Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product RSX-1057 van de fabrikant Rotel
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Owner’ s manual RSX-1057 Surround Sound Receiver II .
Not ice T he C OM P UT E R I/O c on n e c t io n s ho ul d be h an d le d by au th o ri ze d pe r so n onl y . FCC Information Th is equipme nt has been teste d and found to compl y w ith the lim its for a Class B digi tal device, pur suan t to Pa rt 15 of the F CC Rul es.
4 RS X - 1 05 7 Surr ound Soun d R eceiver 1 : Controls and Connections .
6 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver 3 : Connecting the Speak ers .
7 Englis h .
8 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver 5: TV Analog Connections .
9 Englis h 8: Cable , Sat ellite, or HDTV Analog Connections .
10 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver 9: V CR An alog Con nections 1 0 : CD Player /CDR Recorder Connections .
11 Englis h 1 1 : Au dio R ecorder C onnections .
12 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver .
13 Englis h Conten t s Boxed numbe rs ref er to R SX- 1057 illus trat ion. Boxed let ter s refer to R R- 1060 ill ust rati on. FCC Inf orma tion .................................................. 3 Cau tio n ...........................................
14 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver TUN E But ton PR E SE T Bu t ton P-TUN But to n ..............................................25 SC A N Bu tto n ...............................................2 5 RD S/ RBD S But ton s ....................
15 Englis h About Ro tel A fam ily whose passionat e interest in mus ic led them to manufa cture high fidelit y com - ponents of uncompromi sing qualit y f ounded Rotel 40 years ago.
16 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver Unpacking Remove the unit carefully from its packing. Fin d t h e re m o t e c o n t ro l a n d ot h e r ac c e s - so ri e s. S a ve t h e b ox a s i t wi ll p ro t e ct th e RSX- 1 057 if you move or nee d to ret ur n it for main ten ance.
17 Englis h VIDEO 1 –5 A udio In puts Fiv e pair of RCA inputs, lab eled VI DEO I N 1 – 5 , pro vide connections for left/ right ana - log audi o sig nals f rom five additional source compone nts. These inputs ha ve correspond - ing vide o inputs and are used for VCRs , sat - ellite T V tuners, D VD players , etc.
18 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver Ou tp ut C on v er s io n: Th e RS X- 1 05 7 co n v er ts Co mp os it e and S -V ideo s ig na ls to Com po nen t Video signals for output to an NTSC or P A L T V monitor . S -Vi deo signals cannot be con - vert ed to Composite out puts and vice versa.
19 Englis h HDMI connectio ns: • T he RSX -1 057 u s es t he H DM I Ver . 1 . 1 standard. TV monitors w ith HDMI inputs should be compatible wi th this version .
20 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver T o use the remote turn on feat ure, conne ct one of the R SX- 1 05 7’ s 1 2 V TRIG OUT jack s to the 1 2 volt trigger input of a Rotel amplifier , using a c able with mono 3 .5 mm mini- plu gs on bot h ends.
21 Englis h High Definitio n TV s : With a high- definition cable or satellite tuner and an HDTV monitor , you should use Com - ponent Vide o and/ or H DMI vide o connec - tions from the t uner . If the tuner has a DVI - D output, thi s can us ually be connec ted to the HDM I inpu t on the RSX- 1 057 using a DVI - HDMI adapte r .
22 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver Whe n usi ng the HDMI outp ut , the RS X- 1 05 7’ s menu s cre ens and signa ls from no n - H DM I compone nts cannot b e di splaye d on the T V monitor . Therefore , it is usually advisabl e to make co nnections using Component Video cables in addition to HDM I connections.
23 Englis h AM Antenna See F igure 1 2 The RSX- 1 057 includes a p lastic lo op ant en - na to receive A M radio signals. Remov e this antenna from the box and loc ate it near the RS X- 1 057 . It can b e tac ked to a wall, using the mou nti ng tab pro vid ed.
24 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver Many o f t he RR - 1 060 functions duplicate the fr ont pan el cont r ols . Fo r that rea son , we co ver the control s on the remote under appropr iate topics thr oughout this manual.
25 Englis h Surround Mode Buttons Fiv e buttons on t he remote (2CH , P LC , PLM, 5CH, 7CH ) a n d f ou r b u t t on s o n t h e f ro nt panel (2CH, DO LB Y PLI Ix Mo de, D TS /Neo 6 , DSP) allow direct selection of c er tain sur - round modes. The function of these but tons varies depe nding on the t ype of recording being pla yed.
26 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver V olume Adjus tments T he li st en in g vo lu m e of th e R SX - 1 05 7 ca n be ad - justed from the front panel or the remote. Front Panel : Rotate the front pane l VOL - UME knob clockwise to incr ease the volum e, counterclo ckwise to decrease.
27 Englis h Ove r view o f Surr ound Form at s To g e t t h e b e s t p e r f o r m a n c e f r o m y o u r RSX- 1 057 , it hel ps to u nderst and the many surround sound for mats available t oday , to know w hich de coding proces s to use for a parti cul ar rec ord ing , an d how to select it .
28 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver DTS N eo : 6 Th e R SX -1 0 57 f e a t u r e s a se co n d t y p e o f D TS surr ound sound dec oding: DTS Neo:6. This de coding system is s imilar t o Dolby Pro Logic II and is designed for p layb ack of any 2- c ha nne l s t ere o r ec o rdin g, eit h er ma tr ix - en co d e d o r n ot.
29 Englis h Other Digital Formats Sev eral other dig ital format s are not sur rou nd sound fo rmats a t all, but rather systems for digi tal 2 - channe l r ec ordings . PCM 2-channel : This is an uncompresse d 2 - channel digi tal signal such as that used for standard CD recordings and some DVD re - cordings , particularl y of older films.
30 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver • Dolby 3- channel stereo (left/ righ t/ center) of 2 - channel r ec ordings . • 5 - ch an n el o r 7 - ch an n el s t er e o f ro m 2 - channel recording s. • One of four MUSIC mode s for DSP con - cert hal l si mu lati on fr om 2 - cha nnel recor d - ings.
31 Englis h DTS 5. 1 di scs DTS 96 / 24 discs DTS-ES 6. 1 dis cs D TS deco ding is auto - dete cted and cannot be overridden. Y ou may , however , sel ect a 2 c hannel downmix of 5 . 1 channel rec ord- ings o r add Rotel XS center b ack proc essing for 5 .
32 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver Analog Stereo This t yp e of recording inclu des an y conven- tional stereo signal from the RS X- 1 05 7’ s ana - log i nputs, including analog audi o from CD players, FM tuners, V CRs, tape de cks, etc.
33 Englis h ing fidelit y . Th e actu al amount of comp res- sion relies on instructions emb edde d in t he Dolby Digital recording and varies to best suit the specific program c ontent. Ther e are three dynam ic ran ge set tin gs avai l - able for Dolby Digital recordi ngs: • M A X : full dynamic range.
34 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver I n th e n or m a l F RE Q U E N C Y t un i n g m od e , press a TUNING but ton ( CH UP /DOW N on the rem ote ) a nd rele ase t o manual ly jump to the next station f requenc y , regardless of whether or not a station is broadcasting on tha t fre que nc y .
35 Englis h SCAN But ton This button ac tivates a preset scanning fea - ture. When you press the but t on, the t uner begins sc anning through all me morized sta - tion preset s, playing e ach f or 5 seconds be - fore moving to the n ext. T o stop t he station scanning when the de sired station preset is reached, press the butt on again .
36 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver Zone 2 Ope ration The RSX- 1 057 provides Zone 2 multi - room capabilit y , allowing you to enjoy music and o p e ra t e th e s ys t e m f ro m a s e c o n d ro o m.
37 Englis h SE TUP Th e RSX- 1 057 fe a tu res t wo t yp e s of inf o r- mation di spla ys to help operate the system. The first consi sts of si mple status di splays that appe ar on the T V screen and/ o r front panel display whe never primar y set tings ( V olume, In put , etc .
38 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver Configur ing Inputs A key ste p in set ting up t he RSX- 1 057 is to configure each source input using the INPUT SETUP screen s.
39 Englis h GROUP DEL A Y: Also known as “ lip -syn c” delay , this set ting dela ys the audio signal for an input by the spe cified amount t o ma tch the vide o input.
40 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver DTS N eo : 6 DTS Neo:6 MODE:Cinema INPUT SETUP MENU When D TS Neo:6 i s selec ted as the def ault surround mode o n the I NPUT SE TUP menu , there ar e add.
41 Englis h Speaker Setup SPEAKER SETUP FRONT:Large CENTER:Large SURROUND:Large CENTER BACK:Large1 SUBWOOFER:Yes ADVANCED:Enter MAIN MENU The SPEA KER SET UP me nu is use d to con - figure the RSX- 1 057 for use with your spe cif - ic lou dspeakers and to determine t he b ass management configuration as describe d in the previo us overview .
42 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver would se lect 60Hz for the front speakers o n this line . This set ting ONL Y af fect s redirected bass and does not af fec t the LFE channel in any way .
43 Englis h T est T one TEST TONE LEFT:+ 1dB CENTER:- 1dB RIGHT:+ 2dB R SURROUND:+ 5dB R CTR BACK:+ 2dB L CTR BACK:+ 2dB L SURROUND:+ 4dB SUBWOOFER:+ 9dB MAIN MENU This menu u ses filte red pink no i.
44 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver Contour Setup CONTOUR SETUP SPEAKER:Front DEFEAT:On HF CONTOUR:+5 LF CONTOUR: 0 MAIN MENU The CONTOUR SETU P menu allows digital adjustment of t he b ass and treble response of e ac h gr ou p o f sp e a ker s i n t h e s ys t e m.
45 Englis h Zone 2 Setup ZONE2 SETUP SOURCE:Off VOLUME SETUP:Variable VOLUME:60 TURN ON VOL:Last MAX VOL:Max 12V TRIGGER:Off MAIN MENU The Z ON E 2 SETU P menu provides set tings and configuration options r elat ed to the op - eration of Zone 2 . This menu i s reache d by highl ighting the ZONE 2 line o n the M AIN menu and pressing ENTER.
46 RS X - 1 05 7 S urroun d Soun d R eceiver T o memorize USE R DEFA UL T set tings : Man y of the curr ent co nfig ur ati on se ttin gs can be stored as a USER D EF AUL T , w hich can be activated at any time from this menu screen.
47 Englis h Specifi cations Audio Cont inuous Ampli fie r Po wer (fi ve ch annels drive n) 7 5 watts/ch ( 20 -20k Hz, < 0. 05% THD , 8 ohms) Cont inuous Ampli fie r Po wer (t wo channels drive n) 1 00 wat ts/ ch (1 kHz, < 1 .0 % THD , 8 ohms, DIN ) T ot al Harmo nic Distor ti on < 0.
The Rotel Co. Ltd. 10-10 Shinsen-Cho Shibuya-Ku T okyo 150-0045 Japan Phone: +81 3-5458-5325 Fax: +81 3-5458-5310 Rotel of America 54 Concord Street North Reading, MA 01864-2699 USA Phone: +1 978-664-.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Rotel RSX-1057 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Rotel RSX-1057 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Rotel RSX-1057 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Rotel RSX-1057 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Rotel RSX-1057 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Rotel RSX-1057 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Rotel RSX-1057 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Rotel RSX-1057 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.