ist ance calls. R Make sure that you h ave lo ng di stance servi ce. Call er ID /Talki ng Ca ller ID Prob lem Cau se/sol ution Call er inf ormat ion is not d isp layed. R You must subscr ibe t o Call er ID servi ce.
Prob lem Cau se/sol ution I ca nnot dial t he ph one n umb er edi ted i n the calle r list . R The phone numbe r you diale d migh t hav e been edit ed in correc tly ( for ex ample, the long distan ce “1” or th e area code is mi ssing ). Edi t the phone numb er wit h ano ther p atter n (pag e 33).
Prob lem Cau se/sol ution I ca nnot operat e the a nsw ering system re motely . R The remot e acce ss co de is not s et. S et the remo te acce ss co de (pa ge 38) .
FCC and o ther i nform ation This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACT A. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:ACJ----------.
WHEN PROGRAMMING EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND(OR) MAKING TEST CALLS T O EMERGENCY NUMBERS: 1) Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call. 2) Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evenings.
Guía Rápi da Es pañola Instal ación Unidad base Correcto Incorrecto CARGUE APROXIMADAMENTE DURANTE 7 HORAS Auricular Cargador L Use solo el adaptador de corriente Panasonic PQL V219 incluido. (120 V CA, 60 Hz) A la toma de teléfono de línea única (RJ11C) L Use solo el adaptador de corriente Panasonic PQL V219 incluido.
Sugerencias de operación T e clas de funci ón El auricular incluye 3 teclas de función. Al op ri mir un a tecla de función, puede seleccionar la función que apare ce directamente e ncim a de ella en la p ant alla. { C } , { MENU } , { REMR. } y otras funciones adicionales se asigna n a las tecl as de funci ón.
Cómo hacer y con testar llamadas (Auric ular) Cómo hacer u na llam a da usando la lista de remarcación { REMR. } o { > } REDIAL s { r } : Seleccione el número tele fónico des eado. s {C} Para ajus tar el volume n de l timbre del auricular 1 { MENU } ( 16 ) 2 { r } : Seleccione el volumen deseado.
Preguntas frec uentes Pregunta Causa y solución ¿Por qué aparece _ ? L El auricular está demasiado lejos de la unidad base. Acérquelo. L El adaptado r p ara corriente de la unidad base no está conecta do co rrect amente. Conecte de nue vo el ada ptador para co rriente a la u nidad base .
Cust omer servic es Customer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico) Obtain Product Information and Operating Assistance; locate your nearest Dealer or Service Center; purchase Parts and Accessories; or make Customer Service and Literature requests by visiting our Web Site at: http://www .
Warr anty (For U nited State s and Puer to Ric o) P ANASONIC CORPORA TION OF NORTH AMERICA One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Limited W arranty Coverage If your product does not work prop.
Limited W arranty Limits And Exclusions This Limited W arranty ONL Y COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage.
Index # 4 -wa y con ferenc e: 18 A Addi tiona l hand set: 31 Alar m: 29 Answ ering calls : 16 Answ ering syste m Call scre ening: 35 Eras ing m essage s: 36 , 37 , 39 Gree ting messag e: 36 Gree ting .
63 Notes.
1 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit. 2 Check if telephone line cord is connected. 3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. (Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used.) 4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions . If your product is not working properly .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic KXTG6592T (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic KXTG6592T heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic KXTG6592T vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic KXTG6592T leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic KXTG6592T krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic KXTG6592T bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic KXTG6592T kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic KXTG6592T . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.