Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MACH 2+ CF 256MB van de fabrikant Stec
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Solid-State M emory Card (No Moving Parts) Capacity : 128MB - 16GB CFA 4.1 and ATA-7 Compatible PCMCIA Memory Mode : UDMA M odes Supported: Up to 4 PIO Modes Timing: up to 80ns PCMCIA I/O Mode.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 2 Table of Contents 1.0 Ordering Information ........................................................................................................ 4 2.0 Product Specifications .
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 3 7.0 Supported A TA Commands ............................................................................................ 56 8.0 Security Mode Feature Set ................
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 4 1.0 Ordering Information Table 1 lists the Ordering Part Number for ST EC MACH2 Compac tFlash cards.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 5 2.0 Product Specifications 2.1 Product Marking STEC cards are labeled as specified by c ustom er, using STEC standard labeling or custom labeling printed from c ustomer -supplied artwork.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 6 2.1.2 Back Lab el The STEC RoHS Back Label is described in Figure 2 and Table 3.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 7 Table 3: Back Label P ost Printed Fields STEC Ordering Part Number Mfg Number Assembly Location SLCF 128 M 2T U 94000 -.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 8 2.2 Package Dimensions and Pin Locations Table 4 and Figure 3 show the mechanical dimensions of the CF Card T ype I. Table 4: Mechani c al dimensions CF Card Type I Parameter Value Length 36.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 9 2.3 Pin A ssignments Table 5 : CF Card Pin Assignment Pin Number Signal Name Pin Ty pe Pin Number Signal Name Pin Ty pe.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 10 2.4 Signal Description Note: Part numbers with -P extension do n ot support MDW MA and UMDA.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 11 Signal Name Ty pe Pin Number Description -IORD (PC Card Memory Mode except UDMA protocol active) -HDMARDY (All Modes: UDMA protocol DMA Read) HSTROBE (A ll Modes: UDMA protocol DMA W rite) I 34 This signal i s not us ed in this mode.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 12 Signal Name Ty pe Pin Number Description READY (PC Card Memory Mode) O 37 In Memory Mode, this signal i s set hi gh when the CF Card is ready to acce pt a ne w data transfer ope ration and h eld low when the CF Card is b usy.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 13 Signal Name Ty pe Pin Number Description -REG (PC Card Memory Mode except UDMA protocol active) Attribute Memory Selec.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 14 Signal Name Ty pe Pin Number Description -INPACK (PC Card Memory Mode except UDMA protocol active) -DMARQ (PC Card Memory Mode: UDMA protocol active) O 43 This signal i s not us ed in this mode.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 15 Signal Name Ty pe Pin Number Description -W AIT (PC Card Memory Mode exc ept UDM A p rotocol active) -DDMARDY (All Mod.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 16 Signal Name Ty pe Pin Number Description - VS1 - VS2 (PC Card Memory Mode) O 33, 40 -VS1 is groun ded, so tha t the card CIS c an be read 3.3 volts . -VS2 is rese rved for a sec ondary voltage and is not connecte d.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 17 2.6 LBA and CHS Parameters Table 8 : LBA and CHS Parameters per capacity Ca pacity Flash Ty pe Logical Block Addresses.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 18 2.7 Standards Compliance STEC products specified in this docum ent are certified for com pliance with the following industry standards: CFA v4.1, PCMCIA v7.0 UL 950 CE, and FCC Class B & D RoHS 2.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 19 3.0 Environmental Specifications 3.1 Recommended Operating Conditions Table 9: CF Card Recommended Operating Condition.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 20 4.0 Electrical S pecifications 4.1 A bsolute Maximum Ratings Table 12 : CF Card Absolute M ax imum Ratings Parameter Sy mbol Value Unit Voltage Vin, Vout -0.5 to VCC +0.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 21 4.3 A C Characteristics Me asurements at Recom m ended Operating Condition s, unless otherwise specified.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 22 4.3.2 PC Card Memory M ode A ttribute M emory Write Table 15 : PC Card M emory Mode Attribute M emory W rite AC Charac.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 23 4.3.3 PC Card Memory M ode Common Memory Read Table 16 : PC Card M emory Mode Common Memory Read AC Characteristics Pa.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 24 4.3.4 PC Card Memory M ode Common Memory Write Table 17 : PC Card M emory Mode Common Memory Write AC Characteristics .
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 25 4.3.5 PC Card I/O Mode Read A C Characteristics Table 18 : PC Card I/O Mod e Read AC Characteristics Parameter Sy mbol.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 26 4.3.6 PC Card I/O Mode Write AC Characteristics Table 19 : PC Card I/O Mod e Write AC Characteristics Parameter Sy mbo.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 27 4.3.7 TrueIDE Mode Register & PIO A ccess Table 20 : TrueIDE Mod e Register & PIO Access AC Characteristics Pa.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 28 Figure 10 : TrueIDE Mode P IO Access Timing Diagram.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 29 4.3.8 TrueIDE Mode Multiw ord DMA Note: Part numbers with -P extension do not support MW DMA .
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 30 4.3.9 Ultra DMA A C Characteristics Note: Part numbers with -P extension do not support TrueIDE UDMA.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 31 Table 23 : UDMA Tim ing Parameter Descriptions Sy mbol Parameter t2CYCTY P Typical sustai ned average two cycle ti me .
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 32 Table 24 : Ultra DM A Sender and Recipi ent IC Timing Requirements Sy mbol UDMA0 UDMA1 UDMA2 UDMA3 UDMA4 Unit tDSIC (min) 14.7 9.7 6.8 6.8 4.8 ns tDHIC (min) 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 33 Figure 12 : UDMA Data-In B urst Initiation Timi ng.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 34 Figure 13 : Sustained UDM A Da ta -In Burst Timing Figure 14 : UDMA Data-In B urst Host Pause Timing.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 35 Figure 15 : UDMA Data-In B urst Device Termination Timing.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 36 Figure 16 : UDMA Data-In B urst Host Termination Timing Figure 17 : UDMA Data-Out Burst Initi ation Timing.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 37 Figure 18 : Sustained UDM A Data-O ut Burst Timing Figure 19 : UDMA Data-Out Burst Device Pause Timi ng.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 38 Figure 20 : UDMA Data-Out Burst Device Terminati on Timing Figure 21 : UDMA Data-Out Burst Host Terminati on Timing.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 39 5.0 Host A cce ss Specifica tion 5.1 Task File Register and By te/Word/O dd-Byte Mode Mappings Please refer to the Com.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 40 5.3 Card Information Structure (CIS) The card uses a Card Inform ation Structure (CIS) as sum marized below: 1.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 41 8. 003 5h: Code 2 2h, lin k 03h 02 0C 0Fh Tuple CISTPL_FUNCE (22h), len gth 3 (03 h) at offse t 35h Vpp is not req.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 42 12. 005 3h: Code 1Bh , link 0A h C1 41 99 01 5 5 64 F0 FF FF 20 h Tuple CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY (1 Bh), leng th 10 (0A h).
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 43 16. 0080 h: Code 1Bh, link 0F h C3 41 99 01 5 5 EA 61 70 01 0 7 76 03 01 EE 20 h Tuple CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY (1 Bh), le.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 44 5.4 Identify Driv e Parameter An example of the param eter inform ation received from the CF Card when inv ok ing the IDENTIFY DRIVE comm and (ECh) is listed Table 27 . Note: For referenc e only , data subject to change.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 45 Word Hex Data Field Ty p e Information Subset Fixed (F) Variable (V) or Both (X) Description 49 2B00h or 2A00h (- P) C.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 46 Word Hex Data Field Ty p e Information Subset Fixed (F) Variable (V) or Both (X) Description 63 0407h or 0000h (- P) M.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 47 Word Hex Data Field Ty p e Information Subset Fixed (F) Variable (V) or Both (X) Description 82 742B h (SMART ) (-S) ,.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 48 Word Hex Data Field Ty p e Information Subset Fixed (F) Variable (V) or Both (X) Description 83 4004h Command Se t Sup.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 49 Word Hex Data Field Ty p e Information Subset Fixed (F) Variable (V) or Both (X) Description 85 74 2 Bh (SMART ) (-S) .
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 50 Word Hex Data Field Ty p e Information Subset Fixed (F) Variable (V) or Both (X) Description 86 0004h Command Set/Feat.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 51 Word Hex Data Field Ty p e Information Subset Fixed (F) Variable (V) or Both (X) Description 88 001Fh or 0000h (- P) T.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 52 Word Hex Data Field Ty p e Information Subset Fixed (F) Variable (V) or Both (X) Description 128 0001h (-S) , or 0000h.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 53 Word Hex Data Field Ty p e Information Subset Fixed (F) Variable (V) or Both (X) Description 164 A91Bh CF Advanced PCM.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 54 6.0 Registers Th is chapter li s ts the registers of the CF Card. Refer to Com pactFlash standards for f urther details. 6.1 Configuration Registers In PC Card Mode, four configuration registers, as listed in Table 28 , are used.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 55 6.2 Task File Registers Table 29 : CF Card Task File Registers Task File Regis ter Description Data Register The Data Register i s a 16 -bit read/write regi ster used for transferri ng data between the CF Card and the host.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 56 7.0 Supported A TA Commands The ATA com m ands used by the CF Card are listed in Table 30 .
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 57 Command Set Code Description READ VERIFY SECTOR(S) 40h (w/ retry) 41h (w/o retry This comma nd verifies on e or more s ectors on the CF Card by transferring d ata from the flash m edia to the d ata buffer i n the CF Card and veri fying that the ECC is correct.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 58 Command Set Code Description W RITE LONG SECTOR 32h or 33h This comma nd is provided for compa tibility purpo ses and i s similar t o the W RITE SECT OR(S) command except that it writes 516 bytes in stead of 51 2 bytes.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 59 8.0 Security Mod e Feature Set Note: Part Num bers with -S support the Security Mode feature set. The Security Mo de feature set allow s the host to set and use a security password system to prevent unauthorized CF Card access .
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 60 8.2 Security Command s Security com m ands are invoked by writing the comm and code to the Comm and Register . Refer to T able 33 for a description of the supported Security Com m ands.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 61 9.0 Host Protected A re a Feature S et Note: Part Num bers with -S support the Host Protected A rea feature set. The Host Protected Area (HPA) feature set allows data storage outside the n ormal OS file system when the card is initiall y configured.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 62 10.0 SMA RT Feature Se t Note: The f ollowi ng part numbers s upport the SMART feature set: Part Numbers witho ut .
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 63 10.3 SMA RT A ttri butes The SMART attributes used by th e c ard are listed in Table 34 . Table 34 : CF Card Supported SM ART Attributes ID Name Description Ty pe 9 Power On Hours Number of ho urs elaps ed in the Po wer-On state.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 64 11.0 A ppendix: CompactFlash A dapter In addition to the CF Card f orm factors, passive Com pactFlash Adapters allow the card to be used in a P C Card Type II slot. This appendix provides information on the Com pactFlash Adapter avail able from ST EC.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 65 11.3 CF A dapter Package Dimensions and Pin Locations Table 37 and Figure 22 show the mechanical dimensions of the CF Adapter T y pe I. Table 37 : Mechani c al dimensions CF Adapter Type I Parameter Value Length 85.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 66 11.4 CF A dapter Pin Assign ment Table 38 : CF Adapter Pin Assignment CF Adapter 68 -Pin 68 -Pin Number 50 -Pin Number.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 67 12.0 Contact Information 12.1 STEC Worldwide Headquarters STEC INC 3001 Daimler Street General Support: 1- 949 - 476 - 1180 Santa Ana, Cal ifornia 92705 Fax Number: 1- 949 - 476 - 1209 United States of America (USA) E-mail: oemsupport@stec -inc.
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 68 13.0 Revision History Revision Date Description -1 01 03 /23/ 20 11 Initial Rel ease - 102 04/08/2011 Reliability table corrected (paper error only ).
SLCFxxxM2TU(I)(-x) CompactFlash Card Datasheet 61000 - 07000 - 10 6 , May 2011 69 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY STEC™ Inc. reserves the right to m ake changes to specifications and product descriptions such as but not lim ited to numbers, parameters and other technical information contained herein w ithout notice.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Stec MACH 2+ CF 256MB (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Stec MACH 2+ CF 256MB heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Stec MACH 2+ CF 256MB vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Stec MACH 2+ CF 256MB leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Stec MACH 2+ CF 256MB krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Stec MACH 2+ CF 256MB bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Stec MACH 2+ CF 256MB kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Stec MACH 2+ CF 256MB . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.