Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SGH-t479 van de fabrikant Samsung
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POR T ABLE Quad-B AND MOBILE PHONE User Manual Please read this manual before operating your phone, and keep it for future reference..
T479_UVJD9_CH_0 42610_F5 Intellectual Proper ty All Intellectual Property , as define d below, owned by or which is otherwise the propert y of Samsung or its respecti ve suppliers relating to the SAMS.
Gravity ® 3 is a trademark of Samsung Electronics Am erica, Inc. and its related entities. T9 T ext Input is licensed by T egi c Communications and is covered by U.S. Pat. 5,818,437; U.S. P at. 5,953,541; U.S. Pat. 6,011,554 and othe r patents pending.
1 Table of Contents Section 1: Getting Started ........................................................................... 5 Activating Your Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Section 6: Messaging ................................................................................ 39 Types of Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Display Icons for Messages .
3 Take and Send . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Personalize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 My Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Section 1: Getting Star ted This section explains how to start using your phone by fi rst configuring your hardware, activating your service, and then setting up your voicemai l.
Getting Started 6 Re moving t he Batter y 䊳 Lift up (1) and remove (2) the battery. Inst alling the SIM Car d Important!: The plug-in SIM card and its contacts information can be easily damaged by scra tching or bending, so be careful when handling, inserting, or removing the card.
7 Replacing the Ba tter y 1. Slide the batte ry back into the co mpartment so that the tabs on the end align with the slots at the b ottom of the phone. 2. Press the batter y down until it snaps into place. 3. Check that the battery is p roperly installed before t urning on the ph one.
Getting Started 8 Inst alling or Remo vi ng the Memor y Car d 1. Y our phone supports an optional me mory card (microSD™) for data storage of such things as music, pictures, video or other files. This ty pe of memor y card is designed for use with this mobile phone and other devices.
9 Replacing th e Co ver 1. Press down on the corne rs of the battery cover until y o u hear a c lick. 2. Verify that the batt er y cover is secured. Char ging a Batter y Y our phone is powered by a rechargeab le Lithium-ion batter y . A trav el adapter , which is used for charging the battery, is included with your phone.
Getting Started 10 Note: The previous illustration displays the correct and incorrect method for connecting the charger . If the charger is inserted incorrectly , damag e to the accessory port occurs therefore voiding the phone’ s warranty.
11 Note: For more information, refer to “Change phone password” on page 118. 3. If the phone asks for a PIN , use the keypa d to enter the PIN and press either the Confirm s o ft key or . F or further details, see “Check PIN code” on page 118.
Understanding Y our Phone 12 Section 2: Understanding Y our Phone This section outlines some key features of your phone. It al so displays the screen and th e icons that display when the phone is in use. F eatures of Y our Phone Y our phone is lightweight, easy-to-use a nd offers many signifi cant features.
13 F ront View of Y our Phone The following illustra tions show the main ele ments of your phone: Ke ys The following list correlat es to the illustra tions. 1. Earpie ce allows you to hear the other caller . 2. Left Soft key allows you to sele ct soft key actions or menu ite ms.
Understanding Y our Phone 14 4. Messaging key allows you to program this k ey as a shortcut to your fa vorite messagi ng application. Y ou can reprogram the key a t any time. 5. Voicemail key allows you to quickly acce ss your voicemail. Press and hold this ke y for two seconds to automat ically dial your voicemail’s phone number .
15 This phone also offers the convenience o f a slide out QWER TY keyboard. T o open the phone to acce ss the keyboard, rotate the phone 90 de grees to the left. Slide th e top section of the ph one up to open, a s shown. T o view the display in landscap e mode and access the keyboard, slide the ph one open as show .
Understanding Y our Phone 16 Side Views of Y our Phone The following illust rations sho w the external elements of your phone 1. Phone anchor allows you to connect a stra p with which to carry th e phone. Remove the ba ck battery cover to fully install a stra p to this phone anchor .
17 Display Layout Y our phone’ s display screen provides a wealth of informat ion about your phone’ s status and options. The display has three areas: Display Y our phone has a display on the front of the phone. F rom this front display yo u can monitor activi ty and status of your phone such as signal stre n gth and battery levels.
Understanding Y our Phone 18 Missed Messages Tab When you rec eive new messages, i cons display in two loca tions: on the ph one’ s screen, Missed messages tab, and on the icon bar at th e top of the scre en. Icons This list identifies the sy mbols that appear on your phone’ s display screen: Shows the recei ved signal st rength.
19 Backlight time A backlight il luminates the in te rnal display and the keypad. When you press any key , the backlight comes on. It goes off when no keys are pressed wi thin a give n period of time, de pending on the setting within the Backlight menu.
Understanding Y our Phone 20 The Backlight time setting is how lo ng the keypad backli ght is on. The Dim option is how much longer after the keypad backlight goes o ff that the display remains li t. 䊳 From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Person alize ➔ Display settings ➔ Backlight time and press .
21 Section 3: Menu Na vigation This section explains the menu navigation for your phone. It also includes an outline of all the a vailable menus associated with your phone. Menu Naviga tion Y ou can tailor the phone’ s range of functions to your needs using me nus and sub-menus.
Menu Navigation 22 Accessing a M enu Fu nction by S crolling 1. In Idle mode, press Menu . 2. Scroll using the N avigation keys to reach a main menu (for exa mple: Settings ).
23 Section 4: Call Functions This section de scribes how to ma ke or answer a call. It also explai ns the features and functio nality assoc iated with making or answering a call . Making a Call When the idle screen displays, enter th e number you want to dial and pres s .
Call Functions 24 3. Use the Up and Down Navigation keys to scroll through the num bers and highlight the number you w ant. 4. T o view call time fo r this number press . Before you dial the number , you may also press the Options s oft key to displ ay the followin g options: •C a l l : allows you to call the selected number .
25 Tip: If the Any key answer option in the Settings ➔ Call settings ➔ Answering mode menu is activated, you can press any key to answer a call except for the key and the Reject soft key . Note: T o reject an incoming call, press the Reject soft key or .
Call Functions 26 Viewing Missed Calls When you are un able to answer a cal l for any reason, y ou can find out who is calling you, i f this service i s available, so that you can call the person back. The number of calls you missed displays on the id le sc reen on the Misse d Call tab, imm ediately after a call is missed.
27 Dialed calls This menu allows you to view the 30 mos t recent calls you di aled. The name and number , if already stored in Contacts, displays with the number of occurrences for each number . Answ ered calls This me nu allow s you to v iew the 30 mo st recently answered calls.
Call Functions 28 In Idle mode, press and hold the key until the “ Vib r ation profile on ” message and the Vibr ation profile i con ( ) displays. Using Vibration profile, instead of sounds, yo u r phone vibrates.
29 5. Moving back up one level in the me nu structure, by pres sing the Back soft key . 6. Pressing to exit the menu structure without changing the settings. In some functions, you are asked for a password or PIN. Enter the c orrect code and press the OK soft key or .
Call Functions 30 3. Press Call to call the second number . When there is a n active call and a call on hold, you may switc h between the t wo calls by pl acing the curre nt held call to active a nd then placing the o ther call on hold. T o switch betwe en the two c alls: 1.
31 Call Waiting The Call waiting option must be set to Activate before you can answer an incoming call while another call is in progress. Y ou are then no tified of an incoming call wi th a call waiting tone. T o answer a new call while another ca ll is in progress: 1.
Call Functions 32 Having a Private Con versation W ith One Par ticipant When there are two partici pants in a multi-party session, it might be necessar y to place one o f those partici pants on hold so that a private conver sation can be held with a si ngle caller .
33 Section 5: Entering T e xt This section outlines how to select the desired text input mode wh en entering characters into your phone. This section also des cribes ho w to use the T9 pred ic tive text system to reduce the number of ke y strokes associated with enteri ng text.
Entering T ext 34 3. Symbol/Shift press the Alt key and this key to display the Symbols page. Choo se from an extensive list of symbols and other character sets. Shift converts the a lphabetic ch aracter into u ppercase. Change s the text input mode to Upper/ Lower case mode.
35 keystrokes you make wi th an internal linguistic dictionary to determine the most likely w ord, thus requiring fewer keystrokes than the traditional ABC mode. • Numeric : this mode allows you to enter numbers. (Numer ic displays on the external s creen only).
Entering T ext 36 • Symbol 2. Enter text in the text message box using the selected text input mode wh en th e T ext input mode indicator that you desire displays. Using ABC mode With the phone slider c losed, to use ABC mo de, use the letter keys to enter your tex t.
37 Using T9 Mode T9 is a predictive text inpu t mode that allows you to key in any charac ter using sing le keystr okes. This text input mode is based o n a built-in d ictionary . T o enter a word in T9 mode: 1. While in the T 9 mode, press any one of the let ter ke ys to enter a word.
Entering T ext 38 Tip: Y ou can move the cursor by using the Navigation keys. T o delete characters: 䊳 Press . Press and hold the key to clear the display. Using Numeric Mode The Numeric mode enables you to en ter numbers into a t ext message. 䊳 Press the keys corresponding to the digits you want to enter .
39 Section 6: Messaging This section describes how to send or receive different types of messages . It also explains the feature s and function ality associa t ed with messaging.
Messaging 40 These View tabs display: • T ext message • Missed Ca lls • Voi c em ai l • Picture message Y ou can search through missed call s or unviewed messages by using the Right and Left navigation keys to select the associated message ta b, then pressing the Connect , Call , or Vie w soft key .
41 Creating a Simple T ext Message 1. In Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Messaging ➔ Create message ➔ Message and press the Select soft key or . 2. Highlight the Recipients field and press . 3. Select one of the followin g options: • Recent recipients : allows you to select a numb er or an ad dress from the l ast 10 destinat ions you enter ed.
Messaging 42 – Sending options : - Reply path : allows the recipient of your message to send you a reply message usin g your message center , if your network supports this service. - Request delivery report : allows you to activate or deactivate the report fu nc tion.
43 4. Press the Options soft key when you finish entering your message. The fol lowi ng options are a vailable: •P r e v i e w : allows you to previ ew the message pri or to sending. Note : This option displays after you en ter text or attac h an image file.
Messaging 44 Message Inbox The Message inbox stores received messages. Y ou can tell what kind of message was received by the icon displayed. If the icon envelop e is open then the m essage was read, otherw ise a clo sed envelope displ ays.
45 4. Press the Up or Down Navigation key to scro ll through the contents. Press the Options soft key while reading a t ext message to displ ay the following: • Call bac k : allows you to call back t he miss ed caller . •F o r w a r d : allows you to forward th e text message to another person.
Messaging 46 3. Press to view the message contents. 4. Press the Options soft key while view ing a picture message to displ ay the following: •R e p l y : allows you to send a re ply to the sender by sending a me ssage. • Call back : allows you to call back the recipient.
47 •M o r e : – Move to my f olders : allows you to move the s elected Audio postcard to a personal folder . – Sort by : allows you to sort the audio messages by Read/Unrea d, Date, Sen der , T ype, Subject, Size or Lock /Unlock.
Messaging 48 Social Buzz When you first open this application t he Status screen di splays. After login to your social networking applications (T witter , Facebook, or My Sp ace) , status updates display au tomatically in the top box for any of your friends for each of these applications.
49 Import ant!: Before using the Voicemail feature, you must enter the voice server number obtained from T -Mobile customer service in the Voice server number field. 3. Press Enable Visual Voicemail to activate the feature for the first time. Note: Voicemail is a network feature and charges may apply .
Messaging 50 Email Fro m Email you can view rece ived email messages. The first time you select Email a Welcome message display s. From here you can configu re your phone to receive email. Important!: When you create an email account, the default setting for SSL options may be different, depending on the ser vice provider .
51 •T i m e r : allows you to se t a time del ay befo re the came ra takes the photo. Sel ect the le ngth of del ay you want (Off, 2 seconds, 5 seconds, or 10 seconds) . When you press the Camera key or key , the camera takes the phot o after t he specifi ed time elapses.
Messaging 52 Instant Messaging (IM) Instant Messaging is a way of sendin g short, simple messages th at are delivered real time to users online. Before using this feature, you need to subscribe to a messenge r service. Y our handset has 3 pre-loaded Messaging services (AIM, Windows Live Messenger , and Y ahoo!).
53 4. Press Options and select one of the following options: • Delete : delete s the Se lected, Multip le, or All messag es. •L o c k / U n l o c k : allows you to lock the sele cted m essage to protect it from dele tion, or unlock it to allow del etion.
Messaging 54 2. Select a messa ge from the list and press the Options soft key . The following op tions display: •S e n d : sends t he message to Recent r ecipients , Contact s, or Gr oups. •D e l e t e : delete s the Selected , Mult iple, or All draft m essages.
55 - Priority : select the priority le vel of your messages. - Expiration : select the length of tim e you want the message to remain on the MM S server . - Request delivery report : allows you to activate or deactivate the report function. Whe n this option is enabled, the network informs you wheth er your message wa s delivered.
Messaging 56 Sending a T ext message template 1. In Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Messaging ➔ T emplates ➔ T ext message templates and press the Select soft key or . 2. Select a templ ate from the T emplate s list and press to send this select ed template.
57 8. Enter a recipient in the Recipient field, or press and select one of the following: • Recent recipients : allows you to select a numb er or an ad dress from the l ast 10 destinat ions you enter ed. •C o n t a c t s : allows you to enter th e phone number you want fr om your Contacts list.
Messaging 58 T ext Message Center Sets the defa ult method o f text message tra nsmission used by the T ext message center . The options are: • T -Mobile • Center 2 • Center 3 • Center 4 Picture messa ge The following Sending Options are avail able: • Priority : allows you to set the message priority: high, normal or low .
59 Default Style – Fon t co lo r – Font style – Background color – Pag e du ra t ion Email The following opti ons are availabl e: Sending Options – Fro m – Sending account – Priority –.
Messaging 60 V oicemail This menu displays the defaul t phone number used fo r access of phone’ s remote voicemail. Push message • Receiving options : you can specify whether to turn push message receptio n On or Off .
61 Memor y status T o view the memor y status: 䊳 In Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Messaging ➔ Settings ➔ Memory s tatus and press the Select soft key or . Y ou can view the amount of a llocated memor y and the memor y availabl e for picture messages.
People 62 Section 7: P eople This section explains how to us e and manage yo ur Contacts. Mobile Backup Y our Contacts list is backed up by T -Mo bil e the first time you turn on your phone and each time you make a change to the address book. Important!: Y ou can view and manage all your contacts and update your Mobile Backup options at my.
63 • Add more fields : allows you to add a nickna me, an additio nal Email addre ss, a URL, an IM ( AIM, Windows Live, or Yahoo!) identifier , DTM F , Grou p, an anniversary date, an d additiona l address fields. • Delete field : allows you to de lete addi tional fields crea ted with the Add more fields option.
People 64 • Mobile backup : allows you to vi ew the Last sync you per formed, or view t he About mobi le backup in format ion. 5. Press to view contact information and press the Options soft key to view t he followi ng options: •E d i t : allows you to edit the n ame and number fi elds in the entry.
65 7. Select Sounds and press the Select soft key or . Y ou can also select a sound from the Voice list folder . 8. Press Options ➔ Save when you are finished. 9. Press to return to Idle m ode. Editing a Caller Group 1. In Idle mode, press Menu ➔ People ➔ Groups and press the Select soft key or .
People 66 Important!: Charges may apply when using social network applications. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Peo p l e ➔ Social Bu zz and press . 2. Press the Accept soft key when the End User License displays. Note: The screen defaults to an Update and My Facebook Status screen.
67 4. Y ou receive a Speed dial assigned confirmation and the Speed dial menu displays the contact assigned to the number key you selected. 5. Press to return to Idle m ode. Note: Memory location 1 is reser ved for your Voicemail server number and this speed dial location can not be changed.
People 68 Sav e contacts to This option allo ws you to save new contacts to the SIM, Phone, or t he Phone and SIM card. 1. In Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Peop l e ➔ Management ➔ Save contacts to option and press the Select soft key or . 2. Select Phone , SIM card , or Ask on saving and press Save to save your selection.
69 2. Highlight All , Phone , or SIM card and press the Select soft key or . 3. When the Delete? confirmation message displays, press the Ye s soft k ey to delete or press No to cancel.
web2go Browsing 70 Section 8: we b2go Br owsing This section outlines the features of th e web2go browser , which provides you wireless access and navigation to the Web using your phone. Browse r Y our phone is equipped with a browse r , which provides y ou wireless access and nav igation to the Web usi ng your phone.
71 3. T o return to the previous page, press the Back soft key or . 4. Press the Back soft key until the startup Home page displays. Entering T ext in the br owser When you are prompted to ent er text, the currently ac tive text input mode is indicated on the sc reen.
web2go Browsing 72 The following opt ions are available: – Reload : reloads the curre nt page. – Resize page : allows you to manually resize the page by sliding t he size bar to the left or right. – Forward : pages forward one page. – Go to : navigates to the URL address , Homepage, Bookmarks, History , or Saved page.
73 • Delete : allows yo u to delete the Sele cted or m ultiple addresse s. • Add bookmark : allows you to enter a new bookmark URL. • Send URL via mess age : allows you to send the select ed bookmark as a text messa ge. • Set as homepage : displays the cu rrent homepage URL Address.
web2go Browsing 74 Delete cookies Cookies identify who yo u are when you visit favori te web sites; however , they are al so used to tr ack your web surfing habits. Deleti ng all th e cookies pro vides security . 1. Highlight Delete cookies and press the Select soft key or .
75 Section 9: Camera This section explains how to use the came ra on your ph one. Y ou can take phot ographs by using the built-in camera functionality . Using the Camera Using the camera mo dule in your phone, you can take photos of people or eve nts while on the move.
Camera 76 5. Press the Options soft key to view the following opt ions: • T ake another : allows you to t ake anot her pictu re. • Send to : sends this i mage to the last ca lled or rece ived numbers, Recent recipients, Contacts, Gro ups, or Online Album.
77 Confi gurin g Camera Options 1. Before taking a p hoto, press Menu to access the following: •C a m e r a / C a m c o r d e r : allows you to tak e a picture or reco rd a video. • Shooting Mode : takes a photo in v arious modes . Once you ch ange the mode, the corres ponding i ndicator displays at the to p left of the di splay .
Camera 78 Camera Shor tcuts Y ou can change options using your keypad in capt ure mode. The follo wing shortcuts are avai lable: Photos 1. In Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Media ➔ Phot os and press to open the folder . When you access this menu, your phone displays the photos in Line view , which shows them as small images.
79 •M o v e : allows you to move the Selec ted photo or Multi ple photos to anothe r location. •C o p y : allows you to copy the Sel ected photo or Multiple photos to another location. • Defau lt destination : all ows you to Remove or Chang e the dest ination folder for your photos.
Camera 80 5. Press to begin recording the video. 6. Press the Stop key to stop the re cording and save the v ideo file to your Videos folder . 7. Once the file saves, press to play back your video for review . Camcorder Options 1. Press the Menu soft key to acc ess the camc order options .
81 Camcorder Shortcuts Shortcut keys allow you to change options usi ng your keypad , Naviga tion keys, a nd V olume key in capture mode. The following opti ons are availabl e. Videos In this menu, you can view a list of videos do wnloaded from the web ser ver or received in multimedia messages.
Camera 82 •C r e a t e f o l d e r : allows you to create a n ew folder to contain your videos. •S o r t b y : allows you to sort and view vid eos by Date, T ype, Name, or Size. • Bluetooth visibility : allows you to ena ble the Selected vi deo or Multipl e videos so they are vi sible to other Blu etooth devi ces.
83 Section 10: Media This section outlines the media features avail able on your p hone such as th e web2go browser , Y ouT ube, Games and Apps, photos, music, images, sounds, videos, Ga mes and Apps, other file s, and memory status.
Media 84 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Media ➔ Games and Apps ➔ Te l e N a v GPS Navigator and pre ss the Select soft key or . 2. A Warning message displays. Re ad t he agreement and p ress Agree to accept the terms, or press EXIT to close the window.
85 2. Highlight a photo from the list and press the Options soft key . 3. Select Set as ➔ Wallpap er and press the Select soft key or . 4. Press the Set soft key to confir m your selection.
Media 86 2. In your browser , select the Inbox Album link and press the Select soft key or . 3. Use the Up or Down key to highlight a particular im age and press to view the photos. 4. Press to exit and return to the Idle screen. Camera For information on using your camera, see “C amera” on page 75.
87 2. Select All tracks , Artis ts , Albums , or Playlists and press Open . 3. Highlight a music fi le, then press the Options soft key and select o ne of the following opti ons: • Add to playlist : allow s you to a dd the Se lected, Multip le, or All musi c files to a playlist.
Media 88 3. While playin g a music file, the following k eys act as sho rtcuts: 4. Press to exit and return to Idle mode. Creati ng a Pl aylist Before music can be played di rectly via the Music Player , it is necessar y that the desired playli st be active before music is added.
89 Adding Music Files to a Playlist 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Medi a ➔ Music ➔ Music player . 2. Highlight All tracks and press Open . 3. Select a music track to add to the playlist and press Options ➔ Add to playlist and press the Right Navigation key .
Media 90 Downloaded images This menu allows you to access your downloaded images on your phone. 䊳 Scroll to the i mage you wa nt to view and press the Options soft key to access t he following options: • Send to My Album : sends the selected image to My Album.
91 The following opti ons are availabl e: Browse Hi Fi Ri ngers Using the Browse HiFi Ringers option on the sounds list, you can quick ly access T-Mobile web s ite and use the browser to download new HiFi Ringers. 䊳 Press to connect and purch ase additional ringtones.
Media 92 V oi ce rec order In this menu, you can record an a udio file up to one minute long and then immediate ly send it as a message. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Me dia ➔ Sounds ➔ Voice list ➔ Voice recorder and press to access the recorder .
93 •C o p y : allows you to copy the Sel ected or Mult iple videos to another lo cation. •R e n a m e : changes the name of the vide o. • Cre ate fo lder : allows you to create a new fold er to contain your videos. •S o r t b y : allows you to sort and vi ew vid eos by Date, T ype, Name, or Size.
Media 94 •L o c k / U n l o c k : allows you to loc k the file t o protect it from de letion or unlock it to allow deletion . • Properties : displays Basic details abo ut the selected file.
95 Section 11: Bluetooth This section explains ho w to operate the Blueto oth feature on the Gra vity ® 3 device. Blueto oth About Blueto oth Bluetooth is a short-range wire less communications technolo gy capable of exchanging information over a distance of about 30 feet without requi ring a p hysical connect ion.
Bluetooth 96 2. Select My visibility and press the Select soft key or . 3. Highlight the option (On/ Off/Custom) and press the Select soft key or . My phone name When your phone’ s Bluetooth visi bility is turned On, it identifies itself using the name entered in to this text field.
97 Feat ur es Actually , the Blueto oth specificati on is a protoc ol that describes how the short-range wi reless technology works, whereas individual p rofiles describe the services supporte d by individual devices. Profiles reduce the chance tha t different devices integrate.
Organizer 98 Section 12: Organizer The Organizer allows you to set alarms, schedule appointments, view the calendar , create T asks, perform simple math calculations, chec k world time, perf orm unit co nversions, set a timer , and use a stopwatch. Calendar With the Calend ar feature, you can: • Consult the calendar by month, week, or day.
99 – Go to : displays T oday’s date or the date you entered. – Event list : displays a list of se lectable events such as: A ppointments, Ann iversaries, Holidays, Important, or Private.
Organizer 100 Memor y status This menu item shows the number of cale ndar events that are stored on the ha ndset as well as the total number of available events. Example: 2/100 means that currently th ere are two alarm events scheduled out of a possible 100.
101 – Alarm 3 : set the Name, A larm activation, Alarm time, Alarm type, Alarm t one, Alarm volume, Day , Snooze, and Repeat for this alarm. – Auto power : alarm rings at the spec ified time even if the phone is turned off. I f the option is set to Off , the alarm does n ot ring.
Organizer 102 14. Press the Down Navigation key to high light the Snooze field. Press the Right Navigatio n key to select one of the following ti mes: Off , 1 min , 3 min , 5 min , 7 min , or 10 min . 15. Press the Down Navigation key to high light the Repeat field.
103 While the Sa y a command screen displays you have two options: • Tu t o r i a l : provides examples of how to use the vo ice commands. • Settings : lists the settings for voice comma nd software such as: Confirmation, Adaptation, Audio Modes, Speakerphone, and About.
Organizer 104 2. Say “ Call ” followed by the first an d last name of th e contact tha t you want to dial. The name that you said is re peated throu gh the earpiec e and your phone dial s the number . 3. If Nuance is n ot sure of the name that you said, “ Tr y A g a i n ? ” displays on the sc reen.
105 3. Say the name exa ctly as it displ ays in Cont acts, first name foll owed by last name. 4. The contact name displays on the sc reen with other information that you have entered for that contact. Opening Applications Y ou can open an a pplicatio n or access a me nu on your phone using Vo ice recognition.
Organizer 106 V oice R ecognition Settings Confir mation Nuance uses a confirma tion list when a name or number is not clearly recognized. The software displays three choices and prompts you to select a choice. Y ou can modify the way Nuan ce uses the c onfirmation list in the setti ngs.
107 3. Press Adapt Voice . 4. The screen displays an adaptation messa ge. The entire ad aptation process takes just a couple o f minutes to complet e. Tip: Perform the adaptation process in a quiet room. 5. Press Start to being adapta tion or press Back to cancel.
Organizer 108 T asks This feature allows you to enter a task list. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Or ganizer ➔ Ta s k s and press the Select soft key or . 2. Press Options ➔ Create to create a new task. 3. Enter a short descriptio n of the task in the Title f ield then press the Down Na vigation key.
109 Calculator With this feature, y ou can use the ph one as a calcul ator . The calcula tor provides the basic arithmetic functions; addition, subtra ction, mult iplication, and division. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Organ izer ➔ Calculator and press the Select soft key or .
Organizer 110 World Clock This feature allows you to find out what time it is anot her part of world, using the Left and Right Navigation ke ys. There are two time line s available. Y o u can set the first setting to your ho me city and use th e second setting to check othe r city times .
111 Timer Y ou can use this m enu to set a time r . T o enable the T imer , use the f ollowing options: 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Organ izer ➔ Timer and press the Select soft key or . 2. Press the Set soft key and en ter the length of time a s HH:MM:SS and press OK .
Organizer 112 T o configure the RS S reader settings: 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Or ganizer ➔ RSS reader and press the Select soft key or . 2.
113 Section 13: Changing Y our Settings This section explains the sound and phone settings for your phone. It in c ludes such settings as : display , security , memory , and any extra settings associated with your phone. Refresh F av es Each time you change Fave s info rma tion you can ke ep that inform ation updated by using Refres h Faves.
Changing Y our Settings 114 The following op tions display: Wallpaper This menu allows you to ch ange the background image to display in Idle mode. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Personalize ➔ Display se ttings ➔ Wallpaper and press .
115 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Personalize ➔ Display se ttings ➔ and press the Select soft key or . 2. From the Display sett ings menu, highlight Dialing display and press the Select soft key or . 3. Highlight the Font color option and press the Select soft key or .
Changing Y our Settings 116 1. From Id le mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ P ersonalize ➔ Display settings ➔ Bac k light time and pres s the Select soft key or . 2. Highlight the On field and press to edit th e time. Select ions are 5 seconds , 15 seconds , or 30 seconds .
117 䊳 Highlight On or Off and press Save . Keypad auto-loc k 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Personalize ➔ Phone settings ➔ Keypad auto-lock and press the Select soft key or . 2. Press Off or On and press the Save soft key . USB mode This menu selects the method of co mmunication fo r the USB port.
Changing Y our Settings 118 The following opt ions are available: – Disable : you are not ask ed to enter the phon e password when you switc h on the phone.
119 Set FDN mode FDN (Fixed Dial Number) mode, if s upported by your SIM card , allows you to rest rict your outgoing calls to a limited set of phone numbers. The following opti ons are availabl e: – Disable : you can call any numb er . – Enable : you can only call phone numbers stored in the FDN list.
Changing Y our Settings 120 3. Select the applicati on (Create mess age, Message inbox, Audio Postcard, Email, IM, Exch ange email or Voicemail) to assign to th e messaging key and press Assign . When pressed, the messaging key shortcuts to this application.
121 Memor y status Y ou can ch eck the amount of the memory used and memo ry remaining for Shared memory, Messagin g, Media, Calenda r , T asks, M emo, and C ontacts . 1. From I dle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Personalize ➔ Memory settings ➔ Memory s tatus and pres s the Select soft key or .
Changing Y our Settings 122 Greeti ng messa ge This menu allows you to set a greeting to displ ay brie fly when the pho ne is switched o n. For details about entering characters, see “Entering T ext” on page 33. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Personalize ➔ Gr eeting message and press .
123 T o change your time and date settings: 1. Highlight the Time zone update field and use the Left or Right Navigati on key to select Manual only . Import ant!: The Manual only or Prompt fir st option must be selected to activate the Tim e z o ne , Time , Da te , and Time for ma t .
Changing Y our Settings 124 Important!: When the menu design is changed to Grid menu, some menu locations may change, or are not available. Notes are inserted throughout the manual when this occurs. Manage Online Albums This menu allows you to manage the addresses for Flickr , Kodak, Photobucket, or S napfish.
125 Sh ow my nu mbe r In the Show my number menu you can select how your ID is h andled when an outgoing call is in itiated. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Call setting s ➔ Show my number and press the Se lect soft key or . 2. Highlight your selection and pre ss to make you r selection.
Changing Y our Settings 126 Tip: T o enter an international code, press and hold the key until the + sign displays. 4. Select Options ➔ Activate , Deactivate , or Check status then press the Select soft key or . The current status displ ays. If the option was already set, th e number to which the calls are forwarded displays.
127 3. Press Options ➔ Save to save your selection. Aler t s on call This menu determines whether you are alerted with a sound during a call. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Call setting s ➔ Alerts on call and press the Select soft key or .
Changing Y our Settings 128 Delete all histor y This menu allows you to delete th e records in eac h call record separately , or you can de lete all of your call records at on e ti me. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Call settings ➔ Call histor y management ➔ Delete all history and press the Select soft key or .
129 T o change your Default setup: 1. Highlight the Default setup option and press the Select soft key or . 2. Highlight on e of the fo llow ing options and press the Select soft key or . •A u t o m a t i c : you are conn ected to the first avai lable net work when roaming.
Changing Y our Settings 130 Master reset From this menu you can reset your phone and sound settings to the factory default settings. 1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Reset settings ➔ Master r eset and press the Select soft key or . 2. Enter your password and press Confirm .
131 Section 14: Health and Saf ety Infor mation This section outlines the safe ty precautions associ ated with using your phone. These safety precautions should b e followed to safe ly use your phone.
Health and Safety Information 132 Use of other accessories may not ensure co mpliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authoriz ation for this mo bile phone with all reported SAR leve ls evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines.
133 Samsung Mobile Products and Rec yc ling Samsung cares for the environm ent and encourages its customers to re c ycle Samsung mobile phones and genuine Samsung accessories. Go to: ycling/index.jsp or 1-800-822-8837 for more information.
Health and Safety Information 134 Do wireless phones pose a health hazard? The available scientif ic evidence do es not show that an y health problems are asso ciated with using w ireless phones. There is no proof, however , th at wireless phones are absolutely sa fe.
135 FDA shares regulatory responsibilities for wireless phones with the F ederal Communications Co mmission (FCC). All phones that are sold in the United States must comply with FCC safety guidelines that li mit RF exposure. FCC relies on FDA and other health a gencies for safety questions about wireless phones.
Health and Safety Information 136 more years' foll ow-up may be needed to prov ide answ ers about some health effect s, such as cancer . This is because the inte rval between the tim e of exposure to a ca ncer -causing agent and the time tumors develop - if they do - may be many , many years.
137 Again, the scie ntific data do not demo nstrate tha t wireless phones are harmful. But if you are concerned about the RF exposure from these products, you can use measures like th ose described above to re duce your RF exposure from wireless phone use.
Health and Safety Information 138 radiation with making false and unsubstantiated c l aims. A ccording to FTC, these defe ndants lacked a reasonable basis to substantiate their claim. What a bout wirel ess p hone int erfer ence wit h medical equip ment? Radio frequency energy (RF) fro m wirele ss phones can in teract with som e electron ic devices.
139 • Health Protection Agency : http://www • US Food and Drug Administration: http://www inessandEntertainment/ CellPhones/default.
Health and Safety Information 140 8. Use your wireless phone to call for help. Di al 9-1-1 or other local emergenc y number in the case of fire, traffic accident or medical emergencies.
141 Y ou should follow some commons ense recommendations when usi ng any portable audio device: • Set the volume in a quiet environment an d select the lowest volume at which you can hear adequately .
Health and Safety Information 142 Y ou can obtain a dditional in formation on this subject from th e following sources: American Academy of Audiology 11730 Plaza American Drive, Suite 300 Reston, V A 20190 Voice: (800 ) 222-2336 Email: info@audiolog y .
143 Operating Environment Remember to follow any special regulations in fo rce in any area and al ways switch your phon e off whenever it is forbidden to use it, or when it may cause interference or danger . When connecting the phone or any accessory to another device, read its user's guide for detailed safety instructions .
Health and Safety Information 144 Implan tabl e Medi cal Devices A minimum separation of six (6) in ches should be maintain ed between a handheld wireless phone and an implantable medi cal device, such as a pacemaker or im plan table cardioverter de fibril lator , to av oid pote ntial interference with the device.
145 Potentially Explosive En vironments Switch your phone off when in any area with a potentiall y explosive atmosphere and obey all signs and instructions. Sparks in such areas could caus e an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even dea th.
Health and Safety Information 146 Restricti ng Chil dre n's acce ss to your Phone Y our phone is not a toy . Children shou ld not be allo wed to play with it because they could hurt themselves and others, damage the phone or make calls that i ncr ease your phone bill.
147 • For ve hicles equipped with a n air bag, remember that an air ba g inflates with great force. Do not place objects, inc luding both installed or portable wireless e quipment in the area over the air bag or in the ai r bag deployment area. If wireless equipment is improperly installed and the air bag inflates, serious inj ury could result.
Health and Safety Information 148 • Do not use the phone if the antenna is da ma ged. • If your phone is equipped w ith an internal antenna, obstructing the inte rnal antenna could inhibit call performance. • Speak directly into the phone's recei ver .
149 • Do not use incompatible cell phone batteries and c hargers. Some Web sites and second-hand dealers, not associated with reputable manufacturers and carriers, might be selling inc ompa t ible or even counterfeit batteries and chargers. Consumers should purchase manufacturer or carrier recommende d products and accessories.
Health and Safety Information 150 • Do not store the phone in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices, damage batteries, and warp or melt certain plastics.
151 Section 15: W ar ranty Infor mation Standard Limited War ranty What is Covered and For How Long? SAMSUNG TELECOMMUNICA TI ONS AMERICA, LLC ("SA MSUNG") warrants to the orig inal purchase.
Warranty Information 152 charged by a battery charger not specified or approved by SA MSUNG for charging the battery , (ii) any of the seals on the batter y are broken or show evidence of tampering, or (iii ) the battery has been used in equipment other than the SAMSUNG phone for which it is specified.
Warranty Information 154 Samsung T elecommunications America, LLC 1301 E. Lookout Drive Richardson, T exas 75082 Phone: 1-800-SAMSUNG Phone: 1-888-987-HELP (4357) ©2010 Samsung T elecommunications America, LLC. All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or in part al lowed without prior written approval.
155 3. LIMIT ATIONS ON END USER RIGHTS. Y o u may not reverse engineer , decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the s ource code or algorithms of, the So f tware (except and only to .
157 12. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USE RS. The Software is licensed only with "restricted rights " and as "commercial items" consisting of "c ommercial software" and "c ommercial software documenta tion" with only those righ ts as are granted to all other end users pursua nt to the terms a nd conditions herein.
Warranty Information 158 Customer Care Center: 1000 Klein Rd. Plano, TX 75074 T oll Free T el: 1.888.987.HELP (4357) Samsung T elecommunicat ions America, LLC: 1301 East Lookout Drive Richardson, T ex.
159 Inde x A ABC mode 34 , 71 using 36 Audio Postcard 14 , 34 , 50 listening to from the inbox 46 B Backlight settings 115 time, description 19 Battery charging 9 installing 7 low indicator 10 removin.
160 viewing recent call history 25 viewing recently answered ca lls 27 Call history all calls 14 , 25 , 34 delete all records 27 viewing dialed calls 27 viewing miss ed calls 25 viewing recently answe.
161 replacing the battery 7 replacing the cover 9 setting up your voice mail 11 switching the ph one on or off 10 Google Maps 100 H Health and Safety Information 131 HiFi Ringers 91 I Icons descriptio.
162 Multi-Party Call 31 dropping one participant 32 private conve rsation opti on 32 setting up a 31 My folders creating a new f older 55 using 55 My Profile 67 N Numeric mode 35 , 71 using 38 O On/of.
163 Security change phone password 118 change PIN code 118 change PIN2 code 119 check PIN co de 118 data roaming 119 lock phone 117 set FDN mode 119 Settings 113 Bluetooth 95 , 123 Display 113 menu de.
164 phone features 12 side views 16 Understanding your phonebook finding a contact entry 63 My Profile 67 using Contacts List 62 V Vibration profile turning on 27 Viewing sent messages from the Sentbo.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Samsung SGH-t479 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Samsung SGH-t479 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Samsung SGH-t479 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Samsung SGH-t479 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Samsung SGH-t479 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Samsung SGH-t479 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Samsung SGH-t479 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Samsung SGH-t479 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.