Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Race Scanner van de fabrikant Radio Shack
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Owner’s M anual Cat. No . 20-513 PR O-74 1 00-Ch annel VHF/UHF/Air/800 MHz Race S can ner Please re ad befo re usi ng t his equi pment. 20-5 13 .f m Pag e 1 We d ne s day , Au gus t 4, 199 9 2: 3 9 .
2 FEA TURES Your new Radi oSha ck PRO-74 100- Channel VHF/UHF/Ai r/800 MHz Race Scanner lets you in on the action in the pi ts at th e big race or on the str eets o f your home town .
3 Hypersear ch — lets you set t he sca nner to searc h at up t o 300 s tep s per sec ond, to help yo u quickly find int eresting broadcasts . (The nor- mal sea rch speed is 100 ste ps per sec ond).
4 Resume Start — t he scanner sav es its set t ings when you t urn the power off. Thi s r eturns you to t he functi on you were us ing if you acci- denta lly turn the scanne r off or the batter i e s are weak .
5 FCC NOTICE You r sc an ner migh t ca us e ra dio or TV int erf er ence eve n wh en it i s ope r- at ing prope rl y. T o dete rm ine w het her your sca nn er is ca using t he i nt erfe r- ence , tu rn of f y ou r sc ann er. If th e i n ter fe r en ce go es aw ay , yo ur s ca nn er is cau sing it.
6 CONTEN TS Pre p a ra t io n ..... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 9 Po wer So urc es . ... ..... .. .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... ... .... ... .. .....
7 Sp ec ial F eat ure s ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ... . 36 Turn ing Me mor y Ba nks On a nd Off ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... .... ... .. .... 3 6 Lockin g Out Ch annel s ..
8 PR EP A R A TI ON POWER SOURCES You ca n power your sca nner f rom any of t hree sources : • Interna l bat t e ri es (n ot supplied ) • Standard AC power using an optional AC adapte r • Ve hicle batt ery power using an opt i o nal DC adapter Using I nt ernal Bat teries You ca n power your scanne r using four AA batt er ies.
9 War nin g: Never se t ALKALINE JACK NI-CD to NI-CD if you ar e install ing non-r echargeable batteri es. Non- rechargeabl e batter i es can get hot or ex plode if y ou try t o r echarge th em. 3. Instal l two batteri es in t he compartment and two i n the cove r as indic at ed by the pol arity symbols (+ and –) marked insi de those locations .
10 Charging Nickel-Cadmi um Batteries The scanner has a built -in ci rcuit that lets you rec harge nic kel-c admium batt er ies whil e t hey are in the sc anner.
11 Using Standard AC P ower You can power the scan ner from a s tan dar d AC outlet usi ng an opti on- al AC adapter ( such as Ca t. No. 273-1665). Warni ng: Do not use an AC adap ter ’s polar iz ed plug wit h an extensi on cord, r eceptacle , or other o utlet unl ess the b lades can be full y inser ted to preven t blade expo sure.
12 Using V e hicle Battery Power To power the sc anner f r o m your vehi cle's cigare tte-li ghter soc ket, you need a DC adapter , such as Cat. No.
13 When you f i ni s h usi ng the DC adapter , disc onnect it f ro m the ci garette- light er s ocket, then disco nnect it fr om your scanner. Note: I f the scanner does not oper ate proper ly when you connect a DC adap ter , u npl ug t he ada pter from the cig are tte- light er sock et and cle an the socket to remove ashe s a nd othe r debris.
14 Connecting an Optional Antenna The scanne r’s antenna jack makes it easy to use t he scanner with a vari ety of ant enna s. Ins tead of either of t h e sup plied a nte nnas, you can att ach a diff erent one, su ch as an extern al mobil e antenna o r outdoor base sta tion antenna.
15 CONNECTING AN EXTE NSION SPEAKER In a noi sy area, an ex t ensi on spe aker (su ch as Cat. No. 21-549) , posi- tione d in the r i ght place, might pr ovide mo re comfortabl e list eni ng. Plug the s peaker cable’s 1 / 8 -i nch mini-pl ug in t o your scan ner’s jack.
16 Listeni ng S afely To prot ect your hearing, f oll ow these gui delines when you use a n ear- phone or head phones. • Do not l iste n at ext remely hig h vo lume le vels. Extend ed hi gh - volume l i s ten ing can lead to per m anent heari ng l oss.
17 UNDERST ANDING YOUR SCANNER Once you un derstand a few simple terms we use in this manual a nd familiar ize yourself wi th your sca nner’s feat ures, you ca n put the scanner to work fo r you. You simply find the comm unications you want to r eceiv e, then s et the scanner to scan them .
18 RACE — le ts you stor e car number s and frequen cies in th e scanner’s channel s, add and delet e frequenc ies from car number s, displa y car numb ers , and listen to the cha nnel wh ere a car number i s sto red. MAN — st ops scanning an d lets you di r e ctl y en ter a cha nnel number or fre quency.
19 A LOOK AT THE DISPLA Y The disp lay has ind i c ators t hat show the scanner’s current ope rating statu s. A good l ook at the d i sp lay w ill help you u nderstand how your scanner operat es. BANK — appea r s with nu mbers (1– 10) to show wh ich memory bank s are tur ned on for scann i ng .
20 No. — appears whe n a ca r number i s displ ayed MRN — a ppear s with CH w hen you select th e scanner ’ s mar i ne service bank (se e “Ser vice Banks” on Page 21). — appears when you li st en t o a prior ity channel . CH — di gi t s that preced e th i s ind icator sh ow whi c h of t h e 100 c hannels the sca nner is tuned to.
21 UNDERSTANDING BANKS Memor y B an k s To make it e asier to i dentif y and select t he channe l s you want to list en to, th e PRO-74’s ch annels are div i d ed into 10 banks of 10 channels each.
22 Name Typi cal Usage Frequency Range (in MH z) Your scan ner also has 7 prepr ogrammed weather fr equencies. For exampl e, if you want ed to search f or tran smissions bet ween a driver and that drive r’s pi t crew at an auto ra ce, y ou could sea rch on ly the ser- vice bank wher e y ou are most li kely to hear the t ransmi ssions ( CAr ).
23 OPE RA TI ON T URN ING ON THE SCANN ER AND SETTING SQUELCH Note: Mak e sure an an tenna i s connec ted to th e scanner be fore y ou turn it on. 1. T urn SQ UEL CH ful ly count erclockwi se. 2. T urn VOLUM E cl ockwis e unti l it clicks and you hear a h i s sing sound.
24 STORING KNOWN FREQUENCIES INTO CHANNELS Good refer ences for ac t ive f requencie s are the Radi oShack “Beyond Poli c e C all, ” “Aeronaut ical Fr equen cy Dir ectory,” and “Mar itime Fr e- quency Directo r y.” We updat e these di r ector ies ever y year, so be sure to get a curre nt cop y.
25 • Y our sca nner automati cally roun ds t h e ente red frequency to t he nearest valid fr equency . For example, i f you ent er a frequenc y of 151.47 3, you r scan ner accepts it as 151. 475. • Y our s canner au tomati cally delays scanni ng for 2 seconds after a transmi ssion ends befor e it pr o ceeds to the nex t cha nnel.
26 T o release hol d and contin ue searching, press HOL D or ho ld down t or s for more than 1 seco nd. Notes: • T o st ep throug h the fr equencies whi le HOLD is di splayed, press t or s . • I f you t une to a search s kip freque ncy , L/O appea rs (see “Se a rc h Sk ip M e mo ry ” on P ag e 27) .
27 Notes: • T o step thr ough the frequ enci es while HOLD is disp la y e d, pr e ss t o r s. • If you t une to a sear ch skip fre quency , L/O appear s ( s ee “Search Skip Memory” on Page 27). • T o stor e a f requen cy into a chann el while th e f requen cy is paused o r hel d, se e “Stori ng Activ e Frequenci es.
28 To sk ip a frequency , press S/S when the scan ner st ops on t he fre que ncy dur ing a sear ch. The scanner s tores the freq uen- cy in me mory a nd auto matical ly resu mes the sea rch. To clear a single frequ ency from search skip m emory so th e scanne r can sto p on it during a search , follow these st eps.
29 Note: You canno t use this proced ur e to s elect a car number. See “Viewing F requenci es Assoc iated wi t h a Car Number ” on Pa ge 33 t o select a car number . To m anuall y select a c hannel, press MAN , enter the chan nel nu mber, then pr ess MAN ag ain.
30 LISTENING TO WEATHER BROADCASTS The FCC (Fe deral Communi cati ons Commission) has alloc ated fre- quenci es for use by the Nat i onal Ocean ic and At mo spher ic Adminis t r a- ti on (NOAA). Regul atory ag encies in other count ries hav e also all ocat ed frequenci es for use by thei r weat her repor ting author ities.
31 USING THE PRO-74 AT THE RAC ES The PRO-74 is spec ia l ly designed t o help you l isten t o c ommunicat i on s at aut o r a ces. Driv ers and t heir pit cr ews and c or ne r watche r s, pac e car d.
32 Foll ow the se steps to stor e a car number and fr equency. 1. Press MAN th en R ACE. RACE an d Car No?--- appear s. 2. Enter the car number . If the number is one or two digi ts, ente r the numb er , th en press RACE . I f the number i s thr ee digits, ent er the numb er onl y .
33 Viewi ng Frequencies Associat ed with a Ca r Num ber After you store a car number and associa t e frequen cies with that num- ber, you can view all f req uencies associ ated with the numb er. 1. Pres s MAN then RACE. RACE and Car No?--- appea rs. 2.
34 FINDING WHAT CAR NUMBERS ARE IN WHAT CHANNELS If you are li st ening to a channel an d want to kn ow what c ar n umber you are hear i ng, sim ply press RACE twice. If a car numbe r has been asso- ciat ed with t his f requency, t h e car number and frequen cy appear .
35 SPECIAL FEA TURE S T URN ING MEMORY BANK S ON AND OFF You can turn each memory bank on and off . When you tur n off a bank, the s canner does not scan any of the 10 channel s in t hat b ank. While scan ning, press th e numb er key that cor respond s to the bank you want t o t urn on or off.
36 The scan ner aut omatical ly desig nates eac h bank's fi rst channel as i t s pri or ity cha nnel. Fol low these st eps to sel ect a dif ferent channel as t he pri or ity c hannel. 1. Press PROG . 2. Enter the channel number y ou want t o select as the pri or i ty ch an- nel , t hen pr ess PRI ORI TY .
37 USING THE KEYLOCK Once yo u set up and st ore chan nel s into your sc anner, you can p rot ect it f rom acci dental chang es by turni ng on the keyl ock featur e. When locked , t he only control s t hat operat e are SCAN , MAN , KEYL OCK/ , VOL UME , a nd SQUE LC H .
38 Notes: • Y ou can use Hypersearch o nly in th e 5 kHz step band s (29–54 MHz and 137 –174 MHz. • Since the mari ne servi ce bank is not in one of the 5 kHz step bands, you cannot use Hyperse arch i n the m ari ne servic e b ank. T URNING THE KEY T ONE OFF/ON Your sc anner comes s et so each ti m e you pr ess a key, you he ar a tone.
39 SKIPPING DATA SIGNA LS You can set t he scanner s o it sk ips n onm odul ated or data s ig nals (suc h as modem tr ansm i ssions) dur i n g a search or scan. Note: Si nce dat a signals are not gen erally f ound in t he air band, thi s featur e does no t work in the air band.
40 A GENERAL GUIDE T O SCANNING Recept ion of th e frequenci es covered by your scann er is m a inly “l ine- of- sight.” That means you usua lly cannot hear stat ions that are beyond the hor i z on.
41 Chan- nel No. Frequency C han- nel No. Frequency Ship Shore Ship Shor e Birdie Fr e quencies Every sc anner has birdi e freq uencies. Bi rdie s are signal s c reated i n- side the scanner ’s rece iver. Th ese oper atin g frequenc i es might inter- fere wi th br oadcasts on t he same freque ncies.
42 To fin d the birdi es in your partic ular scanner , begin by di sconnect ing the anten na and moving it away fr om the scan ner. Make sure that no other nearby radi os or TVs ar e t urned on near the sca nner. Use the sear ch funct ion to sear ch every fr equen cy range f r om it s lowest to the highe st fre quency.
43 Pr imar y U sag e As a general rule, most of the radio ac tivity is concen trated on t he fol- lowing fre quencies: VHF Band UHF Band Note: Remot e control stat ions and mobil e units oper at e at 5 MHz high- er than th eir associated bas e sta ti ons and rel ay r epe ate r units.
44 FIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fi re D epart ment HAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amate ur (Ham ) Radio GOV T . . . . . . . . . . .
45 42. 960– 43.18 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IND 43. 220– 43.68 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TELM, IND , PUB 43. 700– 44.60 0 . .
46 166. 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G OVT , RTV , FIRE 166. 275– 169. 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G OVT , BIF C 169. 445– 169. 505 . . .
47 Co nvent ional Sys tems Band – L ocally Assi gned 851 .012 5–85 5.98 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CSB Co nvent iona l/Tr unke d Sys tems Band – Lo ca lly As sig ned 856 .012 5–86 0.
48 TROUBLES HOOTING If yo u have problems, here are some suggest ions that might help. If none do , take you r scan ner to y our loca l R ad io Sh ac k st o re fo r a s- sist ance. PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Keys d o not wo rk or disp lay ch ange s at ra ndom .
49 BATT .Lo appe ars . Th e ba tte rie s are weak. Rec ha rge re cha rge ab le bat te rie s, or r epla c e no n- re charge able batte rie s. PROBL EM POSSI BLE C AUSE REMEDY RESETTING THE SCANN ER If t he scanner’ s display l o cks up or doe s not wor k proper ly afte r you connect power, you might need to reset the scanner .
50 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your Radi oShack PRO-74 100- Channel VHF/UHF/ Air/8 00 MHz Race Scanner is an example of super ior design and cr af t s mans hip. The fol - lowi ng suggesti ons will help y ou care for yo ur scanner so y ou can en- joy i t for year s.
51 SPECIFIC A TIONS Frequenc y Cover age ...... . .. ..... .. . .. ....... . ... . 29–5 4 MHz (in 5 kHz st eps) 108–136.9 75 MHz ( i n 12. 5 kHz st eps) 137–174 MHz ( in 5 kHz st eps) 406–512 M Hz (in 12.5 kHz steps) 806.00 00–823.93 75 MHz (in 12.
RadioSha ck A Divi sion of T a ndy Corpor ation Fort Wor th, T exas 76102 UBZ Z01 29 2Z Z 6A8 Pri nted in the P hil ip pi n e s Limited One-Y ear W arrant y Thi s product is warran ted b y RadioS hack.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Radio Shack Race Scanner (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Radio Shack Race Scanner heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Radio Shack Race Scanner vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Radio Shack Race Scanner leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Radio Shack Race Scanner krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Radio Shack Race Scanner bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Radio Shack Race Scanner kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Radio Shack Race Scanner . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.