Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DX8100 van de fabrikant Pelco
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C2629M-A (6/07) INSTALLATION DX8100 Series Digital V ideo Recorder.
C2629M-A (6/07) 3 Contents Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Additional Warnings .
4 C2629M-A (6/07) Accessing DX81 00 Electronic Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Appendix A: Printer Setup . . .
C2629M-A (6/07) 5 List of Illustrations 1 System with Single DX8100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2 System with Multiple DX8100s .
6 C2629M-A (6/07) 60 Resource CD Wi ndow: Mobil e Client Installation Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 61 Resource CD Soft ware Installation Options . .
C2629M-A (6/07) 7 List of T ables A DX8100 Optional Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 B Video Coaxial Cable Requirements .
8 C2629M-A (6/07) Before Y ou Begin Before installing or using your DX8100 Series digital video reco rder (DVR), complete and save the informatio n on this page. Installing the DX8100 DVR o n a network will require support from your network a dministrator .
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 9 Additional W arnings There are important obse rvations and warnings tha t you should be aware of. • Read and keep all instructions, including the Impo rtant Sa fety Instruction sheet that was sup plied with your DVR.
10 C2629M-A (6/07) Regulatory Notices This device co mplies with part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may n ot cause ha rmful interference, and (2 ) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may ca use undesired operat io n.
C2629M-A (6/07) 11 Description The DX8100 Series di gital video recor ders (DVRs) are profe ssional security- level DVRs based on a ne w and innovative ha rdware pl atform that is powered by u nparalleled and unique high-perfor mance softwar e.
12 C2629M-A (6/07) FEA TURES This section describes new a nd additional DX8100 DVR featur es. NEW PRODUCT FEATURES The DX8100 v1 .0 release incl udes new featu res as follows : •W i n d o w s ® XP .
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 13 • Dynamically a djustable frame rate and image qu ality for motio n, alarm recordin g, and pre-a larm recording • Pre-alarm reco rding up to 60 seconds (up to 15 minutes with o.
14 C2629M-A (6/07) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES The table b elow describe s DX8100 opti onal accessor ies. Refer to t he documentatio n supplied wit h the optional accessories f or in stallation instructions.
C2629M-A (6/07) 15 Parts List DX8100 parts are list ed as follows: Qty Description 1 Recorder 2 Power cords (1 USA standard and 1 European standar d) 1 Keyboard 1M o u s e 1 Rack mounting kit 2R a c k e a r s 2 Rack handles 2 Chassis brackets 2 Adjustable su pport rails (front) 2 Adjustable su pport rails (rear) 6 Screws, 8-3 2 x 0.
16 C2629M-A (6/07) Application Examples PC CLIENT LAN/WAN DX8100 SERVER DVR CAMERA DX8100 FAST ETHERNET SWITCH DX8100 DX8100 DX8100 Figure 2. Sy stem with Multiple DX8100s Figure 1. Sy stem with Single DX8100 WWW CLIENT MOBILE CLIENT DX8100 SERVER DVR DX8100 SERVER DVR LAN/WAN DX8100 SERVER DVR DX8100 SERVER DVR Figure 3.
18 C2629M-A (6/07) Equipment Rack Mounting T o install the unit in an equipment rack: 1. Remove the 12 screws fastening both left and right side plates to th e unit. Save the side plates and screws for possible futu re use. Figure 5. Remove Left and Right Side Plates 2.
20 C2629M-A (6/07) Back Panel Layout IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 IN8 IN9 IN10 IN11 IN12 IN13 IN14 IN15 IN16 OUT16 OUT15 OUT14 OUT13 OUT12 OUT1 1 OUT10 OUT9 OUT8 OUT7 OUT6 OUT5 OUT4 OUT3 OUT2 OUT1 ALARM INPUTS RELAY OUTPUTS 1 2245678 G N D 9 1 01 11 21 31 41 51 6 1 2245678 G N D 9 1 01 11 21 31 41 51 6 Figure 8.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 21 Hardware Setup BASIC CONNECTIONS IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 IN8 IN9 IN10 IN11 IN12 IN13 IN14 IN15 IN16 OUT16 OUT15 OUT14 OUT13 OUT12 OUT11 OUT10 OUT9 OUT8 OUT7 OUT6 OUT5 OUT4 OUT3.
22 C2629M-A (6/07) NETWORK SETUP The DX8100 Series DVR supports re mote viewing and admini stration in client-server a nd peer -to-peer config urations. The DX8100 i s compatible with the TCP/IP protoc ol and Fast Ethernet (1000BaseT) networ k connection.
24 C2629M-A (6/07) Different type s of devices may require alt ernative cabl e wiring schemes. Wiri ng schemes commonly used by Pelco products include straight and rollover types. Refer to th e documentation included with your P TZ device to ensure that cables and conne ctors are wired appropr iately .
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 25 RELAY OUTPUT INSTALLATION The DX8100 h as either 8 or 16 relay outp uts, depend ing on your sy stem’ s configura tion. Each out put is progra mmed to functio n as either a normally open or normally closed circuit. A si gnal from a relay output will oper ate the device connected to the output.
26 C2629M-A (6/07) Software Setup STARTING THE UNIT Once the system has been installed and basic connections have been made , open the front panel of the D VR. Press the power switc h. W ait while the unit starts (this ma y take several minutes). POWER HDD USB POWER SWITCH Figure 16.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 27 Only users with Administrato r and Power User accounts a re allowed ac cess to DX8100 ’ s setup functi ons. T o complete the prompted password change for the Admin accoun t: 1. Enter a new password in the Ne w Password field. 2. Enter the password ag ain in the Confirm Password fiel d to confirm the password.
28 C2629M-A (6/07) 3. Click OK. Figure 20. Shut Down Dialog Box The Log On t o Windows dia log box opens. 4. Enter the Windows passwo rd and click OK. T he system logs you into the Windows oper ating system. SETTING THE SY STEM LANGUAGE The DX8100 su pports eight languages.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 29 3. The Reg ional Option s dialog box o pens. 4. Click the arrow to open the locat ion drop-down list. 5. Change the location t o Spanish ( Spain). 6. Click Apply . 7. Click Set Default. Figure 22. Regional Options Dialog Box 8.
30 C2629M-A (6/07) 10. The Reg ional Option s dialog box o pens. Click Appl y . Figure 24. Regional Options Dialog Box 11. The General dialog box open s. Click Y es. Figure 25. General Dialog Bo x 12. The Change Reg ional Options dialog box opens.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 31 CONFIGURING THE LANGUAGE SETTING OF THE DX8100 Y ou must have Administrator or Power U ser access to configure the langua ge setting of the DX81 00. 1. Start the DX8100 if it is n ot already running, and then log in as a P ower User or Administrator .
32 C2629M-A (6/07) SETTING THE SY STEM T IME T ime should be set on the DX8100 before it is put into use. Setting the internal clock for ea ch DVR on the net work ensure s that each accurately reflects the local time. T o set system time: 1. Click . 2.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 33 ENABLING AND USING CTRL+ALT+DEL Enabling th e Ctrl+Alt+De l key combinat ion allows you t o open the Windows T ask M anager dialog box to perfo rm Windows system administrati on tasks.
34 C2629M-A (6/07) 5. Enter a u nique system ID for yo ur DVR in the System ID f ield. (System IDs must start with a lett er , must be 15 characters or le ss, and cannot include spaces or special chara cters.) Y our DVR’ s site name is used to identify your system to client s and oth er DX8100 server s.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 35 DHCP SETUP Y our network must support DHCP , and an active DHCP server must be presen t for dynamic addressing to work. Consu lt your network administrator for more inf ormation. T o config ure the DVR to a cquire a dynamic IP address th rough DHCP: 1.
36 C2629M-A (6/07) TCP/IP PORT AND BANDWIDTH THROTTLE SETUP The DX8100 u ses the TCP/IP networking p rotocol to communi cate ov er LAN and W AN networks. TCP/IP uses logical netwo rk ports to o rganize data trans missions an d to ensure t hat data pa ckets are de livered to th e proper ap plication.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 37 ACCESSING NETWORK INFORMATION Changes in netwo rk settings may not show up immed iately in the I P Configuration s tatus box. Allo w up to 30 minutes for settings to update or reboot you r DVR for settings to change i mmediately . T o access network information such as IP and defau lt gateway addresses: 1.
38 C2629M-A (6/07) 3. Click Appl y to update t he configurat ion. Figure 34. DNS/WINS Setup RS-422/RS-485 COMMUNICATION PO RT SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION The system must be powered on, and you must be logged in as a Power User or Ad ministrator to co nfigure communica tion port setti ng s.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 39 6. Configure the p ort settings using the drop-down boxes provid ed. Refer to Ta b l e D . Refer to the instructions th at came with your peripheral device for corre ct settings.
40 C2629M-A (6/07) INSTALLING THE PC CLIENT APPLICATION 1. Start the Windows opera ting system. 2. Close all programs, in cluding any ant ivirus software . 3. Insert the DX8100 Reso urce CD into the DVD drive of your PC and wait for th e window to open.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 41 6. V erify that the Install IPSec Conf igurations check box is selected. IPSec is a standard security prot ocol used by the DX8100 Series DVR and its clients to communicate safely over a network. 7. Click Next. The DX8100 Client Se tup dialog box opens.
42 C2629M-A (6/07) 10. Click Next. The Select Installa tion Folder di alog box ope ns. Figure 41. Select Installation Folder Dialog Box 11. Click Next to accept th e default installation f older . A fter the DX8100 Cliet softwar e is installed, the “Install ation is com pleted s uccessfully” dialog box opens.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 43 ENABLING IPSEC SECURITY SERVICES In order to communicate with a networked DX8100 Series DVR, IP Sec security must be enabled on your computer . T o see the M anage IPSec Settings menu option from t he Start menu, the Start me nu has to be ch anged to the Classic View .
44 C2629M-A (6/07) 3. Insert the DX8100 Reso urce CD into the DVD drive of your PC and wait for th e DX8100 Resource CD window opens. Figure 45. Resource CD Screen: Emergency Agent Installation Option 4. Click Soft ware. The DX81 00 software in stallation opt ions are dis played.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 45 5. Click Emer gency Agent. The DX8100 E mergency Agent Setup dialog box opens. Figure 47. DX8100 Emergency Agent Setup Dialog Box 6. Click Next. The Software License Agreement dialog box opens. Figure 48. Emergency Agent Software Li cense Agreement Dialog Box 7.
46 C2629M-A (6/07) 9. Click Next t o accept the default inst allation fold er . Afte r the Emergen cy Agent software is installed , the “Insta llation is c ompleted successfully” dialog box opens. Figure 50. Installation is Complete d Successfully Dialog Box 10.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 47 INSTALLING THE DX8100 VIEWER T o install the DX8100 Viewer: 1. Start the Windows opera ting system. 2. Close all programs, in cluding any ant ivirus software . 3. Insert the DX8100 Reso urce CD into the DVD drive of your PC and wait for th e window to open.
48 C2629M-A (6/07) 5. Click DX810 0 Viewer . The DX81 00 Viewer Setup dial og box opens. Figure 53. DX8100 Viewer Dialog Box 6. Click Next. The Software License Agreement dialog box opens. Figure 54. Software License Agreement Dialog Box 7. Read the license agre ement and select the “I accept this License Agree ment” check box.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 49 9. Click Next t o accept the default insta llation folder . The DX8100 Viewer software is instal led, and the “I nstallation is c ompl eted successfully” dialog box opens. Figure 56. Installation is Complete d Successfully Dialog Box 10.
50 C2629M-A (6/07) 3. Enter the IP address of one of the DX8100 servers you want to connect to in the address bar . The Enter Netwo rk Password dialo g box opens. Figure 57. Enter Network Password Dialog Box 4. Click OK. Th e DX8100 Web client Activ eX control install ation dialog b ox opens.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 51 RECOMMENDED SY STEM REQUIREME NTS FOR MOBILE (PDA) CLIENT The recommended syste m requirements for a mobile (PDA) clie nt are as follows: • PDA Hardware : A Pocket PC- compatible.
52 C2629M-A (6/07) 5. Click Soft ware. The DX81 00 software in stallation opt ions are dis played. Figure 61. Resource CD Software Installation Options 6.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 53 7. Click Next. The Software License Agreement dialog box opens. Figure 63. License Agreement Dialog Box 8. Read the license agre ement and select the “I accept the terms of the licen se agreement" check box. 9. Click Next. The Select Installa ti on Folder di alog box opens .
54 C2629M-A (6/07) Accessing DX8100 Electronic Documentation The DX8100 is supported by electronic a nd printed d ocumentation. T he printed do cuments come pac kaged with the DX8100. T ab le E describes each individ ual document, i ts distribu tion, and it s intended u se.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 55 3. Click Manua ls. The document s included on t he CD are displaye d. Figure 67. Resource CD Window: PC Client Installation Option 4.
56 C2629M-A (6/07) Appendix A: Printer Setup This sections desc ribes how to set up printer ha rdware and software. PRINTER HARDWARE SETUP Only printe rs listed on the Microsof t Windows 2000 H ardware Compatib ility List an d exhibiting the Design ed for Micro soft Window s XP logo are supported by th e DX8100.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 57 PRINTER SOFTWARE SETUP This section describes how to set up printer software. WAR N IN G : D o no t ins tal l an y sof twa re th at ma y ha ve c ome with you r pr inte r on the DX81 00.
58 C2629M-A (6/07) 8. The Add P rinter Wizard di alog box opens. Click Next. Figure 70. Add Printer Wizard Dialog Box (Plug-and-Play) The Local or Network Print er dialog box opens. Figure 71. Local or Network Printer Dialog Box (Plug-and-Play) 9. Select the “Local printer” opt ion button.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 59 12. The Ne w Printer Dete ction dialog bo x opens. Sele ct the Y es radio button, if it is not alre ady selected, t o print a tes t page . Then click Next. Figure 72. Finding and Initializing a Plug-and-Play Printer 13. The Finish dialog box opens .
60 C2629M-A (6/07) SETTING UP A LOCAL PRINTER THAT IS NOT PLUG-AND-PLAY T o set up a local prin ter that i s not plug-and -play: 1. Start t he DX8100. 2. Log in as an Admini strator level user . 3. Exit the DX8100 ap plication and return to the Window s operating system.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 61 6. The Loc al or Network P rinter dialog box opens. Se lect the “Loca l printer” rad io button, an d then click Next. Figure 76. Local or Network Printer Dialog Box (Not Plug-and-Play) 7. The Sele ct the Printe r Port dialog box opens.
62 C2629M-A (6/07) 11. The Add Printer Wizard di alog box ope ns. Figure 78. Add Printer Wizard Dialog Box (Not Plug-and-Play) 12. Scroll t hrough the lis t of manufact urers and sele ct the approp riate make. 13. Scroll through the lis t of printer s and select the appropri ate model.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 63 16. The Printer S haring dialog box opens. Select th e “Do not share this printer” ra dio button if it is not already selected , and then click Next. Figure 80. Printer Sharing Dialog Box (Not Plug-and-Play) 17. The Print T est Page dialog box opens.
64 C2629M-A (6/07) SETTING UP A NETWORK PRINTER Consult your network administra tor for assistance on locating and sett ing up an available network printer . 1. Start t he DX8100. 2. Log in as an Admini strator level user . 3. Exit the DX8100 ap plication and return to the Window s operating system.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 65 6. The Loc al or Network Pr inter dialog b ox opens. Select the “Network printer” radio button, and the n click Next. Figure 85. Local or Network Printer Dialog Box (Network) 7. The Locate Y our Printer dialog box opens. Le ave the Name text box blank and then click Next.
66 C2629M-A (6/07) 9. Select the desired printer from the list, and then click Next. • Depending on your network setup, you may have to search thro ugh a hierarchical list of network resources t o find the appropria te printer . It may be ne cessary to double-click objects in the list to open each branch of the resou rce hierarch y .
C2629M-A (6/07) 67 Appendix B: Connecting the Optional DX8108/DX8116-MUX Card This appendix de scribes how to conn ect an analog moni tor to the opti onal DX8108-MUX/DX81 16-MUX Card to view rea l-time video on an analo g monitor . The MUX Card also displays real-time video on th e VGA moni tor .
68 C2629M-A (6/07) Appendix C: Connecting Audio Devices This append ix describes h ow to connect audio devices to the DX8100. Before usin g the audio re cording feat ures of the DX8 100, co nsult the applicable laws regarding audio sur ve illance record ing for your location.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 69 2. Connect each of the 8 or 16 RCA -type audio connectors to a line-lev el (+4 dB) ga in audio sou rce. Refer to Figure 92 . The DX8108-AU D/DX8116-AUD option accepts a n unbalanced, line-level audio signal only . Line-level signaling re quires a voltage b et ween -1 V and +1 V into an impedance o f 1 k Ω or more.
70 C2629M-A (6/07) SETTING UP AUDIO OUTPUT The DX8100 delivers a line-level monaural sign al through a standard 0 .125-inch phone jack o n the rear panel of th e DVR. It is recommended th at the audio o utput of the DX8100 be conn ected to an a mplifier in or der to boost t he output sig nal to a level t hat is suffi cient t o driv e a speaker .
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 71 Appendix D: Connecting an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) If uninterrupted operation is desired and the powe r grid cannot provide adequa te uptime, it is highly r ecommended that each DX8 100 Series DVR be connected to a UPS device (n ot supplied).
72 C2629M-A (6/07) SOFTWARE SETUP FOR A USB CONNECTED UPS DEVICE T o set up a USB connected UPS de vice: 1. Log in as an Admini strator level user if you are not alre ady . 2. Exit the DX8100 application an d return to Windows operating syst em (refer to Exiting to Windo ws Operating System ).
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 73 8. Select the “When the alarm g oes off, the computer will:” check box under “Power level.” 9. Select Power Off from th e drop-down list.
74 C2629M-A (6/07) Appendix E: External Storage Expansion Using DX9200HDDI The DX9200HDD I can increas e the DX8100’ s stor age capacity b y up to 3.5 TB. This optio n is available for an 8- and 16-channel sy stem. The DX9200HDD I is used for o ffline backup o r realtime v ideo storage.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 75 Appendix F: Connecting a KBD300A Keyboard This section describes how to connect the KBD300A keyboard to the DX 8100 DVR. The KBD300A allows you to cont rol DX8100 display and camera functio ns.
76 C2629M-A (6/07) REQUIRED ITEMS Y o u must have th e following items to connect the KBD300A to the DX8100 DVR: • KBD300A keyb oard with firmwar e release v ersion 5.0 or g reater: For more informatio n about th e KBD300A, ref er to the Insta llati on/ Operation KBD30 0A Universal Keyb oard manual.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 77 4. Connect the RJ-4 5 data cable from the wall block to a DX 8100 RS-422 port (Port 1–4 ). Figure 100. Connecting the KBD300A to the DX8100 SELECTING THE KBD300A OPERATIONAL MODE Y ou use the KBD300A ’ s DIP switch to set the ke yboard’ s address a nd select the operational mo de.
78 C2629M-A (6/07) Appendix G: Connecting A TM/POS Devices DX8100 version 2.0 supports connection to A TM/POS equipment usin g the AV E VSI-Pro. The VSI-Pro is designed to interface with ma ny different types of cash registers and POS equip ment and allows you to program the VSI-Pro to match your register's comm unications setting s.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 79 CONNECTING A TM/POS HARDWARE This section describes how t o connect A TM/POS device s to the DX8100 server using the VSI-PRO. D irect conne ction between a n A TM/ POS device and the DX 8100 without using the VSI-PRO is not supp orted.
80 C2629M-A (6/07) SETTING UP A RS-232 A TM/ POS DEVICE CONFIGURATION This section describes how to set up a RS-232 A TM/POS device configuration. Y ou use the RS-232 A TM/POS device configuration to record searchable A TM/POS data that is sync hronized with recorded vide o.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 81 The table b elow describe s the items r equired for th e RS-422 A TM/P OS device config uration. T able K. Items Required f or a Dual RS-4 22 A TM/POS Dev ice Configurat ion Item Part Description Camera The designat ed cameras positioned to monitor th e A TM/POS event.
82 C2629M-A (6/07) Figure 106 illustrates a RS-422 A TM/POS device configuration. Figure 105. Multip le A TM/POS De vice Configuration The table below de scribes the items required for the multiple A TM/POS device configuration.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 83 The table b elow describe s the PV140 RS- 232 to RS-422 co nverter . T able M. VSI-PRO DB9-to-DB9 T riport Cable Item Part Description DB9 (female ) PV140 DB9 fema le connector that interfa ces with the triport DB9 male connecto r .
84 C2629M-A (6/07) CONFIGURING DX8100 A TM/P OS COMMUNICATION OPTIONS Once you have installed the A TM/POS device(s), yo u must configure the DX8100 to communicat e with the A TM/POS device(s). This se ctio n describes how to set up DX8 100 A TM/POS options.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 85 5. In the Port/Device pa ge, do the following: a. In the Communication Port Configur ation section, click Configure. The Device Configu ration dialog box opens. b. In the Device Mode drop-down box, select a mode. Single mode is the default mode.
86 C2629M-A (6/07) b. T o create a data format, click Add. The Data Forma t dialog box opens. Figure 111. Data Format Dialog Box 7. Using the informa tion from the transaction record or ot her sour ce.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 87 9. In the Device Configuration pa ge, do the following: a. Click the Sett ings tab. The Available A TM/POS Devic e table is displ ayed. b. In the Device ID column, click the ch eck box to select an A TM/POS device. c. Double-click the Data Fo rmat cell for the selected A TM/POS device.
88 C2629M-A (6/07) 11. Click Event-Recording Lin k Settings. The Even t-Recording Link Settings page is displayed. Figure 114. Event-Recording Link Sett ings Page 12. In the A TM/POS Recor d Link Settings area, do the fo llowing: a. In the A TM/POS Addre ss drop-down b ox, select an A TM/POS0 1 address.
C2629M-A (6/0 7) 89 15. On the DX8100 to olbar , click . The DX8100 live view mode is display ed. 16. Drag the camera linked to an A TM/POS address to a view pane. 17. From the D X8100 menu ba r , click View > OSD > P OS. A TM/POS tra nsaction data is displayed in the view pane for the camera link ed to th e A TM/POS addr ess.
90 C2629M-A (6/07) Specifications ELECTRICAL/VIDEO Input V oltage: 100-240 V AC + 10%, 50/60 Hz, autorangin g* Power Consumptio n: Maximu m 350 watts Signal System: NTSC/P AL Operating Syst em: Window.
PRODUCT WARRANTY AND RETURN INFORMA TION WARRANTY Pelco will repair or replace, without char ge, any merchandise proved defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year after the date of shipment.
W orldwide Headquarters 3500 Pelco W ay Clovis, California 93612 USA USA & Canada T el: 800/289-9100 Fax: 800/289-9150 International T el: 1-559/292-1981 Fax: 1-559/348-1120 www .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Pelco DX8100 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Pelco DX8100 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Pelco DX8100 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Pelco DX8100 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Pelco DX8100 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Pelco DX8100 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Pelco DX8100 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Pelco DX8100 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.