Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PagePlus X4 van de fabrikant Serif
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How to Contact Us Our m ain off ice (UK, Europe): The Soft ware Centre PO Box 2000, Nottin gham, NG11 7GW, UK Main: (0115) 914 2000 Registra tion (UK only): (0800) 376 1989 Sales (UK onl y ): (0800) 376 7070 Custo mer Service/ Technica l Support: http: //www .
This U ser G uid e, an d the softw are desc ribe d in it , is f urnis hed under an e nd us er L icens e Agre ement , wh ich is incl uded with the produ ct.
Micr osof t, Win dows, an d the W ind ows l ogo are reg ister ed tr ademar ks of Mic roso ft Corp orati on. All other tr adem arks acknow ledg ed. Page Plus is a regi stered trade mark of Serif (E urope) Ltd. © 2009 Serif (E urope) Ltd. Al l rights reserv ed.
Contents Contents 1. W elcome .......................................................... 1 W elcom e! .................................................................................. 3 Key feature s ..................................................
Contents 4. W or king wi th Objects ..................................... 53 Selecting an object ................................................................... 55 Selecting m ulti ple objects ......................................................
Contents Substituti ng fo nts ................................................................... 117 Using tex t styles .................................................................... 120 Wrapping t ext ..........................................
Contents 7. Colour, Fills, an d Transp arency ................... 215 Applying so lid fills ................................................................... 217 Using schemes ...................................................................... 219 Working w ith gradient a nd bitmap f ills .
Contents Setting w eb picture dis play opt ions ....................................... 271 Choosing w eb page proper ties .............................................. 272 Adding an imation effe cts ..................................................
We lcome 1.
2 Welcome.
Welcome 3 Welcome ! Welcome to PagePlus X4 , the award - winning De sktop Publi s hing (DT P) soluti on f rom Se rif. Pag ePlus is the e asies t way to get superior publ ishing resul ts, w hether on your deskt op or via profe ssiona l print ing.
4 Welcome Key features Before you get started with PagePlu s, we recommend you take th e oppo rtunity to familiar ize yourself with PageP lus key featur es and capab ilities.
Welcome 5 • Table s and C ale ndars Choose f rom a ra nge of prese t forma ts or de sign y our ow n table. U se the conv enien t Ta ble conte xt to olbar to sort data, form at cel ls, and choose from a wide range of func tions f or spreadsheet c alculation s (use ab solute cell referen ces).
6 Welcome Graphics • Draw ing Tool s Des ign stunni ng ve ctor g raphics w ith Pencil , Pen a nd Stra ight Li ne tools , and add line endi ngs li ke ar rowhe ads, dia monds, and qui lls.
Welcome 7 • Asto undi ng 3D Lighting and Surface Effects Adv anced al gorithm s bri ng f lat sha pes t o life ! Choose one or m ore effects, t hen vary surfac e and m ultiple c oloure d light sour ce prope rties .
8 Welcome • Fonts Subst itut e mis sing f onts whe n opening third - party publica tions or PDFs. View your currently installe d font set in the Fonts ta b, inclu ding t hose m ost rec ently a ss igned to t ext, f avour ite f onts, and tho se considered Websafe.
Welcome 9 • PDF Form s Create y ou r own electro nic PDF form , reque sting inf ormation f ro m form reci pients. Y our re cipients ca n type in their r espons es, t hen sa ve, print or subm it their f orm ele ctronically. Serif will email y ou com pleted f or m s, or y ou can s et up y our own w eb subm ission ser vice .
10 Welcome New features • Phot oLab for no n - de st ructi ve a djust ment a nd effects ( see p. 1 76 ) The powerf ul PhotoL ab studio p ack s a punch w ith an impr essiv e selectio n of editab le adjustment s, creative, an d artisti c effects (pen cil, water col our, oil, and more).
Welcome 11 • Joi ning o bject o utlin es (see p. 77 ) Com bine Quic kShape s, draw n sha pes and a rtisti c tex t toge ther to create more co mplex ou tlined objects, which can st ill be edi ted further. Use Add , Subtr act , I ntersect , and Exc lude to produc e different and ex citing results.
12 Welcome Text • Impor t Wor d 200 7 and O pen Of fice t ex t document s (see p. 91 ) Add w ord processi ng conte nt to any text fram e without fuss! Word im port doesn' t nee d the a pplicat ion to be installed locally! Use a choice of im port conver ters to optim ize text im port.
Welcome 13 • For text an d line widths in large publ ications, use ph ysical measure m ent units s uch as centimetres an d inch es! • Select all frame text with qua drupl e - click. • No w align objects to page ed ge. • QuickSh apes now i nclude Q uick F rames — great for si mple curved frames.
14 Welcome Optional: • Window s - co mpatible p rinter • TWAIN - compatible scan ner and /or digital camera • Sty lus or ot her in put dev ice • 3D Accelerat ed graphi cs card with DirectX 9 (or above) or Open GL suppor t • .
Getting S tarted 2.
16 Getting St arted.
Getting Started 17 Startup Wizard The Startup W izar d present s the follow ing c hoices: • Start New Publicat ion , to open a blank pa ge to w ork o n. • Use Design Te m plate , to crea te an insta nt docum ent fr om a pre - d esigned template. • Open S ave d Publi catio n , to ed it a saved PageP lus file.
18 Getting St arted As you select different pr ofiles from t he menu, your worksp ace will previ ew each tab lay out in tu rn. The Startup W izar d is dis play ed by default when y ou launch Page Plus. If you don’t w ant to use the Sta rtup W izar d aga in, chec k the “ Don't sh ow thi s wiz ard aga in” box.
Getting Started 19 Inste ad of a desig n tem plate, y ou can ado pt a Theme Lay out inste ad; la yout s off er pic ture placeh olders inst ead of actual pictures. Diff erent physical docum ent ty pes ( Brochure , Business Card s, Flyer, Newsletter, etc.
20 Getting St arted 5. Examine th e page sam ple(s) on the ri ght. If you' re ha ppy wi th the template pag e(s), click Open . To create a pu blication fro m a themed lay out: 1. From the d ialog's Templat es list, select Theme La y ou ts, then select a theme nam e from the list.
Getting Started 21 2. The adjacen t pane upd ates to show document types for th at selected theme. Select a thumbnai l. 3. In the uppe r - right corne r of the dia log, c hoo se a colour scheme on whic h to base your p ublica tion f rom t he drop - d own me nu (the f irst three sch emes are designed specifical ly for the th emed layout).
22 Getting St arted 4. From the rig ht - hand P ages pane, select on e or more page l ayouts by chec king t he box u nder eac h thu mbnai l. Some publicat ion ty pes only offer an eit he r/or selection. 5. Click OK . The page layouts are a dded as page s to y our new publication.
Getting Started 23 Opening existing p ublications You ca n open a Page Plus publ ication f rom the Startup Wizard , Stan dard toolba r, or v ia the Fil e me nu. It is a lso pos sible to ope n PDF f iles as new publications, or Im port PDF f iles a nd existing Page Plus files into curre ntly open pu blicat ions.
24 Getting St arted Working with more than one publicatio n If y ou have multiple publ ications open at the sam e time it 's easy to jump betw een them using dif ferent methods . Clic k on an ope n publica tion's tab on the Public atio ns toolbar abov e your workspace t o make it active (e.
Getting Started 25 To close all publications e xcept current: • Right click a Publi cation tab on the Publica tions t oolbar and choos e Close All But This . To close Pag ePlus: • Clic k the pr ogram's Close butto n. You'll be pr ompte d to sa ve changes to any unsav ed public ati on .
26 Getting St arted Or, f or line a nd fill c olours, including li ne styles: 1. Wit h no obje ct sel ecte d, choose the r equire d line and/or f ill colour s from the Co lour or Swatch es tab. Use the Lin e tab to set a d efault line weight, style, and cor ner shap e.
W or king with Pages 3.
28 Working wit h Pages.
Working wi th Pages 29 Setting up a public ation A publication's page size and ori entati on setting s are fundam ental t o your layout , and are defin ed when the new pu blicati on is first created , either using a design tem plate or as a New Publication choice via File>New.
30 Working wit h Pages On the Pages context toolbar, th ese page sizes are indicated by the suffi x "(From printer)" in the P aper size drop - down me nu. Facing pages You ca n set up your r egula r publi cation or b ookle t so tha t the PagePl us window displa ys pa ges either s ingly or in pa irs — as two fa cing pa ges s ide by side.
Working wi th Pages 31 Understanding mas ter pages Master pages prov ide a f lexi ble way to store back ground e lem ents that y ou'd like to ap pear on more th an one page — for ex ample a logo, backg round, heade r/foot er, or border de sign.
32 Working wit h Pages all th e pages incorp orate that elemen t. Of cours e, each indivi dual page can h ave its ow n "f oregr ound" elem ents. Master p ages are availabl e in every publ ication, bu t in a simple publi cat ion y ou may not n eed to use any master pages — or you m ay need only one m aste r page .
Working wi th Pages 33 Viewing pages Most of the PagePl us displ ay is take n up by a page or "ar twork" area and a surrou nding "past eboard" area . In P agePlus, the Pag e area is w here y ou put pa ge lay out guides, a nd of course the te xt, sha pes, a nd pic tures t hat y ou want to pr int.
34 Working wit h Pages can use t he scroll bars at the r ight and bottom of the m ain w indow to m ove the page and past eboar d with r espec t to t he ma in wi ndow. If you'r e using a wheel mou s e , you can scroll vertic ally by rotating the wheel, or horizonta lly by Shift - scrolling.
Working wi th Pages 35 Switching view modes You ca n swit ch betw een dif ferent v iew mode s, w hich off er single or multi ple pages to vi ew: • No rma l view , which disp lays one page at a t ime. • Mul ti - pag e view , used for inspec ting l ong doc ume nts, di splays a numbe r of pa ges a ccording to a c onfig urable pa ge ar ray ( e.
36 Working wit h Pages Navigating pages To switch bet ween pages: • Click the Previou s Page , Nex t P age , First Page or Last P age button on the Hi ntline . - or - On the S tudio' s Pages tab , doub le - click the page's th umbnail for the page (or m aster pa ge) y ou wa nt to vie w.
Working wi th Pages 37 To add a sin gle page: 1. On the Pages tab, cli ck once to select a page i n the Pag es wi ndo w. Note: The thum bnail tha t's show n as "se lected" is indepe ndent of th e page you'r e curre ntly working on.
38 Working wit h Pages A ssi gning master pages If y ou're only us ing one m aster page it is ass igned to any newly created page by default. However, if you 're using mult iple master p ages you can ass ign a speci fic master page to any standard page.
Working wi th Pages 39 Lay ers ar e usef ul whe n you're working on a com plex desi g n where it makes sense to separate on e cluster of obj ects from anot her. You can work o n one layer at a tim e without worrying a bout affecting elem ents on a differ ent layer.
40 Working wit h Pages In ord er to create new obj ects on a part icular layer, you'll need to "activate" (switc h to) that layer in the La y ers t ab. To activate a particu lar lay er: • Click at the beg inning of a lay er en try to activate that la yer.
Working wi th Pages 41 Using the ta b's but tons, y ou can m ove lay ers up or down i n the st ack ing orde r to place their o bject s in f ront or behi nd those on ot her lay ers, move objec ts to specific la yers, mergean d preview layer s. (See on line Help for more d etails.
42 Working wit h Pages Layers and master pages Master p ages are special "b ackgro un d" pag es tha t can be share d by m ore than one regu lar page.
Working wi th Pages 43 To assign a master pag e to a page lay er : 1. In the L aye rs tab, doub le - c lick in the Master P age(s) column of the ch osen page layer. 2. In the Select M aster Page d ialog, select t he normal page and master page from the displ aye d drop - down menus.
44 Working wit h Pages • Click in the Master Page( s) colu mn to opt ional ly assign a master page to the layer. • Chec k the box in the Visible c olumn t o show the layer and any objects o n it; u ncheck to hide the la ye r.
Working wi th Pages 45 You als o hav e the o ption of setting up row and co lu mn guide s as an un derly ing lay out aid. Pag ePlu s represen ts rows and col umns on the pa ge ar ea w ith dashed blue guide lines. Unlike t he dashed gre y f ra me margin s and colu mns , row and colum n guide s don't contro l whe re f rame te xt flow s.
46 Working wit h Pages button to der ive the page m argin setting s from the current pr inter sett ings. T he dial og als o provide s opt ions f or B alanced ma rgins (lef t ma tching r ight, top ma t.
Working wi th Pages 47 • To m ove a g uide, dra g it. • To remove a gui de, drag an d drop it anywhere o utside th e page area. • For pre cise rule r guide pl acement, check Rul er marks in Tools >Opt ions> Layo ut to snap guides t o ruler ma rks.
48 Working wit h Pages Ruler units To select th e basic m easu rement unit used by t he rulers: • Righ t - click the Ruler Intersection an d set the measure ment unit from the f lyout. In Pape r Pu blishing mode , the de fault u nit is inches (US) or cent imetr es (int ernati onal); in We b Publi shin g mode, only pixel s can be used.
Working wi th Pages 49 • Double - click on the ruler int ersection to make the rulers an d zero point j ump t o the to p lef t - hand corn er of the cur rently selected o bject. This comes in handy for meas uring pa ge obje cts. To restore t he original rul er position and zero point: • Double - click the tab marker on the ru ler inter section.
50 Working wit h Pages You ca n also set the grid spacing , sty le, colour, and p ositioni ng in the dia log (see PageP lus help) . Using headers and footers Headers an d footers ar e layout elemen ts that ar e positioned at the top and bot tom of your master page(s ), and are r epeated on eve ry pag e of your publication.
Working wi th Pages 51 To define a h eader or footer that includes a page number field: 1. Create a head er or foot er on the master page b y choosin g Headers and Foo ters.
52 Working wit h Pages.
W or king with Object s 4.
54 Working with Objects.
Working wi th Objects 55 Selecting an obj ect Bef ore y ou can cha nge any object, y ou need to se lect i t using one o f the se tools from the T ools tool bar: Pointer Tool Click to use the Point er Tool to select, mov e, copy, resize o r rotate obj ects.
56 Working with Objects • Double - , triple - , or quadr uple - click to select a word, paragraph , or all text. • To selec t only the text f ra m e , click the f rame' s bounding box. • Clicking on a group sel ects the group ed object. Ctrl - click to select an individual object w ithin a group.
Working wi th Objects 57 Alternat ively, hol d down the Shift key a nd clic k each objec t in turn. To ad d or r emove an obje ct from a mu ltiple sel ection: • Hold dow n the Shif t key and clic k the ob ject to be a dded or rem oved. To deselect all object s in a mu ltiple select ion: • Click in a blank area o f the page.
58 Working with Objects If y ou're using a nother W indow s applic ation, y ou can usua lly copy a nd paste ob jects via th e Clipboard . To paste an object from th e Clipboard: • Click Paste on the Stand ard toolbar.
Working wi th Objects 59 To replicate a n object: 1. Select th e object to be replicated and choose Replicate. .. fr om t h e Edit menu. The R eplicate d ialog appears, with a preview regi on at the right. 2. To arrange co pies in a s traight line, sel ect Create line .
60 Working with Objects Pasting an object's formatting Once you hav e copied an obje ct t o the Cl ipboard , y ou can use Paste F ormat ( Edit me nu) to apply its formatting attr ibutes to another object.
Working wi th Objects 61 For pr ecise ruler guid e placement, check Ruler Marks in Tools>O ptions to snap guides to ruler mar ks. Snapping with dynamic guides For accu rate object al ignment and re.
62 Working with Objects To switch on dy namic guides: • Clic k the dow n arrow on the Sna pping butt on (Hint line) and click Dy namic Guid es on the drop - d own me nu. To snap to page centres as well, you must additio nally check t he Pag e centre op tion in Tools>O ptions>L ayout >Snappin g .
Working wi th Objects 63 Sim ply cli cking on any membe r of a g roup sele cts the group objec t. In g enera l, any operat ion you c arry out on a sel ected g roup af fect s eac h member of the group. How ever , the obj ects that comprise a gro up are in tact, and you can also select a nd edit an individual objec t within a group.
64 Working with Objects Resizing objects PagePl us provid es several methods of resizing sin gle or group ed objects. Cl ick - and - d rag is the simplest — watch the Hin tline for co ntext - se nsitive tips and shortc uts! To resize an object (in general) : 1.
Working wi th Objects 65 To set two or m ore objects to the same horizo ntal or vertical size as the last se lected object, yo u can use Arrange >Size Obj ects... . You can als o make fine resizin g adjustments f rom the Transform tab. To resize fr eely : • Drag from a co rner (or line end) hand le.
66 Working with Objects To shift the ob ject's pos ition one step to ward the back or front: • Righ t - click on the object and ch oose Arrange> Back One or >Forw ard One , respectiv ely.
Working wi th Objects 67 To align/d istribute ob jects t o page margin s or edges: Select fro m the Relati ve to drop - down menu to al ign the sel ected object(s) within the page Ma rgins , Page ed ges , or the Spread ( for facin g pages) , then choose an alig n or distri bute bu tton describ ed above.
68 Working with Objects Rotating an object You can rotate sing le and multipl e objects, including p ictures, text objects, and groups using the Rot ate T ool. To rotate an obj ect: 1. Select th e Rotat e Tool on the Tools tool bar's Selec tion fly out.
Working wi th Objects 69 To undo rot ation (restore t he origina l orientation): • Double - click t he obj ect. • To re store t he rotat ed p osition, do uble - click again. To change th e rotation origi n: 1. Select th e Rotat e Tool an d click t o select th e object.
70 Working with Objects Cropping and comb ining objects Cro pping me ans ma sking ( hiding) parts of an object , for e xampl e to im prove composit ion or creat e a special effect .
Working wi th Objects 71 • To m ove a li ne segm ent (betw een two no des) w here you see the cu rsor, drag th e segment. To position a cropped obj ect within its crop outline: • With either cro p too l select ed, click the o bject and drag it s centre (w hen you se e the ha nd curs or).
72 Working with Objects To crop one sh ape to anoth er: 1. Place the "c lippi ng" obje ct in fron t of the objec t to be c roppe d. In th e illustratio n above, a QuickS hape is in fro nt of a text frame. 2. Choose Crop to Sha pe fr o m th e Tools menu t o cut out the obs cure d underlying tex t.
Working wi th Objects 73 To combine t wo o r more sel ected lines or drawn sh apes: 1. Draw your tw o lines or Quic kSha pes. 2. Place the "clip ping" object in f ront of the objec t to be cut out. 3. Select each object and choose Tool s>Conve rt To>C urves for bot h.
74 Working with Objects • Float with text . The objec t is positioned horiz ontally and ve rtically relative to an ancho r poi nt . This option is ideal f or picture s, pulle d quotes , etc. • Posi tion i nline as c haracte r . The anchor ed object is pl aced as a charac ter in the text and alig ned in relation to the text that surround s it.
Working wi th Objects 75 PageP lus obje cts ca n be a nchore d to any where in your publ icati on t ext, but the floa ted objec t can be pos itione d in re latio n to in dente d text, colum n, fram e, pag e margin gui des, the page i tself, or most t ypically th e anchor po int in a text frame.
76 Working with Objects Or, for an inline ob ject: 1. Enable P osition i nline as c harac ter . 2. To set th e object's vertical alignmen t with resp ect to adjacent text, select an Align with text option. Te xt will not flow aroun d the an chored object .
Working wi th Objects 77 To view anchor p roperties: 1. Select an anchored ob ject. 2. Click A nchor Pro perties shown un der the object . The Anchored Object P ropertie s dialog is dis play ed. T he options dif fer depend ing o n which of the three posit ioning optio ns is ena bled.
78 Working with Objects To join ou tlines (s elected via mar quee selecti on): • Sele ct an ou tlines option from the J oin Outlines f lyout on t he Ar range toolba r. Add Creates on e new object that’s the sum of any t wo selected ob jects. Subtr act Discards t he overlap between the to p and bot tom object.
Working wi th Objects 79 Intersect Retains the overlap and discards th e rest. Ex clude Merges t wo or more obj ects into a composit e object, with a clear transp arent “hol e” where their filled reg ions overlap.
80 Working with Objects After appl ying a preset en v elope from the Attributes toolbar's Warp fly out (or contex t tool bar), you ca n use the Mes h Warp c ontext toolba r to sw itch the war p o.
Working wi th Objects 81 To remove a bo rder, sel ect None fr o m the top of the list. 3. Select a b order We igh t (wi dth) for your bor der. Y ou m ay nee d to expe rime nt to find a width that c ompleme nts the s ize of y our object . 4. To a pply the border to s pecific edges of the o bject, u se the Edge dr op - down m enu.
82 Working with Objects • Select an Alignm ent setting to fit the border t o the Outs ide , Insi de , or Mi ddle of the object' s bound ing box . • If B ehind c ont ents is check ed, th e inner half of the bor der ext ends behin d the o bject .
Working wi th Objects 83 Adding logos Logos are intend ed to send a clear messag e to your t arget audi ence, all with in a simple and i dentif iable de sign. Whe ther y ou intend to commun icat e a stylish, busines s, fun or m odern message ( oppo site), PageP lus allows y ou to create impr essive logos of va rying desig n.
84 Working with Objects 7. To insert the logo at a defaul t size, simpl y click the mou se to leave a logo p lace holder (e nvel ope). - or - To se t the si ze of the logo, drag out a regi on and re lease the m ouse button . PagePlus's Gallery ta b also hosts the same sele ction of logos.
Working wi th Objects 85 To convert exi sting object s to a logo: 1. Select o ne or more obj ects (or a grouped object) on the page. 2. Select E dit in L ogoSt udi o.
86 Working with Objects 2. Scrol l the lower pan e to preview flash subcatego ries; col lapse unwa nted subc ateg ories by clicking t he button next t o the subcat egory name (click to expand ). Select a sui table flash thum bnail f rom the pane. 3. Drag your c hosen de sign to the p age.
Working wi th Objects 87 • For colo ur : To apply the poster 's cur rent col our sc hem e to y our design, uncheck Ap ply col our se t . Alternative ly, to adopt a colour set in depen dent of y our poste r's c urrent c olour sc hem e, keep Apply colour set checke d and pick a colo ur set o ption f rom the dr op - down list.
88 Working with Objects A s a visual c ue, hy perlink ed w ords are underl ined a nd appea r in t he c olour you've speci fied in the Scheme Manager. To modify or remove a h y perlink: 1. Use the P ointer T ool to select th e object, or click for an in sertion point i nside t he li nked te xt.
W or king with T ext 5.
90 Working wit h Tex t.
Working wi th Text 91 Importing text from a file Importing text from a word - proces sor file is the traditi onal way to create text content for De sktop Publis hing l ay outs (but y ou can als o crea te a st ory using WritePlu s).
92 Working wit h Tex t To import t ext from a file: 1. (Opti onal) If usin g an existing emp ty text frame, sel ect the frame. I f inserting text int o a populated te xt frame , click for an insertion p oi nt (or select a portion o f text to be repl aced).
Working wi th Text 93 What's a text frame? A text frame is e ffectivel y a mini - page, with : • Marg ins and c olum n guides to co ntrol te xt f low. • Optio nal prec eding and f ollow ing f rames. • Tex t and opti onal inline images that f low t hrough the fram es.
94 Working wit h Tex t Whe n you se lect a frame you'll s ee its bounding box, indic ated by a grey border line pl us cor ner and edge handle s, and (i f y ou click ed w ith the Pointe r Tool) a blinki ng ins ertio n point i n the fr ame's text.
Working wi th Text 95 Creating text fr ames You ad d fram es to a page as you w ould any othe r obje ct. Pag ePlus support s a wid e variet y of frame sh apes which can be resized and morph ed into new shap es once placed o n the p age (just like Qu ickShap es ; see p.
96 Working wit h Tex t Putting tex t into a fra me You ca n put te xt int o a f rame using one of the follow ing m ethods: WritePlus st ory editor: With a select ed frame, click WriteP lus on the Frame con text too lbar. Importing text: Righ t - click on a frame and choose I nsert Tex t File.
Working wi th Text 97 To edit frame pr operties dir ectly : • Sele ct the f ram e object , then dr ag col umn g uide line s to a djust t he b oundari es of the c olumn.
98 Working wit h Tex t To edit frame pr operties usi ng a dialog: 1. Select th e frame and click Frame Setup on the Frame cont ext toolba r. 2. From the dial og, y ou can cha nge the Num ber of colum ns , Gutt er distan ce between col umns, Left Margin , Right Ma rgi n , and enabl e/disabl e text wrappin g around an object.
Working wi th Text 99 Linking text frames When a text fra me is selected , the frame in cludes a L ink button a t the bottom right which denotes the st ate of the frame and it s story text, and which .
100 Working wit h Text • You can link to frames alread y contain ing text or are al ready in a lin k sequen ce. • If t he fr am e was not par t of a link sequen ce, its text is merged into the selected t ext's stor y. • Differen t frame sequ ences can be combin ed, creat ing unified story text.
Working wi th Text 101 Fitting text to frame s Fitting story text precise ly into a sequence of f rames is part of the art of layin g out publications.
102 Working wit h Text No Aut ofit This is the n orma l mode of opera tion w here, i f se lecte d, text won't automatic ally scale throughout th e selected tex t frame, possibly leaving p artly empt y f ra mes at the end of the frame sequ ence.
Working wi th Text 103 Using artistic text Artistic t ext is standalone tex t you type direc tly onto a page. Espec ially useful for he adline s, pull quotes , and other specia l - purpose text, it' s easily f ormatted with the standard text tools.
104 Working wit h Text • Artistic text won't automatic ally line wrap like frame text. • Artistic text doesn't flow or link t he way f ra m e text does; the Frame context toolbar's text - fitting f unctions aren't applica ble to artistic te xt.
Working wi th Text 105 • To re size freely , hold down the Shift key whi le draggi ng. To edit artistic text: • Drag to sel ect a range of text , creating a b lue selecti on.
106 Working wit h Text To apply a preset curved pa th to text: 1. Create an ar tistic text o bject. 2. With th e text selected, on the Text con text toolbar , click the Path Text fly out and c hoose a pres et path. The text now flows a long the s pecif ied pat h, e.
Working wi th Text 107 To fit exi sting text t o an exist ing line or sh ape: 1. Create an ar tistic text o bjec t. 2. Create a freeh and, st raight, or cu rved line or a shape. 3. Select b oth objects. On the Tools menu, cho ose Fit Text to Curv e fro m t he Tools me nu.
108 Working wit h Text Editing text on the page You ca n use t he Poi nter T ool to e dit frame text , table t ext , or artistic text directl y. On the page, you can select an d enter t ext, set paragraph indents and tab stop s, change text properti es, apply text styles, an d use F ind and R eplace .
Working wi th Text 109 To start a new line within th e same paragr aph (using a "line bre ak" or "soft ret urn"): • Press Shift+Enter . The follow ing tw o options a pply only to fr ame t ext. Y ou can use these sh ortcuts or choo se the items fro m the Insert/B reak subm enu.
110 Working wit h Text Setting paragraph indents When a text o bject is sel ected, markers o n the ho rizontal rul er indicate the l eft inden t, fir st line i ndent , and ri ght indent of the c urre nt para gra ph. You ca n adjus t the markers t o set paragrap h inden ts, or use a dial og.
Working wi th Text 111 Setting tab stops To set a tab stop: 1. Sele ct the pa ragr aph(s) i n whic h y ou want to s et tab stops . 2. Click the ruler i ntersection butto n until it change s to the type of tab you want: (L eft, Centre, Right, or Decimal).
112 Working wit h Text Using Find and Rep l ace You can search publi cation text for an extraordin ary variety of ite ms: not jus t wor ds or parts of words, but a hos t of c harac ter and pa rag raph attr ibut es suc h as fonts , sty les, a lignm ent, bulle ts an d num bering, miss ing fonts , drop caps.
Working wi th Text 113 Setting text propert ies Page Plus give s y ou a high de gree of ty pographic c ontrol ov er cha ract ers a nd para graphs , whet her y ou're w orking w ith frame text , tab le text , or artistic tex t . To apply basic text format ting: 1.
114 Working wit h Text Using fonts One of the m ost dra mat ic ways to chang e y our docum ent's appear ance is t o chang e the f onts use d in y our art istic text , fram e text, or table text. Applying different fonts to a character or entire paragraph can communicat e very different mes sages to your inte nded rea dership.
Working wi th Text 115 The Fonts ta b lets y ou: • Apply fonts easily without dialog navigation. • Assi gn font s to be W ebsaf e or f avourites . • View most re cently used, We bsafe, a nd your fav ourite f onts simultaneously . • Search for installed fonts via s earc h box.
116 Working wit h Text To previe w f onts: 1. From the ta b's Tab M enu button (top - right of tab ), check the Preview Font optio n. 2. Select a sect ion of text ( a letter, word , or paragraph ) in your docum ent. 3. On the Fonts tab, hov er ov er any font in the list.
Working wi th Text 117 To select (a nd change) a fon t throughout y our document: 1. Righ t - clic k a f ont displa ye d in the Fonts tab. If t he font i s used i n your docum ent, y ou 'll see a " Select Al l n Instanc e(s ) " message ( n is the num ber of tim es the f ont is use d).
118 Working wit h Text PageP lus's f ont substit ution m echanism mak es use of the PANO SE Font Matching Sy stem which intelligently finds the be st f ont s ubstitut ion m atch betwee n a missing and a locally available f ont. By default, clicking OK w ill substitute the m issing font for a l ocally available standard font (e.
Working wi th Text 119 The dialog s hows bot h fonts for s ubstit utions , e.g. The Adams ky SF font is fi rst choi ce, w ith Aria l used as a sec ondary font. 6. Click OK . Rese t the Subs titu te wi th box b y clicki ng the D efaul t button. This will replace t he fonts listed with a single font, e.
120 Working wit h Text Using FontManager Font Manager is a stand alone Serif appl ication that works alon gside PagePl us with respec t to font substitution. I ts ma in feature is to locate and dy namically install a public ation's missing fonts .
Working wi th Text 121 Sty les ca n be appli ed to characters o r paragrap hs usin g either the Text contex t tool bar or t he Text Sty les tab. Both paragraph and character styles can b e managed fro m t he Text St yle Palet t e .
122 Working wit h Text • Typicall y, a character st yle applies e mphasis (su ch as itali cs, bolding or col our) to w hateve r underly ing font the text alrea dy us es; the assumptio n is t hat y ou want to k eep tha t unde rly ing f ont the sa me.
Working wi th Text 123 As both paragraph and character formatti ng can be ap plied to th e same text, al l of the current tex t's forma tting is displayed in the Current format box on t he tab. I n the example belo w, currently sel ected text h as a Stron g character style appl ied over a Normal paragr aph st yle.
124 Working wit h Text To create a n ew sty le using the p roperties of existing t ext: 1. Format th e text as desired . 2. To define a ch aracter st yle, select a range o f reformatted text. To define a p aragraph style, d eselect text but lea ve a blink ing cursor (insertion point) within the new ly formatted se ction.
Working wi th Text 125 • From the dialog, clic k Remove . For deleti on of multi ple s tyles, check multiple sty le names first. For re moval of all or u nused styles, use appro priate buttons . Take care when delet ing styles. Styles based o n a checked "parent" style will be checked for deletion.
126 Working wit h Text To remove loc al formatting: 1. Select lo cally formatted character s or paragrap h(s) as d escribed in the above tab le. 2. Either: • Select C lear For matting fro m t he Styl es drop - down li st on the Text context too lbar.
Working wi th Text 127 To select (a nd change) a sty le throughout y our document: 1. Righ t - click a st yle displayed o n the Text Styles tab. 2. If t he sty le is us ed in y our docum ent, you' ll see a " Select All n instan ce(s) " message ( n is the num ber of times the sty le is used).
128 Working wit h Text To wrap text around an object: 1. Select th e object aro und which you want the text t o wrap. 2. Click the Wrap S etting s button on the Arrang e toolba r.. 3. Select th e manner in whi ch text will wrap around the object by clicking a sa mple, i.
Working wi th Text 129 In add ition, y ou can spe cify the Dis tance f rom text : t he "st andoff " betw een the obj ect's wrap out li ne and ad jacent text. ( The wrap outl ine is a contour that def ines the object' s edg es f or text wra pping purpos es.
130 Working wit h Text To create a s imple bulleted or numbered list: 1. Select o ne or more paragrap hs. - or - Click in a paragraph's t ext. 2. Select Bullete d List or Numbered List from the Text context toolbar. The list sty le used is the first preset show n in the Bullets & Num bering dialog desc ribed bel ow.
Working wi th Text 131 Using multi - lev el lists For multi - lev el lis ts, as oppose d to b ulleted a nd number ed list s, you c an se t a different character (s ymbol, text o r number) to display at each level of you r list.
132 Working wit h Text The m ulti - level p resets offer so me simple bu t commonly used schemas for par agra ph list f orma tting. H owever , if y ou want to crea te y our own l ists or modi fy an e xisti ng list ( your ow n or a prese t), us e the Deta ils button in the Te xt Style dialog when Multi - Level style i s selected.
Working wi th Text 133 A ut oCorrect To set options for automati c text corre ction: 1. Choose Options.. . fr o m th e Tools menu and select the Tex t>Auto- Correct p age. 2. Chec k your de sired c orrec tion opt ions as requi red. To create a c orrection list: 1.
134 Working wit h Text Multilingual s pell checking is s upporte d by use of up to 14 dictio narie s. A ny language can be enabl ed globally fro m Tools>Options> Options>Gen eral or appl ied specificall y to text or par agraphs via th e Language Selecto r in the Character tab.
Working wi th Text 135 To check sp elling as you ty pe: • With the Check spe lling as yo u ty pe feat ure turne d on (f rom Tools >Opt ions> Opti ons>G ener al ), place an inser tion point i n a marked wor d by clicki ng, then r ight - click.
136 Working wit h Text Whe n a proble m is found, Page Plus highl ights the pro blem word. T he dialog offe rs al ternati ve sugg esti ons, and y ou can cho ose to Change or Ignore th is insta nce (or a ll ins tance s) of t he pr oblem word. 6. Proof reading conti nues un til y ou cli ck the Close button or the pr oces s is completed .
Working wi th Text 137 To replace the original word: • Click the Replace butto n to repl ace the orig inal w ord (se lecte d in your tex t) wi th the w ord in the "Repla ce/L ook Up" box. To exit th e thesauru s: • Click the Cancel butt on.
138 Working wit h Text Feature Supported Resize/ mo ve table Rotate table 1 Rotate table tex t (in cell) 1 Sort table conte nts Solid f ill and b order col our Gr .
Working wi th Text 139 PagePlus lets y ou: • Ed it the pre - defined format befor e addin g a new table to th e page. • Create y ou r own cust om formats witho ut creati ng a table. See Crea ting c ustom table f ormat s in onli ne Help. • Edit existing tab les to fit a dif ferent form at (pre - def ined or cus tom).
140 Working wit h Text Mani pulating ta bles You can select, move, resi ze, delete, an d copy a table an d its cont ents, just as you w ould with a t ext f rame. Cell properties ca n also be modi fied. To manipulat e a table object : • To resize a tab le, select it then drag a corn er or sid e handle.
Working wi th Text 141 • Fill Right or Fill Down will respectivel y replicate th e conten ts of a row or co lumn’s first cell across the en tire s elect ed row or colum n. Clic k the row or colum n heade r's butto n, and c hoose t he opt ion from the f lyout m enu.
142 Working wit h Text To change th e table's structur e and appear ance: • To select a cell , click on t he edge of a cell. To sel ect more th an one cell, cli ck in one cell an d drag across t he others, on e row or colu mn at a time.
Working wi th Text 143 • For an indiv idual c olumn or row, cli ck its header 's butt on, choosi ng Autofit Ro w to Con tents o r Autofi t Colu mn to Co nte nts , respecti vely.
144 Working wit h Text • To appl y a coloured back ground to a w hole tabl e, h over ov er the top - left hand corner of the t able until you s ee a cursor — cl ick once, and t hen use the Co lour ta b or Sw atche s tab to a pply a col our f ill. ( See Apply ing s olid colo urs on p.
Working wi th Text 145 Inserting a calenda r The Calen dar Wizard helps you de sign m onth - at -a- glan ce calendars for use in your publica tion. The calend ar is created as a s calable t ext - based table so you can ed it text using the stan dard text too ls.
146 Working wit h Text To insert a calendar : 1. Click the Table fly out on the T ools toolbar and ch oose Insert Cale ndar . 2. Clic k aga in on y our page , or dra g out to set t he des ired si ze of the calend ar.
Working wi th Text 147 To enable pu blic holidays: 1. Sele ct your c alenda r's bo unding box , and clic k on the cont ext t oolbar . 2. From the E vents tab, check Add publ ic holi days . 3. (Optio nal) Sw ap to a dif fe rent count r y's public holiday se ttings by using the Region drop - down list.
148 Working wit h Text 5. Click New event . 6. From the dial og, ty pe, use the up/dow n arrows , or clic k the B row s e button to select a dat e. 7. Enter your e vent te xt into the t ext inp ut box . This displa ys i n your calend ar under th e chosen date.
Working wi th Text 149 To insert a database t able: 1. Click Insert Database table fr om the T ools tool bar's Table fly out. 2. Using the poi nter, draw an are a on your page t hat w ill conta in y our datab ase inf orma tion.
150 Working wit h Text Note t hat the Boole an oper ator " And" and "O r" oper ator to build up y our filt er criteria r ow - by - r ow. The Sort Rec ords ta b is us ed to s ort by three priori tized f ield na mes, e ither i n asc ending or desc ending or der.
Working wi th Text 151 Whe n the table of contents is cr eate d, Page Plus f orma ts it using bui lt - in text st yl es (p. 120 ) i ntende d specif ically for ta ble of c ontents prepar ation: "Conte nts - Title" and "Contents - 1st" thr ough "Cont ents - 6th".
152 Working wit h Text • You can also specify a bo ld and/or itali c page number for mat. 4. Click Mar k to insert the new entry mark or up date a selected mark. To build an i ndex: 1. First mark th e entries as d escribed ab ove. 2. Choose Index. .
Working wi th Text 153 To add a ch apter to t he chapter list: 1. In Bo okPlus, on the C hap ter menu , click Add.. . 2. In th e dialog, select one or more PagePl us files to be added as chapt ers. (Use the Ct rl or S hift key s to select multiple f iles or a rang e of file s.
154 Working wit h Text To set page numbering opt ions for the b ook: 1. Choose Boo k Page Numbe r Opt ions... from the Book P lus File m enu. 2. In the dialog , sele ct whe ther y ou want pag e num bers to Contin ue fro m previ ous c hapte r , Conti nu e on nex t odd pa ge , or Co ntinu e on nex t even page .
Working wi th Text 155 To update pag e numbering: • Choose Ren umber P ages from the Book Plus Fil e me nu. Synchronizing chapters Sy nchroni zing me ans impos ing cons istent sty les, palette s, and/or colo ur schem es thr oughout t he book.
156 Working wit h Text Building a Table of Contents or Index From BookPlus , you c an bui ld a Ta ble of Contents and/or Index that incl udes entri es for the ent ire set of chapters . In each case, you'll need t o begin by designat ing a specific ch apter wher e the resul ting pages sho uld be added .
Working wi th Text 157 To export the bo ok or sele cted chapters a s PDF: 1. To export just certai n chapters, make sure their n ames are selected i n the ch apter list.
158 Working wit h Text • Edit ing Serif Database files. • Selectin g, fi ltering, and sorting t he mer ge list. • Inser ting pla ceho lders f or y our data .
Pictures, Lines, and Shapes 6.
160 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 161 Adding picture fra mes Not to be co nfused w ith a decorat ive border , a picture fr ame is a shap ed cont ainer simil ar to a text fra me. You can select ei ther: • Bordered pictu re frames fro m the Gallery tab . - or - • Sha ped borderle ss frames fro m the Tools toolbar.
162 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes To add a bor der less picture frame: 1. For an empt y square frame, ch oose Pi cture>Empty Fra me... fr o m th e Insert menu. - or - For a fra me of a particular s hape, e.g. Elliptical Pictu re Frame , choose a shape on the Impor t Pic ture f lyout o n the T ools to olbar .
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 163 • Click the butto n to r otate the ph oto in 9 0 deg ree a nti - clockwise incremen ts. • Click the butto n to zo om in/ out of the pho to. - or - 1. Righ t - click on a picture frame and choose Properties>F rame Properties.
164 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Importing pictures PagePl us lets you in sert pictures f rom a wide variet y o f f ile form ats, inc luding bitmaps, vector images, and metafiles, and in several different ways.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 165 To import a pict ure from a f ile: 1. To place th e picture: • inline with the te xt - click f or an insertion point in a te xt object. • detached from the text - make sure all t ext objects are d eselected. • into a frame - create the frame a nd then select it (see abo ve).
166 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes To set th e size of the in serted picture, drag out a regio n and release th e mous e butto n. To populat e a templat e pictur e placeholder or replace a picture: • Click the butt on show n under t he sele cted f rame.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 167 You can even use the Aut o Flow feature to ad d all photos sequential ly into available e mpty pictu re frames with one click.
168 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes The curre ntly load ed album shown on your Media Bar wi ll remain visible irrespe ctive of which document you have open. Photo t humbna ils ca n be dra gge d from the Media Bar dir ectly onto y our pag e, into a n exis ting st andal one phot o, or into a n em pty or populate d pictu re frame .
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 169 3. (Optio nal) F or any photo y ou can alt er the r esol ution ( native or 96 dpi), or em bed/link stat us in a dvance of pla ceme nt on your page — clic k a phot o's se tting a nd use t he se tting' s drop - dow n menu to c hange .
170 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes AutoFlow — addin g content au tomatically AutoFl ow lets y ou flow the phot os curre ntly display ed i n th e Media Bar throug hout e mpty picture fra me s spre ad thr oughout your pu blica tion (y ou can't ref low phot os once fram es are populate d with c onten t).
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 171 Using Image Cutout Studio Image Cuto ut Stu dio offers a pow erful inte gra ted soluti on for c utt ing obj ects out fr om the ir back groun ds.
172 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Zoom into your image to examine i ts edges; th is may influence the outp ut type c hosen. Le t's look a t the out put ty pes and e xplai n the dif ference betwee n each. Output Ty pe Description and use Alph a - edge d B it map Use when cutt ing out objec ts w ith poorly define d edge s.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 173 Selecting areas to keep or d iscard A pa ir of br ushes f or ke eping a nd disc arding i s use d to "pa int" a reas of the image. The t ools are cal led Keep Brush and Discard Brush , and are either u sed indepe ndent ly or, more typica lly, i n combi nation w ith each o ther.
174 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes To select im age areas for keeping/d iscarding : 1. In Im age Cut out St udio, cli ck ei ther Kee p brus h or Discard brush from the lef t of the Studio w orkspa ce. 2. (Optional) Pick a Brus h size suita ble f or the ar ea to be wor ked on.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 175 Refining your cutout area (alpha - edged bitmaps only) If a vector - cropped image i s created vi a Image Cutou t Studio it's p ossible to subse quently m anipulate the cr op out line us ing cr op tool s.
176 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Applying PhotoLab filters Filter s can be appli ed and managed in PhotoLa b , a pow erful studio for a pply ing adjustment and ef fect filte rs to pictures indi vi dual.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 177 Pictur es pre sent i n your p ublic ation w ill sh ow in y our Im ages t ab (above) i f the tab is expande d. T his tab is hidde n by def ault in PhotoL ab but can be viewed by clicking the butto n at t he bott om of your w orks pace.
178 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes A ppl ying a filter Filte rs are stored i n Pho toLab' s Fav ourites, Adjust ment s, and Ef fect s tabs which gr oup filters logica lly into categories ( e.g., Quick F ix for fast an d comm onl y used cor recti on filte rs).
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 179 To disable: Click , then click to en able again. To reset: Click . Any changes t o settin gs are reverted back t o the filter' s defaults. To delete: Click . Once you're sure tha t y ou want t o ke ep you f ilter, y o u'll need to commit the filter to y our filters sta ck.
180 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Retouching PhotoL ab of fers some us eful re touching tools on the m ain toolbar , e ach comm onl y used to c orrect photos bef ore apply ing colour c orrec tion a nd ef fects .
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 181 3. Adjust the settings to sui t requiremen ts, especial ly adjusti ng Brush Size to paint larger o r more intricate r egions. Change t he Mode dr op - down menu from Select to Protect to protec t painted regions from masking ( i.
182 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes mas k on anot he r ma sk applied to the current or any other filte r in the f ilter stack. This is usef ul when using fa vourite s contai ning m ultiple adj ustm ents. To edit a ma sk: • Clic k the dow n arrow on the but ton, cho ose the mas k nam e and sel ect Edit Mask .
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 183 Exiting PhotoLab • Click . Importing TW AIN images If y our sca nner or digit al camera prov ides TWAIN s upport, y ou can impor t pictu res directl y into PagePlus using the TWAIN stan dard. Or , save the scann ed image separ ately and t hen impor t int o PagePlus .
184 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes • For an ima ge that w ill end up on a web pag e , it's possible to g et great resul ts sca nning at 100d pi, using ex actly the sc reen dim ensions you need. I f y ou're going to e dit the ima ge, i ncrease the d pi to be on the safe side.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 185 Drawing and editin g lines PagePl u s provi des Pencil , Straight Line , Pen , a nd Quick Shape t ools f or creating si mple graph ics.
186 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Drawing lines To draw a fr eeform lin e (with t he Pencil To ol): 1. Choose t he Pencil T ool fr om t h e Tools toolba r's L ine f lyout. 2. Clic k whe re you w ant the l ine to start , and hol d the m ouse butto n down a s y ou draw.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 187 A St raight segmen t is simply a straight line co nnecting two nodes . ( Short cut: Press 1 ) A Bézi er segment is curved, displa ying control handle s for prec ise adjustment.
188 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes 3. T o exten d an existi ng line, repeat Step 2 for each n ew segment. Each segment can be of a di ff erent type. 4. T o end the line , pre ss Esc , doub le - click, o r choose a di fferent tool .
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 189 Several tech niqu es offer additi onal ways to custo mize lines: For da shed li nes, s elect from one of five da shed line sty les (see abo ve).
190 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Drawing and editin g shapes Qui ckSha pes are pre - designed obje cts tha t y ou can i nstantly add to y our page , then adj ust and va ry using c ontrol ha ndles, crea ting va riati ons on t he orig inal QuickSh ape.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 191 It’s also pos sible t o use t he alw ays - at - hand Qui ckSha pe cont ext too lbar si tuated above th e workspace to s wap QuickShap es, and adj ust a QuickSh ape’s lin e we ight, colo ur, sty le, and m ore. N ew shap es alwa ys take the default line and fill (initially a black line with no f ill).
192 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Closed shapes As soon as y ou draw or s elec t a line, you' ll see the line' s node s appe ar. Node s show the end points of ea ch segm ent in the li ne. Free hand c urve s typica lly have many nodes; s traig ht or cur ved l ine s egme nts hav e only two.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 193 To break open a line or shap e: 1. With the Pointe r Tool, selec t the node whe re y ou want to break the shape. 2. Click the Break Curve button on the Curv e conte xt to olbar.
194 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Applying 2D filter ef fects PagePl us provid es a variety of filter ef fects that y ou can use to tra nsf orm any obj ect. "3D" f ilter effects let you create t he impression of a texture d surface and are covered el sewhere (se e p.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 195 The Studio’s Styl es tab of fers a range of 2D fil ter effects th at are read y to use. Its mult iple categories each offer a gall ery full of predefin ed effects, such as Shad ows, Bevels, Refle cti ons, Blurs, and more.
196 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Creating reflections A simple wa y to add creative flair to your page is t o apply a vertical reflection on a sel ected object. The effect is especial ly eye - catchin g when ap plied to pictu res, but can b e equally impressive o n artisti c text, such as page titles or text banner s.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 197 • Radial : applies concentr ic streaks to the o bject to sim ulate a rotating camera or su bject. • Mot ion : applies straig ht streaks to the obje ct to simulate the e ffect of camera or su bject movemen t.
198 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes Once you 've created a shadow, y o u can a lso f ine - tune it as need ed using the Filter Eff ects dialog. Using 3D filter effec ts 3D fil ter effects go bey ond 2D filter ef fects (suc h as sha dow, g low, be vel, a nd emboss ef fects) to creat e the impressio n of a textu red surface on th e object itself.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 199 There you ’ll see a variet y of remarkab le 3D surface and texture presets i n variou s categories (Gla ss, Metalli c, Wood, etc.
200 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes To apply 3D filter effects: 1. Click Filter Effects on the Att ribut es toolbar. 2. Check th e 3D Effects box at the left. The 3 D Lig hting box is ch ecked by def ault. 3. Adjus t the " maste r control " slide rs he re to v ary the ove rall pr operti es of any ind ividual 3 D effects you select .
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 201 2D Bump Map The 2D Bu mp M a p effect cre ates th e impression of a textured s urface by app lying a gre ysca le bitm ap you se lect t o add dept h inf orm ation, f or a pea k - and - val ley eff ect.
202 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes 3D Reflection Map The 3D Reflectio n Map e ffect is u sed to simulate mirrored su rfaces by select ion of a patter n (i.e., a b itmap which po ssesses a shin y surface) which "wraps around " a selected ob ject.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 20 3 Adding dimensiona lity (Instant 3D) Using the Ins tant 3 D fea ture, y ou can ea sily transf orm f lat sha pes (show n) and text into three - di m ensional object s.
204 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes X rotati on Y rotati on Z rotati on X and Y rotati on Transfor m about your 3D o bjects' a xes instea d of yo ur pages' axes by holding the Ctrl ke y dow n as you tr ansform using the nodes.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 205 T o edit base p roperties of a 3D object: • Select th e 3D object , then click the Edi t button a t the b ottom right - hand cor ner of the 3D object, i. e. The origina l objec t's s hape is s how n, allowing its s elec tion handle s to b e mani pulated for re sizing and r otati ng.
206 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes • Any time you want to al ter some aspect o f a style (for example, chang e the li ne col our), y ou si mply change the style def inition. Insta ntly , all obje cts i n your p ubli cation s haring that s tyle update accordi ngly.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 207 If yo u 've a pplied a s tyl e to an objec t but hav e lost t rack of the thumbna il —or wa nt to conf irm which sty le is actua lly being us ed on an object — you c an quickly loc ate the thumbnail from the o bject.
208 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes 2. Click to expand or co llapse sections within the att ributes tr ee. Check any attributes y ou want to include in t he style defini tion, an d unche ck a ny y ou don't w ant to incl ude.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 209 The Galler y has two part s: an upper Categ ories drop - down m enu and a l ower Designs window showing a list of thum bnails repres enting the designs in the sele cted c ategory . You can a dopt a desig n by dra gging the thum bnail onto t he page.
210 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes To vi ew t he Gallery: 1. Click the Studio's Gallery tab. 2. Select a catego ry fro m the drop - down m enu. The item s from the folder's first listed category are di splayed b y default. To add, delet e, or rename cu stom categorie s: 1.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 211 To rename or delete a cu stom desi gn from t he Ga l le r y: • Clic k on the d rop - down but ton i n the bo ttom - right c orner of a thum bnail (sh own by hover ove r) and c hoose f rom the me nu. Using connectors Two C onnector tools let y ou crea te dy namic link li nes betw een any tw o object s.
212 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes To create a c onnector: 1. For a s traight - lin e connector, select t he Connect or Tool on the Connec tor T ools fl yout ( Tool s toolbar ). - or - For an el bow connecto r, select the Elbow Conne ctor Tool fr o m t he same locati on.
Pictures, Li nes, and Shapes 213 To add a cu stom connection point (with to ol): 1. Select an object. 2. Select th e Conn ectio n Point To ol on the C onnect or Tool s fly out ( Too ls toolbar) . 3. Clic k at a chosen loc ation to pla ce the custom connec tion poi nt (insi de or outs ide t he obje ct).
214 Pictures, Lines, and Shapes.
Colo u r , Fills, a nd T ransparency 7.
216 Colour, Fills, and Transparency.
Colour, Fills, and Transparency 217 Applying solid fills PageP lus of fers a numbe r of w ays t o apply s olid colour fills to objects of diff erent k inds: • You ca n apply solid colo urs to an obje ct's line or fill . A s you m ight expect, Qu ickShapes and closed shap es (see Draw ing and e diting shapes on p.
218 Colour, Fills, and Transparency To apply a solid colour via t he Swatches tab: 1. Select th e object(s) o r highligh t a range of text. 2. Click th e Swat ches tab . 3. Click the Fill , Line , o r Text button at the t op of the tab to d etermine where colo ur will b e applied.
Colour, Fills, and Transparency 219 Using schemes In P agePlus, a col our sche me is a cluster o f five complementar y colou rs that you c an apply to specif ic el ements i n one or more public ations. The Schemes ta b dis play s pres et schem es whi ch can be selec ted at any poi nt duri ng the desi gn proces s.
220 Colour, Fills, and Transparency The example b elow sho ws three differen t schemes as ap plied to a design that 's been m arked wi th Schem e Colour s 1 thr ough 5 as in t he exam ple above . To select a colour sche me: 1. Click th e Schemes tab.
Colour, Fills, and Transparency 221 To assign a scheme co lour to an object: 1. Select th e object and ch oose a F ill , Line , or Text button at the top of the Sw atche s tab de pendi ng on the des ired ef fect.
222 Colour, Fills, and Transparency 4. To store t he modified sch eme in the Sch emes tab, click S ave Schem e... . If modifying an existi ng scheme, leave the na me unaltered . If c re ating a n ew scheme, ent er a new name. 5. To appl y the scheme to th e current p ublication (or web site), cli ck OK .
Colour, Fills, and Transparency 223 To apply a gradient or bitm ap fill using the Swatch es tab: 1. Click th e Swatches tab an d ensu re the Fill button is selected. Note t hat the colour of the under line r efle cts the colour of y our selected o bject.
224 Colour, Fills, and Transparency Alternati vely, a dial og can be used to add or sub tract key colours fro m the gra dient, app ly diffe rent k ey colours to in dividual nodes , or v ary the over all shading of the eff e ct a pplied to the object .
Colour, Fills, and Transparency 225 Editing the fill path When y ou select a fillable object, the Fill tool becom es available (otherw ise it's greyed o ut). If the obj ect uses a gradient fill , you'll see the fill path disp layed as a line , with n odes m arking w here the s pectrum betwe en each k ey colo ur begi ns and en ds.
226 Colour, Fills, and Transparency Working with trans parency Transpar ency effects are grea t for hig hlight s, sha ding an d sha dows , and s imulatin g "rendered" real ism. The y can make the crit ical differen ce between flat - looking public ations and p ublica tions w ith de pth and s nap.
Colour, Fills, and Transparency 227 Tran sparenc y types availab le in the Transp arency tab ar e as follows: • Solid transparen cy distr ibutes the t ranspar ency equall y acr oss the obj ect.
228 Colour, Fills, and Transparency To apply gradient transpare ncy with the Tr ansparency Tool: 1. Select a co loured ob ject. 2. Click the Trans pare ncy Tool on the Attrib utes toolbar 's Tra nspare ncy f lyout. - or - Select F ormat> Tra nspar ency .
Colour, Fills, and Transparency 229 To edit a gradi ent transpare ncy dir ectl y : 1. Select an objec t with gradient tra nsp arency and click the Trans pare ncy To ol button. T he obj ect' s trans parenc y pa th appea rs, w ith sta rt and e nd node s.
230 Colour, Fills, and Transparency.
Printing your Publication 8.
232 Printing your Publicatio n.
Printing y our Publication 23 3 Printing basics PageP lus sup ports s caling , tili ng, m anual du plex pri nting, and ma ny other usef ul printi ng opti ons.
234 Printing your Publicatio n 6. The Preview wi ndow show s how your publ ication ma ps to the selected p aper size. Yo u can click th e dialog's Preview but ton to hide and sh ow the window .
Printing y our Publication 23 5 To se tup, the wiz ard as ks you pr inter - re lated questions. Yo u'll need to: • Conside r how you of fer pa per to your pr inter. • Prin t a test page, check which side pr inted, then reinsert the page a s instructed.
236 Printing your Publicatio n Previewing the prin ted page The Print Preview mode c hange s the s cree n view to display your lay out wit hout fram es, guide s, ruler s, an d other s cree n item s. Spec ial opti ons, s uch as tiled o utput or cro p ma rks, a re not dis play ed.
Printing y our Publication 23 7 Wor king in Trimmed Page Mode Tri mmed Pag e Mo de lets you toggle between t he page you 're currentl y working on (com plete with vis ible guides, pasteboard objec ts, text m arks, special l characters, et c.) and a p review page which s hows how your page will appea r in print.
238 Printing your Publicatio n Eve n if the publica tion is n't se t up a s a poste r or ba nner, you ca n use tiling a nd scaling se ttings (see "Tiling " below) to print onto m ultiple sheets f rom a stand ard size page.
Printing y our Publication 23 9 The multiple page o ptions are e nable d when y ou are w orking with a page fro m the Small P ublicat ions category i n Page Setu p. You can select t he number of times to repeat each p age, and tell PageP lus to skip a cert ain number of regio ns on the firs t sheet of pape r.
240 Printing your Publicatio n Unles s y ou're ha nding of f cam era - ready artwork, your print provider w ill spec ify the form at in w hich y ou should s ub mit the publication: eit her PDF ( PDF/X format) or PostScript ( see Online Help ).
Publishin g and Sharing 9.
242 Publishing and Sharing.
Publis hing and Sharing 243 Exporting PDF files PDF (short for Portable Docum ent For mat ) is a c ross - platf orm WYSIWYG file form at dev eloped by A dobe to ha ndle docume nts in a devic e - and pla tform - indepe ndent manne r.
244 Publishing and Sharing Creating a PDF boo kmark list Boo kmarks are optional links that appear i n a separate p ane of the PDF vie wer when a P DF file is di splayed. Typicall y, a bookmark lin ks to a speci fic location such as a sectio n headin g in the publication, b ut it can als o lin k to a w hole pag e.
Publis hing and Sharing 245 The mechani cs of creat ing a PDF boo kmar k list by han d are si mple. For example, b ookmarking a sp ecific lo cation (for exa mple, a piece of text o r a graphi c object) ent ails placing an anchor at th at locati on; the anch or serves as the target f or the bookma rk link.
246 Publishing and Sharing To delete bo okmarks an d anchors: 1. Choose Boo kmark Man ager.. . from the Tools m enu. 2. In th e bookmark tree, select an entry for d eletion , then click the Re mo ve button. You' ll be a sked i f y ou want to rem ove unused anchor s.
Publis hing and Sharing 247 The main f eatures of PDF sl idesh ow inc lude: • Advance o f each slide man ually or aut omatically. • Creation of m ulti - secti on slide s fr om indiv idual PagePl us pag es. • Use of slide - specif ic layer c ontrol ( swi tch lay ers on or of f).
248 Publishing and Sharing 7. For ac compa nyi ng music , in the M edia bo x, click the Open button to navigate to and select an audio file (wav, mp3 and aiff f ile s suppor ted). 8. For multi - section slides, from the Slides tab, dup licate or co py a selecte d slide with the Insert or Copy but ton, respect ively.
Publis hing and Sharing 249 To create mu lti - sectio n slides: 1. In the Slides ta b of the Publish P DF Sl ideshow dialo g, choose a page fro m wh i ch you want to create a s lide and cli ck the Insert or C opy but ton.
250 Publishing and Sharing Sharing b y email PageP lus lets you sha re publica tions a s nativ e Pag ePlus public ations (.ppp) or as HTM L, as a file attachm ent or as HT ML wit hin the body of your e mail, respecti vely. Sharing PagePlus publications 1.
Publis hing and Sharing 251 To use PageP lus as an alternativ e email cli ent: • Select T ools>O ptio ns.. . . then select HTML E - ma i l . • Enab le Send HTM L E - m ail using PagePlus , and enter the mail server na me (e.g., mail - srv or ma il.
252 Publishing and Sharing To share a do cument as an image: 1. Check Sen d entire HTML page as single i ma ge in Tools >Opti ons> HTML E - mai l (in PageP lus). 2. Carry out procedur e as f or shar ing a docum ent a s HTML above. Use this option for O utlook Express, Outlo ok (including Outlook 2007) , and Wi ndows Mail.
Using PDF Forms 10.
254 Using PDF Forms.
Using PDF Forms 255 Getting started w ith PDF forms PagePl us lets you use el ectroni c - ba sed PDF form s to col lect in putt ed data from rea ders of your pu blicati on in a n eff icient a nd mode rn ma nner.
256 Using PDF Forms Each f ield has its own se t of Form Fiel d Properties relating t o its appearan ce, its valu e(s), validat ion, calcu lations, and the action expected of the field . In Pag ePlus, t he form should be inte grate d into y our Page de sign a s you de velop your publica tion.
Using PDF Forms 257 Creating PDF forms A ddi ng form fields A s eries of form fields can be a dded to the pag e, de pending on t he ty pe of f orm you w ant to cr eate . Typi cally a mix of form fields will make up y o ur f inished form desig n. Field s are created from the F orm too lbar or via Insert>F orm Field .
258 Using PDF Forms Check Box I deal when y ou want to multiply selec t a series of options displ aye d side by side. A good al ternat ive to a Com bo Box or Lis t box if sp ace allows. Text Field U se f or adding t ext, n umbe rs or a m ixture of both.
Using PDF Forms 259 To access Form Field Pr opert ies: 1. To v iew the proper ties do one of the f ollowi ng: • Righ t - click on a selected form fie ld and choo se Form Fiel d Properties . • Double - c lick the form field. • Select th e form field, an d click the butt on fr om the For m toolba r.
260 Using PDF Forms Exceptions exist when using Standard or Professio nal softwar e. With in the PDF file Alternativ ely, it is possible to stor e form data w ithin the PDF Form itse lf by using the Save or Save A s.
Using PDF Forms 261 conf igured i n order to su bmit th e form data to t he web server. You can either cre ate the butt on unaided or use the Form Submit Wiza rd (see bel ow). Eith er way, the u se of the submit p rocess is th e major differen ce between web - read y and ot her les s dyna mic forms .
262 Using PDF Forms 1. For Serif Web Re sources , cl ick Nex t> . 2. Click the Get a Form ID button to dis play Se rif's custom er logi n web page .
Producing W eb Pag es 11.
264 Producing Web P ages.
Producing W eb Pages 265 Getting started in w eb mode How easy is i t to create your own website with PageP lus? It can be as si mple as selectin g a preset desi gn template an d editin g the headings an d accompan ying tex t.
266 Producing Web P ages To create a n ew web publica tion from scratch: 1. L aunc h Page Plus or c hoose New>New from Startup Wiza rd fr om the File menu. 2. In th e Startup Wizard, select the St art New Publi cation option, select the We b Pag e catego ry on th e left, and choo se a Standard (VGA ) o r Wide (SV GA) page.
Producing W eb Pages 267 Viewing h y perlinks in your publication The Hyperlink Man ager gives you an ov ervi ew of all the hy perlink s in y our publication.
268 Producing Web P ages To modify a hotspot h y perlink: • Using the P ointer To ol , double - click the hotspot, and edit the hype rlink . - or - Click to sele ct the hotspot, then click the Hyperlink button on the Sta ndard t oolbar. Editing hotspots You ca n mov e and re size hot spot s on the pa ge, us ing i ts oute r bou nding box.
Producing W eb Pages 269 By e diting the inner outli ne, y ou can conve rt rec tangula r hots pots i nto fr eef orm shape s that c losely match the parts of the underly ing gra phic y ou want to be "hot.
270 Producing Web P ages • The Hyperlink colour (la belled H ab ove) a pplies t o hype rlinke d tex t before it's b een clicked o n. • The Follow ed Hyperlink colour (l abelle d F ), appl ies to hyper linke d text af ter a visitor has click ed to "follow" the link.
Producing W eb Pages 271 Setting custom page backgrounds The web co lours defin ed in the Scheme Man ager normall y a pply throug hout t he site , but y ou can ov erride the Sc hem e Manag er's B ackg round pict ure/c olour settin g for any particul ar page.
272 Producing Web P ages Choosing w eb page properties There's more to creati ng a successful web site than designing t he pages. It's a good i dea to brows e the Site Properties di alog, ac.
Producing W eb Pages 273 (Non - stream ing files must dow nload i n entire ty to a user' s com puter be fore they begin play ing; streaming f iles require a special play er tha t buf fer s incom ing data and can start playing befor e the who le clip has arri ved.
274 Producing Web P ages 3. Fro m a pict ure: You sel ect an external pictur e file, which PageP lus then im ports and li nk s to the media file. 4. Inline: A media "pl ayer" will be visible on your publis hed w eb pa ge (rather than appear ing after the u ser clicks a link, ico n, or pictu re).
Producing W eb Pages 275 Publishing a w ebsite to a local folder Eve n though y ou may have sa ved your webs ite as a Page Plus publi cat ion, it' s not tr uly a "webs ite" until y ou've converte d it to H TML a nd ima ge f iles — in other w ords, a for mat that ca n be v iewed i n a we b brows er.
276 Producing Web P ages Previewing y our w ebsite in a brow ser Previe wing your si te in a w eb brow ser is a n esse ntial s tep bef ore pu blishing it to the w eb. It' s the on ly w ay y ou can see just how your Page Plus publi cati on will appear t o a visitor.
Producing W eb Pages 277 • The FTP address of your w eb host w ill be a spe cifi c URL a s suppli ed by your I nternet s ervi ce prov ider (I SP) . • Unles s direc ted by your provider , lea ve the Port num be r set at "21 ." If chang ing your port number , remem ber to chang e y our firewall se ttings to reflect ne w port numbers.
278 Producing Web P ages button — if the account detail s are valid, a di alog indicatin g successful connec tion dis play s. 5. C lick the Uploa d butt on. PagePlus seeks an Intern et connectio n, then: • If upl oading for the firs t tim e, se lected f iles w ill be upl oaded directly .
Producing W eb Pages 279 Index 12.
2D filter eff ects, 194 3D filter eff ects , 198 apply ing, 20 0 Insta nt 3D, 203 adjust ment (of pic tures) , 176 Adobe PDF files bookm ark lists in, 244 expor ting, 24 3 importing, 23 album s photo,.
calend ars, 145 eve nts f or, 147 public holi day s for, 146 calligra phic lines, 188 Cap setting (li nes), 189 cell prop erties (tab les), 144 chapte rs (bo oks), 1 52 character styles, 121 character.
double lines , 188 draw ing li nes, 185 draw - type i mages im porting, 1 64 Drop Ca p, 123 Drop S hadow effe ct, 194 duple x print ing (m anual) , 234 dynam ic guides, 6 1 edit ing te xt, 108, 113 ef.
formatting clear text, 1 13 frame effect (border), 80 frame margi ns, 93 frames, 92 apply ing f ill col ours, 22 2 apply ing tr anspar ency , 226 custom picture, 1 63 for pi ctures , 164 lin king, 99 .
Insta nt 3D, 203 in terface rulers, 47 setting units, 4 8 view options, 33 Internet Service Provider (ISP), 277 Java applet s (for web), 274 Join setting (lines ), 189 joining objects, 7 7 JP Gs for w.
ass igning, 38 heade rs and f ooters on, 5 0 overvi ew, 31 page numbe rs on, 50 view ing a nd editing , 36 measurin g objects, 47 Media bar, 1 66 merge list, 1 58 mesh warp s, 79 metafiles expor ting,.
outlines (filte r effect), 196 outli nes (obje ct), 77 Page Man ager, 36 Page Setup, 2 9 page size and orien tation, 29 PagePl us files importing, 23 pages adding , rem oving , and rearrangin g, 36 nu.
poster s, 29 printi ng, 237 PostScript output , 240 prepre ss opt ions, 2 40 previewing the pri nted page, 236 we bsites in web brow ser, 276 printi ng , 233 books, 15 6 manua l duple x, 234 mul tiple.
Rotat e Tool, 55, 6 8 rotating object s, 68 row and colum n guide s, 45 , 46 ruler guides, 46 rulers, 47 setting units f or, 48 Save Defaul ts, 26 savin g a publication, 2 4 scaling printi ng eff ect,.
substi tuting fonts, 117 Swa tches tab, 188, 218, 2 22 switching betw een publi catio n wind ows, 24 sys tem re quirem ents, 13 tab st ops, 1 11 table of conte nts, 150 creating, 156 for PD F fil e, 2.
Path T ext, 107 Pen, 185 Pen cil, 185 Poi nter, 55 Rotat e, 55, 68 Shadow , 197 Square Crop, 70 Straight Line, 1 85 Ta ble, 139 Tra nspare ncy, 228 Tra nsform tab, 63, 65 transp arency apply ing, 22 7.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Serif PagePlus X4 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Serif PagePlus X4 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Serif PagePlus X4 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Serif PagePlus X4 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Serif PagePlus X4 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Serif PagePlus X4 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Serif PagePlus X4 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Serif PagePlus X4 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.