Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product FRITZ!Fon M2 International van de fabrikant AVM
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FRITZ!Fon M2 © AV M GmbH · Alt-Moabit 95 · 10559 Berlin · T elefon 030 39976-0 · Configuration and Operation 891186001 F RITZ ! Fon M 2 C onfi g uration a n d O p eratio .
FRITZ! F on M 2.
FRITZ!Fon M2 2 T able of C ontents Important Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 FRITZ!Fon M2 at a Gl ance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.1 Package C on tents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FRITZ!Fon M2 3 4 Using the T ele pho ne B ook an d Call Lists . . . . . . 25 4.1 Prerequisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.2 Setting Up a T elephone Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.
FRITZ!Fon M2 4 8 R eceiving and Sending E -mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 8.1 Setting Up an E-mail Ac c ount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 8.2 Reading E -mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FRITZ!Fon M2 5 14 Updating the Firm ware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 14.1 Preparatio n: Updating the FRITZ!B ox Firmware . . . . . . . . . 6 1 14.2 Updating the FRITZ!Fon Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 15 Switc hing WL AN of the FRITZ!Bo x On and Off .
FRITZ!Fon M2 6 Impo rta nt Ins truc tions Symbol s in thi s Manual Safet y Inst ruct ions When working with the FRITZ!Fon M2, follow the instructions below to protect your self and the de vice fr om damage. Note for Hearin g Aid Users If you wear a he aring aid, F RITZ!Fon can caus e unplea sant noises.
FRITZ!Fon M2 7 Operation R equirements For oper ation of FRITZ!F on M2 the fo llowin g requir ements mus t be fulfilled: • Y ou need a DECT base st ation that is c onnected wi th a tele- phone line or the Inte rnet and supp orts the DECT standar d.
FRIT Z!Fon 8 FRITZ!F on M2 at a Gl ance FRITZ!Fon M2 8 1 FRITZ !Fon M 2 at a G lanc e FRITZ!Fon M2 is a c or dless telephone w ith which you can make tele- phone cal ls on the I nternet and th e fixed-line net work. FRITZ!F on was developed espec ially f or the FRITZ!Box, b ut can be u sed with other DECT base st ati ons.
FRITZ!Fon M2 9 Ke y s a n d Fu n c t i o n s FRIT Z!Fon 9 1.2 K eys and F unct ions Speaker (speaker for hand s-free calling on reverse) Display Right select k ey Hang up key end call FRITZ!Fo.
FRIT Z!Fon 10 Icons in the Display FRITZ!Fon M2 10 1.3 Icons in the Display Ic on Meaning C onnection est ablished C onnection c leared Answerin g machine en abled Call diver sion active Alarm active .
FRITZ!Fon M2 11 T e chnical Specifications FRIT Z!Fon 11 1.4 T echnic al Spec ifications • D ECT wirele ss standard • Free-field ran ge of up to 3 00 m • Ra nge i n build ings of up to 40 m • .
FRIT Z!Fon 12 T e chnical Specifications FRITZ!Fon M2 12 • Ambient c onditions – operating te mperatur e: 0 °C – 35 °C – storage t emperature: -2 0 °C – 45 °C – relative humidity: 5% .
FRITZ!Fon M2 13 Star ting O pera tion of th e FR ITZ !Fon M2 FRIT Z!Fon 13 2 Starting Operation of the FR ITZ!Fon M2 2.1 Inserting t he Battery The battery c ompartment i s located on th e back of the FRITZ!Fon M 2. 1. Place a coi n in the slot on t he b atter y ca p.
FRIT Z!Fon 14 Chargi ng th e Ba tter y FRITZ!Fon M2 14 3. Close th e battery c ompartment 2.2 Ch arging the Bat tery Proce ed as foll ows to charge the ba tte ry: 1. Connect the pow er supp ly un it to th e FRI TZ!Fon M2 charging station . 2. Plug the o ther end i nto a powe r ou tlet.
FRITZ!Fon M2 15 Register ing FR ITZ !Fon M 2 with the B ase Sta tion FRIT Z!Fon 15 2.3 R egisterin g FRITZ!Fon M2 w ith the Base St ation Register FR ITZ!Fon M2 a t you r FRITZ !Box or anothe r base st ation (DE CT). The base stati on conn ect s FR ITZ! Fon M 2 with the tele pho ne line.
FRIT Z!Fon 16 Register ing FR ITZ !Fon M 2 with the B ase Sta tion FRITZ!Fon M2 16 Re gistering FRITZ! Fon M2 at Multiple Base Stations Y ou can register your FRIT Z!Fon at up t o four base s tations, a nd ch ange ba se st ations qui ck ly as need ed.
FRITZ!Fon M2 17 Register ing FR ITZ !Fon M 2 with the B ase Sta tion FRIT Z!Fon 17 Switching Base Stations If your FRITZ!Fon i s regis tered at multiple ba se stations, you can switch base sta tions as follows : Der egi ste ring f rom a Base S tat ion Pres s the “Menu” ke y .
FRIT Z!Fon 18 Navig ati ng in th e Me nus FRITZ!Fon M2 18 2.4 Navig ating in the Me nus Navig ate throu gh the menu s of FRITZ!Fon w ith the n avigati on keys: • Select entry: Navigate up or down. • O pe n en try : N aviga te to th e r igh t or pre ss “OK ”.
FRITZ!Fon M2 19 Mak ing Tele pho n e Ca lls FRIT Z!Fon 19 3 Making T eleph one Calls Functi on Keys for Making Phone Calls Hang up Confirm / OK T elephone book Call list Call ke y Redial Select party Up Select party Down Handbuch_FRITZ!Fon Seite 19 Mittwoch, 10.
FRIT Z!Fon 20 Dialing Numbe rs FRITZ!Fon M2 20 3.1 Dialing Number s 3.2 Accepti ng Calls There are s everal ways to accept a cal l: Enter the des ired n umber and pr ess t he call key . or Pres s the cal l key , wait for the di al tone, and then enter th e desir ed number .
FRITZ!Fon M2 21 Adjusting t he V olume FRIT Z!Fon 21 Enabl ing Di rect Pickup When you enab le the “Direct P ick up” function, FR ITZ!Fon ac cepts a call autom atically a s soon as you ta ke the handset out of the c harg- ing station.
FRIT Z!Fon 22 Switc hing Off Ring T one FRITZ!Fon M2 22 3.4 Swit ching Off Ri ng T o ne Y ou c an swit ch off the ring to ne o f yo ur F RITZ !Fo n M2. Switc hing Off the Ring T one Permanently Switc hing the Ring T one Bac k On Permanently Switc hing Of the Ring T one for the Current Cal l 3.
FRITZ!Fon M2 23 Mutin g the Micr ophone FRIT Z!Fon 23 3.6 Mutin g the Micr ophone Y ou can s witch of f the microphone of your FRITZ!Fon M2 during a c all to keep t he other party from he aring you. 3.7 Swi tc hing the K eylock On and O ff The keylock pr events outgoin g calls fr om being made ac cid entally .
FRIT Z!Fon 24 Fin ding FR IT Z!Fon M2 FRITZ!Fon M2 24 Switching off the K eylock 3.8 Finding FRITZ!F on M2 If you cannot find your FRITZ!Fon M 2, you can locate it by paging it. Pres s the # key unt il the mess age “K eypad unloc ked” appea rs in t he disp lay .
FRITZ!Fon M2 25 Usin g the T elephone Book and C all Lists FRIT Z!Fon 25 4 Usin g the T elephone Book and C all Li sts On your FRITZ!F on you can use the telep hone book and the call lis ts of a FRITZ!Box. 4.1 Prere quisite T elephone b ook and call lis ts are a vailable if you u se a FRITZ!Box a s the DEC T base st ation f or your FRIT Z!Fon.
FRIT Z!Fon 26 Dialing fr om the T elephone Book FRITZ!Fon M2 26 Sel ectin g a T elep hone Book f or FRIT Z!F on M2 If you have multiple telephone book s set up in the FRITZ!Box, select a telephone book for your FRITZ!Fon: 4.3 D ial ing from th e T elep hone B ook T elephone book entries m ay cont ain multiple telephone number s.
FRITZ!Fon M2 27 Dialing fr om the T elephone Book FRIT Z!Fon 27 Selecting a T elephone Number Chan ging or Adding to a T elephone Number Y ou can change or a dd to te leph one n umbe rs bef ore dia ling, f or in- stance b y adding an ex tension number : Open the telephone book Select an entry a nd press “OK”.
FRIT Z!Fon 28 Dialing fr om Call Li sts FRITZ!Fon M2 28 4.4 Dialing fr om Call Lists Dialin g fro m Call Li st Dialin g fro m Redi al Lis t Cha nge or add to t he telephone number . For inst ance, add an e xtension numbe r . Pres s the “cal l” key .
FRITZ!Fon M2 29 Finding a T elephone Book Entry FRIT Z!Fon 29 Chan ging or Adding a T elephone Number Y ou can change or a dd to te leph one n umbe rs bef ore dia ling, f or in- stance b y adding an ex tension number : 4.5 Finding a T elephone Book Entry Select an entry fr om a c all lis t or from the r edial li st.
FRIT Z!Fon 30 Finding a T elephone Book Entry FRITZ!Fon M2 30 If more th an one number is saved for an ent ry in the telephone book, you can use t he follow ing functi on: Simplified Telephone Book Search If you enable the “Simplified telephone book sear ch” op tion, you can ac cess eac h letter by pr essing a key on ly once.
FRITZ!Fon M2 31 Saving a New T elephone Book Entry FRIT Z!Fon 31 4.6 Sav ing a New T elephone Book Entry Y ou can manage your tel ephone book in the user i nterface of the FRITZ!Box and create new entries on the FRITZ!Fon.
FRIT Z!Fon 32 Savi ng Num bers fro m the Call L ist in the T ele pho ne B ook FRITZ!Fon M2 32 Sele ct “Copy” a nd then press “ OK”. Select “New Entry”. Enter a name, sel ect the kind of telephone number ( home, office, mobil e) and press “Paste ”.
FRITZ!Fon M2 33 C onvenience F unction s for T eleph one Calls FRIT Z!Fon 33 5 C onvenience Functions for T elephone Cal ls With FRITZ!F on M2 you can use c onvenience fu nctions pr ovided by your base st ation for te lephone calls.
FRIT Z!Fon 34 Answ ering Machine FRITZ!Fon M2 34 5.2 Answering M achine The answering m achine for your FRITZ!Fon is s et up in the FRITZ!Box user interface. Af terward y ou can operate i t directly on the FRIT Z!Fon. If you have mult iple FRITZ!Fon cor dless telephones, you ca n set up a separate ans wering mac hine for ea ch FRITZ!F on.
FRITZ!Fon M2 35 Answ ering Machine FRIT Z!Fon 35 Now th e answering m achine is set up for your FRITZ!F on. Switc hing the Answering Machine On and Off For the oper ating modes “With rec ording” and “Gre eting only” you can rec or d your own mess ages.
FRIT Z!Fon 36 Answ ering Machine FRITZ!Fon M2 36 Rec or ding a Greetin g The an swer ing machin e provid es a s tanda rd start gree ting an d a standar d end greetin g. Here is how t o recor d your own greet ings: Pres s the “Menu” ke y . Selec t “An swering ma ch.
FRITZ!Fon M2 37 Answ ering Machine FRIT Z!Fon 37 Listening t o New Messages The mess age butt on on the FRITZ!F on M2 flashes red whenever new messag es have a rri ved. H ere is ho w to list en to th e me ssages: Dele ting Mes sage s Pres s and hold the “1” key.
FRIT Z!Fon 38 Answ ering Machine FRITZ!Fon M2 38 Pick ing Up a Call from the An swering Machine Y ou can pick up call s that t he answering m ach ine has alr eady an- swer ed and ac cept them on your FRITZ!F on M2.
FRITZ!Fon M2 39 CLIR for One Call (Cas e by Case) FRIT Z!Fon 39 5.3 CL IR for One Cal l (Ca se by Case) If you do not want your telephone number to ap pear on the dis play of the ha ndset you are ca lling, you can s uppress your telephone num- ber for an out going ca ll (CLIR) on a case by cas e basis.
FRIT Z!Fon 40 Alterna ting Betwe en Call s FRITZ!Fon M2 40 5.4 Alt erna ting Be twee n Calls While you are on th e phone you can establi sh a sec ond c onnection t o another pa rty and sw itch (alter nate) bet ween the tw o call s as often as desi red.
FRITZ!Fon M2 41 Three-pa rty Conf erence Ca ll FRIT Z!Fon 41 5.5 Three- party C o nfer ence Ca ll Three parties can c onfer w ith eac h other in real t ime in a thre e-party c onference cal l. T wo external a nd one internal party , or tw o internal and one exter nal party can participate in t he thre e-party conf erence call.
FRIT Z!Fon 42 Call D iv ers io n FRITZ!Fon M2 42 5.6 Cal l Diversion With thi s function you can divert calls that arrive for FRIT Z!Fon M2. Y ou can define for whic h calls t he call divers ion is active and where the call s are diverted t o.
FRITZ!Fon M2 43 Call D iv ers io n FRIT Z!Fon 43 Switching Call Diversion On and Off Cal l diversions that you set up for c alls t o the FRITZ!F on M2 can be switched on an d off with FRIT Z!Fon M2 . Pres s the “Menu” ke y . Select “Suppl . services” and then pr ess “OK” .
FRIT Z!Fon 44 Alarm FRITZ!Fon M2 44 6A l a r m With a F RITZ!Box mod el that s upports DECT as a ba se stati on, you can use FRIT Z!Fon M2 as an alarm c lock.
FRITZ!Fon M2 45 Switc hing the Alarm On and Off FRIT Z!Fon 45 6.2 Switc hing the Alarm On and Of f An al arm that you set up for calls to the FRITZ!Box can be sw itch ed on and off w ith FRI TZ!Fon M2 : Pres s the “Menu” ke y . Select “Suppl . services” and then pr ess “OK” .
FRIT Z!Fon 46 Bab y Mo nito r FRITZ!Fon M2 46 7B a b y M o n i t o r With a F RITZ!Box mod el that s upports DECT as a ba se stati on, you can use FRI TZ!Fon M2 as a baby moni tor . A FRITZ!F on M2 set up as a baby monit or calls a s pecified tel ephone number whenever the ambient noi se rea ches a defi ned level.
FRITZ!Fon M2 47 Receivin g and Sending E-mail FRIT Z!Fon 47 8 R eceiving and Sendin g E-m ail With FRITZ!F on M2 you can receive and send e-mail when you r com- puter is sw itch ed off. In the FRITZ!Box you can set up up to ten e-mail accounts for th is pu rpo se.
FRIT Z!Fon 48 Re ading E-mail FRITZ!Fon M2 48 8.2 R eading E -mail Pres s and hold th e “0” key . The “Internet Serv ices” menu is opened. Select “Internet serv ices / E -mail” and th en press “OK”. If more th an one e-ma il acc ount is set up, select an e- mail a cc ount.
FRITZ!Fon M2 49 Sending E-mail FRIT Z!Fon 49 8.3 Sending E -mail Pres s and hold th e “0” key . The “Internet Serv ices” menu is opened. Select “Internet serv ices / E -mail” and th en press “OK”. If more th an one e-ma il acc ount is set up, select an e- mail a cc ount.
FRIT Z!Fon 50 Receivin g RS S Feeds FRITZ!Fon M2 50 9 Receiv ing R S S F eeds With FRITZ!F on M2 you can r ead the R S S fe eds to whic h you can sub- scribe on m any websites . RS S is a f ormat for rend ering head lines and what ar e usually short items on certain subj ects.
FRITZ!Fon M2 51 Re ading R S S Feed s FRIT Z!Fon 51 Now th e RS S feed has been s et up. Us ing the “Edit” but ton you can make indi vidual sett ings for t he RS S feed. If you a re usin g more th an one FRITZ!Fon c or dless telephone, you can, for examp le, specify on which telephones the R S S feed will be di splayed.
FRIT Z!Fon 52 Receivin g Podcasts FRITZ!Fon M2 52 10 R ece iving P odcasts With FRITZ !Fon M2 you c an receive podc asts. A p odcast i s a series of media rep orts, for instan ce radio program s, that you can li sten to whenever you want, r egard less of when they a re bro adcast.
FRITZ!Fon M2 53 Lis tening t o a Podc ast FRIT Z!Fon 53 This c oncludes t he setup of the po dcast. Using the “Edit” butt on you can ma ke in dividu al s ettings for th e po dcast . If y ou a re using more than one FR ITZ!Fon c ordles s telephone, you can, for ex ample, speci fy on whi ch telephon es the p odcast will be display ed.
FRIT Z!Fon 54 Receiving Web R adi o FRITZ!Fon M2 54 11 R ece iv ing Web Radio With FRITZ!F on M2 you can recei ve radio fr om the Internet (w eb or In- tern et radio ). 11.1 Settin g Up a Web R adio Station Set up al l of the web radio st ations you woul d like to lis ten to on the FRITZ!Box us er interface.
FRITZ!Fon M2 55 Listen ing to a We b Radio Station FRIT Z!Fon 55 This conclu des the s etu p o f th e radi o sta tio n. Usi ng t he “ Edit ” bu tton you can ma ke individual se ttings f or the rad io station.
FRIT Z!Fon 56 Openin g New Messag es FRITZ!Fon M2 56 12 Opening New Messages Dependin g on which functions ar e enabled , FRITZ!Fon M 2 notifies you about • m issed calls • n ew firmware update s .
FRITZ!Fon M2 57 Setti ng Up FRI TZ! Fon M2 FRIT Z!Fon 57 13 Set ting Up F RITZ!Fon M2 Y ou can confi gur e ind ividu al s etting s for the FRI TZ!Fon M2 in the “Settin gs” menu If you use FRI TZ!Box as a base st ation, add itional fu nctions and set - tings for the FRITZ!Bo x are av ailable in the F RITZ!Fon M2 u ser inter - face .
FRIT Z!Fon 58 Sett ings in the FRIT Z!Box User Interf ace FRITZ!Fon M2 58 • Reset: t he “Reset” c ommand r estor es FRITZ!Fon M2 to i ts fac- tory se ttings.
FRITZ!Fon M2 59 Sett ings in the FRIT Z!Box User Interf ace FRIT Z!Fon 59 • Tel ephone number for out going calls : The telephone number FRI TZ !Fon M 2 use s to plac e out goi ng cal ls to t he pu bli c te le- phone network. • N umbe rs for in coming calls: FRITZ !Fon M 2 rings wh en ca lls ar- rive for these tel ephone numbers.
FRIT Z!Fon 60 DECT Ec o: Switch Off Rad io When Idle FRITZ!Fon M2 60 13.3 DECT Ec o: Sw itc h Off Ra dio When Idle FRITZ!Fon M2 supports DECT Eco “No E mission”. Thanks t o DECT Eco, the FRITZ!Box ca n switc h off DECT transm iss ion whenever all cor dless telephones are on st andby .
FRITZ!Fon M2 61 Upda ting th e Fi rmw are FRIT Z!Fon 61 14 Updat ing the Firmware A VM provides f ree firmw are updates for F RITZ!Fon M2 o ver the Inter - net. A firmwar e update update s the firmwar e of your FRITZ!F on M2 and br ings the devi ce funct ions up t o spe ed.
FRIT Z!Fon 62 Updating the FRITZ!Fon Firmwa re FRITZ!Fon M2 62 14.2 Updat ing the FRITZ!Fo n Firmware Pres s the “Menu” ke y . Select “Setti ngs” and then press “O K”. Select “Firmw are upda te” and then pres s “OK”. If a new firmware upd ate is avai lable, answer “OK” t o the fol lowing qu estions.
FRITZ!Fon M2 63 Switc hing WL AN of the FRIT Z!Box On and Off FRIT Z!Fon 63 15 S witc hing WL AN of the FRITZ!Box On and Off The WL AN funct ion of your FRITZ!Box can be switc hed on and off using the FRI TZ! Fon. Pres s the “Menu” ke y . Select “FRITZ!Box” and then pr ess “OK”.
FRIT Z!Fon 64 Cust om e r S er vi c e FRITZ!Fon M2 64 16 C ustome r Service 16.1 Support fr om the Support T eam Our Service ar ea can be r each ed in the Internet at : en/service Click “S upport” and open a supp ort query . First you re ceive a selec- tio n o f FAQs.
FRITZ!Fon M2 65 Manufa cturer’s W arranty FRIT Z!Fon 65 16.2 Manufactu rer’s Warranty We of fer a manufac turer’ s warrant y of 2 ye ars o n the h ard ware of this o riginal produc t. Bat teries constitute expenda ble material, which is n ot covered by th e warranty.
FRITZ!Fon M2 66 Le g a l N o t i c e This documentatio n and the software it describes are protec ted by copyright. AVM grants the non - exclusive rig ht to us e the s oftware , whi ch is supplied exclusi vely in objec t code fo rmat . The l icens ee may c reate o nly one c opy of t he soft ware, whi ch ma y be used exc lusi vely for bac kup use .
FRITZ!Fon M2 67 Decl aration of C E C onformity FRIT Z!Fon 67 Dec lar ation of CE C onformi ty The manu facturer AVM Gm bH Alt -Moa bit 95 D 10559 Be rlin herewith declares th at the pro duct FRITZ! F.
FRITZ!Fon M2 68 Di spos al Infor mat ion In ac co rdance with Eur opean r egulat ions and t he Wa ste Electri cal and Electr onic Equi pment Directive (WE EE), t he FRITZ!Fon M2, as well as al l device s and elec tronic c ompo nents c onta ined in the p acka ge, may not be di sposed w ith hous ehold w aste.
FRITZ!Fon M2 69 Index A adjusting volume. . . . . . . . . . . 21 alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 alternating betwe en calls . . . . 40 answering machine . . . . . . . . . 34 ass igning teleph one numbers 58 audio . . . . . . . . . . .
FRITZ!Fon M2 70 F findin g handset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 in telephone book . . . . . . 29 firmware update . . . . . . . . . . . 61 function keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 H hands-free calling . . . . . . . . . . 22 I icons in the display .
FRITZ!Fon M2 71 R radio st ation listening to . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 recycling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 redialing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 registering with DECT base station . . . . .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat AVM FRITZ!Fon M2 International (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen AVM FRITZ!Fon M2 International heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens AVM FRITZ!Fon M2 International vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding AVM FRITZ!Fon M2 International leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over AVM FRITZ!Fon M2 International krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van AVM FRITZ!Fon M2 International bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de AVM FRITZ!Fon M2 International kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met AVM FRITZ!Fon M2 International . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.