Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product BlackWidow Chroma van de fabrikant Razer
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1 | razer ™ The Razer Blac kWidow mechanical gam ing keyboar d was firs t lau nched i n 2010 a nd quickly became the mos t popular and highes t se lling gamin g keyboard worldwid e, making its mark as the primary c hoice for eSports athletes.
2 | For gamers by gam ers™ CONTENTS 1. PACKAGE C ONTENTS / SYST EM REQ UIREM EN TS .................................... 3 2. REGIS TRATION / TECHNICA L SUPPORT ................................................... 3 3. TECHNICA L SPECIFICA TIONS .....
3 | razer ™ 1. PACKA GE CONT ENTS / SY STEM RE QUIRE MENTS PACKAGE CONT ENTS Razer Blac kWid o w Chroma Gaming Key board Quick Start Gu id e Important Pro duct Infor mat io n Guide SYSTE.
4 | For gamers by gam ers™ 3. TECHNICAL S PECI FICAT IONS TECHNICAL SPE CIFICATIONS Razer™ Mec hani cal Switches wit h 50g actuation force 60 million keyst roke life span Chroma back lighting with 16.
5 | razer ™ 4. DEVICE L AYOUT A. Volume c ontrol keys B. Media keys C. On - The-Fly macro record k ey D. Gaming mode k ey E. LED con trol keys F. S leep mode k ey G. LED indicators H. 5 ex tra macro keys I. Audio o ut jac k J. Microphone i n jac k K.
6 | For gamers by gam ers™ 5 . INST ALLING YOUR RAZE R BLAC KWIDOW CHROM A Step 1: Connect you r Razer device to the USB port of your computer. Step 2: Install Razer Sy napse w hen pro mpted* or download the insta ller from www.razerzo pse .
7 | razer ™ 6. USING YO UR RA ZER BLAC KWID OW CHROM A Pressing the “FN” key i n co mbin a tion with the f unction ke ys will activate th eir seco nd ary featu res. Function Keys Features Descri ption The audio volume con trols allo w y o u to mute ( ), decreas e ( ) and increas e ( ) the audio outp ut .
8 | For gamers by gam ers™ ON -THE-F LY MACRO RECORDI NG Follow these s teps to create an OTF Macro Reco rd ing: 1. Press the key comb in a ti o n to start reco rding. 2. Th e M acro R ecording I ndicator will light up to s how t hat the device is rea dy to record.
9 | razer ™ 7. CONFIG URING YO UR RAZER BLAC KWIDO W CHROMA Disclaimer: The features listed here req uire you t o log in to Razer Sy napse . These features a r e a lso subject to change based on the current software v ersion and your Operating System .
10 | For gamers b y ga mers™ Profile A profile is a convenie nt way of or ganizing a l l your c ustom setti ng s and you ca n have an infinite nu mb e r o f profiles at yo ur dis posal. Any changes made wit hin each ta b are automatically save d to the curre nt profile and s tored into the c loud servers.
11 | raze r™ Customize Tab The C ustomize Ta b is where you c an mo di fy the basic fu nctionalities of your device such as key ass ignments to suit yo ur ga ming nee ds. The c hanges made i n t hi s ta b a re automatically save d to your cu rrent profile .
12 | For gamers b y ga mers™ Key Assignm ent Menu Initially, eac h key is s et to DEFAULT . However, you may c hange the function o f this k ey by clicking the desired key to ac cess the Key As signment Men u. Listed belo w are the custo mization options and their descr iption.
13 | raze r™ Mouse Functio n Thi s o ption a llows you to cha nge any key into a mouse button fu nction. To c hoos e a mouse function , select M OUSE FUN CTION from the Key Ass ignment Me nu and a n ASSIGN BUTTON subme nu will appear.
14 | For gamers b y ga mers™ Switch Prof ile The S witch Profi le ena bles you to c hange profiles o n the fl y a nd i mmediately loa d all your pre-config ured settings. When you select Switc h Profi le f rom the Key A s signm ent Menu, a su b-men u will appear that wil l a llow you to choo se which profile to use.
15 | raze r™ Windows Short cuts Thi s o ption enables you to a ssign the key into a n Operat ing Syste m s hortcut co mma nd. For more informa tion please v isit: http://suppor om/kb/126449 Disable Thi s o ption re nders the ass igned key unus able.
16 | For gamers b y ga mers™ Lighting Tab The Ligh ting Ta b is w here yo u can customize the color o f t he li ghting of individ ual keys or select pre-loa ded lighting effects to be applie d to t he e ntire keyboar d .
17 | raze r™ Pre-loaded light ing effects A number o f pre -loade d ligh ting effects c an b e selecte d and a pplied to yo ur keyboar d lighting as a whole, s uch as spec trum lighting , b reathing etc.
18 | For gamers b y ga mers™ Gaming M ode Tab The Ga ming Mode Ta b allows you to c ustomize w hi ch keys to disable when Gamin g Mode is activate d. Dependi ng on you r settings, yo u may choose to disable t he Windows key, A lt + Tab a nd A lt + F 4.
19 | raze r™ MACROS TAB The Macros Tab allows you to create a series of precise keystrokes a nd b utto n presse s. Thi s ta b also a llow s you to have nu merous macros a nd ex treme ly lo ng mac ro commands at yo ur disposal.
20 | For gamers b y ga mers™ The Ma cro section allows you to i nput t he delay in -be tween comma nds. In R ECOR D DELAY t he dela y in- between com mands a re registere d as ho w it is entere d. T he DEFAULT D ELAY uses a p redefined time ( expresse d i n sec onds) a s the delay.
21 | raze r™ Once you have rec orded a macro, you m ay edit t he co mmands you have e ntered b y selecting each co mma nd o n the mac ro s creen. Each keys troke or b utton press is arranged seq uentially with the fi rst comma nd s hown at the top of the scree n.
22 | For gamers b y ga mers™ Once yo u hav e pressed the button, a ne w display wind o w w ill appear beside the list of macro comma nd s. The dr o pdown menu on this window allows you to c hoos e a keystroke or a delay to be ad ded in be fore o r after the hig hlighted macro c ommand.
23 | raze r™ You may a dd in a new set of macro co mmands by click ing the button o n the keystroke men u; or input time d e lays on th e duration fiel d u sin g the delay men u.
24 | For gamers b y ga mers™ 8. SAFETY AND M AINTENANCE SAFETY GUID ELINES In order to a chieve max imum sa fety whil e using your R azer B lackWido w Chroma , we suggest tha t you adopt t he following gu id e li nes: 1.
25 | raze r™ 4. During ga meplay, relax you r wr ist an d kee p it straig ht . If yo u do the sa me tasks with you r hands re peatedly, try n ot t o be nd, exte nd or twist your h an ds for lo ng periods. 5. Do not res t your w rists o n hard su rfaces for lon g perio ds.
26 | For gamers b y ga mers™ 9 . LEGALE SE COPYRIGHT A ND INTELL ECTUAL PROPERT Y INFORMAT ION ©2009-201 4 Raze r Inc. Paten t Pendin g. A ll rights rese rved. R azer, For Ga mers By Ga mers, a nd the triple- hea ded s nake lo go are tra demarks or re gistere d tradema rks of Razer Inc.
27 | raze r™ COSTS OF PR OCUREMENT For the avoida nce o f doubt, i n no ev ent will Razer be liable fo r a ny c osts of procureme nt u nless it has bee n a dvised o f the possi bility of s uch da mages, and in no case shall R azer be liable for any co sts of procurement lia bility exc eeding t he re tail purchase pr ice of t he Product.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Razer BlackWidow Chroma (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Razer BlackWidow Chroma heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Razer BlackWidow Chroma vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Razer BlackWidow Chroma leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Razer BlackWidow Chroma krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Razer BlackWidow Chroma bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Razer BlackWidow Chroma kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Razer BlackWidow Chroma . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.