Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product LTP F Series van de fabrikant Seiko
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LTP F SERIES LINE T HERMAL PRINTER MECHANISM TECHNICAL REFERENCE Document Numb er U00060419201 First Edition August 2001 Second Edition February 2002 Copy r ight © 2001, 2002 by Seik o Instrum ents Inc . All rights reserv ed. Seiko Ins trum ents Inc.
iii PREFA CE This referenc e manual des cribes the s pecific ations and basic operating procedures for the LT P F Ser ies Therm al Printer Mechanism (hereinafter referred to as “printer”). The LT P F series has the following two ty pes of printers that are classif ied by their paper width.
v TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page CHA PT ER 1 PRECA UT IONS 1.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ..................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 DESIGN AND HANDLING PRECAUT IONS ..........................
vi Section Page 3.7 PAPER DETECT OR ........................................................................................................... 3-2 9 3.7.1 General Specif ications .......................................................................
vii Section Page CHA PT ER 9 PERIPHERA L S 9.1 AUTOCUT TER UNIT ............................................................................................................ 9 -1 9.1.1 Installation Method ...............................................
viii FIGURES Figure Page 3-1 Heat Element Dim ensions (LTPF247) .................................................................................. 3-3 3-2 Print Area (LTPF247) ...........................................................................
ix TA BL ES Table Page 3-1 General Specif ications ...................................................................................................... .... 3-1 3-2 General Motor Specif ications ......................................................
1-1 CHA PT ER 1 PRECA UT IONS Read through this m anual to design and operate the pr inter properly. Pay s pecial attention to the precautions noted in each sect ion.
1-2 1.2 DESIGN A ND HANDLING PRECA UTIONS To m aintain the initial level of perform ance of the printer and to pr event futur e problem s from occurr ing, observe the following precautions . 1.2.1 Design Precautions Design precautio ns z If too m uch energy is applied to the thermal head, it m ay overheat and become dam aged.
1-3 z Always close the platen and feed the paper at 16 dots or m ore per line when printing is in a standby s tate. The elastic deform ation of the platen roller rubber will be retreated.
1-4 Printing and paper feed ing precaut ions z Make sure that var iation in the motor drive frequenc y does not lead to noise or a loss of paper feed f orce bef ore m aking designs . z Design the outer cas e to prevent the paper feed out f rom being caught in the platen.
1-5 1.2.2 Handling Precaution s Incorrec t handling may reduce the eff iciency of the printer and cause dam age. Handle the printer with the following precautions . Also, include any necessary precautions so that user s handle the printer with care. z To prevent the heat elem ents , ICs, etc.
1-6 1.2.3 Precautions o n Discarding W hen discarding us ed printers, dis card them accor ding to the disposal regulations and rules of each respec tive district.
2-1 CHA PT ER 2 FEA T URES The LTP F Series Line T herm al Printer Mechanism is a com pact, super high- speed therm al line dot printing m echanism . It can be used with a m easuring ins trum ent and analy zer, a PO S, a com m unication device, or a data ter minal devic e.
3-1 CHA PT ER 3 SPECIFICA T IONS 3.1 GENERA L SPECIFICA TIONS Table 3- 1 General Specif ications Specification Item LTPF 247 LTPF 347 Print m ethod Ther mal dot line pr inting Dots per line 448 dots 6.
3-2 Table 3-1 G eneral Specif ications (Continued) Specification Item LTPF 247 LTPF 347 Life span (at 25 ° C and rated energy ) Activation pulse r esistance Abrasi on resista nce 100 m illion pulses or m ore ∗ 4 100 km or m ore (ex cluding dam age caused by dust and foreign mat er ia ls ) Paper feed f orce 0.
3-3 3.2 HEA T ELEM ENT DIM ENSIONS 3.2.1 Heat Element Dimensio ns for the L TPF247 The LT PF247 contains a ther mal head with 448 heat elem ents (dot-s ize). T he 432 dots (54 mm to the paper width 58 mm ) is a pr intable area due to a relation with the paper width.
3-4 3.2.2 Heat Element Dimensio ns for the L TPF347 The LTPF 347 contains a thermal head with 640 heat elem ents (dot-s ize). The 576 dots (72 m m to the paper width 80 mm ) is a pr intable area due to a relation with the paper width.
3-5 3.3 PA PER FEED CHARA CTERIST ICS z The bipolar c hopper driving m ethod should be used f or driving. z Any ty pe of design f or the drive circ uit other than the exam ple desc ribed in Sect ion 3.4.1 may aff ect the standard f unction of the pr inter.
3-6 3.4 STEP M OT OR CHA RACTERISTICS Table 3-2 G eneral Motor Specif ications Item Specificatio n Ty pe P M Drive m ethod Bipolar chopper Excitation 2-2 phase W inding resistance per phase 16 Ω /ph.
3-7 3.4.1 Mo tor Drive Circu it (1) Sample Dr ive Circuit A sam ple drive circ uit for the m otor is shown in Figure 3-5 . Figure 3-5 Sam ple Drive Circ uit Recom mended m otor driver Shin Kaden K ogy.
3-8 (2) Excitation Sequence W hen the voltage signals shown in Figu re 3-6 are input to the m otor drive circ uit shown in Figure 3-5, as shown in Table 3- 3 , the LTP F Series feeds the paper in the norma l direction when the motor is excited in the order of step 1, step 2, step 3, s tep 4, step 1, step 2, .
3-9 3.4.2 Mo tor T iming Refer to the tim e chart in Figure 3-7 w hen designing the control c ircuit or s oftware f or s tarting and stopping the m otor.
3-10 3.4.3 Mo tor Drivin g Precautions A cceleratio n Contro l W hen driving the m otor, acceler ation control is needed to get s tart up in order to m aintain the power forc e. Drive the m otor to the driving speed, ac cording to acc eleration steps s hown in Table 3-4 .
3-11 Table 3-4 Ac celeration Steps Number of Steps Speed (pps) Step T ime ( µ sec) Number of Steps Speed (pps) Step T ime ( µ sec) Number of Steps Speed (pps) Step T ime ( µ sec) Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 .
3-12 Mo tor Current Control The m otor driving at a low s peed may mak e noises dur ing motor driving. Change the curr ent value supplied to the m otor so that the noise c an be reduced. The c urrent value supplied can be s witched by c ontrolling I0 and I1 as f ollows.
3-13 A sam ple m otor curr ent control is s hown in Figure 3 - 8 . 275 275mA ) 0 10 4 10 Figure 3-8 Sam ple of Motor Cur rent Control Drive the m otor at Im (approx.
3-14 3.5 THERM AL HEA D The therm al head consists of heat elements and a head driver which drives and controls the heat element. Serial print data input fr om the DAT IN term inal is trans ferred to the shift register synchronously with the CLK signal, then stored in the latc h register at the tim ing of the LAT CH signal.
3-15 3.5.1 Structure o f the T hermal Head (LT PF247) Figure 3-9 shows the thermal head bloc k diagram f or the LTPF 247. Table 3- 7 shows the relationship between DST blocks and activated heat elem ents.
3-16 Table 3-6 DST Block s and Activated Heat Elem ents ( LTPF247) DST Number Heat Element Number Dots/DST DST 1 1 to 192 192 DST 2 193 to 448 256 3.5.2 Printed Posit ion of t he Data (LT PF247) 192 data dots from No.1 to No.192 which are transf erred through DAT IN1 term inal and 256 data dots from No.
3-17 3.5.3 Thermal Head Electrical Characteristics ( LTPF247) Table 3-7 T herm al Head Electric al Characteris tics (LT PF247) (Ta = 25 ± 10 ° C) Rated value Item Symbol Conditions MIN T YP MA X Unit Head resistanc e RH 630.5 650 669.5 Ω Head drive voltage Vp 21.
3-18 3.5.4 Structure o f the T hermal Head (LT PF347) Figure 3-11 s hows the therm al head block diagr am f or the LT PF347. Table 3- 8 shows the relationship between DST blocks and activated heat elem ents.
3-19 Table 3-8 DST Block s and Activated Heat Elem ents ( LTPF347) DST Number Heat Element Numb er Dots/DST DST1 1 to 384 384 DST2 385 to 640 256 3.5.5 Printed Posit ion of t he Data (LT PF347) 384 data dots from No.1 to No.384 which are transf erred through DAT IN1 term inal and 256 data dots from No.
3-20 3.5.6 Thermal Head Electrical Characteristics ( LTPF347) Table 3-9 T herm al Head Electric al Characteris tics (LT PF347) (Ta = 25 ± 10 ° C) Rated value Item Symbol Conditions MIN T YP MA X Unit Head resistanc e RH 630.5 650 669.5 Ω Head drive voltage Vp 21.
3-21 3.5.7 Timing Chart CLK DAT IN DAT OUT tw C LK thold DI tsetup D I thold LA T DST tsetup LA T tw LA T ts e tup D ST LATC H td D O DRIVE OUT t Do t Do (H i A ctiv e) Figure 3-13 T iming Chart 3.5.8 Head Resist ance The LT P F Series head r esistance is as shown in Tabl e 3-10 .
3-22 3.5.9 Head Vo ltage The printer has a built-in head driver IC. T able 3-11 shows the head voltage. Table 3-11 Head Voltage Item Voltage Rang e Head drive voltage V P 21.
3-23 3.6 CONTROLLING T HE HEA D ACTIVA T ION (DST) PULSE WIDT H 3.6.1 Calculation o f the Head Activation Pulse W idth To ex ecute high quality printing using the printer, the value that is c alculated us ing the f ollowing equation (2) m ust be adj usted accor ding to the printer installation envir onment.
3-24 3.6.3 A dju stment of t he Head Resistance Adjustm ent of the head resistance is according to equation ( 4). Due to wiring resistanc e there is a drop in voltage.
3-25 3.6.5 Heat Storage Co efficient A diff erence between an actual rise in tem perature of the therm al head due to the head activation and the detected tem perature by the thermistor occurs in the high s peed printing. Theref ore, a correction of the ac tivation pulse through the sim ulation of a rise in therm al head temper ature is needed.
3-26 3.6.6 Thermist or Resistance The res istance of the thermis tor at the operating tem perature T X ( ° C) is determ ined using the f ollowing equation (7).
3-27 Table 3-12 T em perature and Corr esponding Ther mistor Resistance Temperatu re ( ° ° ° ° C) Thermist or Resistance (k Ω Ω Ω Ω ) 0 100.99 5 77.85 10 60.57 15 47.53 20 37.61 25 30.00 30 24.11 35 19.51 40 15.89 45 13.03 50 10.75 55 8.92 60 7.
3-28 3.6.7 Detecting A bnormal Temperatures of the Thermal He ad To protec t the therm al head and to ensure pers onal saf ety , abnorm al therm al head tem peratures mus t be detected by both hardwar.
3-29 3.7 PA PER DETECT OR The printer has a built-in paper detector (reflec tion ty pe photo-interrupter) to detec t whether paper is present or not. An external circ uit should be designed so that it detec ts the output f rom the paper detector and does not activate the therm al head when there is no paper.
3-30 Table 3-14 Paper Detector Input/Output Conditions Item Symbol Conditions Min. Std. Max. Forward voltage V F I F =10 mA 1.0 V 1.2 V 1.6 V LED (input) Reverse cur rent I R V R =5 V 10.
3-31 3.8 PLA T EN POSIT ION DET ECTOR The printer has a built-in platen pos ition detector f or detecting whether the platen unit is opened or closed. This detector is a m echanic al switch which is designed to be in a CLO SED state when the platen unit is closed and to be in an O PENED state when it is opened.
4-1 CHAPTER 4 CONNECTING T ERMINALS Use the recom m ended connector s liste d in T able 4-1 to c onnec t the pr inter firm ly to the ex ternal circui ts. Table 4-1 Connector s for Ex ternal C ircuit and Recom mended Connec tors f or the Other F FC No.
4-2 4.1 THERM A L HEAD CONT ROL TERMIN ALS Figure 4-1 shows th e terminal c onf iguratio n of the ther mal he ad contr ol connec tor. Figure 4- 1 Therm al Head C ontrol T erm inals.
4-3 Table 4-2 T herm al Head Con trol T erm inal Assignm ents ( LTPF247) Ter min al Number Signal Name Input/Output Function 1V p Head drive power 2V p Head drive power 3V p Head drive pow.
4-4 Table 4-3 T herm al Head Con trol T erm inal Assignm ents ( LTPF347) Ter min al Number Signal Name Input/Output Function 1V p Head drive power 2V p Head drive power 3V p Head drive pow.
4-5 4.2 MOTOR CONTROL TERM INALS Figure 4-2 shows th e terminal c onf iguratio n for m otor contr ol and d etector connec tion, and Table 4- 4 shows the ir term inal ass ignments .
5-1 CHA PT ER 5 DRIVE MET HOD Drive the m otor and the therm al head at the sam e tim e for printing. Figure 5-1 is a tim ing chart f or driving using two divisions. Figure 5-1 is an ex ample of ac celeration contr ol of the m otor, data transf er to the head and two-divisions of the head.
5-2 Repeat the steps in the s ame way. Transf er the data which will be pr inted in the next s tep to the therm al head while starting the activation of the therm al head.
6-1 CHA PT ER 6 HOUSING DES IGN GUIDE 6.1 SECURING THE PRINT ER 6.1.1 Printer Mounting Dimensions As shown in Figure 6-1 , secure the printer at f our m ounting holes: a, b, c and d.
6-2 Figure 6-1 Printer Mounting Dimens ions Unit: mm.
6-3 6.1.2 Recommended Screws Recom mended m ounting s crews are as f ollows: c JIS B1111 M2.6 and M3 Cross -Recess ed Head Machine screw d Small P T ight 2.6 scr ew for res inated material 6.1.3 Precaution s for Securing t he Printer Pay attention to the f ollowing when securing the printer.
6-4 6.2 LA Y OUT OF PRINT ER A ND PAPER The LT P F Series c an be laid out as shown in Figure 6-2 according to the loading dir ection of the paper. Figure 6-2 Layout of Printer and Paper The distance betw een the paper detector and the heat element is approximately 8 mm.
6-5 6.3 WHERE T O M OUNT T HE PAPER HOLDER W hen determ ining the lay out of paper holder, note the following: z W hen y ou us e a paper roll, set the holder s o that the paper is str aight in relation with the paper inlet without any horiz ontal shif ting, and the center axis of the paper r oll is parallel with the printer.
6-6 6.5 WHERE T O M OUNT T HE PLATEN RELEA SE KNO B The platen release k nob fitted to the outer c ase can be inst alled by us ing the outer shape of the release lever and thr ee holes. CHA PT ER 7 shows the appearanc e and the positions of the holes .
7-1 CHA PT ER 7 A PPEARA NCE A ND DIM ENSIONS Figure 7-1 shows the appearance and the external dim ensions of the LTPF 247. Figure 7-2 shows the appearance and the external dim ensions of the Platen Unit for the LT PF247. Figure 7-3 shows the appearance and the external dim ensions of the LTPF 347.
7-2 Figure 7-1 Appearanc e and Dimens ions (LT PF247) Unit: m m General toleranc e: ± 0.2.
7-3 Figure 7-2 Appearanc e and Dimens ions of the Platen Unit (LT PF247) Unit: m m General toleranc e: ± 0.2.
7-4 Figure 7-3 Appearanc e and Dimens ions (LT PF347) Unit: m m General toleranc e: ± 0.2.
7-5 Figure 7-4 Appearanc e and Dimens ions of the Platen Unit (LT PF347) Unit: m m General toleranc e: ± 0.2.
8-1 CHA PT ER 8 LOA DING/UNLOADING PA PER A ND HEAD CLEA NING 8.1 LOADING/UNLOA DING PAPER PRECA UTIO NS (1) Loading paper z Turn over the release lever to the dir ection of the arr ow in the Figure 8-1 . Figure 8-1 Loading Paper ( 1) z Pull up the platen after m ak ing sure that the platen is r eleased f rom the r elease lever.
8-2 z Set the paper straight into the paper insert pos ition until 5 cm or m ore of the paper edge is projected f rom the upper surf ace of the m echanis m.
8-3 (2) Unloading paper z Unload paper in the sam e m anner for loading paper . (3) Cleaning a paper jam z Unload the paper, following m anner for unloading the paper.
8-4 8.2 HEA D CLEANING PRECA UTIONS AND PROCEDURE 8.2.1 Head Cleaning Precau tions (1) Do not clean the head directly after printing becaus e the therm al head unit and its periphery are hot. (2) Do not us e sandpaper, cutter , etc. when cleaning. They will damage the heat elem ents.
9-1 CHA PT ER 9 PERIPHERA LS 9.1 A UT OCUTT ER UNIT The ACU F Ser ies autocutter unit c an be installed on this printer as shown in Table 9-1 . The ACU F Ser ies paper cutter unit is a sliding type autocutter. Please ref er to the “A CU F SERIES A UT OCUTT ER UNIT T ECHNICA L REFERENCE” for t he specif ications and drive m ethod.
9-2 9.1.1 Installation M ethod (1) Installing the autocutter unit Mov able unit Place the m ovable blade unit on the m echanism as shown in Figure 9-1 . Recom mended s crews: JI S 1188 pan head mac hine screw (sm all round type) M3 × 6 Be caref ul not to damage the ther mal head dur ing installation.
9-3 Fixing Blade Unit (1) R emove the protec tion tape that is attached to the f ixing blade unit as shown in Figure 9- 2. Handle with care the fixing blade edge af ter rem oving the protection tape. (2) Mount the f ixing blade unit to the autocutter unit with 2 screws.
9-4 9.1.2 Clearing a Paper Jam in t he A ut ocutter Owing to the paper jam m ed, if the cutter has been lock ed during paper cutting, power of f the m otor imm ediately and cancel the lock by perform ing the following procedures manually.
9-5 9.1.3 Consideratio n for Out er Case Design (1) Des ign the outer case of the paper outlet side of the autoc utter unit so that the paper does not go between the outer case and the autocutter unit. (2) T he outer cas e should not change the paper loading dir ection sharply in the area around the paper outlet.
9-6 Unit: mm Figure 9-6 Outer Case Design Sam ple (Mechanism Side).
9-7 9.1.4 Consideratio ns for Using (1) D o not bac k f eed paper after c utting paper using the autocutter unit because it will cause a paper jam. (2) T o prevent paper f rom jam ming, f eed paper or print f eed 7 mm or m ore af ter cutting paper.
9-8 9.1.5 A pp earance of th e Printer wi th the Autocutter Inst alled Figure 9-8 shows an appearance and external dim ensions of the LTPF 247 with the autocutter installed. Figure 9-9 shows an appearance and external dim ensions of the LTPF 347 with the autocutter installed.
9-9 Figure 9-9 Appearanc e of the Printer with the Autocutter Ins talled (LTPF 247 with ACUF224B) Unit: m m General toleranc e: ± 0.2.
9-10 Figure 9-10 Appearanc e of the Printer with the Autocutter Ins talled (LTPF 347 with ACUF324A) Unit: m m General toleranc e: ± 0.2.
9-11 Figure 9-11 Appearanc e of the Printer with the Autocutter Ins talled (LTPF 347 with ACUF324B) Unit: m m General toleranc e: ± 0.2.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Seiko LTP F Series (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Seiko LTP F Series heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Seiko LTP F Series vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Seiko LTP F Series leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Seiko LTP F Series krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Seiko LTP F Series bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Seiko LTP F Series kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Seiko LTP F Series . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.