Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product RLM-W8 van de fabrikant Barco
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USER’S GUIDE User’s Guide Please read this manual before using this projector RLM W8.
2 INDE X W arning, Notices and Sa fet y Instr uct ions 4 N o t i c e 4 Desc riptio nper t ainingtoFCCRulesPar t1 5e: 4 War.
3 Us ing the remote control 27 OSD Menu T ree 29 OSD Menu Des cription 3 1 INPUT 3 1 I M A G E 3 3 L A YOUT .
4 Notice Pleasewr itedownyourprojec tormodelnumb erandser ialnumberandkeeptheinfor mation formaintenancepur po sesinthef uture.Shouldtheequip mentbelostorstolen,th e informat ionc ouldalsobeus edforthep olicer epor t.
5 Hg Formoreinfor matio n,pleasec ontactElec troni cIndustri esAllia nce( W W W .EIAE. ORG ). Forinformatio nonprope rlamphandling,visitW W W .
6 Do not o verload w all outlet s/e xtension cords Pa yat tentiontothec urrentloadofth eoutletyouareusing,beitwalloutletorextensi onc ord outlettopreventreorelectr icsho ck.
7 Shouldyouenc ounteranyofthefollowingsituatio n,pleaseunplugyourprojec torfro mthe walloutletandco ntactaquali edser viceper sonnelf orassist ance: • Damagedp owercordo rpowerplug.
8 cleaned r outinely to pro long the pro jector 's l ifecycle. Cleaningoftheproje ctor 'sinteri or shouldonlybep er fo rme dbyqualiedser viceper son.
9 Name and quantit y of t oxic/hazardous substances/elements contained in the product War ning, Notices and Safety Instr uctions 1.
10 F ront v iew Lenscover Lens Infrared rece iver Adjustablefo ot Adj ustt heh eig htan dan gleo fth e pro je ct orw itht hea dju st abl efo ot Adjustable.
1 1 Projector par ts and functions 2 RS-232 9 - pi nD - su bsoc ket .Co nne c tsyo urPCo r auto ma tich om eth eat er/c ont ro lsyste m. 10/100 BASE-T Connects the projector to your PC via network to enable di- rect control of the projector on yourPC.
12 Bottom view 250 8 309 147.50 157.50 263.20 25.50 Set we ight center line Set weight center line 152.50 500 532 45.80 631 CeilingM ountOrderInfo: 1 .R98 49 9 99 - Ceilin gmount 2.R9 8 4 1 260 - Shor tPulle y40 0m mto765mm 3.
13 R an ge o f e f fe cti v e r e mo te c o ntr o l s i gn a l re ce pt io n Thediagrambe lowillustratesther angeofef fect iveremotecontro lsignalrec eption.
14 Quick ins tallation of the projector . 1 . Orient the projector towards the screen Screen 2. Connect th e power cord to the projector S-VIDEO VIDEO YUV 1 RGB-S RS-232 12V TRIGGER IR ext.
15 5. Adjusting the projector 's angle a. Pleaseusetheadjustabl efeettochangethean gleoftheproje ctorinor dertoachieve themostsuit ableanglefo rprojec tionont hescre en.
16 b. Pressthe M ENU but tonont heremotec ontrolandc hoos eAlignm ent Lens Contro l;thenusethe ▼ ▲ but tonstoadjustthesizeoftheimaget hatisprojec ted ontothescree n.
17 Thr ow d istance ThrowDist ance( T D )=ScreenW idth( W )xThrowRatio( TR) Screen Width (W) Throw Distance (TD) Couple dwiththeavailableproje cti onlenses,t heprojec torof ferst hefollowingt hrowratios: • R98 327 40 - RLDLens (0.
18 F ro n t a l p r o j e c ti o n - c e i l i n g m o d e Advantage: doesnotoc cupyoo rspace doesnotdrawat tentiontoit. Eliminatesthepossi bilit ythat someon ewouldacc identally movetheprojector .
19 Horizontal and v er tical lens s hif t Inadditiontousingt headjustabl efeettoadjustprojecti onangle,youcanal sousetheLens Shif tfunc tio ntoadjusttheprojec tedimage.
20 Con nect ing the projector to o ther dev ices HDMI / DVI connection Signalsf romimagesour ceof fert hebestproje cti onimagequalit ywhens entthroughH DMI. Therefore,tr ytouseinputde vic eswithH DMIo utputasthesourc eofimage.
21 R GB connection Connec tyourPCorotherdevic eswit hRGBoutputtotheRG Binputco nnector sonthe projec tortobeusedasthes ourceofimag einput. S-VIDEO VIDEO YUV 1 RGB-S RS-232 12V TRIGGER IR ext.
22 R GBs connection Ifthesourc eequipme ntusesco mpositeimagesync hronizedc onnecto rstooutput RGB,pleasec onne ctthegr een,blueandredc onnec torstotheY ,Pb,Prjacksatthe COM PON ENT 1 /SCARTinputsandth esynchronizedoutp uttotheVIDEOjack.
23 S -Video/ Video connection Iftheimageinputdevic eof fer sbothS -Vide oandVide oco nnecti on,itisrec ommende dthat youchoos eS -Videotoobtainb etterimagequa lity .
24 T urning on the projector Refertotheinstruc tionsc overedin“Page1 4:Quickinstallati onoftheproj ector .“ . C hangi ng OSD lan guage Byfact or ydefaul t,theOSDmenuofthepr ojectorisdis pla yedinE nglis h.
25 A djusting s creen orientation Bydefault,theproje ctorisc on guredfor“ frontalproje cti on-desk topinstallati on” .
26 Rear projection - desk top installaion Press ME NU A LIGN MENT RearProjec tionan dchoo seON;theproj ectorisn ow con guredfo r“rearproje cti on-desk topinstallati on” .
27 Using the remote contr ol 5 1 3 2 4 1 5 INPUT ASPECT RATIO AU TO IM AG E PAUS E TEXT MENU SH AR P N PH AS E C OL OR TI NT ADDRESS SWAP PIP 1 3 4 6 7 2 5 1. ON Thisbuttonisusedtoturnonthe projector .
28 5 Using the remote contr ol P AUSEwillfunctionnormally; pressinganyotherbuttonswill notaccesstheOSDMenu.
29 6 OSD Menu description OSD Menu T ree OSDMenu IN PU T Inp utSe le ct io n HD M I1 HD M I2 RG BD -1 5(R GB -H V/SO G) YU V1 RG BH V/ Y UV 2 Co mp osi teV id eo ( Vi de o).
30 AL IG N ME NT Rea rPro jec t io n On Of f Ce ili ngM od e On Of f Len sCo ntr ol Z oo m/ Fo cu s Shi f t Dy nam icC ont ra st O n Of f Ga mma 1.
31 OSD Des cription 1. PresstheMENUbuttonontheremotecontroloronthebackoftheprojectorto bringuptheOSDMenu. 2. Y ouwillseesevenfunctionalmenus(Input,Image,Layout,Lamp, Alignment, ControlandService).
32 Input Locking Usethisfunc tio ntospecif ythefrequencyoftheimag einputsignal.Y ouc anlettheproje ctor determinetheo ptimalprojec tio nfrequencyo rforc etheproje ctortoproje ctimageatthe frequencyyouspe cif y .
33 • NTSC (Nation alT elevisionSystemsC ommit tee ) Avi deostandar dwith525sca nlinesperfr amedevelopedbytheNationalT e levision SystemsCommit teeofU.S. .TheNTSCst andardispr imar ilyusedintheU.
34 IMA GE Contrast Use toadjustthecontrastofthepr ojectedimag e. Y ouc anc onnec ttheproje ctortoan externalim agesourc etodisplayanimageresemblingt heoneshownb elowforadjustme nt.
35 Brightness Use toadjustthebrightnes softheproje ctedimage. Y ouc anco nnectt heprojec tortoan externalim agesourc etodisplayanimageresemblingt heoneshown(PLUGE,Pictur eLine - UpGener ationEquipment )foradjustme nt.
36 Tint Use toadjustthetint(balancebet weenmagentaan dgreen )oftheprojectedi mage. Loweringthevaluewillmaketheimageap pearredder ;incre asingthevaluewillmakethe imageappeargr eener .
37 Noise Reduction Use toadjustthenoiseoftheprojec tedimage.Thisf uncti onissuitabl eforthe eliminationofimag enoisefr ominterleavingS Dinput.
38 Gain Thisreferstoth econtr olofco lorimbalanc einthebr ighterareasofthep rojectedi mage.Itis rec ommendedt hatyouuseanexternaltestimag ewithmanyareasofwhite(i.
39 Native input 16:10 Output aspect ratio 16:9 Output aspect ratio 1.88 Output aspect ratio Unscaled Output aspect ratio 2.35 Output aspect ratio 5:4 Output aspect ratio 4:3 Output aspect ratio Native Output aspect ratio Letterbox Native input 4:3 O u t p u t a s p e c t r a t i o 16:9 O u t p u t a s p e c t r a t i o 1.
40 Timings • H T ot al Press toadjustthehorizont altotal. Usethisfunc tiontoadjustthec loc kfrequencyofpixelsampling(ho rizontalpi xelfrequency oftheanaloginp utsourceg eneratedbytheAD C ).
41 Auto Image WhenAutoImagewassel ectedinth eOSDmenu,pre ss ENTER toex ecutetheautomatic imageadjustmentfunc tio n. Byex ecutingt hisfunc tion,thep rojecto rwillresynctheimag e.
42 L A Y OUT Zoom Duetothefac tthatsomec onsumer smaystillbeusingolde rtelevisionsystems,someT V progra msmaynotdisplaytheedgesoftheimage.
43 PIP Select Usethisfunc tio ntoselectt hesourc eforthesubwin dow . Y ouc anchoo sefromH DM I 1 ,HDMI2, RGBD - 1 5(RGB - H V /SOG ),YUV1 , RGBH V / YUV2,Comp ositeVi deo( V ideo ), S -Video,RGB - S,S DI/ HDS DI/3Gan dsofor t h.
44 L AM P Thischapterc oversinformati ononthep rojec torlamp. Mode • ECO W hensettoEcomode,thewat tageoft helampwillbeat28 0W .
45 High Altitud e Mode Usethisfunc tio ntocontro ltheproje ctor 'sc oolingf an.Y o ucansetittoO f forO n.Thedefault sett ingisOf f . Undernor malc ircumsta nces,t heprojec torwillope ratenorma llywiththisf uncti onsetto Of f .
46 ALIGNME NT Rear P rojection Thedefaultsett ingisO f f. Whenyouhav esetuptheprojec torforrearp roject ion,pleasesetittoO N.Formore informat ionondif ferentmodesofprojec tion,referto"Page1 7:M ode sofinstallation" .
47 Dynamic Contrast Usethisfunc tio ntocon gurethepr ojectortoautomatic allyadjustimagec ontrastf romthe sourc euponstar tuporshutdown.
48 Warp Thefunc tionp rovidesdistor t ionc or rect iononproj ectedimag es. • Hor iz ont al Keystone Press▲ ▼toc or rectho rizontalkeystoneduetoprojecti onangle. Pleasereferto"Page1 6:7 .
49 6 OSD Menu description • T op R ight Co rn er Press◄ ►tocor recttopr ightc orne rimagebias → Press◄ ►tocor rect toprightc or nerimage biastoco rrec timage.
50 ScenergiX Thefunc tionofSc ener giXisapp liedinmultiplep rojecto rsthatarepr oject ingatthesame screens imultaneous lytoadjusttheunifor mit yoftheimageso nthescr een. • Sta tus PressENTERtosele ctONo rOFF .
51 6 OSD Menu description 2. Colormatching2projectorsonwhiteisdonewithP7(R.G.B.C.M.Y .W)adjustin projectortoolset. 3. Brightnessmatching2projectorscanbedonewiththelamppower(Referto adjustmentbydimmingtheprojectorwithhigherlumens.
52 C ONT R OL IR Address Usethisfunc tio ntocon gurethepr ojector ’sIRcodere ceivec ommandsfr omtheremote cont rol.
53 6 OSD Menu description Net work T oco ntrolthepr ojectorv ianet work,af terc onnec tingt henet workc able sforaPCandthe projec tor ,youc .
54 Star t Up C hime SetittoOntohavetheprojectorplayasoundef fec tduringst ar tup;whenitissettoof f,the projec torwillnotplayanysoundeffe cttoindic atestar tup.
55 6 OSD Menu description SER VICE Ser vice Thefunc tionsc overedinthisunitrelatetothedisplayofsomebasicinfo rmati onaboutthe projec tor . *MemoryofthecustomtimingleswillbeerasedintheFactoryResetoperation.
56 Lamp replacement Thelifecycleofo rdinar yproj ecti onlamp ty pic allylastsfor1 200h oursbeforerequir ing replace ment( dif ferentlampc ongur ations willaf fec tlamplife ).F romtheOSDMe nu, youcangoto"Page45:L amp 1RunTime " .
57 C leanin g the f ilter Inordertokeeptheinteri oroftheproje ctor clean,theprojectoris equippedwitha lterto keepoutdustandothersmallpar ti cles.
58 Th efol low in gta bl eof fe rsal isto fco mm onp ro ble msw it hpro je ct or san dhowt otro ub le sho ot .
59 LE D ST A TUS ST AND BY ERROR ON LED ST A TUS ST A ND B Y T urnsblu e Indic atesthatthep rojecto risinstandbymode;thisalso meanstheproj ectorhasnotbe enturne donbypressingth e SOF TPOWERbut tonbuthasbeenc onnec tedtopower .
60 Specif ications Description Specications Bri ghtness 73 0 0AN SIlumens(80 0 0CenterLumens* ) Resolution 1920×1 200(N ative ) Micr odisplay 3×DLP0.
61 Signal T ype Resolution Frame Rate Vi de o S -Vi de o SCA RT (RG B - S) Y - Pr- Pb ( YU V1 ) HD15,BN C -RG BH V HD15,BN C -YU V HD M I- RG B HD MI-YUV References PC 640×480 59.94 × × VESA DMT , CEA-861D Format 1 640×480 74.
62 500 20 516.76 669.74 18.74 25 247 9 Projector specications.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Barco RLM-W8 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Barco RLM-W8 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Barco RLM-W8 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Barco RLM-W8 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Barco RLM-W8 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Barco RLM-W8 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Barco RLM-W8 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Barco RLM-W8 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.