Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ST423451N/W/WD van de fabrikant Seagate
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Con tents Prefac e . .. ....... . .... ....... . .... ....... . .. . ... . .. . . . .. . . . .. . ... . .. . . . .. . . . .. . ... ........ . ... . 1 Electr ostatic discharge protection ................... ............................. 1 Imp ortant safety informatio n and p re cautions .
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 1 Preface This manual contains infor mation for u s er s of the Seaga te® ST4234 51 Elite 2 3 SCSI disc drives. It pr ovid es s u pport ser- vices, perfor mance specific a t ions, and initial setup inform ation. Additional in f ormati on is av ailable in the Elite 23 Product Manual (part number 83 329140).
2 El ite 23 Installation Guide, Rev. A • Turn off the power before removing or installi n g the DC power cable. • Do not remove any circuit boards f rom t he drive. • Never use an ohmmeter on any cir cuit boards. • When i n s t alling th e drive on a carr ier or t ray, di scharge the carrier or tray prior to insert ing it i nto the system.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 3 • Follow the precautions l isted ab ove i n “Electr ostatic disch ar ge prot ection.” • Do not remove any circuit boards from the drive. Retur n the entire dri ve for depot repair if any cir cuit bo a r d is defective.
4 El ite 23 Installation Guide, Rev. A throu gh the Seag ate Safety Depart ment to a ssist t h e subsystem designe r. W ichtig e S icher hei tshinw eis e Vorsicht. Beim Testen des Laufwerk s auf d e m Prüftis ch ist Fremdbelüftung vorzuseh en, um eine ausreiche nde Kühlun g der Laufwerkkompon enten si cherzustellen.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 5 • Beach ten Sie alle Warn- und Vorsic h t shinweise in d i esem Handbu ch. • Treffen Si e beim Bet rieb, bei der Install ation oder b ei der Entfernung der Ei n h ei t angemessene Sicherheitsvorkehrun- gen.
6 El ite 23 Installation Guide, Rev. A digen hat eine Beschädigung de r Komponenten un d Erlöschen des Garantieanspruchs zur Folge. Als Te i l komponente ist dieses Lauf werk für die Inst allation und den Betr ieb in Über einstimmung mit UL 1 950 , EN60950, C S A C22.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 7 tive 89/336/EEC of 03 May 1989 as amended by Directive 92/ 31/EEC of 28 Apri l 1 992 and Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993. Seaga te uses an ind epende nt la borat ory to confirm c o mpliance to th e above d i rectives.
8 El ite 23 Installation Guide, Rev. A Tec h n ical support s ervices If you need a ssistance installing your drive, cons ult you r dea ler. Dealers are familiar with thei r unique system configurations and can help you with system con f lict s and other technical issues.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 9 SeaBOARD SeaBOARD is a computer bulletin board system that contains informati on about Sea gate Technolog y disc and t ape dr ive prod- ucts and is available 24 hours dai ly. Set your comm uni cat ions softw are to ei ght data bits, no parity, and one sto p bit (8-N- 1).
10 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A Seag ate Tech no logy FAX servi ces SeaFAX You can us e a touch-tone telephon e to access Seagate’s auto- mated FAX sy s t em to receive techn ical support inform ation by return FAX. This service is a vailable 24 hours daily.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 11 Seagate te c hni cal suppo r t line You can talk to a t echnical s u pport spec i alist during business hours Monday through Friday for one-on-one techn ic al help. Before c alling, note your s ystem configuration and dri ve model number (ST xxx x ).
12 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A Gen eral des criptio n Elite 23 SCSI disc dri ves are high-speed , random-access digital- data storage de vi ces.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 13 Table 1: Drive charact eristics Interface Ul t r aSCSI 1 Capac ity Unformatted 29 .6 Gbytes Formatt ed 2 23.4 Gbytes Recording Cylinders ( user) 6,880 Re ad/writ e data heads 28 Se rvo hea ds Embedded Seek time ( typical) 3 Average read 13.
14 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A Table 2: DC p o w er requir em ents 1 Measured with an average reading DC ammeter. Instanta- neous +12 V cur rent p eaks w ill e xc eed t hese values. 2 A –10% toleranc e i s permissible during ini tial start of the spin- dle but must return to ±5% before re a ching 5 400 r/min.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 15 6 At power-up, the motor curr ent regulator limits the +12V cur- re n t to an average value of les s t h an 4. 8 A, although instanta- neous peaks may exc eed this value . These peaks sh ould measure 5 m s ec dur ation or less.
16 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A Init ial setu p info rmation The general information beginning on thi s page ap pl ies to all of the Elit e 23 drive models.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 17 SC SI I D ju mpers Each device o n the SCSI chain must have a unique SCSI I D. The host system’s SCSI controller usually uses the ID that has the highes t pr iori ty interr upt in the SCSI I/O system. T h i s is always ID7.
18 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A the c ase, change the ID so that ea c h de vice on t he SCSI chain has its own unique ID . Al s o check yo ur s ystem or contr oller user’s manu al to ensure that y ou ha v e not violated its SCSI ID numbering reco m m endations.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 19 For informat ion about how t o ter minate your drive, refer to the appropriate dri ve-specific section. Figure 2. SCSI bus t ermination Term inato r p ower You usually w ill not n eed t o change this option and ca n n ormally leave th e drive c onfigured as it wa s ship p ed from the factory.
20 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A Figures 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d show typical drive conn ectio ns. Th e following table lists t he ma x i mum cable lengths and number of device s wi th s in g le-ended I/O c ir c uits allowed on a daisy-c hain cable for 5 and 20 M bytes/sec I/O data tra n sf er rates.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 21 Figur e 3a. Fift y-pin I/ O connection to dr ive Figure 3b. Sixty-eight pin connection to d r ive.
22 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A Figure 3c. Multi ple dr ive connection to host adapter Host Adapter PCB Pin 1 (check your adapter for Pin 1 location) “N” Model Drive SCSI ID 1 *SCSI ID X (or last drive) *“X” means up to ID6 or the maximum allowable number of devices on the SCSI bus.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 23 Figure 3d. Multiple-dr ive connection to host adapter Host Adapter PCB Pin 1 (check your adapter for Pin 1 location) “W” Model Drive “WD” Model Drive SCSI ID 1 *SCSI ID X (or last drive) *“X” means up to ID15 or the maximum allowable number of devices on the SCSI bus.
24 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A Pro vid ing ade qu ate coolin g The enclosure design must ensure adeq uate cooling f or th e driv e. The maximum ambient t emperatur e is 50 ° C. The drive’s produ ct manual (8332914 0) de scribes how to evalu- ate the air -flow design.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 25 Kü hlun g des System s Die Gehäuseko nstr uktion mu ß eine ausreiche nde Kühlung de s Lauf werk es gew ährle isten . Die Um gebun gstemp erat ur da rf maximal 50 ° C betr agen. Die Produkthandbuch El i te 23 (Dokume nt 8332914 0 ) enthal ten Anweisungen zu r Beurteil ung der Lufts tromkonstrukti on.
26 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A . Figure 4. Suggested air flow Abbild ung 4. Em pfohlener Luftst romverl auf Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Note.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 27 Mou nti ng the driv e and conne ctin g cabl es Do not touch the c onnector pins o r any components on the con- trol board wit hout o b serving stati c- disch ar g e pr ecautions. Alw ays handle the drive by the frame only.
28 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 1. Befestigen Sie d as Laufwer k m i t vier 6-32-UN C-Schr aube n am Geh äuse de s H ost-System s. Die bei den Seiten de s Laufwe rkes si nd mit je weils zwei Befes t ig ungsl öcher n versehen, die Unterseite des Laufwerkes weist v i er weit ere Befestig u ngslöch er auf.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 29 defined i n IEC 950. Figure 5 pr ovides th e pin informati on for the DC power conne ct or. To connec t the DC powe r cable to the driv e , simply insert the cable end into the drive’s DC power connec tor. 4. Schließen Sie da s SCSI- Kabe l a n den SCSI- Stec kverbinder des L aufwerke s an.
30 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A Note. Signal ground on the printed c i rcuit bo a rd assembly (PCB) and the head and disc as sembly ( HDA) are con- nected together in this dr ive and you ca nnot separate them. Ensure the equipment i n which you h ave m ou nted th e driv e is connec te d dire ctly to the HDA.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 31 elektromagnetisc he St rahlung fällt in den Zuständigke its- bereich des Systemdes i g ne r s. 5. Replace the host system’s cover.
32 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A Figure 6. Mounting confi guration dimensions L J K H G F A E [2] D B C [4] [1] [3] Inches Millimeters 8.000 5.750 2.875 2.950 3.120 0.860 5.500 0.125 3.120 2.950 3.240 203.20 145.
Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 33 Form atting th e dri ve Warning. Form atting a drive erases a l l user data. Be sure that you understand this principle b e f ore formatting a ny hard disc dri ve. It is not neces sary to form at a dri ve that previously has been used to store data, unless your intention is to e r a se a l l user da t a.
34 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A N driv es N/ND d rives secti on Settin g the SCS I ID jumper s Use the J4A c onnec tor to s et the SCSI ID (see Figure 7) on model ST42345 1N. To change the SCSI ID, install jumpers on the appropr iate pins as s hown in the illustration.
Elite 23 Installat ion Guide, R ev. A 35 N driv es Term i nating the driv e ST4234 51N drives are terminated wit h per manently mounted IC active termi n at o r s. If you install one of these drives and i t is not on th e end of the SCSI bus, disable the t erminat ors by r emov ing the TE jumper from pins 19 and 20 of connector J4A (see Figure 7).
36 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A N driv es Term inato r p ower There are thr e e p o ssible term inator power configuratio ns for ST4234 51N drives (s ee Figure 9) . You will not normal ly need to chan ge t his option and c an leave t he drive configured as i t wa s shipped from the factory.
Elite 23 Installat ion Guide, R ev. A 37 N driv es O ther app licab le jump er opti on s Several other jumper options are a vailable as i llustrate d in Fig- ure 10.
38 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A W/WD drives W/ WD dri ves secti on Settin g the SCS I ID jumper s Use the J 4A jumper bl ock to s e t the SCSI ID (Figure 11) on mod- els ST42345 1W /WD. To change the SCSI ID , install jumpers on the appropr iate pins as s hown in the illustration.
Elite 23 Installat ion Guide, R ev. A 39 W/WD driv es Term i nating the driv e ST4234 51W dr ives are t ermi nat ed with permanently mounted IC active termi n at o r s. If you install one of these drives and i t is not on th e end of the SCSI bus, disable the t erminat ors by r emov ing the TE jumper from pins 19 and 2 0 of conne ctor J4A.
40 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A W/WD drives Term inato r p ower There are thr e e p o ssible term inator power configuratio ns for ST4234 51W drives (see Fig ure 13). You will not norm ally need to ch a nge this opt ion and can leave the dri ve configured as it was shipped from the factory.
Elite 23 Installat ion Guide, R ev. A 41 W/WD driv es O ther app licab le jump er opti on s Oth er option jumpers are a vailable as il lustrat ed below.
42 Elite 23 Install ation Guide, Rev. A All dri ve s Active, Re ady, and Faul t i ndica tors The Active, Ready, and Fault L E D indicator connections are shown below.
Seag ate Tech no logy, I nc . 92 0 Disc Dri ve, Scotts Valley, CA 95066-4544, USA Publicatio n Number: 83 329130 , Rev. A, Printed in USA.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Seagate ST423451N/W/WD (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Seagate ST423451N/W/WD heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Seagate ST423451N/W/WD vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Seagate ST423451N/W/WD leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Seagate ST423451N/W/WD krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Seagate ST423451N/W/WD bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Seagate ST423451N/W/WD kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Seagate ST423451N/W/WD . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.