Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD van de fabrikant Toshiba
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Digital Business Telephone Systems System Administrator Guide Telecommunication Systems Division May 2000.
Publication Information T o shiba Amer ica Inform ation Sys tems, Inc., T elec ommuni cation Systems Divisio n, rese rve s the righ t, wit hou t prior notice, to revise this informa tion publica tion .
Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 i Contents Introduction Equipment Note s ................................ ........................... .................. ........................... ....... .iv Organizati on ..................... ..........
Contents Chapter 1 - Setting System Param eters ii Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Automatic Reloca tion ............ ........................... .................. ........................... ................ 15 Relocation by Spe cial Dial .
Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 iii Introduction This gui de is desi gned for t he System Admin istrato r of the f ollowing S tra ta DK systems: ♦ DK14 ♦ DK16e and DK16 ♦ DK40i and D.
Introduction Equi pmen t Note s iv Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Equipment Notes ♦ Most of th e operati ons in thi s guide r equire a L iquid Cryst al Display ( LCD) digita l telephone a t the Syst em Administrat or ’ s work statio n.
Introduction Conv entions Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 v Conventions Conven tions Descriptio n Note Elab orate s spe cifi c item s or re feren ces ot her in for m ation . W ithin some t ables, gene ral n otes appl y to the en tire ta ble and numbered not es apply t o specif ic items.
Introduction Action/Re sponse T able vi Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Action/Response T able Important Notes ♦ Because f eature bu ttons ar e flexible a nd must be pr ogrammed by a s ystem instal ler , your teleph one may not have all of the butt ons mentione d in this guide.
Introduction Relate d Docu ments an d Media Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 vii Related Documents and Media Note Some document s liste d here may appear in dif f erent versio ns on the CD-R OM, F Y I, or i n prin t.
Introduction Relate d Docu ments and Media viii Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 ♦ Hospital ity Manageme nt Informati on System (HMIS) General Des cripti on ♦ Hospital ity Manageme nt Informati on System (HMIS) User Guide ♦ St rata DK Library CD-ROM For auth orized users, In ternet s ite FYI ( http:/ /fyi.
Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 1 Setting System Parameters 1 For se curit y reas ons, you c an ad d, de le te or ch ange sys te m pa rame ters. Ma ke s ur e your sys tem is programmed so that yo u can change these par ameters from yo ur telepho ne.
Setting S ystem Par ameters Auto Attend ant 2 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Auto Attendant The Auto Att endant f eature t ells the sys tem where t o direct incoming Aut o Attendant calls. The S trata DK built-i n Auto Attend ant is l icensed by Dytel, Inc.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Auto Attenda nt Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 3 System Auto Attendant Dia ling Plan The Auto Att endant di aling pl an is assigne d in syste m progra mming. Use Ta b l e 1 to record y our syste m Auto Attenda nt diali ng plan.
Setting S ystem Par ameters Auto Attend ant 4 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 When cal ling the Auto Attend ant, call ers can ac cess DISA by d ialing . T oshiba recom men d s that you d o not i ncl ud e this inf or mati on i n t he Au to At tenda nt announcemen t.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Direct Inward System Acce ss (DISA) Secu rity Code Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 5 Direct Inward System Acces s (DISA) Security Code The D ire ct Inw ar d Sy s tem A cce ss feat ure is u sed w hen ca llin g into yo ur sy stem from the outs ide.
Setting S ystem Par ameters Emergenc y 91 1 Calls 6 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 ➤ T o cancel th e DISA securit y code CAUTION! If the DI SA security is cancel ed, outgoing u nrest ricted CO Lin e acce ss is av ail a ble to anyo ne ca lling in on a DIS A lin e or bu i lt-i n Auto Attenda nt.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Emergenc y 91 1 Calls Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 7 ➤ T o make an Emergency 91 1 call 1. Press [ DN] + The [PDN] relea ses from t he internal connecti on and seiz es the C AMA tru nk.
Setting S ystem Par ameters Emergenc y 91 1 Calls 8 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Emergency Calling from the Attendant Cons ole The PC att endant cons ole and th e DK attenda nt console can be pro grammed make E91 1 calls two dif ferent ways, by using eit her CO line but tons or t he INT butto n to initi ate the c all.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Nigh t T ran sfe r Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 9 Night T rans f er Incoming c alls to your syste m can be made t o route an d ring dif ferent destina tions, based on e ither t wo- or thre e-call rou ting (ri nging) pat terns (set in syste m programmin g).
Setting S ystem Par ameters Night T ransfer 10 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 ➤ T o assign or change Night Lo ck/Unlock Pas sword 1. Press a [DN] + ; (X = T enant 1~T enant 4 CO line gr oups), with the handse t on- hook. The LCD prompts you to ente r a fou r-digit pa sswo r d.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Nigh t T ran sfe r Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 11 Night T ransfer Lock Mode After s etting t he 1LJKW7 UDQ VIHU butt on into th e desired ring mode (Da y/Day2/ Night), y ou can lock Night T ransfer u sing the a ccompanying s teps bel ow .
Setting S ystem Par ameters Setting Da te/Time/Day 12 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Setting Date/T ime/Day This oper ation is possible from the Admi nistrator station or attend ant consoles and enables you to set the date, time, and da y .
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Setting Date /Time/Da y Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 13 ➤ T o set the da y of the week 3. Press 5HG L DO . Y ou hear a conf irmation tone. 4. Press 6SNU . The telep hone retur ns to the idle mode. 1. Press a [DN] + , with the handse t on- hook.
Setting S ystem Par ameters Soft Keys 14 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Soft Keys ➤ T o turn Soft Keys o n ➤ Press 0R GH + . ➤ T o turn Soft Keys o ff ➤ Press 0R GH + . Important! The LCD ex amples in t his guide ar e shown with Soft Ke ys turned OFF .
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Sta tion R eloc ation Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 15 Automatic Relocation This funct ion enables you to physically move a tel ephone from one loca tion to another whil e main t ainin g all o f the te leph one ’ s programmed features .
Setting S ystem Par ameters Station R elocati on 16 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Relocation by Special D ial This opt ion ena bles two st ation numbe rs and the ir feat ures to be exchanged wi th or without physicall y reloca ting the t elephones .
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Sta tion R eloc ation Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 17 ➤ T o reloca te (swap) St ation A and B 1. From S tati on A, press a [DN] + 111 ( 111 =[ D N ] o f S t ati on B). Y ou hear confi rmation t one.
Setting S ystem Par ameters System Message s, Nam es and M emos 18 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 System Messages, Names and Memos Y ou can write or edit sta tion LCD messages , names or numbe rs. ➤ T o writ e LCD mes sage s, na mes, o r nu m ber s 1.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Syste m Messages , Name s and Me mos Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 19 User LCD Name/Number Display Once you st ore names a nd numbers in the sy stem memory for each sta tion or devi ce, they can displ ay on the st ation ’ s L CD wh ile i dle an d at ot her statio ns ’ LCDs when they ar e called.
Setting S ystem Par ameters System Message s, Nam es and M emos 20 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 ➤ T o enter name/number i nformation for your te lephone ➤ T o clear name/number display . 1. Press [ DN] + . C urre nt infor mati on disp lays on the lowe r line of th e LCD.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Syste m Messages , Name s and Me mos Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 21 ➤ T o erase name/number d isplay ➤ T o enter name/number i nformation for other s tations/dev ices 1. Press a [DN] + . C urre nt info rma tion d ispla ys on the lowe r line of th e LCD.
Setting S ystem Par ameters System Message s, Nam es and M emos 22 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 ➤ T o erase oth er station name/ number disp lays ➤ From the Admi nistrat or stati on, repeat Steps 1~6 of the pr evious pro cedure and press , in the alpha mode in St ep 6.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs System Spe ed Dial N umbers Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 23 System Speed Dial Number s System Spee d Dial tel ephone numbers c an be stored i n the sys tem memory by th e Administr at or st ati on onl y .
Setting S ystem Par ameters Speed D ial—Advance d Featur es 24 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Accessing the Stored Nu mber Note W rite down th e Speed Di al codes and t elephone numbers fo r futur e referenc e.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Speed Di al — Advanc ed Fea ture s Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 25 Important! ● Do not lift th e handset.
Setting S ystem Par ameters Speed Dia l — Adva nced Feat ur es 26 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 T able 4 Feature Access C odes Features F eature Acc ess Code Sequ ence Account Cod e 1 (F.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Speed Di al — Advanc ed Fea ture s Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 27 Pickup a held or rin ging [PDN] or [PhDN] (not avail able o n all syste ms) [PDN ] + .
Setting S ystem Par ameters Speed Dia l — Adva nced Feat ur es 28 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Speed Dial Pause and Flash Storage Some Spee d Dial number s may require a pause (long or regu lar) or hookflash be include d (e.g., ton e delay re quires a p ause at t he beginni ng of a Spee d Dial number).
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Speed Di al — Advanc ed Fea ture s Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 29 4. E nter th e Sys t em Speed Dial Access Code to wh ic h the number wil l be linke d. See T able 8 on Page 42 f or System Sp eed Dial Acces s Codes.
Setting S ystem Par ameters Speed Dia l — Adva nced Feat ur es 30 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Linked Speed Di al Example Note Y our system must be progra mmed for “ T oll Restri ction Over ride by Sy stem Speed Dial ” to allow t his ex ampl e.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Speed Di al — Advanc ed Fea ture s Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 31 ➤ T o use t he n e w li nk ➤ From any st ation, pr ess 6SHHG 'LDO + or pr ess 6' ( ) button if availa ble on the calling s tation.
Setting S ystem Par ameters Speed Dia l — Adva nced Feat ur es 32 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 4. Enter up to 12 alphanumer ic chara cters , (see the figure at the ri ght) using th e stat ion keypad. 5. Press 0RGH . 6. P re ss [PD N], th en enter the de sired CO line ac cess code, plus the tel ephone number (20 digi ts maximum).
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs Speed Di al — Advanc ed Fea ture s Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 33 ➤ T o view and/or dia l a Speed Dial number ➤ T o check a Speed Dial number 1. Press 0RGH + XXX . The Speed Dial n umber appears wi th a name or memo.
Setting S ystem Par ameters T oll Rest riction O verride/T raveling Class C odes 34 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 T oll Restriction Override/T raveling Clas s Codes As a Syste m Administra tor , you can add o r change T oll Restriction Ove rride co des.
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs T oll Restri ction O verride/T raveling Class Codes Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 35 ➤ T o delete tol l restr iction ov erride or t raveling class code V e rified Account Co des 4. Press 5H G L DO . Y ou hear a confirmati on tone.
Setting S ystem Par ameters V erifie d Account Codes 36 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 V erified Account Codes Adding, del eting, or changing V e rified Account Codes can be done a t designa ted stati ons only . The privi leged sta tions ar e assigne d by the sys tem progra mmer .
Setting Sys t e m Paramete rs V erified Account Co des Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 37 ➤ T o delete veri fied accou nt codes 1. Press [ DN] + . Y ou hear a c onfirmation tone. 2. E n ter the three -digi t verifi ed acc ount code refere nce number ( ~ ) or ( ~ ) to be delete d.
Setting S ystem Par ameters V erifie d Account Codes 38 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00.
Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 39 Access Codes A This appe ndix conta ins acces s codes fo r outside Speed Dial numbers, CO li nes, Paging Gro up and Pagin g Zone Codes. CO Line Acce ss Codes CO lines are use d when you dial an out side numbe r .
Access Codes Featur e Access C odes 40 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 ➤ T o acce ss a line ➤ Press [ PDN] + CO Line Acce ss Code ( Ta b l e 5 ). Notes ● 9 access es LCR or general line gro up. ● a accesse s line groups 1~16, resp ectiv ely .
Access C odes Pagi ng Gro up Code s Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 41 Paging Group Codes Y our teleph one can be a ssigned to pag e group(s) . T elephones can be a member of more than one group an d each grou p can have as many as 120 s tations.
Access Codes Speed Dia l Access Codes 42 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Speed Dial Acces s Code s The number of stati on and sys tem spee d dial nu mbers avail able to you depend s on the size of your company ’ s telephone sys tem. Check with your Sy stem Administ rator t o find out which codes app ly to your system.
Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 43 Directories/Record B User Name/Num ber Direc t or y Name/Numbers ar e limited to 16 alphan umeric chara cters and are displ ayed on the top row or id le LCD stati ons and th e bottom row of called LCD station s.
Directorie s/Record Speed D ial Memo Dir ectory 44 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Station #: ___ _______ Speed Dial Memo D irectory Spee d Di al me mos are l imite d to 12 c harac ter s for the m emo (top row of L CD) and 16 digits /pauses f or the dial number (bot tom row of LCD).
Directorie s/Record T elepho ne Locati on Record Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 45 T elephon e Locati on Record ➤ T o view [PDNs], port numbers (physical and logic al), and [DNs] of LCD telephones Note It is re comm end ed tha t each loca tion, [PDN] , and user n ame a re rec orde d in the tab le pro vided belo w.
Directorie s/Record T elepho ne Locati on Record 46 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 Room/Office Location Primary Directo ry Number User ’ s Nam e.
Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 47 Index A about th is book conventi ons, v importan t note s, vi organiz ation, iv relate d doc ume nts, vii access code s CO line, 39 featur e, 24 speed d.
Index E ~ S 48 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00 securi ty code, 1 , 4 , 5 canc el, 6 ente r/change, 5 , 7 E emergency 911 calls, 6 equipment notes, iv externa l paging z ones, 41 F featur e a.
Ind ex T ~ W Strata DK Syst em Administrator G uide 5/00 49 pause and flas h storage, 28 storin g a featur e, 23 storin g system spe ed dial nu mber in a syst e m spe ed d i al co de, 23 system numbe .
Index W ~ W 50 Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.