Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ST3750330AS van de fabrikant Seagate
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Prod uct Ma nu al Barracuda 720 0.1 1 Se rial A T A 10045 2348 Rev . C Januar y 2008 ST31 00 0340 AS ST31 00 0640 AS ST37 50 330A S ST37 50 630A S ST35 00 320A S ST35 00 620A S ST35 00 820A S.
Revisi on hist or y Copyri ght © 200 7-20 08 Seagate T echnology L LC. A ll right s reserve d. Printe d in U.S.A . Pub lication nu mber : 10045234 8, Rev . C, January 2008 Sea gate, Sea gate T echnolog y and th e W ave logo are regi stered t rademarks of Seagat e T echnology LL C in the Un ited S tates and/or oth er count ries.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C i Conte nts 1.0 In troduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 A bout the S erial ATA interf ace .
ii Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C iii List o f Fi gures Figure 1. Typical 5V star tup a nd operatio n current profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Figure 2. Typical 12 V startup and opera tion cur rent pro file .
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 1 1.0 I ntroducti on This ma nual de scribes t he functional , mechan ical and interfa ce specif ications fo r the foll owing Seag ate Barr acuda ® 7 200.1 1 Ser ial A T A m odel dri ves: These d rives provide the fo llowing key fe atures: • 7,200 R PM sp indle speed.
2 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 1.1 Abo ut th e Se ria l A T A i nterf ac e The Serial A T A i nterface provides several advant ages ov er the trad itional (p ara llel) A T A int erface. The prim ary advant age s include: • Easy in stalla tion and con figura tion with true plug- and-pl ay connectivity .
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 3 2.0 Drive specificati ons Unles s otherwi se noted, all specific ations are m easur ed u nder amb ient con ditions, a t 25°C, a nd nominal pow er .
4 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C T a ble 1: Drive sp ecific atio ns s ummary for 1000 a nd 750 Gb yte mode ls Drive speci fication ST31 000340A S ST310 00640AS ST3750 330AS ST.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 5 * One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referri ng to har d drive capacity . Accessible ca pacity may va r y dependin g on ope rating en vi ronmen t and formatting. * *During per io ds of drive i dle, some offl ine act ivity ma y occur ac cor ding to the S.
6 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C T a ble 2: Drive sp ecific atio ns s ummary for 500 Gb yte models Drive speci fication ST350 0320AS ST350 0620 AS ST3500820 AS Formatte d capa.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 7 * One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referri ng to har d drive capacity . Accessible ca pacity may va r y dependin g on ope rating en vi ronmen t and formatting. * *During per io ds of drive i dle, some offl ine act ivity ma y occur ac cor ding to the S.
8 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 2.1 Forma tte d ca pacity *One Gb yte equals one billion bytes whe n refer r ing to h ard drive capacity . Accessibl e capacity may vary depe nding on operating enviro nment and formatting. 2.1.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 9 2.4 Phy sic al cha ra cteri sti cs 2.5 S ee k ti m e Seek mea surem ent s a re t ake n w ith nom inal po wer a t 25 °C amb ient t empe ratur e. All tim es a re m easu red using drive di agnostics.
10 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 2. 7 Power sp eci f ica ti ons The driv e receive s DC po wer ( + 5V or + 12V ) t hrou gh a nat ive S A T A po wer connect or . See Figu re 4 on p age 20. 2. 7.1 Power c onsum pt ion Power requir emen ts fo r the driv e s are lis ted in the t able on pa ge 9.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 11 T ypica l cu rrent pr ofiles Figure 1. T ypical 5V st artup and o peration current profile Figure 2.
12 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 2.7.2 Cond ucted nois e Input noise r ipple is measured at th e host system power sup ply across an equivalen t 80-ohm resistive load on the + 12 volt lin e or an eq uivalent 1 5-ohm r esistive load on the +5 vol t line .
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 13 2.8 Envi ron men t al sp ecif ica tio ns 2.8.1 Ambie nt tem perature Ambie nt temp eratu re is d efined as the te mperatur e of t he environmen t im mediatel y surro unding the d rive.
14 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 2.8.6 V ibration All vi bration specifi cations assum e that th e drive is m ounted secure ly with the inpu t vibration applied at the driv e mounting screws. V ibra tion m ay be applied i n the X , Y or Z axi s.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 15 2.9 A coust ics Drive acoustics are measu red as over all A-wei ghted ac ou stic sound power l evels (n o pure ton es). All me a- sureme nts are consi stent with ISO document 7779. S ound power m easuremen ts are t aken und er e ssentially free-f ield cond itions ove r a reflecting plane.
16 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 2.1 1 Re liab ility 2.1 1.1 An nualized Failur e Rat e (AFR ) and M ean T ime Betw een Failur es (MTBF ) The pr oduct shall achieve an A nnualized Failure Rate (A FR) of 0.34% (MTBF of 0. 7 million hours) when oper- ated in an env ironment of ambien t air temper atures o f 25 ° C.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 17 Korean RRL If these driv es have the Korea Mini stry of Informat ion and C ommun ication (MIC ) logo, they comply with par agr aph 1 of Arti.
18 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 2.13 En v iro nme ntal p ro tec tion Seag ate designs i ts product s to meet envi ronm ental pro t ection r equirement s wor ldwide, incl uding regu lations restricti ng certain chemic a l substances .
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 19 3.0 Conf igur ing an d mountin g the dri ve This secti on cont ains t he specifica tions an d instructions f or con figuring and moun ting the dri ve.
20 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 3.2 Conf igu rin g the dr ive Each dr ive on the Seria l A T A interface connect s point -to-point wi th the Seria l A T A host adapt er . There is no master /slave relationsh ip beca use each dr ive is consid er ed a ma ster in a poi nt-to-poin t relat ionship.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 21 3. 4 Driv e mo un ti ng Y ou can mou nt the dr ive in a ny orie ntation using fo ur screws i n the sid e-mo unting holes or f our screw s in the bottom- mou nti ng holes. S ee Figur e 5 for drive moun ti ng dimensio ns.
22 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 23 4.0 Ser ia l A T A (SA T A) in te rf ace These drive s use the industry-st an dard Serial A T A inte rface th at su pports FI S dat a tran sfers. It s uppor ts A T A progr ammed inpu t/outp ut (PIO) mod es 0–4 ; multiwor d DMA m odes 0–2, an d Ultra DMA mode s 0–6.
24 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 4. 2 Seri al A T A devi ce p lug c onne c tor p in de fin iti on s Table 6 summari zes the si gnals on th e Seri al ATA inte rface and power co nnectors. . Notes: 1. All pi ns are in a single r ow , with a 1 .
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 25 4.3 Supp ort ed A T A c omm ands The foll owing tab le list s Serial A T A stand ard comma nds that the dri ve support s. For a de ta iled descrip tion of the A T A comma nds, refer to the S erial A T A Interna tional O rganizati on: Seri al A T A Revi sion 2.
26 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C Security Era se Prepare F3 H Security Era se Unit F4 H Sec ur ity F re ez e F5 H Security Set P assword F1 H Secu r i t y Unl o ck F2 H Seek .
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 27 W rite Sectors Extended 34 H Command n ame Command co de (in hex).
28 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 4.3.1 Ident ify D evice com mand The Id entify De vice command (command code EC H ) transfer s information abou t the drive to the host foll owing power up . The d ata is organized as a single 512 -byte bl ock of data, whose cont ents are shown in T able 7 on pag e 25.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 29 60–61 T otal number of user-addressable LBA s ectors available (see Section 2.1 for relat ed information) *Note: The maximum value allow ed in this field is: 0FFFFFFFh (268,435,455 sect ors, 137 Gbytes).
30 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C Note. Advanced Power Management (APM) and Automatic Acoustic M anagement (AAM) features are not supported Note. See the bit descriptions below for w ords 63, 88, and 93 of t he Identify Drive data.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 31 4.3.2 Set Feat ures c omman d This com man d con trol s t he im pleme nt ation of var ious f eatur es th at th e dr ive sup port s . When th e dr iv e r eceives this command, it se ts BSY , checks the content s of t he Features reg ister , clears B SY and gene rates an inter - rupt.
32 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 4.3.3 S.M.A. R.T . co mmand s S.M. A.R.T . provides near- term fai lure pred iction for disc drives. W hen S. M.A.R.T . is enabl ed, the driv e moni- tors pr edet ermined d rive at tribut es that ar e suscepti ble to deg rada tion over tim e.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 33 5.0 Seagat e T echnology suppo rt service s Onli ne s ervic es Inter net For info rma tion regardin g Seagate pr oducts and services, vi sit www .sea . Worl dwide sup port is availa ble 24 hour s daily by email fo r your que stions.
34 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C Custo mer Se rvice Op era tion s W arranty S ervice Seag ate of fer s worldw ide custom er supp ort for Seagate pro duct s.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 35 Index A ACA 17 accelerat ion 14 acoustics 15 Activ e 12 Active m ode 12 actuator arm 10 AFR 16 Agency certification 16 altitude 1 3 Ambie nt.
36 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C I I/O data- transfer r ate 8 I/O duty cycle 16 Identify Device 25 Identify Device command 2 8 Idle 12 , 25 Idle Imm ediate 25 Idle mod e 10 ,.
Barr acuda 7200 .11 Ser ial ATA Pr oduct Manu al, Rev. C 37 RMS r ead/writ e current 12 RoHS 18 RRL 17 S S.M.A. R.T. D isable O perati ons 26 S.M.A. R.T. E nable Opera tions 2 6 S.M.A.R .T. Enable/ Disabl e Autosave 26 S.M. A.R.T. Ex ecu te Offlin e 26 S.
38 Bar racuda 720 0.11 Seri al ATA Product Manu al, Rev. C.
Seag ate T echnolog y LLC 920 D isc Drive , Scot ts V alley, Califo rnia 95 066-4544 , USA Public ation N umber: 1 00452348, R ev . C, Pri nted in U.S.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Seagate ST3750330AS (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Seagate ST3750330AS heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Seagate ST3750330AS vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Seagate ST3750330AS leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Seagate ST3750330AS krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Seagate ST3750330AS bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Seagate ST3750330AS kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Seagate ST3750330AS . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.