Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SC-BTX70 van de fabrikant Panasonic
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RQT94 64-B EB 2009/4/22 EG Oper at ing In struct ion s Blu-ray Disc Home Theater Sound Sys tem Model No. SC-BT X 70 Dear customer Thank yo u f or p urch asing this produc t. For opti mum performanc e and saf ety, please read these in struc tions car eful ly.
2 RQT 9464 Ac cessori es P lease chec k and identi fy the sup plied acces sor ies. Use numbe rs indi cated in par ent heses when aski ng for re placement par ts.
3 RQT9464 Caution for AC Mains Lead (Fo r th e Un ite d Ki ngdom and Re publ ic of Ir elan d) For your safety , pl ease read the f ollowing tex t carefully . Thi s appl ian ce is suppl ied with a moulde d th ree p in m ains plug for your saf ety and con ven ienc e.
4 RQT 9464 T able of content s Accesso ries ........................................................2 Cauti on fo r AC Main s Lea d ... ... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ....3 Unit an d me dia care . ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ...
5 RQT9464 Using the remote control I ≥ Use alkal ine or mangane se batter ies. ≥ Do not mix old and new bat teries. ≥ Do not use dif fer ent t ypes at the sa me t ime.
6 RQT 9464 Control refere nce guide (ma in unit) 1 S ta ndby/on swit ch ( Í /I ) ( > 12) Press to s witch the unit from o n to stan dby mode or vice ver sa.
7 RQT9464 Posi tioni n g This uni t comes equi pped wit h a Dolby Vi rtua l S peak er circui t inst al led. Using j ust the s upplied speak ers a nd the subwoo fer , an d by repr oducing a cous tic ef fec ts ver y simi lar t o 5.1ch/ 7.1ch s urround , y ou can enj oy a tru e “home theatr e” exper ience e ven wit hi n a li mited sp ace.
8 RQT 9464 S pe aker connections T ur n off al l equip ment befor e connec tion and re ad the approp riat e operati ng inst ructi ons. Do not connect the AC mains le ad until all ot her connecti ons are complet e.
9 RQT9464 TV connections ≥ T o o utp ut the T V a udio, co nn ect th e a ud io c able or the optic al dig ital a ud io cable . When th e opti cal di git al audio cab le is connect ed, thi s unit can deco de Dolby Digit al audi o from the TV .
10 RQT 9464 Connections to a Set T op Box, etc. U se the fol lowin g co nn ection s w he n yo u wan t to o utp ut the o rig ina l surro un d au dio fro m y ou r Set T o p Box, cab le TV , VC R, DV D r ec or der, e tc. th rou gh this uni t’ s spe ake rs .
11 RQT9464 Ne twork co nne cti on AC m ain s le ad co nne cti on The f ol lowing servi ces can be u sed w hen th is uni t is co nnecte d to t he int ernet vi a a broadba nd.
12 RQT 9464 Operating the sliding door Press [ DISC < OPEN/C LOSE ] to o pen the sl iding door to i nsert a disc. Press [ iPo d < OPEN/ CLOSE] t o ope n the sli din g door t o connect an iPo d. Press [ DISC < OP EN/C LOSE] agai n t o cl ose t he sl i ding doo r .
13 RQT9464 Showing ST ART menu So me fu nc tio ns of this un it can b e o pe rated fro m the ST ART m en u. 1 Pres s [ Í ] to tu rn on th e unit. 2 Pres s [ST AR T]. ≥ Items di splayed vary acc ording to the ch osen selec tor and media. 3 Pres s [ 3 , 4 ] to select the item and press [OK].
14 RQT 9464 Sele cting t he play back source Selecti ng the sourc e fr om the S T ART menu Y ou can se lect sou nd mo des, d esired so urce, or ac cess play back/ menus by using the ST ART men u. 1 Pres s [ Í ] to tu rn on th e unit. 2 Press [S T ART] to show the ST A RT menu.
15 RQT9464 Enjoying sound from all spe akers and various sound effec t s ≥ The f ollow ing s ound ef fect s/ modes ma y not b e avail able or hav e no eff ect wit h some sou rces, o r whe n headph ones are us ed ( > 16). ≥ Y ou may ex perien ce a redu ction in so und qua lity whe n these so und ef fect s/m odes are used wi th some sources .
16 RQT 9464 Basic operation In struct ions fo r oper ations are g enera lly des cri bed usin g the r emote contr ol in t hese o perati ng instructi ons. Prepar ation T urn o n the televi sion a nd sel ect the appro priat e vi deo input on the telev isi on.
17 RQT9464 ∫ T o adjust the vol ume. It i s also possib le to adjust the vo lume with [ s r VOLUME] on the ma in un it. ∫ T o mut e the sound. Press to adjust the volume VOL Press to mute the sound “MUTE” f lashes on the unit’ s displ ay . ≥ T o cancel, press [MUTE] agai n or a dj ust t he vol ume.
18 RQT 9464 Basic operat ion 1 Press and hold [–CH SELE CT] f or 3 secon ds to activate the speaker setting mod e. 2 Press [–CH SELE CT] several times to select the speaker .
19 RQT9464 Enjoying BD-LIVE or BONUSVIEW i n BD-Video [BD-V] What is BONUSVIEW ? BONUSVIEW allows you to enjoy fun ctions such as pi cture- in-p icture or sec ondary audi o etc., with BD-Vid eo suppo rting BD-ROM Profile 1 ver sion 1.1/ Final S t andard Pr ofil e.
20 RQT 9464 Pl ayi ng DivX ® videos [DivX] ABO UT DI VX VI DE O- ON- DE MAN D: Th is Di vX ® C ertifie d d evi ce must be reg iste red in or de r to play DivX Vid eo -on -D emand (V OD ) c onten t. Fi r st gene r at e th e D ivX VOD re gis t ra ti on co de fo r yo ur de v ice and su bm it it d uring t he reg ist ration pro ce ss.
21 RQT9464 Playing s till pi ctures [JPEG] Playback of t he BD-RE, DVD- RAM/R/R DL o r CD-R/R W with s till pictures rec orded. Thi s un it can al so p lay stil l pi ctur es recor ded on the SD card or USB memory . In additi on, you can also conn ect Panasoni c digi tal cam era by USB connect ion.
22 RQT 9464 Playin g stil l pic tures Useful functi ons du ring s till pict ure pl ay St art Slide Show Y ou ca n d ispla y s till pict ures o ne by one at a const ant in ter val . BD-RE, DVD-RAM 1 While the “ Album V iew” scr een is dis played Pre ss [ 3 , 4 , 2 , 1 ] t o sel ec t t he al bum an d p res s [OPTION].
23 RQT9464 Pl ay i ng mu si c [CD] [M P3] Y ou can generall y play any avail able musi c CD or MP3 fil es recor ded onto a DVD-R/R DL, CD-R/R W and USB device. (About struct ure of fo lders D 45, “S tru ct ure of folder s that can pl ay back on thi s unit”) 1 Insert a d isc o r USB device.
24 RQT 9464 Listening to the Radio Up to 3 0 st ati ons can be set . 1 Pres s [RAD IO ] to select “ FM ”. This unit: Press [RADIO/EX T - IN]. 2 Press [ST A TUS] to select the position to start the auto preset search. Each t ime you pr ess the butt on: LOW EST ( fac to r y pr es et) : T o begin au to pres et wit h the l owest frequ ency ( FM 87.
25 RQT9464 Enjoyi ng TV , etc. wit h this unit’ s speakers Y ou can e njoy T V bro adcasts wit h thi s unit ’s speak ers. Prepar ation Conf irm the aud io conne ction to t he OP TICAL I N or AUX ter minal on th is unit ( > 9 to 10). Tur n on t he TV .
26 RQT 9464 Linked operations with the TV (VIERA Link “HDA VI Control TM ”) When switch ing be tween this u nit’ s spe akers and TV spe akers , the T V scr een may be blank for se veral secon ds.
27 RQT9464 If you con nect thi s uni t to a TV that has “HDA VI Cont rol 2” or la ter wi th an HDMI cable, you c an ope rate t his un it usin g butt ons on the TV remote control. The but t ons th at you can u se for thi s uni t var y depe nding on t he TV .
28 RQT 9464 Using the i Pod Y ou c an enjoy iP od mus ic t hro ugh t his un it’s sp eak ers o r v iew iPod vi de os/ph oto s o n t he TV . Preparation ≥ T o view photos /videos from the i Pod – Ensure the video conn ection to the VI DEO OUT te rminal on t his u nit ( > 9) .
29 RQT9464 This syst em featur es two dif fer ent iPod pl ayback mo des. The fir st of these is EXTENDED mod e, for p layback o f music an d video co ntent s.
30 RQT 9464 Enjoyi ng VI ERA CA ST TM Y ou can acc ess a sel ec ti on of I nt ern et serv i ces f rom t he H ome sc re en w ith V IE RA CA ST, f or ex a mpl e Y ouT ube, Pica s a We b Alb ums . ( Cur rent as o f Ma rc h 20 09) ≥ VIER A CAST req uires a broa dband Inter net co nnecti on.
31 RQT9464 Network se ttings These se tti ngs are us ed if y ou wil l c onnect this unit to the Int ernet. ( > 38 ) ≥ The connect ion to the Interne t may take t ime or the Inter net may not be conne cte d depending on t he conne ction envir onment .
32 RQT 9464 Netwo rk settings Setting the connection spee d When the co nnecti on test resul ts in “ Fail” a fter the IP and DNS-IP addr esses are assi gned, per form the fol lowing setti ngs.
33 RQT9464 Changing settings wi th the on-screen me nu O n-scre en menu o perat ions 1 Press [BD/SD] to se lect “BD/DVD”. 2 Press [DISPLA Y]. 3 Pre ss [ 3 , 4 ] t o selec t the m enu and pre ss [ 1 ]. 4 Press [ 3 , 4 ] to se lect the item and press [ 1 ].
34 RQT 9464 Changin g se ttings wi th the on-sc reen menu T o select these settings , perfor m step s 1 – 5 ( > 33) Menus Ite ms Settings and det ails Pla y Repea t Play (Only when th e elapsed time is bei ng displ ayed on the uni t’ s d isplay .
35 RQT9464 Changing the unit’ s settings Ch ange the u nit’s se ttin gs if ne ces sa ry . The s etti ng s rem ain in ta ct ev en if y ou sw itc h t he unit t o s ta nd by . Underli ned i tems a re the f actor y preset s. Se tup me nu op era tion s 1 While st opped Press [BD /SD] to se lect “BD/DVD”.
36 RQT 9464 Changing the unit’ s settings T o select these settings, perform steps 1 – 5 ( > 35) “S ou nd ” Dynamic Range Compression [BD-V] [AVCHD] [DVD-V] [D iv X ] (Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby T rueHD only) Change the dynamic range ( > 52) for late night viewing.
37 RQT9464 *1 This func tion has no ef fect when S.SURROUND is selected duri ng AUX (TV) playback. *2 In thi s un it, a P 4H D ( > 53) vi deo process or is used t o provi de video of optimal resolut ion to t he connecte d TV . “TV/Device Connection” TV A s p ec t Set to match the type of televisi on con nected.
38 RQT 9464 Changing the unit’ s settings T o select these settings, perform steps 1 – 5 ( > 35) “Netwo rk Se ttings” IP Address / DNS Settings ( > 31) ≥ Press [OK] to show the following settings. Connection T est — — — — IP Address Auto-Assignment ≥ On ≥ Off IP Address — — —.
39 RQT9464 The surrou nd and surrou nd back spe akers will only be display ed when the sp eakers ar e connected with the option al Panasoni c wireless sy ste m SH-FX70 and the main unit’ s settings have been re config ured in th e EASY SETUP. ( > 12) Delay t ime ( ) For opt imum liste ning wi th 4 .
40 RQT 9464 W ireles s connections (optional) By connec ting 1 or 2 uni ts of the opt ional Pana sonic wirel ess syst em SH-FX70 with 2 or 4 option al Panasoni c spea kers SB-HSX70, it is possi ble to chang e this unit i nto a 4.1 ch or 6.1 ch home theat re syst em.
41 RQT9464 S peake r inst alla ti on option Y ou can a tta ch all of t he speak ers (e xcept subwo ofer) to a w all. ≥ The wall or pilla r on which t he spe akers are t o be a ttac hed s hould be cap abl e of suppor ting 10 k g per scre w . Consult a quali fi ed bui lding c ontra ctor w hen at tac hing t he spe akers t o a wall .
42 RQT 9464 Media (Dis c, card and USB devic e) inf o r mat i on Th is chart shows the dif ferent type of ret ail/ commerc ial discs you can use, and als o includ es the indus try- stand ard logos that shoul d appea r on the discs and/ or p ackagin g.
43 RQT9464 ■ About playba ck comp atibili ty for BD-R and BD-RE with high definit ion recordings of high definit ion broadcas ts With SC-BTX7 0 purchas ed i n the bel ow countr ies, it is poss ible .
44 RQT 9464 About MP3/JPE G/DivX file s Fi le f orma t MP3 JPEG Playabl e media CD-R* 1 , CD-R W* 1 , DVD-R* 1 , DVD-R DL* 1 , USB d evice CD-R* 1 , CD-R W* 1 , DVD- RAM* 2 , DVD- R* 1 , DVD-R DL* 1 , BD- RE* 3 , SD card, USB device Extensi on Fil es must have t he ext ension “.
45 RQT9464 ∫ S truct ure of fo lders that can play back on th is unit Y o u can play fil es on this unit by stru cture of fo lders as shown below . However dependi ng on the method of writing dat a (wri ting sof tware ), play may not be in the order you numbered the folder s.
46 RQT 9464 T roubleshooting guide Befor e request ing serv ice, make t he foll owing check s. If you are in dou bt about some of the check poi nts, or if the solut ions indi cated in the chart do not solve the proble m, consult your deal er for instr ucti ons.
47 RQT9464 Disp lays Pa ge TV screen and video The displ ay is dim. ≥ Change “FL Displ ay” in the Set up menu. 36 The elap se d time displa yed is ac tu al ly le ss th an the play ti me. ≥ The displ ayed play t ime is conver ted from the number of frames at 29.
48 RQT 9464 T roubleshoo ting guide So un d Page Card USB iPo d o pe r at io n Radio No sound. Low volume. Distor ted sound. Cannot h ear the de sired audio t ype. ≥ T ur n the volume up. ≥ T ur n the muting off . ≥ Check conn ect ions to spea kers and oth er equipment .
49 RQT9464 Opt iona l wir e less syste m (SH- FX70 ) Pag e Net wo rk Ot her d iff icu lt ies w ith pl ayback When other Panason ic products respond to this remote cont rol Chan ge the remote control code on the main unit and the remo te control (th e t wo must matc h) if you place other P anasonic prod uc ts close together .
50 RQT 9464 Mes sage s The fol lowing messages or service numbers appear on the tel evisi on or unit’ s display when somethi ng unusual is detected duri ng startup and use. On the television Page Authorisat ion E rror . This unit is n ot auth orised t o p la y th is ti tl e.
51 RQT9464 Fre que ntly asked q ues tions (Co nt inu ed on the n ex t pa ge) On the unit’ s display Pa g e UNSU PP OR T ≥ Y ou have ins ert ed a med ia t he uni t ca nnot pl ay . ≥ Y ou tri ed t o o per ate wi th a n on- com pat ibl e U SB devic e.
52 RQT 9464 Fre quently a ske d question s Language code list Enter the code wit h the numbe red butt ons. Glo s sa ry A VCHD A VCH D is a ne w forma t (standa rd ) for high defi nition video came ra s that c an be u sed to r eco rd a nd play h igh- resolut ion HD image s.
53 RQT9464 Film an d video DVD-Vi deo are recor ded using ei ther fil m or video. Th is unit can deter mine which ty pe has been used, then uses the most suit able meth od of progre ssive out put. Film: Record ed at 25 frames per second (P AL discs ) or 24 fra mes per second (NTSC di scs).
54 RQT 9464 S pe cific ations ∫ Front spe akers SB- HFX70 T ype 2 w ay , 3 speaker sy stem ( Bass refl ex) S p eak e r un i t( s ) W oofer Fro nt 6.5 cm Cone typ e (Bamboo) W oofer T op 6.5 cm Cone ty pe T we eter 5 cm Cone typ e (Bamboo) Impeda nce/ Input powe r (IEC) 6 ≠ /125 W (Max) * 1 Output sound press ure 80 dB/W (1.
Panaso nic Corporation We b S i t e : Pur suant to at the di rective 2004/10 8/EC, article 9(2) P ana son ic Te stin g Ce ntre P anasonic Mark eting Eu rope GmbH W insbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg, Germa ny p RQT9464-B F0 409AC0 EU Index A AC mains lead connection .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic SC-BTX70 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic SC-BTX70 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic SC-BTX70 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic SC-BTX70 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic SC-BTX70 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic SC-BTX70 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic SC-BTX70 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic SC-BTX70 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.