Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SCX-4500 van de fabrikant Samsung
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User ’ s Guide Monoc hr ome Laser Multifunction.
© 2007 Sa msung Ele ctroni cs Co., Ltd . All rig hts re served . This use r ’s g uide i s provide d for in format ion pu rposes on ly . All i nformatio n incl uded h erein i s subje ct to chan ge w ithout noti c e.
C ONT ACT SAMSUNG WORLD WIDE If you have any comments or questions regarding Samsung produ cts, contact the Samsung customer care center . Country Custom er Ca r e Center Web Si te ARGENTINE 0800-333-373 3 www AUSTRALIA 1300 362 603 www .
C ONTENT S About this user’s g uide ..... ............ ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........ ......... ........... ...... ........... ..... i Finding mor e informat ion .................. .....
7. Basic printing Printing a documen t ......... ............ ................. ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ..... ............ ........... ........... 7. 1 Cancelin g a print j ob ... ........... ..........
i About t his user ’ s guide This user’s guid e p rovid es in forma tion about basic u nd erst and ing of the machi ne as well as de taile d expl anat ion on each s tep duri ng the a ctu al usage . Bo th nov ice u sers and p rofes siona l use rs ca n ref er to this g uide for instal ling a nd usin g the mach ine.
ii Safety and Re gulatory Inf ormation Import ant Precautions and Safety Information When us ing thi s machin e, t hese ba sic safety prec aut ions sh oul d alw ays be followed to redu ce ri sk of fire, e lectr ic sho ck a nd injury to p eople : 1 Re ad an d under stand al l i nstr ucti ons .
iii Ozone Sa fety During norm a l operat ion, t his m achi ne pr oduc es oz one. The ozon e pro duce d doe s no t pres ent a haza rd to th e oper ator. However, it is advi sable that the mac hin e be oper ated i n a wel l ve nti lat ed area . If you ne ed addition al inform atio n abo ut ozon e, pleas e reques t you r nea rest Sams ung deale r .
iv Fax Branding The T el ephon e Co nsum er P rotectio n A ct of 19 91 mak es it u nlaw ful fo r any perso n to use a co mpu ter or oth er electro nic de vice to se nd any m es sage via a tele phon e .
v Declaration of Conformity (European Countries) Approvals and Certificat ions The C E m arkin g app lied t o this prod uct s ym boliz es Sam sung Elect ronics C o.
1 .1 < Introduct ion> 1 Introd uction Thank yo u for pu rchasi ng thi s Samsun g mult ifunct ional produc t. Y our machine provid es pri nting, copying and s canni ng func tions. This chapt er in clude s: • S pecial featu res • Machine overview • Control p a nel ov erview Caution • This produ ct is high gloss y .
1 .2 < Introduct ion> Machine over view These are the main com ponen ts of your machine. Front view Note • All il lustrat ions on t his us er’s guide may dif fer from your ma chine . • Th e surf ace of the out put t ray may beco me hot if you p rint a la rge nu mber of pages a t once .
1 .3 < Introduct ion> Rear vie w 1 rear cove r 3 power recepta cle 2 power swi tch 4 USB port.
1 .4 < Introduct ion> Control p anel overview dis play 1 Shows th e current s ta tus and pro mpt s dur ing an operation. The messag e shows with spec ific LEDs as below . LEDs are working with short mes sage on a d isplay . • error LED Blinks when th e error o ccurs on your machi ne.
2 .1 < Software over view> 2 Software ov erview This chap ter gives y ou an o vervi ew of the s oft ware th at comes with you r machine . Furthe r det ails on how t o use the so ftware are ex plain ed in the Softwa re se ction .
2 .2 < Software over view> Printer dr iver feat ures Y our printer driv ers supp ort the f ollowin g st andard features: • Paper siz e, orien tat ion an d media ty pe • Number of copies In additio n, you can u se variou s spe cial printing fe atures .
2 .3 < Software over view> Linux Macinto sh Item Requirement s Operat ing sys tem • Red Hat 8 ~ 9 • F edora Cor e 1 ~ 4 • Mandrake 9 .2 ~ 10 .1 • S uSE 8 .2 ~ 9. 2 CPU Pentium IV 1 GHz or h igher RAM 256 MB or hi gher Free HDD space 1 GB or higher Soft ware • Li nux Kern el 2 .
3 .1 < Getting Start ed> 3 Getting Started This chapt er gi ves you step-b y-ste p inst ructio ns for sett ing up the machi ne. This chapt er in clude s: • Setting up t he hardware • Altitud.
3 .2 < Getting Start ed> Altitude ad justment The print quality is aff ected b y atmosph eric pre ssure, wh ich is dete rmine d by the hei ght of the ma chine above sea lev el. The follo wing inf ormati on will gui de you on h ow to set yo ur machin e to the b est print q uality or best qualit y of print.
4 .1 < Loading original s and pri nt medi a> 4 Load ing ori ginal s an d pri nt media This cha pter int roduce s you how to l oad ori ginal s and print medi a into your mac hine.
4 .2 < Loading original s and pri nt medi a> Selec ting pri nt me dia Y ou can print on a variet y of prin t media , such as plain p ape r , labels, and transp arenci es. Alw ays u se pri nt me dia th at meet t he gu idelin es fo r use with your mac hine.
4 .3 < Loading original s and pri nt medi a> Speci fications on print me dia Note • Due to th e nature of the pro duct, th e env elope typ e of m edia cann ot be u sed wi th your mach ine. •Use the prin t med ia type m ention ed bel ow only .
4 .4 < Loading original s and pri nt medi a> Guidelines for special print media Media type Guid el ines T ransp ar encies • T o av oid da maging th e mac hine, use only transp arenci es des igned fo r use i n lase r mach ines. • T ranspa rencie s use d in th e machi ne must b e able to w ithst and the m achin e’s f using temper ature.
4 .5 < Loading original s and pri nt medi a> Loading p aper in the tr ay Load the print media y ou use for the m ajority of yo ur print job s in the tray . The tray can ho ld a m aximum of 100 sheets of 75 g/ m 2 ( 2 0 lb bond ) plain paper. 1 Press the tray op en butt on, the n the tray pop s out.
4 .6 < Loading original s and pri nt medi a> 2 After in sertin g pa per int o the tr ay , while pinchin g the p ape r wid th guide as shown, move it tow ard th e stac k of p ape r until it lightly touches the si de of t he sta ck. Do n ot pres s the guide too tig htly to the edge of the p ape r; the g uide may bend the p aper .
5 .1 < Copy ing > 5 Copying This cha pter giv es you i nforma tion a bout us ing your ma chine as a cop y machi ne. This chapt er in clude s: • Copyin g original s • Changi ng the setting s for eac h copy Copying or iginals This is t he normal and us ual p rocedu re for co pying y our orig inals .
6 .1 < Scanning > 6 Scanning Scanning w ith your mac hine le ts you tu rn hard cop y original s into dig ita l files. Refer to t he Scannin g p art of So ftware sect ion.
7 .1 < Basic print ing> 7 Basic prin ting This cha pter expla ins common prin ti ng tasks . Y our mac hine allo ws yo u to print from v ariou s Wind ows, Ma cinto sh, or L inux applicat ions. Note The f ollow ing p roce dure i s fo r Wind ows ope rati ng sy stem.
8 .1 < Maintenan ce> 8 Maintenance This cha pter prov ides in formati on for mai nta ining your mac hine a nd the toner cartri dge. This chapt er in clude s: • Printing a mach ine repor t • .
8 .2 < Maintenan ce> 3 With a dry lint-fr ee clo th, wipe away an y dust a nd spi lled t oner from the toner c artridg es area an d thei r cavi ties. Note If toner ge ts on you r cloth ing, wipe i t of f with a dry c loth and wash it in cold water .
8 .3 < Maintenan ce> Cleani ng the scan uni t Keeping th e sca n unit cle an hel ps ensur e the b est poss ible c opies. W e suggest t hat you clea n the s can u nit at the st art o f each day an d during the day , as neede d. 1 Slightly dampe n a so ft l int-free cloth or p ape r towel w ith wa ter .
8 .4 < Maintenan ce> 1 Press the top co ver le ver , comple tely o pen the top co ver . 2 Grasp th e hand les on the toner c artridg e and pul l to rem ove the cartridge from th e machin e. 3 Holdin g side ed ges of the toner c artridg e, thorough ly roc k it from side to s ide to redistrib ute the toner .
8 .5 < Maintenan ce> 5 Hold th e top cove r and cl ose i t slo wly an d care fully , unt il the cove r is the cove r is s ecurely l atched. Note If the t op cover is not comp letely closed, the m achin e will n ot operate. Caution Be car eful not to pi nch you r fi nger s , sinc e the to p cover i s very heavy .
8 .6 < Maintenan ce> 4 T ake a new toner cartrid ge out of it s pac kage . Caution • Don' t use sharp objec ts, such as a kn ife o r sciss ors , to op en the toner car trid ge pack age. Y ou could damage the surfac e of the tone r cartrid ge.
8 .7 < Maintenan ce> Note If the t op cover is not comp letely closed, the m achin e will n ot operate. Caution Be car eful not to pi nch you r fi nger s , sinc e the to p cover i s very heavy .
9 .1 < Troubleshoot ing> 9 Troubles hootin g This cha pter giv es help ful inform ation o n what to do if you en count er a problem. This chapt er in clude s: • Tip s for avoiding p aper ja ms.
9 .2 < Troubleshoot ing> 4 Align the tray with the s lot, an d slide i t into t he mac hine. 5 Press the top co ver le ver , comple tely o pen the top co ver . 6 Hold th e top cove r and cl ose i t slo wly an d care fully , unt il the cove r is securely latc hed.
9 .3 < Troubleshoot ing> 10 Hold bo th edg es of the re ar cov er , and align it as shown in the following figure. Press t he rear cover firm ly until it cli cks. Note If the rear c over i s not co mplete ly cl osed, the pa per jam may occur . 11 Open an d close t he top cover firmly .
9 .4 < Troubleshoot ing> 4 Press the top co ver le ver , comple tely o pen the top co ver . 5 Hold th e top cove r and cl ose i t slo wly an d care fully , unt il the cove r is securely latc hed. Note If the t op cover is not comp letely closed, the m achin e will n ot operate.
9 .5 < Troubleshoot ing> 10 After rem ovin g the jam med pa per , check for p aper whi ch may b e jammed in oth er p arts of the machine . 11 Slide the toner c artridge ba ck in to the m achine. 12 Close the top co ver firm ly . The m achin e will resu me pri nting.
9 .6 < Troubleshoot ing> 3 Hold th e top cove r and cl ose i t slo wly an d care fully , unt il the cove r is securely latc hed. Note If the t op cover is not comp letely closed, the m achin e will n ot operate. Caution Be car eful not to pi nch you r fi nger s , sinc e the to p cover i s very heavy .
9 .7 < Troubleshoot ing> Underst an ding display m essages Message s app ear on t he Sma rt Panel program w indow or on th e con trol panel displ ay to ind icate machi ne st atus or error s. Refer t o the t ables below to underst and t he mes sages m eanin g to correc t the p roblem , if necessa ry .
9 .8 < Troubleshoot ing> Solving ot her proble ms The f ollo wing chart lists some co nditi ons that m ay oc cur an d the recomme nded solu tions . Follo w the su ggeste d soluti ons un til the problem i s correcte d. If th e probl em per sist s, plea se ca ll for s ervice.
9 .9 < Troubleshoot ing> The machi ne sele cts prin t materi als from the wrong paper source . The pa per optio n tha t was se lected in the machine properti es may b e inco rrec t. For many sof tware applicati ons, t he pap er source selecti on is found under the Paper t ab withi n the printer properti es.
9 .10 < Troubleshoot ing> Printing quality problems If the insi de of the mach ine is dirty o r pa per has been load ed imp roperly , you may notic e a redu ction in print q uality .
9 .11 < Troubleshoot ing> V ertical re petit ive defec ts If mark s repe atedly a ppear on the printed s ide of th e page at even int erva ls: • Clean the insi de of the m achi ne. Cont act a servic e represen tat ive to clean th e insi de of the machine .
9 .12 < Troubleshoot ing> Loose t oner • Clean the insi de of the m achi ne. Cont act a servic e represen tat ive to clean th e insi de of the machine . Afte r clea ning the insid e of th e machi ne, if y ou st ill ha ve the same probl ems, co nta ct a s ervice rep resent ative.
9 .13 < Troubleshoot ing> Scanning problems Condition Su ggested solu tions The s cann er do es not work. • Make su re that you plac e the o riginal to be scanned face d own on t he sc anner g lass, . • There may not be enoug h avai lable me mory to hold th e docu ment y ou want to scan.
9 .14 < Troubleshoot ing> Common Linux problems Problem Possible cause and solutions The ma chine does not print. • Check if the p rinter dri ver is inst alled in your system. Open Unified Driver c onfig urator and switch to the Printers t ab in Printers configura tion w indow t o look at the list o f availabl e print ers.
9 .15 < Troubleshoot ing> The ma chine does not scan. • Check if a documen t is l oaded into th e machi ne. • Check if y our ma chine is conn ected to the comput er . Make sure i f it is conn ected properly i f an I/O e rror is repor ted w hile scannin g.
10 .1 < Ordering suppli es and accesso- 10 Ordering supplies and access ories This cha pter prov ides in formati on on purc hasin g cartr idges and access ories ava ilable for yo ur machi ne. This chapt er in clude s: • Suppli es • How to purchase Supplies Note The o pti onal par ts or f eat ures m ay di ffer by coun trie s.
11 .1 < Specif ications> 11 Specifi catio ns This chapt er in clude s: • General specific ations • Printer s pecificat ions • Copier spec ification s • Scann er speci fications Note The nu mbers her ein is subj ect to change acco rding to it s inst all envir onment.
11 .2 < Specif ications> Copier specificatio ns Item Description Copy spee d a a. Copy speed is based on single document m ultiple copy . Up to 16 c pm in A4 (17 cpm in L etter) First copy out t.
12 .1 < Glossary> 12 Glossary Con tr ol Pan el A control p ane l is a flat ar ea where contro l or moni toring instrumen ts are display ed. The y are typi cally found in top or front of the machine. Cove rag e This is t he prin ting term u sed fo r toner u sage me asuremen t on pri nting and genera lly u sed as 5% cove rage.
1 C cleaning inside 8.1 outside 8.1 scan unit 8.3 control pa nel 1.2 , 1.4 Copies 1.4 Darkness 1.4 Reduce/ Enlar ge 1.4 Scan to PC 1.4 Start Copy 1.4 Stop/Clear 1.4 Up/Down arrows 1.4 copy copyi ng 5.1 darkness 5.1 original t ype 5.1 paper siz e 5.1 reduce/en large 5.
Samsung Printer Software section.
1 S OFTWARE SECTION C ONTENTS Chapter 1: I NST ALLI NG P RINTER S OFTWARE IN W INDOWS Installing Printer Software .............. ..... ......... .......... ..... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ..... 4 Changing the Software Lang uage .
2 Chapter 3: A DVANCE D P RIN TING Printing Multi ple Pages on One Sheet of Pape r (N-Up Printing) .................. ......... .......... ......... ....... 13 Printing Posters ............... ......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .....
3 Chapter 6: U SING S MART P ANEL Understanding Smart P anel ............ .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... .......... .. 21 Opening the Troubleshooting Guide ........... .............. .......... ....
Installing Printer Software in Windows 4 1 Installing Printer Software in Windows This ch a p t e r in cl ud e s: • I nstalling Printer Software • Changing the Software Lang uage • R einst alling Printer Software • Removing Prin ter Software Installing P rinter Softwa re Y ou can install the printe r software for l ocal print ing.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 5 • Typi cal : Installs t he most common software for your print er . This is recommende d for most us ers. • Custo m : Allows yo u to cho os e th e ind ividua l components you want to install. N OTE : If your pri nter is not already connected t o the comput er , the f oll owing wi ndow wil l appe ar .
Installing Printer Software in Windows 6 Reinstalling Pri nter Software Y ou can reinstall the software if installation fails. 1 Start Windows. 2 From the Start menu select Programs or All Progr ams → your printer dr iver name → Maintena nce . 3 Select Repair and cli ck Next .
Basic Printing 7 2 Basic Printing This chapter exp lains the printing op tions and com mon printing tasks in Windows. This ch a p t e r in cl ud e s: • P rinting a Do cu m en t • P rinting to a fi.
Basic Printing 8 Printing to a f ile (PRN) Y ou will sometimes need to sa ve the print data as a file for y our purpose. T o create a file: 1 Check the Print to file box at the Print wind ow. 2 Select the fo lder an d assi gn a nam e of the file a n d th e n click OK.
Basic Printing 9 Layout T ab The Lay out tab provide s op tions to ad just ho w the do cu m e nt appear s o n the p r inte d pa ge . Paper Orientation Paper Orientation allows you to select the direct ion in which info rm at ion is p rin te d o n a pa g e.
Basic Printing 10 Gra phi cs Tab Use the followin g Gr aphic options to adjust the print qu ality for your specifi c printi ng needs. See “P rinting a Document” on page 7 for more information on accessing p rinter prope rties. Click the Graphic tab to displa y th e p r o per ties sh ow n b e low .
Basic Printing 11 Extras Tab Y ou can select output opt ions for your document. See “Print ing a Document” on page 7 for more information about accessing the printe r pr o pe r ties. Click the Extras tab to access the following feature: Watermark Y ou can create a background text image to be printed on each page of your document.
Basic Printing 12 Using a Favorite Setting The Fav orit es option, which is visibl e on each prope rties t ab, allows you to save the c urrent properti es sett ings for fut ure use. To s a v e a Favorites item: 1 Change the settin gs a s n ee d ed o n ea ch tab.
Adv ance d Prin ting 13 3 Advance d Prin ting This chapter e xplains pri nting opti ons and advanced printi ng tasks. N OTE : • Y our pri nter dri ver Properties window that a pp ears in this User ’s Guide may diffe r depending on t he pri nter in us e.
Adv ance d Prin ting 14 Printing Posters This featur e allows you t o print a single-p age document onto 4, 9, or 16 sheet s of pa per , for t he purpo se of p asting t he sh eets togethe r to fo rm one po ste r - siz e do cu m ent. 1 T o change the p rint setting s from y o ur so ftw ar e appli cati on, acce ss pri nter prop erties .
Adv ance d Prin ting 15 Using Watermar ks The W ater mark option allows you to print text over an existing document. For example, you may want to have large gray lett ers r eading “ DRAF T” or “CONFIDENTIAL ” printe d dia gonally acros s the fi rst page or all pages of a document.
Adv ance d Prin ting 16 Using Overlays What is a n Overlay? An overlay is text and/ or images st ored i n the computer hard dis k driv e (H DD) as a s pecia l file form at th at ca n be p rint ed on any do cu m en t. O v e r la y s ar e o fte n used to tak e the p la c e o f preprinte d forms and letterhe ad paper .
Sha ring the Prin ter L oca lly 17 4 Sharing the Printer Locally Y ou can connect the printer dire ctly to a selected computer , which is ca lled “h ost c o m pu t er , ” on the n e tw ork. The follo wing procedure i s for Windows XP . For other Windows OS, refer to the corr esponding Wi ndows User's Guide or onli ne help.
Sca nning 18 5 Scanning Scanning with your machine let s you turn pictures and te xt into digital files on y our com pu ter . T h en y ou ca n fax o r e- m ail the files, display th em on y ou r w eb site o r us e th e m to create projects that you can print usi ng Samsung SmarThru software or th e WIA driv er .
Sca nning 19 4 Click Scan T o . Th e Scan T o menu bar appears on the SmarThru 4 window . Scan To lets you use th e following services: •Application Scanning an image and placing it in an image editor applicat ion, such as Paint or A dobe Photoshop.
Sca nning 20 Scanning Using the WIA Driver Y our m achine also supports the Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) d r iv er fo r sca nn ing im a ges. W IA is one o f th e sta nda rd components provi ded by Mi crosoft Win dow s XP and works with digital came ras and scan ners.
Using Smart Panel 21 6 Using Smar t Pane l Smart P anel is a progra m that monitors and informs you of the status of the printer , and allow s you to customiz e the printe r’s settings. Smar t P an el is installed automatically when you install t he printer software.
Using Smart Panel 22 Opening the Troubleshooting Guide Using the troubleshoot ing guide , you can view sol utions for error stat us problems. Right-click (i n Windows or Linux) or cl ick (in Mac OS X) the Smart P anel icon and select Troubleshooting Gu ide .
Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 23 7 Using Your Printer in Linux Y ou ca n use y our machine in a Linux environment. This ch a p t e r in cl ud e s: • Gettin g Started • I nstalling the Unified L.
Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 24 5 When the installation is complete, click Finis h . The in stall ation pr ogram has added t he Unifi ed Driver Configurator desktop i con and Samsung Unified Driver group to the system menu for your convenience.
Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 25 Using the Unifi ed Driver Configurator Unifie d Linux Driver Configurator is a tool primarily intended for configuring Printer or MFP devices. Since an MFP device combines the pr inter and scanner , the Unif ied Li nux Driver Configurator p rovides opti ons logi cally group ed for print er and scanner functions .
Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 26 Cla sse s Ta b The Classes tab shows a list of available printer classes. • Refresh : Renews the classes list. • Add Class... : Allows y ou to add a new printer class. • Remove Class : Remo ves the selected printer cl ass.
Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 27 Configuring Printer Properties Using th e p r o pe rtie s w indow prov ide d by th e Pr inte r s configuration, you can change the v arious propertie s for your machine as a printer . 1 Open the Unified Driver Configurator .
Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 28 The following fo ur tab s disp lay at the to p o f the w indow . • Gene ral - allows yo u to change the paper size, the pa per type, an d th e o r ien tation o f th e do cu m ents, en a bles the duple x feature , adds star t and end banners , and ch anges the number of page s per shee t.
Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 29 The document is scanned and the image preview appears in th e P r ev i ew P a n e . 7 Change th e scan o ption s in the Im age Q ua lity and Sca n Area sections. • Image Qu ality : allows you to select the color composition and the scan resolution fo r the image.
Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 30 Y ou can use the followin g tools to ed it the ima ge : For further detai ls about the Image Manager application, re fer to the onscr ee n help . Tools Functi on Saves th e imag e. Cance ls your last act ion. Re stor es the acti on y ou cancel ed.
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 31 8 Using Your Printer with a Macin tos h Y our pri nter supports Macintosh systems with a built-in USB inte rfac e or 1 0 /100 B ase - TX ne tw or k in terf ace car d. W he n you print a file from a Macintosh compu ter , you can use the CU PS driver by installing the PPD fil e.
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 32 Sca n d riv er Insta l li ng t he Sc an driv e r 1 Make sure that you connect your printe r to the computer . T urn on your computer and prin ter . 2 Insert the CD- R O M w hich cam e w ith y our printe r into th e CD-ROM d rive.
33 Printing N OTES : • The Macintosh printer ’s properties window that appears in this User’s Guide may diffe r dependin g on the printe r in use. Howev er the com position of the p rinter properties win dow is similar . • You can check your printer name in the supplied CD- ROM.
34 Graphics The higher the set ting, the sharper t he clarity of printed characters and graphics. The higher setting also may increase the time it takes to print a docu ment. Paper Set Paper Typ e to correspo nd to the pape r loaded in th e tr ay from wh ich y ou w a nt to print.
35 Scanning N OTE : T o scan, you can use the Image Capt ure program provided by Macinto sh operating system, you can purchase the scanning applic ations such as PhotoDeluxe or Photoshop . If you use t he Image Capt ure program, the scan quality cannot be guar anteed.
36 S OFTWARE SECTION I NDEX A advanced printing, use 13 C canceling scan 20 D document, print Macintosh 33 Windows 7 E Extras properti es, set 11 F favorites setti ngs, use 12 G Graphics prope rties, .
37 scanning from Macintosh 35 setting darkness 10 favorites 12 image mode 10 resolution Win dow s 10 toner save 10 true-type option 10 software install Macintosh 31 Win dow s 4 reinstall Win dow s 6 s.
R e v . 3 .00 www .sa msungprinter .co m.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Samsung SCX-4500 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Samsung SCX-4500 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Samsung SCX-4500 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Samsung SCX-4500 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Samsung SCX-4500 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Samsung SCX-4500 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Samsung SCX-4500 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Samsung SCX-4500 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.