Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product TS-EC880U-RP van de fabrikant Seagate
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QNAP Turb o NAS TS - EC x 80 Ser ies H ardw are User Manual © 2014. QN AP S ystems, Inc. All R ights R eser ved..
2 Thank you for choos ing QNAP pro ducts ! This user manual pro vides descrip tion of the hardwar e of the T urbo N AS a nd relev ant guidelin e of certa in fun c tions. Please read carefully and stric tly adher e to t he instru ctions o f the ma nual.
3 DISCLAI MER In no event shall QN AP Syste ms, I nc. (QN AP) l iabili ty ex ceed the p rice pa id for the prod uct from d irect, indirec t, specia l, incidenta l, or co nseque ntial damage s resu ltin g from t he use of the product, its accompa n ying so ftware, or its docume ntation.
4 Regulato ry Noti ce FCC Noti ce The QNAP NA S comp li e s w ith di ffere nt FCC comp liance classes. Please refer to 0 for details. Once t he class of the dev ice is de termined, refer t o the following correspo nding stateme nt.
5 FCC Class B Notice This device complies with Par t 1 5 of the FCC Rules. Operat ion is subjec t t o th e f ollow in g two conditio ns: 1. This devi ce may no t cause ha rmfu l interfere nce. 2. This devi ce must accep t any interfere nce rece iv ed, includ ing interf erence that ma y cause u ndesired o pera tion.
6 Symbol s in thi s docum ent W ar ning This icon indicates the instruc tions must be strictly followed. F ailure to do so could result in injury to huma n body or dea th.
7 Table of Contents Safety War nings ................................................................................................ . 8 Chapter 1. CPU and Memory Spe cifications ..................................................... 9 Chapter 2. Power Butto n and Reset Butt on B ehavior .
8 Safety Warnings 1. The NA S can oper a te norma lly in temper atur e s of 0º C – 40º C (32ºF -10 4º F) a nd relative humidity of 5% – 95 %. Please ma ke su re the e n vironmen t is w ell-ve ntilated. 2. The power cord and devi ces conne cted t o the NA S must pro vide cor rect supply v oltage (100W , 90 – 26 4V).
9 Chapter 1. CPU and Memory Specifica tions Caution: Mo dif ying the hardware, sof tware, or firm ware of the QNAP products will void the wa rra nty . QNAP is no t respo nsible for a ny form of da mage or l oss of da ta ca used by mo dding the QN AP pro d ucts.
10 System TS - EC1280U- RP TS - EC1680U- RP TS - EC2480U- RP CPU Quad-Core Inte l Xeo n Processor E 3-1200 v3 F ami ly Quad-Core Inte l Xeo n Processor E 3-1200 v3 F ami ly Qu ad -Core In tel X eo n P.
11 Chapter 2. Power Button and Reset Button Behavior P ower bu tton: Pres s to tur n on or turn o ff . System Power button (Turn on ) Power button (Hardwar e tur n off) Power button (Force t urn off ) All mode ls Press o nce 1.5 sec 5 sec R eset butto n: Press to rese t the sy stem settings .
12 Advanced system r eset ( 10 se c) Press th e reset bu tton for 10 seco n ds; yo u will h ear two b eeps at the third a nd t he tenth seconds. The NA S will re set all th e system sett ings to de fa.
13 Chapter 3. USB One Touch Copy This feat ure is on ly prov ided b y the N AS mo dels with a USB One T ouch Cop y but ton. Please vi sit http://www . m for deta ils. System Number of seco nds (pre ss the one to uch co py b utton to trig ger data copy) All NAS models 0.
14 Chapter 4. LED and Alarm Buzzer Specificatio ns The L ED i ndica tors of the N AS ind icate the sys tem s tatus a nd informa tion. W hen the NA S is turned on, ch eck the following items to make sure the sys tem s tatus i s norma l.
15 LED Color LED Stat us Descrip tion LAN Ora nge Ora nge The disk da ta is being ac cessed f rom the network a nd a read/write error occurs d uring the proce ss. Flashes or ange The NA S is co nnected to the ne twork. 10 Gb E Green Green The 1 0GbE ne twork expa nsio n card is installed.
16 Beep alarm : All NAS m odels The beep a lar m can be disabled in “Co ntrol P ane l” > “Sy stem Settings ” > “ Hardwa re” . Beep so und Number of Time s Descrip tion Short beep (0. 5 sec) 1 1. The NA S is star ting u p. 2. The NA S is be ing sh ut d own (softwa re sh utdow n).
17 Chapter 5. Upgrade Memory on QNAP Turb o NAS (RAM M odule Installation) Warning: The fol lowing instr uctio ns should only be perfor med b y a n authori zed and trai ned technic ian . Strictly ad here to th e instruc tions to ins tall a R AM module on t he NA S.
18 1. T urn off the NA S. D isconnec t the po wer adap tor , network cable(s), and a ny o ther connector s or cab les fro m the N AS. 2. Before i nstalling the networ k exp ansion card, pu t on an ant istatic wr ist s trap to preve nt elect rostatic discharge.
19 5. R elease the ejector clips ge ntly by p ulling t hem out of the sides of the R AM slot. 6. Grasp the edg e of the RAM mod ul e. Align the notch o n the gold edge of the RAM module w ith t he no tch in the R AM s lot. Insert the RAM mod ule to the RAM slo t until it cannot go a ny f urther .
20 5.2 TS - EC880 Pro, TS-EC 1080 P ro 1. T urn off the NA S. Disco nnect the power ad ap tor , netwo rk cable( s), a nd any other connector s or cab les from the NA S. 2. Before i nstalling the networ k exp ansion card, pu t on an antista tic wrist s trap to preve nt elec trostatic d ischarge.
21 4. R emove the case co ver of the NA S gen tl y . 5. Loo sen the cable.
22 6. R elease the ejector clips ge ntly by p ulling t hem out of the sides of the R AM slot. 7. Grasp the edg e of the RAM mod ul e. Align the n otch on the gold edge o f the RAM module w ith t he notch in t h e R AM s lot. In sert t he RAM modu le to the RAM slo t until it cannot go a ny f urther .
23 Chapter 6. Network Expa nsion Card Installation Warning: The fol lowing instr uctio ns should only be p erfor med b y a n authorized and trai ned technic ian . Strictly ad here to the instructio ns to insta ll a network expa nsion card o n the NA S.
24 Network Expansi on C ard Com patib ility Bra cket A ( X52 0- T2 ) Intel® Etherne t Server Adap ter X52 0 - T2 ( E10G42B) Bra cket B (X520-SR 2/X 520-DA2) 1. Intel® Etherne t Server Adap ter X5 20-SR2 (E10G42 BFSR) 2. Intel® Etherne t Server Adap ter X5 20-DA2 (E10G42 BTD A) Bra cket C ( Emulex) 1.
25 4. Remov e th e case co ver of the N AS gently . 5. Loosen the screw s a nd remo ve the exp ansion s lo t cover ..
26 6. G ra sp t he edge of the net wor k e xpansion card. Align the no tch on the go ld edge of the card with the notch in the PC Ie s lot. Insert the network expans ion card to the PCIe s lot until it can not go a ny further . 7. F asten the screws. 8.
27 6.2 TS - EC2480U- RP , TS -EC168 0U- RP , TS - EC12 80U- RP , TS -EC880U- RP 1. T urn off the NA S. D isconnec t the po wer adap tor , network cable(s), and a ny o ther connector s or cab les fro m the N AS. 2. Before i nstalling the networ k exp ansion card, pu t on an antista tic wrist s trap to preve nt elect rostatic discharge.
28 5. Loo sen the screw and re mov e the expans ion slo t cover . 6. Insert the ne twork e xpansio n card to the PC Ie sl ot unti l i t can not go a ny f urther . Then fasten t he screw . 7. Push back Mot herboard Dr aw er . Then fa sten t he scre w .
29 Chapter 7. Install an mS ATA Flash mod ule to the NAS. Warning: The fol lowing instr uctio ns should only be perfor med b y a n authori ze d a nd tr ained technic ian . Strictly ad here to the instructio ns to insta ll a mS A T A mod ule o n the N AS.
30 1. T urn off the NA S. D isconnec t the pow er adap tor , network cable(s), a nd a ny ot her connector s or cab les fro m the N AS. 2. Loosen the 2 screw s on the rear of the NA S as s hown in the i llustrat ion. 3. Hold t he handle and pull back wards to remo ve the Mot herboard Dra wer .
31 4. Carefully gr asp the edg e of t he mS A T A Flash Mo du le. A li g n the no tch o n the gold edge of the mSA T A module w ith the notch i n the mSA T A slot. Insert the m SA T A Flash Mod ul e to the mS A T A s lot unt il it canno t go an y fur ther .
32 8. T o chec k that the mS A T A F lash Modu le is recogn ized by the N AS, pow er up the N AS and log in to the w eb inte rface as a n ad ministra to r . Go to “Co n trol P anel” > “ Stora ge Manager” > “Disk” a nd chec k the “ Inter nal Ca che P ort ” .
33 7.2 TS - EC880 Pro, TS-EC 1080 P ro 1. T urn off the NA S. D iscon nect the power adap tor , netwo rk cable( s), a nd any other connector s or cab les fro m the N AS. 2. Before i nstalling the networ k expans ion card, p u t on an an tistatic wr ist str ap to preve nt electrosta tic discharge.
34 5. Carefully gr asp the edg e of t he mS A T A Flash Mo du le. A li g n the no tch o n the gold edge of the mSA T A F lash Mod ule w ith the notch in the mS A T A slot. I nsert the mSA T A Flash Mo dule to the mS A T A s lot until i t cannot g o any furthe r .
35 7. Close the case cover and fasten the screws. Con nect the power adap tor and cables to the NA S. 8. T o chec k that the mS A T A F lash Modu le is recogn ized by the N AS, pow er up the N AS and log in to t he web inte rface as an ad ministra tor .
36 Chapter 8. Hot-swap Hard Drives The QNAP N AS is compa tible wi th 2.5-inch/ 3.5-inc h S A TA hard dr ives f rom major hard drive br a nds. F or the updat ed hard d rive comp atibility list, please visit http://www .
37 The NAS suppor ts h ot-s wappi ng the hard drives when 1 member drive cras hes in RAID 1 or 1 – 2 member dr ives cr ash i n RAID 5 or RA ID 6. F ollow the step s below to hot-swap the hard dri ve whe n a me mber d rive fai ls in a R AID configur atio n.
38 Chapter 9. RAID Recovery The QNAP NA S s upports r eco very of a failed RA ID group fro m uninten tional d isconne ction or remov a l of the hard dr ives f rom th e system. Users can re cover a n ina ctive R AID 1, RAID 5, o r RAID 6 g roup to degr aded mode, o r a n inactive RAID 0 and JBOD config urat ion to normal.
39 Standard RAID 5 QNAP RAID 5 Standard RAID 6 QNAP RAID 6 Degraded mode N-1 N-1 N-1 & N-2 N-1 & N-2 Read only protecti on (for imm ediate d ata backup & hard drive replacem ent) N/A N-1, bad b locks found in the survivi ng drives of the arr ay .
40 Chapter 10. Use the LCD Panel This feat ure is on ly prov ided b y the N AS mo dels with LC D panels. Please visit http://www .q m for deta ils. The N AS pro vide s a ha ndy LCD pa nel for users to perfo rm di sk co nfigura tio n and v iew t he system informat ion.
41 For exa mple, w hen 5 ha rd d rives installed a re a vailab le on the N AS, t he LCD pa ne l show s: C o n f i g . D i s k s ? → R A I D 5 Press th e “Select” b utto n to bro wse mo re op ti o ns, for e xamp le, RAID 6. Press th e “Enter” b utto n and the following mess age shows.
42 Note: Th e data encryp tion funct ions ma y not be ava ilab le in a ccorda nce to the legislative restrict ions of som e co untries. View sy stem inf ormation b y the LCD p anel When t he LCD pa nel sho ws t he serve r name and IP addr ess, p ress t he “E nt e r” butto n to enter th e Main Me nu.
43 2. Physical d isk The fol lowing opt ions are availab le: Disk I nfo Back to M ain M enu The disk info sho ws the te mpera ture and the ca pacity of the hard drive. D i s k : 1 T e m p : 5 0 ° C S i z e : 2 3 2 G B 3. Volume This sec tion show s the di sk conf iguration of the NAS.
44 6. Reboot Use t hi s o ption to re start the N AS. Press t he “S elect” b utton to select “Yes”. The n press t he “Enter” butto n to con firm. 7. Password The defa ult pa ssword of the LCD pane l is blank. E nter t hi s o ption to c ha nge the passwo rd of the LC D pa nel.
45 System Me ssage s When the N AS encou nters a syste m error, an error m essag e will be show n o n the LCD panel . Press the “ Enter” but ton to view the m essage. Press t he “En ter” but ton again to view t he next messag e. S y s t e m E r r o r ! P l s .
46 Chapter 11. Install Power Supply Unit Note: Th e followi ng instru ctions s hould on ly be perfo rmed by an a uthorize d a nd tra ined technic ian . T o replace a fa iled power supply unit o n the TS -EC2 480U- RP , TS -EC16 80U- RP , TS -EC1 280U- RP , TS -E C 880U- RP T urbo N AS T urbo N AS, follow the s teps below .
47 3. Unplug t he failed power s upp ly . 4. Plug in a new powe r suppl y to t he NA S. 5. T urn on the NA S. 6. Connect the power a dap tor and cables to the NAS.
48 Enable war ning alert f or redu ndant pow er suppl y on the web-bas ed i nterfac e: If two power supply units (PSU) h a ve been installed on th e NAS and connecte d t o the power socke ts, bo th PS U w ill supp ly the p ower to the NAS (applied to 1U and 2U models).
49 Technical Su pport QNAP prov ide s dedica ted o nlin e s upport and c ustomer service v ia insta nt messe nger . Online Suppo rt: h ttp://ww w. qnap .com Fo ru m: htt p: //for um.qnap. com Technical Supp ort in the U SA a nd C anada: Email: q_ supportu s@qnap.
50 Product Compliance Class NAS Mod els FCC CE TS -EC2 480U- RP Class A Class A TS -EC1 680U- RP Class A Class A TS -EC1 280U- RP Class A Class A TS -EC8 80U- RP Class A Class A TS -EC1 080 Pro Class .
51 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V ers ion 3, 29 June 2 007 Copyrig ht © 20 07 Free Softwar e F ou ndation, Inc. < http://fs f .o rg/> Everyo ne i s pe rmitted t o cop y a nd d istri b ute v erba tim copies of t his l ice nse d oc ument, but changing it is not a llowed.
52 distribu te and/or modify it. F or the de velopers' a nd a uthor s' prote ction, t he GPL c learly expla ins tha t there is no warr anty for this free sof twar e.
53 A “co vered w ork” means e ither the unmod ified P rogr am or a wo rk based on the Progr a m. T o “ propaga te” a w ork mea ns to d o a n ything wi th it that, w ithout perm ission, wo uld .
54 needed t o gener a te, inst a ll, and ( for an exec utable work) run the objec t code and t o modif y the work, including scrip ts to con trol those ac ti vi ti es.
55 meas ures . When yo u co nvey a co vered w ork, you wa ive a n y legal power to fo rbid c ircumv entio n of techno logical meas ures to the e xtent s uch circu mven tion is eff ected b y e xercisi .
56 by their nature exten si o ns of the covered work, and which are not comb ined with it such as to form a larger progr am, in or on a volume of a stor age or distributio n medium, is called a n “a.
57 A separa ble portion of the obj ect co de, whose so urce code is exc luded fro m the Correspo nding So urce as a S ystem Librar y , need not be included in co nvey ing the o bject code wo rk.
58 Correspo nding Source co nvey ed, a nd Installatio n Informatio n p rovided, i n acco rd with thi s section m ust be in a forma t tha t is pub licly doc umen ted (and with an impleme ntatio n av ailable to the p ublic in so urce code form), and must req uire no spe cial pas sword o r ke y for unpac king, read ing or copyi ng.
59 All other non- permi ssive additional terms a re co nsidered “furt her res trictions” wi thin th e meaning of section 10 . If the Progr am as you received it, o r any part of it, co ntains a n o ti ce stating tha t it is go v erned by t his License al o ng with a t erm that is a further rest riction, you may remo ve that term.
60 Y ou are not required t o a ccept this L icense in o rder t o rece ive or r un a cop y of the Progr am. Ancillary propa ga ti o n of a co vered wo rk occur ring sole ly as a conseque nce o f using peer- to -peer t ra nsmiss ion to receive a cop y likew ise does not require accep tance.
61 the righ t to gr an t paten t subl icenses in a man ner con sisten t with th e require ments o f t his License. Each co ntributor gra nts you a non-exc lusive, wo rldwid e, roy a lty-free pa te nt .
62 copies), or (b) pr imarily fo r and in conne ction w ith spec ific produc ts or com pilat ions tha t contain the co vere d work, unless you entered into t hat arra ngeme nt, or that patent li cen se was gr a nted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Seagate TS-EC880U-RP (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Seagate TS-EC880U-RP heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Seagate TS-EC880U-RP vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Seagate TS-EC880U-RP leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Seagate TS-EC880U-RP krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Seagate TS-EC880U-RP bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Seagate TS-EC880U-RP kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Seagate TS-EC880U-RP . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.