Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product dsc-tx1 van de fabrikant Sony
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© 2009 Sony Corporation 4-148-681- 12 (1) Digital Still Came ra Instruction Manual DSC-TX1 GB Getti ng sta rted Shoot ing/view ing images Usin g shootin g functio ns Usin g viewi ng functio ns Delet .
2 GB Owner ’s Re cor d The mo del and seri al num bers are lo cate d on the bot tom. Reco rd th e ser ial nu mber i n the space prov ided belo w. Refer to thes e numbers w henever yo u call upo n your So ny dealer reg ardin g this produc t. Model No.
3 GB • Dispose of used battery packs promptly as described in the inst ructions. [ Batter y charger Even if t he CHARGE lamp is not lit, the ba ttery charger is not disconnected from the AC power source (mains) as long as it is connected to the wall outlet (wall socket).
4 GB [ Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FC C Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentia l installation .
5 GB Disposa l of waste ba tteries (applicable in the Europea n Union and other Eur opean count ries with separat e collection system s) This symbol on the battery or on the packaging indicates that the battery provided with this product shall not be treated as household waste.
6 GB Table of contents Notes on usi ng the c amera... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... ...... ..... .... .... .. 8 Gettin g start ed ............. ........... ........... ........... ............ ......... 10 Checking the accessories supplied .
7 GB Deleting images ......................... ........... ........... ........... ............ ....... 3 9 Deletin g images ... .... ...... ..... .... .... .... ...... ..... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... 39 Deletin g all i mages ( Format ) .
8 GB Notes on usin g the cam era Changing the langua ge setting The screen lang uage can be chan ged if necessary. To change the language se tting, touch , then sele ct (Settin gs) t (Main Setti ngs) t [Language Set ting].
9 GB On image data c ompatibilit y • The ca mera conf orms with DC F (De sign ru le for C am era Fi le sys tem ) un ive rsa l sta nd ard establishe d by JE ITA (Japan E lectronic s and Informatio n Techno logy Industrie s Associ ation) .
10 GB Getting start ed G e tti n g s t ar t e d Checkin g the accesso ries sup plied • Batter y charger BC-CS D (1) • Power cord (mains l ead) (1 ) (not sup plied i n the USA and Ca nada) • Rech.
11 GB Getting start ed Identifyin g parts A Zoo m ( W/T ) le ver B Shutter bu tton C Microp hone D ON/OFF (Power) bu tton E Flas h F Self-timer lamp/Smil e Shutter l amp/ AF illuminator G Lens H Lens .
12 GB Getting start ed Chargin g the battery pack 1 Insert the battery pack into the battery charger. • You ca n char ge the bat tery ev en wh en it is partial ly charged.
13 GB Getting start ed x Charging time • The tab le above sh ows the ti me requir ed to char ge a full y depleted battery pack at a te mpera ture of 25°C (77°F). Charging m ay take longe r depending on condit ions of use and cir cumstances. • Connec t the bat tery charg er to the nearest wall outle t (wall sock et).
14 GB Getting start ed Inserting the battery p ack/a “Memory Stick Duo” medi a (sol d separatel y) 1 Open the cover. 2 Insert the “Memory Stick Duo” media (sold sepa rately). With the t ermi nal s ide facing the lens, in sert the “Memory St ick Duo” medi a until it clicks into place.
Getting start ed 15 GB x “Memory S tick” me dia that you can use “Memory St ick Duo” media You can also us e a “Mem ory Stick PR O Duo” med ia or “Mem ory S tic k PRO- HG D uo” media with the cam era. For det ails on the num ber of im ages/ti me tha t can be recorded, see pages 24, 30, 34.
16 GB Getting start ed Set ting the clock 1 Lower the lens cover. The camera is turned on . • You ca n also turn on t he came ra by press ing the ON/OF F (P ower) button . • It may tak e time fo r the p ower to tu rn on an d allow op erati on. 2 Select the desired date display format, then touch .
17 GB Getting start ed • The camera does not have a feature for superimpos ing dates on im ages. By usin g “PMB” in the CD-ROM (supp lied), you ca n print or save ima ges with the date. x Setting the date and time aga in Touch t (Setti ngs) t (Clock S ettings) ( page 50 ).
18 GB Shooting/viewi ng images Sh oo ti n g/ v i ew i n g i ma g es Shooti ng ima ges 1 Lower the lens cover. The camera is turned on . • To shoot movies, set (REC Mode) to (Movi e Mode) (page 3 3). 2 Hold the camera steady as illustrated. • Slide the z oom (W/T) lever to the T side to zoom.
Shooting/viewi ng images 19 GB Viewing imag es x Turning off the camera Close the lens cove r. • You c an also t urn off t he came ra by p ress ing the O N/OF F (Pow er) but ton .
20 GB U s i n g s h oo ti n g f unc ti ons Displaying minimum i ndicators (Easy Mode) This mode all ows you to shoot s till images using t he minimum n ecessary funct ions. The text size in crea ses and i ndic ator s beco me easi er to see . 1 Touch t (Easy Mode) t [OK ].
21 GB Using shooting functions Detecting the shooting conditions automatically ( Scene Recognition) 1 Tou ch (REC Mode) t (Int elli gent Aut o Adjustm ent).
22 GB z Shooting two images with different settings and selecting the one you like Touch t (S cene Re cogn ition) t [ Advan ced ]. When the camera recognizes a difficult -to-shoo t scene ( (Twilight ).
23 GB Using shooting functions Shooting panoramic images (Sweep Panorama) Shoots mult iple images a nd allows you to cr eate a pan oramic image f rom composed image s whi le you pan the c amera . Pa nora mic image s ca n als o be pla yed back usin g th e suppl ied s oft ware “PMB”.
24 GB x Image S ize The image s ize determine s the size of th e image fi le that is record ed when you t ake a image. x Numbe r of still images t hat can be reco rded (Units: Images) • The number of still imag es may vary depe nding on the shoo ting cond itions and the r ecording media.
25 GB Using shooting functions Shooting wi th reduced blur (Anti Motion Blur) (Hand-held Twilight) A seri es of bur st sh ots are taken , and image pr oces sing is appl ied to re duce c ame ra shake, subj ect blu r and nois e. Shooting continuously (Burst) 1 Touch (REC Mode) t (Ant i Moti on B lur ) or (Hand- hel d Twi light ).
26 GB Focusing on the face of th e subject (Face Detection) The c ame ra detec ts th e face of the sub ject an d focu ses on it. 1 Touch t (Fac e Detec tion) t desi red mode. (When touched ): Detects the face w hen an area w ith a fa ce is touche d on th e scre en.
27 GB Using shooting functions Detecting smiles and shooting automatically (Smile Shutter) 1 Touch (Smile). 2 Wait de tect ing a smile . When the s mile level exceeds the V point on the indi cator , the cam era records images au tomaticall y. To end the S mile Shutte r, touch (Smile) a gain.
28 GB Focusing on a specific point of the frame Simp ly touc h the poin t of the frame y ou wish to focus on to ch ange the focus position . 1 Point th e cam era at the subject , th en tou ch th e poin t of the f rame you want to focus on.
29 GB Using shooting functions Selecting the image size to match the usage The image siz e determines the si ze of the ima ge file that is r ecorded when you take a image. The larger t he image s ize, the more detail will be reproduced when the image is printed on larg e-fo rma t pap er.
30 GB x Numbe r of still images t hat can be reco rded (Units: Images) • The number of still imag es may vary depe nding on the shoo ting cond itions and the r ecording media. • When the numb er of remain ing shootable ima ges is gre ater than 9,999, the “>9999” indicator appe ars .
31 GB Using shooting functions Using the self-t imer Shooting close-ups (Macro) You ca n shoot beau tiful cl ose- up imag es of sm all sub jects such as inse cts or fl ower s. • Macro mode is fixe d to [Auto] in Swe ep Panorama , Movie mod e, Anti Motion Bl ur, Hand-held Twilight, Smil e Shutter or Easy Mode.
32 GB Using the Shooting mode that matches the scene (Scene Selecti on) 1 Touch (REC Mode) t (Sce ne Select ion) t desire d mode. (Hig h Sensit iv ity) : Shoots image s without a flash even in low l ighti ng. (Soft Snap) : Shoots images with a soft er atmosphere fo r portraits of people, flowers, etc.
33 GB Using shooting functions • The fla sh do es no t ope rate in so me mod es. Shooting movies • Dependi ng on t he sur rounding temp erature, the scre en bri ghtnes s while recordi ng a mo vie decrea ses auto matica lly.
34 GB x Imag e size The lar ger the image s ize, the hi gher th e image quality. The high er the amount of data used p er s econ d (a vera ge bi t ra te), the smoo ther the pl ayback i mage. x Maximum recording time The table below shows the approxima te maximum re cording times.
35 GB Using viewing functions U s i n g v i ew i n g f unc ti ons Using the touch p anel The c amera allo ws y ou t o perf or m vari ous oper ation s by dra ggin g on t he L CD sc reen with you r fin ger.
36 GB Viewing an enlarged image (Playback Zoom) Displaying images full -screen (Wide Zoom) 1 Press the (Playbac k) button to disp lay an i mage, then to uch the area you want to enlar ge. The im age is en larg ed at twi ce th e size, with th e area you touch ed at the cent er.
37 GB Using viewing functions Rotating a vertical ori entation image (Temporarily r otated display) Searching for an image (Image Index) 1 Press the (Pla yback) butt on to disp lay the sti ll image, then sel ect t he verti cal ori entat ion im ages, then t ouch (Tempora rily rota ted di splay) .
38 GB View ing stil l ima ges w ith musi c (Slid esh ow) 1 Touch (Sli desho w) t (Slidesh ow with music) 2 Select the des ired setti ng item, then t ouch [S tart ]. The slideshow star ts. • To end the slide show , touc h the scr een, and then t ouch [Exi t Slid eshow ].
39 GB Deleting images D e l e ti n g i ma g es Deleting images Deleting all im ages (Format) You can delete all data st ored on “ Memory Stick Duo” medi a or the i nternal memory . If a “Mem ory Sti ck Du o” me di a is ins erte d, all d at a sto red on t he “ Memo ry S tick Duo ” media are d eleted.
40 GB C onnec ti n g t o o th er d ev i ces Viewing images on a TV • The [Video O ut] setting is se t to [NTSC] mo de at the facto ry to let you en joy optimum movie image qual ity. Whe n images do no t appear or jitter on your TV, yo u may be using a PAL-only TV.
41 GB Connecting to other devices • If the connect ion between the camera and prin ter is not es tablishe d, disconnec t the cable for mul ti- use term inal, touc h t (S ettings ) t (Main Setti ngs) t [USB Con nec t] t [PictB rid ge] , and sta rt over the p roc edur e fr om step 1 .
42 GB Using the camer a with a c omputer x Using “PMB (Picture Motion Browser)” You can e njoy the re cord ed im age s mor e than ever by t aki ng advan tage of th e sof twar e, and “PM B” is included on a CD- ROM (s upplie d). There are more functio ns, in ad dition to those lis ted belo w, for enjo ying your images.
43 GB Connecting to other devices x Stage 1: Installin g the “PM B” (su pplied) You can install the so ftware (suppli ed) using th e following procedur e. When you install “PMB ,” “Mu sic Tran sfer” i s also i nstalle d. • Log on as Administr ator.
44 GB x Stage 2: Importing images to your computer using “PM B” x Stage 3: Vie wing “PMB Guid e” • Do not disconnec t the cable for mul ti-use ter minal from the camera while the camera is operating or while “Acce ssing…” a ppears on the scre en of the camera.
45 GB Connecting to other devices x Using the camera with your Macintosh computer You can copy i mages t o your Ma cintos h com puter . How ever, “P MB” i s not com patib le. When i mag es ar e ex port ed to the “Mem ory Stic k Duo ” medi a, view the m in [ Fol der View].
46 GB Ch an gi n g cam era se tti n g s Changin g the operation sou nds Selec ts or tur ns off t he sou nd produc ed w hen you opera te the ca mera. 1 Touch t (Settings ) t (Main Se tti ngs) t [Beep] t desire d mode. Shutter: Turns on the shut ter soun d when y ou pres s the sh utter bu tto n.
47 GB Changing camera s ettings Using the MENU items Displays a vailable functi ons fo r easy se tting wh en the ca mera is in shooti ng or pl ayback mode. Only th e availab le items are disp layed on th e scre en. The four menu ite ms displayed below do not appear in the MENU sc reen.
48 GB ISO Selects a luminous sensitivity. (ISO AUTO/ISO125 to ISO3200) White Balance Adjusts color tones according to the surrounding light conditions.
49 GB Changing camera s ettings x MENU in viewing mode * The disp layed item differs acc ording to eac h View Mode. Ite m Description (Easy Mode) Allows you view images easily. (Calendar) Selects the date to be play ed back on Calendar . (Image Index) Displays multiple images at the s ame time .
50 GB Using the (Settings) items You ca n chan ge the default setting s of the ca mer a. (Sho oting Se tting s) are di splaye d only when setting s have been en tere d from shoot ing mode . Categor y Item Description Shooting Settings AF Illuminator The AF illuminator supplies fill light to focus more easily on a subject in dark surroundings.
51 GB Changing camera s ettings Main S ettings Bee p Selects or turns off the sound produced when you operate the camera. LCD Brightness Sets the brightness of the LCD screen. Language Settin g Selects the language to be used in the MENU item s, warnings and messages.
52 GB Oth ers List of icons displayed on the screen Icons are di splaye d on the scre en to indi cate t he cam era status. The displa yed icon positi ons may di ffer acco rding to the sh ooting mo de.
53 GB Others C D Recording/Playback Me dia (“Memory Stick Duo” medi a, in ter na l me mor y) 100 Min Recordable time Zoom scaling Metering Mode Flas h White balance Display Indication Burst mode C.
54 GB Learning more about the camera (“Cyber- shot Handbook”) “Cyb er-sho t Hand book” , whic h explai ns ho w to use the camer a in deta il, is inc luded on the CD-ROM (sup plied). Refer to it for in-depth instru ctions on th e many fu nctions of the cam era.
55 GB Others Troubleshootin g If you e xperience troubl e with the c amera, try the fo llowing solutions . On rep airin g camer as wi th inte rnal m emor y or M usic fi les fun ction i nclude d, data in the camera may b e checked on minimum nec essity to verify and impro ve the mal function sympto ms.
56 GB The remaini ng charge indicat or is inc orrect . • This is caused when you us e the camera in a n extremely hot or cold locati on. • A discrepanc y arose be tween the r emain ing charge indicat or and th e actual rem ainin g battery charg e.
57 GB Others Precautions Do no t us e/st or e th e camera in t he following places • In an extremely hot , cold or humid pla ce In p laces s uch as in a car park ed in the sun, the camera b ody may b ecome def ormed a nd this ma y cause a malf unctio n.
58 GB Specificati ons Camera [Syst em] Image device: 7. 59 mm (1/2 .4 type) E xmor R CMOS sensor Total pixel number of camer a: Approx. 10 .6 Megapixels Effective pixel number of camera: Approx. 10.2 Megapixels Lens: Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar 4× zoom lens f = 6.
59 GB Others Tradem arks • The followin g marks are tr ademark s of So ny Corporation. , “Cybe r-shot,” “Memory Stick,” , “Memory Stic k PRO,” , “Memory S tick Duo,” , “Me mor y St.
Printed in Japan Printed on 70% or more recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink. Additional informa tion on t his product and answe rs to frequently a sked questions can be found at ou r Custome r Support Webs ite.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony dsc-tx1 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony dsc-tx1 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony dsc-tx1 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony dsc-tx1 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony dsc-tx1 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony dsc-tx1 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony dsc-tx1 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony dsc-tx1 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.