Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 9493 van de fabrikant Avery
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System Administrator's Guide ©2007 Avery Dennison Corp. All rights reserved. TC9460SNPSA Rev . AF 6/09 28028 28028 0 0 ® Monarch 9460™ SNP & 9493™ SNP Printers 802.
Each product and progra m carries a respective writ ten warranty, the only warrant y on which the customer can rely. Aver y Dennison reserves the rig ht to make c hanges in th e product, the programs, an d their availability at any time and without notice .
T ABLE OF CONTENTS GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................ ................ 1-1 Overview .........................................................................
USING A WE B BROWS ER ............................................................................................................ ............ 4-1 Logging In ............................................................................................
TELNET CONS OLE C O MMANDS ........................................................................................................ ...... 6-1 Convent ions ...............................................................................................
GETTING ST AR TED Use these i nstructions to configu re your Mo narch Si erra Sport2 9460 SNP printer or your Monarch® Sierra Sport4™ 9493™ SNP print er. Your printer contains an 802.11b/g print server (rad io), which lets you communica te with your printer on a wired Ethernet 802.
System Requirements To use the print server for print ing from a wireless n etwork, you need an 802.11b/g wireless network. The wi reless network consists of eithe r of the following: An 802.11b/g wireless e nabled co mputer printi ng straight to the p rinter (Ad- Hoc, or pe er-to- peer, mod e).
2 CONFIGURING THE 802.1 1B/G AND IP SETTINGS Configuring the Print Server To configure the pri nt server for an 802.11b/g wi reless network , you must set the wirel ess mode (Ad-Hoc or infrastructure ), SSID, channel (Ad- Hoc mode only), data r ate and security .
3. Turn on the printer and configure usi ng Telnet or o ther communic ations progra m. 4. Connect the pr inter’s radio cabl e to the printer’ s serial port. Serial Port Radio Cable 5. Turn off the printe r, wait a few seconds, an d then turn on the pri nter.
3. Follow the on -screen instruction s for installing the utilit y. When NetManager sta rts for the first time, you see th e NetManager Welco me screen. You are pr ompted to enter a View Name (sets up how print servers are discovered and display ed on your networ k).
Setting Up the 9460™ Printer Use these i nstructions to set up a 9460 prin ter using the printe r’s RF Network menu in the printer’s To ol Box. 1. Turn on the printe r by pressing an d holding the po wer button ( P ) until the display turns on. The display flashes printer version information and battery ch arging status.
6. Press D until Setup is highlighte d. Setup Service E U D 7. Press E to select Setup . 8. From the Setup menu, press D until you see RF Network. Press E to s elect RF Netwo rk. The RF Netw ork menu allows you to check the prin ter’s status, conf igure the RF network settings, print RF settings, and reset th e radio.
Use the A buttons as shown in the follo wing table: E Press A to R Press A to + Press A to Saves the sett ing Scrolls through th e positions from left to right Increments the current pos ition setting by 1 3. When the sett ing you want is dis played, press E to save the setting.
4. Use D to select the po wer mode you want. Press E to save the setting. If you select PSP, you are prompted t o enter a PSP a lgorithm betw een 1-5. 3 3 X 4 E U D 1 = shortest sleep time (uses batte ry power quicker, but res ponds faster); 5 = longes t sleep time (optimal ba ttery conservati on, but respond s slower).
Setting the Command Escape Character 1. This option al lows you to set or vi ew the Command Esc ape Character (CEC). 2. Run-time message s from the ra dio begin with the CEC and the defaul t is the po und sign (#), which has a decimal value of 35.
Setting Up the 9493™ Printer Use these i nstructions to set up a 9493 printe r using t he printer’s Network Setu p menu. 1. Turn on th e printer b y pressing p. The display flash es printer version inf ormation and battery cha rging status. The n you may see The J indicates the wi reless signal s trength.
3. Press A under T to enter the main menu. 4. Tools is hig hlighted. Press e to s elect Tool s . 5. Press A under the corresponding numbe r to enter the followi ng default pass word: 1 , 1 , 1 , 3 , 1 . 6. Press D until Setup is highl ighted. Press e to select Setup .
Setting the IP Add ress This option sets the p rinter’s IP ad dress. 1. From the Netw ork Configure m enu, select IP Addre ss . 2. Press D or U to increase or de crease the highlighte d number. Press L or R to highlight a different numb er. 3. When you a re finished, press R until you see e.
3. Press U or D to select t he PSP al gorithm yo u need. 4. Press e to save the setting and return to the Conf igure menu. Press X to exit without saving chan ges. Setting the Po rt This opti on sets th e port. The d efault po rt is 910 0. 1. From the Config ure menu, select Port .
Setting the En cryption This option allows you to set th e printer’s encryptio n method to None, WEP 64, WEP 128, WPA, WPA2, or WPA2 /WPA. The defa ult is No ne (no encryp tion). 1. From the Config ure menu, select Encryption . A checkmark ind icates the cu rrent setting.
2. Press D or U until you s ee the k ey you nee d to set, then pres s e to edit the value . For example: 3. Press D or U to scroll through the hex characte rs for each field. The hex characters ap pear in the bo x and the ASCI I equiva lent charact er appears under th e hex characte r.
Printing Info Do not use supply smalle r than 2012 or information ma y print off the label. TCP/IP IP Addres s: 92 Subnet M ask: 255.255. 255.
2-16 System Administrator’s Guide.
SELECTING A MANAGEMENT METHOD 3 There are a variety of ways to conf igure and mon itor the ne twork printer. This chapter explai ns how to use NetMa nager, HP JetAdmin, HP Web JetAd min, UNIX, or Sun Solaris. See Chapter 4, “Using a Web Browser” to config ure the network printe r via your Browser.
Berkeley UNIX Host Configuration Berkeley UNIX h ost computers include Linux, Digital Equ ipment Corporat ion Digital UNIX, OSF/1, and ULT RIX; Compaq Tru64 UNIX; Sun OS (not Solaris), SCO UNIX; and many others. Sun Solaris , HP/UX, I BM AIX us ers should skip to th e appropri ate sections later in this manual .
7. Use the Pri nter Manager i n the Admintool u tility under Open Windows as follows: Select Edit Select Add Select Add Access to Remote P rinter At the PrinterName prompt, type any name for the print.
IBM AIX Conf iguration To configure a print server on IBM AIX 4.x, use the SMIT program as follows: 1. Enter SMIT a nd select De vices . 2. Select Pr inter/plotter. 3. Select Manage remote printer sub system. 4. Select C lient servi ces. 5. Select Remote pri nter queues.
USING A WEB BROWSER 4 You can conf igure and man age the prin ter and pri nt server using your Web Bro wser: Microsoft Internet Explo rer, version 6.0, or greater or Netscape Communicator, version 4. 7 or greater or Mozilla Firefox®. Notes: ♦ ♦ ♦ The screen pictures sh own in this manual may not exactly match th e software.
4. Type access for the password. To cha nge the password, see “Se tting the Networ k Card Access Password,” for more information. The passwo rd is case -sensitive and save d in the print er’s flash memory.
server. You must re-e nter your acc ess password to make any furt her changes to the prin ter settin gs. Configuring the Print Port Settings You can view availabl e ports, port settin gs, canc el print jobs, and view the job log fo r each available port.
4. Click the rese t link at t he bottom o f the screen . The Res et Server screen appears. 5. Click Submit a nd wait fi ve seconds for t he print se rver to reset . Even though you submi tted your cha nges, they do not tak e effect until you reset the pri nt server.
Changing TCP/IP Settings You can enab le TCP/I P, select app lications, set the IP Ad dress, Subnet Mask, and mo re. 1. From the side menu, click TCP/IP . 2. Click the name of the en abled service to modif y the TCP/I P parameters for that se rvice. Se e “Configuring Print Services ” for more information.
Configuring PrintraNet You can enable POP3, set the Server Address, Mailb ox Name, Password and more. 1. From the side menu, click PrintraNet . 2. Enter the IP address of the POP3 or SMT P server on your network wh ere internet print job s are located.
1. From the side menu, click Wireless . 2. Select your information and click Submit . 3. Click the reset link at the bott om of the sc reen. The Reset Se rver screen appears . 4. Click Submit and wait five seco nds for the p rint server to reset. Even though you submi tted your cha nges, they do not tak e effect until you reset the pri nt server.
2. Click Email Alerts to setup the mail serve r and select users to receive messages about the printer’s st atus. 3. Enter your SMTP server , email address, server port, an d the trigger conditio ns for an email alert. You can enter up to eight e mail addresses.
SNMP IP Traps You can configure th e SNMP IP traps. 1. From the Alerts and Tr aps page, click SNMP IP Traps . 2. Enter a commu nity name , IP address, and the tri gger conditi ons for an ema il alert. You can enter up to ei ght IP address es. Note: The S1 port acts as a toggle switch to enab le or disable the a lerts.
SNMP Netware Traps You can configur e the SNMP Netware traps. 1. From the Alerts and Tr aps screen, click SNMP Netware Traps . 2. Enter a commu nity name, I PX address, IPX Node address , and the t rigger condi tions for an email alert. You can ent er up to four I PX addresses.
Changing the Passwords 1. You can chan ge the netw ork access pas sword, netwo rk update password, co nfigure n etwork security, IP access or pro tocol, print a test page , or access th e console f rom the Web Admin Configurat ion screen. 2. From the side menu, click Admin .
Setting the Network Ca rd Update Password When set, th e network card upd ate password allows you to cha nge variables in the Web browser and th e remote conso le. 1. From the side menu, click Admin . The Web Admin Co nfiguration screen appears . 2. Click Configure Net work Card Update Password.
You must re-e nter your acc ess password to make any furt her changes to the prin ter setting s. Controlling IP Access 1. You can limit which remot e hosts are able to access the print er by setting up an IP addr ess range. 2. From the side menu, click Admin .
3. Assign the necessary sec urity settings fo r your network. See “Basic Securit y Configurations” for more information. 4. Click Submit . 5. Click the rese t link at t he bottom o f the screen . The Res et Server screen appears. 6. Click Submit a nd wait fi ve seconds for t he print se rver to reset .
2. Click Update Firmwa re. 3. The printe r should be conne cted and ready to re ceive data. To update from a TFTP server: 1. Type the TFTP S erver IP address. 2. Type the r elative pathname (relative to your TFTP serve r). Refer to your TFTP S erver’s document ation for more informati on about sett ing up and us ing the T FTP server.
Basic Security Configurations There are t wo main decisi ons to be made when choosing wirel ess securit y: encryption met hod and authen tication prot ocol. The encryption method d etermines the a lgorithm us ed to enc rypt the messag e. The au thenticatio n type s pecifies how users are identified and veri fied on a network.
See the follow ing table of a cceptable combinations : Encryption Authentication WEP WPA, WPA (TKIP) , WPA2 Open Shared Static No PSK LEAP PEAP EAP-FAST TLS* TTLS Dynamic Yes * Load the local ke y before enabling TL S.
4-18 System Administrator’s Guide.
USING THE SIERRA SPORT CONFIGURA T OR 5 Use the Sierra Sport™ Conf igurator (SSC) with the Wavelink Avalanche Ma nagement Console software and a Monarch 9460 pri nter (version 3.0 or greate r firmware and ve rsion 1.4 or higher boot loader. Purchase th e Avalanche softwa re package fro m the Wavelink Corporation.
System Requirements To use the Avalanche -enabled pri nter, you need the follo wing: the Wavelink Avalanche Manager Agent (ver sion 3.6.3 or greater ) and Console (version 3. 6.0 or greater) ♦ ♦ ♦ the AVA package ( SSCfg.AVA ) a wireless network Before You Be gin 1.
Configuring Wireless Settings Use this tab to co nfigure the wirele ss settings. 1. Specify the Bas ic Wireless settings including Mo de, Radio, SSID, Chann el, Speed, Access Point Densit y, Internatio nal Roaming, Dynamic F requency, Count ry and RTS Threshold.
Configuring TCP/IP Settings Use this tab to co nfigure the TCP/IP settings. 1. Enter the va rious TCP/IP se ttings includi ng IP Address , Subnet Mask , Gateway , Boot Method , Boot Tries , and Timeouts as requ ired. 2. Select any LPD or RARP settings.
Setting Alerts and T raps Use this tab to conf igure the email aler ts and SNMP IP Traps. 1. Specify the Em ail Alerts, inclu ding the SMTP Server Address , SMTP Server Port , ente r the Email Address and select the Trigger Cond itions for each email address.
Updating Files Use this tab to update t he printer’s firmware o r print server’s fi rmware. Selec t additional MPCL files to send to the print er (fonts, gr aphics, etc.). 1. Select the bina ry Firmware File to Load. 2. Select the Monar ch Initialization File (.
Packages in clude the fo llowing lis t of file extensions: Extension Descri ption .bin Print Engine Firmware .mif Standard Monarch .mif file (Monarch In itialization file) .pcl MPCL data .psb Print Server Binary .psc Print Server Config uration Scri pt .
5-8 System Administrat or’s Guide.
TELNET CONSOLE COMMANDS 6 Use this chapter to configure the print server using Telnet . You must have a basic unde rstanding of Teln et commands. For initia l setup, do not u se Telnet. Use auto-discover mod e. Once you have the IP address, you can use Telnet or a Web bro wser.
2. To show the current IP s ettings, type sh ip (show TCP/IP settings) and press Enter . IP is enabled IP address Boot tries 3 Subnet mask 255.
Syntax: help set ip IP LPD/TCP Parameters Access [EN/DIS] {Mask} ADdress IP node address ARP [EN/DIS] IP set via ARP BAnner [EN/DIS] LPD banner printing CHKSUM [EN/.
SAVE Saves configuration se ttings. CHange/SEt/ DEFine Sets config uration items. SEt DEFAULT Sets prin t server to fac tory de faults. SEt LOAd [E N/DIS] Enables or d isables firmware reload a fter exit. SEt LOAd HO st <name> Sets node name of boot host (NetWare firmware load).
UNPROTect Allows the user to enter the update password ( if on e has been defined). Once the update password is entered correc tly, SET commands can be used to modi fy the configurat ion until the conso le session is closed with EXIT. ZEro Zeros statistical counts.
SEt NW ID <use rID> Sets the authentication user ID. It may include the realm, separated with the at (“@”) character. Country Code Description Country Code Description Country Code Descripti.
SEt NW INAP [PAP/MSCHAP _V2] Sets the EA P inner authen tication pr otocol. SEt NW IROAM [DI Sable/STRICT/ FLEXible] Controls whether the radio frequencies are se t based on the radio configura tion or from its access point. Disabled uses the radio defau lts.
SEt IP BAnn er [EN/DIS] Sets printing of LPD job ba nners. SEt IP BOot n Sets number of retries (n) for DHCP , BOOTP, R ARP SEt IP CHKS UM [EN/DIS] Enables or disables IP receive checksum. SEt IP FTIme [EN /DIS] Enables or d isables fast timeout. SEt IP FTP [EN/D IS] Selects whet her to use the FTP pr otocol.
SEt IP TRAP n POrt n Specifies the port that will be scanned for tri gger conditions. The para meter is a bi t mask. SEt IP TRAP n TRIGger c ccc Specifies the trigger conditio ns (cccc) that send a trap (n).
6-10 System Administrator’s Guide.
TROUBLESHOOTING 7 Verify that the printer is operating prop erly, is onli ne, and suppli es are loade d correctly. General Troubleshoot ing Information Use the foll owing information i f your print server is not op erating properl y. 1. Verify that the printer is turned on .
The print er respond s with {J,0 ,0,””,””} . No response mea ns that the printer ma y have an ope n session to some other connection. Either termin ate the other con nection or turn off the print er and turn it back on. Troubleshooting Wireless Configuration Problems 1.
SPECIFICA TIONS A Link Lay er: 802.11b/g Protocols: TCP/IP Passthru BOOTP DHCP RARP LPD/L PR Telnet RSH or RE MSH (rem ote shel l) FTP SNMP NetWare HP Jet Admin 802.3 Specificatio ns (9493™ only) Communicatio n Rate: 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps 802.11b/g Specif ications Frequen cy: 2.
A-2 System Administrat or’s Guide.
GLOSSAR Y G Absolute Pa thname The full path of a file, including the computer sy stem and any directo ries or subdirectories. For example, c:program filesmonarch soft w arempcl toolbox9460.phu Access Point An interface between a wirele ss network and a wired netw ork.
LEA P (Lightwe ight Extensible Authentication Protocol) Cisco Syste ms® introduced this authenti cation protocol and p rovides mutual authenticatio n with unique WEP key s for each user. New keys are issued b ased on a time limit. Changing the WEP key time li mits provides addi tional security .
Signal Strength A percentage (1 to 100) of the connection betw een the device and access point. If the signal strength is 0 , there is no connection w ith the access point; 30 or le ss indicates you may be experiencing interference or close to being out o f access point range , and below 50, pri nting performance could be affe cted .
INDEX A P software alerts page network, 4-7, 4-8, 4-9, 5-5 label, 2-15 installing, 2-2 authentic ation password, 4-1 Subne t Mask EAP-FAST, 4-17 changing, 4-11, 4-12 restrict, 5-4 LEAP, 4-17 setting, .
28028 28028 0 0 A very Dennison Printer Systems Division 170 Monarch Lane Miamisburg, OH 45342 1-800-543-6650 (In the U.S.A.) 1-800-387-4740 (In Canada) www .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Avery 9493 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Avery 9493 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Avery 9493 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Avery 9493 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Avery 9493 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Avery 9493 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Avery 9493 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Avery 9493 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.