Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 943NWX van de fabrikant Samsung
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L CD-Monitor Chassis : L S 1 9 M Y N Model : 943NW / 943NWX SERVICE Manual TFT -L CD Monitor Contens 943NW / 943NWX Refer to the service manual in the GSPN (see the rear cover) for the more information. 1. Precautions 2. Product specication s 3. Disassembly and Reassembl e 4.
Contents 1. Precautions .............................................................................................................. 1-1 1-1. Safety Precautions ................................................................................... ....
GSPN (Global Service Partner Network) Area Web Site North America Latin America CIS Europe China Asia http://asia.
3-1 3. Dis ass emb ly and Asse mbl y 3. Disassembly and Assembly Thi s s ect ion de scr ibe s t he dis ass emb ly and re ass emb ly seq uen ces fo r t his mo nit or . W arni ng: As t his mo nit or has pa rts th at are se nsi tiv e t o s tat ic ele ctr ici ty , be ca ref ul whe n h and lin g t hem .
3-2 3. Dis ass emb ly and Asse mbl y Des cr ipt io n Pho to Scr ew s 4. Rem ove th e S HIE LD- LAM P us ing th e p rov ide d J IG. Ca uti on: The SH IEL D-L AMP is s har p. 5. Rem ove th e L VDS , L AMP wire , F UNC TIO N cab le, an d S PEA KER ca ble , a nd the n r emo ve the SH IEL D-C OVE R.
3-3 3. Dis ass emb ly and Asse mbl y Des cr ipt io n Pho to Scr ew s 9. Rem ove th e m ain PC B a nd IP b oar ds fro m t he SHI ELD -co ver . The assembly is in the reverse order of disassembly .
3-4 3. Dis ass emb ly and Asse mbl y 3- 2. H AS S T AND D is as se mb ly Des cr ipt io n Pho to Scr ew s 1. If the St opp er PIN at th e b ack of th e s tan d i s not re mov ed, pl ace a sof t c lot h o n t he tab le and pla ce the mo nit or on it, an d t hen ho ld the mo nit or set an d r emo ve the St opp er PIN at th e b ack of the st and .
5-1 5. Exp lod ed V iew & Par t L ist 5. Exploded V iew & Part List 5- 1. S IM PL E ST AN D Ex pl od ed V ie w (L S1 9M YN KF Z/ XBM) T0003 M0215 M0174 M0081 M0081 T0514 M0006 M0013 M0003 M002.
5-2 5. Exp lod ed V iew & Par t L ist 5-1-1. LS19MYNKFZ/XBM Parts List (943NWX) Location No. Code No. Description & Specication Q’ty SA/SNA Remark T0003 BN96-07592B ASSY COVER P-FRONT;[Mckinley]LS19MYW,ABS 1 S.A M0215 BN07-00462A LCD-PANEL;M190A1-L07 1 S.
5-3 5. Exp lod ed V iew & Par t L ist 5-2. LS19MYNKFZ/XBM Parts List Ser vic e B om ( SA : S ER VIC E A V AILABL E, SNA : S ER VICE N OT A V AIL ABL E) Level Location No. Code No. Description & Specication Q’ty SA/SNA Remark LS19MYNKFZ/XBM 943NWX,SAL1/S19B8-LMY,19,LCD- MO,ECUADOR 0.
5-4 5. Exp lod ed V iew & Par t L ist ......6 PCB BN41-00947A PCB SUB-FUNCITION;Mckinley function,FR-4 1 S.N.A 0.1 M0112 BN91-01877A ASSY SHIELD;MCKINLEY 19,LS19MYW 1 S.N.A ..2 BN63-03965A SHIELD-LAMP;943BW/NW,SPTE,T0.3,(Wide) 1 S.N.A 0.1 M0107 BN91-02069A ASSY LCD-CTZ;LS19MYN* 1 S.
5-5 5. Exp lod ed V iew & Par t L ist ....4 Q205 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,S C-59 1 S.A ....4 Q207 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,S C-59 1 S.A ....4 Q409 0505-001165 FET-SILICON;SI3443BDV,P,-20V,+-4.4A,65mo 1 S.
5-6 5. Exp lod ed V iew & Par t L ist ....4 R110 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A ....4 R110 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A ....4 R110 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A ....4 R110 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.
5-7 5. Exp lod ed V iew & Par t L ist ....4 C120 2203-005005 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,10%,16V,X7R,1608 1 S.A ....4 C120 2203-005005 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,10%,16V,X7R,1608 1 S.A ....4 C120 2203-005005 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,10%,16V,X7R,1608 1 S.A ....4 C120 2203-005005 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,10%,16V,X7R,1608 1 S.
5-8 5. Exp lod ed V iew & Par t L ist ..2 T0376 6902-000379 BAG AIR;LDPE,T0.2,W1000,L1800,TRP,-,-- 0.001 S.N.A ..2 T0003 6902-000604 BAG WRAPPING;LDPE,T0.02,W500,L10000,T RP, 0.79 S.N.A ..2 M0081 6902-000609 BAG ROLL;LDPE,T0.05,W2400,L1000,TRP,-,- 0.
1-1 1. Precautions 1. Precautions 1-1. Safety Precautions Follow these safety , servicing and ESD precautions to prevent damage and to protect against potential hazards such as electrical shock. 1-1-1. W arnings For continued safety , do not attempt to modify the circuit board.
1-2 1. Precautions 1-2. Servicing Precautions W ARNING: An electrolytic capacitor installed with the wrong polarity might explode. Caution: Before servicing units covered by this service manual, read and follow the Safety Precautions section of this manual.
1-3 1. Precautions 1-4. Installation Precautions For safety reasons, more than two people are required for carrying the product. Keep the power cord away from any heat emitting devices, as a melted covering may cause re or electric shock. Do not place the product in areas with poor ventilation such as a bookshelf or closet.
1-4 1. Precautions Memo.
2-1 2. Product specications 2. Product specications 2-1. Feature & Specications Model 943NW / 943NWX Feature Pan el Spe ci cat ion s: 300 cd /m2 , 5 ms , C R 1 000 :1, 17 0/1 60 (CR &g.
2-2 2. Product specications 2-2. Spec Comparison to the Old Models Model Mckinley(943NW / 943NWX) Mendel(931BW) Design Size 19” 19” Resolution 1440 x 900 1440 x 900 Input Analog / DVI Digital w.
2-3 2. Product specications 2-3. Accessories Product Description Ccde. No Remark Quick Setup Guide BH68-00376L Samsung Electronics Service center W arranty Card (Not available in all locations) BH68-00633B User ’s Guide, Monitor Driver , Natural Color Pro Software BN59-00585A D-Sub(15 Pin) Cable BN39-00244G Power Cord 3903-000082 2-4.
2-4 2. Product specications Memo.
7-1 7. Schematic Diagram 7. Schematic Diagram 7-1. Circuit Descriptions Location Function Remark Scaler IC200 Besides the ADC, L VDS, and scaling part, an MCU is embedded as well. All of them are integrated into one chip. SE556M-LF Flash Memory IC201 Stores the MCU program embedded in the scaler .
7-2 7. Schematic Diagram 7-2. Schematic Diagrams (Scaler Part) P A N E L 24C08 EEPROM 1MB Flash Interface Engine Inverter 3.3V Regulator 1.8V Regulator 14.318MHz XTAL (PC)ANALOG R G B HSYNC VSYNC Function Key Display Processing Engine LVDS Panel Interface OSD Clock Generator MCU SE717M-LF +5 +5 +5 +5 8Bit 8Bit +5 +5 ISP ISP 7-3.
7-3 7. Schematic Diagram 7-4. Schematic Diagrams (IP Board) SMPS Part .
7-4 7. Schematic Diagram Inverter Part .
7-3 7. Schematic Diagrams 7-5. Schematic Diagr ams (Main PBA) This Document can not be used without Samsungs authorization. 105'C 105'C 105'C SDR3.3 VDDC VDDP AVDC1.8 VDDC VDDP VDVI SDR3.3 AVDC3.3 AVDC3.3 AVDC1.8 VDVI CHK_DSUB 56OHM 100PF +3.
4-1 4. Troubleshooting 4. T rou ble sh oo ting 4- 1. T r ou bl es ho ot in g Set cu sto m m ode as fo llo ws bef ore be gin nin g a re pai r . • R eso lut ion : 1 440 x 900 • V -freq uen cy: 60 Hz If the sc ree n i s b lan k, che ck whe the r t he pow er cor d i s c onn ect ed cor rec tly .
4-2 4. Tr oub les hoo tin g 4- 2. W he n th e Po we r Does N ot T ur n On Sym pto m - Wh en tur nin g o n t he Pow er but ton af ter co nne cti ng the po wer ca ble , t he LED at th e f ron t o f t he mon ito r d oes no t o per ate .
4-3 4. Troubleshooting 4- 2- 1. Circ ui t dia gram s wh en th e po we r do es not tu rn o n.
4-4 4. Tr oub les hoo tin g 4- 3. W he n th e sc re en is bl an k (A na log) Sym pto m - L Eve n t hou gh the LE D p owe r t urn s o n, the sc ree n i s b lan k w hen co nne cti ng the VG A cab le. Maj or chec kpo int s - E ven th oug h t he LED po wer tu rns on , t he scr een is bl ank wh en con nec tin g t he VGA cabl e.
4-5 4. Troubleshooting 4- 3- 1. When a b lan k sc re en i s d ispl ay ed ( Ana log) 3 4 ② ①.
4-6 4. Tr oub les hoo tin g 4- 3- 2. W avef or ms wh en n o sc re en is d is pl ay ed (Ana lo g) ① ④ ③.
4-7 4. Troubleshooting 4- 4. E rr or E xa mp le s and Act io ns Err or Appea ran ce Sym pto ms and Acti ons Rem ark s Sy mp to m: DVI si gn al s ar e no t re co gn iz ed . Ca us e: Th is e rr or o cc ur s be ca us e th e PC c an no t re co gn iz e th e mo de i nf or ma ti on s in ce t he DV I DD C is n ot i np ut t o th e mo ni to r .
4-8 4. Tr oub les hoo tin g 4- 5. Ad ju st ment 4- 5- 1. Serv ic e Adju st me nt C on di ti ons Pre cau tio ns bef ore a Ser vic e Adj ust men t 1) Che ck whe the r t he dev ice s f or the se rvi ce adj ust men t a re ope rat ing no rma lly . 2) Sec ure a spa ce tha t i s s uf cie ntl y w ide fo r d isa sse mbl ing th e m oni tor .
4-9 4. Troubleshooting 4- 5- 2. Serv ic e Fun ctio n Sp ec ic atio ns Checking the Code V ersion 1. Che ck the MC U c ode ve rsi on and ch eck sum af ter en ter ing SV C M ode . 2. Ente rin g S VC Mod e - Adj ust th e B rig htn ess an d C ont ras t v alu es to 0.
4-10 4. Tr oub les hoo tin g 2. Pre ss the - but ton to ch ang e t he set tin g t o O n o r O f f. When replacing the panel Aft er rep lac ing th e p ane l, mov e t o t he Pan el ite m a nd hol d d own th e M enu bu tto n f or ve (5 ) s eco nds . The Ch .
4-11 4. Troubleshooting Inputting the DDC Data Use th e D DC Man age r M TI- 205 0 v ers ion or la ter . 1) Cli ck the Op en [F5 ] i con . 2) Sel ect a por t. 3) Ope n a DD C le. 4) Sel ect a dat e a nd cli ck the OK [S ave ] b utt on. 5) Cli ck the Ne xt [OK ] b utt on.
4-12 4. Tr oub les hoo tin g Inputting the MCU Data 1) Che ck the fo llo win g o pti ons . - Man ufa ctu re: MS T AR - Dev ice T ype: TSU M16 _RO M12 8K_ ext _a sh - Com mun ica tio n P ort : D SUB.
4-13 4. Troubleshooting 3) Cli ck the Auto Pr ogr am but ton . 4) Whe n p rog ram min g a nd ver ic ati on are co mpl ete , h ard po wer th e m oni tor of f and th en on aga in.
4-14 4. Tr oub les hoo tin g Me mo.
6-1 6. Wiring Diagram 6. Wiring Diagram 6-1. Wiring Diagram - Main Board Lamp wire for Panel L VDS for Panel VGA Input.
6-2 6. Wiring Diagram 6-2. Wiring Diagram - IP Board Function Connector (Connect to IP-Board) RGB Connector (PConnect to PC) L VDS Connector (Connect to Panel) IP board EEPROM 3708-001 150 Scaler SE71.
6-3 6. Wiring Diagram 6-3. Connector Functions Connector Functions CN600 Supplies 5V from the power board to the main board and transmits the PWM output from the power board to the inverter . *When a problem occurs: The No Power and Blank Screen errors may occur .
6-4 6. Wiring Diagram Memo.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Samsung 943NWX (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Samsung 943NWX heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Samsung 943NWX vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Samsung 943NWX leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Samsung 943NWX krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Samsung 943NWX bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Samsung 943NWX kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Samsung 943NWX . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.