Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DAT115 van de fabrikant Roberts Gorden
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W ARNING FOR Y OUR SAFETY If you smell g as: 1 . Open windo ws. 2. DO NO T try to light an y appliance. 3. DO NO T use electrical s witches. 4. DO NO T use any t elephone in your b uilding. 5. Leav e the build ing. 6. Immediatel y call your local gas supplier af ter leaving the b uilding.
© 2007 R ober ts-Gor don, LLC All rights reserved. No part of this work cover ed by the cop yr ights herein ma y be repr oduced or copied in any f or m or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mecha.
TABLE OF FIGURES Fi gur e 1: C ondens e Drain ................. ............ ................ ............ 3 F igur e 2: In stalla tion Cle arance s and Cl earanc es to Comb ustibl es .......... ................. ...................... ............ 4 Fi gure 3: Susp ension Methods .
1 Pr oduct Appro val ROBERTS GORDON ® appliances have been tested and CE certified as complying with the essential requirements of the Gas Appliance Directive, the Low V oltage Directive, the Electro.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 2 SECTION 1: HEATER SAFETY Y our Saf ety is Impor tant t o Us! This s ymbol is used thr oughout the manual t o notify y ou of pos sibl e f ir e, electrical or burn hazar ds.
SECTION 3: C RITI C AL C ONSIDER ATIONS 3 SECTION 3: CRITICAL CONSI DERATIONS 3.1 Basic Inf ormation The CTUD heat er that f orm s the heati ng section of the Dual Air ® unit ha s an automa tic ignit ion b ur ner and ma y be operat ed as fully modulating or ON/ OFF operat ion.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 4 F i gure 2: Installation Cl earanc es and Clear ances to Combust ibles W ARNING Fire H a z ard S ome objects will catch fire or explode when placed close to heater .
SECTION 4: S PECIFICATIONS 5 SECTION 4: SPECIF ICATIONS 4.1 D A T 225 Air Intak e Flue Heater Section F an Compar tment Electrical Connections (behind door) Filt er Compar tment Condense Drain Air Out.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 6 4.2 Gener al T echnical Data T able Electrical load at 230v 50Hz meas ured by calc ulating fr om tot al run curr ent of a ppliance . * Do not e x ceed the maximum l ength of f lue stat ed or heat er may not oper ate properly .
SECTION 4: S PECIFICATIONS 7 4.3 T echni cal Data T able - Heater Sect ion Appliance C ategor y II 2H/L 3B/ P Gas rat es correct ed to st andar d conditions 1 0 1 3.25 mbar 1 5°C. * See P age 44, F igur e 19 f or detailed Combinat ion F an/L imit Thermostat set tings .
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 8 4.4 DualA ir ® P erf ormance Data - Graph of A ir Flo w s v Static P ressur e 4.4.1 D A T75 and 9 0 (2.2 kW or 4 kW mot or) 4.4.2 D A T1 0 0 and 1 1 5 (4 kW motor) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2.
SECTION 5: H EATER I NSTALLATION 9 SECTION 5: HEATER INSTALLATION 5.1 Gener al D ualAi r ® units ar e designed f or i nstalla tion abo v e 2.5 m. W hen connect ed to duct del iv er y sy stems an y suitab le locati on wi ll be a cceptable . F or floor mounting , the DualA ir ® unit ma y stand dir ectly on i ts base .
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 10 SECTION 6: FLUE INSTALLATION 6.1 Flue Instal lation The f lue m ust t er minate outside of the b uilding . Flues and air int akes must be fully sealed and corr ectly sized f or the model.
SECTION 6: F LUE I NSTALLATION 11 5. Ref it the ai r int ake spigot t o the fl e x ib le hose re- using the hose clamp and to th e upper panel using the original scr ews . 6. Align the fl ues ’ inner and out er spigots and at tach thr ough the holes in the upper panel re- using the original scr ews .
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 12 F igure 7: V er tical and Hor izontal Flue T ermination - T ype B 22 Appliance F igure 8: V er tical and.
SECTION 7: A IR S UPPLY 13 SECTION 7: AIR SUPPLY 7 .1 Room Sealed Insta llation W hen inst alled as a r oom sealed hea ter , the a ir f or comb ustion i s dra wn in fr om outside th e b uilding . It is impor tant t o ensure that ther e is adequat e v entilation to pr ovide air f or the distribu tion f an/s.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 14 SECTION 8: OPTIONAL HEATER CONFIGUR ATIONS 8.1 Distr ib ution Duct D ualAi r ® units ar e designed t o be connect ed to distrib ution and air inl et ductin g .
SECTION 9: G AS P IPING 15 SECTION 9: GAS PIPING It is impor tant that the gas supply pipe and the electrical co nnections do not support any of the heat er’ s weight.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 16 SECTION 1 0: WI RING AND ELECTRICAL INF ORMATION 1 0.1 Electr ical Suppl y All heat er models need a constant 400 V 50 Hz 3 ø supply co nnecte d t o terminals L 1 ,L 2 , L 3 , N & Earth.
SECTION 1 0: W IRING AN D E LECTRICAL I NFORMATION 17 1 0.3 D A T Main Circuit Board T erminal Identi f ication T er minal Number Use R ela y/F uncti on Operat ion 1 Input or Output Extern al F an Con.
SECTION 1 0: W IRING AN D E LECTRICAL I NFORMATION 19 1 0.5 D A T Wir ing Diagr am 7 R1 230 V motor fan main R1/1 Condensor control circuit limit devices 9 Aux contact A2 overload & Fuse 5A 2 4 6 .
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 20 1 0.6 D A T Site Connections at Main Cir cuit Board 9 10 1 L1 N L3 L2 3 2 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.
SECTION 1 1 : C OMMISSION ING 21 SECTION 1 1: COMMISSIONING Gas Fi red Heat er Inst allation , ser vice, commissioning and ann ual inspecti on of the heat er must be done b y a contr act or qualif ied in the insta l lation and service of ga s-f ired heati ng equipment.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 22 F i gure 1 2: A utomatic Bur ner Contr ol Box Sequence F i gure 13: M odur eg Gas V alv e Burner sequenc.
SECTION 1 1 : C OMMISSION ING 23 1 1 .4.2 Commissioni ng the Gas V alves All Dual Air ® units are f it ted w ith fully modulati ng bu r ner opera tion. The Hone ywell aut omatic gas v alv es are f it ted wit h the Honeyw ell Modureg modulating r egulat or .
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 24 w ater collection and a shor tened heat e x changer life. P ress ure S witc h The pre ssure s w itch is f actory pre-set f or each model and i s not adj ustab le.
SECTION 1 2: U SER I NSTRUCTIONS 25 SECTION 1 2: USER INSTRUCTIONS 1 2.1 User Instructi ons The DualA ir ® units ar e fully aut omatic and operat e fr om the e xternal contr ols fit ted on sit e. The only user contr ols at the heater ar e the: Bur ner loc kout r eset but t on: .
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 26 1 2.3.3 Burner Lock out Reset But ton The r ed warning light w ill illuminat e when the control has gone t o lock out. This ma y be caused by f lame f ailure .
SECTION 1 2: U SER I NSTRUCTIONS 27 W ARNING FOR Y OUR SAFETY If you smell g as: 1 . Open windows. 2. DO NOT try to light an y appliance. 3. DO NOT use electrical s witches. 4. DO NOT use any t elephone in your b uilding. 5. Leave the build ing. 6. Immediately call y our local gas supplier af ter leaving the b uilding.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 28 SECTION 1 3: SERVICING 1 3.1 Servicing Instruct ions Af ter commis sioning , the DualA i r ® unit w ill r equir e maint enance t o be carried out annually .
SECTION 1 3: S ERVICING 29 1 3.5 Gas Contr ol V alve Maint enance No r egular mai ntenan ce is r equir ed on these de vices. T o change gas contr ol v alv es , See P age 36, St ep 16.1 and P a ge 40, Section 1 6.5 . Do not repai r or disassemb le on site.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 30 SECTION 1 4: CON VER SION BETWEEN GA SES 1 4.1 General C onv ersion bet w een g asses wi ll re quir e a change of bu r ner inject ors and t he gas v alv e re-c ommissioning t o the ne w conditio ns.
SECTION 1 5: T ROUBLESHOOTING 31 SECTION 1 5: T ROUBLESHOOTING 1 5.1 General W ARNING Explosion Hazard Installation must be done by a registered installer/ contractor qualified in the installation and service of gas-fired heating equipment or your gas supplier.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 32 1 5.2 T roub leshooting F or A utomatic I gnition Bur ner Sy stems If prob lems persist, contact ROBERTS GORDON ® at T el: +44(0) 1 90 249 8733 or www .rg-inc.
SECTION 1 5: T ROUBLESHOOTING 33 1 5.3 T roub leshooting f or Flame Supervision S yst em Repair or r eplace as necessary . If prob lems persist, contact ROBERTS GORDON ® at T el: +44(0) 1 90 249 8733 or www Contr ol box f ault y . Replace with correct type.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 34 1 5.4 T roub leshooting f or Solenoi d V alv es 1 5.5 T roub l eshooting f or Main F an V alve f ault y .
SECTION 1 5: T ROUBLESHOOTING 35 1 5.6 T roub leshooting f or Fan Contactor Replace combination thermostat. Wiring faulty or faulty combination thermostat. Investig ate. If prob lems persist, contact ROBERTS GORDON ® at T el: +44(0) 1 90 249 8733 or www .
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 36 SECTION 1 6: REMO VAL AND REPLACEMENT P AR TS See w ar nings and not es on P age 2 8, Section 1 3 bef ore r emoving or r eplacing parts. Burner Components All serviceabl e b urner par t s ar e accessed b y the door on t he side of the heat er .
SE CTI ON 1 6: R EMOV AL AND R EPLA CEME NT P AR TS 37 1 6.2 Burner Compartment 1 6.2.1 Burner Inject ors Remove flexible air duct from spigot Remove access plate Remove screws and pull off burner cov.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 38 1 6.3 Ignition Electr ode and Flame Probe. Flame Probe Ignition Electrode Remove Screw Ignition Electrod.
SE CTI ON 1 6: R EMOV AL AND R EPLA CEME NT P AR TS 39 1 6.4 Flue Fan IT IS IMPORT ANT THA T ONL Y THE CORRECT FLUE F AN SPECIFIED FOR EA CH MODEL TYPE IS USED WHEN REPLA CING THESE ITEMS. C arry out a commission af te r working on or changing a f lue f an.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 40 1 6.5 Heater P ressure S wit ch P ull of f 3 wa y connect or . Spring open plas tic clips of mounting cr adle. R eplace w ith corr ect type of pr essur e sw itch f or model.
SE CTI ON 1 6: R EMOV AL AND R EPLA CEME NT P AR TS 41 1 6.6 Cooling Coil Safety De vices 1 6.6.1 Cooling Coil F r ost Thermost at The sensing element f or thi s de vice is ins er ted int o the poc k et of the cooling coil situated th rough the access hole in the coil cov er .
SE CTI ON 1 6: R EMOV AL AND R EPLA CEME NT P AR TS 43 1 6.8.1 F an R em ov al and R eplacement 1 . Remo ve mot or leaving the pul le y in place. See P age 4 2, Section 1 6.8 . 2. Remo ve scr e ws securing the fan outl et flange to the f an panel. (captiv e nuts) 3.
D UAL A IR ® H EATING AND COOL ING U NITS I NSTALLAT ION O PER ATION AND S ER VI CE M ANUAL 44 F i gure 1 9: Combination F an/Limit Thermostat Dial Set P o int 3 Li mit T emp.
www P rinted in U.S .A P/N 91 040089 Fax: +44 (0)121 506 7701 Service T elephone: +44 (0)121 506 7709 Service Fax: +44 (0)121 506 7702 E-mail: uksales@rg-inc.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Roberts Gorden DAT115 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Roberts Gorden DAT115 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Roberts Gorden DAT115 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Roberts Gorden DAT115 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Roberts Gorden DAT115 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Roberts Gorden DAT115 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Roberts Gorden DAT115 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Roberts Gorden DAT115 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.