Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 1000 van de fabrikant Toshiba
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I IMPORT A NT NOT ICE The instructio ns contained in this manual are not inte nded to cover all o f the details or varia tions in e quipmen t, or to provide f or every possi ble conting ency conce rning installation, op eration, or maintenance.
II UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER S YST EM Complete the information below f or the UPS receive d. Unless otherwis e specified on the warranty card, the warranty period for the U PS or UPS part is 36 months from the sh ipment date (see TIC B ill of L adi ng).
III Table of Contents Manual’ s Purpose and Scope ................................................................................ V Cont acting T os hiba In ternat ional Corpora tion’ s Custom er Support C enter ...... VII EMC Statements ........
IV 6.1 RS - 232 Standard Interface Port ................................................................... 18 6.2 Dry Contact Int erface (optional card) .......................................................... 19 6.3 USB Po r t ....................
V Manual’s P urpose and Sc ope The purpos e of thi s manua l is to provi de infor mation on ho w to safel y install, o perate , and maintain your TI C pow er electronics product. This m anual includes a section of general safety instructions that describes the warning labels and symbols that are us ed throughout the manual.
VI TOSHIBA is a registered trademark of T oshiba Corporat ion. All oth er product or tra de references appearing in this manual are registered trademarks of th eir respective o wner s.
VII Contacting Toshiba Interna tional Corporation’s Customer Support Center T o shiba Int ernational Corporation’ s Customer Support Center can be contacted to obt ain help in r esol ving a ny Uninterrupt ible Pow er S yste m pro blems t hat you ma y experi ence or t o provide ap plicati on inf ormati on.
VIII EMC State ments FCC Pa rt 15 NOT ICE : P ursua nt to se ctio n 15 o f the FCC r ules each capacity unit has been tested and the 1000, 15 00, and 2 000 VA units c o mpl y wi th t he conditions of a Class B d igital device .
IX Declara tion of Conformity Request Units labeled with a C E mark co mply with the following standards and directives: Harmonic Standard s: E N 62040 - 1 and EN 620 40 - 2. EU Dire ctives: 73/23/EEC, Council Direc tive on equ ipment desi gned for use within certain volta ge li mits.
X General Safety Inst ructions DO NOT attempt to install, o perate, maintain o r dispose of this equip ment until you hav e read and unde rstood all of the product safety inf ormation an d direction s that are conta ine d i n th i s i nstr uctio n ma nual.
XI 2. W a rning — The word W ARNING in ca pital letters preceded by the safety alert symbol indicate s that a po tentially hazard ous situation e xists that, if not a voided, could re sult in death or serious i njury to personn el.
XII Special S ymbols Other warni ng s ymbol s ma y app ear in c onj unctio n with t he Danger , W arning , and Caution symbol and are used to specify special hazards. T hese w arnings describe par ticular areas where special care and/or procedures are required in order to preven t seriou s injury and possi ble death .
XIII Important Safet y Inst r uc tions T hi s ma n ual co ntain s imp ort ant ins truc tio ns that sho uld be fo llo wed dur ing the installation, maintenance, a nd op eration of the UPS a nd its batter ies to assure safe a nd proper ope ration . SAVE THESE INST RUCT IONS • Disconnect de vice i n the build ing installatio n wiring .
XIV 6. Contact y our nearest T osh iba authorized service center for battery replacement. Qualified Personn el ONLY ! Qualified Personne l is one that has the skill s and k nowle dge rela ting to the .
XV Do not open or mu tilate the batteries. Released electroly te is harmful to the eyes and skin and coul d also be tox ic. Disconnect chargin g source p rior to c o nnecting or disconnec ting batter y ter mina ls. A battery can present a risk of electrical shock and high short circuit cu rrent.
XVI — Strict adherence to the f ollowing precautions is a re q uir e men t whe n wo r ki n g wit h batteries — Disconnect charging source prior to connecting or disconnecting battery terminals . To be perf orm ed by Qualified Personnel only . 1. V erify that the UPS is of f and that the power cord is dis connected from the power source.
XVII Instructions I m por tantes Conc ernant LA SÉCURITÉ CONSERVER CES INST RUCTIONS Cette notice co ntient des instr uctions importa ntes concer nant la sécurité. Une battery peut présenter un risque de choc électrique, de brûlure par transfert d ' énerg ie.
XVIII Inspecti on/Storag e/D isposal Inspecti on Upon rec eipt of the U PS, an i nspec tion for s hippin g damage s houl d be perform ed. Us e caution whe n removing the unit from the pallet. Refer to la bels or documentatio n attached to packing material.
XIX • The op timum storage te mperature is 70 °F ( 21° C ). A higher a mbient temperat ure will r equir e re c harging t he batteries mo re fre que ntly d uri ng stor age. A void the follo wing storage lo cations: • Locations that are su bject to extreme temperature changes or high humidity .
XX Installa tion Precautions 1. Install the unit in a w ell - ve ntilated loca tion; allow at least 4 inc hes ( 10 cm ) on all sides for air ve ntilatio n and for mainte nance. 2. Install the unit in a stab le, level and upr ight position tha t is f ree of ex cessive vibration.
XXI 12. Connect the output terminals of the UPS to the load (refer to NEC Article 3 00 – W iring Methods a nd Article 31 0 – Cond uctor s For G enera l Wiring). Si ze the br anch circu it conductors in accord ance with NEC T able 310.16. Conductor Routing and Grounding 1.
XXII Operating Prec a utions 1. The UPS should not be powered up until th e entire operation m anual has been read. 2. The vol tage of the input pow er sou rce mu st be w ithin the range of +10% t o - 30% of the ra ted i nput vo lta ge. T he inp ut fre que ncy mu st be withi n the rate d input frequency range.
XXIII 12. The hea t sin k and other co mpone nts may b eco me extr eme ly ho t to t he to uch. Al low the unit to cool b efore coming in co ntact with these ite ms. 13. W arning s ign s sh ou l d be pl ac ed on or nea r the load as a notification that the load is being powered by the UPS.
1 1. Introduction The in format ion provide d in th is manua l covers single ph ase 1000 – 60 00 VA uninterruptib le po w er s ystems (UP S) . Inc luded in this m anual is infor mation on t he installation, op eration , safety precautions , s hip ping , and stor age of the e quip ment.
2 2.1 Gen eral Descript ion As a dou ble con vers ion on - line UPS, it is able to supply uninterrupted , clean single - phase po w er to your critical systems while keeping batteries charged conti nuously , even if th e utility po wer fails.
3 See Figure 1 for system s applicable to the UPS s ystem. Figur e 1 . B l o ck di agra m • An inp ut filter reduces t ransie nts on t he ma in s uppl y . • For maintainin g full battery ch a rge, AC po wer is rectified an d regulated in the rectifier feeding power to th e inverter and battery converter .
4 smoot hly in order to obt ain the greatest eff iciency. Irregularities can be detected in less than a se co nd and t he on - line mode can be reactivated immediately.
5 2.6 System Configura tion The UPS device and the internal backup battery make up the system. Depending on the site and load require ments of the installation, available options may be utilized to create a tailored so lution.
6 3. Storage Please adhere to the fo llowing instructions i f the UPS is not installed when received : • Store the equipment in its o r ig inal packing and s hipping cart on . • Store the unit in a temperature of 59 – 77 °F ( 15 – 25 °C ). • Ensure that the equipment is full y protected fro m wet or da mp areas and fr o m mo i st a i r.
7 The 1000 Seri es UPS ship s with an adhesive patch that cover s the O N /OFF Butto n to preven t accide ntally pressing th e On/Of f But ton durin g shipping . F ollow the above procedure to dis able Cold S tar t and close the cover to prevent a fire hazard.
8 5. Installatio n 5.1 Environment To ensure safe a nd p r oper operati on, e nsure t hat the installatio n confor ms to the following speci fications. NOTE: Remove the protective plastic adhesive shi pping cover over the Off - On button befo re tur ni ng the U PS O n.
9 5.3 Rear Pan el View s 1000V A – 15 00V A Tower Rear Panel 2000V A – 3000V A Tower Re ar Pan el (23 0V IE C) USB EXT ERNAL BA TTER Y EXT ERNAL BA TTER Y USB (120 V NEMA) (230 V IEC) (120V NEMA).
10 2400V A Tower Rear Panel.
11 2400V A Power Wir i ng Options The 2400 V A unit is hard wire d Inp ut and O utput o nly . U se the following wiring guidelines. Note – Use mini mum No. 14 A WG or 1.5 mm2, 60°C copper wir e and 22 Lb - in T or que for ce w hen connecti ng to I nput and Outp ut connec tion.
12 1000 – 150 0 VA Rac k moun t (2U) Rear Panel 2000 – 3000 VA Rac k moun t (2U) Rear Panel RM - 2U 120V N EMA RM - 2U 120V NEM A RM - 2U 230V IEC RM - 2U 120V NEM A wit h – P1 Option.
13 6000 V A Rack mount ( UPS – 3U , Bat tery Pack – 3U ) Rear Panel 5.4 Connecting to main s upply, loads, and exter nal battery cabinet 1000 – 3000 VA (Except 2400V A and 6000V A ) The AC input cab le is supplied with all m odels e xcept the 2400 VA and 6000 VA .
14 • A fa miliarity with the UPS parameter s ettings is req uired if changi ng t he Ba tter y pac k q uant ity as when u sing t he Ext e rna l Batt er y Cab inet s . • Connect the input cable to the UPS and connect the other end to a gr ounde d outlet .
15 6000 V A The 6000 VA UP S co m es in tw o secti ons, a Pow er Module an d th e Battery Pack. Each un it is RM - 3U tall. T he i nput pow er is hardw ired to the UPS power inp ut ter minals. The UPS accepts either 208V or 24 0V input . The UPS a uto sense s the inp ut vol tage a nd provides the cor respondin g output v oltage (208V or 240V ).
16 5.5 Front Panel Settings Listed below are the def ault settings of the primary UPS parameters. Setting s Options Defau lt Remarks 1) O /P VO LT SET (outpu t volt age s et) 100/1 10/115/ 120/ 127 20.
17 Setting s Options Default Remarks 7) OUTLE T SE TTING GRO UP 1/ GROUP 2 Optio n 1: 1 O n /2 On Opti on 2: 1 Off /2 On Option 3: 1 Off /2 Off Optio n 4: 1 O n /2 Of f Option 1 This is a load - shed feature. 8) BA TTERY TEST TES T? Perfor m battery test immediatel y 9) SILENCE SET ON/OFF OFF 10)BAT CABINET SET 0: EXT B.
18 6. Computer and Alarm Connections At t he rear of the UPS is an interface that allo w s direct co mmunication with a computer syste m (see F igur e 2 , P g. 14 ) . There is a RS232 serial data interface, a U SB data interface , and a n emerge nc y power o ff switc h.
19 6.2 Dry Contact Interface (opti onal card) Pin # Descripti on I / O Ty p e 1 UPS fail, r el ay contact, normally o p en, active clo se . o utput 2 Summary alar m , rela y co ntact, n ormally op en, active cl o se .
20 6.3 USB Po rt Con necting t he UPS to a computer usi ng the U SB port o f the computer requires USB compliant h ard ware , PC oper ating system support, an d a UPS driv er. The RS232 serial por t cannot b e used when u sing the U SB por t. The USB cable is a standard cable and ma y be p urc hased separately.
21 7. User ’s Guide t o Oper ations Norm al ongoing UPS operation requir es littl e or no u ser i np ut. Star tup a nd shutdown requirements of the user are discus sed in this section.
22 2. “ ” or ENTER is the Enter button. (a) Press and hold the Enter button for at least 2 seconds to read the parameter settings of the UPS. P ress the Enter butto n again to cycle through each successive parameter . (b) Ten seco nds of inactivit y will r e tur n the display to the o riginal stat us.
23 FAU L T or — is on d urin g acti ve U PS intern al errors (red). FAUL T is accompanied by an audible alarm. Press any of the fro nt p anel buttons to cancel the alarm. Status of the UPS, measurements , and alarms are all indicated on the LCD screen.
24 7.5 UPS M eters Disp lay Listed below are the parameters available for viewing from the UPS meters d isp lay . P ress th is button to scro ll thro ugh t he para meters. LCD M essage Descripti on O/P VOL T = xxx.xV Shows O utput AC V oltage O/P FREQ= xx.
25 4) Press the Enter butto n to sel ec t a displayed parameter . 5) Press the Function bu tton to scroll thro ugh the options for the selected para meter . Press the Enter b utto n to select the sett ing. 6) If prompted to save the selectio n, press the Enter button to either confirm or sa ve the selection.
26 7.7 UPS M anu al Test Ma nual U PS and Battery test s ma y be perfor m ed fro m the UP S confi gurat io n screen. Tests may be performed wh en the battery is not being charged . To run the battery test scroll to th e “Manual Bat Test” param eter press the Enter but ton twice.
27 7.11 Troubleshooting Displ ayed on LCD Audible Alarm Alarm Descr iption What Y ou Should Do Output Overload Two Be eps/ sec The UPS is ov erlo aded ( in Line M o d e). M ore p o we r re quired than the U PS ca n provi de. The UPS o p erat es in by pas s .
28 8. Mai ntenance With a minimal a mount of ma intenance you can expect y ears of satisfactory operation fro m the UP S un it. T he most critical i ssues for the r eliabilit y of the UPS are envir on mental issue s.
29 9. Technical Specifications 9.1 Pow er Range 1 000 - 30 0 0 V A ( 120 V) Towe r US 120V Model UT1A1A010C6 UT1A1A015C6 UT1A1A020C6 UT1A1A030C6 Rack- mount (2U ) US 120V Model UT1A1A010C6R KB2 UT1A1A.
30 9.2 Pow er Range 2 400 V A ( 208/240 V) Towe r US 208/240 M odel UT1 G2L 024C6T In put Vo lta ge 208 or 240 VAC ( 161 – 276 V) Vo lta ge R an ge +15 % to -34% Fre que nc y 50 / 60 Hz auto sensing Power F actor Greater th an 0.
31 9.3 Pow er Range 6 000 V A ( 208/240 V) 1000 Series 6kVA Specificat i on Specification Rackmo unt US 208 /2 40V UT1 G1G0 60 C6 RKB3 + UT1 - BR -0607 General Topology Tr ue o n - line, Double conver.
32 Battery Acceptabl e manufacturer Yua s a T a iw a n o nl y Type / Rating 9AH/12V Valve Re gulated Lead Ac id, Flame Retarda nt Back - up Time at Full Load (at 25 degree C) (min) 7 minutes Bat t e r.
33 9.4 Pow er Range 1 000 - 3000 V A (230 V) Towe r In te r nat i ona l 230V Model UT1E1E010C6 UT1E1E015C6 UT1E1E020C6 UT1E1E030C6 Rack- mount (2U ) In te r nat i ona l 230V Model UT1E1E010C6 RKB2 UT1.
34 9.5 Back up Time at Partial Lo ads Below is the estimated backup time at various fractions of full load for each 1000 Series model. This table assumes the batteries are fresh and begin with a .
35 10. W arranty Information TOSHIB A INTE RNA TI O NAL C O RPORA TION LIMI TED W ARR ANTY POLIC Y (48 contigu ous U.S . S tates , Canad a & Mexi co) (UNINT ERRUP TIBL E POW ER SYST EM) TOSHIBA IN.
36 LIMITATIONS AND E XCLUS IONS 1. T his lim ited w arra nty sha ll not co ver the UPS, U PS parts , or BA TTER Y during their respectiv e warranty periods, if the following st orage, mainten ance, in.
37 3. Repai r or rep lac ement of a def ec ti ve UPS, U P S pa r t, and / or B ATTER Y does not exten d the r es pect ive origin al warranty peri od. A ll def e ct ive UPS, UPS part s, a nd/ or BAT TER IES shall be the p roperty of TI C upon r epl aceme nt.
1 31 31 W . Lit tle Y ork Road • Houston, TX 77041 T el: 71 3-466-0277 US: 800-231 -1 412 1 000 &1 000+ SERIES UPS USERS MANU AL.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Toshiba 1000 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Toshiba 1000 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Toshiba 1000 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Toshiba 1000 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Toshiba 1000 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Toshiba 1000 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Toshiba 1000 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Toshiba 1000 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.