Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product X-VCA van de fabrikant Peavey
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owner’ s manual X-VCA mixing consoles (PRELIMINAR Y COPY).
1 2 3 4 5 group module p. 43 VCA gr oups, audio groups, dynamics, matrix and Aux masters left, right & mono p. 59 masters master control section p. 71 6 micropr ocessor contr ol p.89 9 stereo input module p. 27 Line inputs and stereo returns mono input module p.
how to use this manual format This manual uses a format that is intended to be easy to read, yet technical f or those who need to know all the details. For f eature descr iptions, this is done b y devoting the left side of each page to 1) an ov er all module picture, 2) a block diagr am, and 3) a con- trol closeup.
p. 6 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module module panel GAIN + 48V PA D LINE Ø 30 12 20 40 50 72 block dia gram LEVEL FREQ QQ FOUR-B A H HF 400 3 - 0.
p. 7 mono input module features phantom po wer +48V 48 volts DC is a pplied to pins 2 and 3 on the mic-input XLR connector . This option is used with condenser micr ophones and active dir ect box es that requir e an external DC voltage (phantom po wer) in or der to operate .
p. 8 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module 1 module panel GAIN + 48V PA D LINE Ø 30 12 20 40 50 72 block dia gram LEVEL FREQ QQ FOUR-B A H HF 400 3 - 0.
p. 9 mono input module features gain The Input gain contr ol range is closely related to the status of the PA D switch and the LINE switch. In order to establish pr oper gain structure in the console, input gain settings must be set corr ectly . LINE —switch-up PA D —switch-up 15 to 75dB of gain can be added the mic-input signal.
1 p. 10 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module module panel PRE PRE AUX PRE 5 - 6 3 4 7 - 8 1 2 40 12 6 0 6 • 3 20 + – 40 12 6 0 6 • 3 20 + – 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + – 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 .
p. 11 mono input module 1 aux send features Eight auxiliar y sends are a vailable for creating individual output mix es. These can be used to drive eff ects processors, provide monitor mix es, cr eate br oadcast or alternate sound reinf orcement mix es, or for other special requir ements.
1 p. 12 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module module panel EQ ON FREQ 1.5 1.5 SHELF SHELF LF LM HM HF – + .7 3 Q 3K 6K 12K 20K 1K 18K 1.5 1K 2K 4K 8K 400 6K 1.
p. 13 mono input module 1 EQ features Many audio signals coming into the console r equire some degree of corr ective eq in order to be part of a good sounding mix. The X-VC A offers an uncompr o- mised, full parametric EQ on each channel. The input EQ consists of four full parametric bands: high, high-mid, low-mid, and low .
1 p. 14 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module module panel 20 400 40 80 200 EQ ON FREQ SHELF HPF PA N INSERT ON C – + 400 800 40 600 10 0 200 .7 3 block dia gram GC LEVEL FREQ Q LEVEL FREQ Q LEVEL FREQ Q FOUR-BAND FULL Y P ARAMETRIC LOW MID HI MID HF 400 - 8 KHZ 100 - 2 KHZ 3 - 0.
p. 15 1 high-pass filter —HPF Pr oper use of the high-pass filter reduces or eliminates unwanted low fr equencies without substantially affecting the pr ogram material. Quite often such unwanted low fr equencies are included with in-coming mic- or line-input signals.
1 p. 16 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module module panel 20 400 40 80 200 EQ ON FREQ HPF ODD - LR - EVEN PA N INSERT ON SAFE PREVIEW C – + 800 40 600 block dia gram GC GC FOUR-BAND FULL Y HI M.
p. 17 mono input module 1 Insert features Insert ON switch The Insert point is located after the EQ and before the Low Pass Filter . External signal pr ocessors can be inser ted into the channel via 1/4" TRS connectors (send and return) on the r ear panel.
1 p. 18 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module module panel LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M L - R P AN ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5 10 0 5 10 20 30 15 50 40 SOLO VCA ASSIGN block dia gram FOUR-BAND FULL Y .
p. 19 mono input module level meter features le vel meter Each input includes a five-segment LED meter f or visu- ally monitoring signal le vels. This is essential for setting up and maintaining pr oper gain structure. peak indicator—PK The input signal is monitored at se veral points thr oughout the channel.
1 p. 20 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module module panel ODD - LR - EVEN PA N MUTE SAFE PREVIEW C LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M L - R P AN ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5 10 0 5 10 20 30 15 50 40 SOLO VC.
bus assignment features The Input bus assignment section offers considerable flexibility for cr eating what ev entually becomes the main output mix. Such f eatures as LCR , GR OUP P AN ON and eight-individual gr oup assignments allow sev eral appr oaches to building the desired mix.
p. 22 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module 1 module panel LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M L - R P AN ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5 10 0 5 10 20 30 15 50 40 SOLO VCA ASSIGN block dia gram VCA SUB-CARD VCA .
p. 23 mono input module When VCA faders become dirty or worn, they do not become noisy because there's no audio going through them. + 1 features input fader The input fader is the primar y lev el contr ol for signals being sent to any of the consoles mix buses.
block dia gram 1 p. 24 X-VCA owner’ s manual mono input module module rear Direct Out Direct Out Direct Out Direct Out Bal Line In Bal Line In Bal Line In Bal Line In Bal Mic In Bal Mic In Bal Mic I.
2 p. 25 mono input module rear panel featur es direct out 1/4" TRS jack The input channel's signal is a vailable at this output jack. The default sig- nal r outing is derived post-fader , post-eq and post-mute. This output jack is gr ound-compensated.
2 p. 26 X-VCA owner’ s manual ster eo input module GAIN PRE PRE AUX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R ODD - LR - EVEN BAL STEREO INPUT MUTE SAFE PREVIEW = HPF 20 400 40 80 200 EQ ON PRE 5 - 6 3 4 7 - 8 1 2.
2 p. 27 ster eo input module features The Stereo Input Module can be configur ed to accept either a stereo pair of sig- nals or a standard mono signal. Unlike the Mono Input module, the Stereo input modules do not ha ve mic pr eamps and their associated featur es (48 V phantom pow er and P AD).
p. 28 ster eo input module 2 X-VCA owner’ s manual GAIN PRE PRE AUX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R ODD - LR - EVEN BAL STEREO INPUT MUTE SAFE PREVIEW = HPF 20 400 40 80 200 EQ ON PRE 5 - 6 3 4 7 - 8 1 2.
2 p. 29 ster eo input module features polarity re v erse—ø This switch in verts the polarity of the right input signal in relation to the left input signal. see—mono input module for mor e info on polarity r ev erse P olarity of the right input signal is inv er ted.
2 p. 30 ster eo input module X-VCA owner’ s manual GAIN PRE PRE AUX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R ODD - LR - EVEN BAL STEREO INPUT MUTE SAFE PREVIEW = HPF 20 400 40 80 200 EQ ON PRE 5 - 6 3 4 7 - 8 1 2.
2 p. 31 ster eo input module aux send features Refer to the Mono Input Module for basic inf ormation on the Aux sends. What's cov ered her e is information that is specific to the Ster eo Input module .
p. 32 ster eo input module 2 X-VCA owner’ s manual GAIN PRE PRE AUX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R ODD - LR - EVEN BAL STEREO INPUT MUTE SAFE PREVIEW = HPF 20 400 40 80 200 EQ ON PRE 5 - 6 3 4 7 - 8 1 2.
2 p. 33 ster eo input module EQ features The X-VC A Ster eo Input module offers four bands of EQ - High, High mid, Low mid and Low . The High and Low ar e shelving type EQ and the High mid and Low mid ha ve a fix ed (non-adjustable) Q of 1.
p. 34 ster eo input module 2 X-VCA owner’ s manual GAIN PRE PRE AUX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R ODD - LR - EVEN BAL STEREO INPUT MUTE SAFE PREVIEW = HPF 20 400 40 80 200 EQ ON PRE 5 - 6 3 4 7 - 8 1 2.
2 p. 35 ster eo input module metering features Balance contr ol See description of Bus Assignment features later in this section safe pr e vie w Safe Pr evie w LED See LOC AL MICR OPR OCESSOR CONTR OL.
p. 36 ster eo input module 2 X-VCA owner’ s manual GAIN PRE PRE AUX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R ODD - LR - EVEN BAL STEREO INPUT MUTE SAFE PREVIEW = HPF 20 400 40 80 200 EQ ON PRE 5 - 6 3 4 7 - 8 1 2.
2 p. 37 ster eo input module Bus assignment features Balance contr ol The Balance contr ol adjusts the Stereo balance for the Left/Right assignment and Gr oup assignment sections when the B AL ON button is depressed balance on—gr oups— BAL ON The left and right signals are summed as mono bef ore being r outed to the L- R and Group assignments.
p. 38 ster eo input module 2 X-VCA owner’ s manual GAIN PRE PRE AUX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R ODD - LR - EVEN BAL STEREO INPUT MUTE SAFE PREVIEW = HPF 20 400 40 80 200 EQ ON PRE 5 - 6 3 4 7 - 8 1 2.
2 p. 39 ster eo input module features input fader The input fader is the primar y lev el contr ol for signals being sent to any of the consoles mix buses. The signals affected are the AUX sends selected to be pre- fader . The fader offers gr eater than 80dB of attenuation and up to 10dB of boost .
p. 40 X-VCA owner’ s manual ster eo input module 2 Bal Line In 2 Bal Line In 2 Bal Line In 2 Bal Line In 2 L R L R L R L R Bal Line In 1 Bal Line In 1 Bal Line In 1 Bal Line In 1 L R L R L R L R Lin.
p. 41 ster eo input module 2 rear panel featur es The stereo line-input module pr ovides connectors f or three ster eo line-lev el sig- nals. see—line 2 s witch. balanced left and right line-in XLR connectors These two jacks accept balanced or unbalanced +4dB line le vel sig- nals.
p. 43 gr oup module 3 group module features The Gr oup modules are ph ysically configur ed in pairs, four pairs making up the eight Gr oups. Each of the eight Gr oup modules offer identical functions for the eight associated Aux Masters, Audio Gr oups, and VC A Groups.
p. 44 gr oup module 3 X-VCA owner’ s manual module panel MA TRIX SENDS 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 MA TRIX SENDS MTX SENDS POST GRP 1 MTX SENDS POST GRP 2 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + – 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + –.
matrix sends The X-VC A includes four MA TRIX outputs. Each of these outputs can be made up of signals fr om the eight GR OUPS ; the left, right and mono buses; and an external sour ce .
p. 46 gr oup module 3 X-VCA owner’ s manual module panel 3 16 12 2 02 0 6 THR ( DBU ) STEREO LINK GA TE C O M P RA TIO ( N : 1 ) GAIN ( DB ) 10 – + 35 40 15 15 0 25 1 – 2 GA TE 1 4 20 10 2 RA TI.
gr oup dynamics section The X-VC A Audio Group and Master modules include a n umber of featur es for flexible dynamic contr ol of signal lev els. On Gr oup modules, the com- pressor and gate functions ma y be engaged separately or simultaneously . For a comprehensiv e discussion of these featur es, see Section on Dynamics Contr ol Operation.
p. 48 gr oup module 3 X-VCA owner’ s manual 3 module panel MUTE SAFE PREVIEW GRP AT T ( DB ) VOX PERC AUTO SOFT KNEE 1 2 3 5 7 9 12 15 18 21 COMP GA TE LR = ON M L - R GROUP ASSIGN GROUP INSERT GRP .
gr oup dynamics section Note: The following dynamics contr ols are located adjacent to the Gr oup fader . gate ON (do wnward expander) Activates the gate (downwar d expander) function. gate ON/THR (Threshold) dual color LED Illuminates GREEN when the gate system is active.
p. 50 gr oup module 3 X-VCA owner’ s manual 3 module panel MUTE SAFE PREVIEW GRP AT T ( DB ) VOX PERC AUTO SOFT KNEE 1 2 3 5 7 9 12 15 18 21 COMP GA TE LR = ON M L - R GROUP ASSIGN GROUP INSERT GRP .
p. 51 gr oup module 3 audio group contr ol featur es This section pro vides standard featur es for the Gr oup bus masters. Signals that ar e assigned to the Audio groups ar e summed together to make up the audio Gr oups. A full featur ed dynamics control section (see pr evious section) can be engaged for pr o- cessing the summed group signals.
p. 52 gr oup module 3 X-VCA owner’ s manual 3 module panel MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 5 10 0 5 10 20 30 15 50 40 UNITY VCA 1 SOLO ASSIGN EDIT VCA 1 ASSIGN 5 10 0 5 10 20 30 15 50 40 UNITY VCA 2 SOLO ASSI.
VCA gr oup master control featur es This section contr ols VC A levels of an y assigned input channels or audio gr oups assigned to the VC A group . VC A control of audio gr oups is a unique featur e not offered on most other VC A consoles. For mor e information on using VC A control of audio gr oups, see Section on VCA Group Operation.
p. 54 gr oup module 3 X-VCA owner’ s manual 4 Group Out 3 Group Out AUX 4 AUX 3 A U 2 Insert Send Return Insert Send Return R e 8 Group Out 7 Group Out 6 Group Out 5 Group Out AUX 8 AUX 7 AUX 6 AUX .
p. 55 gr oup module 3 rear panel featur es lamp dim Goose-neck lamps light-up at full intensity . Goose-neck lamps light-up at medium intensity . meter bridge connector This connector carries all of the r equired connections up to the meter bridge.
p. 57 gr oup module 3 rear panel featur es gr oup output This balanced male XLR connector carries the GR OUP output signal. see— gr oup fader , front-panel description gr oup insert point Separate 1/4" TRS jacks pro vide the ability to inser t an external signal pr ocessor into the signal path of the GR OUP .
p. 58 4 X-VCA owner’ s manual left / right & mono masters module panel 40 15 10 0 10 • 5 20 + – SOLO SAFE PREVIEW OUTPUT LEV 40 15 10 0 10 • 5 20 + – SOLO T ALK TO MUTE SAFE PREVIEW OUTP.
4 p. 59 left / right & mono master modules features Aside fr om their Left / Right and Mono assignments, the X-VC A Left / Right and Mono master modules contain identical featur es. One module is dev oted to the Left and Right stereo mix and the other module is de voted to the Mono mix.
p. 60 4 X-VCA owner’ s manual left / right & mono masters module panel 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + – 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + – MA TRIX SENDS 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + – 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + �.
4 p. 61 left / right & mono master modules matrix sends Due to space considerations, the Left Matrix sends ar e located on the Left / Right master module and the Right Matrix sends are located on the Mono master module. Like wise , the Mono Matrix sends ar e bumped down one slot and appear in the Master Contr ol section.
p. 62 4 X-VCA owner’ s manual left / right & mono masters module panel 1.5 .7 3 Q HM 3K 6K 12K 20K 1K 18K 1.5 1.5 .7 3 Q 3K 6K 12K 20K 1K 18K 1.5 HF HF HM 1K 2K 4K 8K 400 6K 1K 2K 4K 8K 400 6K 1.5 .7 3 Q MID 1.5 .7 3 Q MID 500 1K 2K 4K 200 3K 500 1K 2K 4K 200 3K 1.
4 p. 63 left / right & mono master modules Output EQ features Independent stereo and mono output EQ sections ar e pro vided on X-VC A. The EQ consists of 5 bands and a fix ed High pass filter . The High and Low bands ar e shelving EQ and the High Mid, Mid and Low mid are full parametric.
p. 64 4 X-VCA owner’ s manual left / right & mono masters module panel ON 1 3 6 9 12 18 24 MAX ( DBU ) OUTPUT LIMITER OUTPUT LIMITER L / R MONO LIMIT ON ( RMS ) LIMIT ON ( RMS ) 6 – + 20 0 6 3.
Note: Caution should be exercised if a sig- nificant amount of gain reduction is displayed, as this may cause a deteriora- tion in overall sound quality .
p. 66 4 X-VCA owner’ s manual left / right & mono masters module panel T ALK TO MONO T ALK TO L / R SUM L / R L / R TO MONO 5 10 0 5 10 20 30 15 50 5 10 0 5 10 20 30 15 50 PK SIG L R M EDIT CHAN.
p. 67 4 output features sum L/R switch (Left / Right module) Combines the Left and Right outputs into summed mono outputs. This featur e is useful when only mono operation is requir ed, making the left and right output connectors a vailable as separate line drivers f or redundan- cy .
p. 68 4 X-VCA owner’ s manual left / right & mono masters module panel T ALK TO MONO T ALK TO L / R SUM L / R L / R TO MONO 5 10 0 5 10 20 30 15 50 5 10 0 5 10 20 30 15 50 PK SIG L R M EDIT CHAN.
4 features 100mm Left, Right and Mono faders These faders contr ol the overall Left, Right and Mono master output levels. Note that the Left, Right and Mono inserts are located prior to the faders and the lim- iters are located AFTER the faders.
p. 70 X-VCA owner’ s manual 5 master contr ol section module panel 40 15 10 0 10 • 5 20 + – SOLO SAFE PREVIEW OUTPUT LEV 40 15 10 0 10 • 5 20 + – SOLO SAFE PREVIEW OUTPUT LEV MUTE MUTE MTX 3.
5 p. 71 master contr ol section features The Master contr ol section offers some flexible signal r outing solutions as well as utilitarian functions. Also included is the Micropr ocessor section, which is described separately in it's own cha pter .
p. 72 X-VCA owner’ s manual 5 master contr ol section module panel 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + – 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + – 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + – 40 20 10 0 6 • 3 30 + – MA TRIX SENDS MA TR.
p. 73 5 matrix sends The master contr ol section contains two sets of Matrix sends. The first set is used to dial the Mono master signal into the four matrix busses.
p. 74 X-VCA owner’ s manual 5 master contr ol section module panel .7 Q 12K 20K 18K TB M LF HF 0 15 15 88 + – 0 15 15 88 + – 40 15 10 0 10 • 5 20 + – LEV 4K 8K 6K .
p. 75 master contr ol section 5 exter nal ster eo program input The external stereo pr ogram input allows a line le vel ster eo sour ce to be fed into the console, eq'd and routed to the Left/Right and mono busses. The stereo sour ce can also be monitored thr ough the solo system.
p. 76 module panel SOLO SIG 7 Q AL T OUT MON O SOL OF 1 3 5 7 10 0 9 28 6 4 1 3 5 10 0 2 6 4 PRE FDR FROM L/R/M T ALK TO SUM MONO TA L TO SU MON 400 800 600 Q N FREQ – + IMITER 6 20 15 MAX ( DBU ) 600 1.
p. 77 master contr ol section 5 alter nate output featur es Additional outputs ar e a vailable bey ond matrix and headphone outputs. These outputs are deriv ed fr om the left, right and mono mix outputs (see LCR to outputs switch). The outputs are a vailable on the r ear panel via male XLR connectors.
p. 78 module panel SOLO AL T OUT MONITOR OUT SOLO OFF 5 7 10 9 8 6 1 3 5 7 10 0 9 28 6 4 PRE FDR FROM L/R/M T ALK TO SUM MONO T ALK TO SUM MONO ACK CTRL HEADPHONES 5 7 10 9 8 6 11 1 3 5 7 10 0 9 2 8 6.
p. 79 5 alter nate output featur es Monitor out The Monitor out is very similar to the Alt out. Instead of assigning the Left and Right signals to the monitor out, they ar e alwa ys assigned. When the LCR to Outputs switch is depr essed, the Mono master signal appears at the Monitor out- puts, as w ell (see above).
p. 80 X-VCA owner’ s manual 5 master contr ol section module panel SOLO AL T OUT MONITOR OUT SOLO OFF 5 7 10 9 8 6 1 3 5 7 10 0 9 28 6 4 PRE FDR FROM L/R/M T ALK TO SUM MONO T ALK TO SUM MONO ACK CT.
p. 81 5 talkback and solo features talkback contr ol The talkback section pr ovides the facilities to tak e either an external input signal, or an internally generated ping noise signal and r oute it to the consoles outputs.
p. 82 X-VCA owner’ s manual 5 master contr ol section SOLO ACTIVE CLEAR LCR TO OUTPUTS TB ON PINK NOISE SOLO CONTROL ACK CTRL HEADPHONES TO LA TCH ) MONO TO ON/PHONES 5 7 10 9 8 6 11 1 3 5 7 10 0 9 .
p. 83 5 solo features The X-VC A pr ovides a pow erful stereo solo system. An y input or output can be monitored pr e (PFL) or after lev el contr ol (AFL), as desired. The system ma y be additiv e (all channels selected on solo bus), or exclusive, so that only one solo switch is activ e at a time ("last pressed").
p. 84 X-VCA owner’ s manual 5 master contr ol section Matrix 4 Matrix 3 Matrix 2 Matrix 1 MIDI In Out DC In Insert Send Return Mono Out Assist Out Alt R Out Alt L Out Mon Out L Mon Out R Ext Mon In .
p. 85 master contr ol section 5 rear panel featur es matrix expansion The X-VC A offers a matrix expansion system. In ad ditional to the four matrix outputs a vailable withing the console, the individual matrix feeds can be brought out of the console and fed into an external matrix mix er , pr oduced by Crest.
p. 87 5 rear panel featur es Left, Right and Mono inser t points Separate send and return 1/4" TRS jacks are pr ovided for inserting external signal pr ocessors into the Left, Right and Mono outputs. The inser t points are located after the Low pass filters and befor e the EQ sections.
p. 89 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol micropr ocessor contr olled muting The Crest X-Series of Consoles* is equipped with a micr o-con- tr olled Mute Controller which permits the user to set-up a series of Mute Scenes, each contr olling any combination of channels and outputs.
X-VCA owner’ s manual 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol mute contr ol panel typical input or output.
p. 91 micr opr ocessor contr ol 6 Mute controller A)Up/Do wn Each press of these s witches increments or decr ements the Patch Displa y (B). Holding either button down will allow quickly scr olling up or down. The buttons are also used to select the parameters and settings of the system while in Utility mode.
p. 92 X-VCA owner’ s manual 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol mute contr ol panel typical input or output.
p. 93 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol Mute controller I)Recall (Next) Each press of this s witch increments the Sequenced Mutes by one, the dis- pla y (B) will r eflect this. Also used to activate the displa yed Scene when an Up/Down (A) button was used to scr oll to a new Scene.
p. 94 X-VCA owner’ s manual 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol mute contr ol panel typical input or output.
p. 95 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol channel mute controls J)Status LED This bi-color LED , associated with each controlled Mute, shows the condi- tion of that mute. One of 5 possible states is possible: 1)Off- The channel is not controlled b y the Mute Controller .
X-VCA owner’ s manual 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol p. 96 mute contr ol panel typical input or output.
p. 97 micr opr ocessor contr ol 6 mute scenes There ar e 9 possible Scene sour ces: Manual Mute Scenes 1 thru 8, and the Micr o Scene . The Micro Scene button (G) is the enable s witch for the 128 possible Sequenced Scenes.
p. 98 X-VCA owner’ s manual 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol mute contr ol panel typical input or output.
p. 99 micr opr ocessor contr ol 6 copying a mute scene Cop ying a Mute Scene: Mute Scenes can be copied fr om a Sequenced Scene (Patch) to a Manual Mute Scene. Manual Mutes cannot be copied to Sequenced Scenes or to each other . T o cop y a Sequenced Scene into a Manual Mute Scene, follow the steps outlined below .
p. 100 X-VCA owner’ s manual 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol mute contr ol panel typical input or output.
p. 101 micr opr ocessor contr ol 6 The Safe Scene There ma y be occasions when a channel needs to be made "Safe" from all pr o- grammed mutes. This ma y occur during a show when an on-stage micr ophone needs to be used as an announce mic, or a switch-over has to be made to a backup chan- nel due to some technical difficulty .
p. 102 X-VCA owner’ s manual 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol mute contr ol panel typical input or output.
Utilities The Mute Contr oller has a number of parameters that the user can change. A Utility Mode is pr ovided for accessing these settings. The following is a cur rent list of para- meters, along with their default and other possible settings. The default setting is shown UNDERLINED .
p. 104 X-VCA owner’ s manual 6 micr opr ocessor contr ol mute contr ol panel typical input or output.
Changing and reviewing the utility changes The Utility settings can be accessed by entering Utility Mode. Once there, the differ- ent parameters can be changed to suit user’ s pref erences.
p. 106 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
p. 107 vca facilities 7 X-VCA operation - overview In addition to Mute scenes, the X-VC A Micro also contr ols the VC A assignment for each Channel. A Channel on an X-VCA refers to either an Input channel (up to 52 possible positions, depending on Console size), or an Audio Gr oup (T otal of 8).
p. 108 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
VCA assigning - overview There ar e two methods a vailable for assigning Channels to the 8 VC A Masters; the first method views the assignment fr om the Channel’ s perspectiv e , the second method looks at assignment fr om the VC A Master’ s point of view .
p. 110 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
p. 111 vca facilities 7 VCA assigning - overview VCA Assignment- Scene-to-Scene changes: When operating the X-VC A in VFS Mode , up to 128 different VC A assignments are possible. Each Channel can be re-assigned to differ ent VC A Masters with each Scene change.
p. 112 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
p. 113 7 VCA assignment 1 - detailed operation Note: Front Panel Switches ar e indicted by BOLD-HYPHENA TED-C APIT ALIZED-TEXT . For the 8 VC A Masters, the switch to select the Master for assignment is indicated by "VC A-#-SOLO", # repr esents a number 1 thru 8.
p. 114 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
p. 115 7 VCA Safe Mode The user can choose to "SAFE" a Channel fr om ALL its VC A Assignments while in either VC A Edit Mode . This doesn’ t actually change an y of the assignments in memo.
p. 116 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
VCA assignment 2 Detailed Operation There ar e two methods f or doing VC A Assign on the X-VC A. Note: Front Panel Switches are indicted b y BOLD-HYPHENA TED-C APIT ALIZED- TEXT . For the 8 VC A Masters, the switch to select the Master for editing is indicat- ed by " EDIT -VC A#-ASSIGN", # repr esents a number 1 thru 8.
p. 118 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
p. 119 VCA copy It is possible to cop y a VC A assignment from one Scene location to another . Copies can be made between Scene-0 and an y Sequenced Scene, or a copy can be perf ormed from a Sequenced Scene to Scene-0, or between tw o Sequenced Scenes.
p. 120 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
p. 121 VCA Assignment - starting fr esh When creating an assignment list f or a new show , it’ s usually a good idea to clear out the assignments fr om the pre vious show . Even thought editing assignments is not difficult, ther e ma y be a series of edits that y ou ma y run into in your old list that need to be cancelled.
p. 122 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
p. 123 VCA Mute switch Each of the 8 VC A Masters has a Mute Switch associated with it. When this momentar y switch is pr essed, it will light steady RED and all Channels assigned to that VC A Master , for that Scene, will mute. Pressing the Mute switch again will cause it to turn off, and any Channels assigned to that VC A Master will un-mute.
p. 124 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
VCA Master Solo/Assign switch Each of the 8 VC A Masters has its own SOLO switch. This switch has 2 functions-Solo and Assign: VCA Assign: When in Edit Chan VC A Mode, this switch is used to assign a Master VC A to a Channel for a particular Scene (Default Scene-0 or one of the 128 Sequenced Scenes).
p. 126 X-VCA owner’ s manual vca facilities 7 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 SIG + 8 5.
VCA channel solo Solo operation of a Channel assigned to multiple VCA Groups: It is possible for a Channel to be assigned to mor e than one (up to 8 possible)VC A Masters. How it r esponds to multiple VC A Solos is now discussed. In Additive Mode, mor e than one signal can be solo’ d.
p. 128 X-VCA owner’ s manual Solo - VCA edit switch 8 Inputs and outputs LCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PK SIG L R MUTE VCA 1 MUTE VCA 2 M L - R PAN ON GROUPS M L - R BAL ON GROUPS PK – 6 0 S.
Solo - VCA edit switch Thr oughout the X-VC A console, Stereo Solo/VCA edit switches can be found on just about e very input and output. The Solo - VC A edit switch has tw o functions: it can be used to activate or deactivate the channels solo featur e , or it can be used to include or exclude the channel fr om one or more VC A gr oups.
p. 130 X-VCA owner’ s manual dynamics contr ol 9.
X-VCA dynamics contr ol Intr oduction The X-VC A includes a number of f eatures for contr ol of signal dynamics in both the Audio Gr oup and Master sections. In many situations, these on-boar d featur es elimi- nate the need for outboar d dynamics processors.
p. 132 X-VCA owner’ s manual dynamics contr ol 9.
p. 133 Group section: Compr essor/Limiter functions The gate and compressor functions aff ect all signals summed into their respectiv e Audio Group buses. Also , since the Audio Group external inputs ar e located pre-dynamics, the compressor/limiter and gate functions also can be used to contr ol dynamics of an external sig- nal (e.
p. 134 X-VCA owner’ s manual dynamics contr ol 7.
group section: gate functions Each Audio Group also incorporates a "noise gate" function. In live sound applications, this featur e is most commonly used to eliminate unwanted leakage fr om surr ounding sources into on-stage micr ophones (on drum kits in par ticular).
p. 136 X-VCA owner’ s manual dynamics contr ol 7.
p. 137 output limiter functions The X-VC A pr ovides output limiters inserted in the main output circuits follo wing the L/R Stereo and Mono master faders. These limiters function with an RMS characteristic, and will theref ore pass short term program peaks without atten uation or audible signal degradation.
p. 138 X-VCA owner’ s manual power supply 8 model 5A po wer suppl y Matrix 4 Matrix 3 Matrix 2 Matrix 1 MIDI In Out DC In Insert Send Return Mono Out Assist Out Alt R Out Alt L Out Mon Out L Mon Out.
p. 139 power supply usage console and po wer suppl y grounding Console chassis gr ound is electrically connected to: the audio ground, pin- 1 of XLR connectors, the sleeves of 1/4” sock ets, and to the terminal CON - SOLE GR OUND at the r ear of the power suppl y .
p. 140 model 5A po wer suppl y specifications +18 V @ 5 A DC -18 V @ 5 A DC +12 V @ 4 A DC +48 V @ 0.75 A DC t wo H irose JR16RK-7S connectors on rear connector meets JIS C 5432 standard g rey p olyur.
p. 141 power supply usage supply identification The type of pow er supply can be identified by the model number sho wn on the back of the chassis and panel label. po wer r equir ements The X series pow er supplies ha ve certain electrical requir ements for pr op- er operation.
v . 1.1 01/25/01.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Peavey X-VCA (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Peavey X-VCA heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Peavey X-VCA vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Peavey X-VCA leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Peavey X-VCA krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Peavey X-VCA bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Peavey X-VCA kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Peavey X-VCA . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.