Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 5125 van de fabrikant Powerware
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Powerware ® 5125 Tower User’s Guide 1000–2200 VA www.powe rware.c om.
Requesting a Declaration of Confor mity Units that are labe led with a CE m ark c omply with the following ha rmonize d stand ard s and EU di rectiv es: Harmoniz ed Stand ards : EN 50091-1-1 and EN 50.
Class A EMC Statements (1000–1500 VA M odels) FCC P art 15 NOTE Th is equ ipm ent has b een t est ed and fou n d to co mply w it h t he li mi ts fo r a Class A dig it al devi ce, pursu an t t o pa rt 15 of the FCC Rule s.
Special Symbols The follow ing are examples of s ym bols us ed on the UPS to alert you t o importan t inf ormat ion: RISK OF ELECTRIC SH OCK - Indicat es th at a risk of electric s hock is pres ent an d th e ass ociated w arnin g s ho uld be obs erved.
i Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 Pow erware 5125 – O ne of the Best! 1 .................................. 2 Safety Warnings 3 ..............................................
Table of Con ten ts ii Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar 7 Specifications 39 .................................................. 8 Troubleshooting 43 ................................................. Audi ble A larm s and U PS Condi tions 43 .
1 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar CHAPTE R 1 P OWERWARE 5125 – ONE OF THE BEST! The P owerware 5125 un in terru ptible power sys tem (UPS) prote.
Pow e rw ar e 5125 – ONE OF THE BEST ! 2 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Provid ing outst and ing pe rform anc e a nd re lia bility, t he Pow er.
3 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar CHAPTE R 2 S AFETY W ARNINGS Read th e fo ll owi n g pr ecaut ion s befor e yo u i n stal l t h e UP S. IMPORTANT SAFETY IN STRUCTIONS SAV E THESE INSTRU CTI ONS .
Sa fety W arn ings 4 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar CAUTION Batteries c an present a ri sk of elec tri cal shoc k or burn from high s hort-ci rcui t current.
Sa fety W arn ings 5 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar ADVARSEL Batterier k an udgøre en fare for elektri sk stød el l er forbrændinger forårs aget af høj korts lutni ngss pændi ng. D e korrek te forhol dsregl er bør overhol des.
Sa fety W arn ings 6 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar OPGELE T Batterij en k unnen gevaar v oor elek tr ische sch ok o f brandwonden veroorzak en als gevol g van un hoge k ortsl uits troom. Volg de desbetreffende aanwi j zingen op.
Sa fety W arn ings 7 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar VARO Ak usto s aattaa aiheuttaa s ähkö iskun ta i syttyä t ul een, jos akus to kytk etään oik osul kuun. Noudata asi anmuk a isia oh je ita .
Sa fety W arn ings 8 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar ATTENTION! Les batteries peuvent présenter un ris que de décharge électri que ou de brûlure par des courts -ci rcui ts de haute intens ité.
Sa fety W arn ings 9 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar VORSICHT! Batterien k önnen aufgrund des hohen Kurzs chl ußs troms El ektros c hock s oder Verbrennungen verurs ac hen. D ie ents prechenden Vors ic htsm aßnahmen s ind unbedingt zu beac hten.
Sa fety W arn ings 10 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Avvisi di si curezza IMPORTANTI ISTRUZIO NI DI SICUREZZA CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZION I QUEST.
Sa fety W arn ings 11 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Per ridurre il r ischio di in c endio o di sc oss a elettri ca, instal lare i l gruppo s tatic o di conti nuità i n un ambi ente interno a temperatura ed um idi tà control lata, privo di agenti contami nanti c ondutt ivi.
Sa fety W arn ings 12 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Al t utsty r som er forbundet med utgangen av denne U PS’ en må ikke ha e n s terkere total l ekk asj estrøm enn 1,5 m illiam pere for å væ re i ov erenss temmel se m ed internas jonal e standarder og fork abli ngs bestemm els er.
Sa fety W arn ings 13 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar PERIGO As bateri as podem apresentar o r isco de c hoque elétric o, ou quei maduras proveni entes de al ta corrente de c urto-ci rc uito. Obs erve as instruç ões adequadas .
Sa fety W arn ings 14 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Для обе спе чения с облюд ения тре бований ме ждуна.
Sa fety W arn ings 15 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Para reduci r el ri esgo de i ncendi o o de c hoque eléc tric o, i nstal e este S IE en un lugar c ubierto, con temperatura y hum edad control adas, libre de contam inantes conduc tores.
Sa fety W arn ings 16 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Min ska riske n fö r brand eller el ektr iska s tötar genom att ins tall era denna UPS-enhet i nomhus , där tem peratur och l uftfukti ghet är k ontrol lerade och där inga ledande föroreni ngar förekom mer.
17 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar CHAPTE R 3 I NSTALLATION This se ctio n ex pla ins: Equ i pment i n specti on UPS in stallation UP S rear pan e.
In sta llation 18 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar UPS B attery Connector EBM C able EBM B attery Connector Output R eceptacles Com m unication Port Power C ord Figure 2. Typical Installation with Two EBMs 4.
In sta llation 19 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar 8. Pres s and hold t he On bu tton u n ti l you h ear th e UPS beep (approximately one sec ond). Th e ind ic ato r sto ps fla shing and t he b ar g raph in dicato rs displ ay t he per cen tage of load be ing ap plie d t o the UPS.
In sta llation 20 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar UPS Rear Panels Thi s section sh ows the rear panel s of the Powerware 5125 models.
In sta llation 21 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar 10A, I EC- 320 Input C onnector X- Sl ot Com m unication Port Fan Battery Connector Netw ork Transient Protector Si x 10A, I EC 320- C13 Receptacl es Figure 5.
In sta llation 22 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar
In sta llation 23 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) U ser ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar 6 - ft Power C ord wit h L5 -30 P lu g X- Sl ot Com m unication Port Fan Battery Connector Netw ork Transient Protector Si x 5-15R Receptacl es Two 5-20R Receptacl es Figure 9.
In sta llation 24 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar
25 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar CHAPTE R 4 O PERATION Th is sect io n descr ib es: Operati ng modes Turning t he U PS o n and of f Starting th e.
Opera tion 26 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Normal Mode During N orm al m od e , the indic a to r illumina te s a nd the front pa ne l dis play s the per centag e of U PS load capacit y b ein g u sed by th e pro tected eq uipm ent (se e Figure 1 2).
Opera tion 27 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Battery Mode Wh en th e UPS i s operat in g dur ing a power outag e, th e alar m beeps once ever y f ou r secon ds and the indic a tor illum inat es.
Opera tion 28 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Turning the UPS Off To turn off the U PS, pre ss and hold t he Of f button u ntil th e long beep ceases (appr oxi matel y five secon ds).
29 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar CHAPTE R 5 A DDITIONAL UPS F EATURES Th is sect io n descr ib es: X- S l ot m od u le s Ne tw ork Tra nsie nt Pr.
Additional UPS Features 30 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Single-Port Module The P owerware 5125 is fac tory-i nstall ed with a Single-Por t Modul e.
Additional UPS Features 31 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Network Transient Protector Th e Network Tr ans ien t Prot ector , show n in F ig u re 16, is l ocated on th e rear panel and h as jacks l abeled IN and O UT.
Additional UPS Features 32 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Load Segments Lo ad segm ent s are sets o f receptacl es that can be con trol led by pow er ma na gem e nt so ft wa re , pro vid ing a n ord e rly shut do wn a nd sta rt up o f you r equipm ent .
33 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar CHAPTE R 6 UPS M AINTENANCE This sec tio n exp lains how to: Ca re for the UPS a nd ba tte rie s Replace the bat.
UPS Mai ntenance 34 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Replacing Batteries NOTE DO NOT D ISC ONNECT the batteri es whil e the UPS is in Battery m ode.
UPS Mai ntenance 35 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar How to Replace Internal Batteries CAUTION Pull the battery out onto a flat, stabl e surfac e. The battery is uns upported when you pull it out of the UPS.
UPS Mai ntenance 36 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar 3. 1000 VA units. Discon nect the r ed batte ry cable on the fron t of the batter y.
UPS Mai ntenance 37 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar 4. 1500 and 2200 V A un its. Pull the b at te ry out ont o a fla t, sta ble su rface. Pr ess on th e black tab on the b atter y cable co nn ector to dis con nect the batt ery .
UPS Mai ntenance 38 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Recycling the Used Battery Con tact you r local r ecycli ng o r hazar dous was te center f or i nf or mati on on proper disposal of the used battery.
39 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar CHAPTE R 7 S PECIFICATIONS Th is s ecti on pr ovi des the fol lowin g specif icatio ns f or th e P owerwar e 5125 models: El ectr ical i npu t and outpu t Weight s a nd d ime nsions Enviro nme nta l a nd sa fe t y Battery Table 2.
Sp ecificat ions 40 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Table 4. Power Connecti ons Input Connect ion Output Recept acles PW 5125 1000 6-ft, 5-15P pow .
Sp ecificat ions 41 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Table 6. Envi ronmental and Safety Low Vol tage Models High Vol tage Models Operat ing Temperat.
Sp ecificat ions 42 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Table 8. Battery Run Times (in Minutes at Full/Half Load) Model Inte rna l U PS Ba tte ries 1E .
43 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar CHAPTE R 8 T ROUBLESHOOTING This se ctio n ex pla ins: UPS a larm s and co ndit ions How to silenc e an a larm Servic e a nd supp ort Audible Alarms and UP S Conditions Th e UP S h as an au dible al arm feat ur e to aler t yo u o f pot ent ial power pro blem s.
Troubles hootin g 44 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Silencing an Audible Alar m To s il ence th e alar m fo r an exis tin g f aul t, pres s the bu tton. If UPS stat us ch anges , the alarm beeps , over ridi n g the prev ious al arm si lenci ng.
Troubles hootin g 45 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Acti on Poss ible Caus e Alar m or Conditi on The UPS is runni ng on battery power because the input voltage is too hi gh or too low. Correct the input vol tage, if possible.
Troubles hootin g 46 Powerw are ® 5125 Tower (1000–2200 VA ) User ’s G uide Rev B www.powerwar Service and Support If you h ave any qu estion s or problem s with t he UP S, call y our Local Distributor or th e He lp Des k at one of the f ollow ing te lep hone num be rs and as k for a UP S tech ni cal repr esen tativ e.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Powerware 5125 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Powerware 5125 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Powerware 5125 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Powerware 5125 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Powerware 5125 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Powerware 5125 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Powerware 5125 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Powerware 5125 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.