Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product T672 van de fabrikant SportsArt
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Sports Art Industrial Co., Ltd. TUV -CER T ISO 9001/9002/14000 Certied Quality Products 2013.07.23 US T672 T readmill Owner ’ s Manual.
T672 OWNER’S MANUAL CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 2 2. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................................................. 3 3. LIST OF P ARTS ............
2 1. INTRODUCTION Congra tulati ons on th e pur c has e of a h igh qu ality Spor tsA r t product, th e T67 2 trea dmi ll . C ons tructed o f high qua lity mat erials and d esig ned for y ears of re lia ble per formance , this produ ct wa s mad e for ful l c ommerci al use .
3 2. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS This pr oduct w as desig ned an d bui lt for opt imu m safety . How e v er cer tain pr ecau - tions a pply d uring the us e of th is prod uct. Please note the following safety precautions: • Please read the entire manual before assembly and operation.
4 2. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (CONTINUED) CA UTION : If y ou fe el an y pain o r an y abnormal s ensa tions, S TOP Y OUR WORK OUT an d consu lt y our ph ysician i mmed ia tel y . W or k with in y our recommen ded e xer c ise le ve l. DO NO T wo rk to e xhaus tion.
5 3. LIST OF P ARTS Assembly Parts No. Name Qty . No. Name Qty . A1 Display 1 A5 Left pedestal 1 A2 Cowling with handles 1 A6 W ater guard 1 Safety key 1 A7 Feeder cord 1 A2a Right cup holder 1 A8 Own.
6 Components in the Hardware Kit No. Name Qty . Specication Notes 21 Adapter 1 Fuse (Europe, etc.) 1 10A-200V -240V Fuse (N. America) 1 15A-100V -1 10V T -shaped Allen wrench 2 M4 T -shaped Allen w.
7 4. ASSEMBLE THE PRODUCT F ollow in structions b elo w to a ssemb le thi s produ c t. Not e that in th is ma nua l the w ords “le f t ” and “ right” are used t o refer t o the product a nd its p ar ts.
8 STEP 1 Install the Pedestals and Cowling Follow instruc tio ns bel ow to install the pe destals and c owling. Th e illustrati on below provid es an ov er view of this st ep. STEP 1 Install the Pedestals and Cowlin g (Continued) ( a ) First, remov e screws ( 4 1 ) from motor le f t /right side co vers ( A4a,A 4b ).
9 STEP 1 Install the Pedestals and Cowlin g (Continued) F ollow in struction s ( a through e ) belo w to threa d the da ta c able th roug h the right pedestal . ( a ) Cut th e zip ti e on the d ata cable , and pu ll the cable end a wa y from the pedestal moun t as shown .
10 STEP 1 Install the Pedestals and Cowlin g (Continued) ( a ) Remo ve s c re ws ( 43 ) from the top of the l ef t and righ t pedes t als . (b ) Then remov e screws ( 4 4 ) and bottle hold ers ( A 2a, A2b ) from the c o w l i n g ( A 2) .
11 STEP 1 Install the Pedestals and Cowling (Continued) ( a ) Firs t, se t the left side o f the cowling (A2 ) onto t he le f t pedestal ( A5 ). (b ) Ins er t the d ata cable from th e right pedestal ( A3 ) int o the sq uar e hole i n the righ t side o f the right pedestal ( A 2 ).
12 STEP 1 Install the Pedestals and Cowlin g (Continued) Af ter s ecuring the cowli ng, s ecure s c re ws ( 42 ) onto th e bas e of left and right pedes t als ( area A ) . Pu t mot or right and l eft side cov ers int o place, a nd se - cure the m with screws ( 4 1 ) .
13 STEP 2 Install the Display Follow instruc tio ns below to install the display onto the cow ling. The illust ra - tion belo w provid es an o verview of th is st ep. STEP 2 Install the Display (Continued) Ple ase f ollow st eps ( a throu gh c ) to in stall the displa y cables.
14 STEP 2 Install the Display (Continued) Af ter s ecuring cable connection s, fo llo w st eps ( a ) through ( d ) belo w to s ecure the di spl a y (A 1 ) into pl ac e. ( a ) Rot ate the dis - pla y (A 1 ) upw ard, aligni ng holes in its su ppor t piece to hook s in the cowl - ing, f it ting the dis - pla y int o place on the c owling (A 2 ).
15 STEP 2 Install the Display (Continued) ( c ) At this po in t, in spect the l ow er cov er on the dis play ( A 1 ) . It mus t rest on the ou tside of the cowl - ing ( A 2 ). If it i s on the insid e of the cowli ng, plea se li f t the di spl a y (A 1 ) sl igh tly , an d rei nsta ll it i nto the cowlin g ( A 2 ).
16 STEP 5 Align the W alk Belt There s hould be an eq ual amoun t of spa c e on both s ides of the w alk belt. I f there i s more space on one s ide than the o ther , pleas e alig n the walk b elt a s foll ows .
17 STEP 6 Adjust W alk Belt T ension W alk belt t ension is i mport an t to tr ead mill per formance . As your f oot h its the wa lk bel t, does the wa lk be lt s top s lugg ishly be fore regai ning t.
18 If in stal li ng with th e optional i nterg rated T V , refer b ack to T6 72 CE S install - tion manual and a lso follow the instr uc tions bellow . ( a ) Threa d the CE S cable from the l eft pedesta l ( A5 ) to the le f t side cowl ing ( A 2) . (b ) Attach the whol e cowlin g assembly ( A 2 ) onto bo th pedestal s ( A5 ).
19 5. UNDERST AND THE T672 DISPLA Y DISPLA Y Overview The T 67 2 displ a y was desig ned to hel p people ob tain thei r fitness goal s sim ply an d conv enien tly . Plea se fa mil iariz e yoursel f with the fea tures o f this dis pla y and ther eby ge t optimu m benefit and en joymen t from this prod uct.
20 DISPLA Y W indows (Continued) PR OGR AM: TR ACK, R A NDOM, HILL (H ILL 1 , HILL2, HILL3 ), IN TER - V A L ( 1 : 1 , 1 :2, 2 :2 ), GL UTE, WT LO SS, C ARDIO , CUS TOM HR, FI T TES T (BR UCE , GERKIN, WF I, ARM Y , MARINES, NA V Y , AIR FOR CE, P EB ) Dot ma tr ix win dow : Sho ws the w or k out ill ust ratio n.
21 DISPLA Y Keys (Continued) GLU TE – Each ti me this k e y is pressed , one o f two glut e work outs wi ll ap - pear: GL UTE 30, GL UTE 45. Numbers re present t ime .
22 6. OPERA TE THE T672 TREADMILL There a re t wo wa ys to s tar t oper ati ng thi s prod uct: ( 1 ) P ress the QUICK ST ART k e y , or ( 2 ) press th e ST ART k ey . U sin g the QUI CK ST ART k e y allows yo u to beg in ex ercisi ng imm edi at ely , withou t first ent ering user i nfo rmation .
23 OPERA TION W orkout Program Operation (Continued) T o select TR ACK 5K or TR ACK 1 0 K, press the E NTE R k ey whi le your pr e - ferred w or k out dis t ance ap pears on d ispla y . The d istan c e, e ithe r 5K or 1 0 K, will a utoma tic all y bec ome the w or k out goal .
24 OPERA TION W orkout Program Operation (Continued) CA R D I O/ W T LO S S When the C A RDIO/ W T L OSS k ey is s elect ed, “CARDIO” wil l appear on the message w indo w . Press th e CARDIO / W T L OSS k ey t o toggle as foll ows : CARDIO , W T L OSS.
25 OPERA TION Cool Down When an e x ercis e goal ( time o r dis t ance ) is ob t ain ed , “COOL DOWN” will appe ar on the m essage wi ndow . The tread mil l will e nt er a t wo -minu te cool down m ode .
26 OPERA TION W orkout Program Details (Continued) In terval seg ment se t tings can be cha nged d uring a w orkou t. T o do so, wh ile e xercis ing, si mply p ress in c lin e or spee d k eys t o change the se t ting i n the cur rent segment. The new sett ings will apply to that se gment thereaf ter .
27 OPERA TION W orkout Program Details (Continued) FIT TES T The F IT TE ST p rogra m inclu des eig ht t ypes o f ph ysical fitness asse ssmen ts: Bruce, Gerkin , WF I (th e W ellness F itness Ini tiativ e ) , A rmy , Marine s, Na v y , Air F orce , and P EB (P h ysical E f ficiency Ba t ter y ) .
28 OPERA TION W orkout Program Details (Continued) Ar my , M arin es, Nav y When thes e f itness tes ts begin , the prog ram first in spects whe ther the e xer - ciser’ s age is wit hin th e test’ s age range . Ar m y: 1 7 to 4 2 y ears old . Marines : 1 7 to 90 yea rs old.
29 OPERA TION W orkout Program Details (Continued) At the b egin ning of th e runni ng test, “y . y MILE S ” will a ppear on the s creen , where y .
30 OPERA TION W orkout Time Limit Setting A work out time l imit can be estab lis hed on this prod uct. T o esta blis h a work - out ti me li mit, a t the star tup b ann er screen , sim ulta neou sly pr ess and hold INCLINE ▲ + INCLINE ▼ + ENTE R ke ys for t wo seconds .
31 OPERA TION Error Messages (Continued) ERR OR _ 1_3 _: Ser vo mo tor ov erload abn ormali ty . Restart the unit t o re - c ove r n o r m al f un c t i on s. ERR OR _ 2_ 1_: I GBT e x cessiv e cur ren t. Resta r t the uni t to recov er normal func tions.
32 7. ABOUT HEART RA TE DETECTION Hear t rat e det ection fun ctions ar e selected a t the ti me of p urch ase . Not e v er y produ c t inclu des e very t ype of he ar t rat e det ection de vice. Th e foll owi ng e xplai ns fa c tors tha t inuenc e the per for mance of t wo of the most comm on t ypes of hear t rate detect ion dev i c e s .
33 CA UTION : Hear t rat e det ection an d tran smi ssion de vices ha ve bee n known t o in te r fere wit h the oper atio n of p acema k ers, possibl y endange ring hu man l ife.
34 9. MAINTENANCE This se cti on c ov ers maintenance topic s, including inst ruc tio ns on rep lacing a fuse an d lu bricating t he w alk b elt, a long wi th the pr esen tation of a ma in - tenance schedule, maintenanc e task list, one -y ear maintenance log, and electronics bloc k diagra m.
35 S po r ts A r t P ropri etary W al k B el t/D eck Lubric ation Kit Item: 10009110 0 S p o rt sA rt P ro pr ie t ary Silic one Oil Item: 100051010 1 oun ce ( 50c c) bot tle = a one- time application.
36 MAINTENANCE Lubrication (Continued) 4. Appl y 5 0 cc from the bottle o f liq uid l ubri - cant. P lease see i llu stration a t r igh t. 5. Le t the tread mill opera te t wo or th ree minut es so the lubr icant c an disperse. 6. R emov e the appli cator t ube and th e bottle of l ubricant.
37 MAINTENANCE Schedule Area Day Week Month Quarter Y ear Notes 1 Exterior Clean. 2 Screws Inspect and secure loose parts. 3 W alk belt Inspect alignment (centering) and look for wear . 4 W alk deck Inspect for wear . 5 Belt guides Inspect for normal rotation.
38 MAINTENANCE T ask List Lik e c ars, f itness p roduc ts require maintenance. Regular maintenance ex - ten ds prod uct life , and fail ure to ma in t ain p rodu cts can voi d the ma nuf ac - tur er’ s warran t y . C op y the main tenan c e log shee t, and record ma in tenan ce work for e ach fitness prod uct.
39 Daily T asks Weeks 1-7 Weeks 8-14 Weeks 15-21 Week 22-28 Completed Daily T asks Week 29-35 Week 36-42 Week 43-49 Week 50-52 Completed Weekly T asks Weeks 1-7 Weeks 8-14 Weeks 15-21 Weeks 22-28 Comp.
40 MAINTENANCE Electronics Block Diagram Polar Board Keypad Safety Key Board T672 CTL Board EAC D RV Boar d AC S ervo Motor ※ 220V products only Not on 1 10V products Inductor Filter I ncline Motor .
41 10. CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORT ANTES V otre tapis de course Spor tsAr t a été conçu et fabriqué af in d’ assurer u ne séc urité optimale . C ependant cer taines précautions s’ appliquent chaq ue fois que v ous uti - lisez vo t re tapis de cour se.
42 • Pour éviter de vous blesser , restez sur les bandes de repos (barres latérales) avant de démarrer le tapis de course. • Ce tapis de course n’est pas destiné à être utilisé par des pe.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat SportsArt T672 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen SportsArt T672 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens SportsArt T672 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding SportsArt T672 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over SportsArt T672 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van SportsArt T672 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de SportsArt T672 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met SportsArt T672 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.