Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 24927 van de fabrikant Ready Remote
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M M o o d d e e l l 2 2 4 4 9 9 2 2 7 7 ➤ O O w w n n e e r r ’ ’ s s / / I I n n s s t t a a l l l l a a t t i i o o n n G G u u i i d d e e.
i © 2006 Directed Electronics l l i i m m i i t t e e d d l l i i f f e e t t i i m m e e c c o o n n s s u u m m e e r r w w a a r r r r a a n n t t y y Dir ected Electronics (her einafter "Dir.
1 © 2006 Directed Electronics t t a a b b l l e e o o f f c c o o n n t t e e n n t t s s l l i i m m i i t t e e d d l l i i f f e e t t i i m m e e c c o o n n s s u u m m e e r r w w a a r r r r a a n n t t y y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 © 2006 Directed Electronics.
3 © 2006 Directed Electronics Inst all Guide what is included Con tr ol M od ule 6-Pin M ain H1 H arn ess 8-Pin H2 Secon d ary H arn ess H eavy Gaug e Wir es An tenn a an d cable T wo 5-button r em o.
4 © 2006 Directed Electronics important inf ormation Con gr atulati on s on th e pur chase o f your rem ote start keyless en try system. This system will allow conveni en t access to your vehi cle with th e push o f a button, as well as r em ote start an d oth er opti on al featur es .
5 © 2006 Directed Electronics f cc/id notice This d evi ce compli es with P art 15 o f FCC rules . Oper ati on is subject to th e f ollowin g con diti on s: (1) This d evice m ay not cause harmful in.
6 © 2006 Directed Electronics T O THE VEHI CLE. ALL DOORS LEADING FROM ADJ A CENT LIVING AREAS T O THE ENCLOSED OR P ARTIALL Y ENCLOSED VEHI CLE ST ORA GE AREA MU ST A T ALL TIMES REMAIN CLOSED. U se o f this pr od u ct in a m ann er con trary to its in tend ed m od e o f oper ati on m ay r esult in property d amag e , personal injury , or d eath.
7 © 2006 Directed Electronics Wiring Quick Refer ence Guide Heavy Gauge Wi r e s BLUE WHITE (+) YELLOW PINK PINK GREEN (+) output to ign/acc2 circuit YELLOW/RED (-) lock or (+) unlock output WHITE/RE.
8 © 2006 Directed Electronics H1 Harness - 6 pin connector ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Pin # Color N ote H1/1 Y ellow Selectable positive or negative parkin g ligh t output H1/2 Br own/White Use this wir e if the vehi cle is equipped with a factory alarm.
9 © 2006 Directed Electronics H2 Harness - 8 pin connector ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Pin # Color N ote H2/1 Gr een Use this wir e if the vehi cle fails to start corr ectly in voltage m ode H2/2 Blue Negative output to h orn or siren cir cuit. If your horn is positive , use a relay .
10 © 2006 Directed Electronics H3 harness - 3 pin connector ___ ___ ___ r elay heavy gauge wir es ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ BLACK (-) ground YELLO W (+) starter output PINK (+) 12 volt input WHITE (+) .
11 © 2006 Directed Electronics Installation Ov ervie w Be sur e to r ead this secti on th or oughly an d vi ew the Do-I t- Y ourself Installati on DVD vid eo in its en tir ety bef or e startin g th e in stallati on. P ay speci al atten ti on to all warnin gs to pr event per- son al injury or d am ag e to your vehi cle .
12 © 2006 Directed Electronics Step 1, Heavy Gauge Wir e Connections Gr ound Wir e Th e BLA CK wir e conn ects to th e pin ne xt to the li ght flash jumper fuse . First strip back a ¾-in ch secti on o f th e in sulati on o ff the BLA CK wir e an d crimp a rin g termin al (n ot pr ovid ed) to that wire .
13 © 2006 Directed Electronics On ce th e lower d ash pan el has been r emoved , locate the i gnition harn ess at th e back o f th e k ey cylin d er . This is usu ally a gr oup o f h eavy gaug e wir es (appr o xim ate 14ga.). Place th e black lead o f th e LED tester to a clean m etal surf ace in th e ki ck pan el ar ea an d secure it.
14 © 2006 Directed Electronics With th e k ey in th e o ff positi on, test th e suspect wir e . Th e con stan t power wir e will r ead 12V on th e multim eter .
15 © 2006 Directed Electronics If your vehi cle r equir es m or e than two i gnition s, an ad dition al r elay (n ot pr ovi d ed) is r equir ed. Refer to th e diagr am below .
16 © 2006 Directed Electronics A ccessory and Starter wir es Th e starter an d accessory wir es will be located in th e sam e harn ess as th e i gniti on an d con stant power . T o find th e accessory wire leave th e m ultim eter’s black lead conn ected to gr oun d .
17 © 2006 Directed Electronics If th e GREEN wir e is bein g used f or i gn2 an ad diti onal r elay (not pr ovi d ed) is r equir ed f or a 2n d accessory . Refer to th e di agr am below . N ow that th e accessori es have been located , fin d th e suspected starter wir e accor din g to th e web inf orm ati on.
18 © 2006 Directed Electronics M an y Nissan an d late-m od el Chrysler vehi cles have two starter wir es . A r elay an d/or r esistor (n ot pr ovid ed) is requir ed to hook up th e ad diti on al starter wir e .
19 © 2006 Directed Electronics Step 2, H1, M ain Harness Connections F actory Alarm Disarm Sin ce m an y n ewer vehi cles com e equipped with a f actory alarm it is n ecessary to disarm it wh en unlockin g th e d oors or durin g r em ote start. Do n ot mistak e a f actory alarm with an imm obilizer system.
20 © 2006 Directed Electronics P arking light flash Th er e ar e sever al differ en t types o f parking li ght cir cuits. Th e f ollowin g d escripti on is f or a stan d ard positive-tri gger ed parking- li gh t cir cuit, only .
21 © 2006 Directed Electronics Safety Shutdo wn Wir es With all i gniti on wir es pr operly conn ected , fin d the appr opriate safety sh utd own wir es . Th ese ar e th e br ake wir e and h ood pin wir es . First locate th e f actory br ak e wir e using your m ultimeter .
22 © 2006 Directed Electronics U sin g a sharp, poin ted object pok e a h ole in to th e gr ommet (bein g car eful n ot to d am ag e an y existin g wires in th e gromm et) an d attach th e wir e to th e object with electri cal tape .
23 © 2006 Directed Electronics Step 3, H3 Door Lock Connections Th er e ar e 8 differ en t types o f d oor lock systems (T ype A - H). Refer to th e vehi cle-specifi c wirin g in structi ons on th e web and th e chart below to h elp d etermin e whi ch d oor lock system your vehi cle uses .
24 © 2006 Directed Electronics All oth er d oor lock system s will r equir e ad diti onal r elays and/or r esistors . A Dir ected Electr oni cs 451M Doorlock m od ule can be used f or th ese oth er appli cati on s . Th e 451M also inclu des di agr am s an d r esistors r equir ed for m ost applicati ons .
25 © 2006 Directed Electronics Step 4, H2 Harness Engine Monitoring Explained Durin g r em ote start th e system will n eed to kn ow if th e engin e is runnin g. Th e m od ule d oes this by m onitorin g the voltag e of th e vehi cle's electri cal system (or th e tach om eter-see n e xt section).
26 © 2006 Directed Electronics T achometer Wire I d en tify th e suspected tach wir e accor din g to the web inf orma- ti on. N e xt, place th e black lead o f a MUL TI-METER on th e n ega- tive battery post an d secur e it.
27 © 2006 Directed Electronics o f in sulati on o ff th e tachom eter wire in th e vehicle an d solder th e gr een tach om eter input wir e to it. Th en wr ap th e connecti on with electri cal tape . LEARNING Y OUR T ACH SIGNAL If usin g a tach wir e , you m ust learn th e tach si gn al after completin g th e in stallati on.
28 © 2006 Directed Electronics Followin g is a bri ef d escripti on o f th e r emain der o f the wir es in th e H2 harn ess . For specifi c d etails on conn ectin g these outputs con tact T echnical Support at 1-800-477-1382. Horn/sir en wir e Th e Blue wir e pr ovi d es an output for activatin g the vehi cle horn cir cuit or an e xtern al sir en.
29 © 2006 Directed Electronics output. Th e output will th en r em ain on un til th e tr ansmitter button is r eleased . Retained A ccessory , Dome Light or Starter Kill wir e Th e Br own wir e has thr ee opti on al uses d ependin g on the vehi cle appli cati on an d user pr efer en ce .
30 © 2006 Directed Electronics Headlight Contr ol wir e Th e Y ellow/Brown wir e pr ovi d es an output f or activatin g th e vehi cle h eadli gh t cir cuit. It is con trolled by both th e igniti on switch an d th e tr an smitter . I t is pr ogr amm able in Featur e M en u 1/10 f or th e type o f i gniti on con tr olled activation.
31 © 2006 Directed Electronics Step 5, Mounting the Receiv er/Antenna Receiver/an tenn a positi on sh ould be discussed with th e vehi cle own er pri or to in stallati on, sin ce th e an tenna m ay be visible to th e vehi cle’s oper ator .
32 © 2006 Directed Electronics.
33 © 2006 Directed Electronics S tep 6, Immobilizer Bypass Modules M ost n ewer vehi cles have a f actory en gin e imm obilizer system d esi gn ed to pr even t any un authorized use o f the vehi cle . These imm obilizers will cut o ff power to th e starter an d th e fuel supply pr even tin g a thi ef fr om starting th e vehicle .
34 © 2006 Directed Electronics Step 7, Pr ogr amming Pr ogr amming tr ansmitter s Y our system can learn up to 4 tran smitters. Th e f ollowin g pr oce- d ur e will sh ow you h ow to ad d ad diti onal tr ansmitters or r eplace old on es .
35 © 2006 Directed Electronics Y ou can learn mor e than one tr an smitter fun cti on at a tim e by advan cin g to an oth er tr an smitter learn Step.
36 © 2006 Directed Electronics T r ansmitter Button Pr ogr amming Chart T r ansmitter Button A uto-Learn Remote Start/Stop CarFind er & Disarm/T runk P op Head Li ght con trol, P anic & Silen.
37 © 2006 Directed Electronics Pr ogr amming System Settings M an y o f th e featur es an d oper ati ons o f this system can be chan g ed to suit m ost o f tod ay's vehi cle electrical system s. Th e pr ogr ammin g r outin e an d featur e men us that follow will allow m akin g th e chan g es r equired f or most vehi cle installati ons .
38 © 2006 Directed Electronics opti on a. Opti on 1: Pr ess th e tr an smitter button assi gn ed to th e Rem ote Start fun cti on (usu ally th e button) to set f actory d ef ault Opti on 1. Th e LED will turn ON an d th e H orn/Sir en will pulse on ce .
39 © 2006 Directed Electronics Exiting F eatur e pr ogr amming: Th e f ollowin g will cause th e system to e xit pr ogr amming an d is in di cated by 5 sh ort chirps o f th e H orn/Sir en output. a. M or e than 15 secon ds lapses between inputs by M om en tary switch or tr an smitter button b .
40 © 2006 Directed Electronics F eatur e Menu 1 Descriptions 1. En gin e M onitorin g: Defin es h ow th e engin e is monitor ed while th e Rem ote Start is active . 1. N o T ach: The battery voltag e will be used to m onitor th e en gin e while Rem ote Start is active .
41 © 2006 Directed Electronics 5. W ait-T o-Start: This chooses th e m eth od o f Starter output d elay f or Di esel en gin es . 1. Di esel Input wir e: An input on th e "Red/Blk" wir e will d elay th e Start output un til th e input ceases .
42 © 2006 Directed Electronics 1. H orn: Th e output will be pulsed d urin g full tri gg er even ts 2. Sir en: Th e output will be con stan t d urin g full tri gg er even ts . 10. H eadli gh ts: Selects th e oper ati on o f the "Y ellow/Brn" h ead- li gh t output wir e wh en an i gniti on input is sen sed.
43 © 2006 Directed Electronics F eatur e Menu 2 Chart F eatur e Menu 2 Descriptions 1. Armin g T ype: Selects if th e alarm will arm by on e or both avail- able m eth ods . 1. A ctive: Th e alarm will arm vi a tr an smitter only 2. P assive: The alarm will arm vi a tran smitter and P assive Armin g criteri a.
44 © 2006 Directed Electronics 2. P assive: The d oors will lock when arm ed via tr ansmitter , P assive Armin g an d A uto Re-armin g. 3. I gniti on Lockin g: Selects if th e d oor locks will activate after an i gniti on input is sen sed . 1. Off: Th e Door Lock output will n ot activate d ue to an i gniti on input sen se .
45 © 2006 Directed Electronics 7. Lock Dur ati on: Selects th e d ur ati on o f the pulses wh en Locking an d U nlockin g th e d oors. 1. Sh ort pulse: Th e Door Lock & U nlock outputs will be 800mS in d ur ati on. 2. Long pulse: Th e Door Lock & Unlock outputs will be a 3.
46 © 2006 Directed Electronics 11. A cc pulse/Dom eLi gh t/ Starter Kill-An ti-grin d: This contr ols th e output o f th e "Br own" output wir e . 1. Accessory Pulse: This output will pulse 10sec after th e Rem ote Starter sh uts d own, e x cept wh en th e i gnition input is active .
47 © 2006 Directed Electronics Sy stem Diagnostics Alarm diagnostics Wh en armin g or disarmin g th e alarm, this system will alert you o f alarm tri gg ers or active inputs by chan gin g th e H orn/Sir en and li gh t flash output. I t will th en in di cate th e active input by flashin g th e LED.
48 © 2006 Directed Electronics Alarm Input Chart LED Flash es Input Descripti on 1 Th e 'Gr ay/Blk' Input wir e 2 Th e 'Or an g e' Br ak e Input wir e 3 Sen sor Input 4 Sen sor In.
49 © 2006 Directed Electronics Remote Start Diagnostics Remote Start Diagnostics: Rem ote Start di agn osti cs ar e an importan t tool that will di ag- n ose th e status o f th e r em ote start system by lettin g you kn ow wh y it r em ote started , sh ut d own or r efused to start as expected .
50 © 2006 Directed Electronics Last Start Diagnostics: Th e system h olds in m em ory th e r eason f or the m ost recen t r em ote start activati on. This di agn osti c r eport must be r ecalled usin g th e f ollowin g oper ati on: 1. T urn th e i gniti on ON an d th en OFF in less than 5 secon ds 2.
51 © 2006 Directed Electronics Shut Do wn Diagnostics: Th e system h olds in m em ory th e r eason f or the m ost recen t r em ote start sh ut d own. This di agn osti c report m ust be recalled usin g th e f ollowin g oper ati on: 1. Step on th e f oot br ak e an d h old un til Step 4 has begun 2.
52 © 2006 Directed Electronics T esting the sy stem On ce steps 1-7 have been completed , th e oper ati on o f th e system can be tested . En sur e that th e two 30-amp fuses ar e in th e r elay harn ess PINK wir e fuse h old ers . M ak e sur e that the vehi cle is in park with the em er g en cy br ak e on an d the h ood closed.
53 © 2006 Directed Electronics Neutr al Safety T est Som e vehi cles d o n ot have an electri cal n eutral safety switch. In stead , a m echani cal n eutr al safety switch that ph ysically in ter- rupts th e starter wir e is used wh en th e vehi cle is in an y d rive gear .
54 © 2006 Directed Electronics 2. M ak e sur e th e h ood is closed an d th ere ar e no r emote start sh ut-d own s active . 3. Set th e em er g en cy brak e . 4. T urn th e k ey to th e "run" positi on, this will r elease th e shifter . 5.
55 © 2006 Directed Electronics T roubleshooting Th e i gniti on com es on, but th e starter will n ot cr ank. Does it start with th e k ey in th e i gniti on? If so, d oes th e vehicle have an en gin e imm obilizer? Does it start with th e br ak e ped al d epr essed? (M ak e sur e to disconn ect th e brak e shutd own when perf ormin g this test.
56 © 2006 Directed Electronics Ch eck to en sur e that th e h ood is n ot open an d that the br ake ped al is n ot d epr essed . Ch eck harn esses and conn ection s. M ake sur e th e harn esses ar e fully plugg ed in to th e rem ote start mod ule . M ak e sur e th er e are g ood connecti ons to th e vehicle wirin g.
57 © 2006 Directed Electronics M M o o d d e e l l 2 2 4 4 9 9 2 2 7 7 ➤ O O w w n n e e r r ’ ’ s s G G u u i i d d e e.
58 © 2006 Directed Electronics Owner’s Guide N ow that th e in stallati on is complete an d tested , it is time to learn about th e m an y outstan din g r em ote start, security an d conveni en ce featur es that ar e in clu d ed in your system.
59 © 2006 Directed Electronics ➤ T runk pop output will disarm your alarm an d open th e trunk as you appr oach your vehi cle ➤ H eadli gh t output can oper ate as d aytim e runnin g li ghts f or.
60 © 2006 Directed Electronics OPERA TING YOUR S YSTEMS FEA TURES Th e Rem ote Start, Alarm an d Conveni en ce featur es d escribed in this secti on f ollow th e tr an smitter button assi gnm ents usin g the A uto-Learn step wh en pr ogr ammin g a tr an smitter .
61 © 2006 Directed Electronics Wh en you ar e r ead y to d rive the vehi cle: ➤ In sert th e i gniti on k ey and turn it to th e ON (not th e ST ART) positi on.
62 © 2006 Directed Electronics ➤ Th e user steps on th e br ak e as th ey begin to d rive th e vehi cle Safety shut do wn inputs: While th e vehi cle is runnin g d urin g rem ote start operati on, .
63 © 2006 Directed Electronics ➤ Th e H orn/Sir en will chirp on ce an d th e li ghts will begin flashin g to in di cate Qui ck Stop M od e is active . ➤ T urn th e i gniti on k ey to th e OFF positi on. (Th e engin e will stay runnin g.) ➤ Exit th e vehi cle an d arm/lock th e d oors .
64 © 2006 Directed Electronics T o de-activate Daily Start: ➤ Pr ess an d h old th e & button s on your tran s- mitter f or m or e than 3 secon ds ➤ A ctivate V acati on M od e ➤ Th e parkin g li gh ts will flash 4 tim es to confirm Daily Start has been d e-activated .
65 © 2006 Directed Electronics T o de-activate V acation M ode: ➤ Pr ess an d h old th e & button s on your tran s- mitter f or m or e than 3 secon ds ➤ A ctivate Daily Start ➤ A ctivate th.
66 © 2006 Directed Electronics Alarm and Security F eatur es T r ansmitter Arming o f the Alarm Y ou can arm the system by pr essing th e button o f your tran s- mitter f or on e secon d . Wh en th e system arm s , the H orn/Siren output will chirp on ce an d th e parkin g li gh ts will flash on ce .
67 © 2006 Directed Electronics A uto-r earming featur e A uto-r earmin g is d esi gn ed to pr otect the vehi cle in case of unin- ten d ed disarmin g o f th e alarm. I t will autom ati cally r e-arm th e alarm an d lock th e doors 120 secon ds after an y tr an smitter disarm occurs .
68 © 2006 Directed Electronics T r ansmitter Disarming the Alarm T o disarm the security system, pr ess the button o f th e tr an s- mitter . Wh en the system disarm s , th e H orn/Sir en output will chirp twi ce an d th e parkin g li ghts will flash twi ce .
69 © 2006 Directed Electronics T o active P anic M od e: ➤ Pr ess an d h old th e button on the tr ansmitter f or 6 secon ds ➤ Th e H orn/Sir en output an d li gh t flash will activate f or 45 se.
70 © 2006 Directed Electronics V alet Mode V alet M od e will d efeat th e alarm tri gg er and r emote start oper a- ti on s while leavin g all oth er security an d convenien ce features available su ch as P ani c , T runk P op, Door Lock/U nlock an d Carfin d er .
71 © 2006 Directed Electronics Conv enience F eatures Carfinder F eatur e This featur e allows you easily locate you vehi cle in lar g e an d d ark- en ed parkin g ar eas by pulsin g th e li gh ts and H orn/Siren outputs .
72 © 2006 Directed Electronics ➤ Pr ess an d h old f or 3 secon ds th e button on the tr an smitter an d th en r elease it. ➤ Th e h eadli gh t output toggle on/o ff accor din g to its pr esen t .
73 © 2006 Directed Electronics Glossary o f terms Contr ol Module: Th e “br ain” o f your system. U su ally h idde n u nde r th e d ash ar ea o f th e vehi cle . I t houses th e micr oprocessor that m onitors your vehi cle an d con tr ols all system fun cti ons .
74 © 2006 Directed Electronics N N o o t t e e s s _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________.
75 © 2006 Directed Electronics QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE: Alarm Operation ■ T o Arm and Lock: Pr ess the button f or on e second . The d oors will lock and the parkin g ligh ts and H orn/Siren will pulse on ce . ■ T o Disarm and U nlock: Press th e button for on e second .
The company behind this system is Dir ected Electronics Since its inception, D irected E lectronics has had one purpose, to pro vide consumers with the finest vehicle security and car stereo pr oducts and accessories available.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Ready Remote 24927 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Ready Remote 24927 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Ready Remote 24927 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Ready Remote 24927 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Ready Remote 24927 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Ready Remote 24927 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Ready Remote 24927 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Ready Remote 24927 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.