Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product TS2 van de fabrikant Perle Systems
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IOLAN DS1/TS2 User’s Guide Version 3.4 Part #5500162-34 January 2008.
Copyright S tatement This document must not be repro duced in any way whatsoever , either printed or electronicall y , without the consent of: Perle Systems Limi ted, 60 Renfrew Drive Markham, ON Canada L3R 0E1 Perle reserves the right to make change s without further notice, to any products to improve reliability , function, or design.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 3 Preface ........................ ....................................................... 17 About This Book .............. .................................... ...................... 17 Intended Audience .
T able of Co ntent s 4 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Power Supply Specificati ons ...................... .............................. 24 Desktop Models ............ ................................ ............................... .....
5 T able of Contents WebManager ........................... .............................. ...................... 35 Overview......... ................. .............................................. ............... ........... 35 Access Platforms ...
T able of Co ntent s 6 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Chapter 4 Getting St arted ................................................. 45 Introduction ... ............................................................ .................. 45 Easy Configuration Wiza rd .
7 T able of Contents Chapter 6 Network Se ttings ............................................. 61 Introduction .......................................................... ...................... 61 IP Settings ...... ....................................
T able of Co ntent s 8 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Console Management Profile.. ................................................. .............. 74 Overview................. ................................................. ...........
9 T able of Contents Control Signal I/O Profile ...... ................................ ................. .............. 103 Overview ................ ............................................................... ........... 103 Functionality . ....
T able of Co ntent s 10 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Services Tab ............... ................. .............................................. ............ 121 Overview................. ..............................................
11 T able of Contents Channels ............... ............................................................ ........ 135 Analog ................... ................................. ................................. .............. 135 Overview .......
T able of Co ntent s 12 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 TruePort I/O ........................... .................................................... 158 TruePort/Modbus Combin ation ............................................... ........
13 T able of Contents Chapter 12 Controlling the I/O Channels ...................... 171 Introduction ................................................................ .............. 171 I/O Channels ........................... ........................
T able of Co ntent s 14 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Resetting Configuration Pa rameters ...................................... 182 Lost Admin Password .......... .................................................... 183 Appendix A Virtual Modem AT Commands .
15 T able of Contents Appendix D I/O Wiring Diagrams ................................... 201 Wiring I/O Diagrams ......... .................................... .................... 201 Digital I/O ........... ................ .........................
T able of Co ntent s 16 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Appendix G Troubleshooting ......................................... 217 Introduction ......... ...................................................................... 217 Hardware Problems .
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 17 Preface About This Book This guide provides the information you need to : z configure the IOLAN z incorporate the IOLAN into you r produ ction environment Intended Audience This guide is for adm inistrators who will be configuring th e IOLAN.
T ypeface Conventions 18 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 T ypeface Conventions Most text is presented in the type face used in this paragraph. Othe r typefaces are used to help you identify certain types of inform ation. The other typefaces are: Online Help Online help is prov ided in the DeviceManager .
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 19 Introduction Chapter 1 1 About the IOLAN The IOLAN is an Ethernet communi cations/terminal server that allo ws serial devices to be connected directly to LANs.
IOLAN Features 20 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 IOLAN Features The IOLAN is a communications server used for ma king serial network co nnections. It attaches to your TCP/IP network and allows serial devices such as modems, terminals, or printers to access the LAN.
Introduction 21 IOLAN Featu res Sof tware This section describes the suppor ted software features available. Accessing the IOLAN All IOLAN models can be accessed thro ugh any of the following methods:.
IOLAN Features 22 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 23 Hardware and Connectivity Chapter 2 2 Introduction This chapter describes how to physically set up your IOLAN unit. It includes an overview of the IOLAN hardware compon ents and how to power up the IOLAN to make sure it works correctly .
Power Supply S pecifications 24 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Power Supply S pecifications Desktop Models Serial Only Models If you are providing a power supply for a desk top IOLAN model, your power suppl y must meet the following requirem ents: z Output between 9-30V DC.
Hardware and Connectivity 25 Getting to Know Y our IOLAN z Serial Activity z Tx —Flashes with transmit seri al activity . There is a Tx LED for each serial port. z Rx —Flashes with receive serial activity . There is an Rx LED for each serial port.
Getting to Know Y our IO LAN 26 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 I/O This sections describes the basic components found on the IOLAN I/O models. T op View The following image shows a typical IOLAN I/O mo del. Y our I/O model m ay have I/O connectors in slightly different positions.
Hardware and Connectivity 27 Getting to Know Y our IOLAN Cons ole/Se rial Switch Located at the back of the desktop IOLAN models is a switch that controls whether serial port 1 is in Console or Serial mode. Look at your model to verify the directi on of the ON sw itch position.
Powering Up the IOLAN 28 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Powering Up the IOLAN Serial Only Models T o power up the IOLAN, perform the following st eps: 1. Plug the external power supply into th e IOLAN and then into the electrical outlet. 2.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 29 Configuration Methods Chapter 3 3 Introduction This chapter provides information about th e different methods you can use to configure the IOLAN. Before you can configure the IOLAN, you must assign an IP address to the IOLAN.
Configuration Methods Overview 30 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Configuration Methods Overview Some of the IOLAN configuratio n methods have the capability of con figuring an IP address, which is the first required configuration step for a new IOLAN.
Configuration Methods 31 Easy Config Wizard Easy Config Wizard The Easy Config W izard is a config uration wizard that will configure all the serial ports on your IOLAN to one of the following: z Cons.
DeviceManager 32 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 DeviceManager Ov erview The DeviceManager is a W indows-ba sed application that can be used to connect to the IOLAN to actively manage and configure it or can create new IOLAN co nfigurations offline.
Configuration Methods 33 DeviceManager All discovered IOLAN w ill be displayed o n the list along with their name an d IP address. When a new IOLAN is discovered on the network, that has not yet been assigned an IP address, it will be displayed with an IP Address of Not Configur ed .
DeviceManager 34 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Using DeviceMana ger After you have successfully connected to the IOLAN, you will s ee the following window: Y ou navigate through the different configuration windows by sel ecting an option in the left-hand navigation tree.
Configuration Methods 35 WebManager W ebManager Overview The W eb Manager is a web-browser based method o f configuring/managing the IOLAN. It follo ws the same design as the DeviceManager , so it is easy to switch between the W ebManager and DeviceManager when conf iguring you r IOLAN .
WebManager 36 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Using WebManager After you have successfully logged into W ebManager , you will see the following: Y ou navigate through the different configuration windows by sel ecting an option in the left-hand navigation tree.
Configuration Methods 37 Command Line Inte rface Command Line Interface Overview The Command Line Interface (CLI ) is a command line option for IOLAN configu ration/management. See the Command Line Interface Refer ence Guide for a full breakdown of all the CLI commands and their functionality .
Menu 38 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Through the Serial Port T o connect to the IOLAN through th e serial p ort to configure/manage it using the CLI (or Menu), see Using a Direct Serial Connection to Specify an IP Address on page 47 . After you have established a connection to th e IOLAN, you will get a Logi n: prompt.
Configuration Methods 39 Menu Using the Menu After you have successfully logged in, type screen at the prompt and press Enter . Y o u will be asked to enter a terminal type, and then you will see the following Menu: To navigate through the Menu options, do th e following: 1.
DHCP/BOOTP 40 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 DHCP/BOOTP Overview Several IOLAN parameters can be configured through a DHCP/BO OTP serv er during the IOLAN bootup.
Configuration Methods 41 DHCP/BOOTP DHCP/BOOTP Parameters The following paramet ers can be set in th e DHCP/BOOTP bootp file: z SW_FILE —The full p ath, pre-fixed by hostname/IP addr ess (IPv4 or IPv6), and file name o f the firmware update.
SNMP 42 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 SNMP Overview The IOLAN supports configuration and manage men t throug h SNMP . SNMP Management tools (SNMP client/MIB browser software) can be used to set IOLAN configurati on param eters and/or view IOLAN statistics.
Configuration Methods 43 SNMP Using the SNMP MIB After you have successfully connected to the IOLAN throug h your SNM P Management tool or MIB browser , expand the PERLE-IOLAN-DS-MIB folder to see the IOLAN’ s parameter folders. Below is an example of the configur able parameters under the Servic esInfo fo lder .
SNMP 44 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 45 Getting S t arted Chapter 4 4 Introduction There are several dif ferent configuration me thods available to configure the IOLAN (see Chapter 3, Configuration Methods on pag e 29 for m ore information).
Setting Up the Network 46 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 z T ruePort (V irtual COM Port) —Allows a networked system to communicate with your serial device through a virtual COM or TTY port, using the Perle TruePort software.
Getting S t arted 47 Setting Up the Ne twork 10. Expand the Server Con figuration folder and select Server . V erify the IP add r ess configuration. Y ou should also enter a name in the Server Name field to make the IOLAN easily identifiable.
Setting Up the Network 48 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 assign to the IOLAN. After you have made the MA C address/IP address asso ciation for BOOTP , use the following directions for BOOTP or DHCP . Y ou can connect to the IOLAN using a PC with a terminal emulatio n package, such as HyperT erminal or a dumb terminal.
Getting S t arted 49 Setting Up the Ne twork Using ARP-Ping You can use the ARP-Ping (Address Resolu tion Protoc ol) method to temporarily assign an IP address and connect to your IOLAN to assign a permanent IP address. T o use ARP-Ping to te mporarily assign an IP address: 1.
Setting Up the Serial Port(s) 50 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Setting Up the Serial Port(s) The DeviceManager and W ebManager ha ve the following serial port profiles that will simplify.
Getting S t arted 51 Setting Up the Serial Port(s) z Control Signal I/O —The Control Signal I/O profile enables the use of the EIA -23 2 serial po rt signal pins to be used as assigned Digital Inputs or Digital Outputs.
Setting Up Users 52 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Setting Up Users When you have a user who is accessing a device connect ed to a serial port from the network or who is accessing the network from a device connected to a serial port through th e IOLAN, you can create a user account and configure the user ’ s access priv ileges.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 53 Using DeviceManager and W ebManager Chapter 5 5 Introduction The DeviceManager and W ebManager IOLAN managers have been designed to be very simi lar to use. DeviceManager is a Wi ndo ws-based application and W ebM anager is a browser -based application.
Navigating DeviceManager/WebManager 54 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Navigating DeviceManager/W ebManager The DeviceManager and W ebManager have very similar navigation metho ds. The left-hand side of the manager is the navigation tree and the center is the configuration area.
Using DeviceManager and WebManager 55 Navigating DeviceManager/WebManager We bManager The W ebManager uses a expandable/collapsible but tons with fol d ers an d pages for the naviga tion tree. Y ou can expand the buttons to view the fold ers and pages to see the available configuration options.
Using DeviceManager to Connect to the IOLAN 56 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersion 3.4 Using DeviceManager to Connect to the IOLAN DeviceManager can connect to existi ng IOLANs or assign an IP ad dress to a new IOLAN.
Using DeviceManager and WebManager 57 Using DeviceManager to Connect to the IOLAN Assigning a T emporary IP Address to a New IOLAN Y ou can temporarily assign an IP address to the IOLAN that is connected to your local network segment, for the purpose of connecting to it and downloading a co nfiguration file (containin g a permanent IP address).
Using DeviceManager to Connect to the IOLAN 58 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Adding/Deleting Manual IOLANs T o permanently add/delete IOLAN s to /from the IOLAN List , click the Add button.
Using DeviceManager and WebManager 59 Using WebManager to Connect to the IOLAN Using W ebManager to Connect to the IOLAN W ebManager can only connect to IOL ANs that already have an assign ed IP address. T o connect to the IOLAN, type the IP addr ess of the IOLAN into the Addre ss field as such: http://10.
Managing the IOLAN 60 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Opening an Existing Configuration File If you select the File , Open , a browse window is opened so you can select the configuration file you want to edit. IOLAN configuration file s saved in the DeviceManager can be in the IOLAN-native binary format ( .
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 61 Network Settings Chapter 6 6 Introduction The Network section is used to configure the parameters that identify the IOLAN within the netw ork and how the IOLAN accesses hosts on the network.
IP Settings 62 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 IP Settings IP Settings Overview The parameters in IP settings are used to acces s the IOLAN and are how the IOLAN accesses the network.
63 IP Settings Advanced Overview The Advanced tab configures the Ethernet in terface hardware speed and duplex. Field Descriptions Configure the following parameter: Default Gateway Specify the gateway IP address that will provide general access beyond the local network.
Advanced 64 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Advanced Host T able Overview The Host table contains the list of hosts that will be accessed by an IP address from the IOLAN . This table will contain a symb olic name for the host as well as its IP address.
65 Advanced Adding/Editing a Host Configure the appropriate parameters: Route List Overview Entering routes in the routing li st enables the identification of gateways to be used for accessing specific hosts or external networks from the IOLAN's local network.
Advanced 66 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Adding/Editing Routes From the Rou te List tab, if you click the Add or Edit button, you will be able to add a new or edit an existing route. Configure the appropriate parameters: Edit Button Changes an existing ro ut e in the Route List.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 67 Configuring Serial Port s Chapter 7 7 Introduction The Serial section is used to configure the serial ports on your IOLAN. The following confi guration windows are available: z Serial Ports —This window sets up the type of connectio n that the serial port is being used for .
Serial Ports 68 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Editing a Serial Port In the Serial Port Settings window , click on a serial port and then click the Edit button , th e following w indow i.
69 Serial Ports Click the Change Profile b utt on to select a different serial port profile if you don’ t want the displayed profile: As you select the different serial port profiles, a s hort description and a picture representin g a typical application of the profile is displayed.
Serial Port Profiles 70 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Serial Port Profiles Common T abs Overview There are several functions that are common to more than one profile. These functions are: z Hardware —Configure the physical serial line parameters.
71 Serial Port Profiles Parity Specifies the type of parity be ing used for the data communi cation on the serial port. If you want t o force a parity type, you can specify Mark for 1or Space for 0. Data Option s: Even, Odd, Mark, Space, None Default: None St o p B i t s Specifies the number of stop bits that follow a byte.
Serial Port Profiles 72 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Packet Forwarding T ab Field Descriptions The Packet Forwarding tab can be used to control/ defi ne how and when data packets are sent from the IOLAN.
73 Serial Port Profiles Packet Definition When enabled, this group of parameters allows you to set a variety of packet definition options. The first criteria that is met causes the packet to be transmitted.
Serial Port Profiles 74 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Console Management Profile Overview The Console Management profile provides access thr ough the network to a console or administrative port of a server or router attached to the IOLAN’ s serial port.
75 Serial Port Profiles General T ab Field Descriptions The Console Manage ment General tab configures how the serial port will be accessed by the user through the network. Configure the following parame ters: Protocol Specify the connection method that users will use to communicate with a serial device connected to the IOLAN through the net work.
Serial Port Profiles 76 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Advanced T ab Field Descriptions The Console Manage ment Advanced tab configures serial port options that m ay be required by certain applications.
77 Serial Port Profiles Break Handling Specifies how a break is interprete d. Data Range: z None —The IOLAN ignores the break key completel y and it is not passed through to t he host. z Local —The IOLAN deals with the break locally . If the user is in a session, the break key has the same effect as a hot key .
Serial Port Profiles 78 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 T ruePort Profile Overview T ruePort is COM Po rt redirector that is supplied with the IOLAN. T ruePort can be installed as a client on a W orkstation or Server and supports a va riety of operating systems.
79 Serial Port Profiles General T ab Field Descriptions The T ruePort General tab determines how the T ruePort connecti on is init iated and then sets up the appropriate connection parameters. Configure the following parame ters: Connect to r emote system When enabled, the IOLAN initiates co mmunication to the T ru ePort client.
Serial Port Profiles 80 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Adding/Editing Additi onal T ruePort Host s Y ou can define a list of hosts that the serial de vice will communicate to through T ruePort Lite or a primary/backup host.
81 Serial Port Profiles Adding/Editing a Multihost Entry When you click the Add or Edit button, the Host Entry window appears. The hosts in the multihost list must already be defined. If you add a host that was defined with its fully qualified domain name (FQDN), it must be resolvable by your configu red DNS server .
Serial Port Profiles 82 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Advanced T ab Field Descriptions The T ruePort Advanced tab determines how the T ruePort connection is initiated and then sets up the appropriate connection parameters. Configure the following parame ters: Signals high when.
83 Serial Port Profiles TCP Socket s Profile Overview The TCP Socket profile allows for a serial de vice to communicate over a TCP network. The TCP connection can be initiated from a host on the netw ork and/or a serial device.
Serial Port Profiles 84 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 General T ab Field Descriptio ns Configure the following parame ters: Listen for Connection When enabled, the IOLAN listens for a connection to be establis hed by the W orkstation/Server on the network.
85 Serial Port Profiles Adding/Editing Additional Host s Y ou can define a list of hosts that the serial de vice will communicate to or a primary/backup host. Configure the following parame ters: Initiate Connection When any data is received Initiates a connection to th e specified host when any data is received on the serial port.
Serial Port Profiles 86 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Adding/Editing a Multihost Entry When you click the Add or Edit button, the Host Entry window appears. The hosts in the multihost list must already be defined (see Host T able on page 64 to learn how to create a host).
87 Serial Port Profiles Advanced Tab Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Authenticate User Enables/disables login/passwo rd authentication for u sers connecting from the network. Default: Disabled Enable TCP Keepalive Enables a per-connection TCP keepalive feature.
Serial Port Profiles 88 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 UDP Socket s Profile Overview When you configure UDP , you are setting up a range of IP addresses and the port numb ers that you will use to send UDP data to or receive UDP data from.
89 Serial Port Profiles An example UDP configuration is described based on th e following window . The UDP configuration window , taken from the DeviceManager , is configured to: z UDP Entry 1 All hosts that have an IP addres s that falls within the range of 172.
Serial Port Profiles 90 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 G eneral T ab Field Descriptio ns Configure the following parame ters: Listen for connections on UDP port The IOLAN will listen for UDP packets on the specified port.
91 Serial Port Profiles T erminal Profile Overview The T erminal profile allows network access from a terminal connected to th e IOLAN’ s serial port. This profile is used to acce ss pre-defined hosts on the network from the terminal. Functionality This profil e can be set up in two ways: 1.
Serial Port Profiles 92 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 General T ab Field Descriptio ns Configure the following parame ters: T erminal T ype Specifies the type of terminal connected to the line.
93 Serial Port Profiles Advanced T ab Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Protocol Specify the protocol that will be us ed to connect to the specified host. Default: Te l n e t Settings Button Click this button to define the settings for the proto col that will be used to connect the user to the specified host.
Serial Port Profiles 94 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Reset T erminal on disconnect When enabled, resets the terminal defini tion connected to the serial port when a user logs out.
95 Serial Port Profiles User Service Settings Login Settings These settings apply to users who are ac cessing the network from a term inal connected to the IOLAN’ s serial port. The T elnet settings take eff ect when the connection method is defined in the user ’ s profile.
Serial Port Profiles 96 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Enable Line Mode When enabled, key board inpu t is not sent to the remote host until Enter is pressed, otherwise input is sent every time a key is pressed. Default: Disabled Map CR to CRLF When enabled, maps carriage returns (CR) to carriage return line feed (CRLF).
97 Serial Port Profiles Serial T unneling Profile Overview The Serial T unneling profile allows two IOLANs to be connected back-to-b ack over the network to establish a virtual link between two serial ports based on RFC 2217.
Serial Port Profiles 98 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 General T ab Field Descriptio ns Configure the following parame ters: Act As T unnel Server The IOLAN will listen for an incomi ng connection request on the specified Internet Address on the specified TCP Port .
99 Serial Port Profiles V irtual Modem Profile Overview Vir t u a l M od e m (Vmodem) is a feature of the IOLAN th at provides a modem interface to a serial device. It will respond to A T com m ands and provide signal s in the sa me way that a serially attached modem would.
Serial Port Profiles 100 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 General T ab Field Descriptio ns Configure the following parame ters: Connect Automatically At St a r t u p When enabled, automatical ly establishes the virtual modem connection when the serial port becomes active.
101 Serial Port Profiles Advanced T ab Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Numeric Codes When enabled, the connection status is sent to the connected device using the following num.
Serial Port Profiles 102 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Phone Number to Host Mapping If your modem application dials usin g a phone nu mb er , you can add an entry in the Phone Number to Host Mapping window that can be accessed by all se rial ports configured as V irtual Modem.
103 Serial Port Profiles VModem Phone Number Entry Create an entry in t he Phone Number t o Host Mapping window . Configure the following parame ters: Control Signal I/O Profile Overview The Control Signal I/ O profile is onl y avail ab le on IO LAN I/O models.
Serial Port Profiles 104 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 General T ab Field Descriptio ns The General tab displays the signal pin s. This window is also used to enable/disable the signal pins. Highlight a signal and then click the Edit button to confi g ure the signal pin’ s parameters.
105 Serial Port Profiles Output Signal Fi eld Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: T rigger When the trigg er cond ition is met, triggers the specified alarm action. Data Option s: z Disabled —No alarm set ti n gs . This is the default.
Serial Port Profiles 106 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Modbus Gateway Profile Overview Each serial port can be configured as either a Modbus Master gateway or a Modbus Slave gateway , depending on your configuration and req uirements.
107 Serial Port Profiles General T ab Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Mode Specify how the Modbus Gateway is defined on the serial port. Data Optio n s: z Modbus Master —T ypical ly , the Modbus Master is conn ect ed to the Serial Port and is communicating to Modbus Slaves on the net work.
Serial Port Profiles 108 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Advanced Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Idle Timeout Use this timer to close a connecti on because of inactivity . When the Idle Tim eo ut expires, the IOLAN will end the connection.
109 Serial Port Profiles Modbus Slave IP Setti ngs Field Descriptions This window is used to configure the Modbus Slaves. The following buttons are available: Adding/Editing Modbus Slave IP Settings Configure the following parame ters: Add Button Adds an entry into the Modbus Destination Slave IP Sett ing s table.
Serial Port Profiles 1 10 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 UID End When Destin ation is set to Host and you have sequential Modbus Slave IP addresses (for example,, 10.10.10 .2,, etc.), you can specify a UID range and the IOLAN will au tomatically increment the last digit of the configured IP addre ss.
111 Serial Port Profiles Modbus Slave Advanced Settings Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: TCP/UDP Port The netw ork port num ber th at the Slave Gateway will listen on for bot h TC P and UDP messages.
Serial Port Profiles 1 12 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Custom Application Profile Overview The Custom App/Plugin profile is used in conjunction with custom appl icatio ns created for the IOLAN by using the Perle SDK. See the SDK Pr ogra mmer ’ s Guide (the SDK and guide are found on the Perle website at www.
11 3 Advanced Advanced Advanced Serial Settings T ab Overview Advanced serial por t setti n gs apply to all serial ports. Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Flush Data Before Closing Serial Port When enabled, deletes any pending data wh en a port is closed.
Advanced 1 14 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Modems T ab Overview You need to configure a modem if ther e is a modem connected to the IOLAN. When you click on the Modems tab, you will see the following : If any modems have been configured, th ey will be displayed.
11 5 Advanced Tr u e P o r t B a u d R a t e T a b Overview The T ruePort utility acts as a COM port redirector that allows applicat ions to talk to serial devices across a network as though the serial devices were directly attached to th e server . For IOLAN I/O models, you can also monitor and control I/ O through the T ruePort client.
Advanced 1 16 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 1 17 Configuring Users Chapter 8 8 Introduction Y ou can configure up to four users in the IOLAN’ s local user database, in addition to the Admin user . A user can even represent a device, like a barcode reader or a card swipe device, that you want to be authenticated.
User Settings 1 18 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 User Settings Overview The Users window allows y ou to add, edit, and delete users from the IOLAN. Functionality The Users window displays the users who have b een configured. Y ou can ad d users, edit existing users, or delete users from thi s window .
11 9 Adding/Editing Users Adding/Editing Users General T ab Overview The General tab configures the basic user information. Functionality Y ou must, m inim ally , prov ide a User Name and Level for a user . Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: User Name The name of the user .
Adding/Editing Users 120 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Level The access that a user is allowed. Data Option s: z Admin —The admin level user has total access to the IOLAN. Y ou can create more than one admin user acco unt but we recommend that y ou only have one.
121 Adding/Editing Users Services T ab Overview The Services tab configures the connection parameters for a user . Any connection parameters configured in this window will overri de the serial port connection parameters.
Adding/Editing Users 122 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Advanced T ab Overview The Advanced tab is used to configure th ose param eters that control the user session; this includes session length, languag e, the hotkey used for switching between sessions.
123 Adding/Editing Users Sessions T ab Overview The Sessions tab is used to configure specific connect ions for users who are accessing the network through the IOLAN’ s serial port. Functionality Users who have successfully logged into the IOLAN ( User Serv ice set to D Sprompt ) can start up to four login sessions on network hosts.
Adding/Editing Users 124 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Session 1, 2, 3, 4 Y ou can configure up to four (4) session s that the us.
125 Adding/Editing Users Serial Port Access T ab Overview The Serial Port Access tab controls the user’ s read/write access on any given IOLAN serial port. This pertains to users that are connecting from the network to a serial over a Console Management type session.
Adding/Editing Users 126 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 127 Configuring Security C hapter 9 9 Introduction The Security group includes the following config urat ion options: z Services —This configuration windo w is us ed to enable/disabled clien t and daemon services that run in the IOLAN.
Services 128 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Field Descriptions Enable/disab le the following optio ns: T elnet Server T elnet daemon process in the IOLAN listening on TCP port 23. Tr u e P o r t F u l l Mode The T ruePo rt daem on process in the IOLAN that supports T r uePo rt Full Mode on UDP port 668.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 129 Configuring I/O Interfaces Chapter 10 10 Introduction There is a line of I/O IOLANs that can control/monitor the following types of I/O: z Analog Input z Digital Input/Outpu t z Relay Output z T emperature Input Some of the models are I/O combin ations and some of the models support one I/O ty pe.
Settings 130 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Settings Overview The I/O Interfaces Setting s win dow configures the parameters that are global to all I/O channels.
131 Settings Advanced Slave Modbus Settings The parameters in this window configure global Modbu s gateway settings that apply to all serial ports configured first as the Modbus Ga teway profile and then as a Modbus Slave .
Settings 132 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Failsafe T imer Functionality Overview The Failsafe Timer tab configures the I/O failsafe timer .
133 Settings UDP Functionality Overview The UDP tab configures the I/O UDP broadcast settings . The I/O UDP broadcast feature periodically broadcasts the I/O channel status in a UDP message. Y ou can configure up to four sets of IP address entries (each entry consisting of a start and end IP address rang e) to broadcast I/O st atus data.
Settings 134 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 I/O UDP Settings Configure the following parame ters: T emperature Functionality Overview The Te m p e r a t u r e tab configures the temperature scale setting s for T4 models.
135 Channels Channels The Channels section displays the I/O Channels window , through which you can enable/disabl e the I/O channels. Highlight a channel and then click the Edit button to configure the pa ram eters for that channel. Analog Overview Analog channels monitor current/ vol tage input.
Channels 136 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Description Provide a description of the channel, making it easier to identify . Data Option s: Maximum 20 characters, including spaces Ty p e Select the type of input b eing measured.
137 Channels Digit al Input Overview When the channel is set for digital inpu t, it monitors voltage or current. Note that the internal jumpers must match t he software settin g and must b e set to Input, which is the default; see Digital I/O Module on page 198 to find out how to set the internal jumpers.
Channels 138 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Description Provide a description of the channel, making it easier to identify . Data Option s: Maximum 20 characters, including spaces Input Mode When selected, the channel will be read ing the status of the line (input).
139 Channels Auto Clear Mode When enabled, automatical ly clears the alarm when the trigger condition changes; for example, if the Tr i g g e r is Inactive and the alarm is triggered, once the input b.
Channels 140 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Digit al Output Overview When the channel is set for digital output, either voltage is appl ied to the channel or the channel is grounded.
141 Channels Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Description Provide a description of the channel, making it easier to identify . Data Option s: Maximum 20 characters, including spaces Output Mode When selected, the channel will drive the line (output).
Channels 142 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Pulse Mode When Outpu t is set to Pulse , you can specify the m anner of the pulse. Data Optio n s: z Continu ous —Continuously pulses active and in active. z Count —Pulses an active/inactive sequen ce for the specified number of times.
143 Channels Relay Overview Relay channels can open or close a contact for a higher voltage circuit using a lower level control voltage. The Relay output channels work as a physi cal on/off switch, and are used to drive higher voltage devices with a lower controlling voltage.
Channels 144 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Description Provide a description of the channel, making it easier to identify . Data Option s: Maximum 20 characters, including spaces Output Specify how the channel output will be handled.
145 Channels Active Signal Wid th How long the channel will be active during the pulse mode. Range: 1-9999 x 100 ms Default: 1 (100 ms) Delay How long to delay an active-to-inactive or in active-to-activ e setting after it is manually started.
Channels 146 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Temperature T emperature input chan nels monitor R TD or thermocouple tem perat ure sensors inputs for the most common ranges.
147 Channels Field Descriptions Configure the following parame ters: Description Provide a description of the channel, making it easier to identify . Data Option s: Maximum 20 characters, including spaces Ty p e Specify the type of sensor you are using to measure temperature.
Channels 148 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Alarm Settings Analog and T emperat ure in put models support an Al arm mechanism in which you can specify up to five severity levels of alarm trig gers and clear levels; the alarm trig gers/clear levels can activ at e in either increasing or decreasing severity levels.
149 Channels Advanced Analog Alarm Settings The advanced Analog Alarm Sett ing s window expands the basic alarm settings opt ions to up to five severity levels.
I/O UDP 150 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 I/O UDP The I/O UDP broadcast feature peri odically broadcasts the I/O ch annel status in a UDP message. Y ou can configure up to four sets of IP address entries (each entry consisting of a start and end IP address rang e) to broadcast I/O st atus data.
151 I/O UDP Digit al/Relay Data The digital data is in bit format, 1 meaning On and 0 (zero) meaning Off. Each channel has its own bit, in least sig nificant bit order . Serial Pin Signal Dat a The serial data is in bit format, 1 meaning On and 0 (zero) meaning Of f.
I/O Modbus Slave 152 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 I/O Modbus Slave If you have a Modbus se rial or TCP application, it can access I/O connected to the IOLAN when the I/O Global Modbus Slave is enabled. Y ou must suppl y a uniqu e UID fo r the IOLAN, as it will act as a Modbus Slave.
153 Modbus I/O Access Modbus TCP Application If you have a Modbus R TU or Modb us ASCII pr ogram, you can access the I/O by connecting to the IOLAN over the n etwork. Modbus I/O Access The section defines the function codes and register s you will need to acces s the I/O through Modbus TCP , Modbus serial, or Modbus serial/TruePort.
Modbus I/O Access 154 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 I/O Coil/Registe r Descriptions This section contains descriptions of I/O coils: z MB_REG_DI_SENSOR —Status of Digital input. 1 is Active, 0 is Inactive. If Invert Signal is configured on , 0 is Active, 1 is Inactive.
155 Modbus I/O Access Serial Port Coil/Register Descriptions This section contains descriptions of serial port coils: z MB_REG_DI_DSR —The status of the DSR input signal. 1 is Active, 0 is Inactive. If Invert Signal is configured on , 0 is Active, 1 is Inactive.
Modbus I/O Access 156 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 A4D2/A4R2 Registers The following coils and registers are suppo rted by the IOLAN A4D2 and A4R2 I/O model s : *For DI alarm state, read will get state, write will clear alarm.
157 Modbus I/O Access D4/D2R2 Registers The following coils and registers are su ppo rted by the IOLAN D4 and D2R2 I/O models: *For DI alarm state, read will get state, write will clear alarm.
T ruePort I/O 158 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 T ruePort I/O Y ou can see a sample API I/O over T ruePort program called ioapiotp .c on the CD-ROM.
159 T ruePort I/O API Over T ruePort Only If you have a custom application that talks to a se rial port, you can use T rue Port as a virtual serial port to communicate with the IOL AN over the network to access I/O data using the Perle API. See Accessing I/O Data V ia Tr uePort on page 160 for more informati on on th e API.
Accessing I/O Data Via T ruePort 160 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Accessing I/O Dat a Via T ruePort Introduction Analog and Digital I/O data, as well as output control, can be accessed in several ways.
161 Accessing I/O Data V ia T ruePort Format of API Commands There are two groups of commands: z Get Commands —Retrieve values of the I/O channel registers z Set Commands —Set values on the I/ O channel registers. I/O Channel registers are all assigne d unique addresses, which need to be referenced in al l of the commands.
Accessing I/O Data Via T ruePort 162 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Example 1: Read the status of the first digi ta l input (DI1) on a D2R2 uni t.
163 Accessing I/O Data V ia T ruePort Successful Response Format Unsuccessful Response Format Example 1: T urn on the first relay on a D2R2 unit. The first relay (R1) is a digital out coil regist er with a decimal value of 6659 (hex 0x1A03).
I/O SNMP T raps 164 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Error Codes I/O SNMP T rap s When you enable SNMP traps for Digital and Anal og inputs, a value is re turned when an alarm triggers or clears. This section decodes the SNMP specific trap numbe rs.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 165 Configuring the System Chapter 11 11 Introduction This chapter describes the alerts (s yslog) that can be configured for the IOLAN and the advanced opt.
Management 166 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Management SNMP Overview If you are using SNMP to manage/confi gure the IOLAN , or to view statistics or traps, you mu st set up a User in S.
167 Management Custom App/Plugin Overview Y ou can create custom applications for th e IOLAN by using the Perle SDK. See the SDK Pr ogrammer ’ s Guide (the SDK and guide are found on the Perle website at ) for information about the functions that are supported.
Management 168 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Field Description Configure the following parameter: Advanced Overview Review the configuration options in the Advan c ed pa ge to determi ne if any of them apply to your implementation.
169 Management Bootup Files T ab Field Descriptions Y ou must have a TFTP server running on any host that you are upl oading or downloading files to/from. When you specify the file path, the path mu st be relative to the default path set in your TFTP server software.
Management 170 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Message of the Day (MOTD) T ab Field Descriptions Y ou must have a TFTP server running on any host that you are uplo a din g or do wnloading files to/from when using TFTP . When you specify the fil e path, the path must be relative to the default path set in your TFTP server software.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 171 Controlling the I/O Channels Chapter 12 12 Introduction The Control section appears when the IO LAN is connected to an I/O model. I/O Channels Overview When the DeviceManager is connected to an I/ O model IOLAN, the I/O S tatus/Control option is available.
I/O Channels 172 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Activate Output Button Manually activates the channel output . Deactivat e Output Button Manually deactivates the channel output. Reset All Channels Button Resets all the channels. Refresh Button Resets the highlighted channel (click on a channel to highl igh t it).
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 173 System Administration Chapter 13 13 Introduction This chapter addresses the functions that the Admin user or a user with Admin Level privileges might do. This chapter uses the DeviceManager as the configuration method described in most administrative functions.
Managing Configuration Files 174 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Downloading Configuration Files to Multiple IOLANs Y ou can download a configuration fi le to m ulti ple IOLANs at the same time by doi ng the fo llowing in DeviceManager (DeviceManager is the on ly configurator that does this function): 1.
175 Downloading IOLAN Firmware 4. Click the Download> button to start the download process. A status window will display with the configuration download status. Uploading Configuration Files When you upload a configuration to the Dev iceM anager, you are uploading the IOLAN’ s wo rki ng configuration file.
Calibrating I/O 176 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Calibrating I/O All I/O channels are factory calibrated and should not need recalibration during i nitial use. However should calibration be required, yo u can recalib rate in DeviceManager or W ebManager .
177 Calibrating I/O Calibrating RTD When calibrating the IOLAN Analog i nput for R TD, you will need a resi stor that is b etter than .05% Ohms accuracy .
Setting the IOLAN’s Date and T ime 178 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Resetting Calibration Dat a Y ou can reset the I/O channels calibrations to the factory calibrations in DeviceManager by selecting To o l s , I/O Channels , Reset Calibrate Dat a or in W ebManager by selecting Administration , Reset , I/O Calibratio n .
179 Resetting the IOLAN to F actory Defaults Resetting the IOLAN to Factory Default s Y ou can reset the IOLAN to its factor y default configurat ion by selecting To o l s , Reset , Reset to Factory Default in DeviceManager and Administration , Reset , Factory Defau lts in W ebManager .
Language Support 180 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 T ranslation Guidance To help you with your translation, of supplied ASC II text language fil es we offer the following guidance: z The IOLAN will support languages other than English (and the supplied German and French languages).
181 Downloading T erminal Definitions Downloading T erminal Definitions All terminal ty p e s ca n be us ed on the IOLAN. Some terminal types which are not already defined in the IOLAN, however , are unable to use Full Screen mode (menus) and may not be able to page through sessions properly .
Resetting Configuration Parameters 182 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 For example: Resetting Configuration Parameters You can reset the IOLAN to its factory settings through any of the f.
183 Lost Admin Password Lost Admin Password If the Admin user password is lost, there are only two possible ways to recover it: z reset the IOLAN to th e factory defaults z have another user that has .
Lost Admin Password 184 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 185 V irtual Modem A T Commands Appendix A A V irtual Modem Initialization Commands Y ou can initialize the modem conn ection using any of the following comm ands: Note: V i rtual Modem initialization co mmands are only supported on IOLAN firmw are and configurators version 3.
Virtual Modem Initialization Commands 186 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 AT & Z 1 Set command allows the user to store an IP address and port number or phone num ber to use when making a conn ection. The user will issue an A T DS1 to cause the IO LAN to initiate the connection.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 187 Pinout s and Cabling Diagrams Appendix B B Serial Pinout s DB25 Male This section d efines the pinouts for the D B25 male connection used on the 1-p ort IOLAN.
Serial Pinouts 188 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 The power in pin, pin 12, can be 9-30V DC. DB25 Female This section defines the pinouts for the DB25 female connection used on the 1-port IO LAN.
Pinouts and Cabling Diagrams 189 Serial Pinouts The power in pin, pin 12, can be 9-30V DC. RJ45 This section defines the pinouts for the RJ45 c onnection used on the DS and TS IOLAN. The TS IOLAN does not support power in, so use the 8-pin mappings for this model.
Serial Pinouts 190 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 DB9 Male (Serial Only) This section defines the pinouts for the D B9 male co nnection used on th e 1-po rt IOLAN that is serial only (not I/O).
Pinouts and Cabling Diagrams 191 EIA-232 Cabling Diag rams EIA-232 Cabling Diagrams This section shows how to create EIA-232 cable s that are compatible with the Device Server. T erminal DB25 Connector The following diagrams show how the null modem cable shoul d be configured when connecting to a terminal DB25.
EIA-232 Cabling Diagrams 192 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 RJ45 DB9 Male IOLAN RJ45 T erminal DB25 (DTE) 10-pin 8-pin 4 (DSR) 3 20 (DTR) 3 (R T S) 2 5 (CTS) 5 (TxD) 4 3 (RxD) 6 (RxD) 5 .
Pinouts and Cabling Diagrams 193 EIA-232 Cabling Diag rams Modem DB25 Connector The following diagrams show how a standard straight through cable should be configured when connecting to a D B25 modem.
EIA-232 Cabling Diagrams 194 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 DB9 Male IOLAN DS1 DB9 Male Modem DB25 (DCE) 1 (DCD) 8 (DCD) 2 (RxD) 3 (TxD) 3 (TxD) 2 (Rx D) 4 (DTR) 20 (DTR) 5 (GND) 7 (GND).
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 195 Setting Jumpers Appendix C C Introduction The IOLAN contains jumpers that you mig ht need to set before you configure it and put it into production. Y ou can set the IOLAN line termin atio n to on or off (this is off by default) if you are using EIA-422/485 (not app licable for I/O models).
Introduction 196 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 IOLAN RJ45 T o change the settings, do the following: 1. Unplug the IOLAN from the electrical outlet and disconnec t everything from the box. 2. Open the case by unscrewing the two side screws, one on each side, and lifting off the top of the case.
Setting Jumpers 197 Introduction 2-Port IOLAN T o change the settings, do the following: 1. Unplug the IOLAN from the electrical outlet and disconnec t everything from the box. 2. Open the case by unscrewing the two side screws, one on each side, and lifting off the top of the case.
Introduction 198 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Digit al I/O Module IOLANs that have Digital I/O have an input/o utput jumper that must be set for each channel and must match the software configuration for each channe l.
Setting Jumpers 199 Introduction Analog Input Module IOLANs that have Analog Input have a voltag e /current jumper that must be set for each channel and must match the software configur ation for each channel. T o change the settings, do the following: 1.
Introduction 200 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 201 I/O W iring Diagrams Appendix D D Wiring I/O Diagrams This section describes how to wire the vario us IOLAN I/O models. Digit al I/O Make sure the Digital I/O jumpers su pport the software setting; see Digital I/O Module on page 198 for jumper settings.
Wiring I/O Diagrams 202 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 Digit al Output Sink For a Digital output sink (groun d) config urat ion for channel D1, follow the diagram below . Digit al Output Source For a Digital output source (voltag e) configuration for channel D1, follow th e diagram below .
I/O Wiring D iagrams 203 Wiring I/O Diagrams Analog Input Make sure the Analog jumpers su pport the software setting; see Analog Input Module on page 1 99 for jumper settings. Current T o connect channel A1 with a 2-wire shielded cab le, connect the positive wire to A1+, the negativ e wire to A1-, and optionally the shield to GND.
Wiring I/O Diagrams 204 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 RTD 2-Wire In a 2-wire R TD configuration, conn ect the excite wire to A1-, the re turn wire to A1 +, and jump er th e sense wire from A1s with a insulated wire going to A1+.
I/O Wiring D iagrams 205 Wiring I/O Diagrams Normally Closed Cont act T o connect relay channel R1 for a circuit that is normally activ e, connect one wi re to the COM (common) connector and one wire to the NC (normally closed) connector .
Wiring I/O Diagrams 206 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 207 T ruePort Utility Appendix E E Introduction This chapter provides information on the TruePort utility .
API I/O Access Over T ruePort 208 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 API I/O Access Over T ruePort Y ou can access IOLAN I/O data through TruePort using the Perle API. The API uses the command/response format. See the ioapiotp.c sample program, found on the product CD-ROM, for an example implementation.
T ruePort Utility 2 09 API I/O Access Over T ruePort Error Codes Code Name Descripti on 01 Illegal Function The function code received in the qu ery is not an allowable action for the server (or slave). 02 Illegal Data Address The data address received in the query is not an allowable address for the server (or slave).
API I/O Access Over T ruePort 210 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 21 1 Accessories Appendix F F Introduction This chapter provides information about periph eral IO LAN options that can be ordered separately from the product. Contact your sales representa tive to find out how to order the products listed in this appendix.
S tarter Kit (Adapters/Cable) 212 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 RJ45F to DB25M DT E Crossover Adapter The following diagram shows the IO LAN RJ45F-->DB25M DTE crossover adapt er pin outs.
Accessories 213 S tarter Kit (Adapters/Cable) RJ45F to DB25M DCE Modem Adapter The following diagram sh ows the IO LAN RJ45F J DB25M DCE mod em adapter pinouts.
S tarter Kit (Adapters/Cable) 214 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 RJ45F to DB25F DTE Crossover Adapter The following diagram sh ows the IO LAN RJ45 J DB25F DTE crossover adapter pinouts.
Accessories 215 S tarter Kit (Adapters/Cable) RJ45F to DB9M DTE Crossover Adapter The following diagram sh ows the IO LAN RJ45 J DB9M cro ssover adapter pinouts.
S tarter Kit (Adapters/Cable) 216 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 RJ45F to DB9F DTE Crossover Adapter The following diagram sh ows the IO LAN RJ45F J DB9 F cro sso ver adapter pinouts. This is model number DBA0020. Sun/Cisco RJ45M Co nnector Cable for Rack Mount Models This is a 3 meter RJ45M J RJ45M 8-wire Sun/Cisco modu lar cabl e.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 217 T roubleshooting Appendix G G Introduction This chapter provides information that can help resolve problems with the IOLAN. Hardware Problems If the IOLAN Power/Ready LED is red and stays re d for over 10 seconds, you have a hardware problem that might to require factor y service.
DeviceManager Problems 218 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 z If the W ebManager or DeviceManager cannot co mmunicate with the IOL AN, verify that the Security , Services HTT P parameter is enabled for W ebManager and DeviceManage rD is enabled for DeviceManager .
219 Problems with T erminals Problems with T erminals The following section concerns problems with th e appearance of data on your term inal screen. The IOLAN logs me out after a few minutes: z Check the Idle T i mer value set for the user . The default settin g for the Idle Timer for all users is 0 seconds (does not timeout).
DHCP/BOOTP Problems 220 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 DHCP/BOOTP Problems Messages: host name too long or filename too long. z The IOLAN can only accept host name s of 14 characters or file name s of 64 characters, so verify that you are not attempting to pass a string that is longer than those maxi mu ms.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 221 Glossary This chapter provides definitions for Device Server terms. BOOTP (BOOT strap Protocol) An Internet protocol that enables a diskless workstation to discover its own IP address, the IP address of a BOOTP server on the network, and a file to be loaded into memory to boot the machine.
222 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 P AP (Password Authentication Protocol) Standard authentication protocol for PPP connections. see CHAP RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In Users Services) An open standard network securit y server that communicates wi th the P AP pro tocol.
IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 223 A admin default password 47 lost password 183 analog calibrating 176 API I/O commands 160 , 208 TruePort 159 ARP-Ping, setting an IP address 49 B binar.
Index M 224 IOLAN DS1/TS2 User ’s Guide, V ersio n 3.4 M Menu conventions 39 Menu IOLAN+ inte rface 38 MIB 42 Modbus I/O access 153 TruePort 158 mode console 27 serial 27 models, IOLAN 19 modem para.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Perle Systems TS2 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Perle Systems TS2 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Perle Systems TS2 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Perle Systems TS2 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Perle Systems TS2 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Perle Systems TS2 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Perle Systems TS2 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Perle Systems TS2 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.