Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product TSP143IIU ECO van de fabrikant Star Micronics
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Hardware Manual Model: TSP143IIU.
Federal C ommunications Commission Radio Frequenc y In terf erence Sta temen t i s d ev ic e c o m pl i es wi th P a rt 15 of th e F CC R ul es . O pe ra t io n is su b je ct t o th e f o ll o wi n.
Please access the f ollowing URL http://www.starmicronics .com/suppor t/ for the latest r evision of the manual. T ABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Unpacking and Installation .........................................................................................
– 1 – 1. Unpacking and Installation 1-1. U npack ing Aer un packing the unit, check tha t al l the necessar y accessories ar e included in the package . Fig. 1-1 U npacking If a nything is mis sing, con tac t the dealer where yo u bought the p rinter a nd ask them to sup ply the missin g part.
– 2 – 1-2. Cho osing a place f or the p rint er B efo re actually un packing the p rinter , you should take a few minu tes to t hink abou t where y ou pla n to use it. Remem ber the followin g points when do ing this. Choose a rm, le vel s urface where the prin ter wil l not be exposed to vibra t ion.
– 3 – 1-3. N omenclat ure DK O l Cover open lever Push this lever in the direction of the arrow to open the printer cover . Control panel Features LED indicators to indicate printer status and switches to oper- ate the printer . Power connector For connection of the power cord.
– 4 – 2. Product Features 2-1. Pr oduc t F eat ures • is p rinter is not equi pped w ith a p ow er switch. e printer turns on w hen the co mp uter , which the prin ter is co nnected to , is turned on.
– 5 – 3. Setup 3-1. C onnecting the P ower C or d (1) Check the label on the back or bot tom o f t he prin ter to make sur e its vo ltage m at ches tha t of the A C ou tlet.
– 6 – 3-2. C onnecting the US B Cable to the Prin ter P ass the cable through the cable sup p ort as shown. en, conn ect the USB int erface c ab le to the prin ter .
– 7 – 3-3. C onnecting t o a P eriphe ra l U nit Y o u can connect a perip heral unit to the p rint er using a modular p lug. e follo wing describes ho w to install t he ferrit e core and make the actual connection.
– 8 – 3-4. T urning P ower On and P ower O Important: is prin ter is not equi pped w ith a po wer swit ch. 1) e fo llowing f our co nditio ns ar e necessar y to turn on the p rint er . • e com put er is turned on. • e prin ter's power co rd is p lugged in to an A C outlet.
– 9 – CA UTIO N • Dependi ng on the co mp ut er tha t is con nected to the prin ter , the prin ter ma y n ot en ter the system o mo de even if t he co mp ut er is turne d o . • Depend in g on the type of hu b us ed, the prin ter ma y not en ter the system o mode e ven i f the com put er is turne d o .
– 10 – Cover open lever 1) Push the co ver open lever , and o pen the print er cov er . 2) While obser ving the dir ect ion o f t he r oll, set the paper r oll int o the hollo w , and pull on the lead- ing edge o f t he paper to ward y ou.
– 1 1 – 3-5-2. U sing 57.5 mm W idth Pa p er Roll When u sing a pa per roll with 57.5 mm width, ins tal l the su pplied pa p er guide on the p rinter . T o chang e the eective prin t width (roll pa per width), chang e t he setting o f t he Prin t W idth in the Conguratio n.
– 12 – Caution Symbol ese labels ar e located near the thermal prin t head. B e cau se t he t h er ma l pr int he ad i s hot i mme d iate ly af ter pr i nti ng, d o not touc h it. Sta t ic electricity can damag e t he t hermal prin t head. T o pro tect the thermal print h ead f ro m static electr icity , do not t ouch it.
– 13 – CA UTIO N 1) Do not o per at e the cov er open lever wh ile pr essi ng on th e prin ter cov er with yo ur ha nd. 2) Do not p ush th e cov er open lever a nd open th e prin ter co ver when p rin tin g is in pr og r ess o r when th e aut o cutt er is oper ati ng.
– 14 – 4. Attaching the Accessories e fo llowing acces sories are n ecessar y when moun t ing the p rinter t o a wa ll. • U pper guide and two an ged screws • H older pla te and two an geless scr ews e fo llowing acces sories are n ecessar y when positioning the p rinter v er tical ly .
– 15 – 4-2. A ttachin g the Holder Pla te • e holder pla te is at tached to the p rinter using the incl ude d s crews and is hooked ont o screws that a re in stalle d in to the wal l.
– 16 – (2) P osition the p rinter over the screws, etc., on the w all and then slide it do wnwa rd t o set it in place. Aer setting the prin ter in place, check the screws on the wall again t o make sure that the y a re able to suppo rt the prin ter’ s weigh t.
– 17 – 4-3. A ttachin g the Rub ber Feet (1) A ttach the four rubber feet in the posi- tions s hown in the gur e. Ensur e t ha t an y soiling has been com- pl e t e ly w i p e d o f f b e f or e att ac h i ng t h e rubber feet. (2) Push the co ver open lever , and open the prin ter cover .
– 18 – 5. Thermal Roll Paper Specication When co nsumab le parts hav e run out, use those specie d below . 5-1. C om pliant P aper Roll Specic ations ickness 65~85 µm W idth 79.5±0.5 mm (57.5±0.5 mm when the paper roller ho lder is used) Outer r oll diameter ø83 mm or less T ake up paper roll wi dth 80 + 0.
– 19 – 6. Control Panel and Other Functions 6-1. C on trol P anel 1 POWER lamp (Green LED) 3 FEED button 2 ERROR lamp (Red LED) 6-2. L amp I ndi cato r 1) Prin ter Sta tus Sta tus POWER Lamp ERRO R L amp Prin ting On O Prin t Ready On O Sys tem O O O Erro rs Refer to next pag e.
– 20 – 2) A utom atically reco verable erro rs Error Descript ion PO WER L amp ERRO R L amp Re covery C onditions Cover open erro r On On A uto matically reco vered aer the prin ter cov er is closed. P ower cord disconnec- tion erro r Flashes a t 0.
– 21 – 6-3. Self-Print ing T est Print ing 1) Mak e sure tha t the com pu ter is turned o n. 2) Mak e sure tha t the print er’ s power co rd is p lugged in to an A C outlet. 3) While ho lding the FEED bu tton do wn, connect t he US B cable to the co mpu ter .
– 22 – 7. Preventing and Clearing Paper Jams 7-1. Pr e ven ting P aper J ams e pa per should not be to uched during eject ion a nd b efo re i t is c ut. Pr essing o r pulling the paper during ejection ma y cause a pa per jam, paper cuttin g failur e or line feed fail ure.
– 23 – Thermal head Caution Symbol ese labels ar e located near the thermal prin t head. B e cau se t he t h er ma l pr int he ad i s hot i mme d iate ly af ter pr i nti ng, d o not touc h it. Sta t ic electricity can damag e t he t hermal prin t head.
– 24 – 7-3. Releasing a L ocke d Cut ter If t he a uto cut ter lo cks u p , dis connect the USB cab le, and un plug the power co rd to turn the prin ter o . en reconn ect the US B c ab le, and pl ug in t he p o wer cord to turn the p r in ter on.
– 25 – (4) In s ert a Philips s crewdriv er in to the man ual opera tion hole on t he side o f t he cutter , an d turn it in the dir e ction of the a r ro w shown o n the right un til the rear co ver is o pened. CA UTION: I f t he prin ter cov er does not open easily , do not fo rce the prin ter co ver o pen.
– 26 – Thermal head Rubber roller 8. Periodical Cleaning Prin ted cha racters ma y become partia lly unclea r due to accum u la ted paper du st and dirt. T o pr e ven t such a pr oblem, pa p er dus t collected in t he pa per holder and pa p er trans port s ection and o n t he surface of the thermal head m ust be remo ved per iodical ly .
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Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Star Micronics TSP143IIU ECO (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Star Micronics TSP143IIU ECO heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Star Micronics TSP143IIU ECO vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Star Micronics TSP143IIU ECO leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Star Micronics TSP143IIU ECO krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Star Micronics TSP143IIU ECO bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Star Micronics TSP143IIU ECO kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Star Micronics TSP143IIU ECO . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.