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Internet Broadband Router XRT-411 User's Manual.
ii Cop y right Copyright (C) 2004 PLANET Technology Corp. All rights reserved. The products and programs described in this User ’ s M anual are licensed products of PLANET Technology, This User ’ .
i Table of Contents CH A P T ER 1 IN T RODUC T IO N ..................................................................................... .1 Broadband Router Feature s ............................................................................... .1 Package Content s .
ii A PPENDIX A T ROUBLESHOO T IN G ......................................................................... . 90 O v er v ie w ............................................................................................................. . 90 General Problem s .
1 Chapter 1 Introduction This Chapter provides an overview of the XRT-411 Broadband Router's features and capabilities. Congratulations on the purchase o f y our ne w XR T -411 Broadband Router. T he Broad- band Router is a m ulti- f unction device providing the f ollo w ing services: • Shared Broadband Internet Access f or all LAN users.
Broadband Router User Guide 2 A d v anced Internet Functions • Communication Applications. Support f or Internet co mm unication applica- tions, such as interactive Ga m es, T elephon y , and Con f erencing applications, w hich are o f ten di ff icult to use w hen behind a Fire w all, is included.
Introduction 3 • Remote Management. T he Broadband Router can be m anaged f ro m an y PC on y our LAN. And, i f the Internet connection exists, it can also (optionall y ) be con- f igured via the Internet. • Network Diagnostics. Y ou can use the Broadband Router to per f or m a Ping or DNS lookup .
Broadband Router User Guide 4 Ph y sical Details Front-mounted LEDs Figure 2: Front Panel PWR On - Po w er on. Off - No po w er. S T A T US (Red) On - Error condition. Off - Nor m al operation. Blinking - T his LED blin k s during start up. L A N For each port, there are 2 LEDs • LNK/ A C T • On - Corresponding LAN (hub) port is active.
Introduction 5 Rear Panel Figure 3: Rear Panel USB Printer Port I f y ou w ish to share a printer, connect it here. Reset Button T his button has t w o (2) f unctions: • Reboot . W hen pressed and released, the Broadband Router w ill reboot (restart).
6 Chapter 2 Ins t allation This Chapter covers the physical installation of the Broadband Router. Requirements • Net w or k cables. Use standard 10/100Base T net w or k (U T P) cables w ith RJ45 connectors. • T CP/IP protocol m ust be installed on all PCs.
Introduction 7 3. Connect W A N Cable Connect the DSL or Cable m ode m to the W AN port on the Broadband Router. Use the cable supplied w ith y our DSL/Cable m ode m . I f no cable w as supplied, use a standard cable. 4. Connect Printer Cable Use a standard USB printer cable to connect y our printer to the USB Printer port on the Broadband Router.
8 Chapter 3 Setup This Chapter provides Setup details of the Broadband Router. O v er v ie w T his chapter describes the setup procedure f or: • Internet Access • LAN con f iguration • Assigning a Pass w ord to protect the con f iguration data. PCs on y our local LAN m a y also require con f iguration.
Setup 9 Configuration Program T he Broadband Router contains an H TT P server. T his enables y ou to connect to it, and con f igure it, using y our W eb Bro w ser. Your Bro w ser must support Ja v aScript . T he con f iguration progra m has been tested on the f ollo w ing bro w sers: • Netscape V4.
Broadband Router User Guide 10 If y ou can't connect I f the Broadband Router does not respond, chec k the f ollo w ing: • T he Broadband Router is properl y installed, LAN connection is OK, and it is po w ered ON.
Setup 11 Setup Wizard T he f irst ti m e y ou connect to the Broadband Router, the Setup W i z ard w ill run auto- m aticall y . ( T he Setup W i z ard w ill also run i f the Broadband Router's de f ault setting are restored.) 1. Step through the W i z ard until f inished.
Broadband Router User Guide 12 PP T P, L2 T P PP T P and L2 T P are m ainl y used in Europe. Y ou connect to the ISP onl y w hen required. T he IP address is usuall y allocated auto m aticall y , but m a y be Static (Fixed). • Server Address. • User na m e and pass- w ord.
Setup 13 Home Screen A f ter f inishing the Setup W i z ard, y ou w ill see the Home screen. W hen y ou connect in f uture, y ou w ill see this screen w hen y ou connect.
Broadband Router User Guide 14 L A N Screen Use the LAN lin k on the m ain m enu to reach the LAN screen An exa m ple screen is sho w n belo w . Figure 6: L A N Screen Data - L A N Screen T CP/IP IP A ddress IP address f or the Broadband Router, as seen f ro m the local LAN.
Setup 15 DHCP What DHCP Does A DHCP (D y na m ic Host Con f iguration Protocol) Ser v er allocates a valid IP address to a DHCP Client (PC or device) upon request.
Broadband Router User Guide 16 Pass w ord Screen T he pass w ord screen allo w s y ou to assign a pass w ord to the Broadband Router. Figure 7: Pass w ord Screen Once y ou have assigned a pass w ord to the Broadband Router (on the Password screen above) y ou w ill be pro m pted f or the pass w ord w hen y ou connect, as sho w n belo w .
17 Chapter 4 PC Configuration This Chapter details the PC Configuration required on the local ("Inter- nal") LAN. O v er v ie w For each PC, the f ollo w ing m a y need to be con f igured: .
Broadband Router User Guide 18 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windo w s 9x/ME: 1. Select Control Panel - Network . Y ou should see a screen li k e the f ollo w ing: Figure 9: Net w ork Configuration 2. Select the TCP/IP protocol f or y our net w or k card.
PC Configuration 19 • On the Gateway tab, enter the Broadband Router's IP address in the New Gate- way f ield and clic k Add , as sho w n belo w . Y our LAN ad m inistrator can advise y ou o f the IP Address the y assigned to the Broadband Router.
Broadband Router User Guide 20 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windo w s NT4.0 1. Select Control Panel - Network , and, on the Protocols tab, select the T CP/IP protocol, as sho w n belo w . Figure 13: Windo w s N T 4.0 - T CP/IP 2. Clic k the Properties button to see a screen li k e the one belo w .
PC Configuration 21 Figure 14: Windo w s N T 4.0 - IP A ddress 3. Select the net w or k card f or y our LAN. 4. Select the appropriate radio button - Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server or Specify an IP Address , as explained belo w . Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Ser v er T his is the de f ault W indo w s setting.
Broadband Router User Guide 22 Figure 15 - Windo w s N T 4.0 - A dd Gate w a y 2. T he DNS should be set to the address provided b y y our ISP, as f ollo w s: • Clic k the DNS tab. • On the DNS screen, sho w n belo w , clic k the Add button (under DNS Service Search Order ), and enter the DNS provided b y y our ISP.
PC Configuration 23 Figure 16: Windo w s N T 4.0 - DNS.
Broadband Router User Guide 24 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windo w s 2000: 1. Select Control Panel - Network and Dial-up Connection . 2. Right - clic k the Local Area Connection icon and select Properties . Y ou should see a screen li k e the f ollo w ing: Figure 17: Net w ork Configuration (Win 2000) 3.
PC Configuration 25 Figure 18: T CP/IP Properties (Win 2000) 5. Ensure y our T CP/IP settings are correct, as described belo w . Using DHCP T o use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Address automatically . T his is the de f ault W indo w s setting.
Broadband Router User Guide 26 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windo w s XP 1. Select Control Panel - Network Connection . 2. Right clic k the Local Area Connection and choose Properties . Y ou should see a screen li k e the f ollo w ing: Figure 19: Net w ork Configuration (Windo w s XP) 3.
PC Configuration 27 Figure 20: T CP/IP Properties (Windo w s XP) 5. Ensure y our T CP/IP settings are correct. Using DHCP T o use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Address automatically . T his is the de f ault W indo w s setting. Using this is recommended .
Broadband Router User Guide 28 Internet A ccess T o con f igure y our PCs to use the Broadband Router f or Internet access: • Ensure that the DSL m ode m , Cable m ode m , or other per m anent connection is f unctional.
PC Configuration 29 Printer Setup for Windo w s T he Broadband Router provides printing support f or 2 m ethods f or printing f ro m W in- do w s: • Print Port Dri v er. A f ter installing the Print Port Driver, W indo w s users can print directl y to the Broadband Router.
Broadband Router User Guide 30 5. Select the desired device and port, and then clic k the "Add" button. Under Windo w s 95, if y ou see the follo w ing error message, either install Internet Explorer 4 or later, or follo w the proce- dure in the " T rouble Shooting - Printing" section of A ppendix A .
PC Configuration 31 Figure 22: Print Port Configuration Ite m s sho w n on this screen are as f ollo w s: Port I f desired, clic k Browse to select a di ff erent device. ( T he Select Device Port button is provided to allo w this so f t w are to w or k w ith m ulti-port m odels.
Broadband Router User Guide 32 LPD/LPR Printing LPD/LPR printing can be used w ith W indo w s N T 4.0 Server or W indo w s 2000/2003. No so f t w are needs to be installed on client PCs. Windo w s N T 4.0 Ser v er Configuration T o use LPD printing, M icrosoft T CP/IP Printing m ust be installed and enabled.
PC Configuration 33 Windo w s 2000/2003 Ser v er Configuration T he LPD/LPR Port is not enabled b y de f ault. T o enable it, use this procedure: 1. In Control Panel, select Add/Re m ove Progra m s, then W indo w s Co m ponents. 2. Select Other Network File and Print Services , then clic k the Details button.
Broadband Router User Guide 34 Figure 24: Windo w s 2000: Select Port 4. In the Dialog requesting Name or Address of server providing lpd , enter the IP address o f the Broadband Router. 5. For Name of printer or print queue on that server , enter L1 6.
PC Configuration 35 Figure 25: Net w ork Path - Windo w s 98/ M E Figure 26: Net w ork Path - Windo w s XP 4. Bro w se the net w or k , and locate the Server and Printer (or Print Queue) w hich y our Net w or k Ad m inistrator advised y ou to use. 5. Clic k OK, then Next .
Broadband Router User Guide 36 M acintosh Clients Fro m y our Macintosh, y ou can access the Internet via the Broadband Router. T he procedure is as f ollo w s. 1. Open the T CP/IP Control Panel. 2. Select Ethernet f ro m the Connect via pop-up m enu.
PC Configuration 37 Printing Setup on Linux T he Broadband Router supports LPD Printing on Linux. T he procedure to install a LPD printer is detailed belo w , but m a y var y according to y our version o f Linux and X - w indo w s shell. 1. In y our X W indo w s shell, select Control Panel , then Printer Configuration .
38 Chapter 5 Operation and S t atus This Chapter details the operation of the Broadband Router and use of the status screens. Operation Once both the Broadband Router and the PCs are configured, operation is automatic.
Operation and Status 39 Data - Status Screen Internet Connection M ethod T his indicates the current connection m ethod, as set in the Setup W i z ard.
Broadband Router User Guide 40 screen displa y ed w ill depend on the connection m ethod used. See the f ollo w ing sections f or details o f each sub- screen. S y stem Data Displa y all s y ste m in f or m ation in a sub- w indo w . A bort Current Print Job Clic k this button to ter m inate the current print job.
Operation and Status 41 devices on the Internet. ( T his is di ff erent to the hard w are address seen b y devices on the local LAN.) IP A ddress T he IP Address o f this device, as seen b y Internet users. T his address is allocated b y y our ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Broadband Router User Guide 42 Idle ti m e-out reached T he connection has been idle f or the ti m e period speci- f ied in the "Idle T i m e-out" f ield.
Operation and Status 43 Connection Status - PPTP I f using PP T P (Peer-to-Peer T unneling Protocol), a screen li k e the f ollo w ing exa m ple w ill be displa y ed w hen the "Connection Details" button is clic k ed.
Broadband Router User Guide 44 Buttons Connect I f not connected, establish a connection to y our ISP. Disconnect I f connected to y our ISP, hang up the connection. Clear Log Delete all data currentl y in the Log. T his w ill m a k e it easier to read ne w m essages.
Operation and Status 45 Connection Status T his indicates w hether or not the connection is currentl y established. • I f the connection does not exist, the "Connect" button can be used to establish a connection. • I f the connection currentl y exists, the "Disconnect" button can be used to brea k the connection.
Broadband Router User Guide 46 Data - R A S Screen Internet R A S Plan T he RAS Plan w hich is currentl y used. Ph y sical A d- dress T he hard w are address o f this device, as seen b y re m ote de- vices on the Internet. ( T his is di ff erent to the hard w are address seen b y devices on the local LAN.
Operation and Status 47 Figure 32: Connection Details - Fixed/D y namic IP A ddress Data - Fixed/D y namic IP address Screen Internet Ph y sical A d- dress T he hard w are address o f this device, as seen b y re m ote de- vices on the Internet. ( T his is di ff erent to the hard w are address seen b y devices on the local LAN.
Broadband Router User Guide 48 "Rene w " Clic k ing the "Rene w " button w ill atte m pt to re-establish the connection and obtain an IP Address f ro m the ISP's DHCP Server. • I f an IP Address has been allocated to the Broadband Router (b y the ISP's DHCP Server), this button w ill sa y "Release".
49 Chapter 6 Advanced Features This Chapter explains when and how to use the Broadband Router's "Advanced" Features. O v er v ie w T he f ollo w ing advanced f eatures are provided.
Broadband Router User Guide 50 A ccess Control Screen T o vie w this screen, select the Access Control lin k on the Advanced m enu. Figure 33: A ccess Control Screen Data - A ccess Control Screen Group Group Select the desired Group. T he screen w ill update to displa y the settings f or the selected Group.
Advanced Features 51 Internet A ccess Restrictions Select the desired options f or the current group: • None - Nothing is bloc k ed. Use this to create the least restrictive group. • Block all Internet access - All tra ff ic via the W AN port is bloc k ed.
Broadband Router User Guide 52 Group Members Screen T his screen is displa y ed w hen the M embers button on the Access Control screen is clic k ed. Figure 34: Group M embers Use this screen to add or re m ove m e m bers (PCs) f ro m the current group.
Advanced Features 53 Default Schedule Screen T his screen is displa y ed w hen the Define Schedule button on the Access Control screen is clic k ed. • T his schedule can be (optionall y ) applied to an y Access Control Group.
Broadband Router User Guide 54 Ser v ices Screen T his screen is displa y ed w hen the Edit Service List button on the Access Control screen is clic k ed. Figure 36: A ccess Control - Ser v ices Data - Ser v ices Screen A v ailable Ser v ices A v ailable Ser- v ices T his lists all the available services.
Advanced Features 55 Sa ve Add a ne w entr y to the Service list, using the data sho w n in the "Add Ne w Service" area on screen. Cancel Clear the " Add Ne w Service " area, read y f or entering data f or a ne w Service.
Broadband Router User Guide 56 D y namic DNS T his f ree service is ver y use f ul w hen co m bined w ith the Virtual Server f eature. It allo w s Internet users to connect to y our Virtual Servers using a URL, rather than an IP Ad- dress. T his also solves the proble m o f having a d y na m ic IP address.
Advanced Features 57 Site b y selecting the m in the list and clic k ing the " W eb Site" button. • Appl y f or a Do m ain Na m e, and ensure it is allocated to y ou. • Details o f y our DDNS account (Na m e, pass w ord, Do m ain na m e) m ust then be entered and saved on this screen.
Broadband Router User Guide 58 A d v anced Internet Screen T his screen allo w s con f iguration o f all advanced f eatures relating to Internet access. • Co mm unication Applications • Special Applications • Multi-DMZ • URL f ilter An exa m ple screen is sho w n belo w .
Advanced Features 59 Communication A pplications Select an A pplica- tion T his lists applications w hich m a y generate inco m ing con- nections, w here the destination PC (on y our local LAN) is un k no w n. Send incoming calls to T his lists the PCs on y our LAN.
Broadband Router User Guide 60 Figure 39: Special A pplications Screen.
Advanced Features 61 Data - Special A pplications Screen Checkbox Use this to Enable or Disable this Special Application as required. Name Enter a descriptive na m e to identi f y this Special Application. Incoming Ports • T y pe - Select the protocol ( T CP or UDP) used w hen y ou receive data f ro m the special application or service.
Broadband Router User Guide 62 T he "D M Z PC" is effecti v el y outside the Fire w all, mak- ing it more v ulnerable to attacks. For this reason, y ou should onl y enable the D M Z feature w hen required.
Advanced Features 63 Buttons Delete/Delete A ll Use these buttons to delete the selected entr y or all entries, as required. Multiple entries can be selected b y holding do w n the C T RL k e y w hile selecting.(On the Macintosh, hold the SHIF T k e y w hile selecting.
Broadband Router User Guide 64 Ho w ever, y ou can use the DDNS (Dynamic DNS) f eature to allo w users to connect to y our Virtual Servers using a URL, instead o f an IP Address.
Advanced Features 65 Virtual Ser v ers Screen T he Virtual Servers screen is reached b y the Virtual Servers lin k on the Advanced screen. An exa m ple screen is sho w n belo w . Figure 42: Virtual Ser v ers Screen T his screen lists a nu m ber o f pre-de f ined Servers, and allo w s y ou to de f ine y our o w n Servers.
Broadband Router User Guide 66 External Port No. T he port nu m ber used b y Internet users w hen connecting to the Server. T his is nor m all y the sa m e as the Internal Port Nu m ber.
Advanced Features 67 From the Internet, A LL Virtual Ser v ers ha v e the IP A ddress allocated b y y our ISP. Connecting to the Virtual Ser v ers Once con f igured, an y one on the Internet can connect to y our Virtual Servers. T he y m ust use the Internet IP Address (the IP Address allocated to y ou b y y our ISP).
Broadband Router User Guide 68 W A N Port Configuration T he W AN Port option is on the Advanced m enu. Figure 43: W A N Port Screen Data – W A N Port Screen Identification Hostname Nor m all y , there is no need to change the de f ault na m e, but i f y our ISP requests that y ou use a particular Hostna m e, enter it here.
Advanced Features 69 IP A ddress A utomatic Also called D y na m ic IP Address. T his is the de f ault, and the m ost co mm on. Leave this selected i f y our ISP allocates an IP Address to the Broadband Router upon connection. Specified IP A ddress Also called Static IP Address.
Broadband Router User Guide 70 Login User Name T he User Na m e (or account na m e) provided b y y our ISP. Login Pass w ord Enter the pass w ord f or the login na m e above. R A S Plan For Sing T el custo m ers onl y , select the RAS plan y ou are on.
71 Chapter 7 Advanced Administration This Chapter explains the settings available via the "Administration" section of the menu. O v er v ie w Nor m all y , it is not necessar y to use these screens, or change an y settings.
Broadband Router User Guide 72 Config File T his f eature allo w s y ou to do w nload the current settings f ro m the Broadband Router, and save the m to a f ile on y our PC. Y ou can restore a previousl y -do w nloaded con f iguration f ile to the Broadband Router, b y uploading it to the Broadband Router.
Advanced Ad m inistration 73 Logs T he Logs record various t y pes o f activit y on the Broadband Router. T his data is use f ul f or troubleshooting, but enabling all logs w ill generate a large a m ount o f data and adversel y a ff ect per f or m ance.
Broadband Router User Guide 74 E- M ail Reports Send E-mail alert I f enabled, an E- m ail w ill be sent i mm ediatel y i f a DoS (Denial o f Service) attac k is detected. I f enabled, the E- m ail address in f or m ation m ust be provided. E-mail Logs Y ou can choose to have the logs E- m ailed to y ou, b y ena- bling either or both chec k boxes.
Advanced Ad m inistration 75 Net w ork Diag T his screen allo w s y ou to per f or m a "Ping" or a DNS loo k up. T hese activities can be use f ul in solving net w or k proble m s.
Broadband Router User Guide 76 Options T his screen allo w s advanced users to enter or change a nu m ber o f settings. For nor m al operation, there is no need to use this screen or change an y settings. An exa m ple Options screen is sho w n belo w .
Advanced Ad m inistration 77 A llo w Internet access to be disabled • I f chec k ed, then UPnP users can disable Internet access via this device. • I f Disabled, UPnP users can NO T disable Internet access via this device. But currentl y , this restriction onl y applies to users running W indo w s XP, w ho access the Properties via UPnP.
Broadband Router User Guide 78 PC Database T he PC Database is used w henever y ou need to select a PC (e.g. f or the "DMZ" PC). It eli m inates the need to enter IP addresses. Also, y ou do not need to use f ixed IP addresses on y our LAN. PC Database Screen An exa m ple PC Database screen is sho w n belo w .
Advanced Ad m inistration 79 Data - PC Database Screen Kno w n PCs T his lists all current entries. Data displa y ed is name (IP Address) type . T he "t y pe" indicates w hether the PC is connected to the LAN. Name I f adding a ne w PC to the list, enter its na m e here.
Broadband Router User Guide 80 PC Database ( A dmin) T his screen is displa y ed i f the "Advanced Ad m inistration" button on the PC Database is clic k ed. It provides m ore control than the standard PC Database screen. Figure 49: PC Database ( A dmin) Data - PC Database ( A dmin) Screen Kno w n PCs T his lists all current entries.
Advanced Ad m inistration 81 IP A ddress Select the appropriate option: • A utomatic - T he PC is set to be a DHCP client ( W indo w s: "Obtain an IP address auto m aticall y "). T he Broadband Router w ill allocate an IP address to this PC w hen requested to do so.
Broadband Router User Guide 82 Remote A dmin I f enabled, this f eature allo w s y ou to m anage the Broadband Router via the Internet. Figure 50: Remote A dministration Screen Data - Remote A dministration Screen Remote A dministration Enable Remote M anagement Enable to allo w m anage m ent via the Internet.
Advanced Ad m inistration 83 Routing O v er v ie w • I f y ou don't have other Routers or Gate w a y s on y our LAN, y ou can ignore the "Routing" page co m pletel y . • I f the Broadband Router is onl y acting as a Gate w a y f or the local LAN seg m ent, ignore the "Routing" page even i f y our LAN has other Routers.
Broadband Router User Guide 84 Figure 51: Routing Screen Data - Routing Screen RIP Enable RIP Chec k this to enable the RIP (Routing In f or m ation Protocol) f eature o f the Broadband Router. T he Broadband Router supports RIP 1 onl y . Static Routing Static Routing T able Entries T his list sho w s all entries in the Routing T able.
Advanced Ad m inistration 85 Buttons Sa v e Save the RIP setting. T his has no e ff ect on the Static Routing T able. A dd Add a ne w entr y to the Static Routing table, using the data sho w n in the "Properties" area on screen. T he entr y selected in the list is ignored, and has no e ff ect.
Broadband Router User Guide 86 Static Routing - Example Figure 52: Routing Example For the Broadband Router's Routing T able For the LAN sho w n above, w ith 2 routers and 3 LAN seg m ents, the Broadband Router requires 2 entries as f ollo w s. Entr y 1 (Segment 1) Destination IP Address 192.
Advanced Ad m inistration 87 Securit y T his screen allo w s y ou to set Fire w all and other securit y -related options. Figure 53: Securit y Screen Data - Securit y Screen Fire w all Enable DoS Fire w all I f enabled, DoS (Denial o f Service) attac k s w ill be detected and bloc k ed.
Broadband Router User Guide 88 Options Respond to IC M P T he ICMP protocol is used b y the "ping" and "traceroute" pro- gra m s, and b y net w or k m onitoring and diagnostic progra m s. • I f chec k ed, the Broadband Router w ill repond to ICMP pac k- ets received f ro m the Internet.
Advanced Ad m inistration 89 Upgrade Firm w are T he f ir m w are (so f t w are) in the Broadband Router can be upgraded using y our W eb Bro w ser. Y ou m ust f irst do w nload the upgrade f ile, then select Upgrade on the Administration m enu. Y ou w ill see a screen li k e the f ollo w ing.
90 A ppendix A T roubleshooting This Appendix covers the most likely problems and their solutions. O v er v ie w T his chapter covers so m e co mm on proble m s that m a y be encountered w hile using the Broadband Router and so m e possible solutions to the m .
Appendi x A - Troubleshooting 91 ing correctl y . Problem 2: Some applications do not run properl y w hen using the Broad- band Router. Solution 2: T he Broadband Router processes the data passing through it, so it is not transparent.
Broadband Router User Guide 92 4. T he printer w i z ard w ill displa y a m essage stating that “ T he Net w or k Printer is o ff -line ” . T his is OK. Continue the Add Printer W i z ard until f inished. 5. W hen f inished, go to Control Panel-Printers .
Appendi x A - Troubleshooting 93 8. Clic k OK to see the Print Port Configuration screen, as sho w n belo w . 9. Clic k the Browse Device button, select the desired Broadband Router, and clic k OK. 10. Clic k OK to return to the Printers f olders, and right-clic k on the Printer.
94 Appendix B S pecifications Internet Broadband Router M odel X RT-411 Hard w are Specification LAN 4 (10Base-T/100Base-T X , Auto-Negotiation, Auto M DI/ M DI- X ) W AN 1 (10Base-T/100Base-T X , Aut.
Appendi x B - Specifications 95 Regulator y A ppro v als CE Standards T his product co m plies w ith the 99/5/EEC directives, including the f ollo w ing sa f et y and EMC standards: • EN301489-1/-17 • EN60950 CE Marking Warning T his is a Class B product.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Planet XRT-411 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Planet XRT-411 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Planet XRT-411 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Planet XRT-411 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Planet XRT-411 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Planet XRT-411 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Planet XRT-411 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Planet XRT-411 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.