Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product VTrak 15110 van de fabrikant Promise Technology
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VT RAK 15 110 U SER M ANUAL V ersion 1. 1 / SR5 P R O M IS E V T r a k 1 5 2 0 0.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual ii Copyright © 2005 Promise T echnolo gy , Inc. All Right s Reserv ed. Copyri ght by Prom ise T echnolo gy , Inc . (Promise T echn ology). No part of this man ual may be repro duced or t ransmitte d in an y form w ithout the express ed, written permi ssion of Promise T echnology .
iii Content s Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About This Ma nual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VTrak 15100 User Man ual iv Create a L ogical D rive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Assign a SCSI Target ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Log-out o f WebP AM PR O . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents v Connectio n Statu s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 User Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 VTrak Manag eme nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VTrak 15100 User Man ual vi Logical Drive L UN Setti ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Logical Drive A lias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Physic al Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents vii I/O Stati stics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Disk Array Manag ement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Disk Array Auto C reation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VTrak 15100 User Man ual viii Chapter 7: Technology B ackground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Introductio n to RAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Choosing a RAID L evel . . . . . . . . .
1 Chapter 1: Introductio n • About This Man ual, p age 1 • Ove rv ie w , page 2 • Archi tectural Des cription , page 3 • Featu res and Be nefits , page 3 Than k you for p urchasin g Promise T ech nology’ s VT rak ex ternal dis k array sub syst em.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 2 Overv iew VT rak prov ides dat a storage sol utions fo r appli cations where hi gh performa nce and dat a protection are requi red. The failure of any sing le drive will not af fect data int egr it y or a cc es sib il ity of t he da ta i n a R AI D pro tec t ed lo g ical dri ve .
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 The t wo st andard L VD SCSI i nterface pr ovides c ompat ibili ty with any system that uses a SCSI interf ace. No vendor un ique com mands ar e required for the ope rat ion of t he V T ra k sub syst em .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 4 Up to 200 MB/se c sust ained bandwid th (over two iSCSI port s) High dat a thoughpu t. Hardwa re-assisted X O R engi ne High-spe ed p arity ca lculatio n for p arity ty pe logic al drives .
Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Specifi cations Drive Capa city: 15 SA T A and P A T A disk driv es (3.5" x 1" form factor onl y) External I/O Port s: Dual Ultra 160 SCSI wi th 68-pin VHDCI connec.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 6 Suppo rted Opera ting Syste ms: Current : 8 A @ 10 0 V AC; 4 A @ 200 V AC (max. rating w ith two pow er cords) Powe r C ons um pti on : 44 0 w atts Power Su pply: Dual 500W .
7 Chapter 2: Inst allation • Unp ack the VT rak storag e subsyste m (bel ow) • Mo un t VTrak 15 1 10 i n a R ack (pag e 8) • Install Disk Drives (p age 9) • V erify the SCSI HBA Card (p age 15.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 8 Mount VT rak 151 10 in a Rack Figure 1. Rackmounte d VTrak 151 10 The VT rak 151 10 inst alls dire ctly to th e rack with or witho ut using the su pplied moun ti ng r ails .
Chapter 2: Inst allation 9 If yo u plan to use th e mountin g rails, fo llow th is proced ure to i nstal l them: 1. Att ach one e nd of t he rail to t he back side o f the rack ’s fro nt post. 2. Repos ition the adjus ting scre ws as need ed to fit th e rail to the r ack prope rly .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 10 Figure 3. VTrak 151 10 Dis k Drive ac cess Import ant Before in st alling a Paral lel A T A disk drive, be s ure th e jumpers on the dis k drive a re set for mast er operati on. Never set a dr ive fo r slave operation . Note Y ou can us e disk d rives of d if ferent man ufactur ers and s izes.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 11 T o remove a Drive Carrier from the VT rak, pull the Driv e Carrier L atch Handl e and r emove an unused D rive Carri er (see Fig ure 3). Figure 4. Drive Carrier mounting holes Note th at the Drive Carri er has several mounting holes (above).
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 12 Serial A T A Disk Drives Figure 5. SA T A Disk Dri ves mount a t the front of the carrie r 1. Careful ly lay t he driv e into the drive ca rrier at t he front , so that th e scr ew hol es on t he bo t tom line up .
Chapter 2: Inst allation 13 Parallel A T A Disk Drives In ord er to use P arallel A T A disk driv es in VT rak, you mu st first in st all a P A T A-to- SA T A adapter av ailable from Promi se T echnology . Figure 6. P A T A Disk Drives re quire a P A T A-to-SA T A adapter 1.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 14 Drive Numbering Each disk dri ve in VT rak is id entifie d by a nu mber used for cre ating and man aging logic al drives. VT rak numbers disk driv es from left to right. Numbers a st amped a bove eac h driv e bay for e asy inde ntific ation.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 15 V erify the SCSI HBA Card Dat a travels b etween th e Host PC and the VT rak stora ge system through a SC SI conn ection. T herefore, th e SCSI HBA ca rd is an e ssential part of the Host PC and V T rak sy stem. The t able below lists the mini mum and preferre d specifi cations for a SCSI HBA card.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 16 Connect the SCSI Cables Inst allation of th e VT rak is very similar to a st andard SCSI drive. The SCSI connector accepts the V ery Hi gh Density Connector Interface (VHDCI), 68- pin, Low V olta ge Dif feren tial (L VD) SCSI cable us ed on many SCSI devic es.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 17 The VT rak has four 68-pi n, VHDCI SCSI connectors and two se parate SCSI chan nels. The se co nnectors are used i n one of five ways: • Config uration 1: One VT rak, one.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 18 Configuration 1: One VT rak, one Hos t PC, one SCS I HBA car d Att ach the SCSI cable to e ither of VT rak’s S CSI chann els. Configuration 2: One V T rak, one Host PC, two SCSI HBA car ds Y ou can u se a dua l-channel SCSI HBA card for this a pplicati on.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 19 Configuration 3: One VT rak, two Host PCs, o ne SCSI HBA card in e ach This arrangemen t allows y ou to man age the s ame VT rak from two dif ferent Host PCs.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 20 Configuration 4: T w o VT raks, one Hos t PC, one SCSI HBA card (dai sy chain) Do the followi ng when daisy-c haining VT raks: 1. Use a 68-pin VHDCI cable to attach each VT rak array to the SCSI chain. Y ou can c onnect u p to eight (8) VT raks on th e same SCSI chain.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 21 Configuration 5: T wo VT raks, one Host PC, two SCSI HBA car ds A Host PC manag es two VT raks throu gh sep arate SCSI connecti ons. An an alter native to daisy chainin g, it can provide i ncreas ed I/O pe rformance . Y ou can u se a dua l-channel SCSI HBA card for this a pplicati on.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 22 Connect the Manageme nt Cables VT rak 151 10 has t wo types of Mana gement c onnect ions: • Man agement Po rt connect ion – En ables you to mo nitor th e VT rak over yo ur network using t he Web P AM PRO Sof tware. VT rak supp orts Eth ernet and T elnet prot ocols.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 23 Macintosh Users If yo ur Host PC is an Apple Macin tosh, you do not have the RS-232 serial po rt need ed to set-u p a Ma nagemen t conn ection.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 24 Plug the powe r cords in to the p ower co nnections on bo th power supplies . Use the re tainin g bail s to hold the po wer cords i n place a nd prev ent an ac ciden tal dis connection. T urn both power su pplie s on. When the powe r is switc hed on, th e LEDs o n the front o f the VT rak will light up.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 25 Aft er a few mom ents the Power/Acti vity and Disk S tatus LEDs should display green . If the re is no disk drive in the carrie r , the Di sk S tatus LED will d isplay green wh ile the Po wer/Activity L ED will remain d ark.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 26 For a fu ll l is t of CLU c apa bili ti es and f u nct ions , see C hap te r 5 on pag e 13 3. Set IP Addresses and Subnet Mask This procedure is required for a net work connec tion to the VT rak.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 27 The M anageme nt Port sett ings dis play . ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ----------- ----- ------ Manage ment Por t IP Addr ess: 10.0.0 .2 Sub net Mask: 2 Gate wa y IP Ad dres s: 0. 0.0.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 28 5. T ype the new IP ad dres s and pr ess En ter . The CLU co nfirms the new manag ement port IP addres s . 6. Press Ent er to return t o the Mana geme nt Port menu . 7. Repea t step s 3 tho ugh 6 t o set the Su bnet m ask and Gatewa y IP addres s 8.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 29 Set Up T elnet Connection A T elnet connect ion al lows yo u to acce ss VT rak’ s CLU over the network. This allo ws RAID managem ent over a greater distan ce from th e VT rak it self. This procedu re is req uired for a Host PC that does not hav e an av ailable RS-232 serial p ort.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 30 Make a T elnet Connection The T elnet fea ture on VT rak mu st be ena bled. See “En able T elnet on VT rak” on p age 29. HyperT erminal (Windows) or M inicom (Linux) 1. Laun ch the HyperT ermina l or Mini com a pplicati on.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 31 8. T ype a p assword ( pas s w o r d is the d efault) and press Ente r . The CLU screen opens. See Chapter 5 (p age 133) for in formation ab out how to us e the CL U. Command Line (Windows) or T erminal Icon (Linux) 1. Go t o the Wind ows co mman d line or c lick the Linux te rminal icon.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 32 3. T ype a lowe r-case let ter O, s pace , the VT rak’ s IP addres s, sp ace, 2 300. Exampl e: o 192.16 8.10.48 2300 4. Pres s Enter . The t elnet logi n screen appea rs. 5. In the T elnet Logi n, typ e a user na me ( ad minist rator is t he defa ult) and pre ss Enter .
Chapter 2: Inst allation 33 Instal l WebP A M PRO Software W eb-Based P romise Array Man agement—Pro fessiona l (W ebP AM PRO) sof tware p rovide s a brow ser-based graphic user in terface used to monitor an d man age VT rak and i ts log ical driv es.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 34 CIMOM Agen t VT rak ship s from th e fact ory with a CIMO M agent i nstall ed. . Figure 7. W ebP AM PRO on a netw ork Desktop PC with Interne t browser Lapto p PC with In t.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 35 Internet Browser T ypicall y an Intern et brows er comes w ith your o perating s ystem. W ebP AM PRO does not incl ude a browser . For compu ters th at will remotely monitor an d manage the RAID, th e Internet Browser is th e only sof tware re quired.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 36 2. Inse rt the softwa re CD into yo ur CD-ROM driv e. 3. In the CD win dow , do uble-clic k on the we bpa m...bin icon to begi n inst allati on (right). 4. When the Run or Displ ay? dial og box appears, clic k Run in T erminal .
Chapter 2: Inst allation 37 Inst allation Under All Supported Operating S ystems, continued In the follow ing exam ples, the Windo ws inst all screens are show n. Linux and Mac O S X inst all screens have a slightl y dif ferent a ppearance but th e infor mation , choice s and ac tions required are exactly the sam e.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 38 3. When the SSL S ecurity Opti ons scre en appears (above), you can c heck Extern al Security . An explanat ion follows. External SSL Security – Applies s ecurity to all con nections invol ving the Intern et or out side your com pany firewall.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 39 4. When the Util ity Server Informatio n screen appears (be low), type the requ es ted net wor k ad dr es ses. Y ou mus t type the correct in formation for Email Se rver an d Email Se nder or the i nstal lation w ill not pro ceed.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 40 5. When the Choo se Inst all Folder sc reen appea rs (bel ow), make y our sel ection of a folde r for the WebP AM PR O applic ations y ou are ins tal ling. The d efault fol der is C:W ebP AM . If you want a diffe rent fol der , type its loc ation and click th e Choose.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 41 • If yo u need to make chang es, clic k the Pr evious b utton to return to th e Inst all Folder screen. • If yo u are s atisfied with the proposed inst allation , click the Inst all b utton. 7. When the Inst all Co mplet e screen appears (a bove), the inst allation process is f inished.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 42.
43 Chapter 3: Setu p • VT rak Setup with W ebP AM PRO (bel ow) • VT rak Setup with the CLU (p age 57) Aft er inst allation , the next step i s to configu re VT rak. Y ou can do this wi th W ebP AM PRO or the Comm and L ine Utility (CLU), whicheve r you p refer .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 44 Secure Con nectio n • W ebP AM PRO us es a secure HTTP connectio n . . . . . . . . . . .htt ps:// • Enter t he PC/Serv er ’ s IP address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.168. 10.46 • Enter t he Port n umber . . . .
Chapter 3: Setup 45 Aft er sign-in , the W ebP AM PRO openi ng screen appears. The f irst time you log in to We bP AM PRO, there wil l be no Subsyste ms (VT raks) or U sers in t he syste m. Promis e recomm ends t hat you c reate th e Subsys tem(s) first , then add the Use r(s).
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 46 Add a Subsystem (VT rak) 1. Click o n Adminis trator T ools icon to display the menu . 2. Click on th e Subsys tem Mana gement icon . 3. Click the Add Su bsystem tab (ab ove). 4. In the IP Address fie ld, type i n the VT rak’ s Mana gement Port IP addre ss.
Chapter 3: Setup 47 Servi ce Manag ement – SN MP , T eln et and CI M services Cont ro ll ers – RA ID Ma n agem ent on VTrak Encl osures – P ower sup plies, c ooling, c ache batt ery , circui t c.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 48 Create a Disk Array A dis k array is a colle ction of p hysical drives i n a RAID . Logica l driv es are ma de from disk arr ays. T o acc es s the Di sk Ar ra y tab: 1. Click on the Su bsyst em ico n in T ree Vi ew . 2. Cli ck on the VTrak ic on.
Chapter 3: Setup 49 Automatic Option The Di sk Array Aut omati c Creatio n option e nables y ou to cr eate a ne w disk array foll owing a default set o f p arameters . One l ogical drive will b e made automa tically when yo u cr eat e th e dis k a rr ay .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 50 T o create a new dis k array: 1. Ch eck the b oxes to s elect any one or com bination of the fo llowin g: • Redun dancy – The array will re main availabl e if a physica.
Chapter 3: Setup 51 •O t h e r 4. Click the Up date bu tton. Or chec k the Auto matic Update box and upda tes will o ccur auto maticall y . The f ollowin g param eters display : • Disk Array s –.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 52 1. Enter a name for the disk array in th e field pro vided. 2. Ch eck the b ox to enab le ini tializat ion, if desire d. If yo u check ed the initializ ation box , select the ty pe of initi alizatio n from the dropd own menu.
Chapter 3: Setup 53 9. If yo u accept these p arame ters, pr oceed to the next s tep. If yo u do NOT a ccept these p arameters , review and mod ify your s electio ns in th e previou s step s. 10. When yo u are d one, cl ick the Subm it bu tton. The n ew disk a rray app ears in th e Disk Array List on the Info rmatio n ta b.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 54 Create a Logica l Drive When you cr eate a disk array (see p age 48), you automa ticall y create one logical driv e also . If the ini tial l ogical d rive us ed less than th e full ca pac ity of th e disk array , you c an create a dditio nal logi cal dri ves from the same disk array .
Chapter 3: Setup 55 In orde r to use th is logic al drive to read and write dat a, you m ust pa rtition and format it using the Hos t PC’ s operatin g system. Assi gn a SCSI T ar get ID The te rm T arget ID re fers to the SCSI address of the two cha nnels on the RAID subs ystem.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 56 Log-out of W ebP AM PRO There are two wa ys to log out of WebP AM PRO: • Close your br owser wi ndow • Click Logout o n the W ebP AM PRO banner (be low) Aft er logg ing out, y ou must enter y our user name and pa ssword to l og in again.
Chapter 3: Setup 57 VT rak Setup with the CLU Set up with the CLU c onsists of the fol lowing ste ps: 1. CLU Conn ection (below). 2. Crea t e a Lo gi cal Dr iv e • Autom atically (page 58) • Man ually (p age 59) 3. Assign a SCSI T arget ID (page 63).
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 58 Create a Disk Array The f ollowin g procedu res provid e the b asic ste ps ne eded to c reate a disk array and a logical drive to get you r VT rak running quick ly . Y ou can c reate your di sk array automat ically or manual ly .
Chapter 3: Setup 59 SMAR T chec k: enabled I nit iali zat ion : fu ll Crea te Logical Drive now (y/n)?> y 4. If y ou ag re e wi t h th e spe ci fic at io ns , pr ess Y and Ent e r . If y ou di s agr ee, pre ss N an d En ter . T hen s ele ct Create New Disk Array (belo w) and i nput your o wn sett ings.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 60 *1 Maxtor 5A250J0 251 GB *3 WDC WD2000JB-00FUA0 200 GB *4 WDC WD2000JB-00FUA0 200 GB *7 ST380013AS 80 GB *9 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB 11 ST380013AS 80 GB 12 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB 15 Maxtor 6Y080M0 82 GB 4 Phys ica l Dr ives ha ve been sel ect ed.
Chapter 3: Setup 61 Create Disk Array now(y/n)?> y 7. Revie w the li st. If y ou agree w ith the list, p ress Y and Enter . If you d isagree with th e list, pr ess N and Enter , then selec t Cre ate New Disk Array again. If yo u click ed Y , the new d isk array appears.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 62 Create a Logica l Drive A lo gic al dri ve is an ent i ty ma de fro m a di s k arr ay t h at yo ur PC ’s oper a tin g syst em reco gnizes a s a si ngle dis k driv e. 1. From the Dis k Array Ma nagement menu, press 4 a nd Enter to access t he Disk Array Properti es.
Chapter 3: Setup 63 Assign a SCSI T arget ID The t erm Ta r g e t I D refers t o the SCSI add ress of th e two chann els on th e RAID subsy stem. A SC SI bus has an In itiator , such as the SCSI c ard insi de the Host PC, and at le ast one T arget, such a s the Controll er and Lo gical D rives in side the RAID s ubsystem .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 64 ----- ----------- ----- ----------- ----- 20 Select the SCSI channel( 1-2) Press R to return a fter finished> Exit th e CLU Close the te rminal em ulation w indow to exit th e CLU.
65 Chapter 4: Ma nagement with W ebP AM PRO This chapter d escribes using W ebP AM to mo nitor and m anage y our RAID system . This c hapter i s divid ed into se ction s for majo r WebP AM co mponent s as shown above.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 66 See p age 189 fo r more info rmatio n about fie ld-replac eable compone nts . See p age 234 fo r a discuss ion of cri tical and of fline logical d rives. Dri ve Statu s Ind i ca tor s The re a re t wo LEDs on each Dr iv e C arri er .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 67 The VT rak spins up the disk drives s equentia lly in ord er to equal ize p ower draw durin g start -up. Af ter a few m oments the Power/Ac tivity a nd Disk S tatus L EDs shou ld displ ay green. See f or a discu ssion o f rebuildi ng and failed di sk drive s.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 68 Log-in/L og-out Log-in to We bP AM PRO 1. Laun ch yo ur Bro wser . 2. In the Browser add ress field, ty pe in the IP address of the PC or Server where y ou inst all ed Web P AM PRO, a s explained below . Do n ot type the VT rak’s IP address .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 69 3. When the openi ng screen ap pears, type your use rname in the Logi n ID field and y our pa ssword in the Pas sword field .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 70 Aft er sign-in , the W ebP AM PRO openi ng screen appears. Figure 3. WebP AM PRO O penin g Screen If yo u setup y our VT rak usin g WebP AM PRO (see Chapte r 3) you will have one Subs ystem, th e Adminis trator as t he only U ser and one logic al drive.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 71 Subsystem Management Add a Subsystem (VT rak) 1. Click o n Adminis trator T ools icon to display the menu . 2. Click on th e Subsys tem Mana gement icon . 3. Click the Add Su bsystem tab (ab ove). 4. In the IP Address fie ld, type i n the VT rak’ s Mana gement Port IP addre ss.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 72 1. Click the Subs ystem M anagemen t icon u nder Admin istration T ools. This windo w displ ays a list of Subs ystems (VT raks) config ured to this W ebP AM ins tallati on. 2. Click on th e hypertex t link to see an i ndivi dual Subsy stem.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 73 Acces s a Subs ystem ( VT rak) The W ebP AM PRO CIM OM Agent resides o n the VT rak and send s the mon itoring dat a to the Utili ty Server an d on to the Browse r . In T ree V iew , a newly crea ted Subsys tem l ooks lik e this: Each Subsystem (VT rak) is i dentified by an icon a nd it s IP Address .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 74 Subsystem Mana gement Window T o ac cess th e Ma nage m ent Wind ow for an i ndiv i dual Su bsys te m (V T ra k), clic k on th e Subsys tem ico n in T ree Vi ew . The result is a dif ferent windo w than cli cking the Subsyst em Manag ement ic on descri bed ab ove.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 75 T o save th e Log Fil e: 1. From on the Events tab dropdown m enu, sel ect Save L ogfile . 2. In the Save Even t box, ty pe a file n ame for th e Logfi le. The n ame can conta in up to 40 chara cters, let ter and numbe rs only , no space s.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 76 Delet e a Subsystem 1. Click the Subs ystem M anagemen t icon u nder Adm inistrati ve T ools. T he Host L ist ap pears. 2. Click o n the Del ete Subsyste m tab . 3. Click th e Select fo r Deleti on box of the Subsy stem you wan t to del ete.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 77 User Management Add a User 1. Log i nto W ebP AM as the Adminis trator . 2. In T ree V iew , click on User M anagemen t. In the right fram e, you wil l see a li st of t he current Users. 3. Cli ck t he C rea te tab.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 78 7. When you a re finishe d making your selectio ns, cl ick the Submi t button . • If y ou chec ked th e Assign Email N otifica tion box , you w ill be transfe rred to the Select Ev ents p age (see Even t Notific ation, be low).
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 79 The i mage abo ve was shortened to fit i nto the av ailab le sp ace. T o save ti me and e ffo rt, check C ritical Ev ents, All Eve nts, or the compone nt- spec ific box es. The tabl e bel ow list s all event s and the ir mea nings.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 80 Illega l Secondar y Identify A target r eceiv ed a sec ond Identi fy me ssage w ith a dif ferent LU N. Mess age Parity Error Detected possib le p arity error in mess age betw een initia tor and t arget. Bus Rebo ot The VT rak sys tem has re booted .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 81 Logic al Drive Migratio n Comp leted A logic al drive finished exp ansion a nd/or cha nge of RAI D le vel Logic al Drive Migratio n S topped A logic al drive expan sion a nd/or chan ge of RAI D level halted be fore co mpletion .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 82 See Cha pter 7: T roubles hooting fo r instru ctions on what to d o when any of these mes sages ap pears. Logic al Drive Perc ent Comp leted A progres s report on logical drive op erations t aking pl ac e. Enclosure Event Notif ication All eve nts rel ated to th e encl osure.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 83 Delete a Us er 1. Log i nto W ebP AM as the Adminis trator . 2. Click the Us er Manage ment icon u nder Admin istrator T ools. 3. Click th e Delete t ab. 4. Click the box of the Us er you w ant to del ete. 5. Clic k the Delete User(s) button.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 84 The Mod ify/V iew User s creen app ears (belo w). 3. In t he Mo dif y /View Us er s cre en, sp ecif y your Su bsys te m M ana geme nt Right s, Emai l address and Even t Notificati on. See th e Permiss ions t able bel ow . Y ou can also set the se permission s from the Subsy stem User Righ ts scree n.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 85 Change Pass word Each User ca n change his/her p assword. If the User has emai l aler t notifica tion, he/s he can al so ch ange t he email address a nd se lection o f even ts. 1. Log i nto W ebP AM under y our Use r Name.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 86 Setup Ema il Alert Noti fication W ebP AM c an alert yo u to th e probl ems and processe s hap pening to your RAID throu gh email mess ages. Y ou setup Email No tificatio n for ea ch Subsy stem (VT rak) and each U ser individu ally .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 87 4. Selec t the alert event s you want rep orted via email. T o save time and ef fort, che ck Critica l Event s, All Events , or the comp onent-spec ific boxes . See p age 79 for a list of e vents and th eir meani ngs.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 88 3. Set th e Web server par ameters: 4. Clic k the Submit butt on when you a re done . If yo u change the W ebP AM PRO sec urity settings, rest art the T omcat servi ce for the n ew param eters to t ake ef fect. See Re sta rt T omcat Servic e (Windows ) (p age 91).
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 89 3. Set th e Email p aramete rs: 4. Clic k the Submit butt on when you a re done . Firmware Up date This tab is used to update the firmware on VT rak subsystem s. See Fi rmware Update on p age 190 for instruc tions on how to u pdate V T rak’s fir mware.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 90 3. Enter t he name o f the firmwa re upgrade *. img file in th e Select Fi rmware fiel d. 4. Check the b oxes bes ide th e subsyste ms who se firmware you wan t to upda te.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 91 Refres h Time This tab s ets the refres h interval for the Eve nt Fram e. 1. Click the Sof tware M anagemen t ico n under Adm inistrati on T ools. 2. Click the Re fresh T ime t ab. 3. Enter t he refresh interva l in second s.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 92 Promi se T ech nology pr ovide s a defaul t certific ate for the serve r as well as for inter nal dat a commu nication . However , it is always b etter to ins tall y our own certi ficate for the web ser v er . And, if po ssible, v erify ce rtificate b y certifi cate autho rity like V erisign or Thwate.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 93 T o save th e Log Fil e: 1. Log i n as the Administra tor . 2. Click on the Su bsyst em icon. 3. Click on th e Event s t ab. 4. From on the Events tab dropdown m enu, sel ect Save L ogfile . 5. In the Save Even t box, ty pe a file n ame for th e Logfi le.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 94 Connection S t atus The Su bsystem –Connecti on S ta tus ta b verifies the n etwork conn ection b etween the s erver runn ing the W ebP AM PRO Utility Server and t he VT rak subs ystem.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 95 VT rak Management Lock Operations The VT rak– Lock Op eration s tab display s lock s tatus and en ables yo u to lo ck or unlo ck a sub system controlle r .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 96 • Logi cal Driv e Heal th – Logic al drives under thi s control ler . • Phys ical Dr ive Health – Phys ical driv es under this con troller . • Encl osure Healt h – T emperatu re, volt age, batt ery conditio n. Func tional in dicates normal op eration.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 97 Y ou can a lso perfo rm a PDM manuall y unde r Disk Array Backgroun d Activit y . SCSI Mana gement The SCSI Manag ement–In formation tab lists the SCSI Ch annels fo r this subsy stem. SC SI Managem ent appl ies to VT rak 8100, 121 00 and 15 1 10.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 98 Y ou can s pecify additi onal SCSI TIDs as nee ded. 7. In the right col umn, select th e LUN for th e Console . 8. Repea t step s 1 and 2 for SCSI Channel 2. 9. Clic k the Submit butt on when you a re done . TID Settings The SCSI Ma nagement –TID Set tings ta b enabl es you add SCSI T arget IDs.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 99 S t atisti cs The SCSI Manag ement–S tati stics t ab dis plays a t ally of In put/Outpu t opera tions and amou nt of data t ran sac ti ons . Th es e fi gur e s ar e for inf or mat io nal pur pos es onl y . 1.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 100 4. Click on the Po rt1 link or the Sett ings t ab. Settings The Ne twork Ma nagemen t–Settin gs tab enabl es you to make ne twork se ttings for VT rak's Man agement Port. T o make set tin gs: 1. Click th e Subs ystem icon.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 101 2. Cli ck on the VTrak ic on. 3. Click on th e Service Managem ent i con. 4. T o access SNMP s ettings, cli ck the SNMP tab or SNMP link. 5. T o acces s T elnet se ttings, c lick the T elnet t ab or T elne t link.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 102 Te l n e t The Se rvice Ma nagemen t–T elnet t ab let s you ena ble and d isable T elnet serv ice. Y ou can u se T elnet to run the VT rak Com mand Li ne Utility over a net work conn ection. T o enab le T elnet: 1. Click th e Subs ystem icon.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 103 T o set an alias for thi s controlle r or to set VT rak's date and tim e, click the Settin gs tab. T o access t he Contro ller–Inform ation t ab: 1. Click th e Subs ystem icon. 2. Cli ck on the VTrak ic on.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 104 1. Click th e Subs ystem icon. 2. Cli ck on the VTrak ic on. 3. Click on th e Control lers icon. 4. Clic k on the Co ntr oll e r ic on . 5. Clic k on the Set ti ngs ta b. 6. Enter a n alias i n the f ield. 7. Clic k the Submit butt on when you a re done .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 105 3. Cli ck on the Enc l osur es icon . Enc lo su re The En closure– Informa tion ta b lis ts det ailed info rmatio n on the s tat us of the encl osure for th is su bsystem . In the diag ram, the icons of functiona l compon ent s are s hown in green.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 106 2. Cli ck on the VTrak ic on. 3. Cli ck on the Enc l osur es icon . 4. Clic k on the Enc l osur e ico n. 5. Cli ck on the F RU V PD tab. Batte ry The En closure– Battery t ab rep orts on the co ndition o f VT rak's c ache bac kup batte ry .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 107 2. Cli ck on the VTrak ic on. 3. Cli ck on the Enc l osur es icon . 4. Clic k on the Enc l osur e ico n. 5. Click on the Bu zzer t ab. 6. Click the d ropdown menu on th e Buzzer t ab and se lect Se ttings. The buzz er s et ti ngs ta b a ppe ars .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 108 Physica l Dri ve I nform ation • Slot No – This is the Contr oller chan nel ID n umber to wh ich th is phys ical driv e is att ache d. If you h ave a drive on a channel but it does not a ppear i n W ebP AM, there is a b ad conne ction.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 109 5. Clic k on the Phy si cal Dr ives icon. 6. Clic k on the Phy si cal Dr ive ic on . Enclosure Front V iew The En closure Front V iew s hows the en closure locati on of the p hysica l drive. Physica l Dri ve I nform ation • Physic al Drive M odel – The drive ma nufact urer's id entificati on.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 110 • Serial N umber – This i s the manufa cturer's seri al number fo r this disk driv e. This feature al lows you t o obt ain the n umber for warranty or supp ort purpo ses witho ut removi ng it from the enclo sure. • Read / Write Coun t s – A record of the num ber of inp ut/output t ransac tions.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 111 Create a Disk Array A dis k array is a colle ction of p hysical drives i n a RAID . Logica l driv es are ma de from disk arr ays. T o acc es s the Di sk Ar ra y tab: 1. Click on the Su bsyst em ico n in T ree Vi ew .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 112 Automatic Option The Di sk Array Aut omati c Creatio n option e nables y ou to cr eate a ne w disk array foll owing a default set o f p arameters . One l ogical drive will b e made automa tically when yo u cr eat e th e dis k a rr ay .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 113 T o create a new dis k array: 1. Ch eck the b oxes to s elect any one or com bination of the fo llowin g: • Redunda ncy – The array wil l remain avail abl.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 114 •O t h e r 4. Clic k the Up date button. Or chec k the Auto matic Update box and upda tes will o ccur auto maticall y . The f ollowin g param eters display : • Disk Ar.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 115 T o create a new dis k array: 1. Enter a name for the disk array in th e field pro vided. 2. Ch eck the b ox to enab le ini tializat ion, if desire d. If yo u check ed the initializ ation box , select the ty pe of initi alizatio n from the dropd own menu.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 116 9. If yo u accept these p arame ters, pr oceed to the next s tep. If yo u do NOT a ccept these p arameters , review and mod ify your s electio ns in th e previou s step s. 10. When yo u are d one, cl ick the Subm it bu tton.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 117 The s elected disk array d isapp ears from t he Disk Arra y List on the Inf ormation tab. Disk Array Information The Di sk Array–I nformat ion tab give s a desc ription and report s the st atus of the phys ical dri ves and logical d rives tha t belo ng to this disk arra y .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 118 • Number o f Logical Drives – The nu mber of log ical d rives tha t belon g to this disk arr ay . • Supported RAID Level – The RA ID level of this disk a rray . • Phys ical Drives in the Di sk Array • Slot No. – This is the slo t number of a physica l driv e that belongs to this dis k ar ra y .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 119 • Critical – This co nditio n arises as the result of a physic al drive failure . A Cri tical logic al driv e will st ill func tion and your da ta is stil l availabl e. Howev er , the l ogical d rive ha s lost re dundan cy (fault toleran ce).
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 120 Create Logical Drive When you crea te a di sk array , you auto matical ly cre ate one lo gical dri ve also. If the i nitial lo gical dri ve used l ess than the ful l cap acity of the disk array , you can crea te additio nal lo gical dri ves from the same disk arra y .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 121 Delete Logical Drive The Di sk Array–D elete LD tab enable s you to delete a logica l driv e under thi s disk arr ay . T o de let e a l ogi ca l dr ive: 1. Click on the Su bsyst em ico n in T ree Vi ew . 2. Cli ck on the VTrak ic on.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 122 an a rray is c alled " expan sion" . Becaus e migrati on and exp ansio n are clo sely relat ed, the Mi gration feature handles both. No te that the availabl e t arget RAID l evels d epend on the num ber phys ical d rives in the cu rrent array a nd the n umber of fr ee physi cal drives.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 123 The Sc heduler I nformation window a ppears. 7. Click the radio button to selec t the time interval (minut e, hour , day , week, mont h). 8. Make your s et ti ngs. • For min ute and ho ur intervals , specify the time perio d (30 to 59 minute s, 1 to 2 3 hours).
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 124 • Alias – A u ser-speci fied n ame for the logic al drive. If the log ical d rive wa s crea ted at t he same t ime as i ts disk array , it will have the same alias .
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 125 2. Cli ck on the VTrak ic on. 3. Clic k on t he Di sk Arr ays icon . 4. Clic k on the Disk A rra y ico n. 5. Click on th e Logical Drives icon.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 126 • Offline – This cond iti o n ar ises as the res ul t of a s econ d ph ys ic al d riv e failu re. An Of flin e logica l driv e is not a ccessa ble but so me or a ll of you r dat a ma y remain int act. Y ou m ust determ ine the cause o f the pr oblem and c orrect it.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 127 Logical Drive Alias The L ogical D rive–Sett ings t ab enable s you to specify an ali as for an i ndividu al logi cal d rive. T o sp ecif y an al ias : 1. Click on the Su bsyst em ico n in T ree Vi ew . 2. Cli ck on the VTrak ic on.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 128 The De dicated hot sp are drive o ption requ ires you to design ate an unassig ned dis k drive as the hot sp are fo r a spe cific di sk array . Th is acti on is d escribed under Create, be low . S p are Drive Li st T o see a l ist of the current dedicate d hot s pare d rives: 1.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 129 The Cr eate S pare D rives p age d isplays . 5. From the firs t dropdow n menu, select the disk array to w hich th e spa re driv e will be assi gn ed. 6. From the se cond d ropdown menu, select a n unas signed p hysical drive as the s pare d rive.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 130 Logical Drive Summar y Logical Drive List The L ogical D rive Sum mary is a list of all log ical driv es in th e VT rak enc losure. This function list s all o f the logi cal dri ves toge ther , without th e need to naviga te throu gh multip le disk arrays.
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO 131 • Critical – Thi s condition arises as the result of a physic al drive failu re. A Cri tical log ical dr ive wi ll still function and yo ur dat a is st ill avail able. Howe ver , the logi cal driv e has lost redun dancy (fault tol erance) .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 132 • Opera tional S t atus – T he operati ng condit ion of a logical drive . • OK / F unctional – This is t he no r mal stat e of a lo gi cal dri ve . Wh en a logi cal drive is OK / Functio nal, it is ready for imme diate use .
133 Chapter 5: Manageme nt with the CL U VT rak S tatus Indicators Even though the Comma nd Line U tility o ffe rs compr ehens ive moni toring of VT rak, the LED in dicators on the VT rak unit pro vide im port ant st atus in formation. When the powe r is switc hed on, th e LEDs o n the front o f the VT rak will light up.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 134 . See p age 189for more infor mation ab out fie ld-replace able com ponent s. See p age 234 fo r a discuss ion of cri tical and of fline logical d rives. Dri ve Statu s Ind i ca tor s The re a re t wo LEDs on each Dr iv e C arri er .
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 135 The VT rak spins up the disk drives s equentia lly in ord er to equal ize p ower draw durin g start -up. Af ter a f ew moment s the L EDs will display as desc ribed i n the ta ble be low . See p age 234 fo r a discuss ion of reb uildin g and fail ed disk drives.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 136 Audible Alar m VT rak’ s audibl e alarm (b uzze r) has three sound pattern s: • Beep. Beep. Be ep. – Indic ates that a logi cal d rive is re building • Beep-b eep, b eep-beep, b eep-be ep. – Indi cates that a log ical d rive is c ritica l • Beep-b eep-be ep.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 137 CLU Connection There are two con nectio ns metho ds for the CLU: • Serial – Requi res a nul l mod em cable (include d with VT rak) t o connec t the seria l por ts on the Ho st P C and V T ra k • T elnet – R equires a network connec tion betw een the H ost PC and VT rak’s Man agement Po rt.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 138 There are nine f unctional group s in th e CLU: Subsys tem Manag ement – Allows you view c ontroller informatio n, change p arameters , monitor t he enclos ure, upda te the firm ware and reboot the VT rak.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 139 Maintena nce – Enabl e or disa ble the Maintena nce Activ ity Mon itor and Media Patrol ; migrate L ogical D rives; man ually reb uild, synchron ize, run PDM and Redun dancy Check on Logic al Driv es. Event V iewer – V iew th e event l og.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 140 How to use the C LU All d irections begin at the CLU Main Menu . From t hat point, the ke ystrokes are lis ted to t ake y ou to the a ppropria te subme nu. Depe nding on your VT rak m odel, some functi ons requ ire yo u to sp ecify a Port, Disk Array or L ogical Dr ive b y its ID num ber .
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 141 Aut o Re buil din g: On Ho t Sp are P olic y: Global P riority: H igh(RBLD), High(S YNC), Hi gh(Migr ation), High(RC) , High( PDM) -------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ----------- ----- -------- Disk Arr ay 1 Pro perties 1.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 142 11 ST380013A S 80 GB 12 WDC WD1200JD-00F Y B0 120 GB Enter P hysical Drive ID to select. Press R to co ntinue after you ha ve finishe d sele cting Phy sic al Dri ve . Yo u r i n p u t ? > r 8. Pres s R to fin ish your selectio n and press Enter .
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 143 A Auto Re building , Disk Array – M ain Menu, 3 Enter , 4 Enter Auto S tart, PDM – Main Men u, 3 Enter B Back Pla ne Box – M ain Menu , 1 Enter , 1 Enter .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 144 Name – Main M enu, 3 Ente r , 4 Ente r Propert ies, Modify – Main Men u, 3 Enter , 4 Enter PDM Aut o S tart – M ain Menu , 3 Enter PDM, m anual – M ain Menu , 7 En.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 145 Name – Main M enu, 4 Enter SCSI LUN – Main Menu, 4 Ent er Logi cal Driv es, Di splay – M ain Men u, 4 Ent er LUN RAID Console – Main Men u, 6 Enter Logi.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 146 Write C ach e – Ma in Me nu, 2 En ter Phys ical Dr ives, D isplay – Main Me nu, 2 En ter Ping, Managem ent Port – Main Menu , 5 Ente r Power Su pply – M ain Menu, .
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 147 Subs ystem M anagemen t – Ma in Menu Synchro nize Di sk Array – Main Menu, 7 En ter T T elnet – M ain Menu , 5 Enter Pass word – Main Menu, 5 Enter , 2 .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 148 Controller Man ageme nt 1. From the Main menu, pres s 1 and Ent e r , then 1 an d Enter agai n to ac cess Control ler Ma nagemen t.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 149 Co ntroller Lab el: alias Date: 1-17-2005 T ime: 1:15:04 ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ----------- ----- ------ Modify Controller P a r ameters 1 . Co ntr oll er L abe l 2. Date and T i me R.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 150 WA RN I N G R eboot VT ra k 15110 n ow(y/n)?> y Please confirm again , reboot VT rak 15110 now(y /n)?> y 2. Pres s Y and En ter to confi rm. 3. Pres s Y and En ter to confi rm aga in. The VT rak will reboot. Y ou ca n watch the progres s in the T erminal w indow .
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 151 Enclosure Management From the Main menu, pres s 1 and Ent e r then 2 a nd Enter to ac cess Enc losur e Man agement. S elect the com pone nt whose performan ce yo u want to check. Fan S peed From the Enclos ure Mana gement m enu, pre ss 1 and Enter to ac ce ss Fa n S peed.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 152 5. Pres s Y and En ter to co nfirm you r choi ce. If yo u disabl ed the buzzer , repea t the sam e procedu re enab le it agai n. T emperature From the Enclos ure Mana gement m enu, pre ss 3 and Enter to ac ce ss T emperature .
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 153 ************* **Battery************** Battery Information: V oltag e: 4.13 volts Capacity : 3841 mAH T emper ature: 29 Celsius (84 F ahrenheit) Press Enter key to return A batt ery is su pplied with VT rak to po wer the c ache in t he event of a po wer fail ure.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 154 Physical D rive Management The t erm Physical Driv e refer s to a Hard D isk D rive, as comp ared to a Lo gical Drive tha t is made up of one or more ph ysical or disk drives. This man ual uses the te rms phys ical dri ve and di sk drive interchan geabl y .
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 155 If yo u know a disk dr ive is go od but VT rak s hows an Error , wipe the drive ’s rese rve secto r . From the Physica l Drive Managem ent menu, press 7 and Enter .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 156 Wipe Out Boot Sector When a disk d rive i s boot able, it cont ains a bo ot sect or . In some cases, a boot sect or is und esireable when th e disk d rive is used in a logica l driv e. This fe ature eras es the boo t sector f rom the disk drive.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 157 Blink LED This function causes the Disk S ta tus LED for th e specif ied dis k drive to blin k (right). This ac tion help s you quic kly id entify the d isk driv e you are working on. 1. Pres s 5 and Enter to acce ss Blin k LED .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 158 4. Pres s Enter to return to the Phy sical Drive Manag ement me nu. 5. Pres s 6 and Enter to agai n acces s Diagn ostics. The res ults o f th e te st ar e di s play ed.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 159 ID Name Read Count Read TRANS W rite Count Write TRANS ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ----------- ----- ----------- ----- ----------- ----------- -----.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 160 Disk Array Management From th e Mai n Menu , pr ess 3 and Ente r to acces s Disk Arra y Manage ment. T his are dea ls w ith disk ar ra ys an d lo gi cal dri ve s tha t yo u cr eat e, i n c ont ras t to phys ical dri ves whic h are c overed und er a sep arate menu.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 161 • RC x% – Red undanc y Check . The l ogical d rive i s checking dat a to veri fy tha t redun dancy or p arity m atch. Unlike Synchroniz ing, no correc tions ar e made. The l ogical d rive i s availa ble • MP x% – Media Pa trol.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 162 SMAR T chec k: enabled I nit iali zat ion : fu ll Crea te Logical Drive now (y/n)?> y 4. If y ou ag re e wi t h th e spe ci fic at io ns , pr ess Y and Enter . If y ou di s agr ee, pre ss N an d Enter . Th en se lec t Crea te New Disk Array (belo w) and i nput your o wn sett ings.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 163 *3 WDC WD2000JB-00FUA0 200 GB *4 WDC WD2000JB-00FUA0 200 GB *7 ST380013AS 80 GB *9 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB 11 ST380013AS 80 GB 12 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB 4 Phys ica l Dr ives ha ve been sel ect ed. Enter Physical Drive ids and/or id ranges separ ated by commas.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 164 7. Revie w the li st. If you agree with t he lis t, press Y and Enter . If you di sagree with th e list, pr ess N and Enter , then select C reate New Disk Array again.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 165 2. Delete Logical Drive 3. Cac he P olic y 4. Retry Count 5. Enab le/Disab le SMART 6. Name 7. P r i o r i t y 8.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 166 Disk Array #1 Mappin g: ---------- ---------- ---- | LD #1 | Free | | 100 GB | 257 GB | ---------- ---------- ----- 6. Pres s R and En ter twice to return to the Main men u. In ord er to use t his logi cal dri ve to read and wri te data , you m ust p artition an d forma t it usin g the Hos t PC’ s operati ng syste m.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 167 1. From the Disk Array Manag ement menu, pres s 4 and Ent e r to acce ss the Disk Array Properti es. 2. Pres s 3 and Enter to acce ss Cac h e Po licy . 3. Pres s Y and En ter to co nfirm. The new policy d isplays .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 168 • Re dundancy Check •P D M A hig h priority means m ore syste m reso urces are allocate d to the R ebuild, Synchro nize, Mig rate, Red undan cy Check and PDM function and less to rout ine read/ write ac tivity .
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 169 11 ST380013AS 80 GB 12 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB Enter P hysical Drive ID to select. Press R to co ntinue after you ha ve finishe d sele cting Phy sic al Dri ve .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 170 This action a nticip ates and preve nts a disk drive fai lure and re sulti ng Criti cal S tat us. The lo gical dri ve is av ailable at all times. T o perform PDM manuall y , see p age 185. 1. Pres s 5 and Enter to acces s the PDM Auto S tar t Option.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 171 9. T ype an erro r number a nd press Enter . 10. P res s Enter to return to the PDM T hreshold subm enu..
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 172 Logical D rive Man agement Logi cal dr ives are created un der the Disk Arra y Managmen t, Disk Array Propert ies func tion. Th is functi on enabl es you c an spe cify nam es and m ake SCSI as signment s to exis ting l ogical d rives.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 173 Network Management From the Main Menu, pres s 5 and Ent e r to acce ss Netwo rk Ma nagement. The Netw ork Ma nagement menu displa ys with the factory de fault set tings show n abov e it. Network Par ameters: DH CP : En ab le d T elnet: Ena bled T FTP Server IP Address: 192.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 174 Gate way IP Addr ess: 10.0.0 .3 ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ----------- ----- ----- Management P ort 1. DHCP 2. M anag eme nt Port IP 3. Subnet Mask 4. Ga te way R. R eturn to Previous M enu Plea se enter y our menu c hoice> 1 2.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 175 2. Timeout 3. Ch ang e User Name 4. Change Passwo rd 5. Reset to Def ault Settings R. R eturn to Previous M enu 2. Pres s 1 and Enter to acc ess enab le/disab le T elnet . Enabl e T elnet(y/n)?> y 3. T ype Y and E nter co nfirm.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 176 2. T ype the ne w pass word and press Ente r . 3. T ype the ne w pass word and press Ente r again to confirm . Pass word chang ed succe ssfully Pres s En ter key t o re tu rn 4. Pres s Enter to return to the T elne t Settings menu.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 177 Curr ent SNMP Sys tem Inf ormat ion: Name: Sono ma Loca tion: Promis e Conta ct per son: sa les Read only co mmu nity: public IP add resse s of trap sin ks : #1: ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- SNMP Settings 1.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 178 T rap O nly Community 1. Pres s 5 and Enter to ac cess the SNMP trap only com munity setting. Enter the trap only community> Engin eering 2. T ype the ne w trap on ly co mmunity and pr ess Enter . Y ou return to the SNM P Settings menu.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 179 2. T ype the IP a ddress o f the ne twork no de you w hich to c ontac t and pres s Enter . Number o f ping pack ets(1-30)?> 5 3. T ype the nu mber o f ping p acket s yo u with t o send an d press Ente r . --- 192.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 180 SCSI Mana gement • Chann el TID (be low) • RAID Co nsole LU N (p age 181) From the Main Menu, pres s 6 and Ent e r to acce ss SCSI Man ageme nt.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 181 TIDs f or SCSI channel 1 changed Press Enter key to return ************* **Modify SCS I Channel T ID************** SC SI C ha nne l # TIDs ----- ----------- ---.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 182 Maintenance Menu (Disk Array Operations) From the Main Menu, pres s 6 and Ent e r to acce ss the M aintenanc e menu: Maintenance activity Monitor: R unning ID Nam e RAID S.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 183 Maint enance Ac tivity Monitor The M aintenan ce Act ivity Mo nitor disp lays the progres s of vari ous disk a rray opera tions on the CLU screen approx imately e very 15 second s, as show n below .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 184 8 ST3160023A S159 GB *9 ST3160023A S159 GB 2 Physical Driv e s have been selected. Enter Physical Drive ids and/or id ranges separated by co mmas. Fo r exa mple : 1,5,8 -15. Press R to conti nue after you have finished select ing Physica l Drives.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 185 Av aila ble free Physi cal D rive(s) : 1 2 7 Choo se th e free Phy sical Drive for reb uildi ng> 2 Re bu ild Disk Arra y 1 on P hysical Drive 2 now(y/n)?> y 3. Choos e the I D number of a free p hysical drive to rebuild yo ur log ical driv e and p ress Enter .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 186 ************* *PDM for Disk Array******** ****** Id Disk Arra y Name Mode Size ------------------- -------------------------------------------- 1 Danie ls RAID5 237 GB PDM fo r Logical Drive s tarted Pres s En ter key t o re tu rn 6.
Chapter 5: Management with t he CLU 187 If the logical drive was Fun ctional wh en the Redunda ncy Ch eck bega n, you can pause and re sume the Redunda ncy Ch eck p rocess wi th this same func tion. If the Maintena nce Activ ity Mon itor is ena bled, you can watch th e Redun dancy Check pro gress on your m onitor .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 188 Event V iewer Use th is functi on to r eview a ll event s in th e even t queue. Th is inform ation is espe cially help ful for tro ubleshoo ting. Th e most re cent 1024 event s will dis play . There is no del ete even t function .
189 Chapter 6: Maintenance • Firm ware Updat e (p age 19 0) • Repla ce Power Supply (pa ge 196) • Repla ce Cool ing Uni t Fan (p age 197) • Repla ce Cac he Battery (p age 202) • Repla ce SEP (page 204 ) • Repla ce RAID Control ler (pag e 205) This Chapter co vers th e mainte nance pro cedures fo r VT rak.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 190 Firmware Update – WebP AM This is the pr eferred f irmware update me thod fo r most app lication s. Thi s proc edure t akes a bout te n minute s. There are altern ative me thods bas ed on the CLU (page 1 92) and a s erial port conne ction (p age 1 94).
Chapter 6: Ma intenance 191 Firmware Ima ge File Y ou mus t obtai n the lates t firmw are update file from t he Promis e T echology websi te and save it t o the d irector y on the TF TP server y ou sp ecified a bove. 1. Point your br owser to the Promise w ebsite (www .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 192 Firmware Update – CLU Use thi s firmware update meth od over a T elnet conn ection . This proce dure t akes abou t 10 minu tes. See a lso the pre ferred met hod bas ed on W ebP AM PRO ( page 1 90) and the alter native m ethod that uses a s erial port c onnecti on (pag e 194).
Chapter 6: Ma intenance 193 3. T ype the fi le name o f the fi rmware ima ge file and pres s Enter . The CL U displ ays the T FTP server I P address. 4. Pres s Y and En ter to proce ed with t he firmware update . TFTP Server: 192.16 8.10.5, updating started, please w ait.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 194 Firmw are Update – Se rial Po rt Use th is firmw are updat e method only wh en your Managem ent Port ha s no network connec tion or the RS-232 c onnectio n is requi red. Thi s proced ure tak es abou t 30 minu tes and ap plies to all VT rak mod els.
Chapter 6: Ma intenance 195 5. W atch the terminal screen fo r the follo wing: Scrub DD R, w aiting Platform Init D one. + 6. At th e + , press the Ctrl and F keys at the same time. The p rompt cha nges to >B SP . 7. At BSP> type load -r -v -b 0x01008 000 -m y .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 196 Replace Power Supply The p ower sup ply and its fan are rep laced as one unit. There a re no i ndividua lly servic eable p art s. No to ols are req uired for th is proce dure. T o remove the po wer supp ly , do the f ollowin g: 1.
Chapter 6: Ma intenance 197 Replace Cooling Unit Fan The blowe rs (scroll fans) in the cooli ng units are repl aced as ind ividual p arts. There are two f ans in ea ch co oling uni t. No too ls are requ ired fo r this proc edure. T o replace a fan, do the fol lowing: 1.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 198 3. Pull the cooli ng uni t out of the VT rak enclos ure. An exa mple of a VT rak cool ing unit appears be low . T o open the cool ing unit, do the f ollowin g: 4. If the re is a ba ttery on th e cool ing unit, disconne ct the ba ttery conn ector (above).
Chapter 6: Ma intenance 199 5. Loos en the thu mbscrew ( above). A re tainer keep s the th umbscre w in pla ce. 6. Gras p the top and bo ttom sec tions of th e coolin g unit with yo ur hands a s shown above. 7. Hold t he lower section and pull the upper s ectio n to the rig ht.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 200 8. Sepa rate t he c ool ing unit s ec tio n t o ac ce ss t he b low er s. The up per fan is Fan 1, the lo wer fan is F an 2. From the L EDs on the coolin g unit (see the diagra m on p age 19 7), you kn ow which fan to rep lace.
Chapter 6: Ma intenance 201 Be su re you se t the fan o n the m ounting p ins, as s hown abov e. Be su re the fans point outward, towards the handle (a bove). 1 1. Plac e the top s ectio n of the co oling unit onto t he bott om secti on and slide th e top l ock it in place.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 202 Replace Cache Battery The c ache bat tery is lo cated in the Cool ing Uni t 1 (the left on e). The battery is repla ced as an i ndivi dual p art. No to ols are req uired for th is proced ure. Note th at the Battery LE D on Cool ing Uni t 2 is alw ays da rk.
Chapter 6: Ma intenance 203 3. Pull the cooli ng uni t out of the VT rak enclos ure. 4. Det ach the c onnector and lif t the batte ry out of the brac ket (abov e). 5. Plac e a new b attery int o the b racket and att ach the c onnector . 6. Careful ly sl ide the c ooling un it into the encl osure.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 204 Replace SEP The S torage Enc losure Proces sor (SEP) man ages the fan s, audibl e alarm an d batte ry , and mon itors syste m volt ages and cooling function s. No too ls are requi red for this proce dure. T o remove and rep lace the SEP , do the followi ng: 1.
Chapter 6: Ma intenance 205 Replace RAID Controller The RA ID Contro ller moni tors and m anages the log ical driv es. When this cont roller is replac ed, all of your logi ca l drive da ta a nd config uratio ns rem ain int act bec ause this logi cal drive informati on is st ored on the disk drives.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 206.
207 Chapter 7: T ec hnolog y Backgrou nd • I ntr odu cti on t o RA ID ( bel ow ) • Choos ing a RAID Level (pa ge 214) • Cho o sin g S t ri pe Blo ck S ize (pag e 217) • Gig abyte Boundar y (pa.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 208 RAID 0 – Stri p ing When a disk a rray is s triped, the read an d write b locks o f dat a are inte rleave d betwee n the s ectors o f multiple disk drives. Performanc e is i ncreased , since th e worklo ad is ba lance d between d rives or “membe rs” that form the disk array .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology B ackground 209 RAID 1 – Mirroring When a disk a rray is mirrore d, ide ntical da ta is written to a pai r of dis k drives, while reads are perform ed in p a ralle l. The reads are p erforme d using e levat or seek an d load b alancing techn iques where the workl oad is dist ributed in the most ef ficient m anner .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 210 RAID 3 – Block Striping with Dedicated Parity RAID l evel 3 o rganiz es dat a across the disk drives o f the di sk array , and sto res p arity info rmatio n on to a d isk dr ive dedi cated to this pu rpose.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology B ackground 211 RAID 5 – Block Striping with Dis tributed Parity RAID 5 is similar to RAID 3 as des cribed ab ove exc ept that th e parity dat a is dis tributed ac ross the disk driv es along with the da ta blocks. In each cas e, the p arity dat a is stored on a dif ferent disk th an its correspo nding data b lock.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 212 RAID 10 – Mirroring / Striping Mirro ring/S triping comb ines both of the RAID 0 and RAID 1 disk array types. It can increase performan ce by rea ding a nd writi ng dat a in paral lel whi le protec ting dat a with duplicat ion.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology B ackground 213 RAID 50 – S triping of Distributed Parity RAID 5 0 combi nes both RA ID 5 a nd RAID 0 fe atures . Dat a is strip ed across disks as in RAID 0 , and it u ses distrib uted p arity as i n RAID 5. RA ID 50 provi des dat a relia bility , good overall perf ormance an d suppo rts larg er volum e sizes.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 214 Choosing a RAID Level There are seve ral iss ues to c onsider wh en cho osing the RAID L evel for y our VT rak disk a rray . The following discuss ion sum marizes some ad vant ages, dis advant ages and appli cation s for e ach choi ce.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology B ackground 215 RAID 3 Recom mended Applicati ons for R AID 3 • Image Ed iting • Prepres s Applic ations • Any a pplicati on requ iring high throug hput RAID 5 Recom mende.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 216 RAID 50 Recom mended Applicati ons fo r RAID 50 • F ile a n d Ap pli ca tio n ser v ers • T ransact ion proce ssing • Of fice ap plica tion wi th many u sers a ccess.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology B ackground 217 Choosing Stripe Block Size The s tripe bloc k size value c an be set to 4KB, 8KB, 16 KB, 32KB, a nd 64KB. 64 KB is the defau lt. This se lection w ill dire ctly af fect performanc e. There are two iss ues to co nsider when sele cting the st ripe bloc k size.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 218 Hot Spare Drive( s) A hot spare i s a di sk drive tha t is con nected to the dis k array s ystem but i s not assign ed as a member of the disk array .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology B ackground 219 Cache Settings There is a dat a ca che on th e VT rak control ler and an other on e on each Physica l disk dri ve . A cach e hol d s data in vo la til e m emo ry du ri ng RAI D ma na geme nt and dat a tran sfer activ ity .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 220 Dif ferent types of disk arrays us e diff erent org anizatio nal m odels an d have varying benef its. The foll owing ou tline brea ks do wn the pr operties f or each type of RAID supporte d by Promise product s.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology B ackground 221 . Ranges of Disk Array Expansion There are limi tation s to how larg e you can ex pa nd a disk arra y , dependin g on the size of yo ur curr ent disk arr ay . The c urrent SCSI an d Fibre Channel H BA cards and PC Operat ing Sys tems supp ort a 10-by te LBA fo rmat.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 222 Y ou can d irect WebP AM PRO o r the CLU to exp and a di sk arr ay beyon d the maxim um exp ansion size . However , when exp ansion is finis hed, you r disk array will b e the m aximum size li sted in t he table. If yo u require a disk array larg er than the maxi mum exp ansion siz e: 1.
223 Chapter 8: T rou bleshoo ting • V T rak is Bee pin g ( bel ow ) • CLU Repo rts a Proble m (below) • W ebP AM PRO R eports a Problem (p age 224 ) • LEDs D isplay Am ber or Red (page 226) .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 224 In the exampl e above, d isk array “Arra y2” is cri tical. See “Critical & Offli ne Disk Arrays” on page 234 .
Chapter 8: Troubleshoo ting 225 • Displ ays full inform ation on the selec ted comp onent the Manag ement Wind ow (above) Click these l inks to see sp ecific tro ubles hooting to pics: • “Even t.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 226 LEDs Display Amber or Red Front Panel When the powe r is switc hed on, th e LEDs o n the front o f the VT rak will light up.
Chapter 8: Troubleshoo ting 227 See p age 189 fo r more info rmatio n about fie ld-replac eable compone nts . See p age 234 fo r a discuss ion of cri tical and of fline logical d rives.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 228 Drive S t atus Indica tors The re a re t wo LEDs on each Dr iv e C arri er . T hey r e por t th e pr es enc e of po we r and a disk dri ve, and t he curre nt condit ion of the drive. Figure 5. VT rak Drive Carri er LEDs. Under norm al conditi ons, the Power /Activi ty and Disk S tatus LEDs shou ld display green .
Chapter 8: Troubleshoo ting 229 Back of Enclosure When the FRU S tat us LED on VT rak’s f ront p anel shows Amb er or Red , chec k the L EDs on the b ack of VT rak.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 230 T o check a compo nent’ s inst allation, fol low the same procedure as replac ing the compon ent, ex cept that you reins ta ll the orig inal c omponen t rather than a new one. In mos t cases , this action fixes a bad connec tion and allo ws VT rak to detect the co mponent.
Chapter 8: Troubleshoo ting 231 Connect ion Lo st Normal re sult of l ogging out. Also a result o f poor SCSI/FC c able or ne twork c onnection . Disk Notification Disk D own Identif y the dis k drive i nvolv ed. Power down the syste m, remov e and te st the drive.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 232 Logic al Drive Migratio n Comp leted Exp ansion or RAID le vel chan ge of l ogical d rive finish ed. Norm al. Logic al Drive Migratio n S topped User abo rted exp ansion or RAID l evel ch ange. Nor ma l. Logic al Drive Rebuil d St a r t Rebuild begun .
Chapter 8: Troubleshoo ting 233 Logic al Drive Quick Initial ization S toppe d User aborted Quick Initial ization. Norm al. Logic al Drive Perc ent Comp leted Pro g res s in p erc en t of sync h ron izi ng or re bu ild ing a logic al drive. N ormal Enclosure Notific ation Enclosure Powe r Down Powe r switched OFF .
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 234 Critical & Off line Disk Arrays A faul t-tolerant di sk array—R AID 1, 3, 5 , 10 and 50 —goes c ritical whe n a driv e is remo ved or fai ls. Due to the f ault to lerance o f the disk array , the dat a is st ill avai lable an d onli ne.
Chapter 8: Troubleshoo ting 235 W ith a Hot S p are D rive Aft er the dis k array reb uilds it self us ing the h ot spa re: 1. Repla ce the fai led dri ve. 2. Check the a utomatic rebuild an d hot sp are p olicy to be su re your dis k array (s) reco gnize(s) the new drive as a hot sp are.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 236 When a red circ le appear s over a Ho st in T ree V iew , click o n the En closure ico n. The Encl osure sc reen wil l displa y (belo w). In th is exam ple, a power s upply fan has sto pped t urning, indicati ng a f ailure.
Chapter 8: Troubleshoo ting 237 Over heati ng Overh eating is a potenti ally s erious c ondition becau se the excess ively high tempera tures can lead to disk dri ve fai lur e an d cont ro ller m alf unct io n.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 238 Power Supplies VT raks are equi pped wi th redundan t power sup plies. Th e advan tage of dual p ower sup plies is that, sho uld one fa il, the other wil l continu e powering the su bsystem un til the faulty on e can b e replac ed.
Chapter 8: Troubleshoo ting 239 Connection Pr oblems When you inst all your Promise pro duct f ollowin g the ins tructions in the Quick St a r t G u i d e and U ser Man ual , you should ha ve li ttle troubl e getting y our equi pment to w ork the first ti me.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 240 For VT rak, you must use the CL U to set the Manag ement Port IP addres s in order for W ebP AM to co nnect with it. Thi s issue is discus sed fu rther under Netw ork Connec tions (below). S ee the V T rak Qu ick S tart Gui de or Cha pter 2 o f the Us er Manual for mo re info rmation on setup and conn ections.
241 Chapter 9: Sup port • Frequ ently Ask ed Questio ns (below) • How to co ntact T ech nic al Su ppor t ( page 2 45) • Lim ited W arranty (p age 248) • Returni ng produc t for rep air (p age 249) Frequently Asked Questions What k ind of disk d rives ca n I use with VT rak? VT rak was d esigned to use Serial A T A disk d rives.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 242 Can I c onnect my VT rak on the same SCSI ch ain with othe r devices? No. D o not conn ect other de vices to the SCSI c hain with a VT rak. If you wan t to m onitor you r VT rak an d run othe r SCSI devi ces from the sa me PC, add anoth er SCSI card to the PC.
Chapter 9: Support 243 I can access the VT rak ov er my comp any’ s intranet. B ut I can’t access it from an out side Internet connection. How do I make the Intern et conne ction work? This condit ion is not rel ated to VT rak, but is du e to your firewal l and netwo rk con nect ion pro t oco l.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 244 The VT rak h as no LCD p anel. How c an I se t it up and cr eate disk arrays ? There are two wa ys to se t up VT rak and c reate d isk arrays, using W ebP AM PRO, o n page 1 1 1 or the Com mand Lin e Utilit y , on pa ge 161 .
Chapter 9: Support 245 Contacting T echni cal Support Promi se T echnical Supp ort provi des seve ral support op tions fo r Promise users to acces s informa tion an d updates . W e encoura ge you to use one o f our e lectronic servic es, whi ch provid e produ ct inform ation upda tes fo r the most ef ficient s ervice and s upport.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 246 Euro pe, Afric a, Mid dle East Pacific R im E-mail Supp ort suppor t@promis Fax T echnic al Support +31 (0) 4 0 256 946 3 Attentio n: T echnical Su pport Phone T echnical Su pport +31 (0) 4 0 235 260 0 8:30-5:0 0pm The Ne therlan ds T ime If you wish to write us for su pp ort : Promise T echnolog y Europe B.
Chapter 9: Support 247 China E-mail Supp ort suppor t-china@pro m Fax T echnic al Support +86- 10-8857-80 15 Attentio n: T echnical Su pport Phone T echnical Su pport +86-10-8 857-80 85/8095 9.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 248 Limited Warranty Promise T echnol ogy , Inc. (“Pro mise”) warrant s that f or three (3) y ears from the time of the del ivery of the prod uct to the original end us er.
Chapter 9: Support 249 No oth er docu ment, st atemen t or repre senta tion may be relied on to v ary the terms of this limited warrant y . Promi se’s s ole respo nsibi lity with re spect to any pro.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 250 The tec hnician will as sist you in determi ning whet her the produc t requ ires repa ir . If the product n eeds repair , the T ech nical Sup port Dep artment will is sue an R MA (Return Merch andise Au thoriza tion) num ber .
251 Append ix A: Seria l Connect or Pinout Below i s the pin out di agram for th e DB-9 se rial conn ector on a ll VT raks. The d iagrams represent t he connec tor as you see it lookin g at the ba ck of the VT rak.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 252.
253 Index A About Th is Manua l 1 Archi tectur al Des criptio n of V Trak 3 Aud ibl e al arm 67, 136, 223 B Beepe r 67 Boot S ector, wi pe 15 6 Buzz er 136 C Cache se ttings 219 Certific ations 6 Choo.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 254 Status LED 25 usable i n VT rak 241 View parameters 155 Writ e cache 155 Disk St atus LE D 25 E Emai l Ale rt Notific ation , set up 86 Encl osur e Prob lem r eport ing 23.
In dex 255 N Networ k con necti ons, prob le ms 240 O Operati ng Syst ems, sup ported 6 OS sup port for Web PAM P RO 33 Over view 2 Over view of VTr ak 2 P Pass wor d, chang e 85 PATA disk dri ve inst.
VTrak 15110 User Man ual 256 Telnet Enabl e 29 Make co nnecti on 30 Teln et sett ings 174 Termi nal Em ulati on 25 Termi nator, SCS I 17 TFTP Se rver setti ngs 176 Troubl eshoo ting 223 U Unpack V Tra.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Promise Technology VTrak 15110 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Promise Technology VTrak 15110 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Promise Technology VTrak 15110 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Promise Technology VTrak 15110 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Promise Technology VTrak 15110 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Promise Technology VTrak 15110 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Promise Technology VTrak 15110 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Promise Technology VTrak 15110 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.