Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product KDL-70X3500 van de fabrikant Sony
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© 2007 Sony Corporation LCD Digital Colour TV 3-219-178- 14 (1) KDL -70X 350 0 KDL -52X 350 0 KDL -46X 350 0 KDL -40X 350 0 KDL- 46X30 00 KDL- 40X30 00 Operating Inst ructions Before operati ng the TV , please read the “Safety inf ormation” section of this m anual.
2 GB Thank you for c hoosi ng th is So ny p roduct . Before op erating th e TV, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it fo r future reference. For K DL- 70X350 0 U sers Refer to “KDL-70X3500 Start-up Guide” for det ails about the installatio n.
3 GB Tabl e of Co nte nts Start-up Guide 4 Safety info rmation .................. ............. ............. .................... ............. ............ .................... ........ 9 Precauti ons ................ ............ ..................
4 GB Start-up Guide 1: Chec king th e accessories Mains le ad (Typ e BF) * (1) Coaxia l cable * (1) PC cab le * (1) Suppor t belt (1) an d scre ws (2) Stand (1) and scr ews (4) (only for KDL-46 X3500/ 40X350 0/46 X300 0/40 X300 0) Remote RM -ED010 (1) Size AA b atteries (R6 type) (2) * Do not remo ve the ferr ite core s.
5 GB Start-u p Guide 3: Connecti ng an aerial/ cable/VCR 4: Preventing the TV from toppl ing over Conn ectin g an aeri al/ca ble Connect ing an a erial /ca ble and V CR Coax ia l ca bl e (su ppl ied ).
6 GB 5: Bund li ng the ca bles ~ The hook of the ca ble h old er can be opene d fr om eithe r side s depend ing on atta ching posi tion. 6: Performin g the initi al set-up 1 Connect the TV to your mains socket (220–240 V AC, 50 Hz). 2 Press 1 on the right s ide of the TV.
7 GB Start-u p Guide 3 Press F / f / G / g to select the language displayed on the menu screens, then press . 4 Press F / f to select the country/region i n which you will operate the TV, then press . If the country/ regi on which you wa nt to use on the TV does no t appear in the l ist, selec t “–” instead of a cou ntry/ regi on.
8 GB Detaching the Ta ble- Top Stand from the TV ~ Do not rem ove the Ta ble-To p Stand for an y reason ot her than to wall -mount the TV or to a ttach the o ptiona l TV sta nd.
9 GB Safety info rmati on Insta lla tion/ Set -up Install an d use the TV set in accordance wi th the instructions below in order to avoid any risk of fire, elect rical shoc k or damag e and/or injuri es. Installatio n • The TV set should be installed near a n easily acc essible mains sock et.
10 GB – Unplug th e mains pl ug and clea n it regul arly. If the p lug is cov ered with dust and it picks up moistu re, it s insu lat ion m ay de terio ra te, w hich cou ld res ult in a f ire . Notes • Do not use the supplied m ains lead on an y other equipme nt.
11 GB Precautions Viewi ng th e TV • Vie w the TV in moderate light , as vi ewing th e TV in poo r light or durin g long period of time, stra ins your eyes. • When usin g headp hones, a djust t he volu me so a s to av oid excessive leve ls, as hear ing damage may result.
12 GB Overview of the remot e 1 TV "/1 — TV standb y Turn s the TV on and off fr om sta ndby mod e. 2 Number bu ttons • In TV mode: Selects c hanne ls. For cha nnel num bers 1 0 and ab ove, enter the seco nd and th ird digi t q uick ly. • In Text mode : Enter s the page number to select the page.
13 GB qf RETURN / Returns to the previo us screen of any display ed menu. qg — EPG (Digit al Ele ctron ic Prog ram me Guide ) (pag e 17) qh Colo ured bu tto ns (page 16, 1 7, 19) qj DIGI TAL/A NALOG.
14 GB Overview of the TV buttons and indicators 1 1 — Power Turns the TV on or off. ~ To disco nnect t he TV comple tely, pul l the pl ug from t he mains. 2 PROG +/–/ / • I n TV mod e: Se le cts t he n ext (+) or pr evi ous (–) chann el. • I n TV menu: Moves through th e options u p ( ) or down ( ).
15 GB Watching T V Watc hin g TV 1 Press 1 on the right side of the TV to turn on the TV. When the TV i s in standb y mode (the 1 (s tand by) indicat or on the T V front pa nel is re d), press TV "/1 on the remo te to tur n on th e TV . 2 Press DIGITAL/ANALOG to s witch between digital and analogue modes.
16 GB To exit Dig ital Text, p ress RETURN. To mov e ar ound, p res s F / f / G / g . To select ite ms, pr ess and the number b uttons. To access short cuts, press the co loured butto ns.
17 GB Watching T V Using the Digital El ectronic Progra mme Guide (EPG) * 1 In digital mode, press . 2 Perform the desired operation as shown in the following table or display ed on the screen. * This func tion may not be avai lable in some count ries/reg ions.
18 GB ~ • You c an set VCR timer recordi n g on the TV only for SmartLi nk compatible VCRs. If your VCR is not SmartLi nk compat ible, a message will be displayed to remin d you to set your VC R timer.
19 GB Watching T V Using the Digital Fa vourite l ist * The Fa vour ite f eatur e allo ws you to sp ecify up to four list s of your f avourite pro grammes. 1 Press MENU. 2 Press F / f to s elect “Digital Favourites”, then press . 3 Perform the desired operation as shown in the following table or display ed on the screen.
20 GB Connecting opt ional equ ipment You can con nect a wi de rang e of opti onal eq uipment to your T V. Using Optional Equipment PC IN For servic e use only Camcor der Headp hones DVD pl ayer wit h.
21 GB Using Optio nal Equipment Connect t o Input symb ol on screen Descrip tion A / 1 A V1 or A V1 When you conne ct the de coder, the scra mbled signal from the TV tuner i s output to the deco der, then the unscr ambl ed signa l is output from the de code r .
22 GB Viewing pictures from the connected equipmen t Turn on th e connec ted equ ipment, the n perfor m one of the follow ing oper ation. For eq uipmen t conn ecte d to the scart s ockets us ing a fully- wired 21-pi n scart lead (page 20 ) Start p layback on t he conn ected equipme nt.
23 GB Using Optio nal Equipment To view two p ictures simulta neously – PIP (P ictu re in P ictu re) You can view t wo pictures (PC inp ut and TV programme) on the screen simulta neously. Connect a PC (page 20), an d make sure th at images from a PC appear on the scre en.
24 GB 4 DVD record b uttons • z REC : Starts reco rding. • X REC PAUSE: Paus es the recording. • x REC STO P: Stops the recording. 5 F1/F2 • Sele cts a disc when usi n g a DVD chang e r. • Sele cts a function when using a c ombination unit (e.
25 GB Using Optio nal Equipment BD (Blu-ray Disc) Player DVD/VCR Player DVD recorder VCR br and lis t AUX S ony sys tems bran d lis t DAV Home Theatre System AV receiver Digital terrestri a l receiver.
26 GB Using USB photo viewer You can view pho tograph s (in JPEG for mat) stor ed in a Sony digital still came ra, camcor der or USB stora ge media on your TV. 1 Connect a supported USB device to the TV. 2 Press MENU. 3 Press F / f to select “Photo”, then press .
27 GB Using Menu Fun ctions Navigating throu gh menus Menu f unctio ns al low yo u to e njoy v ariou s conven ient features of thi s TV. You ca n easily select channels or inputs so urces and change t he settin gs for yo ur TV. 1 Press MENU. 2 Press F / f to select an option, then press .
28 GB Picture menu You can sele ct the opt ions l isted be low on the “Pic tur e” me nu. T o sel ec t opt ion s in “ Set tin gs” , refe r to “Na vigating thr ough menus” (p age 27). T arget Inputs For the inp ut currently being viewed, select wheth er to use the comm o n setting o r to set each item se parately.
29 GB Using Menu Fun ctions Colour T emperature Adjusts the whiteness of the picture. “Cool” : Gives the white colours a blue tint. “Neutr al”: Gives the white c o lours a ne utral tint. “Warm 1” /“Warm 2”: Gives the white colours a red tint.
30 GB Sound menu You can sele ct the opt ions l isted be low on the “Sound” m enu. To se lect op tions in “Settings”, refer to “Na vigating thr ough menus” (p age 27). T arget Inputs For the inp ut currently being viewed, select wheth er to use the comm o n setting o r to set each item se parately.
31 GB Using Menu Fun ctions V oice Zoom Adjusts th e clari ty of hum an voi ces. For ex ample, if the voice o f a n ews annou ncer is indist inct, you can turn up this setting to make the voice clea rer. Conversely , if you are watch ing a sports programm e , you c an turn do wn this setting to soften the voice of the co mmentator.
32 GB Scree n menu (e xcept fo r PC input) You can sele ct the opt ions l isted be low on the “Screen” m enu. To select opti ons in “Settings”, re fer to “Na vigating thr ough menus” (p age 27). T arget Inputs For the inp ut currently being viewed, select wheth er to use the comm o n setting o r to set each item se parately.
33 GB Using Menu Fun ctions Screen me nu (for P C input) When you sel ect the PC input, you can sel ect the options listed below on the “Screen ” menu.
34 GB Video Settin gs menu You can se lect the options listed bel ow on the “ Video Settin gs” menu. To se lect options in “Sett ings”, refer to “Na vigating thr ough menus” (p age 27). Motion Enhancer Prov ides smooth er pictur e movemen t and redu ces pictur e blur.
35 GB Using Menu Fun ctions Photo Colou r Space Selects the optio n (sRGB, sYCC, Adobe RGB) to m atch the outpu t colour space within th e output sig nal from the equ ipment connected to the HDMI or com ponent input jac k s. ~ • Selec t “sYCC” when usin g the equipment th at supports “x.
36 GB Audio Settin gs menu You can sel ect the opti ons listed bel ow on the “Aud io Settin gs” menu. To se lect options in “Sett ings”, refer to “Na vigating thr ough menus” (p age 27). Speaker Turns on/off th e TV’s internal speake rs .
37 GB Using Menu Fun ctions Set-up menu You can sele ct the opt ions l isted be low on the “Se t- up” menu. To select optio ns in “Settings ”, refer to “Navig ating thro ugh menus ” (page 2 7). Timer Se tting s Sets the ti m er to t u rn on/off th e TV.
38 GB A V2 Output Sets a s ignal to be output t hrough the socket l a belle d / 2 o n the rear of the TV. If you conn ect a VCR or other reco rding equ ipment to t he / 2 socket, yo u can then record from t he equipmen t connected to othe r sockets of the TV.
39 GB Using Menu Fun ctions Language Selec ts the language in which the men us are displayed. Product I nformation Displays your TV’s prod uct i nformat ion. All Reset Resets all se ttings to the factor y settings and th e n displ a ys the “ Auto Sta rt-up” screen.
40 GB Analogue Set -up men u You can sele ct the opt ions l isted be low on the “Analogu e S et-up” menu. To se lect opti ons in “Setting s” , refer to “ Navigating through menus” (page 27).
41 GB Using Menu Fun ctions Manual Progr amme Preset Before selec ting “Label”/“AFT”/“ A udio Filte r”/“Skip”/“Decoder ” /“LNA”, pre ss PROG +/– to sel ect the prog ramme number wi th the chann el. You canno t select a programme nu mber that is set to “Skip” (page 41).
42 GB Decoder Shows and records the scram bled cha nnel sel ected when using a deco der con nected directly to scart connector / 1, or to scart connector / 2 via a VCR. ~ This opti on is not ava ilable wh en “Unite d Kingdo m” is select ed for “C ountry ” (page 7).
43 GB Using Menu Fun ctions Digital Set -up menu You can se lect the options listed belo w on the “D igital Set-up ” menu. To select options in “ Settings” , refer to “Navig ating thro ugh menus ” (page 2 7). ~ Some f unc tions may not be avai labl e in so me cou ntrie s/ re gions.
44 GB Audio Set- up “A udio T ype” : Switches to broadcast for th e hearing impaired when “For Ha rd Of Hear ing” is sel ected. “Audio La nguage”: Se lects the langua ge used for a p rogramme. Some d igital channel s may broa dcast several au dio lan guages fo r a programm e.
45 GB Using Menu Fun ctions T echn ica l Set- up “Aut o Se rvice Up date”: Enables the TV to detect and st ore new digi tal services a s they becom e avai lable. “Softw are Downlo ad”: Enables the TV t o automatically receiv e software updates free through yo ur existing aerial /cable (when issued).
46 GB Specification s Additional Information Mode l name KDL-40X3500/ 40X3000 KDL-46X3500/ 46X3000 KDL-52X3500 KDL-70X3500 System Panel System LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel TV System Analogue: Depending on your country/region selection: B/G/H, D/K, L, I Digital: DVB-T/DVB-C Colou r /Vid eo System Analogue: PAL, SE CAM, NTSC 3.
47 GB Addi tiona l In format ion * Specifi ed stan dby p ower is reached after t he TV finishes nece ssary int ernal p rocesses. Design an d specifi cations are subject to change without no tice. PC Inpu t Signal Re ference Cha rt • T his TV’s PC input doe s not support Sync on Green or Compo site Sync.
48 GB Cleaning Clean the ventil ation holes of this TV s et regularly (once a mont h). If dust ac cumulates, the cooling fan may not o perate p roper ly. Troubleshoo ting Check w hether th e 1 (st andby) in dicat or is flashing in red. When it i s flashin g The self-diagn osis function is activ a ted.
49 GB Addi tiona l Info rmat ion Some ti ny bla ck points a nd/or bright po ints appear on the screen • The pic ture of a displa y unit is compose d of pixels. Tiny black po ints and/o r bright poi nts (pixels) on t he screen do not indica te a malfunct ion.
Printed in Spain 3-219-178- 14 (1) KDL- 70X3500 KDL- 52X3500 KDL- 46X3500 KDL- 40X3500 KDL -46X 3000 KDL -40X 3000.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony KDL-70X3500 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony KDL-70X3500 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony KDL-70X3500 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony KDL-70X3500 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony KDL-70X3500 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony KDL-70X3500 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony KDL-70X3500 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony KDL-70X3500 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.