Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product IPmux-16 van de fabrikant RAD Data comm
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IPmux-16 TDMoIP Gateway Installation and Operation Manual Notice T h i s m a n u a l c o n t a i n s i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t i s p r o p r i e t a r y t o R A D D a t a C o m m u n i c a t i o n s . N o p a r t o f t h i s publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without prior written ap proval by RAD Data Commun ications.
Warranty This RAD product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of on e year from date of sh ipment. Durin g the warranty period , RAD will, at its op tion, either repair o r replace products w hich prove t o be defe ctive.
Safety Warnings The exclamation point withi n a triangle is intend ed to warn the operat or or service personn el of ope ra tion an d mainte nance fa ctors relating t o the prod uct and its o perating envir onment which c ould pose a safety h azard .
IPmux-16 Installation and Op eration Manual i Contents Chapter 1 . Introd uction 1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-1 Versions......................................
Table of Contents ii IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Oper ation M anual 3.6 Configuring System Paramete rs .......................................................................... 3-7 Viewing System In formation .........................................
Table of Conten ts IPmux-16 Inst allation and Op eration M anual iii 3-1. IPmux-16 Front Panel LE Ds ....................................................................................... 3- 1 3-2. IPmux-16 Re ar Panel Switch.........................
Table of Contents iv IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Oper ation M anual List of Tables 1-1. Ethe rnet Frame Structure ......................................................................................... 1-10 1-2. UDP Source Port as Destination Voice Port .
Overview 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overvi ew IPmux-16 is a modular TDMoIP gateway. IPmux-16 modules enable up t o 16 E1 or T1 circu its to b e ex tend ed ov er I P netwo rks.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Oper ation M anual 1-2 Overview Gigabit Ethernet Swi tch Gigabit Ethernet Swi tch Gigabit Ethernet Swi tch Giga Ethern et Backbone MAN 100BaseT 10.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduct ion Overview 1-3 Featur es Management IPmux-16 can be managed via a local t erminal, Telnet , or via RADview, RAD’s Network Management system. IPm ux-1 6 has a n RJ-45 por t for the loca l term ina l connect ion for monitoring and c ontrol.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 1-4 Overview tolerance at the receiving end, c ausing buffer underflows and errors to occ ur.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduct ion Physical D escription 1-5 buf fer b egins to overf ill , the reg enerated cl ock frequ ency increa ses to avoi d overf low. If th e bu ffer b egins to emp ty, th e Rec eive c lock d e crea ses to avo id underflow.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 1-6 Functional Description Front P anel The cont rol port and indicator LEDs are located on the front panel of IPmux- 16.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduct ion Functional Description 1-7 Bundles composed of several timeslots (E1: 1-31, T1: 1- 24) can be d efined. Eac h bundle c an be connec ted to a diffe rent dest ination bundle anywhere on the network.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 1-8 Functional Description • Adaptive : In this mode, the E1 or T1 Tx clock is regenerated using the Adapti ve metho d. In this m ethod, the f ill l evel of the bu ffer r eceiving pa cke ts is monito red.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduct ion Functional Description 1-9 When th ere ar e several bu ndles from dif fer ent sourc es at the sam e E1/T1 port, t he bundle th at will be us ed for adaptive cl ock reg enerat ion for th e port is the f irst bundle o f every po rt.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 1-10 Functional Description Table 1-1. E therne t Frame Structure Field length (bytes ) Field 7 Preambl e 1 SFD 6 Destinatio n M.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduct ion Functional Description 1-11 VLAN Support VLAN, ac cord ing to I EEE 8 02.1p&q , adds fo ur b ytes to the MAC l ayer of the Ethernet frame . The contents of t hese bytes, MAC layer priority and VLAN ID, can be set by the user.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 1-12 Functional Description PDV t t Pac kets Lea ving IPm ux- 16 Pa ck e ts Ar ri v i ng Figure 1-10. Packe t Delay Variation PDVT (Jitter) Buffer IPmux -16 is eq uipped wi th a Packet D VT (Delay Va riation To leran ce) b uffer.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduct ion Functional Description 1-13 Etherne t Throughput Configuring the TDM bytes pe r frame (TDM byte s/frame) paramete r, per bundle configu ration, can redu ce Ethern et through put ( ban dwidth o r traf fic tra vel ling through the Et hernet).
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 1-14 Functional Description Table 1-4. Et hernet Thr oughput – Unframe d T1 TDM bytes/frame Frame length (bytes) Over h ead (bytes) Over h ead (%) Packe ts (per seco nd) Throughput (Mbps) 48 94 46 96 4107 3.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduct ion Functional Description 1-15 End-to-End Alarm Generation An end -to-en d alarm gene ration mech anism exists in th e IPmux -16 to fac.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 1-16 Technical Specificat ions 1.4 Te chn ical Spe cific ations E1 Modul es E1 Port Ports Compliance Connecto r Data Rate Line Co de Line Im pedance Signal Level s Jitter Perform a nce External Ad apter Cable Up to 16 ITU-T Rec .
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduct ion Technical Sp ecifications 1-17 T1 Framin g Compliance Framing Signaling ANSI T1.403 Passthrough, SF, ESF CAS (bit robbing), CCS (t ranspare nt) Local Terminal and Control Interface Mode Baud Rat e Connecto r RS-232 ove r RJ- 45 (adapter c able t o DB-15 suppli ed) DTE 9.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 1-18 Technical Specificat ions Ethernet P ort: LINK OFF when line i s not act ive ON when line is OK ACT OFF when no activity ON.
Site Requir ements and Prerequis ites 2-1 Chapter 2 Installation 2.1 Introduction IPmux-16 is delive red completely assembled for bench-top installati on. The only mechanical inst allation procedure that may be necessary is optional installati on in a 19 -inch ra ck.
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 2-2 Equipment Needed The am bien t operating temperatu re of IPmu x-16 is 0 o to 5 0 o C (32 o F t o 122 o F), at a relative humidity of up to 90%, non- condensing.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Installation Equipment Neede d 2-3 Table 2-1. Nul l Cable Pinout Connectio ns DB-9 Female Pin No.
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 2-4 Install atio n and Setup 2.5 Installation and Setup Setting Jump ers IPmux -16 interna l ju mper s and switch es do n ot n eed to b e con figu red by the user and ther efore r emovi ng th e product co ver is not r equired.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Installation Install atio n and Setup 2-5 Location of Connector s • Conn ect the E1/T1 and Ether net po rts a ccor ding to th e app rop riate p inou t. Interf ace conne ctions are made from th e IPmux-1 6 fro nt pa nel f rom each module, as shown in Fig ure 2-3 .
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 2-6 Install atio n and Setup Table 2-4. Al arm Co nnector Pino ut Pin No. Signal Name Status 1, 2, 6, 7 Discret e line input 3 M.
Front Panel Controls, Connectors, and In dicators 3-1 Chapter 3 Operation 3.1 Introduction This chapter gives a detailed description of th e front pa nel controls and in dicat ors and their func tions , explains power- on and power-off proced ures, and provides instructions for using a terminal c onnected to the IPmux-16 Control Port .
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-2 Operating Inst ructions Table 3- 1. IPmux-16 System Indica tors and Sw itches No Module Name Type Function 1 System RDY LED On: De.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Operating Ins tructions 3-3 Turning IPmux-16 On – With Control Terminal ➤ To power up IPmux-16 with a control terminal: If you want to d ownload s oftware, r efer t o Appen dix A, which d escrib e s the b oot proc edure f or software d ownload.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-4 Gettin g Started ➤ To set all passwords to the default value (xxxxxxxxxx ): 1. Enter su for User Name.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Menu Operations 3-5 3.5 Menu Operat ions Navigating Navigate the IP mux-16 terminal menus to set and view configuration paramete rs. Figure 3-3 maps th e IPmux-1 6 term inal menus. Use this tree as a refer ence aid while performi ng configuration and control funct ions.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-6 Menu Operations System 1 Main Menu 1. General Information 3. Event Log 2. Reset 4. Ping 1. Read Logfile 2. Clear Logfile Performance Monitoring 1. Statistics 3 2. IP Channel Status Configuration 2 1.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring System Parameters 3-7 Main Menu Fig ure 3- 4 shows th e IPmux-16 Ma in Menu. A ccess all system configu ration and control funct ions via thi s menu. At any point and from any sc reen, you can press ESC repeated ly, backing up unti l you reach the main me nu.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-8 Configuring System Parameters SYSTEM 1.General Information 3.Reset 4.Event Log > 5.Ping ESC. Exit Select item from the menu. Fig ure 3-5. Sys tem Menu General Information Main Menu ↓ 1.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring System Parameters 3-9 Event Log Main Menu ↓ 1. System Menu ↓ 3. Event Log ➤ To view th e IPmux-16 e vent log: • Type 3 (Eve nt Log) in the Sy stem Men u. EVENT LOG 1.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-10 Configuring IPmux-16 Ping Main Menu ↓ 1. System ↓ 4. Ping This op tion ena ble s the user to p ing oth er network device s for diagnos tic purposes. ➤ To ping: • Type 4 (Ping) in the System Me nu.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-11 5. VLAN & IP Support Configure IP ToS and VLAN tagging 6. Conf iguration Summary View summary inf ormation of all existing bundle connect ions. CONFIGURATION 1.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-12 Configuring IPmux-16 MANAGEMENT CONFIGURATION 1. Authentication/Community > 2. Host Configuration > 3. Manager List > 4. Default Gateway > 5. Alarms Traps Mask > Select item from the menu: _ Figure 3-12.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-13 ➤ To set the Auth entication /Community p aramet ers: 1. Enter 1 to set th e authen tica tion -fail ure tr ap: On or Off . Use th e Spaceba r to toggle b etw een th ese t wo set tings .
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-14 Configuring IPmux-16 3. Press Y. The Host IP is delet ed. 4. Con figur e the ne w Host I P. Deletion of Host ID automatically de letes the followin g parame ters: Host IP, Default Gat eway, all Managers connected to t he host, and all Bundle Connecti ons.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-15 ➤ To set the manag er list pa rameters: 1. Enter 1 to set th e manager IP address: r ang e of to 255.255.255. 255 . 2. Enter 3 to set th e alarm tr ap: On or Off .
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-16 Configuring IPmux-16 Alarms T rap Mas k Main menu ↓ 2. Configuration ↓ 1. General Configur ation ↓ 3. Management Configu ration ↓ 5. Alarms Trap Mask Enter 5 from the Management Configurati on menu; the Alarms Trap M ask window w ill then b e displ ayed ( Figure 3-15 ).
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-17 Table 3-2. IPm ux-16 Al arm s (Cont.) Alarm ID Al arm Description Trap Sent to NMS Dry Cont act 21 Far End Blo ck Error (FE BE Line L ayer) Alarm FEBE
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-18 Configuring IPmux-16 Time/Date Update Main Menu ↓ 2. Configuration ↓ 1. Genera l Configu ration ↓ 3. Time/Date Update Type 3 (Time/Da te Update) in the G eneral Con figur ation m enu to u pdate the time a nd da te.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-19 ➤ To download/upload t he code/configurat ion: 1. Type 1 in the Software D ownload/Upl oad menu to downl oad/upload using XMODEM . 2. Type 2 to do wnlo ad/u plo ad via TF TP.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-20 Configuring IPmux-16 TFTP Main Menu ↓ 2. Configuration ↓ 1. General Configur ation ↓ 4. Software Download/U pload ↓ 2. Down load/Uplo ad TFTP Enter 2 from the Softwar e Download window to do wnload or upload a file by TFTP; the TFTP window is displayed .
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-21 6. Enter S to save the param eters and start the tra nsmissio n proc ess. If all parameters are correc t, you will be asked for confirmati on. Transmission begins only aft er confir mation.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-22 Configuring IPmux-16 Set Default Parameters Main Menu ↓ 2. Configuration ↓ 1. Genera l Configu ration ↓ 5. Set Default Paramete rs ➤ To set the defau lt para meters: • Type 5 (Set De fault Paramete rs) in the General Configuration me nu.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-23 ➤ Select the items from the File System to obtain the display of t he following informa tion: 1.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-24 Configuring IPmux-16 Physical Layer Config uration Main Menu ↓ 2. Configuration ↓ 2. Physical Layer Configurati on ➤ To configure the IPmux- 16 physica l layer: • Type 2 (Physical Laye r Configuration) in t he Configurat ion menu.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-25 If A uto Negoti ation is set t o Enable an d th ere is s ome in compatibi lity in the Auto Negotiation pro cess, Ipmux-16 automatically changes to half-duplex mode.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-26 Configuring IPmux-16 E1/T1 PHYSICAL LAYER CONFIGURATION 1. Channel #1 > 2. Channel #2 > 3. Channel #3 > 4. Channel #4 > 5. Channel #5 > 6. Channel #6 > 7. Channel #7 > 8.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-27 When “unframe d” mode is selecte d, the Idle Code , Signali ng Mode, Cond Data Pattern and Cond CAS Pattern fi elds are not present. When C AS Dis abled is sel ect ed, t he Con d CA S Pattern f ield is not pres ent.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-28 Configuring IPmux-16 ➤ To de termine the Signaling mode ( CAS enable / CAS disable ): • Type 6 (Signali ng mode). If en abl ed, the E1 f ramer is se t to CA S MF mod e and the op era tion m ode to fractio nal with CAS mo de.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-29 T1 Physic al La yer Confi guration T1 PHYSICAL LAYER CONFIGURATION 1. Transmit Clock Source Adaptive 2. Loopback State Disable 3. Channel Type T1-ESF 4. Channel Code B8ZS 5.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-30 Configuring IPmux-16 ➤ To change the Loopback St ate setti ng: • Type 2 and pres s the sp aceb ar on your keyboa rd to toggl e be tween: Internal / Exte rnal / Disable. − Int ernal: Data re ceived from the IP network side will be looped back to t he network trans mit line.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-31 ➤ To change t he Channe l Length / TX Gai n setting: When D SU is sel ect ed: • Type 6 and pres s the sp .
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-32 Configuring IPmux-16 ➤ To det ermine the 2 or 4 bi t code applied t o AB(D4) or ABCD (ESF) bi ts when fault conditions occur: • Type B (Cond CAS (ABCD) pattern).
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-33 Time Slots Configuration 1. Slot/Channel 3/1 2. Bundle Number 1 3.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-34 Configuring IPmux-16 Bundle Co nnecti on Configura tion Main Menu ↓ 2. Configuration ↓ 3. Bundle Connectio n Configurati on ➤ To view and confi gure Bundle Connecti on paramete rs: • Type 3 (Bundle Conne ction Configurat ion) in the Configurati on menu.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-35 Internal Cross Connect S ettings Intern al cr oss co nne ct all ows you to cros s connect t wo bundles f rom th e sam e IPmux , inter nall y.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-36 Configuring IPmux-16 System Usage The nu mber of op en TD M time slots being pass ed over th e Ethern et (and th e TD M bytes per frame configuration) are calc ulated for purpos es of monitoring system perfor mance capabilitie s.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-37 IP ToS Main Menu ↓ 2. Configuration ↓ 2. System Configu ration ↓ 1. IP ToS ➤ To set the IP ToS (Type of Service): • Type 4 (IP ToS) in the VLAN & IP Support me nu.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-38 Configuring IPmux-16 The U sage colu mn describ es the System U sag e per bund le. The total of all bundle usages is the System Us age displ ayed i n the Bundle Connection Co nfigur ation screen ( Figure 3-32 ).
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-39 PHYSICAL PORT STATISTICS 8 E1 over UTP LOS: | 55 LOF (Red): | 0 | LCV: | 0 | RAI (Yellow): | 0 AIS: | 0 FEBE: | 0 | BES: | 0 DM: | 0 ES: | 10 SES: | 0 UAS: | 56 | LOMF: | 0 | Status: | O.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-40 Configuring IPmux-16 Table 3-3. E 1/T1 Alar ms and Sta tisti cs Alarm Failure Comments LOS Loss of Signal Sync LED Off.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-41 Table 3-3. Al arms and Statisti cs (Cont.) Alarm Failure C omments Valid Modes FEBE Far End Blo ck Error The number of seco nds in w hich the FEBE indic ation is rec eived from the remote E1 device.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-42 Configuring IPmux-16 Table 3-3. Al arms and Statisti cs (Cont.) Alarm Failure Comments Valid in X only SES Se verely E rrore d Seco nds.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-43 LAN Statistics Main Menu ↓ 3. Performance Monitoring ↓ 1. LAN Statistics Type 1 (Physical Layer St atistics) in the Performance Monitoring menu to view LAN statistics.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-44 Configuring IPmux-16 Table 3-4. LAN Sta tistics Statistics Parameters Description MAC Address H ard-Coded Port local MAC addres s.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Op eration Configuring IPmux-16 3-45 BUNDLE CONNECTION STATUS Next Hop Mac Address ❘
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 3-46 Configuring IPmux-16.
Error Detection 4-1 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 4.1 Error Detection Front P anel LEDs The op erat ing sta tus of the modul e is indi cated by th e LED in dicators on the f ront panel . The LED indi cators are d escrib ed in Chapter 3 of this manual.
Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 4-2 Error Detection Table 4-1. E vent Type s Event Descript ion Corrective Action COLD_STA RT The IPmux-16 has.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics Troubleshooting 4-3 4.2 Troublesho o ting The fo llo wing ta bl e presen ts the even t typ es as they ap pear on the Ev ent Log F ile and l ists the a ctions req uir ed to corr ect th e event (al arm) indica tion.
Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 4-4 Diagnostic Test s 4.3 Diagnostic Tests Maint enan ce cap abil ities incl ude ex tern al a nd inter na l lo opba cks. Main Menu ↓ 2. Configuration ↓ 3. E1/T1 Configu ration ↓ 1.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics Diagn ostic T ests 4-5 PBX AI S IPmux- 16 Internal L oop Figure 4-2.
Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual 4-6 Diagnostic Test s.
Booting IPmux-16 A-1 Appendix A Boot Sequence for Downloading Softwar e A.1 G eneral This chapter provide s a description of t he IPmux-16 boot proc edure via an ASCII terminal for download ing software. The IPmux-16 softwar e is stored in th e flash memory in two sections, in the boot sector and in the file system.
Appendix A Boot Sequence fo r Downloading S oftware IPmux-1 6 Inst allation an d Op eration Manual A-2 Booting IPmux-16 BOOT Program V 2.0 7-29-98 08:37 Flash : size 400000h, FileSys sectors 64 BOOT Program is running !!! Checking File System.........
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Appendix A Boot Sequence f or Downloading Software Booting IPmux-16 A-3 Accessing the File S ystem The file system menu is an option t hat allows the user to pe rform basic file t ransfer opera tions. Th ese o pera tion s are a ll o ption al.
Appendix A Boot Sequence fo r Downloading S oftware IPmux-1 6 Inst allation an d Op eration Manual A-4 Booting IPmux-16 • Delet e the o pera ting file; the b ackup file becom es th e operatin g fil e. • Delete the con figuration file. • Delete all the s oftware and configuration files .
SNMP Environment B-1 Appendix B SNMP Management Appendix B provides spec ific information for IPmux-16 manageme nt by SNMP (Simple Net work Management Protocol).
Appendix B S NMP Man agement IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual B-2 SNMP Environment • getNex tRequ est : Command for retrieving seque ntially specific manage ment infor mation from the man aged enti ty. Th e man aged entity r espo nds w ith a getResponse message.
IPmux-16 Installation and Op eration Manual Appendix B SNMP Management SNMP Environment B-3 MIBs of gen eral inter e st ar e published b y the IAB in the fo rm of a Requ est fo r Comment (RFC) document. In ad dition, MIBs are also oft en assigned informal names that reflec t their primary purpose.
Appendix B S NMP Man agement IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual B-4 SNMP Environment SNMP Com muniti es SNMP delimits management domains by defining communities. Each community is identified by a name, which is an alphanume ric string of up to 255 charac ters defin ed by the u ser.
Using Telnet to Manage t he IPm ux-16 C- 1 Appendix C Telnet C.1 General Telnet, which stands for Telecommunications Net work, is a protocol t hat gives you the ability to connec t to a remote mach ine, by giving commands an d instruct ions intera ctively to th at ma chine, thu s creating an inter a ctive conn ection .
Appendix C T elnet IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual C-2 Using Telnet to Manage the IP mux-16 Figure C-1. Telne t Logon Dialog Telnet Oper ation Telnet a nd AS CII term inal canno t be ac tive at the sa me time. If a terminal is ac tive, a Telnet session cannot be established.
Inband TFTP Download Procedure D-1 Appendix D TFTP Download Procedures D.1 Inband TFTP Dow nload Procedure General New IPmux-16 softwar e version can be downloaded to th e IPmux-16 using T FTP.
App end ix D TFT P Down loa d Proce du res IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual D-2 Inband TFTP Download Procedure Prelimi nary Pr oced ure ➤ Before performing TFTP download: 1. Pin g th e IPmux -16 from the sta tion runn ing the TFT P server to ensu re tha t the IPmux-16 has communication with the machine.
IPmux-16 Inst allation and Operation Manual Appendix D TFTP D ownload Procedures Inband TFTP Download Procedure D-3 Fig ure D- 2. Agent a nd Serve r IP Addre sses Checking the Dow nloa d ➤ To check the download: 1. Log on the MIB Browser again, as follows: is o.
App end ix D TFT P Down loa d Proce du res IPmux-16 I nstallat ion and Operation M anual D-4 Inband TFTP Download Procedure Fig ure D- 3. System Descripti on.
DC Pow er Supply Connection – CBL-DC-3WL/F Note: Ignore this supplem ent if the unit i s AC-power ed. DC-powered units are equipped with a 3-pin D-type DC power input connector, located on the unit rear panel. Supplied with such a unit, is the CBL-DC-3W L/F DC c onnector cable f or attaching to your power supply source.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat RAD Data comm IPmux-16 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen RAD Data comm IPmux-16 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens RAD Data comm IPmux-16 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding RAD Data comm IPmux-16 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over RAD Data comm IPmux-16 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van RAD Data comm IPmux-16 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de RAD Data comm IPmux-16 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met RAD Data comm IPmux-16 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.