Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product BDP-S560 van de fabrikant Sony
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4-145-643- 11 (1) © 2009 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia 4-145-643- 11 (1) Operatin g Instr uctions Blu-ra y Disc / D VD Pla y er BDP-S560 The software of this player may be updated in the future. To find out details on any available updates, please v isit: http://esupport.
2 WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rai n or m oisture. To avoid el ectrical shock, do no t open the ca binet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only. Batterie s or batteries installed apparatus shall not be exposed to excessive heat s uch as sunshine, fire or the like.
3 IC Radi ation Expo sure Statem ent: This eq uipmen t complie s with IC radiati on exposure lim its set forth f or uncontr olled equi pment and meets R SS-102 of the IC radio frequen cy (RF) Exposure rules. This equi pment h as very low le vels of RF energy t hat it deemed to c omply without maximu m permissiv e exposur e evaluati on (MPE) .
4 • K eep t he player and the dis cs away from eq uipment wi th stro ng magn ets , such a s microwave oven s, or large loudspe akers. • Do not place metal obj ects in front of the front panel. It may limit rece ption of radio waves. • D o not place t he player i n a place where medica l equ ipment is in use.
5 • Mic rosoft and Wind ows are either registe red trade marks or tradem arks of Mi crosoft Corporati on in the United States and/ or other countries. • Oth er system and produc t names a re gener ally tradema rks or registe red tradema rks of the manufa cture rs.
6 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Guide to Parts and Controls .
7 Settings and Adjustments Using the Settings Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Network Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Video Settin gs .
8 Guide to Part s and Contro ls For more in forma tion, see the pa ges i n parent hese s. Number 5, AUDIO, VOL +, and N PLAY buttons have a tact ile dot. Use th e tactile dot as a refere nce when operat ing the pl ayer. b The availa ble functi ons of the remote differ depend ing on the disc or the sit uation.
9 C Color buttons (RED/GREEN/ BLUE/YELLOW) Short cut keys for select ing items on some BD’s men us (ca n also be used for BD’s Java in teractiv e operations) . D TOP MENU (pag e 35) Open s or cl oses the BD’s or DV D’s To p Menu. POP UP/MENU (page 35) Open s or closes the BD- ROM’s Po p-up Menu, or the DVD’s menu.
10 The N button has a tactile dot. Use the tactile dot as a refe rence when ope rating the playe r. A [ / 1 (on/stand by) (page 28) Turns on the pla yer, or sets t o standb y mode . B Disc tray (page 33) C Blu-ray Disc indi cator Light s up in w hite whe n the play er is turne d on.
11 A N , X Lights up during pla yback or pause. B HD (page 46) Lights up when out putting 720p/1080i / 1080p vi deo sig nals from the HDM I OUT jack or 720p/ 1080i v ideo signa ls from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks. C HDMI (page 15) Light s up when an H DMI dev ice is recogn ized.
12 A DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL) jack (page 21) B LINE OUT (R-AUDIO-L) jacks (pa ge 17, 18, 22) C LINE OUT (VIDEO) jack (page 18) D DIGITAL OUT (OPTI CAL) jack (page 21) E Ventilation hol es The ventilati on fan is in side the pl ayer.
13 Hooku ps and Settings Hook ups and Settin gs Hookin g Up the Pl aye r Chec k that yo u have the follow ing ite ms. • Audio/vide o cable ( phono plug ×3) (1) • AC power cord (1 ) • Remote com mande r (rem ote) (1 ) • Size AA (R6) batteries (2) Follow s teps 1 thro ugh 8 to hoo k up and adjust the set tings of th e player .
14 Step 1 : Connec ting to Yo ur TV About vid eo/HDMI OUT jacks The player has th e follow ing v ideo jacks. C onnec t the player to your TV ac cord ing to the inpu t jacks on yo ur TV. When c onnec ting the pl ayer to you r TV using the HDM I cable, you can en joy high quality digita l picture s and so und throug h the HD MI OU T jack.
15 Hooku ps and Settings Connect the pla yer and your TV usin g an HD MI cab le to enjoy high q uality d igital p ictures and sound t hrough the HDMI O UT jack. If you con nect a Sony TV that is compatible with the “Cont rol for HDMI” function (pag e 16), refer to the instr uction manual supplied with t he TV.
16 b • N ot all hig h definiti on television sets are fully compatib le with thi s product and ma y cause artifact s to be disp layed in the p icture. In t he case of 480i/4 80p/720p/108 0i/1080p scan picture pro blems, it is re comm ended t hat th e user switch the connection to the LINE OUT VIDEO or S VIDEO jack.
17 Hooku ps and Settings Connect the C OMPON ENT V IDEO OUT j acks of the p layer an d your TV usin g a c omponent video c able. You can enjo y high-q uality pi ctures . Be sure to connect to the LINE OUT (R-AUDIO-L) jacks usin g the audio/video c able.
18 Connect the LINE OUT (VIDEO, R-AUDIO- L) jacks of the pl ayer and your TV using t he audi o/vi deo ca ble. Y ou can enjoy standa rd qua lit y pict ures and so und. b When you connect the playe r and TV using an S- video cable, disconnect the vide o plug (yellow) of the audi o/video cable.
19 Hooku ps and Settings Step 2: C onnect ing to You r AV Ampl ifier (Rec eiver) About a udio/HDMI OUT jacks The play er has th e follow ing audio j acks. Co nnect the p layer t o your AV amplifier (recei ver) acco rding to the inp ut jacks on y our AV amplif ier (re ceiver ).
20 If you r AV amplif ier (rec eive r) has an HDM I input , use t his co nnectio n. You can en joy hi gher qual ity sou nd fro m the co nnecte d AV amp lifie r (rece iver ).
21 Hooku ps and Settings If your A V amp lifie r (rec eiver) has a Do lby *1 Digital , Dolb y Pro L ogic, or DTS *2 deco der an d a digita l input jack, yo u can enjoy Dolby Digital (5.1ch), Dolby Pro Logic ( 4.0ch), or DTS (5.1ch ) surround effects. 1 Connec t the d igital jack of t he pl ayer and you r AV amplifi er (recei ver).
22 If your AV amp lifier (re ceiver) on ly has L an d R audio inpu t jacks, us e this conn ectio n. Connecting to audio L /R jacks AV amplifier (receiver) Audio/vi deo cable ( supplied ) : S ignal flo w Blu-ray Disc/DVD player (whit e) (red) (whit e) (red) Match the color o f the pl ug to that of th e jack.
23 Hooku ps and Settings Step 3: In serting the Extern al Memo ry To enjoy additional content (such as BONUSVIEW/BD-L IVE) on certain B lu-ray Disc titles, yo u will nee d to use ex ternal memory (not s upplied).
24 Step 4: Connec ting to th e Netwo rk Connec t the playe r to your Internet source. Sel ect the co nnecti ng method , connec ting via a wirele ss LA N router (acces s poin t) (b elow) or to a broadb and rou ter di rectly (page 25).
25 Hooku ps and Settings To conne ct a broa dban d router direc tly 1 Connect the LAN (1 00) terminal of th e playe r to a broadba nd rou ter. 2 Make t he ap propri ate s ettin gs in “Int ernet Setti ngs” u nder t he “Ne twork Settings” s etup (page 55) .
26 Step 5 : Connec ting the AC Powe r Cord After all of the ot her conn ectio ns are complete, connect the supplied AC power cord t o the AC IN ter minal of th e play er. Then plug the player and TV A C power cord s into the AC outlet. Step 6 : Prep aring the Remote You ca n contr ol the pla yer usi ng the su pplied remo te.
27 Hooku ps and Settings You can contr ol the volume, input source, and pow er swit ch of your Sony TV wi th the supplied r emote. b When you rep lace the batte ries of the remote, th e code nu mber may be rese t to th e defaul t setting . Set the appropr iate code nu mber again.
28 Step 7: Easy Se tup Follow the st eps below t o make the minimum numb er of basic adjus tment s for using the playe r. If you do no t comp lete Easy Se tup, it will a ppear ea ch time yo u turn on your play er. Make the settings below in the follo wing orde r.
29 Hooku ps and Settings 7 Make th e approp riate se ttings depend ing on the c able s connect ed to your TV . When yo u select “HDMI ” in step 6 1 Select “Start, ” and pres s ENTER .
30 9 Set “Q uick Start Mo de” t o “On” or “Off, ” and pres s ENTER. For det ails abou t “Quick Start Mod e,” see page 53. 10 Select “F inish ,” and pre ss ENTER . z • Y ou can reset settings to th eir factory setti ngs (page 60).
31 Hooku ps and Settings 9 Selec t “Sta rt,” and press EN TER. 10 Press and h old t he WPS butto n on the wirel ess LAN router (a ccess po int) until th e light o n the wirele ss LAN route r (acces s point) starts to bli nk. Press th e WPS button wi thin 2 minute s afte r step 9.
32 8 Select “A cces s point sc an,” an d press ENTER . The p layer wi ll detect nearby a ccess points and display the SSID ( Service Set Identifie r) and se curity se ttings. 9 Select t he access p oint with the SSID you c hecke d in step 2, and pr ess ENTER .
33 Play bac k Playback Playi ng BDs/ DVD s 1 Switc h the input sele ctor on yo ur TV so that the signa l from the pl ayer appear s on your TV scree n. 2 Press Z on the player, an d place a disc on the dis c tray. 3 Press Z on the play er to c lose t he disc tray.
34 4 Press HOM E. 5 Sele ct “Vid eo” us ing < / , . 6 Sele ct using M / m , and pr ess N PLAY or ENTE R. For com mer cially ava ilable B D-ROM s or DVD VIDEOs, playback s tarts. For BDs o r DVDs recorded o n other equi pment, the t itle l ist ap pears.
35 Play bac k Available OPTIONS 1 Press OPTIONS. The op tions m enu a ppears . 2 Select an item using M / m , and pres s ENTER. The available items differ de pending on the disc t ype or pl ayer si tuation. To displ ay Top Men u When you play a BD or DVD , you can displa y the Top M enu.
36 7 Insert a BD -ROM with BONUS VIEW/ BD-LIVE. The op eration m ethod dif fers dep ending on the disc. Re fer to the ins tructio n manual supplie d with the di sc. To delete data in th e externa l memory You ca n delete un necessa ry data . 1 If a di sc is i nser ted, rem ove th e disc from the pl ayer.
37 Play bac k You ca n check the titl e inform ation, including the video t ransmission rate, etc. Press DISPLA Y. The d ispla yed inf ormat ion di ffers d epend ing on t he dis c type and pl ayer stat us.
38 To adju st the audio c harac teristics 1 Press O PTIONS during pla yback. The op tion s men u appe ars. 2 Selec t “Audio Settings ” using M / m , and press ENTER. The “A udio Setti ngs” scree n appe ars. 3 Sele ct an i tem using M / m , and pres s ENTER .
39 Play back Available OPTIONS 1 Press OPTIONS. The op tions m enu a ppears . 2 Select an item using M / m , and pres s ENTER. The available items differ de pending on the situatio n.
40 Play ing Photo Fil e s *1 BD-REs/B D-Rs cont aining JPEG image fi les *2 DVD-ROMs and DVD+R Ws/DVD+Rs/DVD- RWs/DVD-Rs co ntaining JPEG image files *3 CD-ROMs an d CD-RWs/CD-Rs containing JPEG imag e file s You ca n play pho to files on a disc. To play photo files on th e conn ected US B devi ce, s ee pag e 41.
41 Play back b • When you att empt to p lay the f ollowing photo files, the mark ap pears on th e screen an d they cannot b e played. – p hoto files larg er than 8,192 pixel s (width or height) �.
42 b • D o not remov e the USB device duri ng operation . Stop pl ayback and tur n off the file l ist and folder list b eforehand. • T he player cann ot play photo file s on a USB dev ice if it is conn ected to the USB jack on the rear panel of the player.
43 Settings and Adjustments Settings and Adjust ments Usin g the Sett ing s Displ ays Select (Setu p) on the h ome me nu when you need to ch ange th e settin gs of the player . 1 Press HO ME. 2 Selec t ( Setup) u sing < / , . 3 Selec t the setu p catego ry icon to change u sing M / m , and press EN TER.
44 Setting list You ca n setup t he follow ing opti ons. Networ k Update You ca n update and impr ove the f unctio ns of the player . We r ecomme nd the netwo rk update every 2 m onths or so. For inf ormati on about up date fun ctions, visit the following websit e: http ://es upport .
45 Settings and Adjustments To updat e the so ftwa re usin g an updat e disc You ca n update and impr ove the f unctio ns of the playe r using a n update disc provi ded by Sony dealer or loc al aut horize d Sony serv ice facilit y. 1 Insert the up date disc .
46 Selects t he displa y configurat ion for play back o f 16:9 scree n pic tures o n a 4: 3 screen TV (s elect able wh en “T V Type ” is s et to “4:3 ” and “Scre en For mat” is se t to “Fixed Aspect Ratio”). b Depending on the DVD, “Letter B ox” may be select ed auto matically inste ad of “Pan & Scan” or vice versa.
47 Settings and Adjustments 3 Select “O K” or “ Cance l,” and pre ss ENTER. Fol low the on-s creen instr uctio ns. The HD i ndicator lights up wh en outputt ing 720p /1080i /1080p video sign als. b • If no pictur e appears af ter chang ing the “Output Video For mat” settin gs, hold down x on the player fo r more than 10 seconds .
48 Sets the Deep Color (c olor depth) setti ng for video signal s output fr om the HD MI OU T jack. The c olor dept h is in dicat ed by the nu mber of bits, an d more colors ca n be repr oduced as the value i ncre ases. T he pla yer suppo rts a colo r dept h of up to 1 2 bit s.
49 Settings and Adjustments Selects wheth er to mix or not mix interacti ve audio a nd second ary audi o (com mentary ) when playing a BD that cont ains such aud io. b PCM 96 kHz and PCM 192 kHz audio signals are output as PCM 48 k Hz audio signals wh en “BD Audio Setting ” is se t to “Mix.
50 Selects th e dynamic range (co mpression level of the s ound) se tting wh en playi ng a BD or DVD that confor ms to “Au dio DRC.” b • “ Audio DRC” is e ffective only when playing Dolby Digital, Dolby Digi tal Plus, and Dolby TrueHD a udio sign als.
51 Settings and Adjustments BD/DVD V iewing Setti ngs The default setti ngs are underlined. Selects the defaul t menu lan guage for BD - ROMs or DVD V IDEOs. When yo u select “Selec t Languag e Code,” the displ ay for ent ering t he la nguag e code appear s.
52 z You can change th e password (see “Pa ssword” on page 52). b • I f you forget the password, reset th e player (page 60) and set a new p assword (see “Password” on page 5 2). • W hen yo u play discs whi ch do n ot have the Paren tal Contr ol functi on, pla yback ca nnot be limite d on this playe r.
53 Settings and Adjustments Photo S ett ings The default setting is u nderlined. Chang es the sl idesh ow spee d. System Se tting s The d efault sett ings are un derli ned. Selects y our lang uage f or the play er on- scre en dis plays . Adjusts the lighting of the fr ont panel display.
54 The playe r automatical ly turns of f if you do not pre ss any of the button s on the pl ayer or remote for more than 30 minutes, unless you are playin g BDs/DVDs/CDs/photo file s or are up dating softwar e.
55 Settings and Adjustments Networ k Setting s These i tems are necess ary wh en you connect the player to th e Internet. Ent er the respective (alp hanume ric) valu es for your broadba nd route r or wirel ess LA N rout er. The items that need to be set may differ, depend ing on the Inte rnet se rvice p rovi der or the router.
56 6 Sele ct the ma nual regi stra tion metho d, and pre ss ENTER . • When you se lect “( WPS) PIN Method,” t he PIN code of this player appe ars. Regist er th e code to the wireless LAN router (acces s point) within 2 minute s after pressing “Sta rt,” and go to st ep 12.
57 Settings and Adjustments 13 Select “P erform ” using M / m , and pres s ENTE R. The netw ork diag nostic starts. Result s are disp layed af ter the pl ayer fini shes th e networ k diagno stic . If an er ror mes sage appears , foll ow the on-scr een i nstru ctions.
58 You ca n run the network d iagnosti c. 1 Select “ Networ k Connec tion Diagnostics ” in “Network Settings,” and pre ss ENTER . 2 Sele ct “Sta rt,” an d press ENT ER. The n etwork di agnost ic sta rts. Res ults are di splaye d after th e player finis hes runn ing the network di agnost ic.
59 Settings and Adjustments To dele te a se rver from t he con nected server list 1 While the connected se rver list is disp layed, sele ct a se rver u sing M / m , an d press OPTIONS. 2 Selec t “Erase ,” and pr ess ENTE R. To delete all the serv ers, sele ct “Erase All.
60 Reset ting You can reset the player se ttings to the fact ory de fault by sel ecti ng the group of settings. All the settin gs within the group will be r eset. 1 Sele ct “Res etting,” and pre ss ENTER . 2 Select “Re set to Fact ory Default Settings ,” and press ENTE R.
61 Additi onal In formation Additional Informatio n Troubl esh ooting If you exp erienc e any of th e follo wing difficul ties while using the player, use this troubles hooti ng guide t o help re medy th e proble m before r equest ing repa irs. Shou ld any prob lem pers ist, cons ult your ne arest Sony deal er.
62 , Che ck whet her the co nnectin g cabl es are damage d. , Check the conne ction to your TV (pa ge 14 ) and switch the input selector on yo ur TV so that t he si gnal fr om the playe r appear s on the TV scre en.
63 Additi onal In formation There is no pictu re or no sound wh en connect ed to t he HDMI OUT jac k. , Try the fo llowing: 1 Turn th e player of f and on again . 2 Turn th e connecte d equipme nt off a nd o n agai n. 3 Disconn ect and then reconn ect the HD MI cable .
64 The ex ternal m emory is not rec ognized . , Try t he follow ing: 1 Turn t he player off. 2 (USM1GH onl y) Align t he V mark of the EXT slot with th e V mark on the e xtern al memory, a nd inser t the ex ternal me mory. 3 Turn th e player on . 4 C heck that the EXT ind icator lights up i n the front pane l disp lay.
65 Additi onal In formation The dis c tra y does not open and yo u cannot remove the di sc even afte r you press Z . , Try the fo llowing: 1 Turn th e player of f, and disco nnect the A C power cord. 2 Reconnect the AC power cord while pressing dow n Z on the pl ayer.
66 Play able Disc s * M P3 (MP EG-1 Audio Layer 3) is a sta ndard format defined b y ISO (Int ernational Organiz ation for Standardiz ation)/IEC (Inte rnation al Elect rotech nical Commiss ion) MPEG which co mpresses audio data. MPEG Layer- 3 audio coding tech nology and patents licens ed from F raunhofer IIS and Thomson.
67 Additi onal In formation Discs tha t cannot be play ed • BD s with ca rtridge • DVD- RAMs • HD DVDs • DVD Audi o dis cs • P HOTO CDs • Data part of CD -Extra s • VC Ds/Super VCDs • HD layer on Su per Audi o CDs • Audio ma terial side on Du alDi scs • BD -ROMs/DVD VIDEOs with a differe nt regio n code (pa ge 67).
68 About pl ayback of discs r ecorded i n AVCHD forma t Thi s player can play AVCHD forma t discs . What is the AVCHD form at? The AVCHD forma t is a high-definitio n digital video came ra format used.
69 Additi onal In formation Audio Outpu t Sign als and Pl ayer S ettin gs The audi o output signals d iffer, de pendin g on the sou rce, ou tput jack, an d the AV a mplifi er (recei ver) yo u use.
70 About W ireless LAN Securit y Since communic ation via the wireless LAN funct ion i s esta blis hed by radi o waves , the wireless signal may be su scepti ble to interceptio n. To protect wir eless comm unica tion, t his p layer suppor ts va rious security functions.
71 Additi onal In formation Genera l Power requirements: 120 V AC, 6 0 Hz Power cons umption: 28 W Dimensions (approx.) : 430 mm × 216 mm × 70 mm (17 in. × 8 5 / 8 in. × 2 13 / 16 in.) (width /depth/ height) i ncl. p rojecti ng part s Mass (app rox.
72 Langua ge Co de List For details , see page 51. The lan guage spelling s conf orm to th e ISO 639 : 1988 (E/F) st andard . Parent al Contro l/Area Co de For details , see page 52.
73 Additi onal In formation Terms and Co ndition s of Use an d End User Lice nse Agre ement The Sony Blu-ray Disc player (“Product”) and associated software (“Software”) ar e provided and maintaine d by Sony Electronics Inc. and its affiliates (“Sony”).
74 U.S. Government Restricted Rights. T he Software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disc losure by the United States Government is subje ct to restriction as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) and (2) of the Commer cial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.
75 Additi onal In formation 11. General P rovisions This Agreement, the limited warranty accompanying the Product, plus any additional term s pos ted on the Service or Site, together constitute the entire agreement between Sony and you with respect to your us e of the Product, Service, Site, Content, and Software.
76 You may charge a fee for the phys ical act of trans ferring a copy, and you may at your opt ion offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program.
77 Additi onal In formation 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places.
78 Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU Ge neral Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and cha nge free software-- to make s ure the s oftware is free for all its users.
79 Additi onal In formation a) The modified work must itself be a software library. b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices stating that you c hanged the files and the date of any change. c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all thi rd par ties under the terms of this License.
80 It may happen that this r equirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary li braries that do not normally accompany the oper ating system. Such a contradiction mea ns you cannot use both them and the Library together in an executable that you dis tribute.
81 Additi onal In formation To apply these terms, attac h the following notices to the library. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the “copyri ght” line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
83 Additi onal In formation These conditions apply to any softwar e derived from or based on the IJG code, not just t o the unmodified library. If you use our work, you ought to acknowledge us .
84 Glos sary AACS “Adv anced Access C ontent Sy stem” is a speci ficat ion for m anagi ng digita l ente rtainm ent co ntents stor ed on t he nex t genera tion of pre reco rded a nd rec orded optical me dia. The specif ication ena bles consumers to e njoy digital e ntertainment conte nt, inclu ding hi gh-defi nition c ontent .
85 Additi onal In formation Dolby Dig ital Plus (p age 69) Develo ped as an extens ion to Dol by Digi tal, the au dio codi ng tec hnolog y suppor ts 7.
86 Index Words in qu otati ons ap pear in the on -scree n disp lays. Numerics 24p Tru e Cinema 85 A AACS 84 ANGLE 8 AUDIO 8 “Audio Outp ut Priority” 48 Audio output signals 69 “Audio Se ttings�.
87 W WEP 31 , 55 , 70 WEP key 31 , 55 Wi-Fi Prot ected Setu p 24 , 30 , 55 , 85 WPA key 31 , 55 WPA2-PSK (AES) 70 WPA-PSK (A ES) 70 WPA-PSK (TK IP) 70 WPS but ton 24 , 30 X x.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony BDP-S560 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony BDP-S560 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony BDP-S560 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony BDP-S560 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony BDP-S560 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony BDP-S560 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony BDP-S560 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony BDP-S560 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.