Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 43-3820 van de fabrikant Radio Shack
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Important Safety Instructions 2 +/2146#06 " 5#('6; " +05647%6+105 When using your telephone e quipment, ba sic safety precauti ons shou ld alwa ys be fol lowed t o reduce the risk of fire , electric s hock and injury to person s, inc lu ding t he fo llow ing: 1.
Importa nt Safe ty Ins truction s 3 1 1. Slots and o penings i n the tele phone’ s cabinet and t he back or bottom a re prov ided for ventila tion. T o protect the telephone from overhea ting, th ese open ings must not be blocke d or co vered.
Battery Safety Instruct ions 4 • If the product h as been e xposed to rain o r water . • If the pro duct d oes not op erate norm ally by follow ing the op erating instr uctions.
Introduction 5 • Charge the battery pack pr ovided w ith or identifi ed for u se with thi s produc t only in accorda nce with the instructions and limit ations specif ied in the ins truc t i on m anu al pr ovi de d for this pro duct. • Observ e proper po larity ori entatio n between the batte ry pack and bat tery charg er .
Important C aller ID Information 6 • caller’s nu mber o nly • caller’s name on ly • caller’s name an d numb er If you subs cribe to Call Waitin g ID and Caller ID, the system can sh ow you t he incom ing call er infor mation, ev en when y ou are a lready ta lking on the phon e.
Insta llati on 7 +056#..#6+10 / 1706+0) " 6*' " 2 *10 ' You can plac e the p hone on a de sk or table, mount it on a s tanda rd wall plat e, or di rectly on a wall.
Insta llati on 8 5. Plug the adapte r into a sta ndard A C outlet. 6. Lift the base’ s ante nna to a v ertical p osition. 1P " C " 9CNN " 2NCVG " QT " 9CNN To mount the phone di rectly on a wall , you need two screws (n ot suppli ed) with he ads that fi t into the keyhol e slots o n the b ase.
Insta llati on 9 % 100'%6+0) ." % *#4)+ 0) " #0& " 4 '2.# %+0) " 6*' " $ #66 '4; " 2 #%- The phon e comes with a r echargeab le Ni-C d (nickel -cadm ium) batte ry pac k instal led in each handse t, but n ot connec ted.
Insta llati on 10 About onc e a mont h, full y discharge the ba ttery pack b y keepin g the h andset off the ba se or crad le unti l Be mý8Wjj[ho Be mý8Wjj[ho Be mý8Wjj[ho Be mý8Wjj[ho flash es. Otherwi se, the ba ttery pack l oses its abili ty to fu lly re charge .
Insta llati on 11 displa y. The handset c harged in the cra dle must also be registere d with the b ase prior t o use. Place th e second handset on the base. The base’s CHARGE LED flashe s. When th e registrat ion is compl ete >I( >I( >I( >I( app ears in the seco nd hands et’s displ ay.
Insta llati on 12 If the ba ttery pow er is too l ow, the dial mode might reset to tone. If you ar e on a pul se lin e and ca nnot make a call, try re-sett ing the di aling mo de to pu lse. 5 '66+0) " 6*' " * #0&5'6 N 5 " 4 +0)'4 " 6 10' 1 8 1.
Insta llati on 13 5 '66+0) " # 761 " 6 #.- Your phon e is pr eset so you must press TA L K / FLAS H to answer a call. With Auto Talk turned on, you c an answ er a call by ju st lift ing th e hand set from the bas eo r crad le. Aut o Tal k is inde pen den t in each ha ndset.
Telephone Operation 14 1. Lift the hands et and hol d down CID/MENU until the men u appears . 2. Press 3 or 9 9 9 9 twice to select ý7h[Wý9eZ[ ý7h[Wý9eZ[ ý7h[Wý9eZ[ ý7h[Wý9eZ[ .
Telephone Operation 15 number inc lu din g ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ or # # # # . 9edd [Yj_d] 9edd[Yj_d] 9edd[Yj_d] 9edd[Yj_d] , then JW b a JW b a JW b a JW b a and the curre nt volum e setting app ears. To end a call, place th e hands et on the base o r cradle, or pres s END .
Telephone Operation 16 discon nec ti ng the curr ent call. Press T A LK/F LASH again to return t o the first call. If yo u do not ha ve any s pecial p hone s ervices, press ing T A LK/FLA SH might discon nect the c urrent call. 7 5+0) " 4 '&+#.
Telephone Operation 17 6 4#05 ('44+ 0) " # " % #.. You can transfe r an outsi de call fr om one handset to the ot her. ± Press TRSF/D EL during a call. Th e call is automat ically p ut on hold , and t he transfe r tone sounds . Pick up the other h andse t from the base or cr adle and p ress T ALK/FLASH .
Telephone Operation 18 1. Lift the hands et. 2. Hold down MEM until C[cehoý Ijeh[ C[cehoýIj eh[ C[cehoýIj eh[ C[cehoýIj eh[ and a lis t of memory location numb ers appea r . 3. Select a memo ry locati on ( 1 – 0 ) by pre ssi ng a number o r repea tedly pres sing 9 or 8 .
Telephone Operation 19 Line” on Pag e 16 and “ Enteri ng a Pause ” on Page 20). ±ý 8. Press CH/SEL . The ph on e b eeps an d C[ce hoýdý C[ceh oýdý C[ceh oýdý C[ceh oýdý Ijeh[Z Ijeh[Z Ijeh[Z Ijeh[Z ( d d d d is the m emory lo cation nu mber) appears .
Telephone Operation 20 'PV GTKPI " C " 2CWUG Some tel ephone system s require you to dial an acces s co de (9, fo r exampl e) and wa it for a se co nd dial ton e before y ou can dial an outside n umber. You can store th e access c ode with th e phon e number.
Telephone Operation 21 You can also dia l a memo ry number after pre ssing T ALK /FLA SH . Press MEM (the display does not change ), then ente r a memory l ocatio n number.
Caller ID Operation 22 4. Press CH/SEL .The phone be eps and DkcX[ hý Dkc X[hý Dkc X[hý Dkc X[hý Ijeh[Z Ijeh[Z Ijeh[Z Ijeh[Z ap pears. 7UKPI " 5RGGF " &KCN To dial the numbe r stored in spee d dial, li ft the handse t and pr ess SPEED DIAL .
Caller ID Operation 23 want to an swer the incomin g call, p ress TA L K / FLAS H . To resu me the pre vious ph one conversat ion, press T ALK/FLASH ag ain. 4 '8+' 9+0) " % #..'4 " +& " 4 '% 14&5 To review th e Call er ID record s, lift th e handset an d press CID/MENU .
Caller ID Operation 24 %CNNGT " +& " /GUUC IGU # &&+0) 1 & '.'6+0 ) " 6*' " # 4'# " % 1&' When the area c ode of the received call is the same as the o ne you s tored (see “Storing Your Area Code” on Pa ge 13), the Caller I D record does not show the area code .
Caller ID Operation 25 If it is a l ong d istan ce c all, pr ess 1 ( ' ' ' ' appears befo re the dis played nu mber) b efore you press TA L K / FLAS H . If you w ant to ad d or del ete the are a code, p ress 3 befor e you pres s T ALK/FLASH .
Answering System Operat ion 26 To delet e all Ca ller ID re cords: 1. Press CID/MENU to dis play the record tota ls. 2. Press TRSF/DEL . :[b[j[ý 7bb5 :[b[ j[ý7 bb5 :[b[ j[ý7 bb5 :[b[ j[ý7 bb5 appea rs. 3. Press 8 or 9 to move the curso r to O[ i O[ i O[ i O[ i , then press CH/SEL or TRSF/DEL .
Answering System Operat ion 27 2. Repea tedl y pres s 7 | on the ba se to m ove forward or | 6 to mov e backward un til the correct da y appears, th en press SET/RIN G . The system announc es and d isplays the ho ur . 3. Repea tedl y pres s | 6 or 7 | until th e correct hour app ears, then press SET/ RING .
Answering System Operat ion 28 5 '66+0) " 6*' " 4 '%14& " 6 +/' You can set the recording time to ' ' ' ' , * * * * , or 7 7 7 7 (Announc e Only) ý ýý ý to determine how the sy stem records incoming m essages.
Answering System Operat ion 29 6WTPKPI " VJG " /GUUCI G " #NGTV " 6QP G " 1HH " The Me ssage A l ert t o ne aut omati ca lly st ops wh e n you hav e listen ed to a ll the new mess ages. To turn of f the Mes sage Alert tone soon er, press any key on the base.
Answering System Operat ion 30 3. When yo u finis h your m essage, press OGM or PLA Y/STO P . The sys tem beeps and play s back your message . To delet e your outgoing message and us e the system ’s prerec ord ed mes s age s, pres s OGM , then press DELETE when your m essage plays.
Answering System Operat ion 31 messa ge. Each i ncoming mess age can b e up to one or four minu tes lo ng, de pendin g on how you set the reco rding ti me (see “Setting the Record Tim e” on Pag e 28) . The m aximum recor ding capac ity is about 16 minutes (or 59 mes sages).
Answering System Operat ion 32 2 .#;+0 ) " / '55#)'5 After the a nswerin g system ha s rec orded a messa ge, its m essage c ounter shows the total number o f messa ges store d. If you h ave new messages , the n umber of n ew messa ges flash .
Answering System Operat ion 33 & '.'6 +0) " / '55#)'5 To delet e the c urrent messa ge whil e it is pl aying, press DELETE . The sys tem beeps . To delet e all m essage s, while m essages are not playin g, pres s DELETE . The s ystem be eps and announc es, “To de lete a ll message s, press DELE TE again.
Answering System Operat ion 34 To chec k your co de at any ti me, pres s MENU twice. The cod e appears , and th e system a nnounc es it. 7UKPI " VJG " 6QNN / 5CXGT If the rin g time is set t.
Answering System Operat ion 35 If the system does not respon d , try e ntering your c ode aga in. If you en ter an i ncorrect code three tim es, the s ystem b eeps and discon nects. 4. While th e system is beep ing, p ress # and (within 2 secon ds) the nu mber fo r the desi red command.
36 Troubleshooting 4GOQVG " %QOOCPFU 6417$.'5* 116+0) 2TGUU "%" VJG P 6Q 1 Repe at curre nt messa ge durin g playb ack. If you pres s # # # # 1 within about 4 seconds after a messa ge begins (unless it is the firs t new message), the previo us mess ag e repl ay s.
37 Troubleshooting The ha ndset ba ttery pa ck does n ot char ge. If the ch arging co ntacts on th e hands et, cradle, o r base ar e dirty , clean them with a p enci l eras er . Be sure the battery p ack is connected correctly . Repl ac e the ba tter y pack.
Care 38 If yo u still h ave probl ems, d isconnect the pho ne. If other phones o n the same l ine work pro perly, the fault is in thi s phone o r its i nstallati on. If you canno t find the proble m, take y our phone to your local Radio Shack sto re for as sistanc e.
FCC Statement 39 and adv ises you of yo ur righ t to fi le a co mplai nt with the FCC. Also, the phone compan y can make ch anges to its lines, equipmen t, opera tions, or procedures that could a ffect the o peratio n of this teleph one.
43-3820 UCZZ01376BZ 09A02 Printed in China Radio Shack C orporation Fort Worth , Texas 7 6102 Limited One-Y ear W a rranty This pro duct i s warran ted by Ra dioSh ack agai nst m anufact uring de fec .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Radio Shack 43-3820 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Radio Shack 43-3820 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Radio Shack 43-3820 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Radio Shack 43-3820 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Radio Shack 43-3820 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Radio Shack 43-3820 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Radio Shack 43-3820 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Radio Shack 43-3820 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.