Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SVMI-4 van de fabrikant Samsung
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■ ■ Contents ■ ■ Gener al Description ■ ■ Installation ■ ■ Pr ogr amming - DCS Compact MMCs - DCS 50si MMCs ■ ■ U ser Guide ■ ■ Inde x SVMi-4 TECH-01 12/00.
How to use this online manual This man u al provi d es detailed inf orm ati on on how to use th e SVMi-4 plug in voice m ail an d auto attend an t card f or th e DCS Compact and DCS 50si. It has been subdivi d ed into th e f ollowing secti on s: g ener al d escription, in stalla- tion, pr ogr amming, user gui d e , an d in de x.
Note: For best results wh en viewing th e screen captures o f th e SVMi-4 progr amming option s, incr ease the magnifi cation level o f the page to 200% by using th e magnificati on box at the bottom o f th e wind ow .
Contents GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ Overview ● The SVMi-4 System ● Auto A ttendan t ● V oice Mail ■ Har dware Descripti on ● Main Boar d ● Mem ory ● Upgrad e Key ● Back Up Ad apter ■ So.
INST ALLA TION ■ System Capacities ● DCS Compact ● DCS 50si ■ Har dware Descripti on ● SVMi-4 Main System - Serial P ort - Mem ory Connector - Reset Button - Upgrad e Key Socket - Back Plane.
■ Installin g the SVMi-4 System ● Inspecti on ● Installati on ● SVMi-4 / DCS Set Up ● T esting th e Hard ware PROGRAMMING ■ System Ad ministration ● The Subscriber ● The System A dmini.
■ D TMF System Administr ation ● Ad ding and Rem oving Subscribers ● Recordin g System Greetings ● Changin g the Operatin g Mode ■ Progr amming Categori es ● Subscriber Option s ● SVMi-4.
MMC 740 MMC 741 MMC 745 MMC 746 MMC 747 MMC 748 MMC 749 ● Back Up and Restor e - SVMi-4 Directory Stru cture ■ Progr amming Referen ce ● System Main M enu - Open Block T able - Subscriber List -.
- Mailbo x - Men u Block - Station Block USER GUIDE INDEX General Description - P age 6.
Gener al Description O VERVIEW The SVMi-4 System The SVMi-4 is a self con tained plug in voice m ail and auto atten dant car d for the DCS compact and DCS 50si. I t is design ed to meet the dem ands of th e sophisticated voice m ail user without sacrifi cing simplicity .
A uto Attendant The SVMi-4 A uto attendan t works by automatically an swering calls and playin g a custom greetin g to the caller along with som e dialing in stru ction s. The caller may th en press digits on th e keypad to direct th e call to th e appropri ate person or departm ent.
HARDW ARE DESCRIPTION Unlik e tradition al PC based Voi ce Mail / Auto A tten dan t Systems , the SVMi-4 has no m oving parts. This ad ds to the robustn ess and reli ability . All the custom speech pr ompts and callers m essages are stor ed in digital form on stati c mem ory .
Upgrade K ey (Optional) The upgr ade key is a sm all hardwar e d evice with som e unique properties . Wh en it is installed in th e SVMi-4 Card it incr eases the number o f available ports fr om 2 to 4, and th e number of m ailboxes fr om 16 to 32. The SVMi-4 card can n ot be expan ded beyond 4 ports an d 32 mailbox es.
Back Up Adapter (Optional) The Back up ad apter allows the rem ovable memory card to be in stalled in the PCMCIA card slot o f a Laptop PC. When this is d one a back up may be mad e of the custom er database . This item is avail- able from www .san disk.
SOFTW ARE FEA TURES The so ftware for th e SVMi-4 is installed at the f actory . All that is need ed is for it to be customized to meet th e indiv idual r equirem ents of each in stallation, In some cases even this m ay not be necessary .
■ Auto A ttendant Features - Alphabetic Dir ectory - Audiote xt - A uto Attendant Routing - A utomatic After Hours Answering - Camp On Support - Dir ect to Mailbox - Holiday s and Special Events - I.
- External Number Notification - External P ager Notification - Individual Mailbo x Greeting - Individual Mailbo x Name - Individual Mailbo x Passw ord - Message Counter - Message Delete - Message F a.
- One T ouch Access - P ersonal Mailbo x Administration - P ersonal Gr eetings - Quick Memo / Dir ect Messaging ■ Administr ation Features - A ctivity Display - A dministrators Mailbo x - A utomatic.
Featur e Descriptions SYSTEM FEA TURES Caller ID Compatible If you subscribe to centr al office based caller ID, th e SVMi-4 is compatible . Just as the Caller ID data appears on DCS k eysets, so the same inf ormation is saved in your voi ce mail box f or each m essage you r eceive.
Proprietary Design Th e SVMi-4 is design ed to work specifically with the DCS 50si and th e DCS compact. This allows tighter in tegration with th e ph one sys- tem and allows f or enhanced features li.
without givin g the option to r ecord a messag e . An ex ample of this mi ght be directi ons or movi e times. Auto A ttendant Routing The Auto atten dant can tr ansfer or route callers based on the di gits they enter .
Incoming Call Overflo w The SVMi-4 may be pr ogrammed to an swer any or all lines imm ediately or answer only th e calls that your operator does n ot pi ck up. Interruptible V oice Prompts A t any time d uring an announ cement or gr eet- ing, callers m ay dial a selection an d the SVMi-4 will immedi ately r espond .
Auto F orward M essage auto forwar d allows m essages left in on e mailbox to be automati cally forward ed to another m ailbo x. The d elay time befor e the messag e is forwar ded is progr ammable between 00:00 (immedi ately) an d 23:59 (1 day). After the m essage is forwar ded it may be d eleted or saved in th e origin al mail- box.
External Number Notification When you have m essages in your mailbo x, you may be alerted at your cell ph one , home ph one or any oth er ph one . External P ager Notification When you have messag es in your mailbox you may be n otified via your pag er .
Message Fast F orward Wh en listening to a messag e you may fast - f orwar d 5 seconds . This is useful if you are looking f or a specific piece o f inf ormati on like a phon e number . Message Forw ard With Append Messag es received in your mailbo x may be forwar ded to other m ailboxes on th e system.
Message Save Y ou may save any m essage . Once saved it will rem ain as a ‘saved’ messag e until it is deleted . Message Send From within your m ailbox you may sen d a message to an y other mailbo x owner on the system. This m akes it easy for an y employee who is out of th e office to sen d a message to an other intern al user .
contain ed in an old message with out having to listen to all the n ew messages first. One T ouch Access Th e SVMi-4 Voi ce Mail can be accessed to check m essag es or perform ad ministration simply by pr essing one button on your DCS k eyset. P ersonal Mailbox A dministration Y ou may chan ge settings f or your m ailbox any tim e you like .
ADMINISTRA TION FEA TURES Activity Display While th e SVMi-4 system is running, a connected ad ministra- tion termin al will show useful statistics about th e system. Number of calls , averag e calls per week, number of tim es all ports were busy , total messages an d space available .
Progr amming - On Site Or Remote Many o f the commonly accessed pr ogram- ming opti ons are accessible fr om a touch tone teleph on e . This makes r outine administr ation easy and conveni ent. Subscriber Database A database o f subscribers can be viewed at the ad minis- trati on terminal.
Installation This section d eals with the installati on of the SVMi-4 in stallati on. DCS 50si Softw are Compatibility T o operate th e SVMi-4 in the DCS 50si you must have th e s/w release listed below or later . DCS Compact Softw are Compatibility T o operate th e SVMi-4 in the DCS Compact you must have th e s/w release listed below or later .
S YSTEM CAP ACITIES DCS Compact The DCS Compact system can support 32 stati on devices in a fully e xpanded sys- tem. For the purpose o f assigning system r esources the SVMi-4 car d con sumes the equivalen t system capacity of 4 keysets .
● If this code is CKPS-V1B th e power supply is the older type that supports 40 station d evices. If this cod e is CKPS-V1C then the power supply is th e newer type that supports up to 56 station d evices. For the purposes o f assigning system r esources the SVMi-4 car d con sumes th e equivalent system capacity o f 4 keysets.
HARDW ARE DESCRIPTION SVMi-4 Main System The SVMi-4 system is a compact self con tained system that is desi gned ex clu- sively for th e DCS 50si and DCS Compact. It can n ot be used in any other S AM- SUNG prod uct. Only one SVMi-4 car d can be installed in a DCS system.
Immedi ately after plugging in the SVMi-4 car d and turning th e DCS power switch ON, you MUST pr ess this button to initialize the SVMi-4. This button should n ot be pressed if the SCMi-4 is actively pr ocessing calls. Upgrade K ey Socket This is th e socket wher e th e upgrad e key is installed .
the system an d then rem ove the Compact Flash from th e SVMi-4 by simply pulling it out. Upgrade K ey The SVMi-4 har dware upgr ad e key is a sm all passive device that resembles a calculator battery . It is in stalled in the upgrad e key socket an d will provi de 2 additi onal ports and 16 ad diti onal m ailbox to the System.
Installation - P age 33 B AR CODE U 1 U 14 U 15 J4 U 30 U 23 U 29 U 28 U 19 U 27 U 26 U 21 U 24 U 25 U 9 U 10 S1 U 8 U 34 U41 U 32 U 33 Z2 J5 U36 Upgrade K ey Socket SIO P ort Compact Flash Socket Res.
HOW T O UPGRADE Upgradin g the SVMi-4 card basi cally means in stalling an SVMi-4 upgrad e ke y into its d edicated socket. The first thin g you should do bef ore proceedin g is to dischar ge an y static elec- tricity you m ay have gathered by tou ching a groun d poin t such as th e cover of the K SU Power Supply .
INST ALLING THE SVMi-4 Inspection Unpack an d inspect the unit f or obvious dam age . This car d should be labeled SVMi-4. If it is not, you have th e wrong car d. Installation The SVMi-4 car d is installed in any 2X4 slot in eith er the DCS 50si or the DCS Compact.
SVMi-4 / DCS Set Up After insertin g the SVMi-4 card an d turning the power on th ere are som e Ke y system option s that should be set in ord er for the SVMi-4 to fun cti on correctly .
T esting the Hardw ar e 1. Call each SVMi-4 port indivi dually an d confirm that it answers. 2. Call group 529 an d confirm that the SVMi-4 answers . If steps 1 and 2 above pr oved to be successful you have completed the in stalla- tion an d setup of the SVMi-4 har dware .
Pr ogr amming The SVMi-4 has been d esigned to simplify th e installation pr oced ure an mini- mize set up time . The f ollowing have been automated . ● An exten sion is created f or every extensi on on th e system. This mean s that the autom ated attendan t will immediately r ecognize all extensi on s and gr oups on the DCS equipm ent.
Nigh t mode oper ation (prompt n umber 1002) an d option ally the Holi d ay and bad weather m odes (prompt n umbers 1003 and 1004 respectively). ● Give everyone th e user instructi ons and have th em r ecord th eir name , person- al messag e and password .
The System A dministrator The In stalling T echnici an or System Administr ator has ultim ate authority over the oper ation of th e SVMi-4 system and can set or chang e all th e option s that requir e specialized knowled ge .
PROGRAMMING METHODS Data may be en tered and chan ged in the SVMi-4 by thr ee m ethods . These are , The scr een Interface , D TMF system administrati on an d D TMF subscriber adminis- trati on. The Screen Interf ace Most o f the progr amming is achieved usin g a PC attach ed to the SVMi-4 seri al port.
backup or reload n ew update files. Th ese are ine xpen sive (less than $20.00) and available from www .san . CONNECTIONS Connect th e serial cable between the SVMi-4 seri al port and the PC seri al port and set th e terminal settings to N o Parity , 8 Bit word len gth, 1 Stop Bit, and 38,400 BPS.
The m ain screen looks like this an d shows port activity and g eneral statisti cs . Progr amming - P age 43.
LOGGING IN T o log into th e system press the ‘Esc . ’ Key an d enter the passwor d, th e d ef ault passwor d is 0000. Y ou will now be at the System A dministrati on Main men u.
Scr een Mo v ement K e ys T ab Moves Cursor to NEXT Fi eld or Line (Wraps ar ound) Ctrl + Q Moves Cursor to BA CK to Previous Fi eld or Line Arrow K eys Move Cursor Between Fi elds or Lines in Arrow D.
YELLOW – Y ou may type n ew data in the selected fi eld. GREEN – This indi cates that the data r epresents a Block Y ou may press th e enter K ey to select a different block or you m ay press ‘Ctrl + O’ to Open the block beneath th e cursor .
● For subscriber Ad ministration pr ess 2. ● Follow the spok en instructi ons to add or d elete mailbox es an d exten sions . Recording Sy stem Greetings Call the SVMi-4, an d when it answers , press the ‘#’ k ey followed by 3 zeros an d when pr ompted enter the ad ministration passwor d specifi ed in the System Wi de P arameters .
Changing the Operating Mode Call the SVMi-4, an d when it answers , press the ‘#’ k ey followed by 3 zeros an d when pr ompted enter the ad ministration passwor d specifi ed in the System Wi de P arameters .
PROGRAMMING CA TEGORIES When pr ogramming th e SVMi- 4 there ar e thr ee types of d ata, Subscriber options SVMi-4 administr ation option s and Phon e system opti ons . Subscriber Options These ar e the option s entered by a Subscriber an d con trol th e individ ual behav- ior o f their mailbo x.
Note that If th e SVMi-4 card is being in stalled in an existing (a system that di d not pr eviously have an SVMi-4), you will have to use MMC 806 to pre in stall the card an d MMC 724 to assign exten sion numbers to each SVMi-4 port. U se an y available numbers .
MMC LISTING FOR THE DCS 50si The f ollowing is a listing o f all the DCS 50si MMCs that relate to th e SVMi-4. MMC 110 MMC 207 MMC 308 MMC 309 MMC 408 MMC 501 MMC 601 MMC 701 MMC 722 MMC 723 MMC 724 MMC 727 MMC 740 MMC 741 MMC 745 MMC 746 MMC 747 MMC 748 MMC 749 Back Up and Restore ● Remove SVMi-4.
SVMi-4 DIRECTORY STRUCTURE ● All customer confi guration is located in th e Dta *.tbl files. ● All Mailbo x date is located in the M ailbox *.* files. ● All Messag e date is located in the Msg *.* files . ● All Prompt d ate is located in the Prompts *.
PROMPTS Prompts ar e stored in the PMT dir ectory . The r efer ence to speak th e prompt in a particular block is stor ed in the “Block.TBL” file , but the recor ded prompt itself and it’s associ ated T ext are stor ed in the PMT directory . The file f ormat is ‘{4 digits}.
PROGRAMMING REFERENCE The f ollowing section pr ovides in d epth d efinition s and descripti on s of all th e progr ammable fields within th e SVMi-4 software . Some fi elds are not accessible in th e SVMi-4. If you cannot put the cursor on them you can n ot change th em.
[G] SITE INFORMA TION [H] ST A TUS SCREEN Progr amming - P age 55.
OPEN BLOCK T ABLE T o Open a Block T able , from the System M ain Menu select OPEN BLOCK T ABLE and pr ess ENTER. Progr amming - P age 56.
The block table is used f or building SVMi-4 call routin g application s . This is the most fr equently accessed area in th e SVMi-4 and determin es its behavi or when it is routin g calls. All the pr ompts and option s o ffered to callers ar e pro- gramm ed here .
T o view a subscribers d ata scroll to the corr ect subscriber using the arr ow k eys and pr ess ‘enter’ . Use the ri ght arrow k ey to select extensi on block or mailbo x block.
highli ghted block will open. Y ou can then edit specifi c fields. See Extension block and Mailbox block f or additional information. Entering a Ne w Subscriber T o enter a n ew subscriber , highli ght a blank line an d press ENTER. T ype in th e subscriber nam e, Exten sion and M ailbox numbers .
Progr amming - P age 60.
Progr amming - P age 61.
Screen Timeout This is th e time befor e the administr ation screen will r evert to the port status scr een. Daily Maintenance Time This is the tim e when SVMi-4 perform s routine d aily main tenance . Daily Main tenance will save th e system tables an d perform m es- sage pur ging (V oice Mail or Ann ouncemen t featur es).
the appli cation, they would n ot be able to shut down th e system or chan ge th e passwords . Subscriber Admin This effects only th e GUI. This also works only with the GUI and allows access to th e following: Subscriber List, Display U ser Log, and Status Screen.
sive “T alk Off” problem s are experi enced durin g r ecordin g operation s , the value should be in creased. T alk Off occurs when a hum an voice emulates a D TMF tone . If users frequen tly experien ce difficulty in stopping r ecor ding (as evi denced by touch ton es being inclu ded in the r ecor dings), this value sh ould be redu ced .
dialed by SVMi-4. In ter-Digit Time sets th e time between dialed ton es . This value is expr essed in hund redth s of a second . Th e def ault is 8 (80 ms). VOICE STUDIO T o access the V oice Stu dio, from th e System Main Men u select VOI CE STUDIO and pr ess ENTER.
The scr een will show the f ollowing option s: Prompt Number Th e number of th e Prompt or Announ cem ent to be r ecorded or revi ewed. Progr amming - P age 66.
Length The len gth of the r ecording in secon ds. This param eter is automati cal- ly filled in by the SVMi-4 wh en the Prompt or Ann ouncemen t is record ed. Recorded Th e date the r ecording was m ad e or last updated . Te x t Space is provid ed for enterin g the text o f the Prompt or Ann oun cemen t to be recor ded.
Display Error Log This is a log o f all system errors and oth er informati on inclu ding startup and System Daily M aintenan ce. Th e inf ormati on supplied in this log inclu des: SVMi-4 breedin g mailbox, lost m essag e file recover ed, SVMi-4 shuttin g down and oth er system informati on.
Activity Log This scr een provid es a log of all of SVMi-4 activiti es . These inclu de: changin g to another M od e , SVMi-4 hanging up, n ew call an d call data, or searchin g on caller ID or entry . Everything SVMi-4s does is logg ed here . Usu ally this will only be used under dir ection of Sam sun g T echnical support.
PORT ACTIVITY This screen pr ovides th e system administrator th e ability to observe , port spe- cific , line by line system activity in eith er real time (as it happen s) or through Progr amming - P.
the SVMi-4 activity Log (if it’s alr eady happened). This activity con tains detailed inf ormation f or both subscriber and public caller call sessi on s. Refer to the P ort activity help scr een for detailed opti ons. Y ou may be ask ed to access this screen by Samsun g technical support.
ST A TUS SCREEN The is th e normal oper ating screen f or th e SVMi-4. The Status Scr een is a dis- play only facility , and sh ows informati on in real time r elating to the curr ent sta- tus of th e SVMi-4.
Prt. Column The P ort column gives you the n umber of the voi ce circuit that the call is takin g place on. MN Column The M ode Number column lets you kn ow which Mod e the port is in. Activ e Block Column This column shows you which block is curr ently servic- ing th e call, as the call gets dir ected through the call sessi on.
T otal Message Count The total n umber of messag es in the system. This inclu des new an d saved messages . A vg Messages/Mailbox Th e average n umber of messag es in subscriber m ail- box es. Disk Space A vailable The total disk space available in h ours and minutes .
Block T ables All applicati ons are built usin g blocks. BYE BLOCK Progr amming - P age 75.
Description The B YE Block is very simple. I ts purpose is to say good-bye to the caller , disconnect th e call, and free th e port. The only param eter is the prompt to be spok en before disconn ecting. Ther e is only on e bye block available in the SVMi-4.
Pr ogr am Fields Maximum Entry Digits The m aximum number o f digits the caller m ay enter to search f or the targ et the caller is trying to locate . This is usually set to thr ee Progr amming - P ag.
because most people's n ames do n ot have the same first thr ee letters. This number can be between 1 an d 10. W ait For Fir st Digit This is the amoun t of time , in seconds , th e system waits for th e caller to enter the first di git.
In this case , the SVMi-4 speaks the n umber of the Sear ch T arget. This could , for ex ample, be an e xtension or m ailbox number . Speak Name on Exit If this param eter is set to YES, the selected object's nam e is played to the caller prior to e xiting the Dir ectory .
EXTENSION Description The Exten sion Block is one o f the two Blocks (Extensi on, Mailbox) that describes a subscriber . The e xtension Block con trols the oper ating charac- teristics specifi c to a Subscriber’s extensi on.
Pr ogr am Fields Extension Name The n ame of th e extensi on. This is used by the directory fea- ture . Extension Number The n umber that must be enter ed by the caller in ord er to access the subscriber e xtension. I t does not n ecessarily have to be the same number di aled by SVMi-4 when tran sferring to the e xtension on th e telepho ne system.
ENTER at this field to brin g up the T arg et Generator . Select a new or e xisting Station Block fr om the T arg et Generator pi ck list. Pr ess Ctrl+O to revi ew the selected Station Block.
The inf ormation con tained within the thr ee M ailbox Block scr eens shown in this section is f or discussion and display purposes only . Three pag es are requir ed to contain th e Mailbox Block par ameters. Th e par ameters ar e grouped by category .
Pr ogr am Fields Mailbox Name Th e name o f the mailbo x. Extension Number The Exten sion number to whi ch the mailbo x belongs. Announce Only Mailbox A ‘Y’ in this fi eld design ates this as an announce- men t only mailbox.
Directory Public/U ser A ‘Y’ in these param eters, and th e subscribers’ name recor ded in the m ailbox, allows the Subscriber to be listed in eith er o f the appropri ate Directories .
Auto Play Ne w Messages If set to “Y”, any new m essages, or th ose messages not saved , will automatically begin to play wh en the Subscriber logs in to their Executary .
Auto Play Message Inf o If this option is set, the sen der inform ation and tim e will be automati cally played for each messag e. If this is n ot set to Y , the caller can still get this inf ormation on d emand by pr essin g ‘00’ while a messag e is playing.
is set and it is n ot on, enter an ‘N’ in this param eter and SVMi-4 will issue a MWI On comman d. If this param eter indicates that th e MWI is o ff and it is not o ff, enter a ‘Y’ in this param eter and the SVMi-4 will issue a MWI o ff Dial string.
P ager Notification Enabled A ‘Y’ enables the pag er notificati on of new m es- sages r eceived. A ‘N’ disables this option. Progr amming - P age 89.
P ager Station The type of stati on block to use for pager outdi als. Press ENTER to bring up th e T arget Gen erator . Select a new or existin g Station Block and press ENTER. Pr ess Ctrl+0 to review or edit th e selected Station Block. Dial The pag er number to dial to n otify of new m essages.
Operating Mode In dicates the M ode Nam e and Number f or whi ch the dis- played Block P ointers’ T arg ets are active . Operating M odes ar e given a unique Number by th e system. In the SVMi-4 they ar e 01 - 04, indicatin g Day , Nigh t, Holi day and Em ergen cy / Bad weather .
● CallDirector Ev ent Pointer s T o edit any Event P ointer , press ENTER to bring up th e T arget Gen erator . Highligh t and open the appr opriate Block type . Select a new or existin g Block and press ENTER. ● MSG-LEFT P ointer This is the Block that the SVMi-4 will pass con trol to if the caller leaves a m essage .
men u which perform s a search operati on to m atch the caller ENTRY to th e INPUT value of a poin ter , or Number o f an Extension, M ailbox or Announ cement.
When a m atch is found , it transfers con tr ol to Block defin ed in the targ et n ame field . It can also tran slate values into new values bef or e cond ucting th e search.
Prompts 1 thr ough 6 These are th e voice prompts that th e SVMi-4 speaks when th e Menu Block is en tered. M enu prompts 1- 6 ar e spok en in successi on and ar e normally used to pr ompt the caller for an en try .
inclu de any f our digit prompt n umber (1000 - 9999). A blank entry mean s “say nothin g.” T o use a different, or custom pr ompt, highligh t th e field to be chang ed and enter th e desired pr ompt n umber . T o review or edit th e prompt text, pr ess Ctrl + O (O is for Open).
W ait for Fir st Entry Digit This is the time , in seconds (fr om 0 to 99), that SVMi-4 will wait for th e caller to make an en try . This timer begin s after the last Men u prompt has been spoken. W ait for Subsequent Digits This is th e time , in seconds (from 0 to 99), that SVMi-4 will wait for th e caller to make a subsequen t entry .
Event P ointer T o mak e changes to th e No-Entry , Invalid , and Faxcall P ointers , highli ght the fi eld and press ENTER to brin g up th e T arg et Generator .
T arg et Generator pi ck list and press ENTER. Pr ess Ctrl+ O to r eview or edit th e selected Block. NO-ENTRY P ointer The Block that the SVMi-4 will e xecute ne xt if the caller mak es no entry in this MENU.
● Enter th e Input Value an d press ENTER to bring up th e Action pi ck list. Highli ght the appr opriate Acti on an d press ENTER. ● Select a Block type from th e T arget Gen erator pick list an d pr ess ENTER. Choose a n ew or existing Block an d press ENTER.
should in clude th e character which is in th e positi on of th e correspondin g “?” in the poin ter INPUT value. A d ot (.) is used in the tran slation value to indi cate that the corr esponding “?” in th e INPUT value should be discard ed .
A ction Column Goto Specifies th e next Block to e xecute , if the caller’s entry m atch es the INPUT value . Tr anslations Tr anslates caller entry , telephon e system or network integr ation inform ation to the tr anslated value specified . SVMi-4 th en search es for a match, using th e translated value .
ST A TION BLOCK Description The Stati on Block contains all th e informati on n eeded to call or tran sfer a caller to a particular phon e number . The bulk of th e Station Block defin es the various call pr ogress sign als .
Pr ogr am Fields Matching Dial Strings This area is wh ere the system m atches the di aled dig- its. If a Stati on Block has not been expli citly assigned to a ph on e number SVMi- Progr amming - P ag.
4 will search all Stati on Blocks to locate the one m ost closely matching th e number bein g dialed. Stati on Blocks can contain up to six matchin g dial strings . These strin gs can includ e any digit whi ch can be di aled and th e wildcard char- acter “?” .
Conference Calls - Y/N Allows SVMi-4 to place a confer ence call to the sta- tion con trolled by the Stati on Block. Message W aiting Indicator Contr ols Dial T o Set MWI On Enter th e string need ed to turn message waitin g indica- tors on (see the compan y’s PBX system referen ce manu al for this param eter).
ENTER to start Call Progr ess Tr aining. Four conditi ons apply to the tr ain r outine: ● If only the Rin ging Number value is filled in, only th ose values which per- tain to a ring si gnal will be modifi ed by running the Call Pr ogr ess T rain rou- tine .
Special Char acter s used when writing dialing instructions These char acters perform special fun ctions: & – This is a flash-hook whi ch is critical for si gnaling on an alog system s. , – The comm a is a one second pause . T – “T” tells the port to switch to ton e (DTMF) di aling.
Inde x A Active Block Column 73 Activity Display 25 Activity Log 69 Ad ministrati on Digit 94 Ad ministrati on Features Description 25 Ad ministrati on Features List 15 Ad ministrati on Options 49 Ad .
B Back Plane Conn ectors 31 Back Up Ad apter 11 Back Up And Restor e 25, 51 Block T ables 75 Block.TBL 52 Board Di agram 33 Broad cast 20 Busy Number 106 Bye Block 75 Description 76 Progr am Fields 76.
Detect on leading ed ge 63 Dial 90 Dial N umber 81 Dial T o Set MWI Off 106 Dial T o Set MWI On 106 Dial T one T rim Size 63 Direct to M ailbox 18 Directory A ccesses 73 Directory Block 76 Description.
F FAX CALL Poin ter 99 Feature Descripti ons 16 Feature List 12 G Gener al Description 7 Har dware Descripti on 9 Back Up Ad apter 11 Main Boar d 9 Mem ory 9 Upgrad e Key 10 Overview 7 Auto A ttend an.
I Inclu de Unn amed Objects 79 Incomin g Call Overflow 19 Indivi du al Mailbox Gr eeting 21 Indivi du al Mailbox N ame 21 Indivi du al Mailbox P assword 21 InputV alue Column 100 InputV alue Search Or.
L Length 67 LIFO / FIFO 84 Logging In 44 M Mailbo x 81, 82 Description 82 Progr am Fields 84 Mailbo x Greetin g Allowed 85 Mailbo x has MWI 87 Mailbo x Nam e 84 Mailbo x Set Up 36 Main Boar d 9 Matchi.
Messag e Save 23 Messag e Scan 23 Messag e Send 23 Messag e Skip 23 Messag e Un delete 23 Messag e W aiting Indi cations 87 Messag e W aiting Indi cator Contr ols 106 Messag e W aiting Ligh t Indi cation 23 Messag e .
P P ager Notifi cation En abled 89 P ager Station 90 P assword Security 25 P assword the GO TO 102 P assword then Goto 102 P ersonal Greetin gs 24 P ersonal Mailbo x Ad ministration 24 P ort Activity .
Mailbo x 82 Men u Block 93 Station Block 103 System Main M enu 54 Open Block T able 56 Operatin g Utilities 67 P ort Activity 70 Site Inform ation 71 Status Screen 72 Subscriber List 57 System Wid e P.
Reset Button 30 Retenti on Days Remainin g 82, 85 Retrain - T rain 107 Retrain - Y/N 106 Retries If N o M atch 78 Retry if INV ALID Condition 97 Ri ng Mo de 36 Ringin g Number 106 Run Status LED 31 S Sched ule .
Suffix 105 SVMi-4 Main System 30 Synchr onized Clock 17 System Activity 73 System Ad min 62 System Ad ministrati on 39 System Ad ministrator 40 System Capacities 28 System Features Descripti on 16 Sys.
W W ait For First Digit 78 W ait for First Entry Di git 97 W ait For Subsequent Digits 78, 97 Wild Cards 100 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
Samsun g T elecommunicati ons Ameri ca, Inc . reserves th e righ t without prior n otice to r evise infor- mati on in this man ual for any r eason. Samsung T elecommuni cation s Ameri ca, Inc. also r eserves the ri ght with out prior n otice to mak e chang es in desi gn or componen ts of equipment as en gi- neerin g and m anufacturing m ay warrant.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Samsung SVMI-4 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Samsung SVMI-4 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Samsung SVMI-4 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Samsung SVMI-4 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Samsung SVMI-4 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Samsung SVMI-4 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Samsung SVMI-4 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Samsung SVMI-4 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.