Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DNR-322L van de fabrikant Seagate
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V ersion 1.1 | 29/12/2011.
i D-Link DNR-322L User Manual T able of Cont ents D-Link reser ves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in the content hereof without obligation to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes . Information in this document ma y become obsolete as our services and websites dev elop and change.
ii D-Link DNR-322L User Manual T able of Cont ents F eatures ............................................................................................ 4 Hardwar e Over view ..................................................................... 7 F ront View .
iii D-Link DNR-322L User Manual T able of Cont ents Search the Recorded Video t o Playback .....................70 Recorded Video Enhancemen t ...................................... 72 Save Video .......................................................
1 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view • D-LinkDNR-322LmydlinkNetwork V ideoRecorder(NVR) • CA T5EthernetCable • Po werAdapt er • Ca.
2 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view *Ha rd di sk d riv es sho uld be fr om the sa me m anu fact ur er . T o ens ur e m axi mum perf orma nce , iden tical drives are recommended f or RAID 1 congurations . S y stem Requiremen ts Hardwar e Requirements •Oneortwo3.
3 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view Introduction Congr atulations on your pur chase of the DNR-322L 2-bay my dlink NVR. DNR-322Lis a standalonewir edNetwork V ideoRecor der(NVR) which suppor tsmulti-channelnetwork cameraswith M- JPEG, MP EG4 or H.
4 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view F ea tures Compr ehensive IP Surveillance Solution • T otal Solution: The D -Link NVR is a standalone SA T A RAID network video rec order capable of 24/7 rec ording without a PC.
5 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view F ully F unctional Recording 1. Flexi ble Record ing Sch edu le : Once came ras have been set up, a high ly con gu rab le sche dul in g syste m all ows for continuous recording or recording during specically allotted time frames.
6 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view Instant Live Vie w 1. F ull Screen: Enlarge the displa y to full screen of liv e view and recor ded video. 2. Drag and Drop GUI: With multiple channels enabled , users can change channel by drag and drop .
7 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view Har dwar e O v er view F ront V iew USB P or t Drive LED P ower LED C OMPONENT DESCRIPTION P ower Button P ress once to po wer on the NVR. Pr ess and hold the butt on unt il the LED begins t o blink t o pow er dow n the NVR.
8 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view Rear P anel ( C onnec tions) C OMPONENT DESCRIPTION Cov er Lock This lock is used to r emove the co ver when unlocked. L ock ing it will restrict the removal of the top c over . Cooling F an The cooling fan is used to c ool the hard driv es and featur es speed contr ol.
9 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Sec tion 2 - Getting Star ted T o get star t ed with the NVR Setup Wizar d, inser t the supplied CD into y our CD -ROM drive: Getting Star ted NVR Sof twar e CD Click the Install button to start the NVR S etup Wizar d.
10 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation Inser t the I nstallation CD-ROM into your computer’ s optical drive to start the autorun program.
11 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation Install the Hard Driv es This step shows y ou how to open your NVR so that you can install one or t wo hard drives. Click Next to continue . Slide either one or two hard drives into the open hard drive bays of your device.
12 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation Once the hard driv es are installed, y ou can attach the top co ver . Click Next to continue . A standard CA T5E Ethernet cable with a RJ-45 connector is needed to connect your NVR to your network.
13 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation P ow er and Device Selec tion Connect the power adapter to the power receptor on the back of the device . Pr ess the power button located under the faceplate LEDs to turn on the devi ce. Click Next to continue .
14 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation A dmin passwor d This window r equests the Admin (administrator) passw ord. If this is the rst installation of this device then the passwor d will be blank. Click Next to continue. In this step y ou can create a new passwor d f or the Admin username.
15 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation RAID Congur ation and Driv e Mapping Select one of the V olume F ile S ystem s type. Clicking on eac h le syst em type radio but ton will give a description below . This step allows you to map the volume created as a network driv e on your computer .
16 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation Search C amera Please connect your network camera(s) to the network and pow er on. The NVR will search for your av ailable camera(s) in the local network (LAN) and add it to the camera list in the NVR.
17 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation F ind the camera in the camera list and type the camera ’ s password in the P assword eld.
18 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation Set up I nt ernet connec tion Setup Wizar d will tr y to connect to the Internet. Note: If the NVR is not able to connec t to the Internet, Setup Wizard will allow you to set up the “PPPoE” or “StaticIP” for Internetconnection.
19 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - I nstallation The nal window of the installation wizard show s successful completion. Y our device is no w installed and ready for use . Note: Y our drives are network mapped, so you will be able to access them under My Computer .
20 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Sec tion 3 - my dlink P or tal m y dlink P or tal After reg istering your NVR with a mydlink account in the NVR Setup W izard , you will be able to remotely acc ess your NVR from the ww w .
21 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Sec tion 3 - my dlink P or tal NVR Sta tus If your NVR is oine, try the following: • ChecktomakesurethattheInternetconnectiontoyourNVRisw ork ingproperly . • T r yrestartingyourInternetrouter .
22 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Sec tion 3 - my dlink P or tal Liv e V ideo In the main par t of the scr een, the Live Video tab will be selected b y default. If the NVR is a vailable, you will need t o login NVR rst, default login ID is “ admin ” , password is blank.
23 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Sec tion 3 - my dlink P or tal NVR Settings The NVR Settings tab allo ws you to access your NVR’ s conguration interface. T o open y our NVR’ s conguration interface, click NVR web page and en ter the password .
24 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Sec tion 3 - my dlink P or tal Device Name: The D evice Name is a unique name that if can help you to identify it. Clicking on the Device Name will open a window for yo u to login to your NVR’ s c onguration inter face.
25 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Sec tion 2 - Getting Star ted Y oucaninserttheCDand click “NVRSearch Utilit y ” torun anotherusefulsetup tool. Whenrst power edon,during theinitial boot sequence, the device will wait to be assigned an IP address via DHCP .
26 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Sec tion 2 - Getting Star ted Selec t the device from the list and click the Congura tion button. This will launch the computer ’ s default web browser and direct it to the IP address list ed for the device . Make sure the brow ser is not congured to use a pr oxy ser ver .
27 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration This section will show you ho w to congure y our new D -Link NVR using the Web-based Congura tion Utilit y .
28 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration If HDD is exist, this screen displays the currently installed HDD information. C ongure Har d Driv e Y ou must decide on the RAID type you w ould like to f ormat your HD Ds with. Click the Next button to continue or click Exit t o cancel.
29 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration T ype admin for the user name and leave the passw ord eld blank. Click Exit Wizar d to nish the auto search. Click Login Please connect your network camera(s) to network and po wer on them.
30 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration After login, y ou will be redirected to the NVR w eb UI:.
31 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration The main categories f or conguration ar e located on the menu tabs at the top of the page . These categories include: • LIVE VIDEO - Show s the live video of network cameras and contr ols PTZ functions.
32 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration BASIC OPERA TION Y ou may run the wizard to congure the setup for your NVR. T here are basic and advanced operations . Y ou must rst congure the basic operations in or der to activate and utilize the f eatures of our NVR.
33 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Select this connection if you have a DHCP server r u n n i n g o n yo u r n e t wo r k a n d w o u l d l i k e a dynamic IP addres s to be automatically updat ed to your NVR.
34 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Camer a Search Step 1: Click the Search button to sear ch f or UP nP cameras . The syst em will list all the av ailable cameras at this moment. Click the “ + ” icontoadd this camera int o your camera list.
35 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Camer a Setup Step 1: Select the camera which you would like t o modify . Step 2: Modify its information on the t op of the page.
36 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration A udio and V ideo St ep 1 : Se lect the came ra whic h y ou wou ld like to mod ify in the camera list. Step 2 : NVR will display the parameters f or the selected camera. Y ou can modify the information at this page.
37 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Liv e and Playback Setup P or t: Maximum Connections: Enter the live str eaming transmission port. Enter the maximum connec tions f or remot e access . The maximum number of re mote connections is 32.
38 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Recor ding Schedule No Record: Record b y Schedule: Manual Record: Automa tic Over write: Store Videos b y Schedule: T ur n o recor ding. Record acc ording to the schedule0 M a n ua l r e c o r d w i l l r e c o r d v i d e o a l w a y s .
39 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Set Recording Schedule Day: W eek: Setup the Schedule: Inser t: Delete: Congur e: Cop y : Schedule the cam eras to turn the recorder o n and o at the same time every day according to your pref erence .
40 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Recor ding Schedule Set Recording Schedule C onguration Step 1 : Ent er the desired Start Time and End Time . Step 2 : Enter pre -record period and post-rec ord for event trigger recor ding.
41 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Ev ent Setup Hard Disk Space F ull: When the Over write func tion is not enabled, NVR will stop rec ording when HDD full. Step 1 : Select the event below . E-mail: I f t he e ve nt occ ur s, the s ys tem w il l sen d an E-mail to the pre-set contacts.
42 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration A uto Backup This feature enables you to automatically backup the recor ded video of the previous date to FTP site. There are two steps to enable the function, one is setup Backup S chedule and another is setup Backup Ser ver .
43 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration FTP Site: FTP P or t: User Name: P assword: F older: T est Backup Ser ver: The IP or domain name of r emote FTP ser ver . The remot e FTP site por t number , default FTP por t is 21. The user name to login FTP server .
44 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration E-mail Setup Ser ver A ddress: P or t: Use SSL: Sender: Subject: Body of Message: SMTP Authentica tion: User Name: P assword: Send T esting M ail: SMTP (S impl e Ma il T ra nspo r t Protocol ) ser ver I P address .
45 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration T ime and Dat e Setup Manually Set the T ime and Date: Set T ime F rom My Computer: Time Z one Settings: NTP Ser ver: E n t e r t h e c o m p le te t i m e a n d d a t e s e t t in gs m a n u al ly.
46 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Maintenanc e Add New U ser Step 1: Input the new user name. Step 2: Input the password . T ype the passwor d again to conrm. Step 3: S elect the live view camera s and PTZ/ IO C ontr ol functions which this user can access.
47 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration User List Change User’ s Passw ord St ep 1: Se lect the user nam e y ou wan t t o m odif y a nd click Modi fy butt on. Step 2 : In put t he pa ssword o f the u ser . T y pe t he pas sword a gai n to conrm.
48 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration I f t h e N V R i s m a l f u n c t i o n i n g o r c r a s h e s unexpectedly , click the Restar t button on the NVR . Rest arting t he NVR will take about one a nd a half minutes. T h i s w i ll r e s e t a l l c o n f i g u r a ti on s t o f a c t o r y default.
49 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Creat es t wo separate volumes (or one volume if only one hard drive is present). Each hard drive has its own volume . Note: On l y St a nd a r d mo d e c a n cre a t e th e Vol u m e 2, whic h is avai lable as a File (S amba ) Ser ver .
50 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Wha t is R AID? RAID , shor t for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is a combination of t wo or more disks with the aim of providing fault tolerance and impr oving per f ormance.
51 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration D ynamic DNS Ser ver Addr ess: Host Name: Username or Key: P assword or Key: V erify P assword or Key: Status: Select a dynami c DNS ser vice provider from the pull-down list. Ente r yo ur ho st na me.
52 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration F irmw are Upda te The device rmwar e can be upgraded from this page. The rmwar e update must be saved on the local hard drive of y our computer . Click the Bro wse button to sear ch the local hard drive for the rmware update le.
53 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration S h o w s th e c a m e r a c o n n e c ti on s t a t u s . T h e u s e r c a n c l i c k Connect or Disconnect to change the connection status. Shows the recording schedule and current recording status of the cameras .
54 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration S yst em Info LAN Information: Device Information: Hard Drive Information: Displays the local netw ork settings of the NVR. D i s p l a y s t h e d e v i c e n a m e a n d c u r r e n t temperatur e of the NVR.
55 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration S yst em Log This page display s the system even t list of your NVR. The Syst em Log is di erent from the NVR Log as it includes the following items: 1. User login/logout 2. Modify/delete account 3.
56 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration NVR L og NVR Log: NVR Ev ent Log: Displays the NVR log inf ormation such as stop recor ding or NVR system start. Di s p la ys th e ev en t l o g in fo r m at i o n su c h as motion detection or lost camera connection.
57 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Suppor t The NVR Help page pro vides a list of suppor t topics..
58 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Liv e V ideo Setup Live View Step 1: Click the LIVE VIDEO button at the top of the menu. Step 2: Selec t a camera(s) from the camera list on the right and then drag it to the location to where you wish the image to be display ed.
59 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration 1/4/6/9/16/N Split Screen: V iew E-Map: Auto Scan: F ull Screen: PTZ Camera Con trol: Zoom: User can choose to view 1/4/6/9/16 or NxN cameras at a time . Note: Maximumphysicalcamer asonlysuppor ts9channels,otherchannelsarethe “Duplicatedchannel” .
60 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Pr eset: F ocus: Play/St op/Drop: Information Display W indow: Manual Record: Click the Set button to set a preset position for a camera with PTZ suppor t. Users can give the specied position a name and store it in the preset position list.
61 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration General Setting General 1. C he ck the En ab le a ud io on ac ti ve ch an nel opt io n to ena bl e au dio streaming on ac tive channel. This func tion synchronizes with r ight click on camera to enable audio .
62 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Monitor Display Setting 1. Sele c t Pri mar y ch anne l w hich w ill always be on t he screen when activating auto scan; while select Secondary channel which has second priority when activating auto scan.
63 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Set up Joystick C ontrol F unction: P arameter: Default: Impor t: Expor t: Y ou can choose the function from the drop- down menu for the button of the joystick. Choose the preset point fr om the drop- down menu.
64 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Multiple view Duplicate Camera: Connect / Disconnect: Connect All / Disconnect All: Sel ect the dupl ica te ca mer a f unct ion to cr ea te mul tip le view s . Th e duplicated camera will be shown with green indicator .
65 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Pla yback Play the Rec orded V ideo Step 1: Be sure tha t you hav e set the schedule/recor ding event rst. Step 2: Click the PLA YBA CK tab at the top of the menu. Step 3: Click the Open Recor d button.
66 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Single/Quad split Screen: F ull Screen: Information W indow: Audio V olume Con trol : Digital Zoom: User may view a single camera or 4 camer as at a time. The DNR-322L only suppor ts 1 camera playback.
67 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Play/St op/Pause: Speed: Cue In/C ue out: Step F orward/Reverse: F ast F orward/Reverse: Select a camera/ video and click this button to play/stop/pause a particular channel. Click the + or - button to incr ease or decrease the playback speed.
68 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Open Recor d and Setting Click the Setting butt on to change the settings of P layback. Record Displa y Calendar View: List Con trol: Play Play when open: Auto skip when recor d motion only mode: Next Inter val: Pr evious Inter val: Recordings ar e displayed as a calendar .
69 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Captur e Image Save in Clipboar d: Manually save the image le: Automa tically save the image le: The image will be sav ed in the clipboard and can be pasted to other applications .
70 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Search the Recor ded V ideo to Pla yback Record Displa y Windo w : Date Time P eriod: V ideo Preview: Display the available r ecorded video r ecords. Select the star t and end points that indicate the time period you would like to view .
71 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Step 1: F r om the Record Display Windo w at the top left of the Date Time P anel , select the date you w ould like to search the recor d from. The red lines sho wn on the timetable indicate available r ecorded video r ecords .
72 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Recor ded V ideo Enhancement Apply active channel: Apply all channels: The settings will be only applied to the selected channel. The settings will be only applied to those curren tly shown on the screen.
73 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Sav e V ideo Step 1: During playback, users can choose the camera where they w ould like to sav e a video clip. Step 2: Set the cue in and cue out points; the cue in and cue out time will be shown on the information window .
74 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Sav e Image Step 1 : Dur ing playb ack , u ser s can c hoo se to save an image from a selected camera.
75 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration P rint Image Step 1: During playback, user can choose to print a selected image. Step 2: Click the P rint button when the desired image is sho wn on the screen. Step 3: Select desired print settings.
76 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Backup the Recor ded V ideo Unlike the Save Video function, the Backup function will save all the recor ded videos during the time period you select, instead of a single video clip . Step 1: Use Open Rec ord to select the desired data.
77 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Pla yback Manager Applica tion 1/4/9/16 Split Screen: F ull Screen: Information W indow: Audio V olume Con trol : Digital Zoom: Play/St op/ P ause: Speed: Cue in/C ue out: Users can selec t to view a single camera or 4 cameras at a time .
78 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Step f or ward/ Reverse: F ast f or ward/ Reverse: Click to pause the playback and mo ve to next frame or last frame. Click to pause the playback and mo ve to next minute or last minute. Set Connections to the Units Step 1: Click the Remote Server button.
79 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Backup and F ile M anager Applica tion In addition to the ways mentioned in the previous chapters, you can apply the application to backup your les .
80 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Step 12: Select the location where you w ould like to sav e the backup data. Step 13: Check the Include Playback applica tion option, which will add Playback application in to the backup folder .
81 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration V erication T ool The V erication T ool veries whether the data created by the system has been tampe red with. It ’ s the pr oce ss b y whic h a di gital wat ermark (a di gita l sig natur e) is adde d to each reco rde d vide o fra me t o ensu re its aut henti city .
82 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 3 - Conguration V erify Image / V ideo 1. Selec t single or multiple les for v erication. 2. Click the V erify button to start verication. 3. The vericat ion re sult will show on watermark column. I f a le was tamper ed with , it will show ; if a le passed vericat ion, it will show .
83 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 4 - T roubleshooting T r oubleshooting Check the Sy stem Sta tus LED The syst em status LED repor ts the condition of the enclosur e fan and power supply: Solid .
84 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Section 4 - T roubleshooting Respond to a Critical RAID V olume How the unit responds to a critical RAID V olume depends on the RAID level of your V olume and whether you have a spar e drive av ailable: F or RAID 1 V olumes, if a spare drive is available , the RAID V olume will begin rebuilding itself automatically .
85 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Appendix A - Choose a RAID Lev el Choose a RAID Le v el The re are sever al issues to c onsider when choos ing the RAID level . The f ollow ing su mmariz es som e adv antag es, disadvantages and applications f or each choice .
86 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Appendix B - Replacing or Adding a new Har d Drive Replacing or A dding a New Har d Driv e It is recommended that you backup y our impor tant les before r eplacing or adding a new hard drive t o the NVR. Replacing a Hard Drive: Please make sure the power is o before replacing a hard dr ive .
87 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specications T echnical Specications F irmwar e Specication OS + Linux C AM E R AS S UP P O RT + Supports all D -Link network cameras. Includes suppor t for auto-discovery, and up to 3 megapixel r esolution.
88 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specications + Auto backup the video of previous da y to FTP server SYS T EM S T A T US + Camera status , System status + Still picture EMAP s.
89 D-Link DNR-322L User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specications P ACK AG E CO N TE N TS + 2-Bay NVR + Po wer Adapter + Ethernet Cable +QuickInstallationGuide + Po wer Cable Holder + CD-ROM with: - Soft ware - Pr oduct D ocumentation Remark 1: An external SA T A drive is required to st ore or share les.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Seagate DNR-322L (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Seagate DNR-322L heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Seagate DNR-322L vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Seagate DNR-322L leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Seagate DNR-322L krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Seagate DNR-322L bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Seagate DNR-322L kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Seagate DNR-322L . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.