Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product R9010050 van de fabrikant Barco
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H OME C INEMA B ARCO C INE 7 R901 0040 R901 0050 O WNERS M ANUA L 26022003 R 597658 4/00.
Barco nv Home Cinema Noordlaan 5, B-8520 Kuurne Phone: +32 Fax: +32 E-mail: Visi t us at the w eb: www .
Changes Barco provides this manual “as is” without warrant y of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not l imited to the implied war- ranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
T abl e of con tent s T ABLE OF CONTEN TS 1 . S a f e t y I n s t r u c t i o n s ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... .... ...... 5 1 . 1 S a f e t y I n s t r u c t i o n s ........
T able of con tents 8 . 5 P i c t u r e T u n i n g........................ ....................... ...................... ............... ....................... ....... ........ 5 2 8 . 5 . 1 S t a r t i n g u p P i c t u r e T u n i n g ...........
T abl e of con tent s 10. Programmable Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 1 0 . 1 P r o g r a m m i n g a F u n c t i o n K e y s .
T able of con tents 4 R5976584 BA RCO CINE7 26022003.
1. Safety Ins tructions 1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Overview • Safety Instructions 1.1 Safety Instructions Notice on Safety This equipment is built in ac cordance with the requirements of the int ernational safety standards EN60950, UL 1950 and CSA C22.2 No.
1. Safety In struction s in a residential area is likely to caus e harmful interfer ence in which case the user will be required to correct the interf erence at his own expense. The use of shielded cables is required to comply within t he limits of Part 15 of FCC rules and EN55022.
1. Safety Ins tructions On Inst allation • Do not place this equipment on an unstable cart , stand, or table. The product may fall, causing serious damage to it.
1. Safety In struction s 8 R5976584 BA RCO CINE7 26022003.
2. AC Power 2. AC POWER Overview • AC Power Cord Connection • AC Po wer V oltage • Switching ON/OFF 2.1 AC Power Cord C onnection How to connect the AC Power Cord? Use the suppli ed power cord to connect your projector to t he wall outlet. 1. Plug the female power connector into the male connector at the front si de of the electronic block.
2. AC Power The projector can s tart now in t he ’operational mode’ ( image displayed) or in the ’st and by mode’, depending on t he software setup. Stand by indication lamp : • no light up : projector i n operational mode • red : projector is in s tand by .
3. S ource Conn ections 3. SOURCE CONNECTIONS Overview • Input Locations • Connecting a Composite Video source. • Connecting a S-Video source. • Connecting a RGB An alog source with composite .
3. Source Con nections 3.2 Connecting a Composi te Video s ource. Which signal to the video input ? Connect Composite video signals from a VCR, O FF air signal decoder , etc.. If a l ine mul tipl ier is bu ilt in, the defaul t posit ion of this li ne multipl ier soft option i s ON (acti ve).
3. S ource Conn ections 3.3 Connecting a S-Video source. Chromina nce The color component of a video signal that includes information about tint and saturation. Luminance The component of a video signal that includes information about it s brightness.
3. Source Con nections Image 3-5 Input priority setting Depending on the priorit y setti ng in the ’Picture T uning menu’, Video or S-Vi deo can be displayed. If the setting is not correct, handle as follow : 1. Pres s ADJUST key to start up the adjustment mode.
3. S ource Conn ections MAIN MENU Image control Iris control Sound control Function keys Service menus Select with ↑ or ↓ then <ENTER> <EXIT> to return Menu 3-1 Warning Risk of incorre.
3. Source Con nections Image 3-7 3.5 Connecting a RGB Analog source with T ri level composite sync Which signal can be connected to the input? RGB analog input terminals with tri level sync input or with t ri level sync on green (BNC terminals). The projector detects automati- cally where the sync signal is located.
3. S ource Conn ections Image 3-9 3.6 Connecting a Component source with composite sync Which signal can be connected to the input? (R-Y)Y(B-Y) analog input terminals with sync input or with sync on green (BNC terminals). The projector detects automatically where the sync signal is l o cated.
3. Source Con nections Image 3-11 3.7 Connecting a Component s ource with T ri level composit e sync Which signal can be connected to the input? (R-Y)Y(B-Y) analog input terminals with tri level sync input or with tri level sync on green (BNC terminals).
3. S ource Conn ections Image 3-13 3.8 RS232 Connect ion RS232 A standard, single-ended (unbalanced) interconnecti on scheme for serial data communications. RS232 Input and RS232 Output of the projector The projector is equ ipped with a RS232 port that all ows them to commu nicate with a c omputer .
3. Source Con nections 3.9 Communication Port for Communic ation With Peripherals Connecting a RCVDS 05 switcher to the projector • Up to 10 inputs (20 inputs when video and S -video) with the RCVDS 05 switcher (R9827880) and up to 90 inputs when 10 RCVDS switchers are linked via the 5-cabl e output modules.
4. Getting S tarted 4. GETTING ST ARTED Overview • Batteries • RCU & Local keypad • T erminology overview • Switching on t he projector • Using the RCU • Projector Address • Controlling the pr ojector 4.1 Bat teries Overview • Battery i nstallation • Battery replacement 4.
4. Gett ing Star ted Image 4-1 Note, on ly import ant if mor e than one proj ector is i nstalled in t he room. The common a ddress can be zero (0) or o ne (1) . The standar d RCU are set up for c ommon address z ero. T o change the common address of the RCU, contact a BARCO service center .
4. Getting S tarted Remote control functions. This remote control includes a battery powered i nfrared (IR) transmitter that allows the user t o control the projector remotely . This remote control is used for source selection, control, adaptation and set up.
4. Gett ing Star ted 6 STBY standby button, to start projector w hen the power switch is swit ched on and to switch of f the projector without switching off the power switch.
4. Getting S tarted 4.4 Switching on the projector H o wt os w i t c ho nt h ep r o j e c t o r ? 1. Pres s the mains ON/OFF switch to switch on the projector .
4. Gett ing Star ted Do not di splay a s tati onary ima ge with full bri ghtness and co ntrast for longer than 20 min. , other wise you risk dam age to th e CR T’s. How to switch off the proje ctor? 1. U se the same power switch to switch off t he projector .
4. Getting S tarted Image 4-6 4.6 Projector Address 4.6.1 Controlling the projector Projector address Address installed in t he projector to be indiv idually controlled. Common address Default address. P rojector will always execute the c omm and coming from a RCU programmed with tha t common address.
4. Gett ing Star ted 4.6.2 Displaying and Pr ogramming addresses Displaying the Projector Address on th e Screen. 1. Pres s Address key (recessed key on the RCU) with a pencil.
4. Getting S tarted Overview Pictur e contro ls When an image control i s pressed, a text box with a bar scale, icon and f unction name of the control, e.
4. Gett ing Star ted T o restart the image : •P r e s s Pause key . •P r e s s EXIT key • Select a source num ber . T h eF r e e z ek e y( O n l yw i t hL i n eM u l t i p l i e r ) When the Freeze key is pressed, the image is frozen until this key is pressed again (only with buil t in Line Multiplier).
5. Sta rt up of the adju stmen t mode 5. ST ART UP OF THE ADJUS TMENT MODE 5.1 How to start up the adju stment mode Start up using th e RCU 1. Pres s the ADJUST key .
5. Star t up of the adj ustment mod e 5.2 How to adjust an analog control How to handle 1. Push the cursor keys up or down to select the analog control to be adjust ed. 2. Pres s ENT ER to confirm. When the ana log control is adjusted the projector returns automatically to the General access me nu.
6. Main Men u 6. MAIN MENU Overview • Main Menu Overview • Image Control • IRIS Control • Sound Control • Function Keys • Service Menus 6.1 Mai n Menu Overvie w Main M enu Overv iew • Im.
6. Ma in Menu 6.2.1 Starting up the image controls T o st art up 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to se lec t Image Control . (menu 6-1) The selected item will change in color and a marker will be di splayed in front of it. 2. Pres s ENTE R to select.
6. Main Men u Line Multiplier ON/OFF 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to se lec t Line Multiplier . (menu 6- 5) 2. Pres s ENTE R to toggle bet ween ON and OFF .
6. Ma in Menu Changing the scan r ate 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to select a new scan rat e. ( menu 6-9) 2. Pres s ENTER to a ctiv ate th is sca n rat e.
6. Main Men u How to adjust Video Equa lizing? 1. Push the cursor k ey ↑ or ↓ to select Video Equalizing and press ENTE R to select. (menu 6-11) The Video Equalizing menu will be displayed. (image 6-1) 2. Push the ← or → keys to select the desired frequency band (Low, Mi d or H igh) or the Factory Preset : x.
6. Ma in Menu Image 6-2 Dynamic Noise Reduct ion bar scale Contra st Enhancement What can be done? Enhancing the contrast results in a more dynamic image. How to adjust the Contrast Enhancement? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to sel ec t Contrast Enhancement and press ENT ER to select.
6. Main Men u How to change the color temperature 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to se lec t Color Adjust . (menu 6-14) 2. Pres s ENTER to display the Color Adjust m enu. (menu 6-15) 3. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to select t he desired color temperature.
6. Ma in Menu How to add a name? 1. Push the cursor k ey ↑ or ↓ to select the Format t o which a name has to be added. (menu 6-18) 2. Pres s TEXT to display the compose menu. (menu 6-19) 3. The position of the character which will be edited, will be indicated with a digit.
6. Main Men u 6.3.1 Starting up the IRIS Controls Before starting one of the IRIS functions, be sure the p rojector has warmed u p for at least 20 min. Only after 20 min the projector has reached its f ull specifications. How to start up 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to se lect IRIS control .
6. Ma in Menu Starting the IRIS Auto Conve rge 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to select IRIS Auto Converge . (menu 6-25) 2. Pres s ENTER to activate the autoconvergence function. The process starts and when successfully completed, the projector will ret urn to image display of the current source.
6. Main Men u Selecting the sound contro l. 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to sele ct Sound Control . (menu 6 -27) 2. Pres s ENTE R to select t he Sound Control f unction.
6. Ma in Menu How to enter the Ser vice Men us 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to select Service Menus . (menu 6-31) A warning will be di splayed. (m enu 6-32) "Risk of incorrect adjustment of the proj ector .
7. Enter ing the s ervice men us 7. ENTERING THE SERVICE MENUS Overview • The Adjustment menus • Password Protection 7.1 The Adjustment menus What is available in the Adjustment menus A complete s.
7. Ent ering the ser vice menu s Image 7-1 7.2 Password Protect ion Passwo rd Protectio n Some items in the Service menus are password protected. While selecting such an item, the p rojector ask s to enter your password. Password Protection is only available when the password strap on the controller module is on.
7. Enter ing the s ervice men us Enterin g the Passwo rd via the local key pad When the compos e password menus is displayed: 1. Select with the cursor the fir st digit of your pass word. (menu 7-5) 2. Pres s ENTE R to select. 3. S elect the next digi t of your password.
7. Ent ering the ser vice menu s 48 R5976584 BA RCO CINE7 26022003.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode 8. RANDOM ACCESS A DJUSTMENT MODE Overview • Introduction • Random Ac cess Overview • Selecting Setup Pattern • Random Access m ode selection menu • Picture T uning • Geometry Adjustments • Convergence Adjustment 8.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode 8.2 Random Access Overvi ew Random Access Overview • Picture T uning - Color Balance - Decoding -S y n c - Peaking o Of f o Low Source Frequency o Mid Source Fre.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode 8.3 Select ing Setup Patter n H o wt os e l e c tt h eS e t u pP a t t e r n ? If an external source is connected to the projector , the following screen will be displayed. T o s elect the desired setup pattern, handle as follow: 1.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode 72.1/67 Super VGA 4 63.9/76 APOLLO How to select the desired Cross Ha tch Frequency? T o select a desired cross hatch frequency , handle as follow: 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight the desired Cross Hatch Frequency .
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode 8.5.1 Starting up Picture T uning How to start up Pictur e T uning? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Picture T uning and press ENTER to select.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Se t a Fixed Color Balan ce How to select 1. H ighlight one of the 4 preprogrammed color temperatures with the cursor keys.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode C ustom Color Bala nce, Blac k Balanc e adjust ment How to adjust 1. P ush the cu rsor key s ↑ , ↓ , ← or → to se lec t Red & B lue below Custom black Balance . (menu 8-11) 2. Pres s ENTER to ac tiva te the a dju stm en t.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode The possibility is off ered to decode the NTSC video s ignals via the normal American IRE standard or via the European EBU standard. How to set up ? How to set up ? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to select Decoding .
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to adjust Peaking? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Peaki ng and pr ess ENTER . (menu 8- 15) Note: During the cr eation of new settings for a RGB source the corresponding peaking is switched on as default.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to start up the Line Multiplier settings? 1. Push the cursor k ey ↑ or ↓ to highlight Line Multiplier and press ENTE R to select.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Output M ode What can be done? Within the output mode menu, it is possible to s elect a new output mode for a giv en input signal. The input s ignal can be: • interlaced. • non-interlaced. How to adjust the Outp ut Mode? 1.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Image 8-1 Video E qualizin g m enu Noise Reduction What can be done? Noisy , lower quality v ideo images can be ameliorated by use of the Noise Reduction feature. How to adjust Noise Reduction? 1. Push the c ursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Noise Reduction and press ENT ER to select.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to adjust the Contrast Enhancement? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Contrast Enhancement and press ENTE R to select. (menu 8-27) The Contrast Enhancement bar scale will be displayed. (image 8-3) 2.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode .1 S tarting U p Advan ced Settin gs How to start up Advanced Settings? 1. P ush th e cursor key ↑ or ↓ to h ighlight Advanced Settings and press ENT ER to select. (menu 8-29) The Advanced settings menu will be displayed.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to adjust Luminance Delay? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Luminanc e Delay and press ENT ER to select. (menu 8-32) The Luminance Delay b ar scale will be di splayed. ( image 8-4) 2. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to adjust the Luminance Delay until the c olor shift is eliminated.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to toggle Clamp Gating On/Off? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Clamp Gating . (menu 8-34) 2. Pres s ENTE R to tog gle C lam p Gati ng O n/O ff.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to adjust Coring? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Coring and p re ss ENTER to select. (menu 8-36) The Coring bar sc ale will be displayed. (image 8-5) 2. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to adj ust the Cori ng.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to adjust L TI? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight LT I and press ENTER to select. ( menu 8-37) The Coring bar sc ale will be displayed. (image 8-7) 2. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ t o adjust the L TI value.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to adjust C TI? 1. Push the c ursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight CTI and press ENTER to select. (menu 8-38) The L T I bar scale will be displayed. (image 8-9) 2. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ t o adjust the CTI value.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode 8.6 Geometr y Adjustments Overview • Starting Up Geometry • Horizontal Phase Adjustment • Raster Shift Adjustment • Left-Right (East-W est) Adjustment • T op-Bottom (Nord-South) Adjustment • Size Adjustment • V ertical Linearity Adjustment • Blanking Adjustments 8 .
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to adjust the Horizontal Phase? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Horizontal Phase and press ENTER t o select. (menu 8-42) The Horizontal Phase T ext box will be projected in the middle of the external image.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Image 8-11 How to adjust the Raster Shift? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Raster Shift and press ENTER to select. (menu 8-43) The Raster Shift menu will be di s played. 2. First push t he ↑ or ↓ keys to highlight Coarse Green and press EN TER to select.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Start u p 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight LEFT-RIGHT . (menu 8-45) 2. Pres s ENTE R to select. The Left-Right menu will be displayed.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Image 8-12 (A) V ertical Centerline bow (B) V ertical Centerline skew (C) Right bow (D) Right keystone (E) Left bow (F) Left keystone How to enter an alignme nt? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight a functi on.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to adjust the Seagull c orrection 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ t o highlight SEAGULL CO RRECTION. (menu 8-47) 2.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Possible adjustments The following adjustments c an be executed • Horizontal centerline bow • Horizon tal centerline skew • T op bow • T op ke ystone • Bottom bow • Bottom keystone All adjustment are i ndicated on the screen wit h the functi on name, a bar scale and a number between 0 and 100.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Image 8-14 T op-Bot tom correcti ons (A) V ertical centerline Bow (B) V ertical centerline Skew (C) T op Bow (D) T op Keystone (E) Bottom Bow (F) Bottom Keystone How to enter an alignme nt? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight a functi on.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode What can be done with the Seagull correction Use this correction after the i mage has been adjusted with top and bottom bow an d keystone. If s till a deformation (lik e a seagull) on top and bottom of the imag e is visible, proceed to the seagull correction.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Image 8-16 Size adju stment A Ver tical size adjustment B Horizontal size adjustment In orde r to avoi d loss of resol ution i n the proj ected image and t o ensure maxi mum CRT longevi ty , do not use an excessively small size sett ing.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Image 8-17 Image 8-18 Horizontal Size Adjustment Image 8-19 V ertical Size Adjustment 8.6. 7 Ve r t ic al Linearity Adjustment Wha t can be done? The vertical li nearity adjustment function corrects for vertical non-linearities which extend from the center of the image to the top and bottom of the image.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Image 8-20 V ertical lineari ty 8.6.8 B lanking Adjustments What can be done? Blanking adjustments affect only the edges of the projected image and are used to frame the pr ojected image on to the screen and to hide or b lack out unwanted inf orm ation.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode How to adjust the Blanking? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Blanking and press ENTER t o select. (menu 8-53) The Blanking menu will be displayed. (menu 8-54) 2. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight the desired blanking position and press ENT ER to select.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Image 8-23 Converge nce Adjustment Adjustment order Adjust first the gr een only when available and continue with red on green and blue on green. How to start up Convergenc e? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Convergence and press ENTE R to select.
8. Rand om Acce ss Adju stmen t Mode Image 8-24 25 Coars e Convergence A reas 82 R5976584 BA RCO CINE7 26022003.
9. Servic e Mode 9. SER VICE MODE Overview • Introduction • Service Mode Overview •P r o j e c t o r S e t u p • Memory Managemen t • Common Settings • I2C Diagnostics 9.1 Introducti on How to start up Service M ode? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Serv ice and press ENTER to select.
9. Serv ice Mo de 9.2 Servic e Mo de Overvie w Service Mo de Overvie w •P r o j e c t o r S e t U p - Identification - T otal Run Time - Change Password - Change Language - Change Projector Address .
9. Servic e Mode 9.3.1 Starting Up Projector Set-Up Start u p 1. Push the cursor k ey ↑ or ↓ to highlight Projector Set-Up and press ENTE R to select.
9. Serv ice Mo de How to start up T otal Run Time? 1. Push the cursor k ey ↑ or ↓ to highlight T otal Run Time and press EN TER to select. (menu 9-7) The T otal Run Time screen will be displayed, the System Runtime indic ates the amount of time the projector has played since i ts first start up at the factory .
9. Servic e Mode What can be done? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Change Language . (menu 9-11) 2. Pres s ENTER to display the language menu. (menu 9-12) 3. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight the desired language. 4. Pres s ENTER to change to that l anguage.
9. Serv ice Mo de By default the Baudrate is set to 9600. How to Change t he Baudrate? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Change Baudr ate and press EN TER to selec t. (m enu 9-15) The Baudrate menu will be displayed, t he actual Baudrate will be highli ghted.
9. Servic e Mode How to change the Common Address? 1. Push the ↑ or ↓ keys to highlight Comm on Address . 2. Pres s ENT ER to toggle the Common Address between ’0’ and ’1’.
9. Serv ice Mo de How to a dd the Barco L ogo 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Bar co Logo . (menu 9-19) 2. Pres s ENTE R to select. The BARCO logo menu will be displayed on t he screen. (menu 9-20) Within this menu, four toggle settings are available.
9. Servic e Mode 9.4.1 Starting Up Memory M anagement How t o star t up th e Memor y Manage ment ? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highl ight Memory M anagement and p ress ENTER to s elect. (menu 9-21) The Memory Management menu will be displayed.
9. Serv ice Mo de How to Delete a Bl ock? 1. Push the cursor k ey ↑ or ↓ to highlight Delete a Block and press ENTE R to select. (menu 9-25) The D e l e t eaB l o c k menu will be displayed. (menu 9-26) 2. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to to select a block.
9. Servic e Mode How to set All s ettings to Midposition? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight All Sett ings to M idpos . (menu 9-28) 2. Pres s ENTE R to select. A confirmation screen will b e displayed. 3. Pres s ENTER to confirm, press EXIT to cancel the res et.
9. Serv ice Mo de How to Undo Convergence R & B to Midpos ition? As long as the projector is playing on the same source (= sam e adjustment block) it is possible to return to the previous settings. Undo R&B Convergence to M id is displayed in stead off R&B Convergence to Mid .
9. Servic e Mode 9.5 Common Settings Overview • Starting Up Common Settings • G2 Adjustment •C R T R u n I n C y c l e •P r o j e c t o r W a r m U p • Memory Banks 9.5.1 Starting Up Common Settings How to start up C ommon Settings? 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Common Settings and press ENTER to s elect.
9. Serv ice Mo de If no s uch a block is available, the projector cannot run CRT Run I n Cycle and leaves the adjus tment mode. If yo u still want to run CRT run in cycle, create first a m emory block on an internal # pattern and restart CR T Run In Cycle .
9. Servic e Mode How to select 1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Memory Banks . (menu 9- 41) 2. Pres s ENTE R to toggle bet ween ON and OFF .
9. Serv ice Mo de 98 R5976584 BA RCO CINE7 26022003.
10. Pr ogrammab le Funct ion Keys 10. PROGR AMMABLE FUNCTION KEYS 10.1 Programming a Function Keys What can be done with these keys ? The five functi on keys on top of t he remote control can be progr amm ed as short cut key s (quick ac cess) to almost any adjustment function.
10. Pr ogramma ble Func tion Keys 10.2 Different function which can be programmed. Overview • Line Multiplier on /off • Motion Processing on/off • T i m eB a s eC o r r e c t i o no n / o f f �.
11. Me ssages, Warnings an d Fail ures 11. MES SAGES, W ARNINGS AN D F AILURE S Overview • Messages • W arnings •F a i l u r e s 11.1 Messages Message s INPUT 01 RGB 2 Fh=064kHz Fv=060Hz When se.
11. Mess ages, Warnings an d Fa ilures 11.3 Failures Failures F AILURE I2C error addr .: 7FH3 Hardware failure. C all a quali f ied service tec hnician for repair . F AILURE s hort circuit on I2C bus Hardware failure. Call a qualified servic e technician for r epair .
A. Sour ce Numbers 8 1 — 86 an d 91 — 9 6 A. SOURCE NU MBERS 81 — 86 AND 91 — 96 A.1 Projector without any 800 per ipheral connected Overview The source numbers 81 - 86 and 91 - 96 do n ot correspond to physical inputs. An add itional adjustment fil e can be cr eated for these source numbers.
A. Sour ce Numb ers 81 — 86 and 91 — 96 source input 3 source input 3 source input 93 file C file C’ ... source input 6 source input 6 source input 96 file F file F’ Follow the same procedure as for a projector without a 800 peripheral connected.
Glossa ry GLOSSAR Y Chromina nce The color component of a video signal that inc ludes information about tint and satur ation. Common address Default address. Projector will always execute the command com ing from a RCU programmed with that common address.
Glossa ry 106 R5976584 BA RCO CINE7 26022003.
Index INDEX A AC Power 9 Powe r Cor d 9 Connection 9 Power V o ltage 9 Switching ON/OF F 9 Address 27–28 Program 28 RCU 28 Projector 27 Adjustment 45, 4 9 menus 45 Random Access 49 Introducti on 49 .
Index L Language 86 Change 86 Limo Pro 64–66 Coring 64 CTI 66 LT I 6 5 Opti ons 64 Sta rt up 64 Limo Pro Options 64 Line multiplier 67 Advanced settings 67 Facto ry presets 67 Line Multiplier 34–3.
Index Size Adjustment 76 Sound Control 42 Source connections 12–13, 15 –18 Component source 17–18 With composite sync 1 7 With Tri level composite sync 18 Composite video 12 RGB analog 15–1 6 .
Index 110 R5976584 BA RCO CINE7 26022003.
Revision S heet To : Barco nv Home Cinema/Documentation Noordlaan 5, B-8520 Kuurne Phone: +32 56 .36.84.30, F ax: +32 E-mail: antoon.dejaegher@barco.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Barco R9010050 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Barco R9010050 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Barco R9010050 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Barco R9010050 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Barco R9010050 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Barco R9010050 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Barco R9010050 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Barco R9010050 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.