Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product AP-4131 van de fabrikant Symbol Technologies
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www Spectrum24 AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 72E -56316 -01 Revision A Februar y 2002.
ii AP-4131 Access Po int Product Referen ce Guide Copyright Copyri ght © 2002 by Symbol T ech nologie s, Inc . All ri ghts rese rved. No part of this publicat ion may be modified or adapted in any way , for any purposes without perm ission in writing from Symbol.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide iii About Thi s Document Referen ce Docu ment s This reference g uide refers to the following documents: Conventi ons Keystroke s are i ndica ted as follow s: T ypefac e conven tions us ed incl ude.
iv AP- 4131 Access Point Pr oduct Reference Guide This docum ent uses the following for certain conditions or info rmation: Indicat es tips or special req uirements.
Conten ts AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide v Chapter 1 In troduc tion .................... ................... .................... ................... ......... 1 1.1 Access Poin t (AP) . .................... .......................... ..
vi AP-4131 Acces s Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.1.4 Using a Web Browser .......... .......................... .................... 4 1 2.2 Naviga ting the UI ......................... .......................... .................... 4 8 2.2.1 Entering Admin Mode .
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide vii 2.9 Confi guring Addre ss Filtering ................ ................... .................. 11 8 2.9.1 Adding Disallowed MUs ...... .......................... .................. 11 9 2.9.2 Removing Disallowed MUs .
viii AP-4131 Acces s Point Product Refere nce Guide 3.9 Miscellaneous Statistics ..... .................... ................... .................. 182 3.9.1 Analyzing Channel Use ....... .................... ................... .....18 4 3.9.2 Analyzing Retries .
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide ix Appendix E Installi ng and Configuring Kerberos Setup Service ............. E -1 E.1 Creating a Windows 2000 Environment for the KSS ................ ..... E-1 E.2 Install ing the KSS in a Windows 2000 Envir onment .
x AP-4131 Access Point Produc t Reference Guide.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 1 Chapter 1 Introducti on Spectrum 24 is a spread spe ctrum cel lular n etwork th at opera tes between 2.4 and 2.5 GHz (gigahertz) . This te chno log y provi des a hi gh-capac ity network us ing multiple ac cess points with in any envir onment.
Introd uction 2 AP-4131 Access Poin t Product Reference Gui de The AP meets the followi ng: • the regula tory req uirements for Europe and ma ny other areas of the w orld • FCC part 15, class A w ith no exte rnal shield ing • FCC part 15 class B, ETS 300-339 complian ce, including CE mark.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 3 1.2 R adio Basics Spectr um24 devices use electromagnetic waves to tr ansmit and r eceive elect ric signals withou t wires. U sers comm unicat e with the networ k by establ ishing radio links betwe en MUs an d AP s.
Introd uction 4 AP-4131 Access Poin t Product Reference Gui de A WLAP communicat es only with its root AP t hrough the wire less interface. Select from the following t opologies: • A si ngle AP used with out the wi red netw ork pr ovides a single-cell wir eless network for peer -to-peer MUs.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 5 • Mu ltiple AP s can co exist as separate, in dividua l netwo rks at the same si te with out interfe rence usi ng diffe rent Net_I Ds. The N et_ID (ESS ) can be though t of as a Wireless LAN Netwo rk Identifier .
Introd uction 6 AP-4131 Access Poin t Product Reference Gui de In WLAP mode, a wire less AP -to -AP co nnection fun ctions: • as a bridge to co nnect two Ethe rnet networ ks Ke rberos, EAP - TLS and the Mobile IP feature are not avai lable when the access poin t is op erating in WLAP mode.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 7 In WL AP mod e, APs a nd MU s are r equire d to have the same Pr ea m bl e settin gs to i ntero perate. Add itiona lly , the ro ot AP i s re quired to be runni ng before the “le af ” or WLAP co nnection is est ablish ed.
Introd uction 8 AP-4131 Access Poin t Product Reference Gui de Using mor e than two WLAPs to establish a co nnection slows netw ork performa nce for a ll topol ogies. T o increase WLAP performa nce, disa ble WNMP Functions and AP - AP State Xch g para meter s under the Set System Configuration screen.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 9 APs w ith the same Net_ ID (ESS) define a cove rage area. The MU sea rches for APs wi th a matchi ng Net_ID (ESS) and syn chroni zes with an AP to esta blish commun ications. This allows MUs with in the covera ge area to mo ve about o r roam .
Introd uction 10 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide The R oot AP and Association P roce ss By def ault, AP s with WLAP Mode enab led and with in range of each other automa tically associate a nd configu re wirele ss operation paramet ers at power up.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 11 If AP D on Et hernet II ha s data fo r a device on Et hernet I, it require s a bridge or a repeater . I n this configu ration, A P C fu nctions as a rep eater . T o ens ure transm ission t o dev ices on Etherne t I, AP D has to u se the AP A channel, DTIM an d TIM inte rva l.
Introd uction 12 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Symb ol recommend s conducti ng a new site survey and de velopi ng a new coverag e area floor pla n when switch ing from 1 or 2 Mbps freq uency- hoppin g acces s poi nts to 11 Mb ps dire ct -sequence acce ss poin ts.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 13 1.3.1 MAC Layer Bridging The AP listen s to all pack ets on all interfaces a nd builds an a ddress da tabase using the unique IEEE 48-bit address (MA C address). An address in the database i ncludes th e interface me dia that the devi ce uses to assoc iates with the AP .
Introd uction 14 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide T ransmi tted ARP request packe ts echo back to other MUs. The AP removes f rom its database the destination or interface info rmation that is no t used for a sp ecified tim e.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 15 See section 2.4 “Configu ring System P arame ters” on page 59 and section 2.5.1: ”Wirele ss AP Operation P arameters” on page 80 . T o ena ble this f eature, se t the WLAP Mode to Link R equired .
Introd uction 16 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Pro gram the DHCP or BOO TP server to transfer the se files (Kerb eros security informat ion, HTML , firmware or net work configurat ion.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 17 The DB -9 , 9-pin, RS -232 serial port provides a UI (User Interface) connec tion. The UI provid es basic manageme nt tools for the AP . The serial link supp orts short haul (d irect serial) or long haul ( telephone -line) connec tions.
Introd uction 18 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 1.3.5 Direct -Sequence Spre ad Spect rum Spread spectrum ( broadband ) uses a narrowb and signal to spre ad the transmission over a segment of t he radio freque ncy band or spec trum.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 19 Mobile Un its receiving a direc t -seq uence tran smission use the spre ading code to map the chip s within the chippi ng sequen ce back into bits to recrea te the or igin al da ta tra nsmitt ed by the ac cess p oint.
Introd uction 20 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Scanning is a periodic process where the MU sen ds out probe messages on all chan nels defined by the coun try code. Th e statist ics enable an MU to reassociate by synchronizing its ch annel to the AP .
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 21 An MU can roam within a covera ge area by switch ing APs. Roaming occurs w hen: • an unassociat ed MU attempts to associate or reassoci.
Introd uction 22 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Mobile I P is like g iving an individua l a loca l post office forwa rding add ress when leav ing home for an extended p eriod. When mail arri ves for the individu al home addr ess, it is forwarde d by the local post office to the curre nt ca re- of- address.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 23 The scanning and association process continues for active MUs. This allow s the MUs to find new APs and discar d out-of-ran ge or deactivated APs. By testin g the airwaves, th e MUs can choose the b est netw ork co nnecti on av aila ble.
Introd uction 24 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 1.3.8 Supporting CAM and PSP Stations CAM (Continuously Aware Mode) stations leav e their radios on con tinuously to hear every beac on and message transmit ted. These systems operate without any adjustm ents by the AP .
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 25 A TIM is a co mpr essed vi rt ual bitm ap ide ntify ing the AP as soci ated MUs in PSP mod e that have buffered di rected mess ages. MUs iss ue a poll r equest when AP s issue a TIM. A beacon with th e broa dcast - in dicator b it s et cause s the M U to note DTIM Count field value.
Introd uction 26 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide IEEE 802 .11 defines two type s of authenti cation, Ope n System and Shar ed Key . Ope n system auth enticat ion is a null auth entica tion algori thm.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 27 F or a detaile d description of th e Kerberos authentic ation service protocol refer to RFC 1510: Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5). A basic understanding of RFC 1510 Kerberos Network Authentication Servic e (V5) is he lpful in un derstan ding how Kerberos functi ons.
Introd uction 28 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide • Au thentication Service (AS) – Provides th e authent ication ti cket cont aining inf ormation ab out the client and th e sess ion key used with t he KDC.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 29 When the AP boots up it contac ts the KSS to obtain KDC informat ion. The AP sends an A uthentication Service Request ( AS_REQ ) to the KDC.
Introd uction 30 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide with a WNMP head er a nd forw ards the respo nse to the M U . O nce th e MU has verifie d the message it pr epares an Appli cation Req uest (AP_REQ) for the AP . Thi s AP_REQ cont ains t he tic ket the K DC ha s sent t o the M U .
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 31 Enabling Kerberos di sables T e lnet, SN MP and We b ser vices. Con figure th e AP throug h a direct serial con nection if needed. C onfigure SN MP to be "Rea d Only" or "Read/W r it e" from the KSS .
Introd uction 32 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 1.3.12 KS S Databa ses The KSS has two databases. One d atabase stores valid access points (AP setup ac count). Th e other database st ores Kerberos account informat ion ( Ke r b e r o s e n t r y acco unt).
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 33 1.3.14 Mixed Mod e Security Mixed mode security allows a single access point to transmit and rece ive with mobi le units oper ating w ith differe nt encr yption alg orithms (WEP , Ker beros, EAP - TLS).
Introd uction 34 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 1.3.16 Management Options Manag ing Sp ectrum2 4 inc ludes vi ewing netw ork sta tisti cs an d sett ing configur ation option s. Statistics track th e network activ ity of associated MUs and data t ransfers o n the AP int erfaces.
Intr oduct ion AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 35 Using SNMP The AP incl udes SNMP agen t versi ons access ible throug h an SNMP mana ger applicat ion such as, HP Open View or Cabl etron Sp ectrum MIB browser . The SNMP agent supp orts SNMP versions 1 and a su bset of ver sion 2, MIB II, the 802.
Introd uction 36 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Using the UI The UI (User Inter face) is a m aintenanc e tool in tegrate d into t he AP .
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 37 Chapter 2 Configuring the AP AP conf igur ation requi res set ting up a connecti on to the AP and g ainin g acces s to th e UI (U ser In terface) . The m ethods of acce ssing the UI are Se rial, T elne t, W eb , and SNMP .
Configuring the AP 38 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2. At the prompt type the pass word: Symbol The password is c ase- sensitive. 3. Press the ESC ke y .
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 39 2.1.2 Using a Direct Serial Connection The f act ory -confi gured AP acc epts a di al- up con nect ion be tween the A P an d a mode m. A UI c onnecti on requi res a straight -through cabl e between the modem an d the AP .
Configuring the AP 40 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 5. Press ESC to refr esh the di splay . The AP di splays th e Main Menu . Symbol Acc ess Poi nt MAI N MENU Show S yste m Sum mary A.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 41 5. Sel ect the correct se rial port along w ith the followi ng paramet ers. 6. Dia l out to the AP wit h the correc t telep hone n umber . No passwor d is requir ed. 7. Press ESC to refr esh the di splay .
Configuring the AP 42 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide The W eb browser ( Inter net Ex plore r 4.0 o r great er or Netsc ape) req uires JavaScr ipt to gain access to the UI.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 43 6. Fr om th is me nu selec t Internet Servi ce Manager to la unch t he Intern et Inform ation Serv er Serv ice Mana ger . 7. Click on th e W eb ser vice. Ensure the server WWW service is ru nning.
Configuring the AP 44 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide T o ensure the Web Serve r option is en abled for the AP : 1. Access the UI using a Seri al or T elnet connecti on. 2. From the Main Men u select Sys tem Config uration . 3. V erify the Web Server option on the System Confi gurat ion screen is enab led.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 45 T o access the AP U I using a W eb bro wser from a workstati on: 1. Fr om the N CP A properti es win dow set the IP address of the w orkstat ion and th e subnet mask. The s ystem tells the use r to reboot f or proper ty chang es to take ef fect.
Configuring the AP 46 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 4. The Spectrum24 A ccess Point Co nfiguration Manag ement System main page di spla ys: The W eb pages look diffe rent than the T elnet, Direct Serial or Dial-Up Connect ions, bu t the conten ts are the same.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 47 – F or Internet Exp lorer , from the menu bar select V iew , Internet Options, T emp orary Int ernet files and Sett ings. – Sel ect Check for ne wer versions of stored pages: Every visit to the page .
Configuring the AP 48 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.2 Navigating the UI The AP displays a Main Me nu when g aining access to the UI: Symbol Acc ess Poi nt MAI N MENU Show S yste m S.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 49 The followi ng con ventions also ap ply whe n navigat ing screen s and men us: • T o select menu items, press the key corresponding to the b old letter for the i tem (case-sensitiv e hot ke y).
Configuring the AP 50 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Administration screens includ e options for saving or clearing data that appear on the bott om line of the screen.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 51 – If th e passwo rd is correct , the AP display s the Main Menu with the Enter Adm in Mode menu i tem cha nged t o Exit Admin Mode . – If the password is inc orrect, the AP conti nues to displa y the Mai n Menu with th e Enter Admin M ode menu item .
Configuring the AP 52 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3. The Change Sy stem P asswords screen displays : Symbol Acc ess Poi nt Ch ange Sy stem Pass words User Pass word **** *** Admi n Pass word ****** * Save -[F1] Cance l-[ESC ] Pa sswor d for u ser access( Monit or on ly) 4.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 53 2.2.3 Configur ing for Dial-U p to the UI A dial -up c onnect ion requ ires a strai ght -thr ough c able be tween the mo dem and the AP . The remo te PC requir es a modem and a co mmunicat ion program (e.
Configuring the AP 54 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 7. Press ESC to refr esh the di splay . The AP di splays th e Main Menu . Symbol Acc ess Poi nt MAI N MENU Show S yste m Sum mary A.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 55 3. Select AP Installation from the Main Menu : Symbol Acc ess Poi nt MAI N MENU Show S yste m Sum mary AP I nstalla tion Show I nter.
Configuring the AP 56 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide If th is is the fir st tim e the AP has been insta lled or has b een mov ed to a new coun try , verif y that the proper country s pecific code is entere d for the AP . Refer to Appendix D fo r a list of support ed country codes.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 57 Subnet Mask The first t wo sets of numbers sp ecify th e network domain, the n ext set spec ifies the subset of hosts within a larger n etwork and the final set specifies an indiv idual compu ter .
Configuring the AP 58 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 5. In the Antenna Selection field, use the SP ACE BAR or LEFT/RIGHT - ARROW keys to toggl e betw een Full Diversity , Primary Only , S econda ry Only , or Rx Divers ity . 6. Select OK or Sa ve to r egister sett ings by wri ting chang es to NVM.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 59 8. The system prompts Warn ing Updat e, save, and res et all APs in th e Know n AP Me nu? yes no Ty p e Y . 9. Select Cancel-[ ESC] t o disregar d any chan ges made to th is scre en and return to the pre vious men u .
Configuring the AP 60 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Once th e countr y has been confi gured (C ountry Co nfig) on th e AP Installation scre en the channel can be set manually or aut omatically .
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 61 Ethernet Timeout Disable s radio interf ace if no activ ity is dete cted on the Etherne t line a fter t he seco nds ind icated ( 30-255 ). The AP d isassociates MUs and prev ents further associa tions unt il it detec ts Ether net activ ity .
Configuring the AP 62 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Encryption Adm in Indica tes which inter face can change the encry ption k eys and the enc rypti on ke y index. Without admin p rivileges us ers cannot access th e encry ption mainte nance page t o chan ge th e encrypti on ke ys.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 63 Acc ess Control Allows t he us er to se t one o f three Access Co ntrol modes : Di sabled , Allowed , or Disallowe d . • When Disab led (default) is selected, no filtering is perf ormed.
Configuring the AP 64 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide System Pa s s w o r d Adm in Allows the us er to chan ge the p asswo rds for the AP . This screen can be acce ssed only when th e AP is in Te l n e t mode . Serial mode provides r ead-only pr ivil eges and does not allow the user to vi ew this screen.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 65 3. T o enable or disable interfaces o n the AP , modify the following param eters: 4. V erify the va lues set refl ect the networ k env iron ment. Change as needed . 5. Select OK or Sa ve to r egister sett ings by wri ting chang es to NVM.
Configuring the AP 66 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.4.1 Encr yption Ad ministrati on The ability to change, view or restrict acce ss to encryption ad ministratio n settings depends on the Enc ryption Admin configura tion parame ter .
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 67 Encryption Parameter Access to T elnet an d Serial Inte rfaces Encryption Parameter Access to W e b Interface Pa r a m e t e r A cce.
Configuring the AP 68 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Encryption P arameter Acce ss for SNMP Interface P arameter A ccess Method I nterfa ce Seri al apEncr yptAd min s24dsap.mib - apConfi gMgmt - apSy stem Config g roup View On ly View Only apWEP Algorit hm s24dsa p.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 69 2.4.2 Sy stem Password Admini stration This s creen a llows the netwo rk adm inistrato r to c onfigu re the passwo rds for the AP . The u ser password allows th e user t o T elnet in to the AP or use th e serial port and have read- only privileges.
Configuring the AP 70 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2. Change the p assword s using the f ollowing para meters : 3. Select Save to regi ster sett ings by writ ing c hanges to NVM. Sele ct ing Save display s a conf irmati on prom pt. 4.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 71 2.5 Configuring R adio P arameters The AP auto maticall y configure s most radi o paramet ers. Only adv anced users, Symbol tr ained us ers or Sym bol repr esentatives should a djust t he radio p arameters fo r the AP or the o ptions i n the R F Configuration scr een.
Configuring the AP 72 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2. Configu re the settings as req uired: DTIM Interval Config ure DTIM pack et frequency as a mult iple of beacon packets. The D TIM In terval indi cates how many be acons equal o ne cycl e.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 73 Beacon Interval The time betwe en bea cons i n Ki lo-microse conds. The default is 100 .
Configuring the AP 74 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Rat e C on tr ol Defines the dat a transmis sion rate, the def aults ar e: • 1 1 Mbps - O ptional • 5.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 75 WLAP Mode Sp ecifies the APs wireless-AP op eration status. Enabled • th e AP sets up auto matical ly for wirel ess operation . The AP can operate in any of these conf igurations: W ireless, Repeat er or Ethern et Bridge .
Configuring the AP 76 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide WLAP Manual BSS ID Specifie s the BSS_ID of a pa rticular WLAP and forces the cu rrent A P to asso ciate onl y with tha t WLAP .
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 77 WLAP Forward Delay Specifies th e time, in sec onds, to p revent an AP from forward ing data packets to and fro m an interface during initiali zation. T he WLA P s involv ed and the wireless operation state, see section 3.
Configuring the AP 78 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide EPP Setup - [F3] Enhance d P a ck et P riori tizatio n (EPP ) allo ws sys tem admini strators the ab ility to priorit ize packet transmissions from an AP to MUs. Media content (streamin g vide o, phones etc.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 79 3. V erify th e val ues set to refl ect th e netwo rk envi ronment . Change th em as needed. 4. Select OK or Sa ve to r egister sett ings by wri ting chang es to NVM. Sele ct ing Save display s a conf irmati on prom pt.
Configuring the AP 80 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.5.1 Wireless AP Operation P arameters The A P support s up to four WL AP inte rfaces. Symbo l recom mends u sing one WLAP as an inte rface on high traffic networks and no more than two WLAPs for low traffic ne twork s.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 81 3. Set the default inter face for AP C to WLAP . This allows the M Us to ro am an d tran smit da ta betw een AP B and C. If an AP f unct ions a s a br idge b etwe en wir ed L ANs, S ymbol r eco mmends one LAN contain all the lower WLAP IDs.
Configuring the AP 82 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide T o configur e the AP fo r wireles s opera tion: 1. Select Set RF Configuration from the Main Menu . 2. Configu re the settings as req uired: WLAP Mode Specifies the AP s wireless-AP op eration status.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 83 WLAP Manual BSS_ID Specifies th e BSS_ID of a particul ar WLAP and forces th e curren t AP to associa te only with that WLAP .
Configuring the AP 84 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide WLAP Forward Delay Speci fies th e time, in second s, to pr event a n AP from forwa rding data p acket s to an d fro m an interface during i nitialization. T he WLAPs involve d and the wireless opera tion state affect the WL AP Forward Delay time (see section 3.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 85 2.5.2 Enhanced P acket Prioritization ( EPP) Enhan ced P acket Prioritizatio n (EPP ) enable s syst em adm inistra tors to prioritize packet transmissions from an AP to MUs. F or example, media conten t (str eaming video, ph ones etc.
Configuring the AP 86 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide F or da ta type s not listed, cl assify th em by using th e P ort number corresponding to that data type. Use 65537 as a code defining a port as not used, otherwise assign port values o f 1 through 1023.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 87 3. 802.15 (draft) Bluetooth Co -existence a llows access points a nd MUs to share Spectr um24 network resourc es with Blue tooth RF termin als. Th e 802.15 (draft) Blue tooth Co -existence va lue is communicate d to MUs via acces s poi nt beacon s.
Configuring the AP 88 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.6 Encryption Configuration and K ey Maintenance The Encrypti on Key Main tenance screen s allow the user to confi gure the encrypt ion keys used for the site n etwork. The Key Wi dth dete rmines which encrypt ion K ey screen display s.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 89 T wo scree ns are available, one for 40-bit encry ption and on e for 128-bit encrypt ion.
Configuring the AP 90 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.6.1 40-B it WEP Encryption Select 40-b it from th e Ke y Width fi eld of the WEP Enc ryption Con figuration screen , and sele ct the En cryption Key Ma intenance option to display the Encryp tion K ey Main tena nce screen .
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 91 The P as sKey can be no long er than 32 char acters in leng th. 2. Select the desired key and enter the new value to chan ge the K ey value. 3. V erify and change t he values a s needed to reflec t the netw ork environm ent.
Configuring the AP 92 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.6.2 12 8-Bit WE P Encrypt ion Select 128-bit from the Key Width field of the WEP Encr yption Configurat ion screen, and selec t the Encryp tion Key Maint enance op tion to dis play the Encryp tion K ey Main tena nce screen .
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 93 The P as sKey can be no long er than 32 char acters in leng th. 2. Select the desired key and enter the new value to chan ge the K ey value. 3. V erify and change t he values a s needed to reflec t the netw ork environm ent.
Configuring the AP 94 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.6.3 Manual Kerberos Aut hentication Conf iguration The Configu re Ke rberos Aut hentication sc reen al lows the network admin istrato r to c hange or ve rify the AP paramet ers f or K erb eros authen ticati on.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 95 1. T o access and enable the Kerberos config uration, select Configure Kerbero s fro m the Special F unctions Menu .
Configuring the AP 96 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 5. V erify the Passw ord matches the pa ssword in t he KDC a nd AP . 6. Select OK or Save to re gis ter s ett ings by writ ing c han ges t o NV M. Se le cting Save displays a confir mation pr ompt.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 97 2.6.4 Configuring EAP - TLS Support The Extens ible Aut hentication P r otoc ol- T ransport Leve l Securi ty (EAP - TLS) feature aff.
Configuring the AP 98 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide The Configure Authenticator screen displays. Co nfigur e Aut hentica tor EAP-T LS/RA DIUS Enabl ed Quiet Peri od 60 Tx Per iod 30 R.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 99 2. Configure the EAP - TLS authenticatio n settings as requir ed: EAP - TLS/RADIUS When enabled, t he access point assumes the role of aut hentic ator . The ac cess p oint pr oxies the MU’s re quests to authe nticat e with th e EAP ser ver .
Configuring the AP 100 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.6.5 Configuring Mixed Mode Security Mixed mo de security allo ws a single access point to transmit and r eceive data with mobi le units ope rating w ith diffe rent encry ption alg orithms .
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 101 SNMP and Mix ed Mode Security The co nfigurat ion of S NMP sha red ke y WEP i s set w ith the MIB fi le. The objects in volved in clude: • apRFCon fig.apWEP Alg orithm Edit the AP ser ial UI entry usi ng the Key Wi dt h field within the AP Sys tem Summary scr een.
Configuring the AP 102 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.7 Configuring the SNMP Agent The SNMP ag ent functions as a com mand responder an d is a multilingu al agent responding to SN MPv1, v2c and v3 ma nagers (com mand genera tors).
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 103 1. Select Set SNMP Configuration from the Main Menu to AP displ ay: Symbol Acc ess Poi nt SNMP Conf igurati on .SNMP A gent Mo de Enabled SNMPv3 Se curit y Admin- [CR] .Read- Only Com muni ty (v1/2c ) ****** * .
Configuring the AP 104 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2. Configu re the settings as req uired: SNMP Agent Mode Defines the SNMP agent mode: Disable d disab les SNMP functi ons, w hile Enable d allo ws SNMP func tions.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 105 MU State Change If en abled, the follow ing ente rpri se-specific traps are gener ated: • MU Association Additions Indica tes when a de vice has been added to the l ist of access point associated MUs.
Configuring the AP 106 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3. V erify the values reflect the ne twork environmen t. Change as needed. 4. Select OK or Sa ve to r egister sett ings by wri ting chang es to NV M. Sele ct ing Save display s a conf irmati on prom pt.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 107 6. The system prompts Warn ing Updat e, save, and res et all APs in th e Know n AP Me nu? yes no Ty p e Y . 7. Select Cancel-[ ESC] t o disregar d any chan ges made to th is scre en and return to the pre vious men u .
Configuring the AP 108 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.7.1 Configur ing SNMPv3 Secu rity SNMPv3 defines a method of ac cess point data control known as th e View - Based Ac cess Con trol Mo del (V AC M).
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 109 T o confi gure the p roperti es of a u ser gr oup: 1. Highlig ht the specific user g roup and sele ct Enter . The User/Group S ecurity Configura tion screen displays for the selected user gr oup.
Configuring the AP 110 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Authent icatio n Protocol Defines the authenti cation pr otocol and security privile ges for th e user/gr oup.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 111 2.8 A CL and Addres s Filtering Only 512 maximum comb ined entries are available for the A CL. The three modes available ( Disab led , Allowed , and Disallowed) are selected in the Access Control section of th e System Configuration Menu.
Configuring the AP 112 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide There ar e three mu tually exclusive modes used by t he AP to control association: Disa bled , Allowed and Disallowed . Access Control Address F iltering List Access Control List Res ul ts Disable d Th e prese nce or absen ce of MAC addres ses does not a ffect th e resul ts.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 113 2.8.1 Configurin g the ACL The ACL supp orts addi ng MU entri es by indivi dual MAC add ress or by a range of MAC addresses. 1. Select the Set Access Control List opti on fr om the Main Menu to disp lay: Addre ss Ty pe? range indivi dual 2.
Configuring the AP 114 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 7. Select Delet e-[F1] to delete a ran ge of M obile Units. 8. Select Add-[F 2] to add a rang e of Mobile Units. 9. Select Save A LL APs or press [F3] to sa ve t he Ranges of Allowed Mobile Units in forma tion to all APs wi th the s ame Ne t_ID (ESS).
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 115 2.8.3 Adding Allowed MUs The A ccess Control List screen provid es a facility to ad d MUs to the ACL. 1. Select the Set Access Control List opti on fr om the Main Menu to disp lay: Addres s Typ e? ran ge indiv idual 2.
Configuring the AP 116 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.8.5 ACL Options T o swit ch betw een All owed , Disallow ed or Disabl ed opti ons locate th e ACL in the System Configuration screen. Use ACL options from the Set System Configuration menu.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 117 2.8.8 Load ACL from File This option loa ds an A CL from a user defined A CL file (AP_ACL.TXT) ente red on the seconda ry screen of the Special Functions Menu. The follow ing is an example of t he AP_AC L.
Configuring the AP 118 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.9 Configuring Address Fil tering The AP can keep a l ist of MU MAC addresses not allowed to associate. The Disallowed A ddresses option provi des security by preventi ng unau thori zed access by known devices.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 119 2.9.1 Addin g Disallowed MUs The Disallowed A ddresse s screen provid es a fa cility to ad d MUs to the list: 1. Select Add -[ F2] . The AP prom pts fo r a MA C addre ss. 00:00:0 0:00:0 0:00 2.
Configuring the AP 120 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.10 Configuring T ype Filteri ng P acket types supp orte d for the type fil tering function include th e 16-bit DI X Ethern et ty pes. Th e list can i nclude up to 1 6 typ es. 2.10.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 121 6. Select Cancel-[ ESC] t o disregar d any chan ges made to th is scre en and return to the pre vious men u . Users can on ly enable one typ e filtering opt ion at a time. 2.11 Clearing MUs from the AP Clear th e MU associat ion table fo r diagnosti c purposes.
Configuring the AP 122 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Change t he AP -4 131 AP_CFG.TXT file (required for manual AP config uration ) to match s ite spe cific netw ork settin gs. [APIn stall ation] UnitNa me testho m ; up to 31 chars (us e " for spaces ) ;IPAd dress 157.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 123 TxPe riod 45 ; 0 - 99999 ReAut henti cate Disa bled ; "Disab led", "Enab led" ReAuth Perio d 120 ; 0 - 99999 Re.
Configuring the AP 124 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide ;Admi nPass word ad min ; up to 13 chars ;UserP asswo rd us er ; up to 13 chars Mode mConn ected No ; "N o" "Ye s&q.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 125 TCPP ort1 11 ; 1 - 1023 TCPP ort1T raffic 10 ; 10 - hig h, 30 - sta ndard TCPP ort2 21 ; 1 - 1023 TCPP ort2T raffic 10 ; 10 - hig h.
Configuring the AP 126 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide ; "Sta tist ics", "Adm in", "F ull" V3Writ eView 1 No ne ; "No ne", "S yste m" ;.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 127 V3Read View4 F ull ; "No ne", "S yste m", "S tatis tics" ; " Admi n", " Full" V3W.
Configuring the AP 128 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide APAPM essa ges D isabl ed ; " Disabl ed"," Enable d" Telnet Login s Enabled ; "D isab led","E n.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 129 2.12.1 Upda ting Using TFTP The Ethern et TFTP u pdate meth od requires a connection between th e AP and a comput er on the same Ethernet segment. V erify the computer has a TFTP server r unning on it .
Configuring the AP 130 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide The AP display s the Main Menu . Symbol Acc ess Poi nt MAI N MENU Show S yste m Sum mary AP I nstalla tion Show I nter face Statis.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 131 Ensure th e F ilename is AP_CFG .TXT unle ss the user ch anged the Filenam e. V erify the paths accur acy for the filen ame. See step on e. 8. En ter the TFTP Ser ver IP address or nam e in the TFT P Ser ver field.
Configuring the AP 132 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 15. At the prom pt enter the p assword: Symbol The password is c ase- sensitive. The AP display s the Main Menu . 16. V erify the network settings are co rrect on the System Summar y scr een.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 133 5. S elect the corr ect comm unicati on port, ty pically Dir ect to Com1 , al ong with th e followi ng param eters: 6.
Configuring the AP 134 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 9. From the Main Menu select Speci al F uncti ons . Symbol Acc ess Poi nt Spe cial Functio ns M enu C lear A ll St atistic s Rest ore Factory Confi g. C lear MU Tab le S ave Co nfigura tion C lear A CL Sav e Conf ig.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 135 10. Pre ss F3 to view the Firmware Up date Menu . Acc ess Poi nt Firmwa re Up date Me nu Us e TFT P to up date Access Poi nt’s: F.
Configuring the AP 136 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 16. Select Browse and locate the file AP_CFG.TXT . 17. Select XMode m prot ocol from the dr op down list.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 137 2.13 Setting Logging Options The events logged by the access point dep end on how the logging opt ions are conf igured in the Event Lo gging Con figuration screen. Th e event log allows the administra tor to select and log impo rtant event s.
Configuring the AP 138 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2. Set Any Event Logging to Enabled to log all events. Specif y the events that do not r equir e loggin g when disabl ing Any Event Logging . Use SP ACE BAR or LEFT/RIGH T -ARROW keys to tog gle between Enabled and Disab led .
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 139 2.14 Updating AP Firmware When up dating or dow ngradin g the fi les th e user i s re quired to use the Firmwa re and HT ML F ile option un der the fu nction he ading Use XMODEM to updat e Access Point’ s .
Configuring the AP 140 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Use the T AB ke y to s croll throug h menu items. T o update the AP f irmware : 1. Co py the Firmware f iles ds ap3_fw .bin a nd dsap t3htm. bin on the termin al or PC hard disk. 2.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 141 5. Select Spec ial Fun ctio ns from the Mai n M enu an d press ENTER. Symbol Acc ess Poi nt Spe cial Functio ns M enu C lear A ll St atistic s Rest ore Factory Confi g. C lear MU Tab le S ave Co nfigura tion C lear A CL Sav e Conf ig.
Configuring the AP 142 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 7. Select Alter File name(s) /HELP URL /TFTP S erver . 8. Press ENTER. 9. Enter the firmware filena me in the firmware field .Firmwa re File name . Change this on ly if th e user or sy stem/ne twork a dministra tor re quires a new filename.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 143 The WIRED LAN AC TIVITY indicator on the AP does NO T flash. T o view the file transfer log, swit ch to the TFTP ap plicatio n. The AP rese ts when th e file tra nsfer an d FLASH progr amming com pletes.
Configuring the AP 144 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide The default filenames for a 4131 model access poi nt are dsap3_fw .bi n and dsapt 3htm.b in 2. Attach a nul l modem serial cabl e from the AP t o the PC seri al po rt. 3. On the PC, start the emu lation pr ogram.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 145 5. S elect the corr ect comm unicati on port, ty pically Dir ect to Com1 , al ong with th e followi ng param eters: 6.
Configuring the AP 146 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 9. From the Main Menu select Speci al F uncti ons and pres s ENTER. Symbol Acc ess Poi nt Spec ial F unction s Me nu C lear A ll St atistic s Rest ore Factory Confi g. C lear MU Tab le S ave Co nfigura tion C lear A CL Sav e Conf ig.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 147 11. Under the functi on headi ng Use XMODEM to Up date Access Poin t 's: select Firmwa re a nd HT ML File . 12. Press ENTER. Sele ct ing Firmwa re and HTML File do wnloa ds th e fi les se para tely .
Configuring the AP 148 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 20. The down load is comple te when the UI d isplays: Downloa d Suc cessfu l Updatin g AP Update Succe ssful If the firm ware upda te fails, th e UI displays an error code ind icatin g the cau se.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 149 T o update the AP f irmware : 1. Copy the Firmware files on the terminal or PC ha rd disk. 2. T elnet to the AP usi ng its IP addr ess. 3. At the prompt type the pass word: Symbol The password is cas e -sensitive.
Configuring the AP 150 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 5. Select Spec ial Fun ctio ns from the Mai n M enu an d press ENTER. Pre ss F3 to view the Firmware Updat e Menu .
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 151 9. Press ENTER. 10. Select Save -[F1 ] to sa ve sett ings. 11. Select Spec ial Functio ns from the Main M enu .
Configuring the AP 152 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide The AP display s the Main Menu . 16. V erify the accuracy of th e version number on the System Summary scr een. 17. Pr ess CTRL+D t o end th e T elnet sessi on. 2.16 P erforming Pi ngs An access point sends a ping packet to an MU and waits for a response.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 153 T o ping an othe r sta tion: 1. Select the Sh ow Mobi le Un its screen from th e Main Menu to dis play: Symbol Acc ess Poi nt MAIN .
Configuring the AP 154 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 4. Select Echo-[ F1] to display the Packe t Ping Setu p screen : Pack et Ping Setu p St ation Addre ss 00: A0:F 8:10: 4A:13 Nu mber of P ings 10 Pa cket Lengt h 10 Pa cket Data 55 [Start -CR] [Can cel-ESC ] 5.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 155 2.17 Mob ile IP Using MD5 Authentica tion User s can achieve authen ticatio n by using th e MD5 algorithm with a shar ed key config ured into the AP and its MU .
Configuring the AP 156 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.18 Saving the Configuration The AP keeps only save d configura tion changes afte r a reset.
Configuring t he AP AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 157 2.19 Resetting th e AP Resetti ng an AP clear s stati stics a nd res tores th e last saved c onfigu ratio n. If users m ake unsaved changes, the AP cl ears t hose cha nges and rest ores th e last saved configuration on reset.
Configuring the AP 158 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2.21 Configuring Network Time The access po int is able to d isplay the l ocal time of the server used to validate requests for secured (p assword protected) resources. T o view t he access point networ k time: 1.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 159 Chapter 3 Monitoring Statistics The AP keeps statist ics of its transaction s during operation. These statistics indicat e traffic, transmission suc cess and the existenc e of other radio networ k devic es.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 160 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 2. Configure the AP system settings as required: Unit Nam e I dentifies the AP name. MAC Addre ss (BSS) Identi fies th e unique 4 8-bit, hard - co ded Medi a Access Control address.
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 161 AP Configuration Specifies the ou tcome of re ading and pr ocessing the do wnloaded a p_cfg .
Monitor ing Statisti cs 162 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3. Pr ess ES C to r eturn to the previ ous men u. Access Control Specifies if th e access c ontrol featu re is set to one of three Access Control modes: Disabled , Allowed , or Disallowe d .
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 163 3.2 Interface Statistics The Interface Statistics screen provid es: • p acket forwa rding s tati stics for ea ch in terfa ce (E therne t or R F) • performance information for eac h interface in packets per sec ond (pps) and b ytes pe r second (bps ).
Monitor ing Statisti cs 164 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3.3 Forwarding Counts For wa rd ing Co un ts provide s information on pa ckets transmit ted from one i nterf ace to anoth er (Eth erne t, rad io, o r AP). F or warding Count s also displays the broadcast pa ckets (Bcast) transmitted from the AP .
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 165 3.4 Mobile Units Mobile Units (MU) sta tistics provide info rmation on MUs associated wi th the AP . T he stat istics i nclude informat ion on data se nt and received , acti vity and association.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 166 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Use T AB or arrow keys to highlight the desired screen. Pr ess ENTER to dis play the selected screen .
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 167 • T o brin g up de tailed in formation on an M U , pr ess T A B to h ighlight t he MU and selec t Info to display : Symbol Ac.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 168 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Displayed information include s: Interface The AP interfa ce shows t he MU connecti on as: RF , Ethern et or AP . State The connec tion sta te between t he AP and the MU : Host indicates th e unit is on the AP interfac e.
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 169 • Selec t Auth to disp lay EAP - TLS Authentic ation statisti cs for the tar get MU . • Selec t Refresh at t he stat us di splay to update values man ually . • P ress ESC to ret urn to t he pr evious m enu.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 170 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3.5 Mobile IP The follow ing tables disp lay the mappin g of MUs to mo bility agen ts.
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 171 3.6 Known APs The AP displa ys a list of the known APs derived from AP -to -AP communic ation. The list includes the MA C and IP addresses and configur ation informat ion for each AP .
Monitor ing Statisti cs 172 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide • Selec t Switch to view th e Unit Name for each known AP . Symbol Acc ess Poi nt Kn own A ccess Point s N et_ID : 1 01 IP Ad dress Unit Name 111.11 1.12. 62 ENG_ONE 111.11 1.
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 173 The AP display s for each kn own AP : • Selec t Echo-[ F1] t o ping an entr y afte r selec ting t he des ired entr y usin g t.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 174 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3.7 Ethernet Statistic s The AP kee ps Ethernet performan ce statis tics incl uding pac ket tran smission and da ta retries un til reset.
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 175 – Sel ect Refresh at the sta tus display to update values manu ally . – Sel ect Timed to automa tically u pdate this d isplay every two se conds. – P ress ESC to retur n to t he prev ious m enu.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 176 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3.8 Radio Statistics The AP keeps radio p erformance stat istics including packet and commun ication info rmation.
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 177 Radi o perform ance st atistics in clude: Data P ackets Sent The total data p ackets transmi tted. Data Bytes Sent The total data p ackets tra nsmitte d in byte s. BC/MC P ackets Sent The b roa dcast /mult icast use r data pack ets successf ully transmitte d.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 178 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide – Sel ect Refresh at t he st atus di splay to upda te the v alues manual ly . – Sel ect Timed to automa tically u pdate this d isplay every two se conds. – Sel ect WLAP to display the WLAP RF Stati stics page .
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 179 •T o d i s p l a y t h e WLAP RF Statis tics screen select WLAP-[F 3] . Symbol Ac cess Poin t WLAP R F Statistics Current # W.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 180 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide Where: Current # WLAP Itf Refers to the current Wi reless AP in terfaces in use in a 1-4 ran ge.
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 181 – Sel ect Refresh at the statu s display to u pdate the values man ually . – Sel ect Timed to automa tically u pdate this d isplay every two se conds. – P ress ESC to retur n to t he prev ious m enu.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 182 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3.9 Miscellaneous Statistics The AP keeps statistics on WNM P and SNMP packets, filte ring and Mobile IP .
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 183 WNMP statistic s include: SNMP st atisti cs in clude: Filter statistic s include: Mobile IP statist ics include: – Sel ect Refresh at the sta tus display to update values manu ally .
Monitor ing Statisti cs 184 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3.9.1 Analyzing Channel Use The AP keeps s tatistic s for indi vidual C hannels (freq uencies). These identi fy chan nels that have diff icul ty transm ittin g or recei ving due to retrie s.
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 185 3.9.2 Analyzing Re tries The AP ke eps stat istics of packet s with mu ltiple retri es. Use these sta tistics to identi fy se vere occ urrence s of r etries. R etries occur when t he tra nsmittin g station fails to rece ive an a cknowledg ment for a transmi tted packe t.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 186 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 3.10 Event History The AP trac ks specifi c events. The types of event s logged are confi gurable . The log is a 128-entry ci rcular buffer . After the 128th entry , the earliest event entry dele tes.
Monit oring Sta tistics AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 187 3.11 Clearing Statistics T o cl ear statist ics: 1. Select Special Functions from the Main Menu. 2. Select Clear All Statistics . The AP zeroes all statis tics. Resett ing the A P also cl ears statis tics.
Monitor ing Statisti cs 188 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 189 Chapter 4 Hardware Installation AP insta llation includ es conn ectin g the AP t o the w ired ne twork, AP placemen t and power up.
Hardware Ins tallation 190 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 4.3 R equirements The minim um installation re quirement s for a single- cell, peer -to -peer network: • a power o utlet • a n AP ant enn a. The 4131 AP supports a 10/100Base- T unshielded twiste d pair (UTP) wire d LAN ca bling c onnec tion.
Hardware Inst allation AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 191 3. Ad d more acce ss poi nts as needed . 4.3.3 Sin gle Cell The single - cell connect ion opti on allows a sing le AP to brid ge MUs with out a wired n etwork. MUs appear a s peers i n any E thernet en vironment.
Hardware Ins tallation 192 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide If inst alling tw o antennas , enable th e Anten na Selec tion in the Us er Inter face found in sectio n 2.
Hardware Inst allation AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 193 4.6 Mounting the AP The AP rests on a flat surf ace or attach es to a wall, or any hard, flat, stable surfac e. Use the stan dard-mou nting kit pr ovide d with th e Spec trum24 AP -4131access point .
Hardware Ins tallation 194 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 4.8 BIA S - T Low P o wer Dis tribution System The BIAS- T system provides a n economic al and reli able meth od for power ing access point(s) from a remote location.
Hardware Inst allation AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 195 The B IAS- T is a sma ll l ightwe ight unit with a RJ-45 patch c ord input c onn ector fro m the hub o n the left -han d sid e and a RJ -45 patc h co rd outpu t conn ector (via the wi ring infr astruc ture ) to an access point on th e righ t- han d side.
Hardware Ins tallation 196 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide T o install a BIAS- T system using a single BIAS- T un it and acce ss point: Steps 1- 3 could in volve runnin g Etherne t cablin g through industrial walls or ceilings. Only a qualifie d contracto r should perform this kind of cabling.
Hardware Inst allation AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 197 4. Attach a thi rd RJ- 45 patc h cord f rom t he inp ut con nector o n the l eft -hand side of the BIAS- T unit to the HUB su pporting the Spec trum24 compone nt installati on. 5.
Hardware Ins tallation 198 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 4.9 LED Indicators The top pa nel LED indicato rs provide a status display indicating transmission and othe r activity . The in dicators are: Po w er Fla shing indica tes AP initializat ion.
Hardware Inst allation AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 199 4.9.1 WLAP mode LED display . When in the WLAP mo de the chart below sig nifies the AP s LED indica tor status. F or the IEEE 802.11 protoco l and AP s using firmware versio n 2. 51-0X or above on ly .
Hardware Ins tallation 200 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide 5. When all WLAP c onnection s are in Forward stat e: Special cases: • I f the WLAP manu al BSS_ ID is N O T set and no other WLAP is fo und, the W LAP g oes to the fu nctiona l stat e.
Hardware Inst allation AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 201 4.10 T r oubleshooting Check th e followin g symptoms an d their possibl e causes be fore con tacting the Symbol Support Cente r . 4.10.1 Ensure wired network is operating V er ify AP operatio n: 1.
Hardware Ins tallation 202 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide – Che ck that t he radio driver loaded properl y . – Check tha t the MU PRO T OC OL.I NI or NET .CF G file is compatible with the network operat ing system. 4. Slow or erratic perform ance: – Che ck MU and R F co mmuni catio ns r ange.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide A-1 Appendix A Specifications A.1 Physical Characteristics Dimensions 1.75” H x 6” L x 8.5” W (4.45” cm H x 15.
Specifications A-2 AP-4131 Access Poin t Product Reference Gui de A.2 R adio Characteristics Fre qu en cy Rang e (country dependent ; within 2400 MHz to 2500 MHz ) Radio Data R ate • 11 Mbp s -- Optio nal • 5.5 Mbp s -- Opt ional • 2 Mbp s -- Required • 1 Mbp s -- Required 11 Mbps Range open en vironment - over 100 ft.
Specifi cation s AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide A-3 A.3 Network Characteristics Driver Support N DIS v4 .0 and v 5.0 Ethernet Frame DIX , Etherne t_II a nd IEEE 8 02.
Specifications A-4 AP-4131 Access Poin t Product Reference Gui de.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide B-1 Appendix B Suppor ted Mode ms The AP uses Hay es commands and is cap able of working with various modems of 1 9200 baud or faster . Symbol does not su pport mo dems th e comp any ha s not q uali fied. The following modems qualify to work with the AP -4131acc ess point: • US Robotics F axmodem v .
Support ed Modems B-2 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Re ference Guide.
AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide C-1 Appendix C Custom er Support Symbol T echnol ogies prov ides its custo mers with prom pt and accu rate customer supp ort. Use the Sym bol Support Center as the prim ary contact fo r any tec hnical proble m, questio n or support issu e involving S ymbol prod ucts.
Customer Supp ort C-2 AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide International Contacts Outsi de North America, contact Symbol by: •S y m b o l T e c h n o l o g i e s Symbol Place Winnersh T ri.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide D-1 Appendix D Country Id entification C odes Use t he tab le b elow to se lect a Co untry Name , F irst Chan nel, Numb er (No .) of Chann els, Defau lt Channe l, Maximu m T ransm it P ow er , Regulator y Domain , and Countr y ID .
Coun try Id enti ficati on C odes D-2 AP- 4131 Access Point Pr oduct Reference Gui de Finl an d FL 1 13 11 20 30 Fran ce FR 11 3 11 20 32 German y DE 1 13 11 20 30 Greece GR 1 13 11 20 30 Guatema la G.
Coun try Id entifi catio n Cod es AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide D-3 Pa n a m a PA 1 13 3 20 99 Philippin es PH 1 13 3 20 99 Po l a n d PL 1 13 3 20 99 Po r t u g a l PT 1 13 11 20 30 Qa.
Coun try Id enti ficati on C odes D-4 AP- 4131 Access Point Pr oduct Reference Gui de A site lice nse is requ ired for In dia. T o support th is regul atory requ iremen t, enter th e Site Licen se ID in the Net_ID field on the AP Installa tion Scre en.
AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide E-1 Appendix E Installi ng and Co nfiguring K erbe ros Se tup Servi ce The Kerb eros Setup Serv ice (KSS) program runs on the K ey Distrib ution Center (KDC) server . The KSS can be used optionally to administer Spectrum 24 acce ss points a uthorized on the network.
Installing a nd Config uring Kerbe ros Setup Service E-2 AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide Java R untime is on th e Spectru m24 High R ate 11 Mbps Wi reless LAN Software CDRO M within th e KSS directory .
Insta lling an d Conf igu ring Kerbe ros S etup Serv ice AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide E-3 5. Click Next when th e Choose Destination Location dialog box display s to install KS S to the defaul t destinatio n folder . The user h as the opti on of clickin g Browse and selecting a different folder if necessary .
Installing a nd Config uring Kerbe ros Setup Service E-4 AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide 3. Enter the user na me (2 0 char acters maxi mum) i n the First name and Last name fie lds. Click Next . 4. Ente r and confirm a password for the user .
Insta lling an d Conf igu ring Kerbe ros S etup Serv ice AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide E-5 E .3 P reparing the KSS for Access P oint V alidation T o prepare the KSS to valid ate access points: 1. Click Start select Pr o g ra m s , WLAN , WLAN KSS , and Start KSS.
Installing a nd Config uring Kerbe ros Setup Service E-6 AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide The Preference dialog bo x displ ays. 5. Select User Defined Secret Key to enter and confir m a secret key differ ent from the def ault key . If the default secr et key is accept able , leave the De fault S ecret Key checkbox selected .
Insta lling an d Conf igu ring Kerbe ros S etup Serv ice AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide E-7 The Kerb eros Account Entry dialog box displ ays. 8. Select the Edit Open Enrollment Default Prop erties checkbox. 9. En ter the KDC Name , R ealm/Doma in and KDC IP A ddr ess values .
Installing a nd Config uring Kerbe ros Setup Service E-8 AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide 10. Click Sa ve. The Kerb eros Account Entry property p age dis plays t he new values. 11. Click Exit to ret urn to the Kerberos Setup Servic e window .
Insta lling an d Conf igu ring Kerbe ros S etup Serv ice AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide E-9 Sele ct ing Enable (Always) from the Setup St atus pull-d own men u enables KSS auth enticatio n for the sele cted acces s point at all ti mes.
Installing a nd Config uring Kerbe ros Setup Service E-10 AP-4131 Acces s Point Pr oduct Refer ence Guide The Listen For Connection Box displays. 17. Select Ye s if this is the corre ct connec tion port. The Kerber os Setu p Servic e window displa ys.
Insta lling an d Conf igu ring Kerbe ros S etup Serv ice AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide E-11 When the APs initiali ze, the AP list view w indow displa ys the Connection Events (AP s that w ere eit her suc cessful or we re not granted access to KSS).
Installing a nd Config uring Kerbe ros Setup Service E-12 AP-4131 Acces s Point Pr oduct Refer ence Guide E .4 Manually Cre ating an Access P oint Setup Account Manually create a n AP Setup Accoun t for th e AP and c reate a K erberos accoun t with the KDC.
Insta lling an d Conf igu ring Kerbe ros S etup Serv ice AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide E-13 T o creat e an ac cess p oint setu p ac count : 1. From the Edit m enu, select AP Setup ACL . 2. Enter the AP MA C Address as a Pr imary K ey in the AP Setup Account Data base di alog box .
Installing a nd Config uring Kerbe ros Setup Service E-14 AP-4131 Acces s Point Pr oduct Refer ence Guide 4. Enter the AP access range set th e time and statu s informati on using th e Setup St art Time and Set up Expi re Time pull-down m enus. 5. Set the SN MP Setti ng .
Insta lling an d Conf igu ring Kerbe ros S etup Serv ice AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide E-15 The acce ss point can now be config ured for Kerberos su pport via the Serial or T e lnet interfac es. The Ke rber os Conf igura tion pa rameter s have bee n moved to th e Spec ial Functions screen i n the Ser ial and T elnet UI.
Installing a nd Config uring Kerbe ros Setup Service E-16 AP-4131 Acces s Point Pr oduct Refer ence Guide.
AP-4131 Access Poi nt Product Reference Gu ide Index-1 Numerics 10/100Base-T unshielded tw isted pair 190 10/100Base-T UTP 190 A access contro l 14 disal lowed ad dress 14 MU 14 unauth orized a ccess .
Index-2 AP-4131 Access Point Product Re ference Guide monitor ing stat istics 15 9 moun ting 193 netw ork conn ectio n 190 power ad apter 19 3 power op tions 192 PSP 24 Radi o Charac teristics A- 2 ra.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide Index-3 add iti onal DN S 57 add ition al gatew ays 56, 58 antenn a selection 57 country config 56 dhcp d isable d 58 dhcp/b ootp en abled 58 dhcp/ bootp o.
Index-4 AP-4131 Access Point Product Re ference Guide saving 156 Settin g Loggin g Option s 137 Special Fu nctions 156 system p arameters 59 System Password Administ ration 69 TCP/IP 37 Telnet 37 type.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide Index-5 DTIM AP 10 association process 10 root AP 10 E electro magnetic waves 3 encryption 25 128 Bit 92 40 Bit 90 administ ration 66 environmen t 3 ESSID .
Index-6 AP-4131 Access Point Product Re ference Guide K Kerberos AP proxy 29 auth enticat ion 26 authen ticat ion serv ice (A S) 28 defau lt s ettin g 31 disab ling 31 enabling 31 implemen tation 26 K.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide Index-7 data encrypt ion 25 DTIM 25 filtering 14 home ag ent 23 known APs 171 Mobile I P 21, 170 perform ing pin gs 152 power m ode 168 priori ty 168 remov.
Index-8 AP-4131 Access Point Product Re ference Guide roaming across routers 22 AP 23 home ag ent 23 IP a ddres s 22 Mobile I P 21 MU 23 TIM 24 root AP association process 10 Bridge Prot ocol Data Uni.
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide Index-9 kerberos 96 kss name 96 kss port 96 MD5 key 62 Modem C onnec ted 63 MU-MU Disal lowed 63 password 96 real m name 96 rf Interf ace 65 S24 Mobile IP .
Index-10 AP-4131 Acc ess Point Product Refere nce Guide WLAP Max Age 75, 76, 83 WLAP mode 75, 82 WLAP priority 75, 82 WLAP priori ty value 10 WLAP forward delay configur ation 77, 84 WLAP hello time c.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Symbol Technologies AP-4131 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Symbol Technologies AP-4131 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Symbol Technologies AP-4131 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Symbol Technologies AP-4131 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Symbol Technologies AP-4131 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Symbol Technologies AP-4131 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Symbol Technologies AP-4131 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Symbol Technologies AP-4131 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.